HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-5, Page 8or
inaldebt v,
As a preventative for shut on Oats and Barley,
there is nothing better than our Formaldehyde,
Ours is the best that can be procured, Full direc-
tions are supplied .for its use on Grain. Our price
is 40e per pound, and we would caution anyone
against buying a cheaper grade,
Our Stock is large. Our Patterns are up-to-date.
We Trim all Papers free of charge, Our Prices
will suit you.
T H,
iaxl1 gebas afters,
A ohiel'e amang ye takix' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
Rau stun pie is bare.
A, 0. U. W. Friday evening,
Seem= vs, Bravais, May 13th,
Snow, Board. Friday evening of next
Canes np; the 16th of May will soon
be bare,
Examen in the Maitland ie now a favor.
ite sport.
Two epeoial treigbt trains were over
thie tine last Sunday.
TER watering oat will soon have to be
brought into requisition.
TIER Sanitary Inspector will all on you
on or about Monday, May 16, Get ready
for bim.
Teta lost 'brooch advertised in last
week's inn of Tam Pon was found and
restored to its owner. Ib pays to
T. P. SISITw, 000nlist, will make his
regular trip to Brnseels on Wednesday,
May 25th, and may be consulted at Jae.
Foe's drug store.
OWING to the burning of the betel at
Fordwieh the License Oommieeionere
will meet in Brunets next Tuesday,
instead of Wednesday of the following
COUNOTGLOR BAEIKER has sold his are
of land ore Taroberry street to Thos.
Nloholle who recently disposedof bis
property. The house from the Driver
lot will be moved and fitted op. Pelee i9
said to be $650.
—Buftding committee mob at House of
Refuge Clinton on Tuesday. The ex
casting is about completed. There is a
lot of material, snob as stone, lumber,
lath, sand, &o, on the ground. The
architect is to be asked to melee iu-
epeotion of work and material as soon as
convenient. The foundation is solid
HEADED mem LIST.—A. abort time ago
D. 0. Rose made a Mebane erip to
Kinoardioe and while there took a hand
is the Gan Club's shoot. He topped the
score at 21. Hie brother Robert was
second with 20, Olay pigeons were used
and each party bad 25 rounds, This line
of sport rather rune in the Ross family
and we believe our townsmen, J. T.
Roes, eonid score a top notch sie0,
LIEOLY Oonre,—A, ()nrrfe and Jno.
Hewitt purchased two "Replan" oolte,
from a breedy dam, from W. Douglase,
5th fine, Mortis, that should develop lobo
something good. They are aged 1 and 2
years reepeotively. The older one will
be traoked a little Ibis Spring while the
younger will be put out t0 grass. There
ebonid be some money in these melte for
She parobasere, particularly if they
develop speed as bhey are likely to,
PARTING G1FTe,—Mo1313ay'e Stratford
Beacon says :—A. M. Kay, who for the
peat sixteen years has been assisted
postmaster ab the general offine here, and
who has resigned that position to take
the postmaeterebip of "Stratford Sta.
Mon" ofboe, was tbe recipient of a gold
beaded umbrella on Saturday from the
staff of the general office. The gift
carries with it warm good wishes and is
a testimonial of the popularity which
Mr, Kay bee attained witbhis oo workers.
The exoelienoe of Mr. Key's sem/fees
iu the poet office here are well known and
hie thorough imam; in the new oftioe in
confidently looked for.
NOT Ooan&OT,—•A party oomplaine to
as tbat "In Tan Pose fa to be found are•
oord of every little dog fight around Bros.
Baia, wbile many important facts are
omitted." We beg have bo eay that we
have not been reporting either little or
big dog fights end do our beet to discover
the latest, moat interesting and import.
ant news for our aolomhe. We do not
sOmnipresess the a eeitb fwand either
nboever d
nor many
Rama are ooneequently not enured. It
pentane who have interesting matters in
their possession would see that we are
made aoquainted with the fade they
would do us a great fame and add to the
general interest of Tao Pon. It bakes a
a great deal of gabbering every week to
ge0ure the calame we publish while a few
minutes would be all that was neaeeeery
to the individual who would lend a band
in supplying newsy items.
Bowtiga OLDS.—:Che annual meeting
of Battens Bowling Olob was bald in the
Cloonail chamber en Tueedoy evening.
D. 0. Roes wee voted to the chair and
alba the winding up of last year's busi•
nese, the fallowing offieere were duly
sleeted for 1904 :—Hon. Preeident, Dr.
J. A. MoNaughton ; President, Jno. l:f.
Hewitt; Vice President, H. James ;
Sooy..Treasurer, H. L. Jackson. The
ettips for 1904 will be :—D. C. Roee, Dr.
1leNangbton, H. James, H. L. Jaokeen,
Jno. Hewitt and A. Ooneley. Oonimittee
of Management was eleoted as fsllowe
D: C. Ross; A. 1vlononald, A. E. Mellish,
1e. Downing and The. Farrow. Mem.
berehip fee was plead at $3 00, same &e
last year but it was reeoroed to admit
new beginnere at the game to fall man.
betellip at a$2,00 fee able season, The
Club le ire a peospeeotte oondition and their
lawn 11 ie ex soled will be better then
any previoae year,
Gana DIRT hasbis well drilling
oulheready for operation.
A mew emoting has been pat up at W.
Duuasn'e tonsorial parlor,
Ice Create, seoond to none at Moe.
Ke a's, Give it a trial and you will emy
BO2(0 Bi08 strings of fieb have been
hooksa in the Maitland daring the peat
Ice cream signs one more are set to
trap the unwary young mau who has a
best girl.
DR. Hoorne' fancy blank driver bad the
misfortune to reoeive a bad ant on her
right fore toot by the shoe on her bind
foot and is having holidays for a while,
WmDNESDAY Arthur McGuire had some
damage done to his right hand white
working a aloha maobioe at the ()ober
Yancey. Wallops he will soon be o, k,
ON Friday evening, May 18111, the first
league match will be played on Viototia
Pak. Seatorth ve. Bassets, Inter•
mediate W. F. A. Champions, Game
called at 6 o'olook.
M. H. Mooiu, V. S., will move his
stable bo a poa)tion on bis lot facing
Market street, will enlarge the building,
veneer le with metal aiding, fit up en
office iu it and make other improvements
tbie Beason.
Joao HoNTEn, who moved to Brussels
last Fell from Morris, has parohased the
house and let, John street, from Thos.
Newsome. There is a } sore of laud,
Mr. Hunter will build a stable on the lot.
The pries paid was $1200.
Jam BATE.hrAN, who recently moved to
towu, is now engaged buying bogs and
lambs for Geo. A. Beet, drover. Mr.
Bateman knows the country and people
well and ebuuld make a 8060855 of it.
Hie health is male better we ere pleased
10 state.
D. MONAUaIITON, the well known
meobanic, win go to Mihbank shortly to
build a sawmill' fur John Ament,
formerly of Bruseele, The latter has a
beading factory and grain chopping mill
there and the sawmill will be added to 18,
the same power being utilized, Sawmill
will be ready for opetatiun next Fall.
What Mr. Mao. don's know about this
cease of work is unknown to the majority
of meoteoiae, The expectation of the
0. P. 11. se noosing quite a boom to
Milibeuk and the viileg a is antfuipatfng
VRTERAae. Wednesday of last week
Mre. Jane Hell celebrated her 89th birth-
day. A few lady friends called 00 her,
et Mre. Meadows' and afrer making a
few birthday presents had tea with bar.
The old lady was greatly pleased over
the "party,"—Mre. Hagg, who resides in
the Norton terrane, was 85 years of age
on Friday and in the afternoon a non-
grataletory gathering of a few of her
friends was held at her home and tea
seived before the company separated.
Tan POST extends oougratu•atioue to the
ladies mentioned in their attainment of
these annivereariee in the enjoymeut of a
fair ebare of health.
ARIEL MILLS.—Mmhday morning of this
week 1he saw mill owned by P. Amens, at
Ariel, Moekoka, aummenoed work on a
million feet at logs. It will take about
two months bo out the stook, The mill
15 situated about a of a mile from what
is called the by -dock. It le 600 feet long
end 100 feet high, It is about 4,± miles
from the thriving village of Sento River
sad 6i, miler] from Trout creek. The
Mill so only 200 yards ftom the railway
imitate and the lumber can be loaded
very easily, Mr. Ament bee a very fine
stock of loge which iuoludee, birch, hem
look, pine and spree end we hope be
will do well with it, There are some 25
head! employed at the prated time and
a boarding house is run for the maven.
ienoe of the men. In addition to P,
Amens and hie eon Will, there are Allan
Lemont, Wm. Gordon, Mark Buchanan
and Marler rlefoKay from Brussels in the
company, If all the help is as good alt
the lirosnefites the work should advents
with a reale.Q uit a
t e trade is done foam
thio mill in pulp wood, tan bark, elabe and
long and short wood.
Too Stratford Daily Beaton said :—
',Stratford Station," the new poet office
on Waterloo street Boath, opened on
Monday and it ie eau to gay that the
expeotatione of many as to its interior
appearance and the enbetantfubility of Ito
appointmeute are more than surpassed,
Office has been laid out in eunh a way
that spade is finely economized, without
any depat'tmeut of the onoe itself or the
accommodation for the pnblie being
stinted. In the first pfeos it may be
8tated teat the new office will reoeive and
and one Its mail independently of the
main office, and between the two there
will be two daily deliveries. The office
has 220 boxee and 16 drawers. Some of
the boxes are of the olaee known ae
"oath" There ie no door to it, fiat Aha
holder oah ees if there ie any mail for
him and pall for it at wicket. The
several depertmsate of the office are well
laid and convenient, Between the office
itself and the adloioing store is lin arch.
This shore will ettbet be fitted up by the
postmaster, Mr. Kay, himself, or rented
to some merchant. People of the South.
ern part of the city will find the new
office a greet conveuienee and under Mt,
Bay's efioienb management thoroughly
reliable and a000mmadating," Poet.
Mader Key ie a brother to Mre. W, H.
Rett, of Braesele, and be wee a former
resident, from his babybeed to manhood,
Standard Bank of Canada
Lhf9S'17,A.,'Sx+x6FT•�9 ae7m
AseleT9i •-• OVER TRIRTrliel 14I1,1.I010 I)OLLAlt5
Cel (enteral itUuteleins X5nsiUew)e 7111•11nlAllrteell
ANK`-v~—DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and npwarda reoeivsd on which
ie added to 0euant9 every six months and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits witbonb the intervention of any parson,
only for which no (Marge is meds.
YOUR BUSINESS will reoeive our careful and oonrte0105 attention.
Tun Ltviogaton lot, corner of Maple
and Mug ebreets, bee been purchased by
B. Gerry.
TEACRER9' Oonveotion for East Huron
will be held in Seaforth on Friday and
Saturday of next week.
BARRISTER SINCLAIR was in :Toronto this
week luukiug after the interests of the
oorporatian in the appeal Sewer snit. It
acme up for hearing ou Thursday but
reeulte were nob known when we went
to press.
G. T. Ie.—The outgoing shipments this
week frem the G. T. R. consisted of the
todowtog t-6 care ealt from Seepage
Salt Works ; 4 are of baled bay aad 2
oars nateby A. Beaker ; A. 0. Dames, a
ear of hogs ; R. Graham, oar of wheat
and 2 oars of Date ; Geo, Beet, oar of
hogs ; N. M. Riabardeon, oar Batiest's'
effects N
to Manor, , W. T. 18 pare in
ell, Inward there rues a oar of cement
for Wilton & Turnbull end te oar of atone
for the Marble Works.
A HUSTLING INeTIrorroN: The Oober
carriage Works are doing a big bueiness
Ibis 0588on putting at least 300 of their
well known buggies on the market, besides
wagons, etc. Their riga are mode iu the
latest and beet styles and finish and
commend themselves wherever they go.
The factory, although a fine big one,
with meeeoremsute of 32x110 feet, 2
stories high, and a one story wing 30x100
feet, is not large enough to a000mmodate
the growing bueinese and an addition ie
talked of by putting an additional story
on the wing and building an office at the
trout, They have a 85 hp, boiler and a
25 hp, omnpennd engine whioh sets
whirling the many and various machines
utilized in the various departments of the
faotory. Mears. Oober give personal
enpervision to the business and have had
e, long and wide experience. Every
Butter made last year was Bleared out
and already material is being gotten
ready for next Wiuter'e output. Nearly
every day sees the outgoing of baggiee to
different parts of the Oonnty where their
goods are handled and they are afraid
they have underestimated the quantity
this season by the way orders are canting
in. Their factory is a busy spot.
last Saturday Postmaster Farrow re
waived a telegram apprising him of Aho
sad intelligence of the decease of hie
daughter-in•law, Mre. H. W. Farrow.
She bed been ill with typhoid fever et
Windsor, where Mr, Farrow's home is
and had been taken to the hospital so as
to reoeive the beet of are in 0008108.
The following are the sorrowful patio -
Wars :—Early Saturday morning Mrs.
Farrow jumped from a seemed story wire•
dow of the Hotel Dieu, Windsor, iu
wheel) hospital she was et patient, strik-
ing her heed on the ground, aud sustain-
ing injuries from which she died two
hours Tater. Mrs. Farrow who lived at
136 Oburcb street, became ill about a
week ago with typboid fever, and on
Monday was removed to Hotel Dieu,
The fever brought on delirium and her
condition became so bad that it wag de
oided to have her under wabob day and
night. About 2 o'clock Saturday, mov
ing while delirious, Mrs. Farrow jumped
oat of bed and merle a dash for the win•
Sow using a obair to get up to the sill,
which was about 4 feet from the floor,
The sister in renege grabbed her, but the
woman broke away. The sister stented
for betp, hut quick ag a flub the window
was rained, and the pataeut threw her•
self to the ground. In her desoent she
struck against a tree and plunged through
a bush before ehe lender, on the gravel
pathway. When fouud it appeared ae
Clough she had lost her aped], ea she
made several attempts to talk, but could
not utter a sound. The only wounds
that could be seen were two small
eorabohee, one on her forehead and the
other on the bridge of her nose. These
were probobly oaased by striking against
the tree, or in passing through the bosh.
Mr. Farrow had been to gee his eiok wife
the evening previone and also had a
confidential talk with the dootor who
assured him that Mre, Farrow was pro.
greasing as favorably as they could ex-
pect. Her temperatnce had reduced 0015
degree, The husband went to his home
and tried to Bleep bat could not and
about 3.80t tbe be phoned to b capital and
tusked how his wife had re9ted and was
inf, r ed that she wee very ill and
on hie hastening over fonod not to his
nnepeakable sorrow what had hnppened.
Although unable to speak Mrs. Furrow
wee ooneolene and her eyes followed
him wherever he moved and about 2
hours after his arrivel the vital spark
dud, The deceased was a daughter of
the late James Johnston, of Palmerston,
and one time resident of this locality,
lamiliarly known as "Gentleman
Jimmy." She was married two years
ago to het bereft partner and eine then
they had made tbeir home in Chatham
and Winded, The enbjeot of this
note wee a bright, Wever woman bo•
loved by all who knew her and her un.
expected doeess bas eeueed widespread
rogreb and evoked many expreeeions of
sympathy for her lonely Muahand, who
Wag well known here having been deputy
postmaster for several years with hie
fatbet before seaming officio ne mail
clerk on the railway. Monday a suitable
funeral 8ervloe wan mandated at Win-
eor by Bev, Mr. Brown, Methodist
minister before the remains were remove.
ed to Palmerston for iutermsnt, which
took place Tuesday forenoon, Rev. Dr,
Heudereon being the ofiioiating elergy-
Men. Postmaster and Mrs, Farrow, of
Brns8ele ; Joe, Farrow, of London, and
Martin Furrow, of. Ottawa, brothere 10
the bereft and L. O'Connor, of Thorold,
a brother -in law, attended the fetneeal,
Mr. Farrow bas gone to Ottawa for Wrest
after hie very trying experience before
rase/Mug hie duties to the mail serviee
between Windsor and London.
BLACKSNAKE whip lost on the sideroad
near • Oraubrook, Finder will mole
oblige by leaving ft with the owner,
Jaw. MCNABB, 0ranbreek.
AooIDENT.—The other day Jas. W, Fox,
while employed at the Salt Works, had
one of the bones croaked in bis left leg by
etre upsetting of a dump cart fall of salt
on it. He is able to get around a little
with a crutch at present.
TIDY OUTFIT.—D, EwRo & Go , *.aye a
very tidy steam outfit in their Carriage
Works here now fu tbe deeps of a 7 bp,
engine and a 12 hp. boiler by which are
operated a platter, band saw, sander,
small eras out saw, buzz planer, end e,
drilling mania. The whole outfit
works like a charm and facilitates the
carriage making operatiooe very
materially. They have everything iu
fall sluing and are pushing business,
sittings of tbe 4th Division Ooart was
held in Town Rall, Brussels, on Wednee•
day of this week before Judge Holt.
Docket was made up of the following
omaes :—Jamee vs. Beattie, setieu oil
a000nut. Verdiot of non•euib, Hughes
vs. Lookridge, alien on moment. Jadg
mat for pleinilff for $84.27, Standard
Bank garnishee paid tbe amount, J.
W. Soots, Olifford, ve. Jas. Parish, on
note, "Judgment for plaintiff for $70 00
and costa. Ionia vs. Tranvia, B. Burk
garnishee. The anima of Tennant's
estate claimed the money aid reoeiyed it,
be paying the coats. Kemp, of Lietowel,
vs. Robertson, suit for monument. Ver-
dict for defendant and plaintiff ordered
to take monument away.
STATI81I0AL—The following items are
taken from Assessor Oousley'e roll, which
by the way ie a very tidy one, and will
give our readers a somarisou with
a0855501e131 of Brinesle for 1904 with
1903 :-
1904 1908
Value real property ..$289,260 9288,085
,t personal " .. 33,975 97,025
of income.... 2,600 3,460
Total value of above.. 825,636 328,510
Population 1,224 1,210
Persona between b & 21 800 841
Ne, of dogs 49 52
bitohee 6 1
" ' boilers 17 15
" " cattle 88 89
" ' sheep 6
" hogs 59 88
" horde 152 140
The falling off in the real estate assess.
cant ie doe to burning of Ament rectory
and damage by fire to MuOteughey block.
In persona} property there is le drop
owing to dogleg down of Woolen factory.
There is a alight inmate in population
Onootre—REIT,—The Gananoque Jour-
nal, of April 27th, speaks of the marriage
of a former Breaeele young man as
follows :—"A pretty house wedding took
place in Gananrgnelast Wednesday evert-
ing at the re8ide0Ue of D. J. and Mrs.
Reid, Tanner street, when their eldest
daughter, Mists Beatrice Alberta, was
united iu marriage to Harry Armstrong
Crooks, of Paris, Ont. The ceremony,
whioh took place under an arab of ever
greens, weal performed by Rey, Hy.
Graney, pastor of St. Andrew's ohuroh,
while Prof. W. H. Jaime] e] played the
wedding aeleotioue. The bride wore n
beautiful gave of white embroidered
chiffon over ivory taffeta with rood point
applique, and a prettify arranged veil of
tulle. She oarried a bouquet of white
rouse and maidenhair fern. The only
ornament worn was a sunbaret of
diamonds and pearls, the gift of the
groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Ethel
Reid, wore white olliffon with insertion
of oluoy lace over nils green silk ; while
the fiowet girl, blies Clara Reid, was
daintily gowned in white organdy, and
both oarried oarmttione. The beet man
was Dr, W. R. Conner, of Gouverneur,
N. Y. The several rooms were prettily
festooned with streamers of tissue, while
pink roses and daffodils were touch in
evidea58. The many handsome wedding
gifts were tastily arranged in the sibting
room and where male admired by the
many gnats present. After the oere-
mony and offerings of congratulations,
refreehmenbs were served. The bridal
couple left for their home in Pattie on the
morning train, the bride's going -away
gown being a navy blue broadcloth and a
navy hat with seated geraniums. The
bride was exceeding popular among her
many friends in Gaoanngne, who will
patty miee her genial companionship.
The groom is a young man who during
hie reeidenoe here soma years ago made
himself well and favorably known and
has lately oetabliebod himself in the
ding buaineia in Paris. Congratulations
aro extended both for a long and happy
life." The many Mende of Mr, Crooke
in this locality wish him and his bride
merry yens& of hsppineee.
Fire did $15,000 damage to Thos. Sen-
na' bent factory at Montreal,
The 7'oronlo Preahylery will ergo a
repeal of the law permitting betting on
ma traits.
About a thousand members' Were
weed at the meeting of the Presby.
Milan Woman's Foreign Mieieue,ry
Safety at Toronto,
Rev. A. 0. Crewe, llev, Gardner 8,
Eldeidge, 13, Ae, and Rnv, Jame H,
White reactive(' honorary D. D. degrees
tram Victoria University.
Itis reported the freight business on
the lakee will be completely tied up owing
to difference between the Lalte Carriers'
Aesooiatdod and the Mestere and pilot8,
CAPITAL—raid tln $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND $1,000,000
It/RV, R, 11. WARDEN, 19, 1),
Directors S, J, 31001010,
t°reehlent, Vise -President.
Trios, D)t*D50AB', F I,A, ere nONO1 Atli. w, rrenTIA0En mum, 10.0. p. E. 010000500, R. (1.
HEAD OP/=ICE - roRoNro
W, D, 11088 - - G17NR1tAL MANAGl7R
Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
fie rmas Awes Pa.e r°el!rrr, r
Intend at 1IIGIIEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all annus of 91 end npwarda
A. 77. MELLISH, Manager.
Business Locals.
A quantity of manure for axle. Apply
to JNo. Contin,
PASTURED for a number of ete005,
Apply to Taos. Moon, Braseels,
Two good eeomtd band refrigerators for
sale, cheap. R. LRATRERRALE &BON,
WANTED.—Eggs 140. If you want Re
eternal Spring and Summer Drees Goode'
as imported—see mare.
G.13. KIND, Wingbnm.
JUST arrived this week car of the
famous brand of Hercules Damen*.
Agents for the 19eroules & Bangeon brand
of cement. WILTON & TURNBULL,
GARDEN SNEns,—All kinds of Garden
seeds in paokages 20 per package, 15 for
26o. Tested first -man seeds
CARPET loom with warper and spooler,
bobbins, ebonies &e, for sate at s reason-
able price. Apply to R, Anderson,
Elizabeth street, Brussels.
SIDEBOARD and a dozen high baokabairs
for sale also a couch and a number nt
piotnree, &a. For partioulars as to
locality reek at TIE Pon.
O00AN5 nod Sewing Machines ()leaned
and repaired. Also Organs and Sewing
Machines toe sale, Apply to Tomas
Moan, Brussels. 82
WILTON & TURNBULL desire all their
onstomers who wish to put in their
Wieder supply of coal eo leave their order
for May delivery. They would advise all
to get their coal in now at oheap prfoee
as call will advance in price each month.
Best Lehigh and Scranton coal,
8111(i1(1)1 CHIMES.
Thee, Straohan attended the meeling
of the Presbyterian Synod at Hamilton
Wit weep.
W. H. Kerr was eleoied repreeoutative
from Brnseels Metbodisb church to the
Wiugl,am District meeting at Iiinoardine
to be held on May 26th.
Melville church W. P. M. B. wee
represented at the anneal Convention at
Toronto this week by Mrs. (Rev.) Rose,
Mre. J. Leckie and Mrs. N. M. Riobard-
"Faith, worshipping and walking with
God" was Rev. Mr. Roes' enbjeot in
Melville church last Sabbath morning
and in the evening "Obeist's portrait of
Rev. T. Coma took as hie theme lash
Sabbath morning "Crossing the Red
Sea," and in the evening "Shining for
Jena." The sacrament was diepeneed
after the morning sermon and the teeth
many meeting held after the die000ree in
the evening.
RenoN,—Pursuant to Power of Sale contain-
ed in the last Will and Testament of Rloli-
ard Sperling, deoeaned, there will he offered
for Saleby public duo tion, on SATURDAY,
TEE 810•VANTE DAY 01r MAY, A. D. 1904,
at the hour of one o'clock p. m,, ou the
premises by F. S. Scott. Auctioneer, the
West twenty -dye acres of Lot number 28, in
the Mb Con, of the Township of Molintop,
to the County of Huron, The land le all
cleared, with the exception 02 a small strip
of hush, well drained, fenced and watered
and situated about nine miles from the
Town of Seaforbb and about seven miles
9r0m the Village of llrussele. Chore is a
small orchard on the premises. The build-
ings, which are 1n good repair, consist of a
frame bath with stone foundation. 82042
feet, mud a frame boogie 18024 feet, with kit•
eben at the roar, Title indisputable.
TIMIS 0)f SALIK —Ten per cent, of the
putobase money on the date of sale to be
paid to the Vendor or his Solicitor and the
Valance in 00 days thereafter, but immed-
iate poese'eiou can be given. The lauds
will be offered subj sot to a reserve bid, For
lurtller mertionlare apply to Alex. Gardiner,
the Executor 1 F. S. Scott, the Auctioneer;
W1117am Easton, the oeoupant, or
Solicitor for the Executor.
Dated abBrneaele, this 27th day mi April,
A, D., 1004.
Next Sabbath Rev, Jno, Rose, B. A.,
will preaeh at Doffs ohurab, Walton, and
Rev, A. MeoNab, M. A., will occupy
Melville oburch pulpit here.
Maitland Presbytery and the Women's
Presbyterial Missionary Society will
meet in Brnseels on Tuesday 17th suet.
The former will hold their gabhering fu
the Methodist ohuroh,
The Sabbath School room and class
roma at the lvlsthediet church have beeu
in bhe hands of the painters, kaleominsrs
and paper hangers this week and will
look very tidy when all is oeropleted.
S. E. Beckett, of Kiotail,'was amen -
fill in capturing the Obanoellor'e Bohol-
arebip iu Theology at Queen's Univer•
airy, having obtained the highest marks
in this sul•jeot et the recent exatnioati005.
It hi worth $70. Mr, Beckett is known
to a number in Brussels as be taught
bete as a substitute for Brineipal
Cameron for a short while,
At a meeting of the Methodist.
Preebyterian and Congregational minis
tete of Ottawa, a resolution moved by
Rev. G, F. Stilton, Methodist, eeeonded
by Rev, J. 13. Turnbull, Preebyterien,
and supported by Rev. 11. L, Horsey,
Congregationalist, was carried nen.
imonely deolering in favor of oburch
union. The resolution was sant to the
central committee, which met ht Tor-
Trauma—In Wroxeter, on Tuesday,
April 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Tilmore, a eon.
CARN00NAN—?J10101L,—At the }Ranee,
Oran brook, an April 27th, by Rev.
D. B. McRae, Mr. John Canon in,
to Mise Annie, daughter of Mr, Con.
rad Michel, both of Grey.
INt1AN—Sallee.—In New Yurk oily, on
April 10th, 1904, Mr, Lewis Lunen,
of New York, to Mise Jane Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mee. Alex.
Smith, of Wroxeter.
BATURDAT, afar 7.—Farm, Farm stook,
impteu)ente and household furniture,
West $ lot 28, eon, 18, MoRdiop.
Eaetou, Prop. ; F. B. Scott, no.
Yr ii, 1904
T. P. Smith,
Graduate of New York, Philadelphia, and
Toronto Optioal Oollegt,e, will be at
Fox's Dru store
Wednesday, May 25th
Osll early and avail youreelt of
hie yeenablo servioee.
'MA91194'1109/ FI15:T,,
?2V M ae7B.i.-. ....:t 110710E'Y'FS,
Fall Wheat 87 88
Barley 88 40
Pea 56 60
Oats 27 28
Batter, tube anti refs.,12 30
Eggs per dozen 11 12
Hay per too G 00 7 00
Flour, per ort 4 00 5 00
Potatoes per bus 50 50
Appleo (per bbl.) 75 1 00
Salt, per bbl., retell 1 00 70
Hoge, Live 4 60 4 75
Wool 15 16
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the Debate of Richard
Sperling, late of ibe Township of
leloKillop, in the Oouuty of Huron,
Barmier, deceased,
Notion 15 hereby given, purouant to "Tho
Revised Statutes of Ontario" 1897,olap for
120, and amendments thereto, ilea en es ed.
Ruta and others, baying claims against the
estate of the said Richard Sparked, who
dlbel on sr abort the Sixteenth day of April
A.D. 1801, aro l,gnlred on or before the
Seventh day of May, 4, D. 1004, to send by
post pre -paid, or deli»er to W. me similar,
of the Village of Brussels, iu the County o/
lineae, Soho,tor forAlexunder Gardiner, the
I:xtoutor, of she last will uu,0 tattooed of
the said Richard Sperling deoeased, their
abristian nod surnames, addresses and dos-
oriptioue, the full particulars of their Matins
the stater. exits of their aeeounte, and the
nature of the seouritteo, 11 ally heldby them.
And thither take notice that, after such
last mentioned date, the said repeater will
proceed to distribute the assets ul the de
ceased, among tbel:urtiee entitled thereto,
having legato' only to the olalme,ibf width he
shall thea bare notice, and he wilt not be
liable for the said assets or any part there-
of, to guy person or persons, of whose
claim notice ,hall not have been received, at
the time of each distribution. Dated tea
Twont,oth day of Apuil A, D. 1004, W. 11f.
SINCLAIR, Solicitor. 5,r Alexander Gardiner
the Executor, of the .I dermas59.
WE are now ready for 1904
with a larger stook of Buggies
than ever we had and a walk
through our Show Rooms will
convince intending purchasers
what our stock is. We Have kept the lead and intend to do so if
good rigs will do it.
We have added to our Boggy Top this season a Spring to prevent the
bolts and rivets from breaking. This hag beau a long felt want.
We bave 4 styles of Axles—Dab and Oil Proof, Long Dietanoe, 1000
Miles, and the Noiseless Axles, also a few of the old styles.
Ali Steel Body Hangers and all trimmed with beet Leather.
Along with our own 13uggies we handle a number of first-class
Factory Buggies.
Our Wagons are all Oak with 2 • and 8 inch tires ; Trucks and
Medium size.
Wo invite every intending pntohaeer'to call and Buy
from ae and save money.
EWA & Co
21501,$,1.11 VS, lOILLltlt,
Pursuant to the judgment hereto there
w111 be offered for eale wits the approbation
of the Master of the Supreme Court of
endieatnre at Goderlob, en Wednesday the
11th day of May, A, 0, 1904 at twelve o',
olook noon at Gotonn's Rotel, in the Village
of Wroxeter, the following valuable feral
property, namelyThe North halves of
lots fifty three and �fifty four in the first
concession of the said Township of Morrie,
containing Ono Bondrod acres, more or
lege, Ninety sores of the Bard lauds are
cleared the balance in hardwood bale.Tho eoil is a play 1oam, The farm is boor.
droughty uudordrained, well fanned, and
well watered, having two wells and the
Maitland tv)ver mauled the rear of the farm.
There are two acres of first Claes apple 0r -
dined, The bonding oonshit of a good
frame bonito, large bank barn and a geed
frame driving abed, all in flood repair. The
farm is well situated for market beteg seven
tutlee from tbo thriving town of Wind-
ham and three and /our mlleereepootivoly
from the Villages of leluevale and Wroxeter,
to all of which there are good gravel roads.
Tho lend is at present antler lase to Jobn
D. Millon rut a rental of 11200 per year with
taxes, oto„ which lease will terminate on
the Orot day of April A. D, 1000, The Bale
will be eubjssb be tag lease, Arne lands will
be offered in ono parcel enbjeot to a reserve
bid. Tames of SALE --Tell per Dant on tbo
day of Salo to the ;Plaintiff's Solboitor, and
the balance to be paid into Court within
thirty days thereafter. The other terms
andaonditlone of the Sigh Comb of Juetioe.
A'urttler particulars may bo had from the
Undersigned; F. W. Aaroonrtt,, Weald Guard-
ian, Toronto ; Dtekineon & Garrow, Barris -
Lars, Goderi012 stud Mesre, 1'rontltoot,
rim& histo, Barristers, Godorloh, Dated
this 19011 day of April 4. 1),1001,
"n, L, Doyle"
Local Master at doderfob,
81 ..Vahetoho, nee.,
Solider for Plaintiff,. 41.8
F@$2500saved on every Ica by plaing
your ordure for pantal Pelson Twn.Binder
i wine
In addition to Ghia the Twine is put
np in good Grain Bags tied with 8 Rope Batten, oomplete with snaps uud rings, We
are agents far the lownehips of Grey, Morrie and MoKil'lop.
Pere Manila, ,650 ft 121e Farmers' Special, 060 tb,,,... 110
Pure Manila, 000 tt 1111 s reamers' Spoke!, 500 ft 10 0
Terms Daub or lo, added for payment ()aloha 181. Samples at the twine, grain bugs
and halters to be seen at one Stere,
7 The Quality, not the Price, le the fleet''rata s Food consideration iu parmhaeiu Stook Food,
Pratte Food has been in nae for over 80
year5, It captured the Medd and the Diploma at the World's Fair, 013(oago, 1808,
Now is the season to feed Peat's Food to your Horse, cattle, Sheep, Piga and
Poultry. Pratt's Food, put up in pails, ret the moat profitable pa0kag8, Pima of
pails, $1,25 and 52 50, Money restarted it Pratt'e Food well not do what 15 claimed
for it.
'yds Cement
We ere agents t'ce the Han.
l �- a� g q over and the • aro I -
Portland Il n e5 re.
grads only and that the
BEST. The beet results can only bo obtained by n5iO3 the best Cement. Cement
Companies will not guarantee a vela only for tate month of April, Prate for April
$2 26,, By ordering your 08ment at once you will get this price, Later on Cement
may advance,
ereleapetel llegoit leaeleetelelieliell
A. M. o A V CO.