HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-5, Page 7rr I I . I .. I . � .I -1.1 -.1.1-1111.1 11. . . I . . . . 1. � . � I I i -: �
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0 r Of ffQaOaIQgY, Which X-Teetor, I —
chapto � adva - - 1" �
I o4e<o(U, his not #?�OA*-, F O)f �'0,:iC*;Y-,O-,I;,0,4,�,0,19*Ye. .
;; V Ad sot on more actclal and hic. "090 to k1IOW how they ]lave oil me, I Was Inclined to think it a
, I 10 madlat . a things, sklifuned ungracious,.. r4k, � b 012 k it .grotesque flarody, It was not "bufibl., :
I V A g tile Carly do" At Ail, '
V (lays or weeks of its life, should nov. "I don't bellows It all," I said to ,
. V T Ilmlornitions a _ I
I ", V ll�hroligh tortuous cire 11 piopilhAt Is Stunted in A
' G n
iy I he followed ilia old moric to the ker- qVi U 09' have a Place In the brooding herd. him. "Is It true, all that weepling?" � .. I
� ", A WOMAN'S Lovt Kiel of the frlatter, which, frosty, read N III[ FONI A'boar or sow, that has notIlIng to X EAN ..
y i�i ��!
J� ,+, went thmq I 0 - ee�101, recommend It but Its pedigree, should ANVELATION IN TNE IJOU1,,. "
.1 � 41 "So fall, a Childhood and so aj-u- ZZ619 ' be selit by the ollorLent route to tile TXa did ,not roply, and I looked 1. I .
;1 1,' dious an odolpscence, under, tile tattPining pen, down And saw the big teal,$ falling
�q I i OR, A BROTHER'S PRO111SE tender Auspices (if Saint Pornardino, BUTTER roll 00JJD STOTIAGE, Swarnis of vormin 11 CURIOSITIES
; . V , 91. � .
I On a Pig will linellocked from b;s eyes, It was true,
. :
" led hira 'lot unwIlting to 'br` gain Of The Principal thing to keep in n I 4 ROOIl cause a staring coat of hatir, then, after all. The actorn wora faith- ***,,+�vpvo*,*,K*+',V#��)ti3O)K#"*
� Z is . it, D�� " N,o Pill. i, - manhood, i0ifall, opened, to reverts when Illaliiug- bu I n dull appearance, heavy cars �
OF %ql tter for storag and fully presenting to tilt, public, a phase Therot ,are 130 ban.kruptry courts bA .
. beyond tile road of honor glittering 11 is to hanging tail. of Japanese life chat ilia persons th
CITAII'Tfat x vr.— (Coll ti nued.) at all, At ELI], What happens after WJth refits or abival loburn, wash and work the butter in
ry, and bordered ' 'y Korea. once a Korean contrkots a I
. ,,, Thicz W101n. a quarter of a mile I Carl, Away Stumpa An, Ills throops I Ith, the rldi fruits of a high soul. : such a way that tile )east gulaunt of represented would never have reveal- .
Of the admiral's v SE11-11ING A GATE debt, he call never escape from It*
. . ship, as the red is no calic4n of molim, Bura tile "After all those great doe(is, which I curd will be left in the butter. Curd I POST. ad. Xciron, is tile only Country WhOro . I
'If,"proclaimed liar, tile acivornor place it yo loike--it, raised him to ilia king's royol favor ife"tabes the food to" tile baotorla, Have a large solid chestil it post to So, without plot anti with muct the marriage certificate $a equally
�whlch will grow Ill butter and Cause b repetition at Iturldant, the play ,
I . . L. a notillit' to a's' and to notable faine with the coni- "'PrIll with. Then aim tolmako the jdc)dp one half being given to the
troos broke, at a signal, into a Yo take ilia, now ?,, ran div
* Crys S PedacO set-Pleac, of ftme. In "I take, You I r a gentleman, Ad- 111011 People, be, hav,ing wearied it to be strong, Writes Prot, Farrlagw bOttOnI Of the post Jimclovablo, on, But the thing about it all that TIusilt the other to the wife.
.. ;* 4 Second balf EL hundred scarehlights hilral O'llara, , 'a , somewhat of achlovement anti thal toil , Trumping near the surface. is or little WAS of striking Incident won tilat tile Every Korean husband in Answer-
� i picked Out evol'y bolt of list,, every "I Won't wrOlte a lolne, sorr, but pleasures or. the Court, betook hini The 1109t way to remove curd In the use. Make the hole large enough to , audience enjoyed and applaudeel and able for the conduct of bis wife. ;
� �, o"Jon a' J"I'll'untely Should she break Lilly of tile ordir-
� � '.1 button of liar Captain's pen -jacket. Fergus O"flare's word is Fergus O'- to his castle, IslOte, ]a 13011a, ,Itho ; list] al process of butter making it, to lealre a mix Inch sriace all around the shared 1" A ravel,
Across tile narrow (macc, of water ITara's b-ind. , Tell the lady I'll do fine Indies, to whom. his cocurLesy I PIP011 11,110 cream to rather a high Par Pont- Place tile post, brace It Personal 0111OLIOns Oil tile stago tblit ary laws, he must suitor in her
� Come a hollow througli a mogapholla, tile best TOP bar, for the P%ko of the was as noisod abroad as was hialcent, of acid (About 6), churn At a straight, then Put in About elglitacialnot 011A of them would havo ricurmitt- toad,
11 wid in answer the 33ril,Ish nag twits beautiful latter she's written ins. Prow"sa-i'lit, Judea(], to all woniou, ; tomilei-ature of about 55 degrees, Inches of broken rock and pour liquid 'd 1111110elf to make even In the priv- S -No Korean mAy go upon the roof I
run up and dipped. And from the Goody-byo, sorr—all,—Ijurry. -up Wan hooLhe pink-langulshed for 11111, I tben'wasli the butter, thoroughly in a coluent (throc, Parts PartiAna oemelit Any of his own bonle, and before ills
-1 bridge of ilia Governor of Lagos yor thronsports I- arid s light his love; but tit him, (churn with water of nearly parts tile space To- If was 4 Phas" Of tlaP- Ionic, ,.
save Courtney, gat they nothing. Foritemperaturn As tile butter. It ought nialcing a solid Inalionvy settjog, ,ph, anciso life which can be seen only in 1,
wont a brother bellow of 'Important the same 01%) sand) Into _;' O'll POOP of his house, not even to repair a I
I without legal poriallpalon and �'
" ,dispatches for the admiral." ' without giving due notice to all Ilia
Ili what seemed to the Orange . CmIrTER XVII, QOd ]loll no Mado him that his heart i to be %QShOd two or, three tilljcR, an POSt Of the hole talay be filled with Ithe theatre, and yet it was true, Its neighbors. . .
in love as fit honor, aimad only at 'this is tile Place In the process ,whore rocks and earth. leffect upon thp, patriotic People ill the I
� King a More As Motor stood berqra the four- the highest, still Ill The Inost important duty of every .
couple of seconds he can portrai 'i's ROUJ was he � tile Curd Is best removed, Alter audience ,was marked. when In one housewife in Xorea. is to cap I t . I
I was being shot ill a Stan= launch to tltl'y-old t of tile Bayard , bound to the Ijigh kind MIghty I"Pin- washing salt in ilia usual way do BRAN WHITEWASTI. Of the battle .scenes the emperor's pro- a perpetual fire, which Is sacred to ..
, . the colossal Ballin, L-lanca, the : Of P'll"ItittO In tIIG Royal Callory JOess' lentionnucla, tile 3<1119'r YOung-'not Add too much, but be sure that olaination dertaring war was i-ead it tile dead ancestors of the honacichold .
hCaviest, battleship of the Argentina Of Pall" GUY, he knew wily Asunta, est claughtor, %%,base becouty and wim- A whitewash that looks nitnob het� . . I
,, Ilebublic; In another mai C'Llled ionough Is used so that the finished was heard in breathless silence slid Papor enters largely Into the con- I I
-a couple of Tied him Don llialdassaro, ClOin and modc.sty were 80 i1rult"d, butter will be ]-other highly salted, to" tile" the here boards acid which ollocred to ilia Cabo. structilon of every Korean house, 111.
seconds lie was standing on her dock �Apart from ill(? difference Ili dress- that thu report of bev f1rod the After working will stay an about as loug,as a co Interior Is lined with Paper. It
. � alvaiting the will at the admiral; not such a material thing as it way 1CbI9 Of tile Sicilles 'to send envoys, the enough to dissolve It Paint in made at GREP-R, I)EIPARTING TROOPS. The �
I of Is und-the painted figure- was I.Tec- hunibly damanding her SaIlt and as follow%: SlaIp h a Pes , paper f1parcloth,
, and Ili still unatilel. ,,,are Couple 0 > remove any buttermilk half a busliel of gulcklime with boil- The people all Over ills colletry have and paper walls. � I q I . , L � ,
., . seconds he was facing that auto- tor, a swarthier Hector to Ila sure, Bill, thin matter did Doill marriage' 'that MuY have been left in the gra ilug )lot water. Add tWo pounds of Awakened At IaRt from tile tralir,a-like The Koreans Jove inedfaine, The .1
11 n Baldassare nil -
Cretin gentleman himsoll, in his a but unmistakably the essential man; keep In his linart, showing it only lal, butter, pack solldiy into � �:
� .W ,thin , Well laulphate, of zinc and one I'
I wondering ]low it Was possible that and. Hector -6 ivas Don Baldassare to the c�-o of God which soctii, nil qi(lamed paekages which have been .pound salt, depression of ilia first few days niter rich take pills of ijwxodlble size and 11,1;
I previou k these being first dissolved in -water the war began. Now down through richly gilded. Very many take med- t : � ,,
.. all Argentina sallor could boast I do In JIUZ Coll's to life again; tile things, because silo, being it pria- 0 Y ],tried with Parchment pr,- before addIK to the Whiticivaldi. A. tho country traversed by the rail- Irine regularly and systematically. , ";
I such inagnificent roll %vilisical.p. I steel corselet cast aside And the , , U a. cao,ding to tilo;pcl*. This parchnient pa,par ought to I .
,i r^ S . . Pound of ltUoriblack And a pound of roads 11aga futtev incessantly train C -v_ They 801dom surlier an Injury, how-, . I . i'�
. I Important dispatch. plLasant. dark cry house And strings of streamers Ova". 11
. . "I bring' Your Nxcellency a most royal white and purple of Falinetto law, mix her blood with atigilt that lit, thoroughly sonised lit brine snvorAl raw Author will. give A. y I
� .Porhaps your glowing in Its stead. , Ila stood was not ro,j a I. -hours before using it, Color, Only the poorest women in Xo I 11, I ��
I � 8xLellency does not speak Laglish?" dumb before his. siroulacrum, Amazed *1 e, "'I'lictlos 't'vRon i, A rt MCLY be applied with a flaunt from many poles, At noaxly rea. . 11
, . � I lie eirvoys from tile, ThOro is no doubt bit the best spray ptionp, every road rrossing there are tell go about ticivalled, and than tit I
"O, yes." I at the eerie fidelity of rciaturn that I Sici lit's warn being Made much a by, do from pas- . . .. I
i " , f keeping buL(Cr Can be ilia I .
Arid I sliall ])a proud to Ila tile repented him as Ili a mirror. balliaboo poles supporting lines from Inove rapidl;i', looking 411 the wbjg I 1, _
the I the King, ant) they looliod for Ills leuri7itil Cream, The 0astourizing 11,ill _+___ on the ground. The women of the
bearer of your lt,.'xcellancy's reply." r Don Auglistin called him out of favor, ])(,it l3alliti'lisaro net In 111.9 dc'stroy all tho, ,qdd fwIlling germs which scares of small llags are sus- lo -class Wrap an ordinary dress I
e admiral hold 'Pell with 4 light touch On ills right Castle, I8IeLa 10, Bella, cirmilning of and a large number of the putrefactive About Oicir heads and shoulders, .
� pended, many American and Britislit M idd
� .. out his bnnd for 31raddalena's lat-! arm, still In its sling, [or the wound '2211ghty deeds (]coo III his lady's bacteria- It is these letter that are JAPAN 113 HARD TO STUDY mixed with the rising* suit emblem of I :
tar, .11te read It, and ho�ro-road it, had boor. troliblesome of late. honor. A�d, walking of an evening so undesirable ill butter making as EMOTIONS 0 — Japan, At OvePy station there . Snakes And serpents are tralated by ��
� is the Xoreans with veneration and . �
� � and gain lie read it for a. third "You ranicinillor,"a he said; "you Ion tile battlements, musing, sanito they digest the curd and form pro- F PEOPLE NOT allva-Ya a crowd waltiiig, which wildly tenderness. No one over kills a � , i .�
� time. Than lie waved Air. Smith.to remember that vo asked ]low it:cii,Lnm, groatel- thall all others, took ducts that procluca, the objectionable DISPLAYED IN PUBLIC. cheers every train, whother it carries snake. The poorest and llllrlg�le t � ��,
— troops or not. " � . , ��
a ClIflill, arid Seating hirusulft road the came that I was u him, and ilia anti I)PIng happy, in favors !it hatter. Wholl cream IF) Tears orean will share his meals ivis I
letter far A. fourth time, Then he the MEL" to" Illy Puri -lose, Ills mail to - ilia dreani, lie laid Ills prize at ilia Pipes" it c! -of 11 Flow as the New War Play I have soall. a solitary man p d th .
. I turned to the Orange Xing. lift Palmetto Out Or 8CrV11UdO 11feet or Ills lady, uttering list, lialon; . 1 with , a' u y selected acid Is Enacted r-efore Tokio. ding along a cuuniry road drop 'a - tile r(?ptI2CS that Crawl about
., I I "M tartov tile finished product will pro- a 1310 his garden. I .
� . 10 are you, sorr ?11 answered that I would allow yoii ocilthe which was helti'd of Ills arlufre, b9ably contain the maximuni amount Audionce, burd a and fling up his arms, split- Zvery Korean hides his hovso from �
, 9mIth started. The tongue was the day when Aladdalann, was Crown- I ()no Na"Lifloa Quo"cada, who, for ' ' ting his throat with 1%ajjzUJs,11 ," the public gaze by it nuraber of 11 ,
ui�mistaknljly Irish. , ad in Palm City. feacid I Pricing gerniq and these Arcc .
,t That, was but , merry lost, inude iijuntion of thtel 0 ')which Are most desired in other or n Tile poor ma,v arriploys
, tb kind a If you really Caro to Understand the the train rumbled past. The r cc a.
'M name is SmIth-Thomas 'half ail Answer : to-daY, y1lu see tile � Inatter in 0, Writ Ing to ]ITS sfigtor ill haractar of tile illponciso people, to ,light Ilia men of the first division � .
Sri, 7 whole of it. butter making. knew Something about their Main hodgus and fence ; the rich man has
ltb- I Lill' It merchant And shi %;'its I right 711 tile City of 11.41111 And sho, having A great deal of butter for st Is. Between the walls
�_ :� 6
I �� owner of Liverpool ai p- "It was a little thing to go upon Previously mudo atlat IllaidellIN, offers , (Impastourizor- ,springs of action, you must Possess i3birebAshi tation, tile inain station are gtrown gorgeous ewers; lotus- .
id at the pro- i � �Iworo entrained for Ilia front At tile niany high wal
t , 11 sent moment I have the better to ,-,,a Mar. Channel Ilk,nos. ,a & ,,in- ,,,, ,a,,,, ,,, I,ocl Baldassare, go is 1IIndP from raw S IT
I d) an infinite pationce, and a very zeal- let Tokio. It took roarly ail Digbt to ponds are also to be found there.
� � Ili,; which �
Ile tile envoy of bt.r Itfrajesty, lirad- turn." The courteously put Iran] hill,, and crearn. This Is done with more or Gus parsistonev, Writes Oscar King1got thool away. The Brat regiment In every Keratin village ,there is I
(Intel'-,', Qualm Of the Palmettos. And "Ali I but I was justified. Four ; being therefore ralised Against him, ice's F.111cepss, dol:ending on the atten- Davis, from Toldo. They aro fai, in,archod under my window about mid- line, and Ili ovely Korean aftY there
� . l 1141-0 the lionor to address -11 Months and a half -and the thingAilak pains to toil tile .story to her Ilan given to tile matter Of rip011ing from being an open book. It is nat'night. A elipering rush racked along are several, appointed listeners, .
"Admiral O'Hara, scirr conimand-lis dolls. that's how, I prove my:gosslps. Tills ShL (lid IlLtj(-� I
I , , tvittin_ the, Orpain and reinciving ills card merely that they Tilde themselves be- the street with and aftor them. Lao- These spies, called by ilia ),'-arcane I
Ing the combined dents of the Free 10aso. ," four montlis and a haff that the princess Titurunnoole, I - ' fl -0111 the butter while it is being, I
� StAR wing bled the well-known maak of orienti- ferns waved slid bobbed about, s,tving- ;0111!Jessorigni's gn the dark path," Ili- I
. . Is of South America." the money is found. the fieliti is talt fashioned by G ad Of uL like high ,I.,,-, inalle. ' I 0 n I
-01 Till a I BY 411 that's worider- col, the fight is %van, anti Mspanlola'turci to ])oil Baldassare, had looked! It has boorl noticed b,v croamory trato, but there is soiciething ilior lika a mad Column of gigartic. fire- 11 ill �
rul Alisre, which clacidontals rarely pono- Ing fron, every long bamboo pol Xi g of everytIling that
I You Toged to be Copts in -I I IS gnashing h r tooth when %he upon him with eyve of love, happens. INOL a word is said about
the )"Pit tit expili'lonce 'that butter roads Tho mask they wear is niount to dat' files. At 2 o'clocii another rOglineat ilia King without roact.hing his ears.
. . t the prying curios- Passed, and again thers, was a chaer- NO Kornan couple would think of . I
stole. I of ilia later Usually keeps )volt in storage.. This ity of their own People as well .%a 1119 moll of patriots Ili attendance. A marrying without Consulting the
trade, fl,orn Liv- the fairest treaspro she ever (I a
thOnght I lcllc%%' '.Voll, Captain of the I thinks how ,he 1has ,,ad to restore which she veiled lit not -row by reason a gathered cream factories Ili June fail th ill against
'a .... I ""',`� .... I "Now, wthIle the envoys front tile butts.r may oftell be below the high.againab foreigners. Not even to.thlrd regiment paSS,Id two hours lat- sage, who lixes the happy day for .
P P',�"
O'" 't you ?" Pour months and a halt I Thk,Lt,s my .
,t I "INfatia' Pit. Your band case. You did it." I-Sicilies were. being onteriallied fit stanan.ra of rancy, while milk crLanl- , TricnIds do tiley treaty rov This he does simply by add -
a . I then,- or. acid the number of those out to them,
. 1"rr, s-ii'liFel 1)111-13;��',,I'PO a bit ouldec� I "O I na, ',idea , Don Augustine, 11itting fashion by the King, tht-c-O ory butter when it Is Made, bot in VIves. It is only when tile wpIls of Sol! it was Increased rather than ill- Is I, the bride's age to the bride- ..
since I saw you last, all, so am . YOU ., try . on
I ". I did list. Whore,canio nn expedirlon from ITIspallitala Inally 'ascs it will come out of star- a groont's, and, alter determining 11,
worse luck 11, ' Ishould we li'a�o been If the Orango to make war, litirl front it]] parts or ,,a In ilia winter Ili better condition tile BVIPIL QPO sounded and the deep- I ini nisbod. I wonder it the. doctionstra-
� . 1. fl. I
I Well, of all the startlillie—," King had not—VI IralicieLto 1.110 knigliLs gatbvr test Waters are troubled that (,lilotio I I h ta' ..Ils he destivy of their .1
, "Now, sorr, ilia totlyle is "True, truc� I ell with then the separator croalnery blittOr- Iflinds relief in Outward slicier ' I -c I
1,V t . n I tl"P 1,Oopl'o a,"hom, would stay tip all I 1'�Tf�`Cd ttgo.l h. it decrees that the I
shor . But you found him ill ir Men. Acid tile invaders were li-lie r,ason for 1,11 -that I.,. n,�';" � It to the station with, I
Is is tindoolIttdly erclotioll .e.hosc Man , .. I'.
I hat's the inattilinet of all this ?" I and convinced him; that was the � Ortiven back to the ships after foolid To tile tliti frostation inighi I out.gaing troops. Rather I thiiik there int star. I �
. . tcullo'?s of the cream effect others un0o4santly-sadness, I would be a 1101-1 lit the nawspapors to wedding shall take place Upon the I 11 .
� ... roll YOU fit n, word. Hispaniola chief diffir"Ity-findiag tile man arid many hard blows and bloody eom� and in the given Idsy soared to V
Swindled ilia I'laimettas out ill their Persuading him. But you do not baLm, and chiefest of Lill that here hutLor I � acidity whom the trouble or doep grief. 13uslildo ivoulcl I have fill! men cWticIrt In tile dayt I korealls are very great on sign-
- Ily churning a, thin, have ilre. posts Oiw *a to be found at the .. I
Country near it hundred years ago, inear. to say You have been idle arnis wns Don l3alcla4sare, surpas s mado I repressed It OVE'll under the Most But that wolod not be "ouslifdo." sorner of mory country road, Fach . . . .
I I" she's treated t1loill About as since then. Dull I ruy friencl-Pill- . Ing lit prowOqs brave knight a doubs- �qotlr Cronin the curd is more likely trying circumstances, but nob evell
'. ' I 10 to 130 EL11 removed, because It is f__ ign-post Js shaped like all Old- 11
� , 1,,'a d Y a a AT I a's troated Aruba. Matto kilmrs otherwise, for Palinet, his years, ond I . -
I , h Ills were five and sont I "bashiclo" call wbolly turn a wartal-
�, .. ley'l,e tip In arms, and they've to lins soon, I linve seen, her Afe ics- I tivvrity. Dial, it ONVIlab hardened arid toughened by YOUR SKIN CHA_IiGES. fashioned English Carlin, topped by .
-liar 1:rajostv who Q�vos � Coniniend Ili especial it tile I at I It ,
brought back the rightful line.. 00, did ilia onvoys IC , , I
I 'Tho ty has aeon illearted human boiag� into a horse, — I grotesque tod, grinning fee
, .,. a I )as thO souvillir process, than in tile case ,Cold, after all tile Jap,nilivso are hu- ' 'C� pamnlik., flows p, I .1
. 11- llislinDIO111,115 are besieged in Palm lrou her Crown. Ilut I did not rely knight And tile most A�-oftby; and when LLtt-tor .is made at whole milk B"very 111onth the Euman Epider- Ali the fa are 'ver, and �
� CRY, rind Just need one more on thin picturc-likeress ,a ly. For out of bonor to thom, as %voll as of , 1, � mis is Renewed. nre the countenances of chang Sun,
"I hard it C"Onoft"'I W, Whero the creant, beJn iman, with �Iood that is red slid I
1 Itick to give In. Your people can't months I studied Your Character; ichor it IS let's acid and tile cur 9 heOrts that Taal) just -the surne as A grout Norelan Soldier wb a livet :
� Want the Island. I his own green, cilti ills ItLiag .set I)OIJ � d some more demonstrative pecoplo,s we It takes but four tweaks to co So years ago. �,
, � . ' 1-101P Us ]let's and niade Inquiries atiout you. I Could Bailin aro by his right ]land tit the 'after al; tile time of churning. know. Ib would not, be strange if tile plately rellew ilia human epidermis. .
'',J" voll holp a good cause. I'm Ill it find nothing to - . When tile King of Korea goes into I
.,,out. aiscredtt. On foast. ss - — YOU have new eyelashes every five
J 4 filyself up to the ears, (tail a, bit tile contrary, I irow Confirmed in I -At thilt .9 average 'nil" who had observed them tile streets lie is prLeoded by it Sao.- I I I t'..
"I t no foast did ilia King ATOLD IN BUTTER TUP3S. here Ili Takla doring tile last two !nOnths; You shod Your linger-clails rotary of State, who Curries a "mer -
I �l Over." the conviction the I had found hour whispurnold the illatter Sonar
"Tf It is far onslor to keep mould Out InontIlS should begin to doubt that. 111 u il m d, and tI1OJrY` 02N." :11 to this box are placed
you'ra ill it, ,Sorj,, lite good another Boldassaro do In Luz. Yo 01 exude, Itad written of to Ills sister Its of your toes III's entirely re- .I�btb. pelic'?., it
. Ullsillcis;." twill see, YOU will Sao." ITO fumblelclCalld with. hot W'ards did domand of Ic"t butter, tubs than it i's to destroy Thero line been so much ropressioll of rl a Pon which the Xor-
"I toil You tile 3aament 'yacj allow , with a. Packet arid drow forlit n $Jim Ila,, Baldassare to %panic tk-oth ilia mould artcv it Is Orion establish tile national feelings, silrb A puttilkg 'low d annually.
ad Thee white of tile C loans have ludiled their petitions or
I � I ,)to']'* guna Stanipa surrenders, You vOlumO, some twenty tiny pages of, forthright; who, !oil arid fit tile tubs. Whother or not down Of the safety valves of Joy and tho carrion, is Ill a C, grieviijitee, ruld Which are thrown .
needn't tire a Shot." ,J)Jdary Italian bound changing counten- ,.a I "11U`;,uU1.01w�,..,,,,: Train over walls, or ]lung oil String
I I in pareliment.lonCe it,11,J) sorrow before so grant a I ld cout ))a roally destroyod whon sorrow, as at ti'lles to have bean , s .,
"And than I'm to band over the - "Road here and sec. You linve � all quell vQ,qS-I of renctral, being kept clear arid from windows, The Xing himself .
f gathering, Yct stake truth boldly. I , I is disputed, as it is uncently, clean by the soft friction of ilia q) -o- I roads arcry popor. .
Inco to this ]low Queen ? " 'Still an hour. Read, Ifectov, my I Whoreupon tilt% Xleg upbraided hII;I, "lot safe in o!_O ,quCh poworful. anti sep- TT TR SATHURAT COT)r% lids. .
.1 P "Tell ilia. DO your people %vant soil. Some of - I ; ties its ant upotl e'licull hmirian food Ono must have stnilkil "Inialikioll Those 'or,,. It few manifestation
I ,,,our own,life is bore 41 III to make t ,a In ."corn or him , ' parts of Karen, and
.0 '
ilia Place ? , , , , 1,jualided of the 11rollilcoss IIIIIIIallue-kq not involve(l. Tho weakor anti- Well to grasp ilia full significance etOrAtIVO PONVOrs retained "' so""' Korean families. 'it 11; �
-let as hope, left its pray, it is not;ck a ..
d rogurd his -a In of the "a "Plang tom for bridegrooms to
In how %lie cil O"Ji.h. ..
"No. My orders are to shelf ilia all heve." gt 117 all"
,out, ('11tii's, Ilko ralt, hardly suit the these last few Woo.lis. "fluslildo"-It ,nan- who is less fortunate, than tholdwall under the roors at tbeft, fath- .
. oitl� and ta.6 any Lroopa there prj,, IT) And plac ing tilt, blink fit his hands, !presulilptioll. TO which ShL, with 'CLI'vo. "I'llo Silores of gains molds Are means literally Illilltary knight wa S W r animals.
cillors." ' y 10 C lars-ill-ILIV, Until. the first soil has
On Augustin ]Ott thO 9tillory Avith i NNI,ont gl,Et,,o filld modesty : 'l)mr'o.qI,wl,qIIy herd to kill, even IJY tile `-Was tile teachings of the 83amural, Cralis (,nil ,grow fresh limbs, the I)vpri born and attained to years of . .
"I"at ArO Von going to do with an Affectionate backwlird giollco, - rather aild illy 10 Pd, I Cannot Ill d I use of .
.voiir ptrlsollor;?" I�Vhon tha door ),ad Closell I., snail Can ronow, evan a lal,q I
� act I eol:r�srvo sul3lbrinte. the precepts of tile ellivalry that, lost � a por- , Ilianoclod. 911ould any Xorean, I �
. or it in 'no to speak so barqh A word. I Ill Elvoiding niold ' it inust bo r c,, Its conlinalifling grip oil jollnil 11e,til tioll (if its hond: with oyes 'kind I'Vel- I however, stay fit the hours of ilia .
"Sond them book to ITIsparlola. turliod and gazed agal I Nvocideringly, jjatllt�, ,To I Count it houor to lie i membered that a warill, clark dolop ly a golloration ago. ,,Tlu� _ do not worry ubout Ilia � briclo's peopla for more than three
T11cl"O's ships In I'alm. Bay, I reck- ;at Ills old-time douw`a, And then, . biclo om, lizards
11 loved by knight .,;a pot-fect." And siklra�v roclin is just the place In tbn locarlintioll of loyall'y 'Inc was less of a trill, and If you milk(,. it cut I days after Ills wedding, he is com.,
. ()It. 'NA -101 Somewhat of "ClUctititce, borl, flut Nlill". Avatching hill, ClOsc, Saw which niold germs can dovolop. It is solid of honor. The two 111111i , an I Sa- a
I "N"Ot a ship. X1111I It ,VOU want 'Of Don Augustin's parting Allords"thet Ile,, roll() in ilia caudal. appendage of Scan aliptalledto remilinforan ontirolool.,
transports they'll be there oil the be ll,.ialt lipolio, ,Intl lie lailgh-Igaid that a good many of the rooma moral who 010-50 last-ula,iiiunad creatures ,
I Opened The I-dre, Doath, An wed its inst,ructioics -will thc'y� ouly ilia Wing of Karns. InIl'y re r
nod.11 . d'od bitterly, 'And thou,?' lie elved; In Which tubs Lit"! stored are of this lueln't's.'ed thoir ways Upon tile whole grow wit), thal, tail atrall-Ill goats, or bavc,'ronlid colunin", alw
. I DoMil of tile Illustrious and Virtu "and thou?, To which ills I Phl-: ellarnoter. A (16' Illid well away, and rojolc,, in tile Possession
'1�cllvro,jl they come from?" ous Xilight, 8vilor .])Oil 11111ch"S"POICOSR: 'Yee, rather, I do jun -ventilat- 110OPIO, It WaS it force that continn- of two I qlial'o Porters to his house, ni, il,c,ur
' -
'. . "From Live.rhOol. TbOY'll lid At (To ]a 1,117 -all this, as was tile whole III' that I do love this man.' holler !ell roonl is lievesS41PY if tile tube are Vd niter thu institution It ruled wa- But mail still poss".sou 1,11C 0 a coat of brilliant red, Only the ..
Palm ('fly to -morrow -if wanted." book, lit Latin of.tho Cloister- ,,\.�-Ilo,.CaL ,be I,Zill, tt) lit, IWpG fro'l from flingus growth. dead. "Bushido" to -clay is a vital de,rul w Il- King ulay look Upon tile fare of tile I
"O I v�u'ro a deep Nva,ii, a ver,V., "ap id Voinezia, 1513/1 so far hail � least. g 1)n(lu end the "IttakIng In brille Ims best) practis- factor In J,citpalleso liro,, still, at- sOicutilla rULI, cut, 1,u0coct,.tes which
� restorative little c,.Ils � "'
, I And In the night 110, Suitt ofir- � Qticeli's hundreds of attourilnut laa-
Very dv�ip \run." . "'ll"
"It tivoll't , .7 i !as, or havo any building outsicio (,f
his runic Irnvollod, A hilrbarous I I aill mon privily to Billy Don Dalil- NI, tit-! id(In brlifl!� Ilctvt ills. salt taken thoultoli its Onen-l-dastoring J1111110.11co aro Illival's, coursitig fill'ol;gic IT'
I .. , ,ost I -oil a poliny", woodcut faced this title-pago, and 11-10'0, end hire they qI(lic'. And (.)to in fr0la ills Wetvr Would net as it Illav llnvO bVIVIll to waver, ,it W still body, to ronow Lill 10!w1lich there ti more then flin-e
. "You'll blood diqPabJOI0,7" tbell Caull) tbn 31101IIIStic; Preface, In ; ppincus 'IT I cl to dofend the, tells, Your Steps would lie Illgh
. .q tile J�Iafr sc�lld onto ilia ,,;it�_ gel Zridflc, licit the siliall amoun, ;S1111101011t; explanation of tile astallish- liody from its 0110illies-i lie harinful ! s -
11 "Than It's done I ,,ot proved to hn tit% effortive pi, It- - 'trvason. and wollIll C10.4 their OWD01"
'For Certain." which praise was given to God, tho,ilin '11t; thun drawn into flin wood Ing emotional roprosnions of tile Just baCtOPIR, (if various Inaladles. Th�,so
, ,v is, ,rhoov.o, ,trial, )lot Many (lit �S, 'u he
, sorr. Shako." V`1 gin, and a round scale of foPgat_ r
, . ,110 followeLl 11111, $lie loved into ilia , ,two "a jitt,1,8; for politpnoss wile And Celle ge3.iu,,jIO U1Iti_to.% la traitor's death,
Over, , *111 all" I All nion ,ilia wortion fit Korea,
a ,�Snl ')Is tc) J'
Phey shook. toil saints, that they bar' soon lit glary and peave of Lho Sainte." ti\*v <W'afrist 111old growth. Moron" S , q'Ift 11011" Of gentleness ancinies. They (it.) butLic fill, US ,
. � �'ya`ll Understand this, sort'. 1�11,0 "-end Such & F -Ater of chivalry to no,, klng, tubs for . (141 in ilatever their corci or strition, silloko �
, (']'a lie Gontilluedt) I l-8 Ill ))rills is and to show frrklf at* pain 61, tiny I'll-' Ill"Id"OLIS Of Ways, and yet tile me -
(teal With 111sprottiola, with Stanipit, ,"light tile southern sky." vollolved lilwly to make, trouble In. ,ilia hoops 1ploasant cinotion ])light awn:kell Simi- Jorily of us know nothing of tobacco lncf.�;Sltntly. Tho bowls of I . I
, I . === . 1. ---I.- — 'a hoy I
-----I-- end hoUtims, \111101 swell unevenly. 14" '"I'lliPPY f00111199 fit the breast of grant sorvices Pandered by. Cur tiny �th"lr I"Pes are so sluall tb t I 11
I 1010117 )l0thing of your Aladdalocifts 'then a crabbed but happily brial I ]tests ill
� . ===---=�-- '11,010110 I"Orry VCrgvr--",q0 I've Civanuory ol',oratorm lutio fouticit the ofictorver, still thou would -be not friends Inside, I only hold it pireh, or two of tilbacco,
, Caught :vou sillokill". cl, rivet(va. 'llon a Solution of boriecic nelf) a good I I Only Unfrn'tilliato. but most inipolite. ___4_ . I anci tile S1011.9 �ra 80 10111 that thO
I are oilly fifte,,ll in- liquid Ili Itt,iiiolior Ili unubl,,, to upplY a in"Itch
, at �. b 4 .N.-Vat'W4010, yel; which to soak ilia tul;s, It 'was thilt COnctlPti011 of politeness MEANING 01 'qARD WATZ,;n to his Own Plpo, The cool is Carrion �
I I to I nwell the till's tight. T] I it, parell-10f It a t 1) U r on ])Ill p1pa thrust down Ills nork )let-
Yurgor-"Itict" tather, ,loll Should [-a- I she 110�1.081 rolatl,e or friend cc of Carbonate ofi
, , I Am Q voner N ow thilli-0 fit nil kinds or vivos." Tommy 'they 130ing left Tit only long, enough Wh(Ch niarle A mail Announce tile de — ,
. TIP,, with Ii 0 to P as 'tWoork Ills coat and his haclu; ilia � .
. 6 _, " I
, � - `lb`r that �,au %vpro a I Joy coloo 'Prout Paper Used IS also noatiod In V, 0 Am a Smile On his face. Lime in Solution. Xorearic gentleman carries his lit Ilia
Olf", co�ionol ,%,(tj,gt,r--"l wal, !the SaIlle Solittlon, lloraelc acid so- "Tt Is that Power alld habit of enn- Rain water, 11.9 it. dinseends from , SIOCA'a.
ffig a ,I,- ill ' L I I
31,111� I At night, Xoreft is n blavo of ),on-
Inlik at- baftl.er, but I ilia the 01,1101' (Till' "which Oral Impurities, but r.cu soon a it ! fires. 'Tbaro are hurrilrods of them,
out? NI'liat do' .�-Qll ];flow ftlygtit",iny Put into -S." said a �Tcill_ Clouds, is Practically free front
And Do IN, y Ocio, n 11 o, ., r Lo, S 3 I ,,0`111-I'9L I I 0 ", d volt Came to find that 111tiall is not it good proservative t CO'lling ilia Paul feeling t I's
'a t
. An"
I .. — . boyhood? Alld ynu ever see ilia anialco i Call be Itttlo or no objnctioll to 11 .IT . , other peopips lail';O vridni, reaches the earth, clud begbis I O'qp(,Il � alld each is I'. signal to ilia Korenn I
�11�IiCli� ills Made
I whon I was A boy?" lit, as n sictrilizo.r. It Is several t stlind it-,;, 11V011 Their cliploinatists coldia through struta, it is charged I PeoPlo thnt "all* well," On it hill �
.— lincire powerful than tilt an -P "ol- 1 ", =id
I J;: t-, Heryc'm 0"Irstem Ulna Exhatfat(ld Mild licallils Were Atmoat Unbcarm London has lolip laid itself clp(,,, cido, lluyel,s of I)III.S 0, 9,1 I ve failed 0 iluderst its. T with various julner,al ,anti cart.bly rent- I Just outside X04(it's chief city tile �
l ter tubs will do think if it had uat ber,
11, able-Ifealth vla3torad J�y to tile chni,pe or provinp, ilurlijibrIll woll 1.0 IlIalio sure that the tuliq they 11 SO WO should tors. If tile strata be c-linlit ol� IJIIIC_ Ills, from which tile
, not 110W 130 at ,war vvitil RUSSIA." stolit" it),, Willer, through the mo,lunj, I,,,-,,,�,racf,,,.r,-,,-.,, Jig. ()large of Ill) 001
I .1 11. . to the B101110rY Of its grant dead, bov littiVe, not lition stared ill Places or Carballic acid gas which it con-ilights tItki) tllofl� Ctl�- Sholi,d ,,,,Ck,v
. It is 11 obargo which Is being Ni".1pod : WhVrn mold 90VIns Abound and PLAY )'v'ITIIOTJT PLOT, - tablS, tuicips up tile It ,I)o in solution I or Invasion be t1tirflatc,liod, ex P" ..
, a 91 I ' ith I I' ' ,Yoars Chaucer, thrivo, t. , ,
Dr. Cha..e's Nerve Footdi 01 t- IV PCCOut I My friend Illicit taken mo 10 a tboa_ And forims Carbonate of' ]into, and it is I tire$ are lightpd. One e�xtra fire
I I Alliton, nild Bullyall have been I tPC to 800 the now Ilia-,,,, and It was a the pro.qvnco of tills minornI in ail i blortmq thill"all. olloray has been sight- ,
. riltunbered, anti ilia London, Clooll ��,- I ITOO NOTEIS. VC-luark Of I'llue about the aeltill 0xv-08sive (itinlitiLy in the water Whichlod OfT ilia Korean coast; two that I r
I .9
I '. - . Council hits just scriounly Consillorad Ilia ticullinclit, The gives it) it tile pecullar proPel,ty 011010 011011111 hal'a lall(lorl; threo, that .. .
I AS it convelo, a schoino UP. Richard Badge, 11,1q; It you want eloan tiork food all I cajulplity Wwlt \Van a curious hodge-poligo "hardnoss." that ��
seellt food thera. in no- .I. my ]load ivnra al- Promoted to do Ju-st'ice to shakes-.:frod. Julall']; four, I III. ; ,�
VV0 l"Ood. Gvadually And cortuill- those �yniptorus T Was Unable to at- X, I VilthblOSS anti unclOctuliftelss In food 1parontly no ond, it may be going in dote mined PI'llicipaltv by Lhe pro- . � q
Nolig to be Compared to 11r. Chase's �11111110 "is PA, . AS a rosult of Petro's association with the ci� lWithOUL Plot, all beginning arld ap- Tito degree Of lift"(1noss varies, anti
ih[ Meet 1111111.�,1111111,o I 1, 1h, "'. ,,�� "'t'i"'(" ,,,,,1")";Ic"gg lowards the ell
I 17 tend towards flisee'sv. , tal; and five, that .Ilia ellemy UP,
this irvatiront 033000S tile "Tak, t0ld to MY hollsoWark, and felt misr- She .(bored)-11Xo, Arr. Lytely yet, for nil .1 hllow.,, I sat through Portion" at Time and 'ilia Iongth Of ovoll at tho City's gates, I
watery blood, restores vitality , I IfOi,18 are not alA to root Whon five hours of it, t 'At a Warvall roarvinge, civil 'Volid �
, to tile crable ol,)S,L ol tilt, tit O. re, they have plenty of grafig. even tile beg An here. was not tillio. ilia Water I's Ill contacE IVII'll It. rtdOS Oil horseback anti In tPillwId
ills body gollorall . Oil the advice of a friend, I bagan spech ,),oil, -I Am stive YOU wo � � timing of development of This bardnena is Called tom1mrary, �
11 *1 wasted nervous SyStool and builds tip call linvor love You. X ))alter Anci I , ild A good 1,11110 to bliprovo tile 11098 I a plot arid I 110 81911 of approgiching because it Can lie reduced by boiling, I ills. 1,11st Ounce a Anclorvaill, who I
y . I using Dr. Chose'S Nerve Food, road wake Santa other 'l-011int, a good husm is When prIC0.8 Alto low. e,I,,.J,, �
0 31 Yon &VO Palo, tcleItl<', 11 rvotis, I v- ran any tl)rtb It has Proved of very band. 1—" Iro'111`011-01-coilld I tOrIllinettioll. But thorn worn I Ili both hat'llIds all Ituitatloill I
r1tablo and It is t 0 it tile COSO that ])ears ithings Of oxtraort some as Is PLO11 by tile Crust In a koftle, 1151-sizod wil(l, gooso, Covered 1%v
'a C Tillery intorest. abont Or boiler, Wholl ill(, Water doposRe ilia . .�
a ' '
tillable to .sloop or roit groat b1luent to ine, I rini able to yori-or-&,o mo A letter of ,.aeon,- O 111sailltdooli bt`�'fcjrla they reach their roll Scarf. Then Curcio tile �1-1(1 a
there in lloalth clild strolucith nil do ally owli, Work now, slid Itc6l nionclatioll, to rly next place?" I., lit and rually worth seeing, It Wall liffit it Contnitis, Thore'In alho a Per- I (" :�
� -alting aroliger and healthier than I have , best, ItliD frank revelation of human arno- nianecit hardness Caused by the proS- 000111, 108 friends, And nlI tit(, sk�r_ . - .
,I Ott lit tile use of Dr� dhil.90'.8 �TCVV I I in Soloctincr ljroodillg� 4to6k ilia I tion Oil the part of tile actor
', Vood. I . , � Can truthfully .state "So your Son, has )IIIII'PlOd a )84Yjf;ow8 should �Iways have tile greater porti, y I. of valits Ile pomosse's or 9 nblo to .
A IS' ablorldes and ni- borrow. Ai ill 1) ill .'i f� I
� , s ite their Once Of Sulph"I'L
� ,,,, �C"z- Is 1:11 a chavactery choner. from tVatOS of earthly )iief.als, . a V C. 4 how"'O the
: thr.t li, " us to the und Of 'Dr, who N a PrOrCssionnI wh1.qlpr? lTow I Jongth of bolip, 1,11PI'Vftut first; (Jellorlit, tile 6 0
0 11. ,1� Iticitoliol, JI., lbv, 'O r 1-11, W111111 I Consider did he over come to do thilt?,, ,,Tl(j_ I f e 111- I . I it
." A , -, P -- - - � , �— bowl of rieo; flion . ki� P;i. o S
2,, ,qIIej loka ,,, o L , . .t�
J) I - ,,, the even Walks a life that it doceon. - , __. _ _ __ __ � _ � � _ � goes 11 It
'ill I�
'4 l,tv ,(li, 1,01terborol, , olit , lid whoso �, 1�,�ti�t lt:a� I '1IJJdOT%1, cause," Said Art*. 11'arpock, Fatting Ills) A. profltaljla hog growing form Istratod most forcibly. Thore w V you tit - I . �
b"S'PaIlld is a B)Oulftil tit the 1.1allill- I.),% 011a, , should 1.10 M good &I,raill ore BE, A, W., ORA � r .
, zter roboq, their 1141(5, end (fivir I 1
S08 Nerve Voc'd, 50 Cents w0i'd in flv8t, "110 law 4110 couldn't A Pig thlit IS Tw, in'll vyr` 25 -mlollutu, And, lite'v,licA entit,'a thoi
It 14 to?) 1, . In growing farm. open and unrosorved tears and rialch
4- �
- ,� *,
4 1 1
1 11,
I �
I cItillary, "itstesI ".I had all At,- ii box, SIX boXoN for $!A,50, at all J,Ulk when she w . a il., A will llo.montatfoll, bocriliso sells, husbands, 2— 15AN'1111 OZ. ,,, 0. .
I art whlstling�" I ,
, tnnk of 111flarcinlatory liardly'ttko the exoraftio It silloulti. , hunts 611LOr fho bouso, onf) Ilinkli ail I I
, in I ..... 9 NvOrl) Called to the Colors and A- fil gout dkoof to (16 lit I -,
) I 86asoa
11 OtOct , you 4gains6 "So DO ningistrates rohled, I's% folva - All th; host llualitiot bolo.ill"Ing to, g awav to war, Ijiy t to lintitoyod Blower, ch, 1101rin 41.4 thoy 11O.,04ibly C . . I
. I'lloullintism, ldoftlorff, Or Vdinallooll, rates 4, co" _ � 1111.1
I wl (,It left Ilia ill a Very run-down I Toron to, TO Ill, I Irvort mail sob- I 'The pandantonlucil doej not Coast, I'll' . I
3111tationg, ilia portrrA alid aignatur dollars, Aftek, ell?". 11 y bent ... to to lifidid ilia plynats n1lo paid to go nwny, A � ��,,
State. of 1101,1j%, atcA ill feet ln�' whole I C - 8,villa al'o ,not to be found In ansit 9�1`,Iil My friend sat With boil, M�1�1 Ill 116 1116ork clewit tho 614 tilt ; I
9 tit 41 ,
I or Tilt, A, W, Obese, tile fillualls re. to, thlre� I )led to qlad thinit folvo) 'ho eg I ( A allan, yt= (ctn,,..t rollows, null ttoll Me brido. , ,
31"'i'6as RY61CM Socitiod a f No, bad biek1single braoci. I
I mhallated end I � fOVwft%`d arid band bowed in his hand
, 'cilorn o"t", M 1106 - . U -it buyi ,it lot n jig IvatellhIg Intortl3p, as 4 A ar o , , � .1
I supposixl, the . ... � , I
1 *4111 .01101), tbd tit Qcipb book ellftlivy are ail every be\, dollaric. 'i I f you I , � ic,if I 1 6 1 or r, roola IS talwil to fillic bildo, whoul I I I Y.
I I 1, . It Is All struting dispitv of ice hag� � ;- � I= , . , ,� I
. . ilhotes In a goad condition, I 11 it anuoy. K . I I 11
. . I., . kk, . , li I . 1. I 4 Oro I Lo &COS foll, Ilia ftir.,�t �Jfnar. I , :� I L ,
. �,, ., , I . , L ,. � , , I . I I I I 11 . I . I I I . I , .;,ly
,���l , .. � ,, I .1 ,!�,, .__�____L__ . I I . r L . I . I I I �', Ill
I rr I I I L 1-1.1111 L - I - L' I , r I ,. I . � 11. 1.