HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-12, Page 1Vol. 32, No. 44
KERR, Prop.
New Advertisements.
Leoat--.G, ia, King.
Looa1—T, McGregor,
Local --It, Henderson,
Oats found—Toa PoiT,
Notioe—John MnIntooh.
Blue Stone—F, R, Smith,
Notice—A, B, Macdonald.
Buggies—Neil S. MoLauobltn.
Cloth Skirts—MoKiunon kit Go.
Wirefanning—Wilton iO Turnbull.
Notfoe to oreditora—A. B. Macdonald,
:t tx:tcSeti3z,
arum ArytoWtt-
Wm, Hail, of Ethel, was reoetitiy vteft•
log with his daughter, Mra. G. Eokmier.
Rev. R. Paul, of Weenie, took charge
of the serviette io Viotoria Halt last
Mise Anna Richardson i.i vieiting with
her enols and aunt, D. and Mrs, Richard.
sou, 4ah von.
Principal Btrnahau, of Teeewater, was
visiting ,at "Sunny Brae," the home of
hie parents, Johu and Mre. Straohan.
i'_tleerevri1( .
Mise Mary Soolt has returned from a
mouth's visit at Bealarth,
Hire. G. Ray and ohildren have return.
ed tram a visit to Underwood.
J. and'Mre, herr, of East aVawar.oih,
were visiting Mrs. Anderson Met week.
kfre. John Peel', of Bruesele, wits
visiting relatives in the village lout week,
Fred MoOraoken and children, of Brus-
sale were visitors at Biaevalo this. week.
George Ailobeeon tett nn Monday for
Strathroy, where be has scoured a
Mies Florence Park, of Wiugh„m, was
visiting triende ie Bluava's tltia wick be
fore leaving for the West where ehe
will reeide.
. 1ota(trieil.
Sonora; Dsaxn.—Thomas ecioPhereon,
ot Logue, about three miler' from Mit
obeli, went into a field on Monday mora•
ing to do some ploughing, and he had
only nicely started when he dropped dead
and when found a few minutoe after he
was lying on the ground with the plough
Bees around bis book. Deceased was a
well to•do farmer attd about 00 years of
age. Re was a man of kindly disposition
and bad a boat ot friende in theeurroaud-
ing °pantry and/ the nave of hie sudden
de,,th mime as a shook. Mr. McPherson
leaves a wits to m.,urn her loss, Demean.
ed was a brother-in•law to Henry and Jno.
MctNanght, of this locality. W. K. and
Thos. MONsughl, of Toronto, two other
brothers 0f Mre. lllrPhereou, were here
attending the faueral.
W rte t test,
Mr, McGowan, a student from College,
London, oondupted the service in St.
George's church bete,
Rev: Alfred Andrews will give an ad•
dregs at the Dieu iot meeting, to -be held
fu Goderioh, on 'Wednesday evening of
next week, in the Methodiet ohnroh.
The 25 three of land belonging to the
Sperling estate, IYloliillop, was eoid Sat•
today afternoon of last week for $1,810.
P, Gardiner wae the buyer, hie being the
highest offer. It will be a valuable
acquisition to Mr. Gardiner owing to its
location in relation to otbet property.
Smoot. Raeowe.— Report of Walton
Public School for the month of April is
as follows :—Average attendance 80, Sr.
4th.—Herb Ohrietopher ; V iatotia Blas
hill •, Prank Molihes. Jr, 4th,—Thomas
Mollonald ; 088001 Knight ; Lyla Mo.
Lend. St. 3rd,—Mabel Bennett ; Jewel
Mullins ; Ethel MoLeod. Sr. 20d,—Jno,
Mnraball. Jr. 2nd. —Minnie candler,
Howard Bolger ; Pearl MaXenzie, Sr,
let,—Donglae Protide ; Jennie Merolla'',
Jr, let,—Ida MoLeod ; Alma Shntdioe
Elinor Candler, Mies A. Simmer,
t OX 80 t et r.
Mrs, -Calder- returned from Simooa
loot week...
Mrs. A. H, Moffitt spent Sunday with
relatives in Ayton,
Mise Jennie Miller returned from
Toronto Junction ou Tueeday.
Mies Cassie Hartle, of Gerrie, , spent
Sunday ender the parental root,
Arthur Wellshas purchased John
Eemer'e residenoo,on Howiok street.
Mre, A. Stewart, of Berrieton, vieited
her sister, Mrs, W. Rutherford, over
Mies MoKelvey was the goe01 of her
brother, Rev. I. A, McKelvey, for a
few days,
The Bishop of Heron preached to a
large congregationin the Epieocpat
church on Sunday evening.
Geo. Town and family left for Gerrie
on Tuesday, where they have rented the
Albion Hotel, formerly occupied by Mr..
Al a meeting of the Connell this week
it wae decided to place a granolibhio
sidewalk from J. Cowatt'e aloe to the
F. Mitobeli and J. Smith left for Man
hobo on Wedneeday morning, where they
intend to spend the Summer worsting at
their trade es masons,
J. N. and Mrs. Robinson have rented
G. Spotton'e reeitienoo on Howlett street,
Mre, Robinson having returned from
Oakville on Thursday,
Thou. Fillmore hes told kbu bakery
business to W. Lewis, of Gorrie, and
alsohie reeiclenoe on Sanderson street, to
Mte. Wilaoo, ot Belmors.
tr, and Mrs. Donnan (nee Mies Nina
Martin,)of Crystal City, Many are
spending a few days with the latter's
lather and eietore here before leaving on
an extended trip to Englund and Preece,
The Wroxeter Seale Go, held their
annnel meeting on Friday last, when the
direotore presented a good showing for
the past year, A dividend of ten per
Dent was paid, The following were clot.
ed dirootore tot the "emoting your :—T,
Rae, J. Wendt, A. 114anro, J, Donglae
and W. M. Robinson ; Pratt., A, Munro
0eo,-Treas., W. 11i, Robinson.
On Monday owing to the giving way
of some hernoee, R. Mntoh'e boree
booerne rather untnanagouble and
enuoeeded in breaking ilia light wagon
and also giving the driver, Oral Slupfer
a nasty Molt on the tutee before it ocnll
bo gut under control,
K)a•7ttne) rook.
D. McNair wae at Toronto this week,
Title week Thos. Moline arrived home
from the Medical Oullege, Toronto, for
hie emotion.
George Zimmer, of Pigeon, Heron Co.,
Michigan, is renewing old friendships in
tole locality. He 15 a brother to Mre,
Wm. Ziegler, 13th sou. and has spent a
good many years in Miphigae. hinny
ohanges are noticed bets by Mr, Zimmer.
.1110 Ice t..svo0• tit.
A Tone TO los WAST.—After spending a
couple of months at Starling, Kausae,
with friends Mise Annie iieldeu, of
1lloleeworeh, has gone to Portland,
Oregon, where she will visit her brother
Leant, who has been in that oity the
past three years and holds te very good
position. Mies Belden wits not greatly
taken up with Kansas not wishing to re.
main font; in a country where town people
tt..ve their tornado outlaw and country
people their dug outs to flee to on the
approach of a oyoloue,tornado or sand
storm. While there ehe saw one Baud
acorn and for down right ug reeve it was
the woret ever seen for some lima in that
district. The air wae so full of sand day
became night, the wind not abating for
at least twelve hour• and although most
of the people nee doable doors and
v.indvws yet after the storm furniture and
a othtng iostde ottheir boueee was oom
pletoly eatorated with a fins nand duet.
Wheat a few iuohee long oonid he seen
aloog the roadside or in holee having
been swept from the lietde upon which it
hind grown, Juan now many farmers
have their eyes broad to the Oanadion
Wren, Leaving Kaueae Mies Belden,
with a small pasty of friends, boarded
Mieeouri Faoiflt ear, going by way of
oalorado and Utah, malting a short atop
at Salt Luke (lay and Ogden. At Solt
Lake City the vieitor wilt find maty
things different to other Weatero oitiee
and although the U. S. Government hue
attempted to rid Utah of polygamy yet it
is practised in defiance of law. At Ogden
a house was seen whioh was owned by a
Mormon with six wivice each woman had
nn entrance door of her own and inside
uo doors connect the different apartments.
Leaving Ogden they warn soon whirling
along sweet; the Rookiee fallowing rivers
and canyons. With a guide they viewed
the Royal Gorge by moonlight. This is
perhaps one of the moat magoifieent
eights to he seen in the Amerioen roaktos.
Suowoapped mountains were in evidence
all along the route. Finally Doming in
sight of Mt. Hood they were iuformod
that it was the lest mile poet before
retelling Portland, Mt, Hood, 60 miles
from Portland, is a magni8ueut snow-
capped mountain from whiuh the city
gumtree its venter supply. Revolting Port.
land after eix.daye' trip one is atartled.by
the oonfueioh at the elation, the Dries of
drivers and hotel runners as these goutry
have a freedom to worry travellers to
their hearts oontont. Portland is a city
of 120,000 and la preparing for the Lewis
and Clark Fair to be held in 1905 to emu.
memorate the fonudere of Oregon. The
city just now is almost green, what ie not
covered with flowers. Everything of the
floweriug king blooms here and fruit in
abnudanae. ltftea Belden found Lount
happy and oomfortuhle and Mies Myrtie
Benuett, who had lived her childhood
days at ibloloeworth, has -grown to woman-
hood but ie the same happy Myrtle.
Min Belden will remain with her brother
for some time and expecte with the
mildness of the olimato and sea breezes to•
enjoy a measure of health, together with
the pleasures,
Mrs, Ben. McKee and ohildren, of Roes.
burn, Man., and Mre. Terry, of llunktou,
were visiting at Geo. W, and Mrs. Pol.
lard's last week.
Juo, i;okmier end Geo. 43V. Pollard have
Isotded to oloee` their blankemith shops
on end atter Key 16th until further
uotioe snob evening at 6 o'clock.
Township Olerk Molutosh and wife
attended the funeral of the late Mrs. G.
Skelton at B,nasele ou Taeaday after.
noon.. Deroased was a dieter to Mrs. Mc-
Mill week D. and Mrs. Eokmier, well
known reeidents here, moved to Clinton
where they have bought property end
purpose making their home. Their
many old friends here wish them prosper.
ity in Olintou.
I'oilowhig are the °M ogre of the Lip.
worth League —Hon. Pres., Rev, 0, P.
Wells, B. D. ; President; Mien A. Mmeun ;
1,41V1013, tidies B. Sit email ; 2nd Vico,
Mies E. Milne ; Brd Vtoe, Miss I. Oole ;
4th Vies, Jno, Pearson ; tor, Soo., Miss
L. Simpsoni ;Seo,, Joe I, Welsh ; Trees.,
Geo. Eokmier , Organist, Miss E.
Mason ; Met., 2/1•1911 L. Simpson. Now
10pio garde are being Wetted and tnaroased
beneficial results are looked for, League
meets on. Wednesday evening of moth
A Fortune PAaTott Wnnnnn.—Ors Wed•
uesiiuy, April 27th, the ootnmotlioue
resideuoe of George Baynes, of Werth
Nisoouri, was the serum of a very pleesiug
event, when his daughter, Mies Luella,
wae united in marriage to Rev. W. J,
Waddell, of Shedden, formerly pastor of
the Methodist obeech, .Ethel. As the
sweet Myelin' of the wedding march play•
ed by laffoe Celia Waddell, floated through
the home, the bride entered the” parlor,
gowned in bewitching costume 01 white
silk trimmed with insertion, and carrying
a beautiful shower hotpot ot white rosea,
The oeremony, whioh took place beneath.
an alob,deoorabed with evergreen and
C011011. wae performed by Rev. 11. Graham,
aesiated by the Rev. Andrew 1•Iaynee,
brother of the bride, and was wjtneesed
by a large number of Mende and Melted
gaeel0, among them being Mise Helen
Groenleea and Mee Ade inn Lily White,
of London. The wedding present* were
numer000, varied, aheioe and malt), an
evidence of the high esteem entertained
toward the yoaug brile, aonploti with the
donor's earnest wish that the toeing poir
may long enjoy to the tall life's ineetim-
able blessing, health wealth and happi•
nese, Rev. and Mrs, Weddell, after
vieiting friends in London, welt to their
(tome at the pareonago at hedden, Rev,
Wadden o many friends here wieh
himealf and estimable bride every
Hratads,tn,—A quiet but pretty wed.
ding was eolemiized ea the home of 0,
end Mrs, Raynard on Wednesday even•
tag, April 27th when Mies Mary Edna,
fifth daughter, was joined in wedlock to
Charles R. Oongtam. The oeremsny
wee performed by Rev. 0. P. Wells, B.
A., B. D„ fn the pre0enee of a few
frionde, Mies Olive Raynard, sister of
the bride played the Wedding March se
the bride, leaning or' her rather's arm
entered the parlor. Little Pearl Dabeon,
niece of the bride performed the duties of
flower girl very prettily. The bride wae
dressed in her travelling Putt which WAR a
marine blue broadcloth and a Dream silk
blouse. The groom is one of the moat
p.,puler young farmers in the eouuty of
Brows. The bride wae the recipient of
heautibel gifts. The groom's gift to the
bride wae a handsome gold watoh and
bracelet also a gold braoelet to the flower
girl teed the bride's sister. After the
heartiest of eongratalatione all eat down
to a taety wedding dinner. Several
totters were given wishing the happy
couple much hrppinee and prosperity in
their new home. The groom responded
for the bride in a verr feeling manner,
after whlsb they left amide'. a shower of
rice for their new home.
rn rr,
Mise Lottie Smith, of Toronto, is vleit.
ing et her brother's, 17th con,
Thor weep Irwin ¢Baynard, 4th von„
has taken a poet iu the Standard Bank,
Brussels, We with him seems.
Ou Babb,,th 22nd inst., K. J, Beaton, of
Whiteohuroh, President Of Wingham
Dietriat Bpcvorth League, will preach at
"Union" (thumb 12111 oon., the 000asion
being the L -ague anniversary, lie ie a
good speaker.
A blank •tear, rising 2 veers old, the
property of L. ,0oNeil, 14,11 von„ wears
three horns on hie head iuetead of the
customary two. The additional "hooker"
is eitnated on the right side of the
noimtu's head. -
Owing to the lowering of the water to
the 0laitlaud travellers ere able to ford
the river on the 9111 con, where the bridge
wae taken away. The crossing plate is
above the kite of the bridge through the
Ando of Moore, Ring and Moore.
Following are the adhere of Roe's
uhutoh Epworth League far the next
term :—Hort, Pres,, Rev. 0. P. Welle, B.
D. ; Preeidrnt, Ino. Bryane ; let Vioe,
L, Frain ; 2nd Vioe, Mies Lizzie Bryaue ;
Bid Vioe, Mies Susie Pearson ; 4th Viae,
Mise Lottie Jaoltson ; Seo., Aogas
Brown ; Reo, Seo., Jno. Pearson ;
Treasurer, B. Jaokeon i Organist, Miss
Clara McQuarrie.
On Tuesday of last week at the par.
sooage of the Lutheran ahorah, John
Neabel, 14th oon., Grey township, wae
milted in marriage to Mise Elizabeth
Nelmes, of Logan, by Rev. H. O. Land -
sky. They have oommeooed housekeep-
ing on the former's tarm amidst the beet
wishes of a large oirele of friends. The
groom's father moved some time ago to
Wallace township where he purchased
property. •
AooIDIoNT,—Lamb Monday while draw.
log hay from William Smalldou'e, 12th
oom„ end when iu front of Mr. Schnook's,
the binder pole broke in the ventre and
as 11 was terrible windy the load gave to
swing and went over into the ditch Up-
side down
p-sidedown and with such Pone it drove
the fork two feet into tho ground. Jae.
Brown and Jae. McDonald landed along
aide, the fork keeping the hay off them
but, they were sent 00 their hands and
knees, Jas. Brown got the small bone
in hie ankle broken and it had to be put
iu plaster of Penis. He will be laid up
for Ave weeks or more, J. McDonald
gob a creek on the book of his nook that
kept him to the ground ter a while. The
horses did not get away.
PAsatlh Away.—Leet Saturday Edward
Hollinger, sou of John Hollinger, 10th
non. Grey, died at bis home in Granted],
N. W. T., at the early age of 27 years, 0
montbe and 16 days. He had been poor.
ly for several months, his death reuniting
from a hemorrhage, Mr. Hollinger had
been in the West for the past 6 yeare.aud
woe married last February, his young
wife a000mpanying the remains here,
arriving Wednesday evening. Deceased
was 0. watuhmakor and jeweller, having
learned his trade with Jae. Jones, of
Brussels. He was in charge of this de•
partm001 of the' meioses of Mr. Taylor,
in. Grenfell. Ed, wag well and favorably
known and his demise will be greatly
regretted. ht the West he tools au active
interest iu ahuroh and Sabbath eohool
work and early went to the reward of the
faithful toiler in the vineyard. The
fnueral took plane from the parental
raeideooe on Thursday afternoon, Rev.
D. B. MoRae, of Oraubrooh, ooudnoting
the service. Interment wae made at
Brussels cemetery. The relatives are
deeply sympathised with especially the
widow in her bereavement.
The Stratford Beavon Bays :—There
passed away on Saturday evening et the
o11y hospital, after a long illneee, Sarah
Jeno Cumming, wife of 0. J. Oummieg,
Douro st,, Stratford. Daoeated was
aged 57 years anti 4 menthe. She was
horn In North Eaothope, being a
daughter of the tete John Smith.
Twenby,nine pave ago ehe married Mr.
Cumming end had lived in the oily ever
atnae. D' nth was due to dropsy, Be
aides her husband, three sena, John S. of
London ; Jee, ot Brooklyn, N, Y. ; end
Wm. A. at Ogdenbterg ; four sisters, Ides,
A. Petteraon, Front street, Stratford ;
Mrs, ;John Bay, of Tooltoremith ; Mrs.
Robs. MoOallnm, 01 10th Oen, Grey ;
Mrs, W. S. Oa11h1, of Winitipe�g ; 000
brother, John Smith, of St. iphomae ;
and her mother, survive. Mre. Smith
Buse with Mrs. Peatereou on Front
street. lOire, Oncoming w110 01 9 pleasant
end (tied diepoeition, and a large oirele 01
friends will deeply regret her death.
She wae a ooneielent member of Knox
ehuroh, taking a great interest in all
ohnreh worts, The femoral took plane
from her Ince reeidence an Douro wept,
at 4 p. m. Tuesday, to Avondale cisme.
tery, Rev, 61, L, Lanais oondupted the
in t)rrtr'i.
Seeding is well advanced,
Mrs. NUM, Cardiff, 8th line, ie vieiting
her daughter, Mrs, Jno, Ames, of Tor-
Oontraotor Hislop will pooh the ditoh.
ing oontraat he bas in Morris eo as to get
it completed.
A number of Morrisibes attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Skelton, a
former resident of Morris, at Brussels on
Tuesday afternoon of this week,
Mra, Sherrie sr., 411I line, ie not enjoy
ing as robust health as her many friends
wonld wish but we hope she will make
favorable progress es the Spring weather
Many farmers are already through
seeding, others are nearly finished and
all are wonting bard to get sowing com-
pleted, Where are the farmers to be
found who can work, and ru-h thinge
along like the etprdy eons of 'Oar Lady
of the Snows ?"
S. S, No. 10 wae the scene of industry
on ArbvrDay. The school and eobool.
yard were thoroughly cleaned and the
general eppoarauoe ot the pleas improved.
Afterwards a short program took place,
which entertained a few visitors. The
ohildren then went home pleased with
the work and pleasure of the day.
Mre, David Eaeom has been lying very
low at the home of her father, H. Oakes,
of the 16th von., Goderioh township, the
past two weeks. There were at times
very little hope for her recovery bat we
aro glad to hear there has been a change
for the better now and hope the improve-
ment will oontinae and that ehe may soon
he quite restored.
D1tATfl OP Wrs,Lraor 1WoLtton.—Aoolher
of the pioneers of the Oyprees River
Diebriot, Manitoba, has gone to join the
great majority. William MoLeod, one of
the first to move into the settlement with
his family, died on the morning of Wed.
ueeday, April 28th. He was boru in Oaps
Breton in 1817 and at bis death bad
remelted the ripe age of 86 years and 10
months, Deceased was married at the
age of -29 years t0 Miss Ann Mckenzie,
who died thirteen years prior t0 her
husband. At the age of 81 he and hie
wife.moved to Tuokeremith, flacon Go.,
where he spent a abort time thence to
Aiuleyville, now 0rnesele.3 He reeided
in or near Brussels until he and hie
grown•np family removed to Manitoba
25 years ago and was 'the first to locate
on the Weet side of the Oypreee river,
He had 5 sons and 2 dongbtere, The
surviving bbildren ars :—John 0., and
Wm. E , of oyprees River ; Angus, of
Holland ; Kenneth, who is praotioing
medicine in New York ; and Rebeooa,
(Mrs. Wm. Lour) at preeent residing at
Calgary. Mr. MoLeod wae a life long
member of the Presbyterian ohurub.
Sino• the death of hie wife be has resided
with hie youngest son, W. E. MoLeod,at
0yprees River. Mre. MoLeod wae a
Pieter to Mrs. Sherrie, 4th line, Morrie.
Mr, McLeod wae a kind neighbor and was
widely know and reepeobed.
The Annual Meeting of the Liberal
Aaeoaiation for thel7ast Riding of Huron,
Commons and Legielatare, will be held
in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Tuesday,
May 81et, aommenoing at 1 80 o'olook.
Reoeivieg reports, election of officers, Leo.,
will constitute the businese. Hon, Dr.
MacDonald, Deputy Speaker ; A. Hislop,
M. P. P„ and others will address the
meeting. A public meeting may be held
in the evening of whio)t fuller annonnae.
moot will be made later. The monioi•
pelitiee inolnded in East Huron are
Howiak, Tarnbarry, Wroxeter, Grey,
Brneael's, Morris, Wingham, East Wit,
wanosh, Blyth, and part of Hallett and
MnKilinp. Every Liberal will be made
welcome. A large attendance asked for.
R, N, DOT, of Blnevaie, is President, and
W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, the Seeretary.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Connell met ae epeoial meeting
soiled by the Reeve for the purpose o!
peeing the Railway Bylaw and also for
the traneaoeton of any other business
necessary on Moy 2nd. The Clerk hand-
ed in bile statement of the votes given for
the By•taw and agatuet the By law the
result being 90 for and 35 against and the
total number of votes in the dietriot in•
Wrested 206, Moved by Shaw, seconded
by Taylor that said abatement be accept.
ed as ootreot and that By-law No. 3, as
now read he paned and that. the Clerk be
instraoted to have said Bylaw publlehed
three weeks as rtgoired by Statute. Oar.
ried. Ohne, MaOlelland appeared in
referenda bo the neoeeeity of putting in a
tine drain on the front street in the vii.
Iage of Belgrave. Oo motion ot Code and
Jaoltsott the heave and Councillor Taylor
were Inetraoted t0 locate and epeoity the
work and that Oonnoil pay for the tile pro-
viding the interested parties complete the
work. Jae, Marshall handed in hie
resignation as Tp. Engineer. On motion
of Taylor and Shaw the said resignation
was ao8opted. On motion of Taylor and
Code the Treasurer wag instruoted to
appear et Goderioh on May 4th with his
books for examination tby the Provincial
Auditor, Following mutants ordered to
be paid ;—Wm. Flndlater, repairing
bridge, $2,75 ; Municipal World, blank
fotms, $9.40. Bylaw No. 4, 1004 wae
defy read and passed. The oounofl then
W. 001x4, clerk.
Wm. Boyd1 brakeman, of Stratford,
while returning ou his regular run from
Palmerston, had the mieiortune to meet
With an aooident whioh will teoeeoitato
hie laying off for a sew days, While
peeparing to do some ehunting at Listowel
the train was stopped On a hill and the
Week from the oars &tame book on the
engine just as Mr. Boyd wae about 10
disoonneotthe air brake, knooking him
with great force against the relating of the
engine and pinning him there till the
engine was pulled away, Uuleeethere are
internal lobules, he will soon be mood
To the Editor of lam POST
Dome lora —Three weeks age we name
North from Coronado to Los Augelee, a
beautiful lively city, 16 miles inland from
Paailia ocean, Population 125,000,
probably belt of these sonnets and health
seekers. Sidewalks and street cars
ere crowded ; hotels ail full ; half of alt
the houses with tickets up "Ruome to
rent" and several restnurenbs is every
block where ono ova get meals at very
reasonable rates some as low as 10 to 15
cents. You van spend a Winter there
nob exceeding one dollar a day for room,
lodging and restaurant board, and in a
delightful alimnte with sea bathiog at all
times. The only objection is the duet,
so little rain and always breezy, the daet
ever flying. It is quite a job to brush
the duet off your clothes every morning.
The streets of Loa Angeles preeeot a
brilliant Beene of living humanity, re•
minding you of oriental life with its
bright eon ever shining and the seething
crowds et all nations. A large sprink
ling of Chinese end Japaneee are filling
the menial seethe of life both in oily and
oouutry, performing faithfully snob nese
that the native American oonid sot
diepenee with. The labor problem le
one of oontinaoue unmet, the papers
brim fall of strikes in every calling and
employere have a ragged, troublesome
time, many from enoh oauees °losing
down their entire mite. Automobiles,
the milliooairee toy, are in Eull blast, over
2,000 in the city flying peat at dangerous
speed. The big hotel in Coronado owned
15, renting them ab $4 to $5 per hoar,
&tapable of carrying 6 persona besides
driver. An old Scotch friend from Miohi-
gen owned one end treated us to a two
boar ride throughout the best residential
elute visiting aonutless lovely homes and
garden decorations, roses, lilies, palm,
pepper and rubber trees, surrounded
with all kinds of brilliant colored flowers,
a perteot paradise on Earth. $10,000 to
$50,000 houses are as plentiful as black.
berries, the wonder is every one in totally
different styles, mostly all wood varied in
Dolor as well as aonstruntion, a coo•
fiagration meet be dreaded. The baei•
mese portion is all brick and steel with
dement foundatione. The site of the
pity is one large gravel bed, affording
sand end gravel for knob, as well as
sidewalks. Cement mainly cornea from
Germany in ballast in the great wheat
fleet of vessels via the "Horn" of Booth
America that Dome here to get the wheat
crop for Europe. Tiokete $120 from
Detroit to Oalifornia and return are good
to go to all Mlles on the Coed, San
Franoieoo being the terminus. So on we
came a few days ago to this pity to see
our friends in Oakland, 6 miles acmes
the bay. Oakland is a sort of annex
to Frisoo (as S. F. is oailsd.) Oakland
has a population of 80,000, 60,000 of
thee• arming the numerous ferries daily
to work. in Friero having a population
of about 400,000. Ito climate is colder,
windier and dostier than Los Angeles.
The Baoramento Valley Northward, ie a
grand garden for agrieulturiets, ae they
get more rain than further South. Most
tourists come here, yet it le not nearly
so pleasant for the pleasure and health
ee eker.
Frisco is famed for ibe navy yard and
battleship building 1 one was launched
yesterday which we saw. One to on the
stooks and another nearly detailed. Bat.
tleebip jolt Isnnobed in 500 feet long 70
broad, with 7 to 10 inch armour plating.
Nature has tarnished a magnificent em.
tamed harbor to accommodate and shelter.
An Italian cruiser is here paying a friend-
ly visit. We notioed the largest steel
ship in the harbor, named the Rossebire,
baited from Glasgow. She had fear
great masts inebead of the standard three.
This harbor is a busy piece and when the
Panama (Anal ie oompleted it will greatly
iuoreaee the vessel interests of Frisco,
Like Los Angeles this city and Oakland
is almost constructed of wood, the bust.
nets portions excepted. They all are
elegantly finished but orammed so closely
together that a fire would be moat clan-
geroue, but the oily hat exoellent Are pro.
teotion, enoseeding in suppressing all
fires to date. Both 'tibiae have level
business districts but very hilly in the
rear reeidental distriote. Chinatown is a
noted gnarter in Frisco with line build.
fogs, and wealthy Obinese merchants.
A good deal of fun ie being exploited in
the papers over the attempt of Hearst, a
noted Editor, or proprietor of several
yellow journal papers (lowest grade) tu-
aiming of the Demoarabio Preeideutial
candidate. H0 ie spending barrele of
money estimated wet is $10,000 for every
vote he van secure at Bt, Loula aonven•
tion. He hoe aobustly eeonred several
botele there an free pewee to all bis
supporters while the. money leads --the
barrel full and the bung oat—he is get-
ting derisive jubilee sheets. The eeneible
element entre "No money dude with hair
parted in the ventre has ever catered the
White Haase and never will. Manly
pntriote only of Roosevelt etamp are per.
mieeible," His swelled head will be so
big ib will alone keep him out.
A 9enoationnl trial for bribery—the de•
paying canker worm of representative
Milli at this day—bite jnat oome to a aloes
in Senator Button, ot Kansas, being eon.
"rioted for aooepting some $2,500 for his
polibioal influence from aquiok•to.geb-riob
fraudulent oonoern, in aiding its control
of the malts to tell people to deposit
money With them at impossible high
Wee of interest moulting In dieaeter.
Neither interest not principle twee re.
turned, The verdict six months' tm-
pris0nmenl, the return of above money
to court, lots of all political honore and
disgraced for all time, Vari00e St.
Lottie aldermen in jail now serving tome
years for eimilar offenoes. The Chicago
impart lately had oomioal cartoons over
Aid. Breoatee oo,Bnement at herd lobo
in jail Por similar orimes. The Dr, wit
r The W. F. A. matolr in Woodetook on
0 friday evening of last week, betweet
examining hie pules and pronounced him
"too siok" to work, Another soma
ebowed both Dr. and patient and a wool
orowd of ward heelers at a grand ear
ousel, with the inference that the aider
men atilt control the voters the boodle an
the spoils,
A 1108 end ory got up in Los Angeles
that a dead cow and dead horse had been
found in the public waterworks re.
oervoir. Afterwards toned to be falee,
gotten up by the vendors of distilled and
other bottled waters to induce quioke
sales. Thie is called anterprteing broil.
nese ability.
News today ot the Jape first land
battle and (latest of the boasted Russian
detainee. compare these beligerante
and guess who shall win. Rueeian offi•
Dere boodled ball the value of the coal
investment ab Pore Arthur, their peso•
entry is outraged with taxation. Dread
of her ufileiale, inslead of patriotism is
engeudered. The Japanese in San
Francine sent home to aid the wet 6280,-
000, in gold, besides numbers leaving in
groups to join their brethren in arms,
The Rumen myriads don't count againet
such patriots. Togo and Earoki will go
down in history se venerable ae Wallace
and Brune, Wellington and Roberts,
Washington, McKinley and Roosevelt.
We leave here tomorrow homewards,
via St. Louis and the big Fair. If pee•
Bible will try and send you a few notes
by the way, Sincerely yours,
hut. D. RONALD.
Oakland, Oal„ May 2nd, 1006.
d The girls take exalting delight -lit th
When In football the boye show their
mane and their might,
Aud to lionize surely 'they cannot re.
Loudon and Woodstock resulted in a
viotery for the Woodetook team by '2 to 1.
The game wae olueeiy contested, At half
time the snore stood 2 to 0 in flavor of
e •
As they gaze at their hair and "re
r member tate marts."
Lawn tennis, wbiob was not played it
Clinton last year, having been sorerteded
by golf, le regaining its pupuiarbly an
the ohm has been reorganized with to
following 50 officers :—Hon. Provident
Rev, 0. R. Gonne ; President, Dr.
Nisbet G ; Vioe, Mtge Brewer ; bee •
Treasurer, J. Constantine ; Assistant,
Mies Doherty ; Ground Committee, P,
Fair, N. B. Henry, J. E. I4.vey, 0. Tie•
dolt aid T, Reece.
Wednesday's deity says :—not of think
darkneae the lightning. Thus have the
Japanese streak hitherto, and time they
wid gtrike agate, It ie almost a week
since Fengwaugoheng was occupied by
the Mikado's aoldiere. The troops who
turned the Russians oat were not
Koroki'e men following their beaten foe,
but it force that crossed the Yalu at a
point higher up than Wiju on Saturday,
April 30M, turned the Russian left flank,
end apparently failed in the design of
00111043 off the retreating Russians only
became of the hurried retirement that
beoame a rout. Had the Rnsetanefought
a little more stubbornly on the first of
May they would have been naught be-
tween two Japanese armies and meshed
to powder.
That a similar oombinabion is to pre.
paration against Koropatkin seems en-
tirely probable. From Fengwangobeng,
whence Koroki'o despatches were dated
on May 6th, it is but 110 miles to
Liaoyang. Many repute indioate tbat
Japanese Eoo0te aro in the vicinity of the
Rueeian beadquartere. The carious
statement comes from St. Petersburg
that the railway to Port Arthur is open
and the telegrepb line is being repaired.
It is uotarioue that many thonsande of
Japanese were landed on the peninsula
five deye ago. What has become of
them ? Why do they permit railway
trains to go through and wires to be re-
paired ? Think darkneae here, surely,
but the illntninating nada will Dome
soon. It eeeme not at all mllikely,
the Japanese, knowing that Pott Arthur
has just enough men to Dare for its forts,
are leaving them to be settled with later,
end concentrating all the available troops
in Southern Manobaria for blow et
lluropatkiu should be remain at Liao -
yang and invite action, Mukden is but
43 miles North ot Liaoyang on the rail•
road, and failure to hold the letter poli•
tion, where entrenchments have been iu
mune of ounetrnotion eines Spring
opened, almost inevitably means the
abandonment of Makden also. The
strength of the old Mauohu capital ie its
ancient walls, The country it the viola•
ity is Sat and not good defensive ground.
The Russians willscarcely shut them.
selves up in Mukdep as Napoleon III'
did at Sedan or Beeline In Metz, With
the superior Japanese artillery against
them they would be subjected to an
intolerable bombardment, while even
heavy Mega guns could be landed et the
head of the Liaotnng Gulf and sent
forward guia tly by rail. It may be that
the opening of the road to Port Arthur
is permitted by Japen in the hope that
sums day soon she may make a haul of a
sew l000motives and some rolling stook.
The Barriston J;,aorosse Olub have re.
Wroxeter is talking of celebrating the
let of July again Iiia year.
Harold H., 2,04, the Canadian champ.
ion, will be oampatgned through the
Norbh•weet this Beeson,
Nelson Davidson, of Llitehell, has been
chosen as one of the lacrosse players to
play at St. Lonie in May.
Lucknow Bowling Olub reorganised
last week. R. W. Matheson, formerly ot
Brussels, is on the Executive.
Ou Monday night Milverton wae de.
tested by Strabtord in toot ball in the
latter town by a sore bf 4 to 1.
In an intermediate W. F. A. game
played in Seaforth on Frsiday of last week
the Hurons II teem deleated Wingham
by a Poore of 4 to 0.
Stratford defeated Tavietook in the
Orel game of football in the tinter town
by 1 to 0. The goal was soored on a
penalty kick in the second half.
The Harrieton 0. I. football team
played in Clinton on Saturday last for the
Hough Cup but were nnsuoaesBlul iu
their attempt, The eaore wae 2 all.
The following item taken from the
Wroxeter Star speaks for islets ;—The
wee boys are going to organize a foot ball
olub, After bluffing out Gorrie, James-
town and Doneherklan, the boys say
they will tackle Bruesele.
Ou Friday eveoing, May 20th, the fires
metal for the championship of Groep<
No. 1 in the Enrol district, Junior series,
will be played in Bruaeels on Viotoria
Parts. Game called at 0 o'elook, Wing.
ham has a strong team this year and will
give the Bruesele team te hard game.
Come and etre the Braeoele Junior Mans.
Woe defend the nap.
Perth county.
Mies Emma Dierlamin, of the 13th of
Wallace to tndiupoetd from a broken
Ig oonneotion with the annual meeting
of the Stratford Board of Trade, au ,
iotormal supper wee held.
Milton Dote, Sebringville, has gold hie
fast patter, "Billy Brum" tor' a tangy
prion to Riobarde Sykes, of Stratford.
Sebringvtlie stores have deoided t•,
Diose dariug the hummer mouths ret O
o'clock,exoept Wednesday and datorday.
John Wttt, Poole, has pulled down bts
old "log cabin" cad ns busy making pre.
Iterations for the erection of a new bank
Lawrence G. Maxwell, of St. Marys,
was anoueeetut fn passing bis first year
examination in civil eugmeeriug at Mo.
Gill University.
John Hoy, of Avontoa, is uuesioga
sore arm. White working a roller, hie
team became anmauagable and ran away,
throwing him off.
The trial of the Italian Dunati, who le
charged with murdering John Mein, of
North Eastbope, will lively take plane
the first week in Jame.
Mies Mary Doghl,n, of Manitoba, who
was vititiug in Enna and Grey for the
Winter, left last Saturday to visit her
uncle, Duncan ltlotavteh, of Wellesley.
Ooutrautore are molting buildings tip
with all possible 'speed. One oontraotor
131, Marto and locality says that he
has fifteen buiidioge to put up thie
Mayor Hepburn, Stratford, will non-
suit with the oily engineer, as to the
praotioabitity of a bylaw to eegnlate the
dietauoe at whioh houses shall be plaoed
from the street line.
Dr. W. H. Keen, St. Marys, has gone
to Hanna, Iud. Ste will take charge of
Dr, Orewforo'e praotioe 'during May,
June and July. Dr. Crawford purposes
taking a post-graaaate course.
Three foams and ten men excavated
the foundation of the new Methodist
oburoh at Wallaoeville on April 27th.
Rev. L. Bartlett performed the duties of
overseer very tffrorently.
The staff of Stratford freight and ticket
oilioes clubbed together and purohaoed a
handsome gold headed cane, for pre•
eentation to 3, J. Porbee, lately local
freight and ticket agent, who was trees -
tetrad to Guelph.
P. Dierlamm, of Stratford, the well.
known artist, has invented a Damani
block, consisting of three longitudinal
wade, forming double air epaoee. He
bas also invented a niaohine to make the
bleak. lie tuts received patents for
h.Rev, J. W. Hoyt, an old St. Marys
boy, who bas been paetar of a Buptiet
church in Hamilton, is leaving for a
obarge in Chatham, In Hamilton the
people of that antral held a farewell
gathering to bid him Godspeed. lie was
presented with an addreee and a hand-
some olook, his wife with. a complete set
of silver spoons.
Mise Byere, bookkeeper for the Whyte
Packing Go., Mitchell, had $114 stolen
from the pocket of her coat, whioh hung,
in the oflioe. It is supposed, during her
temporary absence, the mousy. was ab•
sbraoted. $4 of the amonnt, whiub was
in an envelope belonged to 'Trinity
°huroh, The money, Mee 50e, has been
returned to bar tbrungh the poet -affirm
We are pleased to report the marriage
of Fred'. Poole, 6th line, Wallaoe, to Mies
Moffat, of the Sth of Wallaoe, et the
parsonage, Wellborn, by Rev. H, A.
Graham, a former pistol of Wallace
oirenit. The happy couple take up their
resideooe on the farm 000upied by Gel.
V. Poole, eouuty representative, who Los
bought a house and lot in Palmerston,
where be intends to reside.
The buying of Viotoria tette and
building a roadway along the intuit from
the rink to the park name in for oonsider.
able disanesion at - Stratford council.
The oommiesion had deoided the buy the
like, if possible, and the limit to be paid
wae put at $10,000. A committee warted
on tbb Vidtorta Lake Syndioate, but no
satielaotion collet he gained ae to the
pries wanted. The aummia0ion at length
deatded to let the matter drop for a while.
With regard to the roadway that will
pr011ably be dropped oleo, for the pr000rrt.
Nob many know that the new (mai
ohne erected in the G. T. T. yards,'
Stratford, lags Fall at a cosy of $7,000 is
the only one of ate kind on the • entice
system, sod is the model atter which all'
new °butes will very probably be dolga.
ed. The crowds who gather at the. -
51&1i0n at traits time take a good deal of
interest fu watohiug the, yard engine .
taking the loaded &tare up the 750 -foot
tamp to the hood ot the chute, brit that
is not halt ae interesting ae a visit to the,
top tit the °haWhere h ..:
unloaded and thte,e big -doublte e 1000430°areare,
holding four hundred tong of coat is
exposed 10 view. The chute Beale f0
250 feet long. (foal van be served 10
tliirty•two engine% at One time, sixteen
on earth side and in 0most: optveuient -
way. 'The "apron" is pulled down aid
fastened, a door opened by twang of a
ever and out comes the 0na1,