HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-5, Page 540 1 10' • • , MAY 6, 1904 (' TRAIN UP A CHILD 11 And whoa opt 8enl him 08 alar to • LIS, OWEL __ G t�� ld Term °pons April illi,, 1004 Two Oeursee— Oomm000lal and Shorthand, Sendfol•'Oolloga Journal. A. L. Al eINTY1116, Manager. 141s c b.W; a 4v4 �^� Irrs41c4d BUSINESS CARDS. .iiONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER tent, P,8, 80OTT, Brussels. NIoORAOKEN— C • Issuer of Marriage Lioeneee. Of- hoe at Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels, vtARMS FOR SALE—THE U. mummer, has several good Farms for Sala and to rout, easy torme in Townships of Morrie and Grey. F A. SCOTT. Brussel MONEY TO LOAN. ;$25,000. We have the above amount of pri- veteYunds to loan ou reel estate mortgagee at ee and apar out, Easy terms Of repay- ment and wets of loan moderate, PIOOUDPOOT, HAYS & 13LAIR, Barristers, &o,, Godorich. M• IVIORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUGHLIN, —T'10AO13llli OP— PIANO — AND — ORGAN, eR TS84 8M, ON'T- ROBERT CUNNINGHAMI INt*BANon, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, J. LECKIE, LIPS AND PIRit INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Odtee over Burslev'8 Drug Store, Nov. Brd,1002, 30.8m 1300100)0. Wellington Mutual Fire 111Stirlti1ee CO., 1t0TA8Llsslab 1840 I000ranoe talon ou the cash and premium note syetam atourrent ratite. 13 time ineur- ing eleowhere pall on the undersigned Agent of the Company. GEORGE ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 1111 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - Eau, will Bell for better prions, to better mea in lees than au0 less chargee than any other .Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dolga and orders can always be arranged at Ella office or by personal appli0at]o0, ROST. H. GARNISS IBLUEVALE ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for at the ofieo of Tun Poem, Brueaela. 32tf VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK— Boner tiradoaeo of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die - eases of domestivated auimela in a compot- entmauuer. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to. 0111oo autl lnermary—Four doors North of bridge, Tmvborry et., Brueeele. I..ERAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. M:AODONALD— • Barrister, Soboltor, Notary,- Alto, 8ueoessor to G. F. Blair. O1Boo over Stan- dard Bunk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Book. NET M. SINCIIAIR— 'V Barrister, Bulioitor, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &o. Onion—Stewart's Block 1 door North of OeutraLAotel, Solicitor for the Standard Bank. pli0'ODFOOT, HAYS & BL• AIR -- BARRISTERS :SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, 10100. W. POOVVRoOT, E.0. R. 0. Baia G, P. Braun. Ofceo—Those formerly onto pied by Messrs Oamerou & Holt, Gobonron, ONTAm0, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON, r►, n„ Q.111., Trinity Uuivsroity, Fallow Trinity Medical Collage, Member College of Physfuiaue and . Surgeons, Out, Licentiate of the Royal Ool- lege of Phyeiolaue and Licentiate of M1d- wifery Edinbbrgti, 18 1'olophtoue No.14, Roelttieuoe—Mill street, Brussels, DENTISTRY' ,DR. R. P. PEILD, 11110N'17ST Graat,ate of the Royal College of Dental SnrgeoueofOntario and Giret•olase 130000 Graduate of tPorouto University, On]oe next to Br'ewer's Photograph Gatlerv, BRUSSNLS. a t=a'"-a r'3iz-1 MANY OALL$ X04 are roeoivrd from business dome anti ii • MANY STUDENTS aro placed In good la positions' o h.Yoaibytuo famous 4C CEgg AL t/1/• STRATFORD, ONT.-' Ohio schoolmantle for the Ilrolnta0 Alin 1311o5 fit btslnool odd0ation in Oanadu t0-dayMa uy Business 001."- 1 le'oso n " m 1 o r 5011 01 a 31 teach g P n graduates y era. We haul o1)o os oY a0 000at tg the d other tJ n or, nan:mo0o them the day you enter, tlammnno80oieuo , noW, Catalogue free, J. b tai 1T,T ri oi..a1 V4,, L t P u p. BECOBETAS POST iT1 i 11 Barr ,Colony, Am le Daau will be a . .j X 1 Co r th),5 member of the survey party. The butchero.:halcera and milkmen Of the town who, it quail a of woke ago, J'A t s•e• ttu(t, Dr. Kidd has the sellar dug for hie new restd r ' e 1 va. `.There le venue talk of organizing a baseball teem Ill wive, Chita, Ovnno f8 not oujoying good health at pre0ont, being tt sulreree from etomaoh trouble. W. 1i,. Erskine Liao not been in gond health foe the past week or 190.', though able to be In hia store, All the nmt111 haulers are drawing milk on their several routes to the Dime abeeee faolory. Nearly 200 obeeae wore made 111 April. On April 27111 there wore born to Jae, and Mee. Mttehell, gravel road, Dime, twin 110811180, a boy and a girl, II:][eEt08 . Wood & Poke, butchers, have Bold their bnetneee to 13. Hardy. James Grieve, who has been trave'1Sng for ono of the Toronto firms that tvae burned out recently, ie at present with hie family in town, Mae. Wilson moved his household effects to Woodburn where he will go into the hotel heathen he the premien at present 000upied by 0. Stephens. Iu order that the cemetery grounds may be beautified and otherwise improv- ed the Reeve of the village reepeotlully reticule the oitizeus of Exeler or any who may be intere02ed to auntrtbote any pot flowere they may have at their die. pose!. Louis Day purohaeed from John Mo. Innis the 10 aorta of land situated on the South Boundary of the village. Mr. Day intends going more extensively into the market gardening and plant growing this Spring, he having doubled hie papa, oily for raising all kinds of vegetable plants and flower planta for the Spring panting. Fin I. r.tt. A. Wettlaofer shipped 70,000 briok to Stratford recently. John Denholm left Blyth station on Monday of hast week with a oar load of berme for Neepawa, Manitoba. The roof of John Sherritt'e house was discovered on lire Wednesday afternoon, The brigade was called out and the fire etopped, but not before a good sine hole 00a0 made in the roof. fare. W. F. Moeer went to Trenton in response to a telegram reoeived the previous eveni09, stating that her eieter, Mise Mabel Jameson, wee eerionely ill with bot Blight hopes of recovery. Mre. T. 0. LY1a171roy and two sone left on Monday morning of teat week for their new home in St. George, where Mr. Mc- Elroy has been living for the past mouth, he having secured a good poeiton in a large cooper shop in that village. Thomas Watson has sold his barber shop in Blyth to Samuel MoOraokeu and Oliver Kollingtoo, of Brussels, who are in possession. The new proprietors ere graduates of the (Mosso tonsorial college and Dome to Blyth highly reoommeuded. t‘cilettiortle. Jonathon Miller, of the Grip house, rec8ubly purchased a very line speedy borne. A. E. Allis, of Seatorbh, was 0000ese• ful iu passing hie probationary examin• ation to the Methodist ministry at Petralia. ID A. Fox, the a00ouulant at the Bank of OOmmata°, bae been cff duty for a few days owing to a badly injured thumb, W11 1011 he received while ptitei°g golf. While attending to a eiok bores for Jno. Oilfield one day last week J. Grieve, V, S., had the miefortnne to Have one of his hands so badly out that it ;Ignited six stitches, Fronk and Sire. Orioh and 001 Newton, of Tooke/malt, left on Tuesday morn- ing; of Iasi week for Areola, Aeea. Mr, Orioh has rented hi, farm and if be likes it Out West, will take np land. Seedily, May 0th, Rev. James Living. sbone, of Potholes., will conduct ,the ser- vices in itis Mel bodiet ohuroh. Ou the following 51ond 1y eveniog lie wilt deliver hte fanwtl0 locative on "The Human Voice." 111. J. Downey has pnrohased the reg. idence a1 present 000upied by Tens. K Richardson, North ward, for $800. We understood he hes purchased a gees farm' in 51u1illop towuehip and pu pees going extensively into the cattle busi• nese. The Canada Furniture oompany bete has reoently booked oedera for about six our loads of their high oleos ofiioe desks. The orders will amount in all to some- where bear $8,000. The orders bave (tome in 00080ggeuoe of the Toronto fire through the firms who aro rebuilding. I.iet0o vv eel. D, D. end AIM Campbell have return" ed to town after spending the Winter in Toronto. Mies Ruby Livingston has returned bome from Toronto, having graduated at St. Mar9are6'e Ladies' Oobloge. Benjamin Brine hoe . sold out his laundry basiieee to Song Lee, who will carry on the bueioese at the old stand. The Severe frosts during the nights of the forepart of heat weep did a great deal of harm to the Fall wheat in this vicinity. Calvin Becher and Ernie Bract, of Toronto Dental College, returned home en'T'uemday of last week for the Summer holidays - Mise Eaey Martin left for Halifax, whe'o elle purposed taking a ete0m01 for the Old Land. She Will spend the Sim- mer in Irefa,td, Tho iarnitoro factories are canning Intl i0r00 and orders on hand and 00111011 are Doming in Ara already enough to keep going foe a oanoiderable time. A barge proportion of the orders oom,1 from Ibe West. An Blom man in town on 01londay of last wens hold a bit of a oelebration, trot wisely but too tvoll and epeut the night in the tooter, He had an interview with hie Worshipthe Pollee Magistrate neat g morning, E D. Belton returned home on Wed. nesday Of last weds after roar years residence in the Klondike. Ho Went out "al 00'tio11 in oohneetion not m t t to an off) p with the gold oommisniooers, and gained the reputation of discharging hie dutio8 10 an hone 1 sod efficient manner. Ile will leave with his father, Leticia Bolton, D. L, S., for Sa01,310on where they have inslrnotion2 to survey seven PAW town. chips, Northwest of those surveyed by 1 5t' t.,-, Mc, Bolton last Hummer and near the agreed with 000 an0110r 10 sell only for shah, have eo far been adhering to the agreement though some of them report it will bo difiicalt to do so in all oases. ref`t•owbrxcli,re. 1;. Willoughby le on the efuk list, A number of our farmers Fiesta etarted seeding. Mies Ferguson, of Wallace, fa the guest of her' later, Mre, Galbraith, John McNeil, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with hie sister, Mrs, Clarke,. Arrangements are made for a imolai and literary entertainment to be held on the everting of May 28rd, The Mothodiet Parsonage was sold by emotion, J. R. Code being the highest bidder, The new Parsonage will 0o0n be on the way. A re00ptioo eery100 was held on Snu• day morning of Net week at whioh a number were taken into full member. ship In tbe oharah. At the annual unwiring of the Epworth League the following potters were elect• ed : President, Jennie Oosene; let Vice Pres„ )3. MoUurmfok ; 2nd Vont Pree., Ida (lollies ; 8rd Vioe Pree,, 1t. A, Cole ; 4111 V,oe P,res,, Mre, R, H. Green ; Sea., Phoebe Oode ; Treat., Rob. Oliver ; organist, Elsie Adams, Don't ride your btoyole on the sidewalk or you will be fined. Thee. Dane, of Orange Hdl, parobased the Blofntoeh property in town and moved in on Tuesday of lest week. Albert Bowyer left for Franklin, Man., where be will seek his fortune. He was accompanied by James Robinson, of Wingham, formerly of here. 0. 0. Smith, who has been in charge of the meobauioal department of tbe Voiotia for the past year, hoe catered a more 10orative position in the Merchants bank and left for Obeeley at whioh branch he will work. ToNNis.—A number of people met in the parlor of the Bank of Hamilton to form it lawn tennis olnb. Alarge number were pre00ut and made the following o1oioe of officers. Petrorteeses — Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, Mre. (Rev) Hall, Mre. G. W. Walker, Mrs. Litt, Mre. Praetor, Mre. MoLeughlin and Mre. W. G. Strong; H.ouary President, Geo. W. Walker ; President, Rev. Mr, Hall ; Vice President, (tire. (Dr,) Armstrong; Secretary, Mise Edith Perkins ; Treasurer, Dr, Whitley ; Managing Ootnmittee—M. V. Holmes, Dr. Whitley, and Mr, Rattenbnry. The managing oommmittee hope to have the grounds m ehope for playing by about the 20 11 of May. 4 1isston. • There will be a junior lacrosse olub in town this treason. R. Downs is busy renovating with paint and tsalsomining the interior of the Town Hall. Tbomae Johnston wee elected delegate to the greed lodge of 0. 0. F. to be held next June in 'Toronto. Mre. S. S. Cooper had the misfortune to run a entity nail in her foot which is °musing her considerable pain and anxiety. Becoming alarmed at the rapid decline in health of her little son, Elmer, Mre, Win. Beaoone took him to a Toronto hospital for consultation and treatment, The doctor could not determine the oauee of the trouble that was pelting down one eo young, he being eight years of age. George Roberteou, who has oondooted a euooeeoful aid popular tonsorial par• for in town for a number of years, has Bold out to Elliott Dayment wbo takes poaaeeeion Monday next. Mr. Robert- son bag purelmeed another boeineee at Wawanesa, Mao, and leaves for that plana in a couple of weeks. Arthur Cook, of Goderioll township, brought a prize to town that he hod captured, and eold to Harvey Davie, It was u large bird that enamoured from tip to tip of the wings 6 feet,and from end of bill to tip of tome, five feet, and from hip of bill to end of tall, four feet. Lee beak was six inches long. le ordlletvich. Mies V. McGrath has graduated with Bret -close honors as a Mission nureo at Toron to, Forilwioh ehonld p000ba0e suitable groande for a village park end have the same fitted up in good shape. Howiok Couuoil hove appointed J. H. Johnston of this v11 ago, as inspector of fruit trees for the township for 1904. Au iron bridge will be built in Ford. wiuh this year. The oonuoil is .asking for teudere for the same, The preeeot structure is frail. The following is the Ammeter's Report for Howiok Tawnehip for the year 1904 : Popnlatioo, 8871 : children between the age of $ and 14, 463 ; obildren between the age of 15 and 21, 1106 ; children be. tween 5 end' 16, 783 ; male persons be. tween age of 21 and 60, 857 ; doge in Fordwiob 28 ; doge in Gorda 22 0um4 bee of tattle in township, 10118 ; number of sheep, 2610 ; number pige in tp., 8897: nutnber of hareem, 22221 number of aoree in tp., 67864 939/1200 ; number mores Falk wheat, 5623 ; amount 0f immanent, $2,160,410.26. ALBION HOTNL BURN&I1. About 7 o'• °Irak on Friday moraing,15th nit., smoke wee seen terming from the Albion Hotel, and the alarm was quickly given and soon a large number of willing workers were engaged in removing furniture, eto„ from the building, whioh Boon biennia a roar• ing, outwitting mase of red, The citizens wonted heroically to keep .the fire from eprendiug and moved all the surrounding bui+dinge, although the Wood shed to the South was in greet denger at times, in fact woe ou fire veverel tines. The fire lasted over two bonze, the frame of the building being of large timbers. Moet of the furniture was saved from the two lower storeys, but all iu the third et0rey was doetroyed. None of the family were astir when the fire wee dieooeeted, but Mr. Papp, 6.11..ee2nprd uninjured, but almoet all their clothing was boat, It was a Hutt aveakeningg and will never be for, gotten by them. The building ie owned by Alex, Orr, of the Hotel Brunewiok, Wingham, who sold it to a gentleman in Obeeley for $5,000, but the writinge were not Mood, Tho buildin n we thinned g e a k for $1,200. Mr, Orr intends to build a two.storey hotel of Dement blocks, fifty feat equaro, right meal and the hark of ovn06ru0tion will be pdohed with all pee. Bible spend 0o that Fordwiob will eon have a flret.olase house to a000mmodate the travelling publlo, Mr, ltapp had the f *entente (neared for $1,200 hia Wee being about $600. He also lout about 920 mob One of If •et Nieaouri'e oldest 1010(1 110ll in the till. Mr. Gamble, of Palmere'on, ' plated a0 1 tit the person of the hate knot bin pocket book with about $16 in it. - J ,bn 81 10 ", wbo died at the borne of Win, (Jlarlt atter saving his trunk went loll e n 1', , ,, no, on the heir ommeeaiOn book to his room in the third etnray for i 1'. at N • n ., on Sunday, 21111 u't„ at hie 0)021108. Its was almost collocated 1 the she ,.f lid years. with 0mols8 and wag Zeroed to climb The logs in connection with the Brod. through the window and slide down a begun Lumbering Oo. ootato were sold at rape and dropped abort 12 feet on the Burke Palle, Muskoka, One lob fell to pavement and injured hie ankle, There James Oo'quhoun and Jobe; Davie, should be eom0 appliaueee in the village p'litohell, and Francs MoOonueil, Dublin, for lighting lire, and John Beuneweie, Brodbsgen, They intend to nouvert thorn into lumber under the oopgrvislon of Mr. Davie. 'VtriIlasaltrtrra 0. E. Swede shipped fourteen big elate horses to Winnipeg, R. H. lelelIey Nee been appointed Dep uty Pieh and Game Warden for Wiog ham and vicinity. The editor of the Advance left on Too day of taut week to visit bis eeoond eldest sou m Pasadena, Southern California, Mrs. 3. MoLauohlin and daughter )!Tido Maggi,-, former residents of town, now of New York, are vieiting old friends here, T. N. Roes is rebuilding that portion of his property on Josephine street whioh collapsed a abort time ago from the great weight of en0w on it. W. G. Paton, who recently pnr0ha0ed E. Rodweb'e interest in the machine re. pair bneinese in town, bae now purchased Mr. Vaebinder'e interest also, The trains on the L. H. & B. are now running on good time. Stook is not now tarried on the passenger trains and ibis allows them to keep pretty wall on eohedule time, Dr. A. J. Irwin is having plate glass Fronts pot in the stores °templed by Makers. Galbraith, Gordou, and the one which is being fitted up for W. J. Greer'e boot and elate boelnese, James Haugh has gold hie residence on Diagonal street to JAMBS -POO, of Blue. vale, who is building a stable on the the premien, and having sold hie Blue- va'e property, will 811orlly remove here to reside. Jno. and Mts. McDonogh end family have moved to their mew home uoar Sea. forth. Mr. MoDonogh has for a nom• bar of years been an employee of the G. T, R. and for over forty years the family have been residente of Wingham and vicinity, W. 13. Green bas purohaeed Beattie Bros., opal and wood business. Mr. Green has also pnrohaeod tlei8 firm's gravel pit, seven wee of prairie land, team of horses, wagons and sleighs and will get control of the coal shed at the 0. P. R etation. The Young People's Organ Fund Oom' mitten, of the Wingham Preebyteriau Church, closed with the Kam Organ Co„ of Woodetook, for the purohaee of a high oleos pipe organ. The instrument will be planed in the church about the let of September when the interior repaire of the church have been oompleted. The Committee is now only $000 abort of having the amount of the purchase prime on hand. h 'rHEY ICNOW'rr, Thousands of people throughout the country know that the ordinary remedy for piles —ointments, suppositories and eppliantee—will not cure. The beet of them only bring pawing relief. Dr. Leonbardt'e Hem•Roid is a tablet takeu internally that removee the cause of Piles, hence, the ogre ie permanent. Every paokage sold o8rri00 a guarantee with it. It ie perfectly ilarmleee to the most delioate constitution. A month's treat. ment in each package. Sold et $1.00 Further information in regard to it at the drug store. Sold in Brueeele by Jae. Fax. ()It 111t.di all IN a Wee. Rumor bee it that Alden Burrit, of Mitchell, will shortly move to Toronto. The Sporting Association, of Mitchell, is malting extensive preparntione for a big day's sport on May 241h, Rev. W. J. MoRay, of Stratford, lett last week for Toronto to take np hie duties as editor of the Canadian Baptiet. While in Muskoka Jamas Colgubonn, of Nlitoheh, purchased two young bears. They are nine menthe old and very tame. At St. Catharines Aseizee John Big. gine obtained a verdict for $1,204 against the Catania Power Company for iojur• toe. Mre, George MoBein, wife of a pm - prone farmer of Erin township, coni• mitted enioide by swallowing carbolic acid. Deputy Postmaster Renton, of King. stun has been appointed to a position in the affiae of Superintendent of Mails, at Winnipeg, Reports say that the Pall wheat in Stratford locality looks eo had that a large acreage will have to be plowed np in some sections, Miles Edwards, formerly of Mitchell, has passed hie foal examivabione and received his degree at Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. The old elevator at Midland was etr00k by lightning and burned. During the fire L. F. Tremblay was 0truok by a failing; timber and fatally injured, Among tbe names on the list of graduating nurser, who have been taking their Bourse at the Beeper Hospital, Detroit, is Mies Nellie MoOomb, Earring. toll, John William Lundin, who went to Montreal about a week ago from Provi• dente, R.I., and engaged a room at the 0bambly Hotel, was found dead in bed, with big throat cut and ft rstor lying Mose by. James Kelley and A, G. Scuttles, hie hired mail, became mired in the Souris River, near Troecbanl, Man , and were kept io the water for three Inure, Starg• es i8 dead, but Re11ee will recover, Between May 15113 end 20th, T. EL Pane, of the Mltohell R000rder, will leave for St, Louis Exhibition, having been ap- p dined Aeeiotant Superintendent of he .Canatiilan Department. Pina°oially the position is a good one, and we 000grah• Mate 000 eonlerre on hie appointment. An old letter lying at the bottom of a trunk an ontai in au a dre d o a d ee w ae , g , the only One by whioh the only heir of Mies Anna Malty, who died March 24 at Bllifalo, watt looated. A legacy of $10,. 000 falls to a taloa of the deoeaeed, Mrs, Anna Hartley, of Tilbury. Mies Maley died a t the age of74, a g At mesh a A a ng of the Polio Sahonl Board Niagara Fails, 011 Saturday night it was proposed to exelndo the reporter of the Gozetlo frotn future meefinge, be. MU Se he oritioiznd the trusteed. An apology was demanded, bot wag not ortbooming• The matter to likely to tomo ep again, IMPORTANT NOTiCES f..41011 SALE.—LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner wtltiam cud Albert streets, Brueeele, 48.11 J, L14020110. QHORT HORN YEARLING kJ Bull for Bale, red In color and brad from 1st prize stook. Lot 23, Oon, 1B, Grey. 3. D. McNA11i, Proprietor, Oranbrook P.00. 0. 4a. V. Court Priooeos Alexaudris, No. 34, U.Q. P., B ruwol0, meets In their Lodge Room, lilae- hi11 Block, on the 20d and last Tueedave of ea01, .mouth, at 8 o'olook. Visiting brethren always weloome, JAS" B'LTROPI68, U.R. WALTER SMITH, lt.'s. (rHORO' • BRED YORKSHIRE Vow Iron 80,00. — The undersigned offers for sale one Thorp' -bred Yorkshire Row, 3;r years old, ,n pig to hie tboro'-bred NI0f OLBON ,(Sedalia prLicemWorksj R io. rte, Bolgraye P. 0. 80.11 Board of Health Notice, To the public of Ilrueeete The time Is appronohlog when all yards and wotor•oloaeto MUST bo Weaned up. All persona concerned meet note this as the law will be strictly enforced. Signed In be- half of the Board of Health. 30.0 R, PAUL, Chairman. ANTED.-- SPECIAL REP– nn8xNTATIon 10 thin county and ad- joining territories, to represent and adver- tise au old established bneinese house of solid 0nanaial Blanding, Salary 001 weekly, with expeoeee advauoed oath Monday by cheek direct from when 0080 a. Horse and buggy anent. d when plow Bros : Posi- tion 61m 3onoo Address Blow 311. & Oo., Room 010 Monou Bldg„ Ohioago, Ill. Prize Winning Short Horns for Side. Hight young Bulls from Imported and home bred °owe got by imported Sire, Also Cows and Heifers of different ages. A. few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks till, for 0010. Have a tivantity, of Seed Peae the Early June variety, to drepoee of. It Is a medium sized white pea and were grown from Deed from near North Bay and yielded over 37 bushels to the none, free of bugs. Will also sell u good aged working and driving horse. 30-I1 D. MILNE & SON, Ethel. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR SERVICE.— THE lIndereigoed will keep for service a thorn' bred Durham bull, on his farm 04- )011,1ng Brussels. Terme, 81 00 with privi- lege of returning if necessary. GEO, ROBB,Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. (21.00D FARM FOR SALE,— The undersigned offers for sale ber exeollent farm, located on Oen, 30, Grey township, and containing 163 aoree. There is a comfortable frame ootbage, book baro, good driving shed, orchard, &e., on the premises, Varna 18 well drained and !anted. It is also well 'watered by the river Malt. land and an invaluable Spring. Convenient to market, school and (Muralists. Per price, terms and other particulars amply on the Mousiest', or if by letter to MRS. T. CAL. DER, Proprletreee, Oram brook P.O. 8081 100 AORE RM R , helm LotFAi1, Oon.FO4, GreySALEtown• eti]p, 80 mires cleared, balance bush, Thereis good house,e, bank baro, orchard, &o. Well fenced and farm In gaol condition ; 20 sales of Pall wheat in. 8 miles from Brus- sels; only of a ;mile from church and 1} miles from aobeol. Possession tourd be given to suit the purobaeer, For lnr• Mier pattioulare as to price, terms, &o., ap- ply on the premises to A. 000E, Proprie- tor, or at Tiro Poem, Brussels, 31•1f 'WARMS FOR SALE. — 350 aorta dr0t•olaoe land in the Township of Grey—Lot 10, Con. 14, 300 acres 1 Lot 17, Con. 14,100,00000 ; and WO Lot 16, Con. 14, 0088re0-330 acres. All in excellent condi- tion with Oret•olaee buildings ; briok house with all modern conveniences, and large bank barn, root salt straw bougie, stables, Sze, Well watered. Prom 80 to 40 three of good hardwood bash. Lot 10,000. 13, con- taining 100 nem of flrnt•olaoe land, good frame house and largo bank barn nearly new. The property oau be sold in two or three percale to Ault ppurchasers. Terms liberal, Also a oomnlotiloue dwelling noun and lot in Brussels. Por fu(Eh00 partlou- lars apply to the owner 011 the ppremises, LAU0i3LIN MON1'3L, or to JNO. 1,E01iIE, Brueeele. 214f STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their 'vents. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blaoksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Tab- bing. ab- in . As b g we have spent 18 dears in Brussels we blink we are eom- potent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and 8.06 tis. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels. "Yfgisl'J11titl111 v i' • o SLY A SHARP ADVANCE IN COTTON It Fe expected, owing to the dieaetrone lire in Toronto whioh burnt all thewbolesale dry goods houses, except one, with their million0 of dollars' worth of Cotton Goode whioh cannot be replaced only at mach higher prisms, ooIBegnently Cotton a must advance in price, We beg to inform our customers and the public generally that wn were never in a better position to supply their wants, We were loaded up with Cotten Goode nearly all boughs before the recent advance in prices, and With few exa0ptione will be sold at old prices. As we buy for oaeb an4 sell for rash or produce we quote very low prince: Grey Cottons, hi all qualities, at lo, 7o, 8o, and 10u, now worth 20 por Dent more. Carpet Warp, in white and oolored, at mill prioee. Oottonedee, now worth 20o, 26o and 300, our prior 10o, 200 and 250. Oxford Sttirtinge, fast colors, at old prices, 1010 mud 1280. Heavy Double -Warp Shirtiog0, now worth 16e, for 129o. Rookfaet Drill Shirtioge, guaranteed fast oolore, now worth 180, for 15o. White 1.4191111! 1f yards wide, very epoalal at 10o, 120 and 150. New Prints, in short ends, from 8 to 15 yar40, 0000011 10o, by the piece our pries 18 80. New Prints, heavy cloth, 32 filches wide, worth 120, for 10o. Cotton Batting, in small and large hunmium, at 014 pewee. Wrapperettee, in fancy stripes and carobs, worth 12},, fur 10o. MADE BY GEORGE A. SLATER EAUTGFVL RVAG HOE8 We are now opening up for Ladies or Gents or the Little Tots either. We Invite Your Inspection. HARNESS DEPARTMENT We have everything complete and can supply you with any style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good article. We have now for sale one set Second-hand Team Harness and three sets Second-hand Single Harness. Call - and see them. t -POR SALE—Two Dwelling Houeee, acre of land with each, Laving large and smell fruits of various kinds- /. C. RICHARDS. E1V PSE 'ISIS Having removed our Implements to the Y� W ®Y SHOP TWO DOOrB �eBC of Market Scales We will there show a complete line such as Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Cultivators, Plows and Harrows. Certainly Tau want the Best Goods Then make no mistake—buy PROST & WOOD. Do loot be forced to settle for inferior machines, but buy where you will not be asked to settle until your purchase is giving satisfaction. We have "Bell's" Tread Powers, Ensilage Cutters, Land Rol- lers, etc. ; the Myers and Tweed Forks, Slings, Cars, etc. ; the Elmira Hay Loaders and Side -delivery Rakes. The Celebrated Woodstock Wagons and Weblaufer Combination Racks. Canada's Best Build—the "Brockville" Carriages. The World-wide Famous Singer Sewing Maebines. See our Royal Canadian Brand Pure Manilla (660) Binding Twine, also our beat Pure Manilla in Hay Fork and Sling Rope, before buying elsewhere, NEIL S. McLAUGHLIN. WILTON & TURNBULL All Kinds of Hardware. All,f� The largest nun� mostanrcoo0fhl Imint L�.Jlil ®�I�'� d0atecetetheworldsellCburcn'oAlnbao- The World. try dy tine, End well oo which decay "2'° d► All a4A, -dirge and wells breed rrob ei tbmlaeso —the 1 an male and nab Ir . 1 Y d 0 ens) 1180 Y .s needs . /-Wf battler (r ti eo twaterriasabrashlaall which needed, lVo reoemmmt0 It for ata ,ow you the naso with whioh ltd ahpr), 00 0nimalsal Litt ue show youths inengybeautltul tinct (Bud White), o,fg(�JhA®urca�ixt'ypa�Alnitaqocvn,agttlne, (Sem sold In hWlr.) ALARA _. a flVl Sold by WILTON & TURIVSULL