HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-28, Page 8wAswAw Formal y'e ,As a preventative for smut on Oats and Barley, there is nothing better than our Formaldehyde. Ours is the best that can be procured. Full direc- tions :fixe supplied for its use on Grain. Our price is 40c per pound, and we would caution anyone against buying a cheaper grade. OUBT A FEW PAINTERS ABOUT OUR NEW WALL PAPERS Our Stock is large. Our Patterns are up-to-date. We Trim all Papers free of charge. Our Prices will suit you. F. r T oti 'a ', DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. Paul. , etas 3tems. A ohiel'a amang ye takir' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Bens gardening is on. Botha will be May Day. Buyouts are ones more in use. OounaiD meeting next Monday evening, ADDITIONAL local news on page 5. Read it. Laval stook shipping is moving lively these days. FouRTH Division Court on Wednesday of next week. Doe'T forget the Foot Ball match on Monday evening. Tam young girls of Brneoels are tusking arrangements for a lively program 0,o Basket ball. DUST is commencing to fly and the street watering cart will soon have to be brought into requisition. THE cheery Beason of bonne cleaning is at band and the smoke of the chip pi e will now asoend skyward. Spring is here. THE $ mile rase track on the Agrioal- taral Park bas dried off well and the local horsemen are exeroieing their feet steeds' thereon. IT is reported that A. I, MaCall eb 0o., of Ohatham, intend opening a drug store in Wingbam. They have several branob stores in connection with their business. CHIEF Bag ssB BnaGEee and P. 0. R., W. H. Kerr will represent Court Prin- cess Alexandria, 0. 0. F., Brussels, at the High Court which meets in June at Toronto. Jive. Gunman will baiid s verandah at his new residence and will move and convert the frame store house into a horse stable, placing it more convenient to the bones. Conan & Bots have already made several Shipments of buggies from their Carriage Factory, Bruesele, this Spring, with more to follow eta the weeks go by. They have a large stook. ADVERTISING pays when done in a paper that ie read. Last week we got the owner for the spectacles pinked tap an the street ; found the bracelet lost and secured • the blaok thorn cane for T. Maxwell. BmieszaS cheese factory will open up for this eeaean on Monday of next week. W. B. Thomson, who will have charge for W W. Harris, the proprietor, arrived here this week from Holneeevile, and hoe taken op bis reeidenoe at the apartments in coaneotion with the factory. AN old landmark in the town is dieap. peering on Mill street in the palling down of the old log house on the lot own- ed by W. J. Norton, of Listowel. It wife built about 60 years ago by the late Frank Kelly and in the early days the Meet Orange Lodge held its meetings 0,p• stairs in it for a time before their Ball was built on the same street. Thee!! Bros. pulled down the bowie. THERE was a ruiner that the sewer appeal °see, in which Brussels is interest- ed, might be delayed until Fall bet this le in:erreob sea motion is being made for ite early hearing. 'There ware 77 oases on the list but as they are not being taken seriatim the sewer appeal may be dropped in earlier than its plaoe might iodioate. Some of the people with water in their cellars think decision cannot come too soon. Poona AtireTATRn.—A few menthe ago Mies Olive, daughter of Gordon and Mrs. Mooney, john street, slightly in• jured the scouted finger of her left band. Shortly after it began to trouble her and after undergoing treatment it was de. aided that amputation at the first joint was absolutely neoeseary as the bone was diseased. The operation wag per. formed last Monday and we hope the ptuoky patient will goon be all right once more. PREasNTINo TETJB QLAiais,—About 25 persona around Brussels who grew sugar beets last season for the Wiartan factory and who did not reoeivo their pay, owing to the flnanoial embarrassment of the Co,, are filing their claims with the expectation of receiving a percentage, from the bounty to be paid by the Provincial Government. From $1200 to $1600 will be the total claims iu this locality and it is estimated that they will receive about 30 oen18 on the 5. Bar rioter Sinclair bee the matter in band for the farmers interested. The highest individual amount was $200, MArItltt°NIAL,—Wednsaday of last week Harry Crooke, druggist of Paris, formerly of Brussels, and Mies Beetriae A. Reid, of Gannnoque, were Hafted in marriage and will make their home in Paris where Me. Crooke bas a fine pusineee. May theft joys be many,—A geld wedning with only near relatives present, was solemnized in the St, George's Cathedral, Xingeton, Monday night, the aontracting parties being Miss Anna Louise Savage, daughter of W. J, Savage, and W. D. Hart, eon of the tate Lewfe Hart, of Piston, and ab present manager of the Standard Bank in King, Ston, The bride wore her travelling' (lease of dark bine cloth. There were no attendRnte, Mr, and Meg.. Hart lett for New Fork far the honeymoon, Mr. Hart wee a tetident of Brussels at one time as manager of the Standard Bank here. Fool BALL,—Seaforth vs. Brussels, SPRING timers are making their ap• prarenoe, ism painters brash bag been at work on the front of, Mre. Fletober's jewelry e tore. BnnseEls Salt Works bas an artier for 12 care of their well known Salt foe ship. ment to points in Manitoba. T.P. Surria, the celebrated eye epeeial• let, will melte his next visit to Brussels, on Wednesday May 25. See him at Fox's dreg store. GEonos Euw,uues is shipping his well drilliog apparatus to Fergus having sold it to a party Hewi! I males a new cue on more modern principles. GOLD Br000b Net last Saturday morn- ing between Albert street and Jett, Per guson cC' Oo'e. store. Finder will mneh oblige the laser by leaving it at THE POST Publishing House. JUNE 20th is the date of the annual Excursion to the Model Farm, Guelph. Speuial train both ways and tickets good for two days. The Farm will be a more attractive spot than ever this year, Foor BALL.—An exhibition match will be played on Victoria Park on Monday evening, May Sod, when the Seaforth Hurons witl play against the Brussels Intermediate Champions. Game celled at 6 o'clock. Bowi.allo.—A meeting will be held in the Oouneli Chamber on Tuesday evening of next week at 8 o'o'cak to organize the Brussels Bowling Club for 1904. A cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested in the game. Fuasrmunn eon SALE.—The undersigned offers by private sale, bis household fur• nitare as he is leaving town far a mobile. Bargeiae will be given if taken Boon. $ , prioe for many articles. Call on J. M O'CoNNOR, over Kirk's store. IT is amid that Hugh Williams, of Sea forth, has dieposed of hie house and lot on Turnberry street, Bras'ele, at pees sub tenanted by Thos. Thomson and family, to H. Buneten for the sum of $700. Mr. Bunston is carriage Mack- smith et the Oober factory so the location will be e, onnvenieut one to him. LOCATED IN ATwoon.—George Gunning. ham, V. S., who gradneted with honors at the Ontario Veterinary College, Tor- onto, a few weeks ago, has bought out the business of B. E. Henze, of Atwood, and is now in poeeession. The people of Atwood and tonality will find Mr. t7un• ningham a flret•elase man who will at. tend to his work with ability and des patch, He spent his early years on the farm Bo had a practiced acquaintance with stook which now stands him in good stead with his veterinary knowledge. Tor PosT wishes Mr. Cunningham the very hest suaoees in his new home and we are pleased be has located as near to his old friends at Brussels as he has. GRAND TRUNIr,—Freight bas been moving at a.lively rate during the past week some 30 nate being loaded. Among the shipments were the following :- 2 oars of tow from Cameron Bros., Oranbrook, to Doon ; 10 cars of salt to loom points, considerable of it for cheese and butter factory purposes ; Alf, Backer, 3 oars baled hay and 4 Oars of onto • R. Graham, 8 oars of oats and a oar of wheat ; Stewart & Lowick, 800 barrels flour to Giasgow, Scotland ; Barr Bros: & Bleak, a oar ofcattle and a oar of hogs ; Geo. Beet, car of bogs ; A. 0. Dames, oar hogs and oar of cattle. In. ward there were two oars agrioultural implements and a oar of Carriage makers' stook, etc.—The smith gang bas been busy this week tidying up the yard after the Winter's blockade. — That gray. el "sidewalk" now need as part of the roadway is enough to give you a pain when you think of all abs business the G, T. R. takes oat of Bruesets•— Afternoon mail train from the East oontinies to run on its old program viz. from 1$ to 2 bones late, A readteg room should toe opened at tke various depots to aid the travelling public in putting in the boars spent waiting for delayed trains. PLEAseNT AND Buc°EoSPaL,—The Bp. worth League gave a eeoial evening in the school room of the Methodist ohnrob on Tuesday evening ab width an excel. •lent program was presented in flrst,olass style to a good sized audience. Musical and literary bill of fare was as follows Hymn, "Onward Ohristian Soldiers" ; prayer, by Rev. T. W, Qosens ; chair. man's address, W. H. Kerr ; instru- mental daet, H, L. Jackson and W. A. Grewnr • recitation, "Betty and the Beer," Mies Eva Gilpin ; solo, "Just for to -day," J. Milhausen ;• quartette "The Divine lullaby," Misses Gerry and Scott and H. W. Avieon and J, Niihau. gen ; recitation, "The life boat," F. H. Gilroy ; boo, "Sunshine and 05in,' Miss 0. Mitigator} ; recitation, "Our hired girl," MISS Stella Gerry ; solo, "Fees to Noe," R Fletcher ; reading, "No saloon there," Mime Josie Buchanan ; Lunch. eon ; insbromJa ental duet, Masers, akeorl and Grawar ; solo, "The end of the way," II. W. Avison ; recitation, " Bay ing a postage stamp," Mies Stella Mo- gnaerfe ; address, Rev. Mr. Cosens ; solo, "The children of the oily," Mise Thurso Gerry ; Trombone solo, W. A. Grewar ; The National Anthem 1 prayer by B. Gerry. Mrs. 11, L. Jaokeon competently officiated as Re. oona anis p t. A cordial vote of thanks was passed to all who aeeieted in the program, on motion of President Bettor and W. J. Mo0raaken, The t0om was TEL B3) R,iJklk)k1 POOH' Ara, 28, 1904 Standard Bank of Canada r •` ETPOPOU .T1.-. r9TA7'2S5Si£A W70 A581ST6 — OVfgIL 1`nI1tTE1lN MILLION DOLLARS 9 fall eerie' 13itinikiale; II terelt teteei Ta'alahlli (It ot$ --4"NrStAVING$ BANbiv"'•- DEPwirrs Or ONE DOLLAR end upwards etredeed on wh'•,h INTIMIST 18 ALLOWED FROM DALI. OF DEPOd11' at the HIGHIEST BANK BATE. ACORUED INTEREST is eddod to aaoounte every Rix montlla and beoomee principal, ((( —MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw Depseits without the intervention of any german. LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be loft for SAFEKEEPING only for which uo oherge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will reoeivo our oaredand oonrteoue attention. A. 0. al AOFARGANI9, AGENT. tastefully decorated with flowers, planta, pioteree and ruga. Although admission tee wee only 10 Dente the treasury is the richer by over $15 00 by the Social, Business Locals. 10 YoUNo pigs for sale, GED. Roan, Brussels. Sewrata done by the day or at borne. Apply to Mies VIOLET Coorga. CLOVER (Govt. Standard) and Timothy and bulk garden seeds hash et Ma. Orecken's, SEEns,—Olover, Timothy, Waverly Oate, Muskoka seed Peas, dee. G. E. Mere, Wingham, GARDEN SEEDS.—All kinds of Garden se••ds in packages 20 par peokage, 15 for 25o. Tested first mass seeds Jas. BALLANTY •nE Groner. uer. 0 CARPET loom with weeper and !Cooler, bobbins, ohuttlea &s., for sate at a reason. able prime. Apply to R. Anderson, Elizabeth street, Brussels. SIDEBOARD and dozen high baakchairs for ,ate also a oouub and a number of piobnm s, &o. For partioulars as to locality flak at THE POST, ORGANS and Sewing Maahinee olenned aid repaired, Also Organs and Sewing Machines for sale, Apply to TIIoan MooRE, Brussels. $2 People We Know. G. L. Walker was in Toronto Zest week 00 a I deinese trip, Mee, George Edwards is visiting friends at Kincardine, William Miller is pre/speatiug in the Parry Sound District, Mies Addie Lott bas returned to the borne of her aunt at Colborne, Oat, Miss Mary Daily, of :Trowbridge, was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Milbsuaen. :lire, George Shiels and daughter are visiting relatives at Winthrop for a few weeks, S. and Mrs. Carter and lilies Myrtle were vieitore with MoRiliop friends last week, Miss Edna Elliott, of Woodetook, is visiting at James Elliott's, Mill street, Braeeele. Mrs. Jebn Sinolair, who bas spent the peat 6 months at Stratford, arrived home this week. Mrs, William Cameron, Chetah street, was visiting et Thomas Straobun'a Gtey, last week. Geo. Henderson, of Maliillop, was a visitor with Harvey Buchanan, in town on Sunday. Mrs. A. J, Lowick was on the sink lief last week but will soon be as well 0,e ever we hope, Mrs. R. Denbow and children were visitors with relatives et Stratford during the past week. Mee Nora Halmos was on the sick list but is quite recovered again, we ars Mewled to state. Mies Aggie Dunoaneon has gone to Bacterial) where she purposes making her home for a time. Hugh and Mre. Witliame, of Sesforbh, were in Brussels for fete days this week Galling on old friends. J. M. O'Oonuor intends paying a visit to his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Steele, of Sombre, Lambton Oo. Miss Nellie Harbottle, of wtarton, is visiting with her grandparents, Jnc, and Mrs. Howard, John street. Dire. Jamas Sleet and daughter, Mies Margaret, of Owet Sound, were visitors with the Garter families, Mill street. Mies Annie Grieve is enjoying a half. day with her mother and eietee in Bons- sale. She laws been sojourning in Paris. A. 71. Mellish, manager of Brussels branob of the Metropolitan Bank, Bros. sets, took a business trip to Toronto this week. Thee, Ennio, John street, bas beau bothered with rheumatism during the past Winter but we hope he will soon be rid of it, Mies Pearl Bremner, of Ethel, spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Miss Laura Nicholls, in town, returning on Monday. Mise Clara McOraaken Is home on e visit. The big fire in Toronto Interfered with her position in that pity Bo the will spend a while in Brussels. Mrs. Mango Watlaue, who ib e, journing at Olinton, bas not been as hearty ae usual during the past Winter. The in- °raaso of years is telling on her. Mrs. Greeneides, of Atwood, was a visitor with her slater, Mae, 0. Wilton, this week, having considerably improved in b earth we are pleased to state, R. Leatherdale was at Mitobell for a few days baking stook in a eale of fur niture business between Mr. Stoneman of that town and R. Mowbray, of Walton. Dr. J. DI. Moore, formerly of Brussels, and who solei his praobiae et Moorefield, has toasted at Carthage, Perth Oo, Tuts Peer wishes bit suoaess. He is a skill• ful pbyeioian, Mrs. Little, of Ingersoll, was have for a day or two vieittng her parents, Wen. and Mrs, Ellie, prior to the former re. moving with her hnsband and family to the Northwest. It is reported that Obrie. !Gitlin, of Listowel, a former resident of Bruesele for years, is not 0njnging hie usual degree of good health but we hope iho From the Teeawatsr News '—Mrs, 5, Askin has gone to Brussels for a two weeps' stay.—Miss Zetta Ferguson went to Toronto Monday morning to resume her stodiea at the Conservatory of Mush, THE Pos'r takes pleasers in wetoonling Aire. A. 0, Maohtrlane and daughter to Bro•sele. Tbey arrived last ween. Mr, Maefarlaoe has lensed the brio lc residence, Turnberry street, re00utly vacated by F. H, Gray and family. THE FILED Olt SPORT. Mount Fermat beeeball oinb hal been re•orgarized. The Beaten: League Bluebell season opened Wednesday. The Oanadian Lawn Tennisobatupion• ships will be hold on Jniy 19, ten days later than lteual, Following aro he junior ottewms the 0. L. A. in district No, 2—Tesewater, Laoknow, Wingbam, Listowel end Kinoarddne. The senior 0, L. A. teams met in Toronto on Friday evening lust and gred the teaduar,ole. districtoup— Orangevillems,an Seorliferth, Otven Sound, Mount Foreat and St. Marys. D. Forsyth, of Berlin : Footba'1 here appears to have tate dry rot. There's too math of the what'o.there•in tE for•me spirit of hockey and baseball. I tvodd be in favor of barring from the game men whom we are not positively certain are amateurs. A tweeting was held in•J, Argue'e tailor shop, Fordwiah, en Monday night of Net wtek to organise the baseball club tor this year. The following officers ware elected : Prue„ Jim. Argue ; Sea., Thos. Wade ; Treas., FL Gibson ; Captain, W. A. Edwards: managing committee, R, 5. Gibeoo, W. E. Downey, J. Diebel and N. McLaughlin. James Mailliobael, the veteran bowler of Seaforth, has just parobased the Sea• forth lawn bowling green from the Skat- ing and Carling Riuk Association, and will make a gift of it to the Bawling Club. The olub intend erecting a olub house and making other improvements, which will give them one of the nicest and meet cen iseti nb greens in the Prov. ince, At the ant gesbon of the Seaforth Hurons who said they would not be able to play a doable series of home and home games in the W. F. A. senior competition. The schedule is as folilowe Seaf,:rth at Galt, May 24 Galt at Berlin, May 27. Berlin at Seaforth, June 3. Berlin at Galt, 11100 11. Galt int ';ealortb, June 17. Seaforth at Berlin, June 24. The boys of the Stratford Collegiate Institute organized a football o!ub and sleeted the fallowing officers :—Hon, president, J. D. MaOrImmen ; president, H. S. Robertson, B. A. ; vioe•presideut, O. E. Pentland, B. A. ; eeo•breas., Austin K111er • °eptities Mao, Swain ; ouatudian, F. O'Flaherty ; executive, H. Hart, D. B. Stewart and W. Murray. It is the intention to plsce a team in the Bald and compete with other organizations in the city, and possibly high schools in the vicinity as' Mitchell, Bt. Marys, Wood- etook and °there. If the team is 'can• sidered strong enough it will challenge for the Hough cup, preeented by the W. F. A. for competition among collegiate inetit0te and high school teams. This cap is at preeeut held by Oliubon high eobool. 0. R. Sing, ex Mayor of Meaford, is dead. Judge Wurtele died at bis home in Montreal early on Sunday morning. Samuel Defeo, an old resident of Port Dalhousie, dropped dead in his garden. Mrs. H. W. Allan, of Windsor, a sister of Hon. J. H. Gibson, diert•Friday night. Several sellers and warehouses 0.0 Won. nipeg were flooded by a rise in the Red River. The Legislature 0oeotuded its work on Saturday, and was formally prorogued Tuesday. The Legislature passed 107 bills, width reoeived bbe Royal aseent Tuesday afternoon. Mao, izlarmou Khox, of Sydney, neat Belleville, committed suioitte by putting her throat. Mee. Ray mond, aged 75, was aophyx' iated at tate home of her son Blooe street Toronto, Saturday motniug. Bir William Ven Horn has oonalnded arrangements for the erection of a mil. hon dollar hotel at Havana, Cuba. Trouble highest] aauseit at Hamilton by a o"rnniittee of the Stteeb Railway men's Union giving the clothing aoibreat to a nonunion firth. The two year old elm of Rev, Dr, Geo. H. Stuith, et St. Catharines, set fire to hie clothing $trite playing with matches and was burned to Beath. A deputation of the telegraph °perrat• ore of the I, 0. R. were in Ottawa with Mr. Campbell, proeident of the union, to meet Hon. H. 1t, .Simmereon and ask for an increase In pity, One of Aymerle o,dest and most re. peeled oitieens in the reason at Andrew with died Thueeday of last week, De. eased who was born near Glasgow, aotland, in 1818, formerly lived at Sea. ottb, and was engaged in the harness Maness. Abnot eight years ago be went Aylmer to live with his (laughter, Mrs. Dr.) Fear, and has enjeyed good health r a man of his years until a few weeks go. Four children aro left to mourn the ea of a hind father and guardian, name. —Mre. Baird of Bt. Paul, Minn ; re. Fear, Aylmer ; Thome, of Beanie, ash„ and MR. of 51, Louis, Mo, B b to arrival of prang will invigorate him. George Colvin, Art. 1lloNanghton and fo Peter Ritchie jr, were arming the Weet- a ern piigrime tide week from Brnasals. lo The first mentioned has a promise of ly work for the Bummer at hie trade es oar. 54 voter, t. SV thlfl'1'AL,—I'1 id an 51,000,000 RESER VE FUND . . 51,000,000 1111V, 1t, 11, \yARIMN A. D., Directors S. J• AI 001011, President, Vtaa•Praeldout, 0000. mtAna0.tw, R IA, me noNOR telt. w, troRTltrnsn aLAnx, Rio.. D. E. 1'rrettaoN, N. 0,. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO• W, 7J, BOSS - - OIIbIEItAL MANA(i101t A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS T1IANSACTE]). Drafte Bought and Sold. Farmers' Notes I/iesonuted, &! d'air t&,11.,UP RaTaztrearomr Iuteresb at lIIOliEST CURRENT RATES alllowedl onailsums of $1 and upwards u�"Jdl1NJc"emze/%BIONC2[! A. 17. HELLISH, Manager, Fall Wheat 80 Barley 115 Peas 65 Oats 20 Butter, tubs and rol,e.,12 Eggs par do en 11 Hay per ton 6 00 Fluor, per cwt. 4 00 Potatoes per hoe 50 Apples (per bbl.) 75 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 /loge, Live 4 76 Dates bane been set in September for the trial of the election protests. John Oarson, G. T. R. engineer on the Patro'ea brooch fur the Nee twenty yenta is lying at the point of death an account of blood.poioiniug• Rev, Oolin Duguid, pastor of Matson. nenve Presbyterian Ohnrnb, near Monte real, committed suicide last night just before evening cervica by shooting him. sell, Mo0RAoNEN.—In Brussels, on April 28, to kir. and Mre. Fred. MoOraclten, ec aaugbter. THotossov.—Ill Fergns, on April 14, 1904, to litr. and Mre. J. M. Thompson, a dsugbter, WnioPrmuo.—In Grey, on April 16, to Mr. and hire, George Whitfield, a I3011. .raaGn- ARtIsTeoNe,—In Kinloss, on April 92nd, Mrs, Joseph Armstrong, mother of Mrs. Motor liaQuarrie, Gtey, aged 80 veara.4 Oaessatoo,—Ab Goderioh, on April 23rd, Moans Oreeeman, aged 71 years, 4 months. C°LEttAN.--In 'Walton, on April 28, Ellen Sullivan, relict of the late Dauiel Ooleman, aged SO years. Germs —At Elora, on April 20, Caleb Gribo, father of 0, N. Griffin, of Wiugham, aged 86 years. •.P V'CTSCair BATURDAY, MAY 7,—Farm, Farm stook, implement's and hone:hold furniture, West $ lot 23, con, 18, MoRillop. Wm, Easton, Prop. ; F. S. Scott, at1o. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. $45 will buy registered Jersey oow, can return after oalviag if not satisfied. G. A, D1IADMAN, FOB sale two 2•year•old steers and a 2 year old heifer. Apply to Lours ROL. LINGER, lot 9, con. 10 Grey. 88 37 00 28 13 12 7 00 6 00 60 1 00 70 4 75 r C'l FINDERS FOR t'1ZOPERTY.•-••, ll the undersigned le prepared to re. i l lint 81ownatst by tSirH Jai ailpilt coiner of 101000 and Alexander strecte. Biussele, be. ing eompneud et ]iota Noe, 904, 106, 808 and 900, 'Thera Is also a small dwelling house un tiro eligibly bloated property, posses• elan given 510,000, Tenders received up to tl p. in. 011 Tuesday bay 8rd, next, The biahastor any tender not nee:mearlly so. oapbed. Icor further peetleulars apply to B. (311111tY, Brunson:, agent for Sm. Dail, 'Ii XECTTTOR'S SALE OF A VALVADLE 56 ACME FA1ttt, IN TIM T0a' 'et,i,' o1' M01{ILLOP, SN Tn10 OOn0TY op Milos —Pursuant to Power of Salo contain- ed in (h0 last Will end Teetam5ub of BIeb- ard 8p,u1ltrg, dc0onerd, there w111 ba offered 1nr .ai o i,y pnk+l[0, 000et10a, on SATtJ itDAY, TUE 81 VPN''Ia DAY 01+' MAT, A. 53. 1004, at the hour 0,i one o'clock p• m„ onthe pronllaea by P. S. Scott, Anetinueor, the West twenty -ave Soros of Lot number 28,10 the Mil Con. of the Township of 010501101,, in the Oounty of limen. The land Is all ele,tred, with the nxanpbinn et a emelt strip or hush, well drawee, fenced rwll watered, and situated about nine miles from the Town of Prafonbll 0.01,1 11b0lE some ranee from the Vilhtgo of Brussels. There is it st0n11 orchard ou the promises. Tile bulhl• inge, which aro in good repair, consist of u haute baro with stone foundation, 89x42 feet, and a frame house 15x24 feet, with kit- chen at the rear, Title indisputable. TERM 010 SALE —Tou ,or cost. of the purchase money on the slate of anis t0 be paid to the Vondor or his Solicitor and the I/Wlaaes to 10 days thereafter, 500 immed- late posse+anon eau be givon. The lauds will bo offered eubieot to areserve hid, Lour. llu'bllet' particulars apply to Alex. Gardiner, the Executor ; EEL Scott, the A uottoueor ; William uneaten, the 0oonpant, or W. M. 111IN0LA112, Solieltor for the Ilxoeutor. Dated ab Brneeals, this 07th clay of April, A, D„ 1004. FOX'S DRUG STORE Formallicli 1 J The Great Germ Killer After several years' experience With the above article for the prevention of smut on oats are find the demand constantly grow- ing from the fact that it does its work perfectly. Those who have usedit are its warmest advo- cates. Otos is the full strength, 4Q per cent. solution. Put up in 25o. and 40c. Bottles at Pretty a` atter ,Ri The Wail Papers w5 want to show you are striotly this eeaeon's production. They are noqueationably superior in beauty of design end erbietio ooloring to any we have ever shown. We think ib will be a mitn'tl pleasure to have you look over oar samples. We hope to have this pleasure at Fox's Dreg Store, Fox's Dro.g Store. 111121,.. Ft.,-i.:'„cbnaes... •3311rose., Mrs The time for House-cleaning has arrived and the thorough inspection of the careful house -wife reveals the necessity of moving the old Curtains to the back rooms and procuring new sets for the front rooms, The next question which revolves through.your mind is : "Where can I get the best values3 for my money ? Here's the solution • Come direct to Fergusol. Cols Store, we will do the rest. For the benefit of those who may require to send for them we give a partial list of our stock in this line, also descriptions of same. Oar prices range from 350 per pair to $4.00 a pair as following list will show. No. 0023—Nottingham Lace, good pattern, loolc stitch bindiug, soft Knish, and 3 yards, fall length Regular 60e Curtain for, per pair 85 No, 843—Nottingham Lace, neat pattern, look stitch binding, eoft finish, and 3 garde fall length, medium width, only, per pair 60 No. 4786—Nottingham Lau, neat dot tbrnu;b- out, medium width border, tape bound, good finish and full length 8 yards, for, per pair 80 No. 11—•Pine Nottingham Laos, wide border, flowered throughout and full length 871 yards, 64 in, wide, look ebitob binding, good value for 85 No, 9070—Soft Nottingham Lace, extra wide border, neatly flowered throughout, book stitch bind• ing and full length $$ yards, 60 in, wide, only- - 1 25 No. 0058—Heavy Nottingham Laos, wide border, aoroll pattern throughout, look etitoh binding and full length $a} yarde, 54 in. wide, for 1 25 No. D88—Duplex, Nottingham Lace, tape bound all rotted, oriental pattern, 10 novelty, tell length 8$ yards, for .,.. - 1 10 Nu. 909—Nottingham Lase, wide border, neat pattern throughout, tape bound, 8$ yards long and 60 in. wide for 1 85 No. 0063—Nottingham Laos, narrow eater bor• der with medium insertion, fine square weave, neat pattern tbrongbont, look.rtitah binding, mitt finish, 9. yards long and 54 in. wide, for - 1 50 No. 9019-1/'ieh Net, double thread both waye, narrow bordee with medialln insertion, very cervine' able, look atitoh binding, Soft finish, 8} yards long and 00 in, wide, a snap at 1 75 No. 8928—Fine Nottingham Laos, soft weave, wheel pattern border, with inserttan border, dotted throughout, 1155 yards long, 60 iu. wide for 1 40 No, 268—Fine Nottingham Lane, wide border, aoroll pattern throughout with at> ooanaional flower, soft finieh, 8$ yerde long and 60 in, wide, for 1 75 No. 9988—Very fine soft Laos, wide border, et sin pattern and flowered throughout, lock etibah binding, 8$ yards lung and 60 in. wide, for .,... .., 2 00 No. 1008—Heavy Nottingham Laae, wide border, beautifully flowered and tops bound, full length 8$$ yards and 601u. wide, for 2 00 No. 842 —Nottingham Laos, narrow border, wide insertion, well pattern throughout, 8,f yards long and 60 in. wide. Price 2 00 No. 104—Spider Web Lace, soft finish, narrowly border with wide insertion, look stitch binding, 3$ yards long, 00 in. wide, a beauty for 2 40 No, 848—Extra Fine Fie': Nett, wide border, small flower throughout, 8$ yards long, 64 in. wide, a very crab eat for 2 50 No. 6808—Heavy Fish Nett, with narrow border and hteertion, It very serviceable article, 8$ yarde long, 60 in. wide, for ... 8 00 No, 0806—Extra Fine Nett, plain, with narrow border, leek stitch binding, very durable, 8$ yards Jong, 60 in. wide, a choice line for .. 3 00 NO. 227—Extra close round woven Nett, heavily embr f,lered border and look stitch binding, 855 ydp. long, 60 N. wide, one of our choicest lines, at 4 00 A hull lino of Curtain Lean, Curtain Muslim, Art Musiins, Art Draperies and Berime on band and at popular prices, Dry- Goods and Groceries..