HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-12, Page 4trig `$F2.lz$set$ Vast.
TRURSIDAY, JL4Y 12, 1904.
Leet year the holding of the Ethel Cir.
cult Snaky School Oonventiou was emelt
a B000en it was decided to make it a per.
maoent meeting so this year the Oommit•
tee have prepared an exoel'ent program
whiob is given below and the thee° ap-
pointments will gather thio year, ae last,
ou May 24th. at lithe!.
Afternoon eeseiou commencing at 2
o'olook. ;— Devotional enrolees ; topic,
"Use of Bibles iu Sohooi" J. K. Baker;
Pieonsaion ; Singing, Union oboir ; top.
is, "Different methods of teeobing" 1)Lse
L. $foAllum ; Dieoaeelon ; Singing, Roe's
oboir ; "Teaching a olaea" (practical ex.
ample) R MoHay I Dieeneeion ; Siogiug,
Ethel choir ; topic, "Object lesson" L.
Mason ; Disouaeion ; Appointment of
Nominating oommittee to be selected by
the (Mair. Committee to meet before
7.80 p. m.; Collection end closing net,
From 5.20 till 7 30 o'olook refreahmenta
will be served in the Town Hall. All are
requested to bring their hesitate end der
ing this time we will have a Oironit
Soolel Re•anion.
Evening at 7.80—Devotional Exercises
and Song Servide ; topic, "Adult attend.
anoe in the School", Mise L. Jackson I
Dieouaeion; Singing, Ethel choir; topic,
"A day in the Sabool," Mies Irene Baker ;
Disonesion ; Singing, Roe's choir; topic,
"Miesionary Spirit in the Sobool," J. A,
Bryans ; Dispassion ; Singing, Union
oboir ; topic, "Joy of Service," Mies Ida
Cole ; D:eonesion ; Report of Nominating
Committee and introduction of new
Officers ; Oolleotion and closing exercises,
The following was the Oouetitntion,
Officers, &v., adopted last year :—Name,
"The Sunday Bobool. Aseooiation of. the
Ethel Circuit, Methodist church ; Object,
(1) To dieoues topioe of vital interest to
Mur Bondny Soboole and to deepen the
interest of the people in this hranoh of
our oberoh work ; (2) To receive reports
from and aid Soboole ; Membership, all
members of the Methodist ohmrah, Ethel
eironit, bre members ; Officers, these are
to be members of the Methodist chetah
in the Ethel circuit. Preeideot, R. Mo-
Kay1 Vias Presidents, Superintendents
of the three Sunday eohoole, viz. Ethel,
John McDonald : Union, J. K. Baker ;
R,e'e, J. Rayuard ; Secretary, Mies Ida
Cole : Teenager, 8. Ohambere ; Aeeooia•
tion organist, Mise B. Meller ; Program
Oommi.tee, the above mentioned alines
and in addition, Ethel—Para. W. Slemmon
and L. Mason ; Union—Mrs. O. Cleaver
and Nedby Robinson ; Roe'e—Mise S.
Pearson and L. Frain. This oommittee
will meet at the call of the chair. Mneio,
Singing by the whole association to be
encouraged, The special mueio to be
furnished by the ohoira of the different
appointments. All are enthusiastically
getting ready for the occasion and a bel -
tar time than last year is expeoted.
New Books at Brussels Public
The following new books have been
pieced upon the shelves of Brue=_ele Peh-
lke Library :—
Story of Laura Seo0rd Carrie
Helen Keller Reber
An Ocean Soret Boothby
Lady of Iurred Boothby
Wolfville Nights Lewis
Red Reggaes Timing
Joanna Oroker
Our Lady's Inn Clouaton
The Deliverance Glasgow
Silver Poppy Stringer
One Woman Dixou
Kitty Costello Alexander
My Friend Prospero Harland
Heart of Oak Norton
Blood Lilies Fraser
Banner of Blue Crockett
Alioe'a Adventures Carcol
Through the Looking Glass Carool
Two Little Bevage+....Seton Thompson
Shakespeare se a Dramatic, Artist
Mies Bonverie Moleeworch
The Olook Maker Bern Siiok
The Bindweed Blieeett
The Tomb Hopkiue
The Old Orohard Clots
The Hermit Munn
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, .Fox
Strong Mae Crockett
Bending of the Twig Russell
Rebecca Wiggins
Lover Fugitives Finnemore
Sir Mortimer Johnston
Lnx Ornoie Gardenhira
Blaok Shilling .. Barr
Evolution of Japanese Galiok
War of 1812 Richardson
Days of Red River RebellionMoDouielt
Itomaoaa of Canadian Hietory....Edgar
American Prisoner Phillpitte
Alla fair in Love ., Sawyer
Lightning Oondnotor Williamson
Duke Decided Hill
Christian Faith Rice
Bible in Shakespeare.......... Bargees
Bible as Literature Moncton
Man's pine in the Uuiveree....Wallaoe
Modern Bank - Fisher
Little Brother to Bear Long
Color key to North Amerioan birds
Obapm an
Among the night people........ Pearson
Scorers of Woods Long
School of the Woods Long
Bente of Field Long
Our own and other Worlds....Hamilton
Elementary Eleotrielty . Jaokeon
Astronomy for Everybody....Newoombe
Fleet Study of Plant Life Atkinson
Aetronomy Ball
Banohing wi+h Leede & CommonB .,Graig
The AdVentetrer in Spain Cronkett
The Boy Trampe ..,.. .... Oxby
The cruise of the Pretty Polly.,,..Raseeil
Danish Lite Btoohner
Spanish Life piggin
itirkieb Life ,.Gannett
Auetro.linngarian Pal met
Sketdhee of ,Ioaten Life Frost
White Oblet of ,the Ottawa Hanle
n% 1Ct1, Bgolh, nt'NSOT,
"They cried, saying, er•uci/y 11int,
arucijy hint,"
Christ is walking•through our arena,
Looping in saolt fen Be meete—
Not only in the ohuroh Be Mande,
Wbereesppliante kneel' with folded hands.
Nat only iu the o'oaet where,
He lifts the I:rad of tonna care
But in the bray Inmate of lite
And in the midst of toil and strife,
Walke He with his bleeding feet
Walks Re where the people meet,
But they south Him pass Him by
And in their hearts they madly ory—
Christ is waking through. the eh ps,
By anode worker meekly etope—
He would lift the heavy load,
He would olear the thorny road
He would take enoh Booty baud,
)3y eaah workmen He would need ;
Smooth the wrinkles from each brow,
Kae the wounds but none allow.
Welke He with Hie bleeding feet,
Welke He where the people meet,
lint they acorn Him, pan Him by,
Aud in their hearts they madly ory—
Christ is walking through the glome
With Me rites end thorns he eomee—
P ending with the wrecks of men,
Bidding them take heart again ;
Kneeling in the dens of shame
Beeiog !hinge to vile to name,
Yet with heart filled full of love
Hide each sinner look above.
Welke He with Elie bleeding feet,
Werke He where the people meet,
But they acorn Him, pasta Him by,
Aud in their hearts they mad,y cry—
Christ is walking everywhere
With Hie fame deep marked by care—
Bot the people torn their eyes
Far away toward the skies,
Knowing not that near them atande
Christ the Lord with pierced Lanita,
Beokoning them towards Bis breast
Where alone they may find rest.
Walks He with Hie bleeding feet,
Welke He where the people meet,
But they time Him, pass Him by
And in their bearte they madly ory—
Miss Marie Kidd hae returned after a
lengthy visit with her sister in New York,
A number of farmere in this vicinity
have been iudnced to grow a few sugar
beets this season for the Bekaa sugar
J. 11. Grisbrook Ilse eold two sores of
laud an Egmoudville to Geo. Hill and hag
purchased the residence and lauds belong-
ing to Mrs, McLennan.
The first open air band concert of the
season will be given on Victoria park on
Thursday evening, May 12 h, by the 33rd
Begiment Band, ander the leadership of
James Gee,
Tt .1k1 ,8 kL Y1 ld klt i 1, 8 1e U to
At a repent meeting of the reengage.tion of the Mathodiet ohuroh here it was!
duoided to proceed with the ereotion of a +
Mew pareonage in the !tear !Melte.
Stepheu Lamb hae pnrabaned the
building and livery Munroe ort Main
street Per to the estate of tea Ixto T, D.
Levy, paying $4,500 for the same,
Mfrs. Rudolph poruhneed the heudeome
brink oottege jneb opposite the woo'teo
mill at Egmondville from W. 1). Veen
Egmond null will take tap her reei•lvnoa
The piano and pipe organ end other
farninhinge were removed from the'
Presbyterian abnroh to Gardner hall on •
Wedrzesdny of last weak, oommenortg o,
Sunday morning Inst, the regular ohurah
eerviaee were held, Work hae alteedy
beeu commenced on re no Malting the old
ohuroh building and will be rushed for.
ward ae rapidly as possible.
G. B. Scott, familiarly known Eta
"Groseu," has beeu enga,.ed to write for
the Toronto Star which he will do from
Seaforth for the preeent, or at least Matti
he oan dispose of his business and pro.
p'rty here, alter whiolt lie will move to
Toronto and take a permanent position.
Hie articles in the Star will be illnetraled
by himself, for whiob he also lute en
exoeptioual talent. —
1.iattic W AI.
Will. Stubbs bad two of hie fingers
lacerated by a maobiue in the 'heir
A oonoert will be given by the Listowel
Methoeli.t Church Ohoir in the Metbodiet
Chnrah ou Tuesday aveniug, May 240,
A. Dunlop le to be oongratolnted on
having suoaeeefil y ptosed hie floe). ex•
amivations at the Ontario Dental College.
Chas, Norton has purchased the Id.•
periel hotel building on Main street
West, and will remove his pop works
A new 90 h. p. boiler bee arrived frim
the Whitelaw worke at Woodetook, and
is bring placed in the Morrie Plano No.
On Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m.
Oanou Dixon, who is Grand Chaplain of
Orange Order, will addreee the Orange.
Rev. B. 0. Dixon, Canon of St. Albano
Cathedral Toronto, will endues the
aunivereary services in Ohriet Chnrah on
Sunday, May 15th.
Mies Vivian Clayton, who resigned her
position as teaoheree the Viernna High
School, left this week for Ioniefail,
Alberta, where she has been engagsd at a
uooeiderable incense in salary.
The automat meeting of the Stretford
district of the Methodist ohutoh will be
held in the Liebowel Methodist ohuroh
ou Wednesday and Thursday, May 18
and 19. Delegates to the number of
thirty will be present. Dr. Jaokeon, of
Mitchell, and Rev. 0. W. Brown, of
Stratford, will give addreeeee at the even-
ing meeting.
Aaeeseor Bervie returned hie roll to the
clerk on Saturday last. The roll ,bows
a total of 5888,730, an inoreaea over leer
s'ear's total of $17,700. Of the total
$759,580 le for real, $70,850 for personal
property and $8,200 for income. The
real shows an increase of $2,850, the per.
ennal an increase of 57,252 and income a
deoreeee of $1,300. The towns inertia.
tion wee given last year se 2,698, this
year's roll Meows it ea 2 427, The sub-
eldiery ratnrna rets Year are ; doge, 108.;
bitehaa, 11 ; n.ttle, 1119 ; bon, 81; ;wrens,
177 ; hinter, 2.4; deethe,29. The olerlt"e
agister i r 1108 shown ; births, 71
doettle, 00 ; marriegaa, 23 The roll
allowseuhool nhOdreu between 11 end 1I1.
401 ; between 7 and 13, 021; bemoan 18
and 21, 418.
The nomplell , „1 the weter•wnrke 10
being proceeded w,tlt. The brink woke
stack at the pumping eta'inu le beteg
oar rind up, an.l an effort ie hits„ ,rade
in drain the water from the bei:ding.
llxoavatlote are being made for
the. cement foundation of the water
town, which will be ereoted on the
egrioultural park grouude.
Winireere .
The L 0, L. oommittee appointed to
make railway arraugemenba for the 12th
of July celebration are making every
l effort bo have three•day rates, at the
tieual law fares.
J. B. Fnrgueon, town o'er).;, commenced
the erection of hie new hnuee on Patrick
street on Monday, and Mayor Vaustoeo
elarted at hie residence on Minnie 'treat
the same day.
B. B. MoOall, who hae been aaeooiated
with hie brother, A. I. Mellon, for scop
years, is fu town in the interests of A. I.
McCall & 00., Ltd. Ole will shortly
become n resident.
The degree of M. D. was received by a
large member of graduates of the Waatern
Medical College, London. Among them
is ;lobo Agnew, eon of Mr. Agnew, of
Lower Winghem, and brother c)1 Dr.
Agnew, of town.
John Coney has purahaaed a rseidenee
in Guelph and removed hie Neatly to that
oity. They have been residents of Wing -
ham for a number of years, and their
many friends ware sorry to loth them,
but as Mr. Conery is interested in the
cement Oo. of 159.1 pity, it was necessary
for hien to reside there,
The annual meeting and eleotiou of
officers of the L'ediea' Aid Society of the
Methodist oleurob and last year's aflioere
were re•elented :—Pres., hire. W. H.
Green ; let Vioe Pree, Mae. A.16 Lloyd ;
2nd Vioe Pres., Mrs. 11. J. Tindall ; See,,
Mrs. Thos. Gregory ; Trene., Mrs. John
Tire anneal meeting and oieotion of
Minters of the Epworth League of the
Methodist Mineola took plane on !Monday
of last week. The aunnetl reporte ae
presented showed that the Inagua had a
ptoeperone year. The tote) membership
ie 124 ; during the year there were 20
removals and 1 withdrawal. Over $150
wee raised for minion. The new
otiioere are ea follows :—Pree„ W. 0,
Thompson ; let Vioe Pres., Peroy Greer;
end Vtoe•Pree., Arthur Helm ; Sad Vtee-
Pree , Frank Hill ; 4 h Vioe Pres., airs,
F. Hogg ; Seo„ Mier' Tibbs ; Treas.,
Lothar Ball ; Pianist, Mies Sperling;
Asst. Pianist, Mies Dulmage.
The purehaee of the Drug beet nese of
Colin Oampbel by A. I. McCall & Co.,
limited, of Ohatbam, marks another step
of steady ptogresa made by the firm.
About six years ago A, I. McCall opened
a business in Obethern, and after four
years spent in laying a fouudation for a
large business, Mr. MuOall converted his
bueineee into a Joint Stook Company
with a capital ebook of $30,000, and the
MAY 12, 1904
Company purohated the preaent Bite of
the head 'tore, Chatham, uttdnnhtedly
the beet Stand in that growing pity. An
ap teedtite outfit for the earreet toeing
of eyes and proper noting of glaeeaa Is
pat into null store and a uumpnient
optician placed in oherga of Oita deperb•
muni. lithe rule will be oitrried out in
the Wln,;haul store immediately, Mr.
Campbell eau be found at the old sand
man,,;er for A. I. MsOell & 00.,
Thr' eitutr.l hush:eau ut sting and
eleetion of cheers of the in ,or Lenten
0f the Methodist elmeoh waste -rid, Under
the euperiatendenee of Miss Hattie Reid
and her aeeietante the Juniors bad a very
eneoeetfol veer, Number of menibere,
00 active, 47 aeaooiete ; total 10(1 Vee
total amount of money rained for 01
purposes wee $57,47, expended nefullowo;
—Building fund, 510.00 1 Organ fund,
$30.00 ; Miaeione, $11.00 ; sundry
expenses, $5 75 ; baleuoe on hand 72e.
The following are the oliieere for the
anenimg yowl—Prete, Broolt 'Brandon
let Vise, May Lloyd ; 2nd Vioe, Pearl
Davidson ; 8rd Vice, Maggie Ili dux ; 4th
Vioe, Carrie Stewart ; Bec'y, Viola
Davidson ; Trans„ Laura Kerr ; Piauiet,
Hazel Brandon.
A prolific canoe of Piles Is the use of
catharlioe end pille of a drastic), violent,
Followed by a roaotian on account of
the reeionue, drying properties they
There are other naaoea, but ac) matter
what the cause or what the kind of Piles,
Dr, Ltenhardt's Hem•Roid eau be relied
upon to cute—to stay cured.
It's an internal remedy that remover'
bile pause of hoeing, Blind, Bleeding or
Suppurating Piles.
A guarantee goes with each paeltage
containing a month's treatment,
It eau be obtained for $1.00 at drug-
Sold in Brussels by Jae. Fox.
TWO well known Stallion will travel
during the Benson of 1904 ea follows :—
Monday, May 9th—Will native hie owl
stable, lab 30, on. 12, MoKillop, and go
Ent to S. Forbes', Cwt. 14, McKillop, for
noon 1 thence North to Mrs. Dunoaneon'e,
lot 12, non, 17, Grey, for night. Tuesday
—Will go North, then North-east to Jae.
McNair's, lot 20, oan, 14, Gray, for noon ;
thence North end West to Albert Carter's,
lot 9, eon. 12, Grey, for !tight. Wednes-
day—Will proceed North to John Mo
Kinnon'e, lot 6, eon. 8, Grey, for noon ;
thane West and North to W. Forrest's,
lot 25, con. 2, Morrie for night. Thurs-
day—Will proceed South bo Jas. Shed -
den's, eon, 4, Morrie, for noon ; thence
Etat and South to the American Hotel,
Brueeele, for night. Friday—Will pro•
Deed South and \Vest to Berry MoOut-
aheon'e, lot 25, oan. 6, Morrie, for noon ;
thence South to Jae. Bolger%, lot 80, eon,
8, 1ilorrie for night. Batorday—Will pro.
Meed Wast to Jao. Sbortreed'e, lot 19, oon,
9, Morrie, for noon ; tbenoe to hie own
stable where he will remain until the fol-
lowing Monday morning.
New EJanaJJ a l and American
Y �'W
,kiV �r
E have it lull stock of this Season's production in Wall
Papers. Wo have made a special effort to secure designs
and colorings of artistic merit, not only in high Grades,
but in those as low as
BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florets, prodtloiug oherming rffeete at Low Coat.
PARLORS —Bettutltal Dusigne in Gilt and Creamy Tones, Buse, Greene, do , In
delicate Shades.
HALLS, DINING 11001113, Rio,—Pisa, effective Designs, in Magnificent Colors,
riving Warmth, Richness and Beauty to an Apartment.
AND PRICES 1 We eau only say we are offering this Beeson Better Paper, Design
and Colorings than aver offered.
Don't wait until our stook is broken. Make your selection new,
If yon hnvo any roams nub reoautly papered, just oall and let ne tell yon bow
little it poste to make home bright, attentive and happy.
In Smale's Block, two doors North of Postofce.
Painter and Paper Hanger.
A Large Supply of the
z' rar
o • e r
-:,,;Aaerr`n,0, :.nu...�.;.�•.,.r:
AVING had 50 years' experience in the Buggy Trade, from the hand -made spoke to the vitt-to-
' date patent wheel, we can safely say that we build Buggies Second to none in Canada and
have a finer display in. our Shove Room this Season than can be seen elsewhere. We build, all one
Grade but 6 Different Styles.
1st—Odr Special—We use Standard B. wheels and xxx
hickory in our gear and shafts. Our tires, braces, steps, rub
iron and loops are all steel, imported direct from Cleveland.
Our springs are Dowslay patent head.
Our blacksmith, who has had years of experience in the
Largest Carriage Factories in Canada, is sufficient proof of the
excellency of the blacksmith department.
We weld and set our axles and guarantee perfect track and
easy running.
2nd. --Our a buggy, painted either in black or green gear,
beautifully striped in gold. Out' a buggy, body painted black
or burled, and' gear painted black or green, striped in gold.
Our - buggy in natural wood, either oak or ash bodies, with
natural wood gear, iron work painted with London smoke and
striped nicely in black, 'are beautiful rigs.
gen s
Now there is our Western buggy one inch Standard B
wheel, side spring gear, either with of without top, which is
!mown in the West as the runabout buggy, body black, gear
painted in red, striped in gold or black.
We build the bicycle buggy, ball bearing, chilled steel axle
either cushion or pneumatic tire. Painted in carmine and
trimmed in leather and English whipcord.
We also build the hard rubber tire in • or.
We employ only skilled workmen and all our work is un-
der our own SUPERVISION and guaranteed by us.
We have a number of first-class wagons for sale, all built
of good oak, the material of which is thoroughly seasoned, hav-
ing beeu in oalr stock for at least ten years,
In a word to our ,purchasers we will say that our painting
stands 100 days in oil and finished in English varnish, im-
ported direct from England.
Let us say a word about our Trimming Department. Our
buggies are all trimmed in leather and our tops are all rubber
and lined throughout, with roller back ccytain, hood and storm
rug with each buggy.
It will be wise for those wishing to purchase a buggy this
season to call and inspect our stook before purchasing else-
where as it is a maze of glory to look through our show room
where yon can select from hundreds of buggies. A $.1.00 saved
is a $1 gained, so bring along your wives and friends as it is
no trouble to show you through our establishment and we will
make it worth your while as we aro prepared to back up each
and every statement. We are determined to place 500 buggies
in this locality this season. In conclusion let tie thank our
many customers for their liberal patronage in the past and
solicit a continuance in the future.
P, S. --Remember we Wholesale and Retail and have Agents in almost every locality.
n s •