HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-5-5, Page 2200 APS 'Lit J OV NELI Japanese Soldiers Preferred Death to Surrender. BRAVE JAI'S. armies along tite river, commanded Russian torpedo boats belonging to by'• (lens. Ku1•oki and O1.u, Each the Vladiv0stock squadron sunka army is composed of three divisions Japanese military transport, the and throe reserve brigades, The Kinshiu-Meru, of 4,000 tons durin • total force is 100,000. The Rus - the night of Wednesda • With ' n slaps on the Manchurian bunk of g y, ofall on tbo river aro inferior in strength. bead, with tho soldiers, xt17 offse „7he .7npaneso commenced the cert, twenty Soldiers, sixty-five of the crew, and eighty-llvo coolie passage of the rival' and the Tit's - carriers, Tom others, who refused sinus realized that It would bo int - to surrender, were sent to the but- itossible to prevent their crossing. tom with the ship. The steamer Tho Japanese front is now Nakarnurtt_Ma.ru was also sunk, extended from Wiju as far as Piek- The satisfaction of the people of tong, neer tld miles' 1Vo faced the St. Petersburg at the exploits of the possibility that they would cross at Viadivostock squadron is tempered a score of places, and all wo could with admiration for the bravery of hope was to harass and impede the the Japanese soldiers, who were on crossing, for every day gained en - board the I':inshiu-Matuu, and who abled us to push our preparations preferred to drown rather than sur- and bring up more men. render. •'14'0 know that the Japanese cross - The Russian Admiralty defends the ed at two points at least. Thoir sinking of the vessel on the grounds attempt to force a passage near that a prize crew could not be spar- Chtuidehekow, 20 miles above 1VIju, �• near ,_ oar tour ik] athe oussik- a s t on I ed from the Russian vessels, and I e., that it was impossible to impede a Ile, a tributary of the Yalu, was swift squadron by attaching n slow- successful. This is important be- er steamship to it. It is reported, cause a road Leads from Siaopouss- tnoreover, that the Vladivostocic ikhe north-east to Ke-antien, which -squadron had to hurry because it commands one of the roads to Muk- was threatened by a Japanese squad- den eon: Tho Russians learned that the ' It is evident that the Japanese Japanese were in the neighborhood devoted most of their attention to Russian torpedo boats were 4 while the R crossing near Wiju. The river here b destroying the Japenese merchant- 1s divided into several channels by loan Goyo Mare at Conseil the pre- islands, the largest of which is Sam- vlous day. On that occasion the donde. Above and below Wiju was Vladivostock squadron was watching bridged at three points. .. outside Geusan in a dense fog, which "Up the stream near Sindiagou suddenly rose, While the fog wits the Japanese were watched by a thickest the Russians fortunately in- small detachment of cossacks, but tercepted a wireless message from the enemy was practically uuoppos- the commander of the Japanese ed. At Tureneban, lower down, our squadron to one of his cruisers. The outposts directed fire from a field exact sense of the message could piece so successfully that they des - not be deciphered, but enough was troyed the moorings and wrecked learned from it to indicate that the file pontoons. The enemy was Japanese were near and moving to- thrown into disorder and suffered wards Gensan. The Russians there- considerable loss. Still further fore ]tastily left, not desiring an etc- clown the stream the Japanese Pro - tion. It was while they were sail- cecded to make a third attempt at ing north from Gensan that they crossing, found the K' We clo not think that the Jn an - 1 0 mshict• afore off Port p Chestakog. ese will attempt to land at Takes- han or Tatun leau, note that they MAY 1111 COURT-MIART'IILED• have crossed the Yalu. The object of such landings has been to cause It is generally recognized at St. a diversion, so ns to enable the Ja- Petersburg, that Rcar-:ldmirul Yes- p05050 to cross the river. Takes - eon cannot do more than frighten the han is not a good strategic point. Japanese, end compel them to Icor- The road leading therefrom is had, rise greater care in their military and troops could only be supplied -movements, as the sinking of a few with groat difficulty. transports, or even crtltsa1:4, can "The Russians will not 0110w their have 110 permanent effect on the hand at this stage, but will con - result of the war. Moreover, he is tinually harass the enemy, choosing Bound by his instructions not to ;,heir own time for a battle." risk his ship unduly, the intention being to keep totem safe for an at- TO IUCINI'ORCE ARMY. tack 311111 the Deltic fleet when it arrives in the Pacific. A despatch from Shanghai to The officials say that there is no Faris says that Japan's sec0ud army similarity between the sinking of the reserve has been called out. The Tiinshiu Meru and of the destructionhospital at Mina is full of sick from of the lCowslting, which was sunk by the army in Corea. the Japanese before the declaration CHARGED A POSITIO\, of war with Colina, as Russia is at war with Japan. The Japanese troops which crossed The Czar is much annoyed over the the Yalu north of Euitjiou charged incident, and a court-martial of the the Russian position near Iazucenn, Admiral ie. talked of, a village on the aFalclmrian bank - of the Yalu. They wore repulsed, ELITI)ED PURSUERS, but their loss is not known, It is believed at Tokio that the at- Tao gunboats steamed up the ricer tempt by the Japanese to tutercept to the support of the Japanese, wte0 the Russian squadron that recently n' Russian field battery at i nitaNl mode a d0555131 upon Grnsuu }tots npe10(1 011011 then, resit] ting in a failed. 0(131 that 11)0 squadron has duel which lasted for 20 minutes. Lha S1:ceeeded in reaching Vladivostock, Russian fLro W415 too hot and the _ gunboats were forced to turn and ON 'team 001 of tango, SYALE'SP,.4SIi - sThe Japanese were facilitated 111 'rhe ,Ia 'ant>sa 1 gunboat aTa;�a, us-!aros5ing by their oecupitlion of the. 5011ll,;• a f1' et of torpedo beet , eat -I Island of S(1wi11tnd(, toted the ulu+tth of the halo River -- en Monday, and moved toward Viin, CZ.\R VIEWS IMAGE.Fn r [+, it, fought n series of small nesette admir, (licit to dairy (14 et tem. 1 u this .,e., 1,neuts with the Itsssiau forces al Yr has s"""Lt: $- Cheese -r -Thr.. market continues quiet, araC' 5l11) . , ,the 1� n1 u•esft S . +. e•nd an extra .>o,000 has burn rc ('1 .,-e the right river battle. I at e. t, I ct.ersiones a :aiat>'ri fo ns to mmirc marc of-' with prices steady. We rJuote. m TSeee earnalltors U'ar.epired frer}uaut- 1ni191(1ou" image of t.ite Vtrain, 1 1 1 n eft S011.hemberee -1(l c; new cheese, y throughout Mcantley and `Tuesday, which the Russinu5 fervently hole is fieieut s;rc3e'e, AS marl` rxJra•t in- ��. to roe. ten -real t ,10; (1, cm:airnO1111 the lining to turn the Ude of battle at isieettoes; as are needed will be 5•'1\1 f:ar•] a: uadren in r, -.noel I'<mt. Arihrr. Thr :ldmhl) ,(0 the v(lrions cheese coal butter fact I TRIG ' D CTS. 1 Ing the cold the T.CG 7.t(O U ('1.13 ((((3(3 gtcs :-- TrInPrenfl the ;tory OP 1110 image, Writ% throughout the province for the "(1315 d,•t00nnewhich accuse de, -pureoee of i(3)11(3cun•>• the leen work- Dressed hogs are u11chang'ad, with ❑t t•en rhrtl 1}:e Yule depict too Virgin , or I1t'.,•r ;clime te, uud while goingup 5s 51:0 ((pllence11 in a vision to a 1utg thrr" ill 1110 1uoa1 modern m(' offerings small, Car lots, 50.2.1 to g 56,•10, delivered here. Cured meats rm the .a•mr';; f.ld final: uj>,•netl faitot', it v(tra•im of 1ho •:i ,);r. of Sa••1tT;ods of chess and beggar making. ..,-in.d us without effect, We dt„ ('0(,trpn1. Taro months 11(1,110 11101 hey trig also he sterilise] to make a are in good demand at unchanged ruter"11 a force of the enemy a oulhr„ak c.f the present war the Vie- inspection of all the sant Lary prices, We quote; -Bacot, long clear i } tl n11 � 11 , tf.i.n'd in ielhdr(')lul, and when «e ;Cin c,ue0 nu the sailor in a dread alrieeteneett0 in the rectories tlivy S1 to 8.$c per 1'h„ in case lots, Mess fired on 11)0(11 they ficd. O»'1uetelay and "hi 1isit. Tho result of the inseectl011 pork, 517 t0 81.7.30; do„ short cut, 1114' enemy's rave ley, 11to strong, a1 "yituly 00es aro. going to befall will be Cruet the quality of cheese arta 515 ,0 t te011 our launch, Our (05j10dn Port .1r(h1r limn my (11111 O` 15 310(31, 'butte• experteci to the foreign mat,' Smoked heats--7T(mns, light to heat, .\o. ((0, replied, and the en-. num fort Art Mir will be vie- k.e(s will be exactly -as 1'5presented, tnedimn, 121c; d0„ heavy, 12c; rolls, x115 fled into the mountains. From torfeus." ----..�-.0,-.�-,, - I30e; shoulders, 0 ic; backs, 183c; Anif.nshitn we. replied to the 0nent5'1) The Sailor 3vent on a pilgrimageUrenl.tat Lacon, 10( to ide. guns, (a thin 1 FROM ILLINOIS TO CANADA F' and silenced them after 11111E tC'cut monastrry of 7iielT, «nd i Lard -Thr, demand is fair, with en lour. There line no casualties told his (tree, to the Ten Good Wealth Settlors to Move to tierces unchanged, We quote:-Tioro- nu our side.." fire elms (lucre, Each of thein ave y (1e 7;.c; tubs, Sc; tails •S c; com- Aiter 5 p.m. the enemy again fired five kopecks (21 cents) to hare the Northwest, pound; '73 to 81,e• I k (men the Japanese from the direction dream depicted, but the artist who An Ottawa despatch says: The Pe- nni! P y rr Anther:. The Jnpnm's0 replied nettle Chu image refused to r0ccivo An of the Interior has been ach- UNITED STATES MARKETS. and the ITshe•ns stere, silenced eller isismi1111• riled Glut 1'. 1V. Wlllians. ,a ftueces5 about nn F:aur's fighting. Tho Jn- The ikon was eventually •r i t• t Minneapolis, .May 8. -Wheat -May, y sent to fel femme In Illinois, has completed 904e; July, 9O$e; September, SO4 to I>aurrm sustained no Tosser+. A(b>liral VeridtovslcY, a5 senior Act- arrangements to move to Canada with s0 c• on. trach No. 1 hard 93"c, __ mind. 11 represents the Virgin six ears of effects and 118 horses, IIc F'o 2 Northern, Oona. hard,Flour98(e; h TO FALL BACK, arcutt tangelo m111eiL] cringe op Christ, with will farm eight sections au(1 bring Eirst ]talents, w9:.00 to 5.5, Bran -Tri bulls, bearinside, and Clod with ]rima (appal of 541[)0,000. Some The Journal's 8t. Petersburg car- Ulp Trhther above, Saying :--- 28 fannies will follow 'Mr. Nillioms $117 to 51,1.50. respondent learns that: Gun. T�ouro- "'1'haru can he but 0110 freer: and from Illinois. Buffalo, May 3, -Flour - Steady, ('111 (int has ordered the mincers on ova Shep1101(1," 1iVheat-`,prong, small _quantity No. 1 the right. bank of the S'alu. to ewe- Col, Taylor, or tUr. Salgation Army Northern offered et 51.07, but trach cute a. retrograde movement and re- -4- Headquarters' stall in London, Eng- held at $1.00; Winter, No, 2 red', to ,fain with their troops the second line SULTAN SERIOUSLY ILL land, called at with the Department of the arrive, rail, offered et 51.05, Co1•n- of the Russian defence. Consider_ + promoting. Strong; No, 9 ,yellow, 60c; Na, 2 cable reinforcements cif infantry and — emigration to Caiiadn, Will Not Allow European Doctors The. first contingent of Old Country lcolrn, 5T7e. Oa310(•Fhrm; No. 2 white ra.51(1( have been sunt 1.c the hits to Attend Hinz. 41, c, 1`0, 2 nnwecl, 41 c, narlay Spot fa11n troops across the 'Tamen, in I''renc] immigrants passed through t0 arrive, 513 to 60c, l:ortlr-eastern Corea, A P11510 despatch says: The 13a Sal the pity nn 711051105 in charge of 1111. _ P]' h. IlOgimbal, the immigration officer 01(11111, 0, 0015 3. -No, 1. bas received from Melia a de5pate1l Nortlien, 94 to 05c; No. 2 Nartlirrll, FRONT Olt' 80 MILECS, stating that the Sullen is seriouslyof the department at Montreal. There Olt 94c; old Jul s4 c, Rye - (lectors but refuses to allow European 4cet'e 1.715 rn the parity, No, 1,72 to 72 e. y, Harley -No, I)is<nppoiutlltclt prcvaittz to 51. (lectors to be called in to 1(ettc 11 Petersburg, that no ethical deeaitches R 1 Cita. 63c; smple, 36 to 61c. Corti -No. ivin5• details of the op01'&111o115 on TO TRAIN 40,000 MEN. $ 48 to 5lc; July, 484 to 484e. the Yalu hirer ha'z'e yet been made:,...„„____4,.......,_,......„,Duluth, May 3, -Wheat -No, 1 Bard Tanana. The press' despatches nee so 177 All Rural Militia Will go Iztto 90ite; No, 1 Northern, 99c; No. 2 MOUSES BURNED, Camp This Year, meagre as to h551011(1 rather than Northern, 86•lac; May, 800; JUIy,. n1 r s•'+tell the j;r.(11t1c, who are hourly Cit- y of 400,000 Inhabitants in , A' despatch from Ottawa says 59(0; September, 804e. awaiting notes, Russia• Fire Swept, Ali. the rural Inilit3a will bo called Th.') <' out for training this y001', Tho LIVE, STOCIC MAR7(ETS, ...W x 'ocihcd brass has obtained Nom the general ,laic' the followhiq A despatch from London says: A number w111 be about forty per cent- Terento, May 0, -""The ruling quo - e1(53' statement1' Ora an Wednesday in Vitebsk, a city pang, totalling, in all likelihood, tat10115 to -tray for e:spa1lers' were "Beginning the passage of ihe� of '100,001.1 inhabitants in Eastern 40,000 men. '('11e London cam.. 4 to $4,80 _ er awt. 'Phe' most egg fi I i. n � ,40 p n •s evidently corn- Russia., deStrb ed 177 houses and 'did will probably open oh June 9th Were Sold 5 4.110 to .4,75 e• cwt, Vain, the Jalltitit,. a t i s 3 T y t the o o d at 5 5 P gelated tho concentration of two damage to the amount of 5250,000, and the Niagara ealn5 on ,luno 10111(1 Thd, 011065 got betaho1S' cattle were TEE WORLD'S IARC '�S ata fanc n animals figures noot'`herd choice �'H CHEESE TRADE, ISQ3 Reports Show 21,725 Arrivals in 31• obtain. Wo quote prices as follows; — $AI'Pl NINGS FI(OM ALL OVER Ontario, REPORTS PROM T13E x.'EAAI1i0' -Choice butchers 54,40 to 54.001 'VAL'UABLE IIINTS roil TRADE CENTRES. fair to good, 54 to 54,30; common 11TAIiERS AND E1iI'ORTERS, TELE GLARE. A Toronto despatch says' Ilan. El. — to fair; 58.25 to 5'3 6U; 10)1513. cows, — J. 7tavls, ('o1111n]ssiou>r of Crown Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese, 52•(30 to 513,25 per cwt', Good Quality of Cheese Coming Tele[maphio Briefs. Frain Out Owl Lands, has given out the complete and Other Dairy Produce No rl(11(150 Coals place in the values From the Government Cool and Other Countries at figures with regard to the inamigla of bulls which wore to fou demand. Recent (vents. at Home and Abraai3, We note :-Export. $ 3,23 in Curing Rooms. tion of .settlers to Ontario fromq P01'L bulls CANADA. Creat Britain for (ho year 11)0;1, Ac- Toronto, May 3, -Wheat -The mar- 83.00; butchers', 53 to $3,80, and In hos report regarding the cheese 2r cording to the returns, 12,723 set- ket is quiet for Ontn(io grades, and lights, 52.50 up. Counterfeit 5 and 50 cent rains Hera bought t30j ets to Toronto, and the lectin firmer, No, 2 white and A Ore feeling pervades the market In of 1x)3, Mr. A. W. Grindley, aro freely circulating le IlainilLon. G 6 g Agana of the. , Mr. A, of Grindley, points west of Toronto in Ontalto. red 1Fintcr me quoted nt 8O to 9Ue far feeders nn1L Slockate to -day , `ers,turn in Grout Britain, null155 some Judge R'tutoln died at his home in They were all meet by officials of the low freights, Spring wheat is 110111' offerings worn moderate, n.ncl holders suggestions that melt the al.tel11011 Idortrea! early on Sunday morning. department at the Union Station. In final at 84e, east, owl goose at 73 had little difficulty in selling 11+.1r at makers nn_l exporters. 3(0 50.y9: An add[tion costing 512,009 will. 1902 there were 0,207 who varve to to 74c east, Manitoba wheat weak:- stock at good prices, We quote :-- be made to the Guelph Collegiate In - t110 city, or points west, and in the erg with No. 1 Northern quoted at 1"eeders, 1.000 to 1,1100 lbs„ 44.225 1el'he cheese season of 1008 was a salute, roost successful one; there was a largo Previous year 2,520. 915 Georgian Bay ports; No. 2 Nor- to 54,00: feeders, 800 to 1,000 lbs, inrreaso in the quantity aver the Several cellars and warehouses at That retorts forwarded to the, de- thorn at 00c, and No. 13 Northern et 83.50 to 33.M •75; knee131.1 60(3 to Winnipeg «roro flooded by a rise in the 1 steady improvement in the duality pertinent by the D01niaion Govern- Rhe. No, 1 hard is nominal at 800 lbs. $5 lo 83,75; stock calves, Red River, 011ie, 350 to 500 lbs., $8,25 to 58.50; off tr,•ta so great, that in spite of very Gold dredging on the Eraser Raver went Immigration officials at St. (3c a Grinding in transit prices are envy supplies the r1C0a 50131i5e0 011 g' g John's, 2uobec, and Montreal, state Oc above chola quoted. cares aid loughs, sane weight, tiho whole o'sre satisfactory. The is reported to yield good results near that the total over -sea immigration Sats -The market is quiet at un- $ �•7 top• r flee; mild stvicet palatable flavor, as ills- Lillooct, D. C. to Ontario gyri 57,05(3, so that with changed prices, No, 2 white quoted Export ewes advanced 1 Coto >nr ti(1(1 (3 01 from the heated and bit - to fire underwriters decided the exception of 4,221, all of them at 20 to 291e low freights, and No. light ewes, 1 ,:, unci lambs c T tl l 11 1)edtfr so noticeable In former to inrrense 1;130 rates In Hamilton, came through Toronto and places 1 white at 80 to 13010 east. cwt,, end }cuying WEIR acute nt the 11, u 1.10e. Wo snore as follome :-Heavy years, bus created a large consume - ewes, 13ar1ey-The market is quiet, with ewes. 54 to 54.40; light sheep, $4.40 (Ivo demand, which 3(111 have a tend- Mr,'Davis also gave out 501115 inter- the demand limited. No. 2 quoted to :4.75, bu3115, 513,50 to 58.75; c❑qv to do away with the dislhopor- esting figures not contained 111 his 3t 42c middle freights.? No. 3 extra Frain -fed ]oaths, 56 to (56.50: barn- tion in value between Canadian and yard lambs, 54,10 to 313.50 per cwt.; English Cheddar," Spring 1nn111s, 33 to 13 each, T1 practice of shiliping too new or Calves brought $2 to 58 each, and "green" caallat bo too emphatically 133 to ,5c per lb. condemned as it not only spoils the Hogs -Were rehnried unchanged, sale, but hurts the reputation of We quote :-Selects, 1.60 to 200 ]b5, Canadian. cheese, ' The salesman as of prime bacon 111101i1;v, off cars, Tor- wen US the exporter acre to blame onto, $5; fats, 54,75; sows, 53.50 for sending these immature cheese, to 53,75; stag's, 32 to $2.50 per ] cwt, --• it to held t room until COTTON GROWING. British Commons Urges Govern- ment to Encourage It, , A despatch from London. says: miralty has received an official report unchnn1ed. Boyers' at 53.00 middle The Ilease of Cannons on We(1ne0- of the capture of lltig, on the. coast freights in buyers' sacks for export• day evening unanimously adopted a of Somaliland, from. the dervishes. Straight rollers of special brands for ars°lotion, abllr,ning that it is in - Three blue jackets were killed ,and dnmdstie trade quoted at 54.10 to culnbeat upon the Govermnent to do six «ere wounded during the nttacic $4.30 in bbls. Tianitolta flours aro its utmost to encourage cotton grow - 34.80 the enemy's works. Rear -Admiral wlchan_cd. No. 1 patents, $5; No. ing itt suitable parts of the I':mpire, Atkinson -Willes, ()onuuattdcr-in-Chief 2 patents, $4,70, and strong bakers' to co-operate with commercial 0r- ahriukage. during the season of of the East Africa station, who per- 51•(;0 on track, Toronto• gc.nlzations therein, and to establish 1902, when "«•axed" cheese first ap- somlly ronnuouled the lan:Jing force, 14lfllfeed-Bran is steady at 517 to ex305i 1011103 farms. Colonel Seem- 5050 on the British lnarkct, same says the fighting, which occurred on $17.30, and shirts et S18.50 here. tory LYLtlnton, in the amuse of the of the Grocers' Associations objected, April ], was at eros ilunric>15. The At outside points U1:an is 0unfrd at debate, outlined the experiments incl and even went so far as to demand dervish+s clefencled their steno zarebas 510 and aborts at $17, Manitoba devei0pmeets that are going on in an a]lau'allee in weights, but it was and towel's determinedly, but the bran, in sacks, 520 and shorts, 521 I')'gt'pt, the Soudan, Rhodesia, Central soon proved that there tens less British bluejackets and 0, detachment n Te Africa, West Africa, and the West shrinkage, which, added to the in1- of this Hampshire Regiment stormed Indies. Ile assured the House that proved quality and appearance of the their stronglfold gallantly, and drove (iOUNTRY P1IODUOR, the Colonial O111ce was carefully cheese, quickly cleated a brisk do - them out with heavy loss, It teas watching the experiments. 1Te said mend for cheese co111(11g from the b11po5sible to use the guts of ,)0. Apples -There is a quiet trade with that the Governat0rt had' just con- Government curing stations, at an ships without danger to the attack- prices unchanged at 52 to $2.50 per chided commercial ar1•angoments with advance in price compared to cheese ors, The British and Italian flags bbl. (01 the best stock• tho Cotton Crowing Association to front the ordinary factories. were raised side by side over the ear- Dried. Apples -The demand is limit- develop the industry in West Africa, ebas, which will be demolished, and ed, and prices are steady at 3 to iiee The association (14 Spending 81 50,000 llltg «311 be heeded over to a tribe Iter lb. Evaporated apples, 0 to Sic \Tarte. and the West African Colonies friendly to Italy'. SETTLERS POUR IN. TICKS FUN THE WIDE annual report in connection with New at 404 to 41c, and No. 8 at 390 mid - Ontario, During the year the land dle freights. sales to actual settlers averaged 1.68 Peas -The market is unchanged, acres each for 5509 farms, or a total with No. 2 quoted at 64 to 011c out- of 81,440 acres. The free grant lo- side. Dations amounted to 1,381 farms, 01' Core -Tho market .is quiet, with 220,0(10 acres. There was also al- prices steady. No. 3 American yel- lotted 2,0(30 military land grants of low quoted at 564e on track, To - 160 acres each, or 320,000 acres al- ronto; No. 3 mixed at 86c. Canadian together, ; corn is firm at 42c west for gua•al- teed delivery in good condition. FOUGHT FIAN1) TO HAND. Rye -The market is dull, with No. 7 r t o .t( St. t ted t to 07c en �i Lit 1, A Fierce fight o- n - - the Coast of. Buckwheat -The market is uncllang- Saxnaliland, eel, with demand seeder -We No. 2 quoted at 50c twiddle freights. A London despatch says; The, Ad- I'lonr-A'innty per e:rrrit. patents are London and Winnipeg. The Tucicett cigar factory at Ham- ilton has been closed, and about two hundred hands aro out of employment. 1111os Jones, assistant metros of the Hamilton Asylum, has been ap- poinlocl matron of the now asylum at Penetanguishene. The Canadian Northern Railway is now 93 utiles west of Grand View, and according to D, D. Mann it will bo near Edmonton this fall. and the 1nU ohs of factories should' The llrantford lic011ee commission - and insist that their cheese should be ors have reduced the number of lleen- 5es 111 that place front seventeen to 1 t it the curin •o v• c 1 0 sixteen by cutting off that of the City In such h condition as will give sat- rioter isfaction to the British consumer. On Saturday the two-year-old son COOL CURING OF CLil:ES1. of Rev. Dr. Cao. I-7. Smith of St. The difference in the finality of Catharines sot fire to his clothing cheese held in the Government cool while playing with matches and was curing rooms was very noticeable, burned to deatli. not only in quality, but in 50)101al The supplementary, estimates of the appearaaca. This improvement is Ontario (overnrnent 111cludn 5200 for due to cool and "waxing" the cheese Tnronto firemcl; also $5,000 101 re which also has the advantage of pre- printing statutes as a result of the venting a c0alsideralale percentage of Ore The fatal is $307,796. GREAT BRITAIN. The first Christian Science Church in England was recently opened in London. The warrant muter which ,john T3un- yan was arrested and imprisoned for six months was sold in London for 51,525. Tho British Government will pro- test against the Russian edict for- bidding correspondents to use wireless telegraphy in the far east war zone, The British Government ]las op - The - peree111r5411 of broken boxes p0311ted a COMM 15111011 t0 111gU1i•e 11110 was not so high during 1903, al- 'alleged breaches of the law in Church though 11 still runs very high run51(15 of )(ngland services and disturbances from. 5 to 23 per cent. The falling thereat, off in breakage is clue to:- Mir Remy Thompson, the noted 1. Damp season, which makes tote, English surgeon and an author of boxes les brittle. standard works on surgery, is dead 2. More care on the part of the at London. Sir Henry was also a shipping companies in loading, stow- painter end writer of fiction. ing and discharging 505500s, this A hill removing many of the cli5- work being closely watched by the abilities imposed upon trades unions Inspectors of your Department. by the famous Tall Vale railway case 3. The use of boxes of better qua- decision passed its second reading in lity. '1'lio latter 3)011)1 was very 110- the British Ilouse of Commons on Liceahlo in cheese coming Trona the 1'1'1(103'. Government curing stations, the box - 'UNITED STATES.. es being made of heavier material; the percentage of broken boxes did not Testimony was given in a New run nboaro two per cent. which proves York court a5 to the purchase of p0 - that 3t is false economy to buy cheap sitions an and promotions in the p0- boxcs.' lice force, Cruet should! be taken not to use Chicago University is about to green, unseasoned boxes 115 the cheese, adopt the Oxford system of colleges particularly the top and bottom, may for men and women, Two blocks of be damaged in qualify from this buildings costing millions are to be cause a1011e. built. SKIN BRAND ON CHEESE, per IU, are doing the sante. Iand to the Beans -Traria is quiet, with Trines amount of 6,500 acres will bo con- stantly. Prime beans are rguote(.i at t-oved to Cho association on easy WILL NOW NEGOTIATE. $1.,50 to $1.6C, and hand-picked at terms. and free railway facilities will $1_65 to 51.70• be granted nt tate outset. Dalai Lama Roused - to a Sense of Hops -The mareet is unchanged at Mr. Lyttelton added that arrange - British Power. 28 to 82e, according to quality, 1no11t5 are being made to extend the A London despatch says: Col. 1 Monty -The market is quoted at 6 ; t;•tiltvttys. Yomtghesbnnd, commanding the po- to 7c per lb. Combs quiet, at 81.50 y litieal mini » to '1'ibst, reports that to $1,75, NATIVES LOST HEAVILY. the situation in the country is 111- Hay -The market is quiet, with of- proveci, The Chinese Amitat has sent lettings moderate. Timothy quoted '-" _ notice. that lie is coming to 'legoti- at 50.50 to 810.50 a ton here. 't00 Steamer in New Guinea, Canoes Attacked lt,•h ate with the mission. I1c adds that Straw -The market is dull, with Cha Dalai Lama is now roused to a prices unchanged at $5.50 on track A deseatcl from. Sydney, N.S.W., sense of the Burnish power. The Ti- lime, Sava: \While Acting Administrator buten officials at Lhassa ere greatly' Maple Syrup -Phe market Ts quiet, Robinson nt Goorabi, New .Chtine0, pertruhed and want the difficulty set-' at 51 per Imeerial gallon. 0n March 1h•d, was endeavoring to tied. There is a general ;attitude of Potatoes -The market is quiet, with incluse the chiefs to surren(1c1• the acceptance of the inevitable, con- offerings snmil. Ch0iee cars are quo- murderers of the notal explorer, the biped with a sense, of relief at the ted at 90e per bag 0» track ]fere, and Ret•, ,las, Chalmers, and lits (01n - flight of the oppressive Lhassa oill- interim Quality Lt.t See per bag. vials, who prompted tho resistance to, Poultry -Thu market is steady, with the mission. 'limited af301111rs, (111cl:ens, 11 to The people of Gyangtss are friendly 11Sc per 1b., turhey'5 aro quoted at 15 to the 111100(011, Local traders are to 17e per lb, far fresh killed. besefgin;; the camp to sell produce to the anis:Toe at exorbitant latices. The THE DAIRY MARKETS. Tibetans ere sharp traders. They are Butter -The :Market is rtuiet, «•it11 already sending to India to increase prices unchanged. 'tedium and 1n - 1.1101r stocks, feeler qualities aro very plcln11)11, --�- with' dement) moderate. Wo quote: EXPERT DAIRY INSPECTION Trine:it, 'lab Polls, 16 to 17o; choice large rolls, 1 30; selected dairy tubs, Dcpertmen r-ntend to Improve the 1 n to 1..i lc, medium and logy grades, Service, 1(1 to 3 tc; creumrt•y prints, 20 to I21c solids, 18 to 10c. A Toronto despatch says: It is tor+ I gg,•-lieceipts c0utinoe gond, intent;an of the Agricultural Popeet- end Prices are unchanged, there be - mint. this Sear to pity 111(05(101 a1te11- ing salmi of ease luta at 1.$0 71e1' dos... panione, 800 canoes (ittac'_`ed the Government steamer lihrrie 1711'5101111. The canoes were repulsed and the natives lost heavily, lett there were 7 -coding British importers of Can - many casultics ninong the whites. ndlan cheese are in favor of brand - EMIGRATION tug cheese indelibly with 1110 mouth EMIGRATION TO CANn-DA. in which they are macre. Some years ago "September" cheese became the 8,000 leaving Britain Weekly to favorites, hut owing to the improve - Take Up Faun Work. 111c11) 111 the quality of cheese made A dcf:paicn frmn London says :- during July and , August, brought There is 5eons iernhle euti51•ntion to about by the system of "cool curing" Can nda owing to YPe eeerc•ity of introdhced by the Department of Ag - work and the bushels depression in ricul115,' the makes of ocher months Grunt Britain. The t etcspapors have proved to be nearly as good ill un(1(I11t111i5s aet=hdci>tmhtherast. unscrupulous farSeeailsilh1wPiOrg t(h1n1fU_f,tUh}vUe,eilcC11V to take tion Mem work. They ale de,3.1e•s in Canada es well as in Great William Schrader, a glass blower of mostly Lancashire 111111 ]tends, Tee Britain quote "Septembers" at such Evansville, Ind„ arrainged on an largest emigration since the cotton low prices that the supposition is arson charge, told the police he set famine of 1863 is expected, that they are the make of other lire to his own home because he was months end any inreri0rity in qua- seized with the notion and could not -4--- My is not 1hLScovcred until after de- help it. SEVERED 11EU1`li REPLACED. livery is taken, 51 the. month of Two physicians of St. Louis are In connection with the recent hake was branded on the cheese they using a very p01501(01 proteid found trn.nspinn1ing of an car the follow- would he sold on their nlerit0, and in healthy blood as a euro for 'con- ing case mny be of interest, A man speeilators Who 13011011 cheap flues of sumption, So far they Have been aged sixty some years ago, during July, August, October or November successful, enol tete turn may revolu- the killing of a pig, had his right makes would be debarred from (mot_ Lionize the treatment of tuberculosis, middle finger bitten completely off ing them by cable or otherwise as. Three (negro boys of West Chaster, tlu'oUg•11 the middle phalanx by the 'Septembers," Pa., all under the age of 16,- made animal, "ilo walked to my house" «---o--- a determined effort to tercel4 an ex - states Dr. 1(d:ell, who rocores tho TWO OFFICERS KILLED, press on the Baltimore Central nail: - case, "a distance of six miles, with--- way near Oakbourno. They placed a friend. On any inquiry rue the .Revolutionary�Spirit in Warsaw largo boulders o1 the rails, but were missing piece of linger alto ' friend, Active. discovered just in time. nater hunting in various pockets, produced it from 0110 of them, coy- A despatch from Warsaw says: 7n awl with tobacco dust, etc, I -laving connection with the revolutionary 5e- GENERAL,cleansed the stump and severed por- tivity hero, the deputy chief of the il At Mead, 7Tnngay, twenty-three tion I joined tho two ends by secret police, the dd(:nty cornssary 1io131Leal rioters were killed and forty strapping and fixed on splints, In of police, and a party of constables «'owtdetl by the gendarmes. 1113011 fourteen days circulelion was attempted to enter a suspected house. In 001.11101)y it is believed that soy - completely restored, union had taken They were attacked by a Harty of oral thousand matt will' be requiredplace, out ho has his Tinge to dais Iden armed whit revolvers and knives, to crush the nreb0111mt in Southwest cloy, 'rho nerves did not unite, so ]30th the officers were killed and two Africa. that the part is insensitive. Tho of the constables wee wowiddcl. Vous Russia has demanded of Turkey finger had been off about two hours, arrests were made, 54,000,000, long ovedua, on ac,- 'rte distal joint is stiff, but not- 4- roust of 1110 Turco -Russian. war in wiidtsccuding this he finds it et clrnnnity, BEGGAR WILL BE RICK.• tremely tuneful, end is very proud oforgies Working under the 'auspices it." Mechanical Genies May Land Him of the Egyptian Exploration Fund recently unearthed the tomb of a --ie Mechanical 5100,000 Prize. Bing of Egypt who rifled 13,C. 2500. WHYRUSSIANS STARE . A despatch from Now York nays: 9 Fait days in (tussis arc numerousMembers of the Charity Society here 101 1' '.i• 100'TII] CHIMNEY, 33csides the e, ordinary lionise period, express the belief thatt Alexander Mc- tell e- tvcll, however, in Russia lasts 1Crnsie, a N'ofes53ona1 begga', who A short time 550 a public ceremony forty-eight days instead of forty, tya5 once at eleettical engineer, had was. to 1111earned 0111 itt Londshu1, i.hoy boyo three Shorten' periods of inventeda 0110000„1311 device for the an important town in Lower Tlnvar- fnstillg-ane of nineteen (Llys in protection of the third rail nn the fa, A new 1111131 15 s61001 11018 to be June, one of fourteen day in. Au- elevated trael15, and «111 racrito Ulm formally opened, end all 1,aadshu1 gust and another of thirty-three prize of $100,000 afford by tope. In- quivered with pleasurable 11.111(61,0 - days in November and focornbor. te'bor0ugh Conpaty for that neh)050- tion. 1Jnfortuntniely the festivities There are, in addition, three single alert, had to be PUC 0(1 at the lest 111011:10111cdays of fasting, of which two as `� The nchool could not ba a>;.ited. No also holidays. Vesting is a serious scholar could taloa his Sr nt upon the matter h1 II,uSS(a., for fish, milk, and 'At Brussels Judgment was given brand-new forms, . .The landwas ba eggs ate forbidden as well as meats, against 11.31ng Leopold s daughters, the grill ot winter, and the 111(1)1)0(13 Tho result i5 that the markets for who sued him for n. larger shm'o of had forgotten to tn•ovi10 n stn:41r.,: such products are largely cut off for the late Queen's estate than he had chimney throughout the building, about 'ouo-thh•d, of tho year, and given to t110119 dairy -farming becomes tlnproftable, 'I ho At Ilse of the 1Tungnrlen. Wes. ITfeks-'r1iy wife is as strict observance of fasts is Et term Imilwey has lantana()'general 1 : :very mt'tbo (1' 1> tt> ant. sews nitlnts gcih •t dace far weightier matter with Oa] 007)30 and traffic 3s bl cic(cl on all the 00)ythh)e•, .and ve • t that honesty or any other feature of n Cala rnllw,)'S, Over 1,000 railway .ty lhiu.' in 11s: our own. stela. of morals. cm 110 'es arc urtde arrest, y ptnr.0.' 1' 1)11s - .-ra hits 11:hu', butt wr system I 3 II can never dud the place "• Margaret l drams, of New Gretna, N. J,, lost a diamond 51115 two yeany ago. Recently the cat killed a rat, and the ring was found fixed rowel the rodent's neck. David Rothchild, founder of the Federal Bank of New York, and the G1oi:o Security Company, is. under Lerma, charged with the larceny of over $200,0(0. Prof. William Mime, principal of 3110 school at Shecptown, Pa., ]las been arrested, charged with flogging eleven -year-old ,7(11111 llosuadc until the boy became unconscious.