HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-28, Page 5.Ali. 28, 1904 IT k4 'ft ft, 00 E 8 ) TRAIN UP A CHILD And whoa bor ho u, Dead Minor 5'f are i raolvsdfroutbusineon firms end�Q • MANY STUDENTS ,treplotted ill good V'f postpone 'mob your by alto ta10ou5 off 'ferns opens April 11th, 10IJA Two Qaurae5--•. Oommereial and aburtbend. Beed for College Journal. A, L. Me1NTY1t1r, Manager, ra �� a ��A-er2tt �5," ge BUSINESS CARDS. ��ONGY TL 311. . B0UTTO LOAN, ABzT 6 1a'ER Dent, a8Bel,. H. McORACJIEN • Ieenox of Marriage Lieenece, Of- fice bfce at erooery, Turuborry street, Brussels. T11ARMS FOB SALE—THE UN• pennons:A has several sped Farms for Bale sad to rent, easy tonne, is Towne)iips of Morrie end Grey, •F S. BUOTT,Bransel M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. PISS BEAN fYt'LAUUIILINl —TEACHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM: INBnaANOA, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, LI LECKE, LIFE AND FIRE 1NBORANCr,, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, Otiioe ovor Morder's Drug atom, Nov, 3rd,1002. 30.13mBXOBaola. Wellington Mutual Fire 1nguranee BBTA Mins 0D 1a40 Iueui'anoe taken on the Dash Bud premium note system atoms -01t rates, li (fore Wear. ins elsewhere (ail on the andereigned Agent of the Company. GJ 0RG1t ROG RS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS. 117 S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- •. BBB, will sell for better prices, to bettor roan, in lose time and lean charges than any other Auctioneer in Haat Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and ordere con aiwaye be managed et. Male °Moe or by personal application. !POST. H. GARNISS BLUEPALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Torma. reneonnble. Riles` arranged for at the Dobe of TAB POST, Brneeele. eetf VETERiNARY. �T8 D. WA1t•W1OIC— el • Honor Otadus.o of the Ontario '`vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all eh: - cameo/ domesticated animgle in n 00mpet- entmanner. Pa1•1P411a7 attention paid to. Veterinary Dentistry, 0NIe promptly at- tended to. Ofiieo end infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Toraberry at., Brnseels, LEGAL AND laRNVEYANCINR. A B. MACDONALD— .E1.• Harriet..., Solicitor, Notary, hlto. Swimmer to O. F. Blain Oifloe over Stan- dard Siwis Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Back, � M. SINCLAIR— ..�_ Barrister, aoliottor, Conveyancer, Notary 1 nblic, &a. Wboo—Stewart's Block 1 door North of central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bauk. })tt0UD1r00'r, BAY$ at GLAIR BARRISTERS, SOLICITIIte, NOTE UES • PUBLIC, 15'1.0, W. Pnobnpooy, It. 0. 1t. 0. NAys G. F. Beam. Oakes—ehoee formerly 000upied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Gonrialm3, ONTAino. MEDICAL CMS. J. A. ,M'NAUCINTON. ne. 15 , O. M.," Trinity Ublveireity, Fellow Ttuiity Medical College, Member- College of 1'bysiutane anti auigeoue Out, Licentiate of the Royal OoI. lege of i'hyoielans mud Licentiate of Mid- wifory,Edinbersh. iM0'Wslephoue Node, Reeidenoo—affil street, Brunetti. DENTISTRY OR R. P. letrETOST Graduate et 'the Royal College of Dental aurgeoneof Ontario and First -antes Rotor prarluate of .Toronto Unlvereity. Oitl0e next to Brewer's Pitotogt'apb .Gallery, SITU El SDI'S. WANTED •A man to represeet "CANADA'S GInt4o. BST Nonejnuoq" in the town of Boatels and eurronnding oonntry,and take orders DLIR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Lt1'nit 4h•co$, Shims Fruits, OI'nhmentaIS, Ski abs,. 110808. Vines, Seed 1'otalats, &c. Stook true to name and free frorb San Jose Seale,permanentneat poeition for the right man on either salary or oemmiselOn. Stone & Wcltillgtexr FONTIIILL N171..SERILIa b0•11m over 600 Adreg TORONTO, w ft ljtyq+,ltiCfi STRATFORD, ONT.../ elite wheal antes for the Iliannor to AND hips' In bealn0t5 eduotltion to P Lacuna 50.dal'. Many 2500in50e col- r A legeoDinicy our gradnatos as teach. OM. We bevel r.0Or511 e1 apulicuttoue • from other Uollegoe. Aok to me them 505 day yon Biter, 00150305000oureo o t. It u tv, Catalogue uo ' 0 b free. 0' s)6 W,.J.LLLIUI"r,Prluoipu). p'f }JLat XtetiM , te11t , Fituig growore report that lbs field mics have done great injury to the trams in orchards is numerous places the peat Beason, numbere of the trees being com- pletely girdled by them. Tutt stook of Stewart & Smith, general me chant's, of Marlon, who aetignod to N. L. Martin, of Toronto, woe sold at 0aotion to C B. Hall at 75,1 cents or. the dollar. The stook was valued at 014,000. Gustave Goebel, of Mitchell, formerly of Brneeele, has sold to Geo. Banwell, of the Benweil House, Brantford, the handsome paging stallion Queen's Baron, 2.18 13-4. blr, Benwalt is to be oongrat• Mated en obtaining one of the beet bred and festoon etailione in Moeda. While in Brentford Mr. Orem) purobased a flue pacing gelding, whiob is Bald to be very fust. lx is rumored that Dr. May, Provinoial Inepeator of Publia Libraries, think, of retiring from the service and will be offer. Bd enperunnnation utter his long term of work. Among those who are spoken of no likely to receive the appointment if the position becomes vacant are A, H• Gib. bard, prlooipal of the Niagara rails High School, and E, A, Hardy, of the Lindsay (nigh Schaal. UNasss Tnopny.—The Listowel Stand. ard says :—The silver sup presented by the cheese buyer» nt the annual meeting of the Western Ontario Dairymen's Aseooiatlon, and won by 15. H. Green, of Trowbridge factory, ie on ex• hihiNou in the store window of Wright at Th( mpeon. This beautiful trophy has been won for two years it/ succession by Mr, Green, and sbontd he ee once more eueoeesfnl it will baoome iiia property. We tenet that be may bold it. CM op THANKS —The mtdersigned. bege leave to tender her moat sincere thanks to Court Woodbine, 0, 0. F., Orenbreol(, for the prompt payment of 51000, abs beneficiary of ber late hoe. band, and for other ltinduesees received. Also to the members 0f the Odd Fellow's Ledge, Breeseie, for their New Year's gift, and the helpful sympathetic worde red thoughtful deeds of the people of Brneeele and other friends will never he forgotten, end is hereby gratefully a0- knuwledged, Mem FnAN050 M. Sums Brussel°, April 21, 1004. Tssousne' A89.003TSON, 1904.—The Au- nual ideating of the East Huron Tomb ere' Aseooiation will be held in the Sea. forth Collegiate Institute on Friday and Saturday, May 13th and loth. The teachers will be entertained to an At Home in the Collegiate Iustitute on Fri. day evening, Among tboae who will take part in the program ere : John H tato0, M. A , •.Robert Weir, G. F. Rogers, 13. A., Thos. N. Forsyth, Albert 13 Smith, Win, J• Meffott, W. J. Loag. heed, M. A., David Robb, L P. S., Rev. J. W. Hodgins, 'Phomas Muron, end Miens Mary Padfield, Ada Beattie stud M. L. Brock. 13 oo.I' Raaitrxriot Ar. Mae, G. P. Sour• Eisen —The Toronto Star of last Friday says;—"Mrs. George Percival Sonafieid rreeived for. tato first time since her lnarriate yesterday afternoon in the yellow drawing 100m 45 the Ming Ed• ward, Mie Schofield woro ber grace- ful wedding gown of white swept de shine with yoke of tacked ohiliou and .pearl °remnant», and had a bouquet of Ameri- can B.auty roes,'. She woe nssieted by her mother, Mrs, Kele), hand•olnelygown, ed in black, embroidered taffetoe, mount. ed over Bilk, with black taglie deoked with araboegnes cf lune. The tea table WOO arranged in it corner of the drawing. Loom, done with pitik and white car nation', its slender silver A .war holders and silver candelabrum, with pink shaded lights, and presided over by SIra, Lawrence klkee, Mre. MoLeau Mardon - milt, Mies Beatty ..and Miss Lyon. Soule of those noticed during the after. UM) were film, Drifleld, NEW Maple, Mrs. J. Wright, Mrs. Sohn I3urgees, Mies 13. Wright, Mee; E. MoMidate Mrs, A, Fenger, Mro,'Hubbell, Mies Temple, Mies Towner, Mts. Bownelt, Mrs. R. Yonne and ',there. Saunuinon.—The Feet Williene Daily Times Journal of April .15th says of a former Brueeelite ;—"Last Thursday eventu5 a surprise party tools possoseiou. of the home of Mrs. Eludes, end after spending some time in pieneant ghat and lively gismo' one of party neon and read the following address to Mies M. Hiedee, who is to hetet iu a few days for Winnipeg Dem; Bite t'indes :— Emerson ,'aye "To make a friend you must be one,' and during your long stay in Schreiber yon kava been a friend to many. Thug, you have many triode tubo deeply regret your departure from their tntdet, and who embreoe this opportunity of expreseiug to you their hearty appreeiatlon of your friendebip anti, services. •By your aoaive, intelligent and ooneelentioueefforte toadvance the inter-, este al the church, Sabbath school and Ladiee' Aid 'moiety ; by the 0beeriol readiness it) which you toolspart in the literary and genial parte of the worts ' by the Ohristien kindliness) and 'ootlrteey Wllioh have ever marked your tnttrnouree with Meehan, officers and friends, end ley the word of hope, kindliness aid oymputhyt which you were ever ready to 'Meals, you hems endeared yonreetf to all who know yeti and lead 510 tc hops that you may long be spared to continue in the good work whioit yon have 50 fitithfu'ly-and creditably 'tarried en whin Nerd, Bat, dear Mies Eludes, we wish to expr055 our appteeiatiou'cf your work. In a more timeline and fasting Way than in mere words, and so we ask you to adopt this "Bible" hem the: Sabbath School l this Book of Poems front the Ladi55' Aid looioty and this brooch tram your nanny IV 0 THREE PROPOSITIONS FOR THE FARMERS ,Itlb'h,.„, t,'cr4, he's 9d4rq,a„ Pinder Twine 02500 saved on Ovary ton'by Twine, your brdera for Central Prison 7.'w1ne, In addition to 0)3e the Twine its put up in good Grain Bane tied with 3 Rope hatters, complete with soaps and rings, We are agents for the Townships of Grey, Morrie and Mo1Lillop, Pure are M1lanifa, 05U ft.,...... 12f,1 Farmer's' Spaoiul, 550 tt 115 Pure Manila, 000 it lite Avatars' fipeoial, 500 ft Bic Terme oasis or }l, added for payment October let, Samples of the twine, grain bags and betters to be men at our store. Pratt's Peed The Quality, not the Prise, is the liraJL 0.7 consideration in purchasing Stock Food, Pratt's Food hate beau in nee for over 80 'mare. It captured the Medal anal the Diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898. Now is the 0ca0on to teed Pratt's Food to your Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs and Poultry. Pratt',' Food, pot up in pails, is the moat profitable package. Prioe of pails, 01 25 and 52 60, Motley refunded if Pratfa rood will not do what is claimed for it. Portland Cement Wo ars agents for the Han. over and the Berman—one grade only and that the BEEPP, The best results can only be obtained by seeing the beet Dement. Cement Companies will not guarantee a price only for the month of April. Pries for April 02 25. By ordering your Cement at rune you will get this price. Later on Cement may 'titmice, enieet eetteeel tteelNeelell (Ceti A. M. MoKA of friende, not 10 any way a5 a remuner- ation of eervicee rendered but as a eli,iltt Mime of the love and esteem in which you are held by ,your friends in Sohrei. bar. We all wish you good bye and God• speed and feel thea when the trials of life are over and you ere called to depart this life you will beer the "well done" of the Master and receive a .orowu "that periehetb never and that fadeth not away." Signed on behalf of the ohnruh, RBv, J. A. PBxou. Sabbath 800001, GIto. A. Even. Ladiee' Aid, Wins, WADLANA. Frioids, M08, Penguin. The Bible presented was a handsome morocco bound teachers' edition ; the. book of poems a beautiful volume of Longfellow in padded nobien ; thebr000h a goal 0.7050805 set with pearls. Miss Hinders replied to the addrees in a few well ohoeon w0rde assuring her frieude that elm had enjoyed the work she bad done or tried to do. That she had found in Schreiber many dear friends ; that elm needed no gifts to keep them always in remembrance, and hoped she might some time he eo happy es to vial them again, but if not that they might meet again fu a better world. Some one started to sing "We shall meet, we shall ging, we ellen reign," eto , in which all joined. Refreshments were then served, end bidding the family good night and Miss Binder good bye, • the friends de. parted to their several bootee". Genre -to. Rev, J. W. Holmes was in Toronto last week on business. The young eon of Adam Young bas lately been seized with an attack of oouge5tion of the lunge, but be is rapidly recovering. AMMO Doan, who bas bean spending the past six weeks at his home here left on Tuesday morning of last week for Rat Portage wbere be will moans his poeitinn ae brakeman on the 0.P. R. The April meetinu of the Women's Institute wee held at Mrs. White's on the 18tH inn. tire. Armstrong read a paper o,i •H "ouse cleaning 'comfortably", Quite a lengthy animated dieomesiun f.dtowed. Mies Mae Knox and Mise Mary Horton each Snug a Bolo very sweetly. The iutereet is the Wamee'e Institute still keeps op, new member» joining 0t every meeting. IjrreNit.ttoW. Mre. (Rev ) Walter Treleaven and two children, of Gfeuatleu, are visiting friende in town. The W. 0. 11'. U voted the sum of 55 to the needy in New Ooterio a0d a box of Malting is to be sent. Mrs. W. H. Stewart and her daughter, little Mies Verna,. of Origin, were vi53t• ing friends in town last week. A Spring show for entire horses wee he d in the A1rionitnral Park, in Look - now, on Wedneeday, when 560 in prizes was given. J. G. Andereou returned on Saturday last from Brighton where be spent the Fail and Winter looking after his apple, ebipping business. Ltolsnow Lodge of the Independent Order of 0.1stfellows will oeiebrate the eighty.fifth anniversary of the Order is Amsrioabyattending divine service in the Metboduto 00uroh, on Sunday May, 1st, John Brown, for many years in the employ of Writ. MIN, of this village, hag entered into partnership with Mr. Tay- lor, of Toronto Junction. The family will move to Tnronto,in the near future. Rev, Joseph Philp, 13 Ae of Ktooar- dine, preached 1115 Epworth League Antsivereary sermons in the Luoknow Motbodiet (Thumb on Sunday morning and evening, On Monday evening Mr, Philp gave bis popular lecture on Paleetine and its environments. eeiepLire •alt. Angus Kennedy left for Brandon where be will probably engage in bneineee. The house famine still 00ntinues in towu and good renting bums are still ata premihm, Gordon MoDeweli mat with a painful sooident by which he received a nasty ga-h in the ankle from an axe. Harold Willeoo, eon 01 0. C. Willson, of thin town, le slowly reboverfng from a severe attack of rheumatism in Detroit. Geo. Patterson, who met with an accident at the furniture factory yorde, is u,.t improving se rapidly ae hie many friends could hope fox. The Seefarth auxiliary to the W. F. M.13, has appointed Lire. A. Forbes as representative et the sonnet meeting to be held in Toronto daring May. Mr, and Mrs. Mullett and family leave Edmonton for Ontario the first of May. Their many friends here will weloome them back after a sojourn of two years in the far Weet. Work on the new .two-story addition to be built to the rear of W; H. Willie' ehoe store, hoe been oommenoed. When completed Mr. Willie will have large and 00mmodioue premises. b,lmto w Pei. Campbell Magaby, of Chicago, former. ly of Listowel, wee merrier! at Galt on Monday to Mies M. Kynooh, a popolar young lady of that town. The Maitland Stet Football Olub will give n 0oncert in McDonald's ball on Monday evening, May 2nd, The 0000ert will be mostly home talent. Rev. G. Dalsbeel, who is about leaving town for Muskoka, was preeeoted with a wellfilled puree and an address by the members of St. Paul's Lutheran con. gregelion. Among the victims of the terrible aeoident wbioh 000nrred on the United Stales big battleebip Mieeonri, while engaged in ire reoork.breabing 12 Mob gun pra0tios off Pensacola, Florida, was Harry W. Frank, eon of the lata Jacob Frank, of this town who held the po511ion of eleotrician on tiro big fighter. 130 wag buried here on Saturday. D. 0. Brioker, of Winnipeg, brother of S. Brioker, of this) town, and formerly Ono of the beet known m5u in Bruce county, died at Port Elgin on Saturday night of last week, sir. Brioker was sixty-three years of age nod took ill last Fall ;when he came' from Winui peg 50 oousnit a speofalist in Toronto, going from there to his old home in Port Elgin where be has been Hideo. He was in past years prominently connected with busineos and real estate fn Port Elgin and Bruoe county and went from there to Winnipeg about twenty years ago. At the . High School exrroieee the judges of oratory were Mayor Hay and the reeident minietere of town, std they awarded first prize to Alex. Simpson and esoond to E, 11. McLean, The prize mays were read over by George Bray, B, SIGN OF THE GOLDEN I have opened up in the Strotten block, two doors North of the Metropolitan Bank, a Jewe1- ery and Repair shop. All kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, ()locks, Fine J'ewelery and Silverware kept in stock and will be sold at lowest possible prices. Have had a long practical experience in Clock and Watch Repairing. Customers can confidently depend on first- class work in this branch of my Business. Will Guarantee satisfaction or money Refund- ed. Kindly Soliciting a share of Public Patron- age. inension*SedgMaivail F. . A. and W. C'imie, B. A.., and the Ars and s 0 I prizes awarded to 15105 alalia• it . •1 Mies Quoin reep,etively, , who 11 ,4 .hair uotnpoeitious to the Indies"., 1. W. doott 5tterwartls preeeuted beprime, haedeome sets of Woke, to the winners anis oompl11nsnted them on the exoeiienia of their work and. that of all the pupils taking part. /EH reWalt, F. 8. Wolford, Junior so the Molecule I3arik emir here, severed 'hie couneotion with Sisosoli, leaving far Woodstock. h'i re .Medd and daughter Josie, have returned 6 d trom rami ' o r L n t n where thn have been spending a (ample of tveeke visiting relatives, Owing to a defeat in the stovepipes the family of Mr. MIDcugall 055130 near being suffooated with goal gesso)) Wedoee. day night of iset week. ?Aim Popple and the children of hor (immoral eider were sleeping upotaire and during the night she was awakened by a obokiag emulation. Upon arising she had jilet strength 800000 to get down stairs with one of the children, Sir, McDougal ran upetaire and brought the others down throwing open ail the windows. They were all so weak and siok that they bad to hese medical attention and were 'confined to bed all next day from the effeate. 131v ale. Speoial Whinge of the Blyth division. aorta was held on Tuledey. Sunday was m•e,fonary Sunday in the Methodist oharob. ltev, J, Relates ex• changed pulpits with Rev. A, E. Jones, of Beigrave. While removing s cork from a bottle in hie drng store J. M. Hamilton bad the misfortune to out his right hand badly by the nook of the bottle breaking. It Wag found necessary to put a stitch in the wound. hliee Sadie 13migh left on Monday morning of last week for ?ouoka,Alberta. A large number of her friends, old and young, were at the station to bid her farewell and wieb her a safe end 51515' 8,515 journoy. At Calgary on Saturday of !net week ahs was married to Lieut• J. A. Jackson, 13. A., who left Blyth one year ago and who has eines) been praotie• fug law at P000lha, Before leaving our village Mise Emigb was entertained by the oongregatiou of Trinity church and presented with a silver pudding dials uo0ompanied by a kindly worded address. A15W00(0. Sunday evening the Presbyterian Y. P. S. 0.E. toot( up a apeoiat collection in aid of the night schools among the lumbermen, Mts. F. Onrtie is recovering rapidly from the abeoeee with which she bas been suffering during the peat two or three weeks. Elmo Obeese Factory began the man• facture of obeeee on Monday of last week, W. D. Angoe bee as his assist. ante Messrs. Holmes, Ballsntyne and Ziemann. Word has come from J. A. Roe, V. S. to the effect that he and hie family are on their way back to Atwood. None of the family Nave bad good health einoe going to Nartb Dakota. Thos. and R•obt. Neebith left for Regina, Ana., where they hope to obtain work, Alre. Robt. Nesbitt accompanied ber husband, but Mrs. T. Nesbitt will not go Weet until her bueband derides definitely where he le going to settle. st:itrattee-8c t. tire. Henry Horton received a etroke of paralysis. Oonnoillor Mornay got 47 obiake from his flret setting in the incubator. Skating at the rink, with good ice, the second last week of April is certainly a reoord breaker. Dr. and Mee. Perry Tom have left for Toronto, eu route to their home, Well - wood, Manitoba. Engineer Peterson, of Montreal, has rented the Kiely residence ou Nelsen street for the Simmer. Dr. Arab. Dickson returned from New York and bas gone to Winnipeg, with the intention of looating in the West, Dr. W. S. Turnbull, who . has been taking a post graduate 000roe in medi eine and surgery has returned t0 town from New York. At 1 p. m. Thursday of last week there were five paaeenger carriages and 68 freight care at the depot, anti 88 freight oars on the tracks at the harbor, a total of 111. Lighthouse street bee a very largo amouot of traffic every reason, and the gravelling of it will prove a decided im- provement. The drainage requires particular Riley tion. Sockore have been naught in foie numbers et the river's mouth, but up the river very large quantities have been landed, the peat week baying been a good one for catching aria flab. Pereb are still seam, probably becauee the large minn owe they feed un are BUNS in the harbor. A PRESENT FOB P11E OLD FOLKS. 1'013 THE STOMA,8I5'S SAXGE. An eminent physioian says, "btunan life should Inst Ave times the years it takes to mature"—thus if twsnty.one ie maturity WO ebould IIVe over a hundred years, hot there ere mot many reaoh the .ae0tiry. mark, A great deal more tong. evity would exist ie the etomaeh did not get crippled and played out. That organ gets plenty of abuse, and le deserving of attention. I5 le the starting point of most ailments, and it need' the flret 1ttentien when symptoms of eiolmeee appear. 11 en elderly stomach eats be kept working right, yon may be acre of .a ripe and 00ntent513 old age, 0oulparatively free from physical burdens. The great new dieoovery, ANT •PItiL, the Great System Treatment, has a grand effeot in helping old and derangedstomache. Any aged person who will address a Postal to Wilson -Pyle 00., Niagara Falls, Ont., will get a free trial bottle by return mail, Bola in Brusseis by Sae. Fox. The license of the pity Hotel, Brant' t ford, will be out off, The Grand Trunk have discharged tweniy.Ave firemen at Belleville. Cointorfeit quarters and balk dollare are beingI atadit Hamilton. retailoirnn Windsor, of Woodeteek, has been appointed handmaeter of the Oxford Riffee, The Legislature passed the third reading of the muoielpal taxation bill and un 551101401750 to the atatuto lam by wbioh a bye'aleotion must be brought 011 within throe lttgnth5 01 a vk.ottaoy, 110 BLVre-�. 12,091e a'd,�^ ' Carpets, Idnolennis and Floor Oil Cloths The time hen Dome when the thrifty house keeper begins to think of bonse•uleauin andn t g, ew Carpo e, LlUOtenmd, Floor Cil sloths, -.Etc„ and to eel gide e eoneider where elle Dan ret thebeet, (esus and ' e n to largestt 6 u5sor want to (thecae from. Her thoughts natually turn to our Mammoth Establieb. mens where there is a)1Vaye a large 51oole of new patterns and solore to select from, and the primes aiwaye 0 little lower than the ioweet. • Thie season we ebnw a fine a000rtment and moo value In the following goods Vir:olenme, 2 yards wide, in tile, blonk and floral designs), at from 750 per yard up.—Floor Cil 0lotbe, 1, 1).1 and 2 yards wide, in new patterns and colors, at 25o per square yarn.—Hemp Carpets, yd. wide, in etripee and floral petterne, at 123o, 15o, 200 and 25e—Tapestry Gamete, in r,ew desigus and colors, „t 25e, 350, 50e, 60o and 705.—Union Carpets, yard wide, newpetterne, al 255, 35o and 50o.—Wool ingrain Oarpete, two ply, at 650, 75o and 050,—A11 Carpets), over 80o per yard, eta and matobed free, TACE CURT AINS o,—Lave Watling, 8 yards m l:aoe Curtains , 3,� Bards y border, 54 inchwide, cafe, at h frills and embroidery, at Laos Curtains, 2, yard,' long, great valve et 50 long, )3809 designs, special 75o,—Nottingba long, with plain or scroll centres and fano 81, 51,50 and 81—Robinette Curtains, with 81.25 and 52. COBE" CARR1 GE FACTO RY The time is come that, you may want to buy a Buggy and we are glad to say we are ready for you as we have now on hand any quantity of the finest Bug- gies that can be got anywhere to choose from. Prides right. A number of first-class Farm Wagobe, with low or high wheels, either 2i or 8 inch tires. Also a few 8 -spring Democrat Wagons. Be sure and call and see what we can show you. John Cober 84 Sore CARRIAGE 51FG'13,4 13RUSBELS. anasacarsaisor- @NTH OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in. 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing, As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we thick we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see us. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels.. x x )0F( New. and Choice alnd. at Fair Prices. SPRING is at Land and with it comes louse -clean- ing and new Carpets, Curtains Soc. We have r anticipated your wants and have now the most Elegant and Up-to-date goods on the market. Unless you come and let us show you abs wide range in stock you will have no conception of the choiceness of design, colorings and handsome effects we carry. In Carpets we have the best in Brussels, Velvets Tapestries, estries Wools and Ingrains. s. The Choicest Stock ever dal'l'ied in Brussels MATTINGS Our line of Mattings embrace Lineoleurs, 2 and 4 yards wide, Inlaid L.ineoleums, Oil Cloths, eco, Neat Patterns and sure to wear like leather, SQUARES The Tapestry, anion and Wool Squares we show give knowing housekeepers an opportunity of securing up-to-date goods without going to the city for them. We also carry handsome Floor Rugs, Table Covers, Piano Drapes, Curtains and other lines that cannot fail to please and all at Reasonable Prices. All kinds of `Upholstering done and in goods to matob Carpets if desired. S"Carpets Cot and Malohed fn one Show Room, We have an elega.nb stook of A 1 FU1SNITURE, Call kid see it. R. peri alo & SOII 0AISPET 17BArAutp, BI8UBSELS. Ci