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The Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 8
For m, a eh e As a preventative for shut on Oats and Barley, there is nothing Better than our Formaldehyde. Ours is the best that can be procured. Full direc- tions are supplied for its use on Grain. Our price is 40c per pound, and we would caution anyone r > h e against buying a c sap r 6lade , JUST A FEW POINTERS ABOUT OUR NEW WALL PAPERS Our Stook is large. Our Patterns are up-to-date. We Trim all Papers free of charge. Our Prices will suit you. t9! DRUGGIST AND STATIONER, rug fi>v'f3 4ftrns. A ohiel's among ye fakir' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. 0. 0. F. next Tuesday evening. Para of spectacles found. Ask at Tao Pose. TEE G. T. R. pay oar was through here Thursday of last week. BRUSSELS cheese fasters' will oommenoe work about the 1•t of May. Aamm89on OousLEY is well nigh tbrongb with his round') for this year. A Beeson of the Metropolitan Bank has beeu opened at Streetsville, Ont. Lew business took Barrister Sinclair to the Co. town for a couple of days this week. ABOUT as much wood and coal is being consumed now as in the middle of the Winter even ff the calendar says it is April 21. 3NO. MONTGOMERY, cello has epenb the Winter in Stratford, arrived back to town and will hustle the iron business for the coming season. GooD morning! Don't pawn your Winter overeost for a linen duster for a while as it may come very handy nntil the snow gets away, even it this is April the 21st. Tare week James Elliott and family moved to Brussels from the 8th con. of Grey and have taken possession of the recently Freehand residenoe, ooruer of Mill and Alexander streets. We bid them a oordial welcome to town. Maar complaints have been made against the Oonnoils interested for their inaotivity regarding the redaction of snow banks North and South of Bonnie. Owing to the baokward season the snow will be there for some time yet unless some action is taken to aid in its remove 1. AOomesr.-Lash Friday Mr. Thereto n who resides near Bayfield and is s, brother to Moe 0. H. 13artliff, of Clinton, a former resident, was iojared in the bush by a falling limb striking him on the head. He was rendered unoonsoions by the blow but we bops he will be able to rally frim the serene accident. A CANVASS ie beteg made of the town in the interests of the Football Clubs as new eweatere, balls, eto. nee required for the coming season. The young ladiee of Brussels are talking of a local Concert early in May for the same objeot. The Club lost money at the close of the eeaeoo with the Toronto teams and desire to wipe out tbe defiait so se to give them a free band this year. Lewes TENNIS. -At a meeting of the Lawn Tennis Olub held at 3, Fox's offset+ last Friday evening the following cffeere were elected :-John Leckie, Hon. Presi- dent ; James Fox, President ; Mies Mary Rose, Viae Preeident ; A. E. Mellish, Seoretary-Treaenrer ; W. ea. Sinclair, Captain. Executive Oommittee-J. H. Cameron, A. 0. Maofarlane, F. 13. Gilroy, E. G. Eggleston, Mee Annie Rose and Mies gate Wilson, The Olub have a tidy neat egg in their treaenry and hope to have a pleasant and successful season, BUILDING Boot. -In oonneotion with the oaotraota already taken by Thos. Newsome for this Snmener'e work are the following :-Brick residenoe for Time. MoFndzean jr., 17th con. Grey brick residence for George Spriran, 12th con. Grey ; brick veneer house for John Smith, Turnberry intern, Brussels ; en. larging and improving Ross Subbs' house, Mill street, Brueeele ; kitoben and other improvements to W. H. Maunders' house, Morris ; kitchen at rear of Mrs. Fletcher's block, Turnberry street ; moving and fitting np a house for Councillor Beaker, Brueeele ; moving and finishing house for David eao0utoheon, 6th line Morris, and more to follow. Tao Teeswater News of loot week gives plaoe to the following items of interest to Brussetites :-John Harkness went to Brussels on Saturday and returned Mon day. -On Satnaday bast a stray ball from a lacrosee etiok made a $40 break in one of D. Ferguson'e fine plate glass win• dowe,-T, Frieadahip and family have moved into the bones over G. H. Hem enflug'e store, He intends, in dee sea- son, to open an ioe-oream parlor in the bank half of his store which tbey have now vacated as a dwelling. -Wm. Hark. Hees who left here Friday afternoon for Brueeeln was taken sick with inflammation of the liver while on the train. For e time his condition was critical but he has taken sateen for the better. Tam Goderioh Star of last week Saye : -Last Friday and Saturday Mayor Lewis and Rev. Joseph Elliott attended meetings in Morrie towoebip to advocate the bylaw for granting the (LP. R. the right of way through that township, which will be voted on Friday, They had an exceedingly disagreeable trip owing to the very bad roads, bob the rneebinge were most satiefaetory in attendance and interest. On Friday, 29th, a bylaw will be voted OD in Hallett township, and this'time it is hoped will carry. The members of the 0. P. R. surveying staff are said to be preparing plane of the Guelph and Goderioh linea in eeoti0ns, so that its building may be started at many pointe When ooutraots are made, The generally expressed opinion is that the trackwill have been 'started at many points when the month of lune arrives. Tare sore of land belonging to Mee. Jane Hall, tented 00 the corner of Alexander and Flora street, Braesele, is r•ff..ed for sale by tender, up to May 8. B. Gerry is Mrs. Hall's agent and will be able to give the neoeserry information to those desiring it. See advt. in Ghia issue. A num meeting of Court Pricoese Alexandria, O. 0. F, was held on. Toes• day evening of thio week for the purpose of initiating candidates gathered into the fold by Organizer Strong. He's a very nnnoessful men at this kind of work. Another meeting will be held on Friday Y evening. Keeney afternoon's train to Kincardine got oaf the track at Ripley and the aux- iliary had to be sent from Pelmerebnn to set matters to rigbb. Somebody said a euow flake blew across one of the rails and caused the accident. Nobody was bunt and the regular service was reenes ed on Saturday an the line. ANoTRET WINTER. -Last Friday aver 4 inches of snow fell and on Saturday a umber of sleighs and mittere were running. The snnw shovels that bad been carefully put away had to be sought out and put iuto nee. If somebody oonld catch Rev. Mr. Hicks and give bier' agood shaking we miehb have better weather. Wan(uao STlomc Lose. -Tie undereign ad a eburs time two had o black thorn walkiug stink exchanged and would be much obliged if the person having his would return it and get bis own. Ad- ditional value is placed upon the o0ne from the fact that it was a present from a relative. Taos. MAXWELL, Breese:a. Tam Wroxeter Star of last week says : -John Ramer, last weelt sold the woollen milt bete to Mr. Howe se Go. who have been running it sines last Summer. Mr. Ramer takes a brick bonee in Bros eels as part of the purchase price. Wish the new owner well, and hope to see a _ flourtiehiog heathen done in the wool business. It Lloaxen BoAno,-East Huron Lioense Commissioners, viz Messrs. Littlejouo, McDowell and Turnbull, with License Inspector Miller, met at the antral Hotel, Brnesele, on Wednesday of this week as per announcement and along with other bueineea considered the granting of hotel licenses in the East Riding of Huron for the doming iicenes year. The result was as tollowa :-Bel- more, Jae, $irkby ; Wroxeter, Wm. Currie and A. A. Esty ; Gorrie, R. F. White, and A. 0. Proctor Fordwioh, H. Rapp; Moleswortb, OharaBeebavee ; Ethel, L. L. Longeway ; Oranbrook, J. Lang 1 Bromide, Geo. Brown, J,Querrin, and McLennan to Broadfoot ; Walton, Wm. Blaebill ; Dublin, L. Wolfe ; Bel - grave, las. B. Stratton ; Blnevale, J. O. Johnston; Jamestown, Thos. MoEwen, beer and wine. Board adjourned to meet at the Amerioah Hotel, Brussels, on Wednesday 1!'Iay 18. Standard Bank of Canada Ee nT,e:7xM.a02SF19 1©73 ASSETS -• OVER TBJRT111LON MILLION DOLLARS A Qrauterstl 73aesial00d R13esialateslwag Tynan ,I c teed _— SAVINGS BANK::".-, -DH1?OSITS OF ONE DOLLAR. and npwarde received on which INTEREST I3 ALLOWED FROM DATE OF DEPOelIT at the HIGHEST BANK iR TE. A.CORUED INTEREST is added to aao runts every six months and betimes prinoipal. --MARRIED WOMEN and MINOLIS may make olid withdraw Deposits without the intenvettion of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES CASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SAFE.IOEEPING only for whioh no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and oourbeoua attention. A. 0. MAOFARLANE, AGENT. WonD bus been received from Inc. B. Motauoblin as to the safe arrival of bis oar of bootee, dta,, et its destination, Salt Oo'1ta, N. W. T. NEw,,nAron]An-The alitahell Advocate is now an its 45th year with W. 11,. Davie 0t the helm fromthe first of the voyage to the present. He hive bad some rough seed 0e well as emoubh sailing but we hope his voyage will aontinoe to be pros. parous, Bro. Bryn), nt the Lnaknow Sentinel, remind 2621 25 haat year for salary and expenses as Lanese Inspector in Brun Go. We don't see what emu do with all yonr money Bro. Bryan. -Tire Teeswuter News has changed hands Mr. Oolwell going oat and Mr. MoKenzie, of Oalroea, succeeding him. Tait Pose wiebee the new proprietor stamens in the editorial obair, LAMONT-MARTIN.-Tussdsy afternoon of last weelc at the cesid.ro0a et the bride's father in Obatham, the marriage took plane of Anise Adele Martie, daughter of W.'1'. Martin, to Damian George Li.nout, of the Standard Bank, Toronto, formerly of Brussels. The ceremony wee performed by Rev. Dr. Beetieby. The bride, who was given away by her father, wag gowned in soh white satin, draped wit11 silk gauze her tulle vel, was fietenetl with a wreath of orange Manama, and she carried a bridal bonquot of white roses. She was ,trend- ed by her sister, Mies Edna Martin, as brides maid, daintily gowned in wbite, carrying pink roses, and two little flower girls wearing fairy like trunks of Inoue. serine de soie and baskets of sweet peas comp eted their 0oetnmes. After the ceremony, a reoeption was he'd, and later in the day the newly married pair left for Boston and New York, to spend their honeymoon, the bride going away in a smart coat and skirt of grey homeepon, trimmed with blaok, and blaok hat. The Toronto Star Bays : D. G. Lamont, who was married on Tuesday to Miss Adele Martie, of Chatham', was given a dinner prior to the event by some of the mem• bens of the Victoria Olub, about tweoty• five being present. H. Mehl Man presided and Mr. McArthur was Moe -chairman. The aeual speeches were made and responded to. The table was decorated with silver and linen, and the alub'e new decorative equipment. Those preesnt were : Mr. Jones, Mr. Whinney, Dr. Olark, Mr. Zdler, who gave enteral recitations curing the evening ; 0. P. Gillespie, Mr. Penley, Mr. Whitens, Jack Reid, S. M. Sutherland, Charles geerth, George Doherty, Mr, Lever, W. H. Lemont, H. H. Reid, W. G. Neill., Mr. Maodongal. A PRETTY WEDDING. -Tie residence of R. G. Wilson, of 767 Richmond street, London, was beautifully deaoreted with palms and exit flowers Tuesday afternoon, the mansion being the wedding of Mies Frans Pelton, sister in law of Mr. Wil• son, and Wm. Leslie, who is oonueoted with the firm of MoDsrmid R MoLeren, oommiseion dealers, of Ingersoll, and one of the beet known men of that town, Fifty friends and relatives of the par. ties were present. The ceremony was performed at four o'clock by the Rev. 3. J. Ross, pastor of the 'Talbot Street Baptist church, who was negated by Rev. Dr. Peltou, of Yale, ,Mich., brotber of the bride. The bride and groom were 0n• attended. Little Miss Hazel Weber, of Stratford, anted 0.8 flower girl, and she looked very pretty, attired in white and pink and carrying a beaket of pink oarna• tious. The bride's ooetume was of roseda eolienue, trimmed with white chiffon and lane, and ebe carried a sheaf of white roses. The wedding mamas, by Mondelesohn, was played by Mies Jean ibtoLauohlin, of Brunets, who also played the bridal °horns by Luhengrin during the reception. The latter together with the wedding breakfast wee held iu Sienese adjoining that 'dense o [ Mr. Wilson, reel J in wbiah the wedding was pertorined. Mr. and Mee. Leslie lett on the Inter. national Limited for Detroit, where the honeymoon will the spent. They will make their home in Ingersoll. The bride's going away dress was of navy blue broadcloth, The bride was formerly a SUDDEN DEMIan.-Tuesday of this week Henry W iblaoe Allen passed away quite suddenly and unexpectedly at hie borne, Lot 5, Con. 13, Hallett, aged 67 years, 6 months and 16 days. The bursting of a blood easel in the brain while in the mow throwing down hay was the oa0Ee of death. Everybody knew ''Harry" Allen and to know him was to esteem bim for his geniality, hospitality and uprightness. He wee 0. prosperous farm• er and a bright, level headed men., 14Ir. Allen is survived by hie wife and 8 sone, who will share largely its tbe sympathy of the puhlio in their sudden bereave ment. Funeral took plane on Thursday afternoon to Barna' oburab cemetery. The enbjeot of this notice was an nettle to George Beet, of Bosseels, and wee well known to a large number in this locality who will regret to hear of the going away of this big eouled and open hearted man. ODzTDAtIY,-The Clinton New Era of Ian week gives the following notioe relative to the decease of Mrs. John Thornton, mother of Mrs, C. H. Bartliff, rf that town, formerly of Brueeele :- With but a week's illness from penman. its, Agnes Townley, relict of the late Jno. Thornton, was °ailed upon by the Angel of Death and her spirit borne to the home from which no traveller returns, on Buu• day evening about 8 80. The doctor spent some time with the deoeaeed before her death, and many signs painted to. ward a obange for the better, bat anoth. er release set an a few minutes before death which soon ended her trnebful life. The late Mr, Thornton died some years ago at Southampton, ethers which time his reliot has been making her home with her ohildreu, Jas., of Porters Bill ; Wm., of Seaforth ; 3. 0., of New York ; Mrs. H. 0. Rose, of Powassan ; Mrs. J. Till, of Toronto ; and Mrs. 0. 11. Bartliff, of town. Though praotivally It stranger to many of our townspeople, not having gone out mach the poet Winter owing to its severity, yet to those she met at the home of her son•ih law, 0. H. Bartliff, where she died, she bonen endeared to them, tbrough the exemplary Christian spirit displayed. Mem Thornton wee an aobive lady for her age having got beyond the allotted span of life, being 74 years lied 24 days old, and which made it bard• er to battle ngslent the foe that had seized her, The funeral was held on Tuesday to Maitland Bank cemetery, Seaforth, Rev. C. R. Genre taking the services and the three none of deceased and 0. H. and harry Bartliff and Cluff being the pall bearers, resident of Brueeele, and a number of i resideuts of that plane were preesut at the manatee, among them being Breve Wilton end Miss Jean MaLanolliin. Al. so inoluded in the guests were Mr. end Mrs. Weber and daughter, of Stratford ; Mr. Angus, of Atwand ; Mrs. Wilkinson, Iilos Wilkinson, Mr. awl Mee. Leslie, Frantz and Wire. Inane, and Miss Leslie, of St. Thomas/ and E. J. Smith, of Stratford. A number of hands me Fee. ante were reoeived by the ane_ ',ciente, among them being gifts froni w;' I wiehere et Ingersoll, Wsllaoeburg, S, ettford, St. Thomas, Brussels and Atw"lid. Business Locals. 10 Yoowo pigs for Bale, Guo, Rom, Braesele. SWUNG d by Y nothe ds or at home. Ia Apply to Miss Venice Coonan. CLovma (Govt. Standard) and Timothy and bulk garden seeds tree$ at Mo- Oraokeu's. Stuns. -Clover, Timothy, Waverly Pato, Muskoka seed Peae, S;o. G. E. RING, Wulghatn, annex Stung. -All kinds of Garden man in packages 20 per paokege, 16 for 25o. Tested first clans seene JAS. BALLANTTNB, Groa.•r. OAntET loom with warper and opooler, bobbins, situates sta., for sate ata reason• ohne prioe. Apply to Be Anderson, I7tlzebeth street, Brueeeis. SIDEBOARD and d dozen Well back cheers tor rale also a annuli and a number of pictures, tee. For particulars as to locality ask at Tins Poen. ORGANS and Sewing eiteohinos elerned and repaired. Also Organa end Sewing Mauhines for sale. Apply to TaonrAs Monne Brussels. 92 John Fraser, a thirteeil•year.old boy of Fort William, fell on 11 broken pop bottle and was killed. Robert D. McDonald, an old pedlar of Goat bangers, well known in Toronto, was found dead in hie room in Hamilton. ETR P CAPITAL -Paid lip RESERVE FUND • NA Pd :$1,000,000 • 1$1,000,000 E14pedat'a 2u V, 1t, n, WARDER, D. D„ S. J. M0011111, President, Viee•Presirlont, noxeme Bann. -In Morrie, on April 1110 to Mr. and Mee. Peter Barr, a eon. HAYS. -Ili Seaforth, on April 1st, to Mr. and Mrs, R. Hoye, is son. TtimNRQLL.-In Goderioh, on April 17th, to Dr, J. L. Sud Mrs. Turnbull, a sou, WALLwoN.-I1( Boaforth, on April 0th, to Rev. I. B. and Mrs. Wallwiu, a son. T1100, no1ADn17AW, 71,A, 1110 1(0x011 nfli. t1, ntowennm CLARE, 10,0, D. 0, Tn0tre0N, 11, 0. HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO - GENERAL L MANA i)1( W. D. 110513Q N1E A G A GENERAL BANKING 13USINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Interest et HIGHEEST CU�RyRE/N�pT�pR,ATIbIB allloofwed}o/nprrMI sumo of $1 and upwards vkS'IRY'JGLIDJ.A�I;r V3t4�b'Vi•'a.3 A. E. n'IELLISH, Manager, az3v000.rx.m .7.VZ .a*..-,•sn;, Fan Wheat 87 88 'Seeley 88 40 Pear 50 55 Oets 28 29 Butter, tuba and rolls18 14 Eggs per dozen 11 12 Hay per ton 0 00• 7 00 Floor, per cwt 4 00 6 00 Potatoes per bus 110 60 Apples (per bbl.) 75 1 00 Salt, per bbl., retail 1 00 70 Hoge, Live 5 60 5 70 Wool 16 16 Honcow,Y-Fnnarra.-At the Methodist Pareuesge, W[ughem, on April 7th, by Rev. Dr, Gundy, Mr. Edmund Hello - way to Mies Susan Forsyth, both of Wioghem. • Lesran-PELTON -Ab the residenoe of . Mr, and .tire. R G. Wilson, of London, on Apri119, by Rev. J J. Rose, of Lon- don, enlisted by Rev. Dr. Peltau, of Yule, Mich„ brother to the bride, Mr. William Leelte, of Ingersoll, to Mise Frsao Pelson, formerly of Brnoee's. LAuooT-Loots.-In Wingham, April'7rh, by Rev. 3. A. McLean, B. A, Mr. Malcolm Lamont to Mee Jennie Loug, both of Wingham. Tuts-GnoN.-At the residenoe of the bride's parents, 360 Meg street, Lon. don, April 13, by the Rev. Mr. Wy lie, Peroy H. Tom, M D., of Millwood, Men„ eon of Mr. 3. Elgin Tom, of Gods• rich, to Miss Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs. A M. Gunn. ALLreN.-In Hallett, on April 19, Henry Wallace Allen, aged 67 years, 6 months and 16 days. BURIMAN -In Grey, on April 20, Ruth Amelia, beloved wife of Hartwell Speiran sr., aged 65 years and 28 days. Funeral Friday at 2. p. m. to Brussels cemetery, THORNTON-In Olinbon, April 17, et the residence of her eon in law, 0. II. Bart. liff, Agues Townsley, relict er the late John Thornton, aged 74 years. SIGN OF THE mailmssoalb I have opened up in the Stretton block, two doors North of the Metropolitan Bank, a Jewel- ery and Repair shop. All kinds of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks, Pine Jewelery and Silverware kept in stook and will be sold at lowest possible prices. Rave had a long practical experience in Clock and Watch Repairing. Customers can confidently depend on first- class work in this branch of my Business. Will Guarantee satisfaction or money Refund- ed. Kindly Soliciting a share of Public Patron- age. -SAG OF GIIAIN FOUND.- kJ Owner may have the sante by prov- ing property and paying for this advertise- ment. Tall POST Publishing Rouse. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Richard Bparling, late of the Township of Mogiliop, in the ()aunty of Huron, Farmer, tleueaaod, Notice is hereby given, pur•nn"t be 'The Revised Statutes of Ontario" 2897, chapter 109, and amendments thereto, that all clad• iters and others, having claims against the estate Of the said Richard Spoiling, who flied on 5r shout the Sixteenth day of April A. D. 1891, are required 0n or before the Seventh clay of May A. D. 1004, to .send by post pre -paid, or deliver to W. 11I. Sinelajr, of the village of Brussels- in the Onnuty of Heron, Sulio-tor for A , minder Gardiner, the blxr autos., of the list will and test'nnent of the said Bieber/I Sperling deceased, their ant'istian end surnames, adoresse0 and dos- e -Options, the full pa•tieulars of their claims the statements of their accounts, and the nature of the seeurltiee, if any held by them. And further take uotioe that, after melt last mentioned date, the said Executor will proceed to dist,ibvte the senate el the de - °eased, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard 'only to the claims; of which be shell they have notice, sou he will not 1>e ]fable for the said assets or any part there- of, to any person or persons, of whose olaim notice shall not have been received, at the time of such ct lsbriuutlon. Dated tills Twentieth day of April A. D. 1904. W. 01. SiNOLAIR, Solicitor for Alexander Gardiner the Executor, of the said Aeownced. F tretton. 245 will buy regietel'od Jersey caw, 0aa return after calving if nob eotInea j)afAN. T ENDIIERS FOlt PROPERTY.-- The undersigned is prepared to re. police tenders for the nurohass ;of the arse of laud owned by Mrs. Jane Ball, corner of Flora and Alexander streets 13111sonle, be- ing composed of Lots Nos, 894, 008, 898 and 899. There is also a small dwelling house ou Ebin eligibly located property. Posses. Mon given at once, Tenders received up to p, m, 0u Tuesday, Moy 8rc1, _next. The ltlehest or any tender not neoeeeart1v ac- cepted. For further particnlare apply to B, GLtltitx, Brussels, agent for Mrs.. Ball. APIC. 21, 1904 '1105 111011 MUM'. OF MOM, IlbILLESEE 19, 311114Elf, Pursuant to tbe Mermen herein there will be offered tot' gale tyttll the ntn>r0batio•i of the Mader of the Sitpl'Ime Clourt of Judicature et Codorlole on Wednesday the 11th dM0. 10, ntwelve C'• olneh 0ay0011c1 et nlny,etnnnA.'eliatol04, tot the Vulege of wroxoter,tho following valuable ttonm pobe aftv'opartyy, nauloly -'i'he NorElt helves of lthree anrj afby four b1 tbo Ara, containing 01 lbs sats Ted 001.8 of Mortiro so' containing Quo Hunched 001'58, more 1r umd sda ro t hoe ]ry u he oar n 4 Nin Y ex les arOw of bush, 1 bol o iu>i o 1 h 0 r r the lino Mamma, o t Tho ani{ lx u Olay ]cam, Tb0 form is thm•. well ly red, baying el, aoll Walla an, the well watered, huving two welts 01111 the Maitland 1tiv01' crossing t h e rear of the Wel. .7 t: rd, ar01loavhuilgbtgge uui el01 sB01 1,11 5001 frame bneee, largo bank barn and n good frame driving 0181, all in geed repalr. The tarns Is wall Situated for market being seven nulee from the thrlvtug town of Wing- hnn) and three and four miles respectively from the Villages of Bluevale and Wroxetor, to all of whletl there are good gravel roans. Tho land Is at pre0t 111 under leen to TOhn D. Miller ata rental of 8800 per year with tuxes, eto,, witch lease w111 terminate on the first day of April A. D, 1001, The aide will h0 subjoob to thin lease. 'Che lauds will he Offered in one pa•oel subjoob to a reserve bid. Timms 07t SALE -Ten per Denton the day of sale to hh0 Plaintiff's Solicitor, and the 1.1 'Immo 10 by paid into Oeurt within thirty days tkereoftm•, The other terms end conditions of the Sigh Court of Justice. Portlier gm'ticulare may be had from 410 under. igoed : F. W. IJarouurt, (Melia Gu01d. Ion, Toronto ; Diokhneeu A; Gar1'ow, Barrie - tare, Gaderlull. ; %L(b Messrs, Prondlout, Bays As Blair. Bart Mole, Goderloh. Dated this 190h day or April A. D,1004. "13, L. Doyle" 0100,1 Master at Godarloh. it, Vanstolte, Eusq , Solicitor for Plaintiff, 41.8 FOX'S [RUG STORE P 2 ,tt7 Patte al The Great Germ Killer After several years' experience with the above article for the prevention of smut on oats we find' the demand constantly grow- ing from the fact that it does its work perfectly. Those who have used it are its warmest advo- cates. Ours is the full strength, 40 per cent, solution. Put up in 25c. and 40c. Bottles at Fox's Drug Store. The Wait Papers we want to show you are atrially 'hie season's produatiou. They aro unquestionably superior in beauty of deeigu and artletio coloring to any wehaveover shown. We think it will be a mntuob p'easnre to have you look over our eamples. We hope to have this pleasure at roes Drug Stare„ �y The time for House-cleaning has arrived and the thorough inspection of the careful housewife reveals the necessity of moving the old Curtains to the back rooms and procuring new sets for the front rooms. The next question which revolves through your mind is : "Where can I get the best values for my money ? Here's the solution ' Come direct to Fergusonergu86 Uo s Store. ''e will do the rest. For the'benefit of those who may require to send for them we give a partial list of our stock in this line, also descriptions of same. Our prices range from 36c per pair to $14.00 a pair as following list will show. No, 9028 -Nottingham Looe, good pattern, lack stitch binding, soft finish, and 8 yards, full length Regular 60e Curtain for, per pair No. 843 -Nottingham Laoe, neat pattern, look elite binding, soft flnieb, end 8 yards fall length, medium width, only, per pals No. 4780 -Nottingham Lane, neat dot through i out, medium width border, ,ape bound, good finish and full length 8 yards, for, per pair No, 11 -Fine Noltfsgbem Laos, wide border, flowered thronghont and full length 33 yards, 54 in. wide, lock etitob binding, good value for 86 No. 0670 -Soft Nottingham Laos, extra wide border, neatly flowered throughout, look stitob bind• ing and full length 83 yards', 60 in. wide, only 1 25 No. 9958 -Heavy Nottingham Laoe, wide border, soroll pattern thronehont, look stitch binding and full Iength 8} yards, 64 in. wide, for . 1 26 No. D38 -Duplex, Nottingham Late, tape hound ellreoud, oriental pattern, a novelty, full length 83 yards, dor No, 909 -Nottingham Laos, wide'border, neat pattern bhronghont, tripe boons, 9i yerdn long pend 60 in, wide for 1'85 No, 9068 -Nottingham Laoe, narrow outer bor- der with medium inaertien, fine egn0re weave, neat pattern throughout, lock stitch binding, soft flnieh, 0,} yards long and 54 in. wide, for 1 60 No, 9919 -Fish Net, double thread both ways, narrow border with medium insertion, very eervloe• able, look stitch binding, soft flnieie, 83 yards long and 60 in, wide, a snap at . 1 75 No. 0923 -Fine Nottiughem Lace, soft weave, wheel pattern border, with insertion border, dotted fu wide for 1 40 tt urdn lou 60 . throe 1101 8 96 g. throughout, hY 50 00 10 No. 258 -Fine Nottingham Laoe1 wide border, scroll pattern throughout with an ootenional flower, soft fiuisb, 83 yerde long and 60 in. wide, for 1 75 No, 9088 --Vary .line soft Lace, wide border, small pattern and flowered throughout, look sbitoh binding, 83 yards long and 60 in. wide, for 2 00 No. 1003 -Heavy Nottingham Lace, wide. border, beautifully flowered and tape bound, full length 83 yam de and 00 15. wide, for 2 00 Na. 842 -Nottingham Laoe, narrow border, wide insertion, scroll pattern throughout, 83 yarde•long and 60 in. wide. Price 2 00 No. 164 -spider Web Laon, soft finish, narrow •border with wide insertion, look ebitoh binding, 83 yards long, 60 in, wide, a beauty for , 2 40 Ne. 848 -Extra Fine Fish Nett, wide border, small.flower throughout, 83 yards long, 54 in, wide, w very neat net for 2 50 No. 6808 -Heavy Fiala Nett, with narrow border and insertion, le very serviceable m'tiate, 33 yards long, 60 In. wide, for ... '3 00 No. 6805 -Extra Fine Nott, plain, with narrow border, Irak etitoh binding, very durable, 83 yardo long, 80 in. wide, a dhoioe line for 200 No, 227 -Extra aloes toned woven Nett, heavily embr idered border and look ebitoh binding, 83 yds. long, 60 in, wide, one of our choicest lines, at 4 00 A full lino of Curtain Laoe, Curtain Mnsline, Art Mashes, Art Draperies and Sorime on bend and et popular prices. ire; us Dry Goods and Groceries.