HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-28, Page 24++++++.4-4±1-4.44-+++++++ YOUNG FOLKS 4 +++4-+4+++4-44-$"4+++++'++ AN AWKWARD LADDIE, stout u r' years ago o f Nearly a hundred y ar b freekle4aced, aw coward boy of eigh- teen years ni'ussed hi a ragged waist- coat and atoll breeches, without , stocking or gimes, rapped one evening' at the door of a humble cottage in Northernblegianu, and asked to see the village schoolmaster, When that person appeased, tate boy said very' modestly, "J would like to attend your evening school, sir," "And what do you wish to study?" asked the teacher, roughly, "1 want to learn to read and write. sir," answered the Saul. The schoolmaster glanced at the; boy's homely face and rough clothes scornfully, and said, "Very well, you may attend; but an awkward, bare-, legged laddie like You would better I be doing something else than learn- ing his letters." Then he closed the door in the lad's face. The boy was the son of a fireman of a pumping -engine in a Northumber- land colliery. Iiis birthplace was a hovel with a clay floor, mud walls, and bare rafters. When he was five years old', he began to work for his living by herding cows in the day- time and barring up the gates at night. As he grew older he was set to picking stones from the coal, and after that to driving a horse which drew coal from the pit. He went half -fed and half -clothed. When he called at the schoolhouse, he was plugman of a pumping -engine, and, though he knew nothing of raid- ing or writing, he had studied the engine until he had a complete know- ledge of the machine. Ile was able to take it apart, and make any or- dinary repairs. Not discouraged by the advice ,given him by the schoolmaster, he trade application and attended the evening school. At the end of about two years he had learned all this school could teach hien. Ile conceived the plan of constructing a steam-engine. It took him a long time; but at the age of forty he had constructed sever- al engines, and was known as a suc- cessful and energetic engineer, and was called upon to build long and difficult lines of railway. But his locomotives were too slow; be wanted them to run faster. Ho proposed to build one that would run at the rate of twelve miles an hour. Everybody laughed at him. Some thought he was crazy. One gentle- man, who considered himself very wise, said to him: "Suppose you in- vent an engine capable of running, a cow should stray upon the track. Will not that be a very awkward circum- stance?" I should think it might bo very awkward -for the cow," he answered. Well, he succeeded in making his lo- comotive, and at a trial which took place near Liverpool it attained to the unprecedented speed of fourteen miles an hour. By making certain improvements the same engine, the Rocket, was trade to attain the Wesel of thirty miles an hour. People laughed no longer, but admired. He was invited as a consulting en- gineer to foreign countries, and wealth flowed upon him. Philosoph- ers sought his friendship. His king offered him rmighthood, but ho pre- ferred to remain plain George Steph- enson. SEAL HOUSES. AIthough the seal spends its life in and under the water, it is an air - breathing animal and cannot live for any length of time without air, says St. Nicholas Magazine. As winter spreads sheets of ice over the fast freezing Arctic Sea, the seal breaks a hole in the ice over the water where it lives. Thie hole it is very careful to keep open all winter long, break- ing away each new crust as it forms, so that, no matter Trow thick the ice ecomes, the animal always finds there .4 breathing place and a passage to the surface of the ice above, where it can get fresh air and take a nap, for it does not sleep in the water. Then, again, although the seal can exist for a time out of the water, it has to sock its food in the sea; so that with- out both land (or ice) and water, if. could not survive the Arctic winter, How, after once leaving fad breathing hole in search of the dish upon which it feeds, the seal can find its way baste in the dark udder the lee, a yard in thickness, and spreading over many utiles, hack again to its hole no one knows; but it is not the less certain that when it needs air it swims as straight to its breathing place as a bird could fly through the air to its nest. When the seal is about to build her house sho first makes the breathing hole larger, and then by means of )ler strong claws and flippers or fore - pews. scoops out the snow, taking It down with her through the ice un- til She has made a dome -like apart- ment' of tho same shape though not the 'same size as that built by the Eskimo. 'Unlike the halts built by man, however, it cannot be seen from without, for above it stretches the long slope of untrodden snow„and the baby seal, for whose comfort the 'honed was built, and its mother, a1'0 ate) from any foes that cannot find where the house is by the sense of smell. The house, however, is sometimes discovered by the great polar bear, who, when his 12000 has told him that he is upon the top of the seal house, leaps in the Dir and, bring{ng his feet together, comes down with ell his great weight, breaking through the roof and catching the belay seal before Vt can get nwc'. hooking ono of his sheep dews into its little flip- per, the beer then does a very cruel r ( 1i 1� 1 wn t 7T tats the oil) c n tl lila c t ,� - thing'. 1e soa to lead the i breathing. leo , its d an orfs mother' t0.'00100 t' it as it strttg- gles`in the water. When she does so, hr, slowly dralVe lY trry again, and, as she foliates it, keelkee tura• with his greet. 'stet'.. A t1URE FOR INSOMNIA. A Well Renown St. John Merchant Tolls How He Was Freed From This Terrible Trouble. One of the bust known men in St. John, N. B„ le Air, G. G "I terstead, Main gi'pcor and Samara] dealer, 64-1 )bait street Mr, Kiorstead has au iltter- health, °sting story to tell of failing insomnia, and finally 'lammed. strength, which cannot fail to inter- est others, hie says :-"A few years ago 1 was all rule dawn and tailing in health, no doubt clue to overwork and shattered nerves. 1 was unable to sleep at night and found no rest in bed. illy life seemed a burden to mo and I found no plcasuro in any' thing. I sought medical aid and the physicians who attended ane were unable to give me nay relief. The doctorsdillel'od in their opinion as to my ailment. Finding that I was growing worse, and almost crazed through loss of sleep, I concluded to give up business and go to the country for a. rest. Just when 1 was at my very worst and had al- most no desire to live, my wife urged me to try Dr, Williams Pink Pills. I had lost faith in all medi- cines, but to please my wife I decid- ed to give the pills a trial. 1 have had reason to be thankful that I did so. Almost from the outset the pills helped me and I was able to sleep. I continued their use until I felt perfectly well again. I could sleep as I did in my childhood; 1 grow healthy and strong and have never known one hour's trouble from that source since. I have no hesitation fn saying that 1 believe Dr. Williams Pink Pills staved my life, and will always say a good word for them to any who are trou- bled with sleeplessness." Dr. Williams Pink Pills work cures like Mr. ICierstead's, after doctors and common medicines fail because they actually make new, rich blood and so strengtheu all the organs of the body and brace up the nerves. That is the way they cure indiges- tion, kidney and liver troubles, ner- vousness, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart, rheumatism and the speci- al ailments that fill the lives of so many women with misery, The gen- uine pills always have the full name "Dr, Williams Pink Pills for Pale People" on the wrapper around every box. If in doubt write direct to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50. ORIGIN OF SHORTHAND. Was Used Among the Greeks and the Romans. The existence of stenography among the Greeks and the Ituntans is certain. The shorthand that they used was a forte of writing in which each word was represented by a special sign. The letters of the alphabet with modifications, con- nected so as to admit of greet rap- idity of execution, formed the ele- ments of these characters, They date at least from the first century before Christ. In the second century A. D. is found the term semeiograph (steno- graphic character) in the Greek ora- tor, I'lavius Philostratus. Origen of Alexandria (185-254 A. D.) noted his sermons down hi shorthand, and Socrates, the eccles- iastical historian of the fourth ern- tury, says that part of the sermons of St. John Chrysostom was preserv- ed by the sante process. In the first century 13, C. a discourse of Canto Uticensis, according to Plutarch, was taken down by shorthand re- porters. The development of shorthand was due especially to 'Marcus Tullius Tiro. Born in Latium in 103 13. C. Tiro, was was a slave, was freight up with Cicero, who was some years his junior, Freed, he became Cice- ro's secretary, and in this capacity aided him greatly. In the famous trial of Cutiline (63 13. C.) the sten- ographic rapidity of Tiro was at its height. CAME PROM COFFEE. A Case Where the Taking of Mor- phine Began With Coffee, "For 15 years,” says ayoung Ohio woman, "I was a great sutlerer front stomach, heart and liver trouble. For tho last 1,0 years the suffering was terrible; it would be impossible to de- scribe it. During the last three years I had convulsions from which the only relief was the use of mor- phine "I had several physicians, nearly tall of whom advised me to stop drinking tea and coffee, but as I could take only liquid footle, I felt I could not live without coffee. I continued drinking it until I became almost in- sane, my mind was affected, while my whole nervous system was a complete wreck, I suffered day and night from thirst and as Water would only make me sick I kept trying different drinks until a friend asked mo to try Pos- tum Food Coffee, "1• did so, but it was some time before I was benefited by the change, my system was so filled with coffee poison. It was not long, however, before I could eat all kinds of foods and drink all the cold water I want- ed and which my system demands. It is now 3 years I have drank nothing but Postern for breakfast and supper and the result has been that in place of being an invalid with my mind affected I tan now strong, Sturdy, happy and healthy. I have a very delicate daughter who has been greatly benefited by drink- ing Postum, also a strong itoy who would rather go without food for his breakfast than his Poston. So much depends an the proper cooking of Postum for unletts it is boiled the proper length of time people will be dlsappointed in it. Those in the habit Of drinking strong entice should mulct, the Postum very strong at first in order to get a strong coffee taste," Name ,given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich, Loolc in each package for the faro- nus little book, "The Road to iVall- Viile," THE BOY GOY' IT. (JUST ONE MORE "Say, muster, do you want your 1i1R1Uil PROOF bag carried ?" asked n boy. running after rt 1111211 who was hurrying along the street. evidently bound for the railway station. "No, I don't," answered the Mau a little sharply. "1'11 carry it all the way for ten cents, 1ersisted the boy. "I tell you Idon't want ft ce T - red," saki the mum, quickening his puce. Don't you ?" asked the boy, breaking into a trot to keep abreast of his victim. "No, I don't," answered the man, glancing fiercely at Itis small tor- mentor. "Well, then, roister," said the ar- chin, with an expression of anxious mud Innocent inquiry on his routed, dirty face : "What are you carrying it for? Why don't you put it down 9" Be got the bag, A GOOD IDEA, "Say that you will be mine, dear- est Angelina," "I will, aper "re condition," "Name it, 1 adored, and if it were to get you the moon-" "It is easier than that; in brie[, simply this; that you n'ill invite me to spend a month in your father's house previous to our marriage," "Of course, certainly; but why make such a strange request ?" "Fell, I wish to learn to cook like your mother," Wife -"What a lot of people stare at my new dress) I presume they wonder if ere been shopping in Par- is." Ilusl,and-"More likely they wonder if T've been robbing a blank." 4 - AN AID TO MOTHERS, In thousanes of cases it bas been proved that Baby's Own Tablets is the very hest thing for children suf- fering from colic, constipation, diar- rhoea, simple fevers, colds and teething troubles. The Tablets are guaranteed to contain no opiate or harmful drug, and may be given with equal safety to tho tender, new born babe, or the well grown child. Mrs. Joel Anderson, Shanley, Ont„ is one of the mothers who have proved the value of this medicine and sn,-s :-"I have used Dttby's Own Tablets with the very best re- sults. They are easy to give little ones. and I have never known them to fail to benefit." Every mother should keep tho Tablets in the house. In an emer- gency they may save a precious lit- tle life. Sold by all druggists or mailed at 25 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' *Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Never judge a woman's courage by the way she avoids an interview with a mouse. 3 en.',, egfot Away.- ... t S •ew'a Orimune t ,'i., , s at the head a re, -ever, horl. r, end sure cure for Piles t all farms. One application will give =fort in a few minutes, and three to six '.res' application according to directions Al cure chronic erases. It relieves all oohing and burning skin diseases in a day. f5 cents. -?9 As long as the gown isn't too small a woman can build herself up to lit it. Per Over Sixty Years Moe, W ns,.°w's S0O21101a firs UT has been mod by dtltsne of methrrs for Pow, oblidreo while tee,hing 1 soothes the 011114, .often, *h. Buis, al eyepaio, dares ,0,lo. regulates the v,°much and bowels, and Is aha triadet rmoody far Diarrheas. Twoaty.tlre orate a Lntct- Sola l..r,iruggist, throughout the world. 8e msec and eekfoe "Mite. W1N5110wsrle0TUINe Cecile'." 22-01 Her Father -"Upon what clo you count to support my daughter?"Im- peoultious Suitor -"Upon your un- willingness to see her starve." Milard's Liniment for sale evarywherl LONDON 'FIREMEN'S DOGS. Useful Mascots of •the City's Fire Stations. It is a well-known fact that dogs firemen nwske pets of frequently dis- play an unusual amount of intelli- gence. This is probably because a great deal of the compulsory leisure of the men is utilized in developing any promising feature that may be detected in their pets. At the present time there is at the chief district station of the Metro- politite tiro brigade in Queen's road, it handsome Scotch collie belonging to the men which is evidently en- dowed with almost human under- standing. It occupies a berth in the single men's quarters, and when at night tho bells aro rung for a fire call the dog rushes from room to room to see that all hands have been awakened. Sometimes it occurs that one or two of the men are so tired that the clanging of the bells fails to arouse them, It is to such as these that Nellie devotes her Special attention. With a bark she bounds upon the bed, and having dragged the cloth- ing off, proceeds to dislodge the sleeper. This is done by reaming her nose beneath the body, and if not then awakened the man will find himself turned completely over on to the floor. • Baron, the famous St. Bernard, w'hich until quite recently, was a feature of the fire station in Car- molito street, Whitefriars, although not quite so intellectual an animal its Nellie, nevertheless was very in- telligent, Ilis principal anxiety seemed to bo that nothing should Par the progress of the engine through the streets, and bounding art ahead, ho would invariably cried the clearance of a passage almost before the shouts of the firemen could be heard, The Wife (bitterly) -"Our married life Sifts beena tong Series of battles, begiening with 'our wedding day." The Ilushand•-"Indeed, there Was at( engagement, before that, THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS t CURE PROMPTLY AND PERMA dI;NT I E LY. All Forms and Stages of Kidney Disease -New Brunswick Man Tells of Terrible Urinary Com- plaint Banished Once and for A11, St. Mary's Ferry, York Co„ N.13., April 25.---(Special)--Thomas Harri- son, a well -knows resident of this place adds his testimony to that of the thousands who have proved that Du(1d's Kidney Pills cure promptly and permanently may form or stage of Kidney Disease. 11. Harrison says: "Some years ago I began to suffer from pair} In the back, accompanied by a lethargy impossible to over- come, I was attended by a physician but continued to glow worse, and be- gan o-gan to pass bloody urine. "On the advice of a friend I.start- ed using Dodd's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had taken one box I passed a stone which is now in the doctor's possession. "Three boxes of Dodd's 'Kidney Pills cured lee completely, and though it is now years since I was cured I have had no return of my old complaint." Dodd's Kidney Pills care the Kid- neys, and with sound Kidneys ,you need never fear Urinary complaints. Friend -"I was surprised that it tools the jury ten hours to reach a verdict, The evidence seemed to oto quite clear." Ex -Juryman -"We agreed on the verdict at once, but someone commenced a discussion as to the literary merit of tho judge's charge." inard's Linireent Cures °andel!!, Mix -"Where is the most fitting place to whisper words of love to a woman?" Pix (in secret confidence) - "In her ear, of cournel" "My I{"effrsoyo fords nil 'Wrong! How shell I insure best insults in the short- est time?" It stands to reason that aligni/ specific of the unquestionab'e merit c South American Kidney Cure will go mor directly and gaickly to the scat of lb trouble than the "pill form" tre.atmca and when it strikes the spot there's heahn la an instant. -18 • EASILY ALTERED. "Frankly, madam," said the honest salesman,. "I wouldn't advise you to take that gown.' "Why not?" asked the woman. "It doesn't match your complex- ion," he explained "Oh. well," she replied carelessly, "I cart change the complexion " She (during the honeymoon) -"And what would you do, dearest, if I should be torn from you by the cruel hand of death?" Ffe (naturally unro- mantic, and after a pause, during which he puts in some hard thinking) -"Why bury you." WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. From April 25th to Dec. 1st, in- clusive, the Wabash Railroad will sell routed trip tickets to the Great World's Fair, St. Louis, at the low- est one-w,ay first-class faro, good for fifteen days, faro and a third; good for thirty clays, good either via Wa- bash direct line or via Chicago, with stop over privileges. Canadians go- ing to this, the greatest of all Ex- positions, should remember the great Wabash line is the shortest, quickest and best route. The only line that owns and controls its own rails di- rect to the World's Fair gates. For time -tables and descriptive World's Fair folder, address any ticket agent, or .J. A. Richardson, District Pas- senger Agent, North -cast corner King and Yonge Streets. Toronto. A man always- wants to marry )ifs' ideal Woman the first time, but the second time he isnot so particular. Milard's Liniment Relieves fleuralgia "Yes, sir," remarked the builder; "every house but ono in titan street is rented now," -"Aft" said his hum- orous friend.' "That one, I suppose, is last but not leased." 'Dear Sits, -This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen years. I have used three bottles of your AIINARD'S LINIMENT and ,am com- pletely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it and you are at liberty to use this in any way to further the use of your valuable medicine. ROBI]RT RCSB. Two Rivers. Winks -"I had a beard like yours once; but when I realized how it made me look, I had it cut oft" Rinks -"And I had a face like yours once, and when I realized that T couldn't have it cut 011 I raised tho heard." Lever's Y -Z (Wise ]lead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is bettor than other powders, as it le both soap and disinfectant. Young Wife (sobbing) -"I will n.ot be quiet) '.Before ten wore merried you said I had a charming flow of language." Young I3usband: "And en yotl have, dear, It not only flows but deafest leaps, bounds, roars, gats over cataracts end mull -sluices, and there le an occasional water -Spout as weR." TWb'Uli. ITT 1/-04 Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. G13 GREAT BRITAIN. Tho British Chancellor of the Ex- chequer said the duty on coal would not be abolished, Lord Lansdowne says the influence of 101ng I'dwerd and President Lou - but contributed powerfully toward the Anglo-French treaty, 13y 270 to 61 votes the house of Commons adopted a resolution sanc- tioning the employment of Indian troops for rho protection of the mis- sion to Thibet, Once in a while a man has so much money that he feels he can really af- ford to be honest. STAT$ OF OHIO, ()ITT O0 TOLBDO, 1 Loons t'ouwTY lab' Frame J. Cheney maims oath that he fa sector partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney & Cn., doing business in the Lilly of Toledo, County and State aforesaid and that rtaid firm will payy the sum of ONS: HUNDRED DOLJ.AIth3 for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured byy .rho use of 14e11'a Catarrh Cure. k`I1PNIC J. OIff;NEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed 1n my presence, this (ith day of Dumber, A, D. 1886. -4. W. GLEASON, SEAL AOtary P.ubfts • Call's Catarrh Core Is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials free. 1•, J. O5MSBY 4 (e0., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists 5c. 'fake hall's Family 'Pills tor const!• Ration. iiewaro of the tireless worker who le always trying to work you:. . Minurd's Liniment Cures gums, etc. "Ali!" she sighed; "the great mon aro all daa.d." "But the beautiful women aro not," ho answered. Then she looked soulfully up into his eyes and told him she )tad said it just to bo contrary, and not because she thought it for a moment. Slaves the nymgra Doctors didn't give aero. dames tong to live but Or. Agr-ew's. Cure for the Heart - o11ed them and cured her For fifteen years Mrs. ,Tobe A. James, of wiurion, Ont., was a groat sufferer from lOcart Disease. For days at a time she was confined to bed, and it seemed as though every broach might he her last. Der physicians said that She might "drop MT" any minute. With woman's tenacity In suffering, and be- lieving tient "while there's life (hero's hope, site started using T)r. Agnew's Cure for tiro Heart. Three bottles cued loon. Phis remedy rellevos in thirty entente and cures every forte of heart disease and nervoues20 ' 0r. Agesne-'e s, livor Pato, 40 Doses Iso__ fNNT WINTON is ENG Zang) vet e King / AUTOMOBILE , UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highestgrede materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1904 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" -insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carria4o Co Cleveland, 0.. U. S. A. Represented is the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY CO 79 1Gnd St.,E.. Toronto, Out. Sub AdenelesIn Chief Dominion Cities cJeQ/ c%tela!f- v ..t ` 'istanw ii^"•+...,.0 Iter f l"' "kxP Meireffefer=031133SMIZIEM117 L1 h N� $ail ill ono prize for tho greatest ntioileor of Words. 510 in lir D 111n dollar prizes for the na.xt longest Efate. 510 in five two dollar prlga3 for tho smaller Irate. We will pay these prizes for the best lists of English words made out of the three words 11 MASSEY - HARRIS WHEEL ea • Letters to be used in answers only as many times as they appear in rho above words. Competition closes May 3oth. bend in your list to -day. NOTE, Tile Mnsony.aarrlo In fitted vdS, the ouohlon frame and Morrow °oaster braka- tho two Improvements that have made bloyoling so famously popular. Write for our new " Silver Ribbon" Booklet. ADDRESS, DEPARTMENT "A" CANADA CYCLE & MOTOR CO., Llrllltgtl, Toronto dunotion. zeraw-mv.In,eamrRO : 47 :;210-S k,:ft °5erltat Y4.Vglrt 0,F03012 01,055310 • est' teen. eterestaiseeweetiegees Tfeala Wleforiarrevemelitiefiereerillerefleggeheir IN CALIF I.LRNIA Farmers' Crops DO THEIR LEVEL BEST because Climate Goes with the Land Winter has much Sunshine and warmth and CROW 701 IS CONTINUOUS all the year BOOKS PUBLIMIEB BY THB SOUTHERN PACIFIC TELLS TUC WISOLB STORY. The San Joaquin Valley," California for the Settler," " The Land of opportunity," and descriptive matter free off Agents, Colonist Rates0a7,1onprlf $33.09 from Chicago Write to II. F. CARTER, T. P. A., 75 Yonge Street, Toronto, LOWER PRICES j1 'k'% ,lbs, Wa-s USE. BETTER QUALITY teraetI„KI, CAN BE WAD IN Bashi% Pa Any first -Claes Grocer Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. +v,pr,1 dA” '1e }h ,_L4.n arra; G.4'2rm :!^': 1 An admirable Food of the Finest quality and flavour. .,NON .,meet Nutritious anti Eco.nornieal, 4R---21 Dyeing $ Cleaning! For the vert bed mead your work to the "BRITISH AMERICAN DYEIBC CO." Look for untie your town, or send direst. Montrcal,Toropto, Ottawa, Quebec. Almost any married woman will produce bread, cake, and pie if her husband will furnish the dough. Ia1'®'s a Burdon -If the stemacl.is not right. Is there Nausea? Is there Constipation ? Is the Tongue Coated ? Are you Light'Headod? Do you have Sick headache? Any anti all of these denote- Stomach. and Liver Disorder: Dr Agnew's Liver Tills act quickly and will cure most stubborn and chronic cases. 4a ,n a vial for 10 cents, --77 "Do you buy condensed milli, mad- am?" "I presume that wo must, but- t never thought of it before, i always order tvo quarts and pay for two quarts, hut it never measures more than three pints.." FOR SALE, 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 4, upright discharge, 9 inch outlet. 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 5, horizon- tal discharge, 104 in. oiitlot, 1 "Earl' Steam Blower. S. FRANK WILSON, 73 Adelaide St. W,, Toront• Billiard Tabic Tho hoot cat thin Lawsuit Price Welt° for Terme REID BROS., F;J'F'g Oo.'iI 588 fling Os. sa. 32-31 Poultry:, Butt r 9 Eggs, Hone}y9 App yyless, MI KINDS OD FRUITS And Farm Pro. duce ' generallY. consign' it to u$ aei.1 we will get you good pricc0. 'STfr36 Dawson tlosamrlmtssion 0o,. TEIM MAORI Ib to the fence that hes stood the testa {faro -1 &ends ilia heaviest strati --neva; 201, 8af 1-tho Standard the world Over, d througl r local °a iator (Stoat feast us, 3 Firma0.. L!J1I'I' izt),, rettlfrori-i ia, Oats lh'ieditoal, ono, N164444 1!'011. CS itzusea,, Shine 2..