HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 7e -t
Happy az tho playwrighe who call
achiove his moment ot Achilles -heel
dullness, his inevitable nueuvale
quart L'houre of yawn before lio
opens the fifth mot of the drama;
happy the booker after roll:lance in
daily tiro who does not compress all
Ills thrills Into ono week, thoreareer
to tail off Into tho doldrums of
domesticity or tho fatuousness of
folded hands on paunch; happy 11e, I
say, to votlaoin comos the quiet hour
early'he fortifelng him for trun to
tho lelg• scene Just before Um curtain
fans I
Whether 50011 notions as these ever
drifted lazily through the brain of
Hector, Grant is Motto' of little mo-
ment. They might well Neve done
so; yet it is more than likely that
they did not, for In Ina the times of
greatest stress begin without blare
of trompets or roll of drums and tho
chief actor, though ho can noc but
take his cue, knows next to nothing
of how his part is to oxpand, or
with what supreme consummation it
is to and,
Thus, when Don Miguel asked for
an interview, Eector did not foreseo °rosily, by her unparalleled etc -
that what the old general had to •money." And then loo added with
say was the first speech of the lest that tooth of chaaming exaggera-
act in the derona-tbo drama that tion so C01111/1011 in the Southerner,
began so like a fragment from Veer- "What return can 1 motto to you
ie 111 tho palace in Bloomsbury yon both ? My life -what is left of it -
rainy night in August; did not fore- is already the Queen's. If I had 11
see that this last net would sot, the free to offer, it would be yours."
wholo world agog with a nine clays' "Ali Qs ratura I ask for, Don
wonder, and bring sorrow to be sis- Miguel, is con:Memo and, friendship
ter of Maddalena for ever. until the work hero Is clone end af-
ter that a memory or me not un-
graMous. Now, let ns talk of other
"But ono thing more, senor, You
have not inquired what dispositions
havo made regarding my droeg.hter.
You ought to know. Let me tell
yon. I took het back to Fripmeta,
and placed her molar the charge of
my brother's widow, Dona Concep-
cion. Again and again 1 strove
with her to make submission to
her Maiestes but I found her hard in
hate and evil spirit. I was cora-
l/oiled at last to signify my will to
the effect that as soon as Palm
Cit,y. was in 0111' hands she Should en-
ter the Convent of the Pierced
',Tends. aty object woe to removo
all possibility of her injuring the
Queeu or you. She agreed to this,
not without some demur, yet readily
enough to satisfy me. But I had
reckoneti without the devils that
possessed leer, that still possess her.
She had fled from Fr/genet°, and at
the same time, Major di Borja, one
of the ITiepaniolan prisoners quar-
tered at Friganata., has achived his
freodom. Circumstances show thot
they went together. I have made
all possible inquirice, for while sho
is at liberty 1 foar for your safety,
0e1101-1 fear for tho Queen's. God I
That 1 should have to acknowledge
such a nand as my daugbtor I I
:fear, senor -0 1 how I fear 1 how
fear I"
"You. had' -better report this to
Don Augustin. 3.1e will seo to it
that her Majesty's, safety is not en-
And so, innocently enough, the
last act was opened.
WhaLever also ho was, Major Don
rodeo Santiago di Borja y Montan-
ar was no dissembler of his senti-
ments and °plutons. Of noble fam-
ily, aneient lineage, end incorrigible
arrogance,' ho hold Hispaniola to be
the only great country in the world
(in this, curiously like the English-
man in his attitude towards the °re-
(1te of Empire -makers), and her
and -with not unnntural precipitae
tion -sprang to the conclusion that
wined Most, pIautlible. You wero
hasty in spooking, As her Majosty
said, you should. have gone to her
Preto Beyond that fault, beyond
that mistake, you have not been
etl1Pablo, Let 115 atiolce hands
again, and agree to forgot that this
eVoe happened,"
"I cannot forget it, senor. It is
burnt into my life, and tho olcl take
their fresh sears to the gravo-there
Is no time for them to bo emoothod
away. When youth goes, the youth
of tho heart, the thorns, stick, and
only Goee ham/ beckoning death -
wards can draw them out.
"Let us speak no movie of this,
Don Miguel; let, tie not keep tho sore
As regards tho aspersions I cast
on your ehavacter—"
"Not another word. I will not
hear another word."
"Ah 1 senor, if I ha0 only trusted
to rey nest impressions of you, my
first impressions of the Queen. I
canto to them motv only to lind thom
heightened by your wondorrul gen-
Don Miguel stood heavy and bow-
ed with the weight of his years. Ills
mild eyes ware lack -Metro, and be -
w them wowe sweet puffs of =ali-
ne .0, His hands drooped nerveless,
moil about his whole figuee hong an
air of depression time was subtly
pervading. The sight or hiln thus
altered touched Hector's heart: he
rose, 7.171d with his free hand -the
wounded limb was still in a sling -
grasped tbe old man's with impol-
sivO sYmPrithy. The simplo act of
reconciliation made toore ilo tho
voice when Don Miguel spoke
"Senor Grant, you forgive me,
then ?"
"Yes, yes, if my forgiveniess is
needed. Mar Majesty forgave you.
That cleared all accounts, and we
tipple afrech."
"But I must offer you all the apo-
logies and mako an the reparation
a, man can. Yon must let me, too,
offer such justification for my con-
duct as is possible. 11 was useless
to attempt to make any 03101150 to
hoe Majesty; but you will undorstand
-yon. who know something of my
Hector was keen to avoid any dis-
cussion or Asttnta; but the old man
was all the more insistent because,
whilo his dignity was lil arms
against eisclosing the slur on his
honor, his sonso of justice stimulat-
od to make completo nemwal of
all tho Sad business. The resolve
01110 11111d0, 110 could not bo swayed,
to abandon it.
"Senor Great, once I thought I
was blossed 111. toy deeughter, now I
know teat I have been cursed in hew,
'A fel:Code's lair° rouse be grievously
woundod ero he can say such a hard
thing. as that. When I remember all
the tender care that surrounded her,
and the watchfulness with which
slut was guarded from evory air of
heaven, I cannot convolve how, from
a woman of gentle heart and warm
soul, sho should Mere changad into
a devil. Bot a devil ehe ocov is. I
am her father, and I Say it.
"Sho • deluded me, sir' . sloe played
upon me, she loct me intci disgracing
the name that has come down 1111, every deed, if not perhape worthy of
solliod for throe hundred' years. But poetic porpetuntion, at least, Moon -
that pales before the insult she (11-
10131, and mood° 1110 offer, to the
• Queen,
"I know the despicable light in
able and justiliablo. Mer treatment
of Araba and her tigerish lost for
blood as especially personified. in
Stampn, he applauded with both
which I must have oppoarod to the bands; and ho added to her blazoned
Queim, 10 you, to roe" comredes 1 but infamy doods that parallelled the
however contemptuously you coed an darkest 01 tho papal branch ot his
4,110Se ttlay regard Inc--" house, As Aruba had boon served,
Hector made a gesture of depreciee so should. Palmetto. On this point
tion, he scorned to hoop silenco, and eyea
"It le as nothing to the loathing when by Palmetto's clemency a fav -
1 'Miro for mytulf, ored poloonor, bp tossed the head
"No, no, Don Miguel, you must and curled the lip at thu newost
not allow yoorsolf 10 be so carried seolcors alai, liberty.
away, We see that you wore the While Maddaectia's troops wore in -
victim of tiveumstaoces. • You took Vesting Palm City closely, end
tho word of a daughter yon loved, grossly° Orierationa worn for the
in esoribable Pahs
Stone in Siadda.
An exceptionally Severe Case in WhOch a
Helpless Sufferer W.sts Restored by
Dr: Chase'o Kidney Liver Pills
, Gravel or stono tt blarldor it (Melded to give them a fate trial,
about the tnost painful, ctihnent that After losing ono box 1 Colt a decided
oVer aelltotod 1110 111111(1, It is Oho. &maga for thy better. end oftor tele. -
(emote of deritogod kidneys, 1110 trio Ng five Imecs f, feel like a new man,
30151 into hard subseionces, 1 nue entieete. out a pain, 011C1 have
5011 1011 lodge in the kidneys and bled, more diechalsge of blood. I can
dee, Th Is ho eribl e dist:ago 10 pro- h otiosity roconno en ci lbe oitasees
ventod and coleol ley Do, Chaso's Kidney-Lieem Pills to ane• follow suf-
Kidnoy-Liver Pill. rarer, nod will cheerfully verify this
'afr, Darnel Drown, IlInglieh 11100e, statement to anyone writing 11,0,,
Ont, Writes :-"For three ;sears I Mr. W. Postmaster and
' ouffored from urinary 1 v01111100, par- 11011011ngent, nt len/1110h Divot',
inking of tho nottoro of stom, lii tho Ont.,. writes :-"1 hove. interVieWed
'bladder or gravel, and the polo Mr. Da 11 1C1 111'011/11 Of 11110 1(11100. In
•W11.3011 31 endured tan ezoraely loo dos- reword to hie long illnees tend curt),
eribece. I was 'unable to do one/ anti hitrohy certify thot tho tootle
worle, 11(1(1 treql1011 1 ly tliooloneelel manial ftfl AiVan him is 00 l'oct,
bleed, 'Phongh T. Open t hiondrodo of 3)1., Chase's 111diocy-laver Pills, 0110
tl 1111501•8 in eloctoeia hills 1 rovoived 11111 a chow, ti conta a box, ot nil
no relief, roul at hoot deoblod that 1 dentors, toe Iedmansoe, Batos
W0111(1 110001' 110 11b10 10 1VOI'k npuin, 'Toronto. To protect you agolost
"While in thig•tondition 1 10814 acle imItationo tho portrait:, and signa-
vioed to try The elonoo's 1(1111101.. oi Dr. A, IV. Chaso, tine famoue
1,ivor ona though 1 hod no eoceipt, book author, aro on dvotey
175 MOM or bo toes:thing; .0100 I box,
moment somewhat slackened, Don
Miguel froquoatly visited his homo
(11 Friganota on his mission of
solutiola On thew oecasions (11
Dotela, a prisoner but a guost, do
lig•Ined 111 gearing his already tor-
tured Nosb no whit of houtillatIon;
he poured out streams of futile but
corrosive Prophecy, foretelling with
acted tongue tailor° direct; and cola-
inleous retribution. It stands to
Don Miguel's honor that his courtesy
etoocl the Wain, and that when he
had a thousand opportunities for
polsotimis retort, be forebore to
utter one word that might prick the
1 ispan ol an's ouseopti bil Wes. 310
listened to (Meer and gibe, calumny
and =tempt, with unetolded polite -
n055, although in his boort he cursed
the unwelcome guest deeply and
Astinta listened. too -and took
11001 1,.
When 5110 found ;oneself to all in-
tents 3, prisoner at: Folganeta, her
avit courage drooped, her Inhornal
hope dimmed. But Oita man -so
cootemptuously cruel, SO V01101110115-
ly vindIctiVe, such a thorough hater
-surely', surely, she should bo ablo
to make him her helper, Tr she could
not SUCcoccl la fashioning, 111111 into a
weapon of destruction to Pabeetto
-but she laughed : she could do it,
sho was not Asunta for notbing, and
Rho would do it. True, she loved
Hispaniola and tho Hispaniolans lit-
tle; but now she loved Palmetto
even. loss-ancl In revenge tbero is no
country, no race; and rovenge, re-
venge, rovelige, was the only thing
for which sho lived, tho only thing
for which she deeired to live.
Once, and one) oroly, a glint of
0(51111,3' pierced the thick clouds that
overshadowed her reason, and she
saw that all her humiliation and all
her shamo were of her own creation
-she saw that even if she took Erec-
tor from Maddalena she could not
haves him to herself, and if she took
Maddalena she had still less chance inc =slug Se lenge of viteme diet is renched, leo rule call be giv- 'formod, is very difficult to cure.
SI10 Passed into the dining -room. Go i,,,Atij,63.4,1:goto, crop. wero obtained. than whore POrIS '
On a couoli luy 0 81001 11100 in 1110 As,
Palmotto uniform, snotang stertor- 410 "te a- eee 'o'er 1.1" e-1" -fs groon Wald
llSkli) Ali THE POISON'.
and o bthusi ore, Els glaeett eYeS 'Red N THE FAR
ouster, IIis Moo Was purple and tho r.A.
-.4.4.1 Q1 Both the Bug Dontli end l'aris green IT MAS MANY IXAND..9 `1%) PASS
veins of his temples li'01'0 swollen go,.
bulged half -open, but they saw not; pli..5
and lila tooth 1111 0110 Wli I to through
t h 0 tough) of beown moustache nod 1 WILCO, VA, tetiONGroiotrOtry'Area,
beard. Tho arm hung down, tilt)
hand ou tho floor,
Moved by to»»o swift proMpl Dig to
mak° certain that, ho was really be -
Ai woro oohed with Bordeaux mixture.
leY The vomits of the expOriments for
three years are ionionod op tie foie
ofee lows: Referable as it would be to
NY iind ,Soine method of controlling' tho
potato bootie without tho use of
Among dairy cattle tho best poison, thero soon10 to ho oto huniodi- Iliere aro 0 good Many fOrtlines
wind awekeniug, Asunta kicked. Goa tiro Is to remove the cull froin the
priu.„, ate prospoet of its attelillaalli• AH »nolo and 108t, 111 tile "don tharlo",
inert hand with the point of her cow within twenty-four hours tater gthoic:dyti!,1:10cliaa,nlaudfilLtrielthal(!:(anS111,,rnetti cliayn tr,, 211,:1;iit.rrictintltin,111Fir,l2u.tro0,',/antdetianciii,dmoWiloymeellarriint
to the floor as if Mod. Asunta. 1(11a1i1;1.1citi.rotuh:Itilliilintd3lieeP(a(dtrata0tu(i1P5tilm1135i11:3"a13110:llndltei, obtained toy the use of poets grow us their living by malting dolls for the
an insecticido MO by anything yet
alTililsoleanimE'11)1a0cet% 3a.t5oismtllit'eTi Ifonllthebancille' woridthi children,
1 ough tho the normal condition, but cts a rule substittne. Vivid in Dolls aro to bp purchased at from
on hoe way to the stables. pound per acre, there is no trustwor- ta-
sulegoetcod as ils
Moderate animinis, one-half to 01111 id lIP to 4150 each. Eciison is ssii-
0111110(1, and paned ti r
great open window into the grounda the earlier the can is taken io hadce dolls which con talk -they,
i rictet8tilel; 14
tto ktahre°5 to clrin 7Lf • 5 '
dairy cow to be regu- i P.M of tubere and of dry matter, lit
fij,ured by the use of Paris groom
evidenco that tho Potato, as nave tiny plionographs Mei e
' thy family of Astor Whose head,
ineaeured by d and its feeding regulated tint better thY
1110115 -
At the coot! of the prearranged half- growth at vines ,,nci for 1175 apiece; and only recently a
for the calf. 'rho "onneo it 1 the
hour Aminta was riding through 1 lalz " doll WaS 1110110 111 Paris for the weal -
night with cli Bcrja. Almost k It is also Yie
trom yriganoto, ono or yr. Thomas tarty. 01111.!ed by hand than to suckle etv a patented proceas of 111011U1110' 110113' utomont of their setting out body mid limbs alone cost £35, nod
tor' 11 h is ready - - whose clothing-tho 103' in question
Sinftlits steamers ems complotimg the a calf% '.1 he "Ink of good 0011's is of- ° nie t a 101' 'UFAI IR had raiment enough for a whole
clischmem of' her ca.rgo of -co'noaurie. tort too rich. for thoir calves, arid the . • . • armv-inounted ttp to another 220.
now upon the marten Bordeaux
31(111 a to d Ei1 ores 011 Tespole to ; and take too ;ouch if mixturo made from the "Pone Cone , '
Phe•dolls ueed by our royal children
latter aro apt to
Mr. Thomas Smith himself write holp- loft to betel lhemselves. The calf Brand" of prepared lime WaS 00M- cost itil or SOO each.
Ing from a launch a mowous, shalc- shOilld haVo the 11111IC of its Mun or pared with regular Bordeaux mixture The heads of most -all except the
ing, 'very Perturbed little woman soino fre8h COW, and recrive it while
11)11.115rditayfitouteancil.ifecku.jisMode.innt17c,actuasiene0fpritioa- 3v)telit?e'r.best-wax dolls ate made of
with sthanglely resoluta eyes -Judith warm, and at least three times a day
portion (6 pounds of lime to II One. could scarcely imagine it 1(00 -
four) for a week or more.
(To bo Continued.) pounde of coppor sulphate), although sible to get a lovely broby face oat
During this thoo, if the milk is rich,
It ebould be 'diluted wlth warm wa- it does not carry as much oxide of of the great seething cauldron of
teo one-fifth to one-third its own lime 00 quicklimo would. if puro. In nasty looking stuff which wo are
BALLOONS AND KITES, balk, according to the rialtos% Or the the trial with potatoes Bordeaux shown as we outfox. the doll factory,
— milk may be kept a few hours, the mixture made from the prepared lime It is composed of scraps of old Mt -
How They Might Be Utilized in a best of the cream ro d I
move , and t non was as effective against blight as that tors and newspapers, paper which
Naval Battle. ,. Warreed and fort To make a good made in the usual Way. The pre- waS ottee dirty rags, and many pro -
Until flying -machines aro porter:tea calf, three foodingS a day should be pared limo costs more per poind thou cessess before It became paper at all,
there is not much proSpect of realix- kcht up tOr a math or six n'eekn, quicklime, but it is more convenient and is 110W going through other pro -
and its use saves time, arid 1111(3' on resses to render it a thick pulp. Our
ing Tennyson's dream of othe na- and the milk sltould be fed warm. for
tiOnS' airy navies grappling in the a. longer period, espetially if the wea- ,
tido account not prove more expen- dally papors, our rejected pooins,
anci our hundred and one old maga-
central blue." But a writer ia the tiler is cold. But after ton cloys or s'•vs'
London Magazine °XI/re:4000 1110 op- no milk oat twelve hours and lightly :eines are all there, boiling otw'ay in
great bubbles.
helms tbat kites anti balloons would skimmed will do, and attar ton days POULTRY NOTES.
be valuable naval campaigns 11S akin 11101.113 the skimming may be gradually Always Presently tl. quantity of glue and
s tattoo a fowl us quickly as powdered clay are /MX31 up with the
in colleMing and clistribUting news Made closer, until at the end of a po . 11 1'
and for purposes of ObSerratiOn by month, or foion aftar, a Skim inilk 1.111,1 °.
. . i habit of egg eating when 03510 into faces.
whole moss, and it is ready to mold
TI -111011G11,
Germany, France mad 7h1gland
Supply Dolls for ttee
of bringing Hector to her feet. If Prone the clock of a war -ship the on for quantity in feeding calves, If the hens ore given all the milk
sloe achievocl revenge, 1110 Price would 1 extent of view te about Beyen miles, they differ so much in sloe 01111 food they will (1rink, more eggs will be
be life. That leas too much, sho From the car of a captive 1)0110011 requireinents. Judgment must be les-, produced.
thought : aud the next 500011(1 tho Mot Up 110131 the clock the view at cod, the feeding effects observed, and 1 In many ways, tloo worst men are
glint was gone, seething fogs of an altitudo Of about 111.0011 hundred the calf given enough to thrivo and !those who never try to improve on
passion swept up arid wrapped her feet extends to forty_noe owes. EXCW be aetire, but not too 1511111. More what they are doing.
mond again, her only lamp in tho at an altitude+ of 01113' three heindred calves suffer from over -feeding than Provide pienty of roosting places
darkness tin) red light or
fent 0110 could see twenty-three
revenge. from scant diet. Keep' the calf and do not allow too many to crowd
1Tectoe or Maddalena, or both-tho miles.
death, the death ! In a naval battle gun -i11'0 Is every- A LITTLE HUNGRY together.
None oan be so blind or so easily thing, and in organizing the fire a and eagor for more rather than fin Wheat is rich in 111000(1111 for
mowth, anti stimulates the egg func-
blinded. as a (lumina. Our British balloon might be very useful -even it to dullness. The endeavor should ,
maidens, with half the wiliness and moro so in case of the bombardmont be to prevent tlie beginning of indi-
half the wilful blood or the Smith- or forts and seaports; for tho look, gestion, which leads to scourin,g am'
ether, can fool the skilfullest British oat in tho balloon would inform. the perhaps fatal diarrohers Nothing cause
chaperon, Asunta, with the grim- ginnlerS Where to direct their shells
most of purposes for goad, had but
small difficulty in hoodwinking
Dona Concepcion. Tbus it came to
Pass that Asunto, and di Borja lack -
cd no opportunity for meeting. He
found no Mull; with the chime° that
gave hien a handsome young woman
for companion : them hung heavy on.
hie hands, and an Itispa.niolan de-
lights in the payment of subtle if
somewhat wholesale homage to a
mantilla. From trifling with corn-
plimo.nts and drawing -room airiness -
es, Asunto. led hiin on by easy but
swif t stoges to darker themes : and
littlo by little they reached a com-
mon phone of ugly confidence, that,
had Don Miguel so much as suspect-
ed it, would havo Ineant a. silk Tajo,
about Asunta's neck, or a ratvajo, 111
1100 breast.
Asunta. stood in the dark before
the door at whitth rho I..ul welted
such a little whila before -waited
with tumultuous lumps and passions
rioting in her blood. Thero was
no unrest in her donmanor 110Wi
her breast. rose and fell with tho ra-
gularity of calm breathing and hor
hand, as sho rateed It to tap on the
door, was steady as steel. Only
in the 110013 of her cheeks and the
glitter of her oyes did tho turmoil of
emotion make itself visible, and that
only when, in answer to her sum- ored.
mons, di Bodo swung wido the door
with almost painful caution.
"lOnter, senorita I"
"Better not -it is for to-nIght.
Tho guard is well plied with wine,
and Captain Claseavollino—"
"Ali I / hear his swino snore -in
the dining -room, is it not ?"
"'Yes. Ito will root wake till doe: -
"In heaven."
"It Wa0 a 13018011 yeti green mo ?"
"Dear locly, wo cannot allow trifles
to interfere. One has to make sure.
The little sleeping -draught WaS'Ionclo
from a prescription noy revorend re-
lative Alaxander found useftll 1>1
Italy I"
"You have macho mo do murder 1"
"'Push ono 0011 see you 0170 lily.
nvereil. You prtepose to do some-
thing big -in which I am too help
you --and you boovio at ;ewe thiy
thing as a fat. captain of rebels. If
you are as week as this, sonorita,
n11 white lips and quaking hands,
really don't lthow that I 011011 trou-
ble you to aecompany nue I than
bo mom comfortablo by myself."
"You wool(' go back on your
w°"111Viloly" not ? You go back on your
"1 3 Never I"
"Captain Caosavellino was tloo
first stone Jo the path. You forgot
your goal when you rogrot,having to
remove him."
Tho cool half -cynical tone of di
Borjn, acted on her exciLed nervoe
/Ike a charm her sadden resump-
tion of quiet nod. a steady gaze
allowed him that ho was her master.
In that momont Ile discovered how
to control her, guide hor, make her
Coo slave of his win. Ito had but
to remind her ot her purpose, to
perrolado her Coot tho thine ho de-
sired doioe was foe Oa furtheranco
Of loor revenge, and it was, alreaclo
d°'n'Y°Cett tielfaurelodge that it Wala ne.-
oeseetry ?"
"You would do it ogoin Vt•
"Without hesitation."
"Alt I well- you. may cowo evith
mo, Have you brought the pis-
tols ?"
"SPliOy 0110 IWO."'
"000d Alt I -my coWneobetter and
'in half an hour,
oTho horses 3"
"1 go to the Stables twee"
"Very Wen. When y011 are rOfttly.
I shall bo ready."
lVithout a word oho left Inin, glide
ing 6101w am (teak corridor end
down the stole Into a, shadow, mak,
ei; sound,. seatsoly bitatailag.
whit° tho ships kept at a safe dis-
tance from tho land guns.
The incroaseci activity in marine
ballooning is closely connected with
tho progress of submarine naviga-
tion, From a balloon it Is possible
to discover the location of vessels
under the sea. With the nalcocl eye
objocts at depths of from nineteen to
thirty feat can be clearly discerned.
The wako of a submarine boat or
tho boat itself eau bei seen with ab-
solute clearness from ball000, and
results lately obtained, havo boon of
a. most surprising kind, 'At tho
mouth of tho Thames, where the wa-
tot is muddy, objects of a much
smaller sizo than a submarine 'boat,
and palmed a noutral color, were
Seen at a depth of thirty fec.t, al-
theiugh. the surfaco of the water was
Tho 13ritish Admiralty, however
es indigestion 20011014 thanoceverreetlinee
or ireegularity in the quantity, time
and temperoture of the milk, especi-
ally while the calf is young; and ab-
soloote cleanliness about the feeding
vessels is essential, with frequent
melding. 11 141 can with certainty lee
kept equally clean, some feeding de-
vice which compels the calf to suck
its milk instead of swallowing rap-
idly is preferable to the opon pail;
but, all considored, the lottor is mime
ally the best utensil. If gritting the
teeth or other symptons of incliges-
time emyear, a little lime 11'11101. 111 1110
milk or a, little baking soda. win usu-
ally prove a correetin. Keep the
Calf dry and Clean, fairev wagon, but
in pure air, and allow it to exercise.
If its box is small, turn it daily in-
to a covered yard or salall paddocg.
Yoling calvos like company, but ie
kept together are likely to learn
apparently attaches loss importence sucking habits. Every calf had bet -
to balloons than it does to kites, tar have its own box until a month
Dering the recent manoeuvers an or two old, and then be tied up out
neroplano or box kite carried up a of reach of neighbors; but several
wire to h height of a.boot three hun- may exercise together If not turned , „.
eo give Ione aro in tho shop° of 3'.
deed feet, keeping communitation out until an hour atter taking milk,
with the wireless telegraphic appa- The calf here referred to is not sup- coarsely ground bone cold oyster But with ilia more expensive, sort
ratus. The result was that MOS- po,od to ho for otoa, 1,511 to ho ratood shollo. Koop a. supply where they can thls operation is conducted with
sages Were sent and roceived over a for help themselves. sggrtioaht11. care, lest "miludi" should
distance of one hundred and ten a dairy cow. Tho foregoing treat -
Raw bone, coarsely. ground,
molt should be accompanied by early saY Those whose eyes are to move Novo
miles ovor the distance ueuany eofo- half as large as grains of corn, is
lessons inducting it to eat sweet hay
greedily eaten by fowls eapecially. if small loaclon weights attached, which
and a little grain. The sooner it -- are like penclulumo, and keep tho
The Missions lit out thole oeweet
torpedo-boat destroyers with a oiee
. „ learns to eat hay' or other rough they 5r0 nnt au°wed to 011n at' large lida clooed when the doll is laid
Weight and condition come from down.
able, it is said, to lift a man a halfe forage mod the 'more it eats, the bet, -
the surphos nutrition of the food. If The making of dollo' eye forms a
mile or more high, find tho sarno tor, but keep up milk feeding ao long
fowls be stinted in food, thoy co„n- special Ma 11111001 1/1.0. T110y 111%, 1110110
goVernalell l; haa established three as possible, if only once a chit*. Grain ,00t toy
op materiel for oggs, neen, in thousands ty o. German Brno
" a 1 b 11 ,1" ,'' should. be usoct sparingly, oats end
or condition.
planned to covey out exteosive ex- bran preferrod, perhaps a little lin-
At this 1,11110 the chickens cannot bo shillings, or oven retools. a groos;
The prom varies front peneo to
periments with balloons at sea, sod, and always to judiciously sop -
expected to increase l'Ory ropidly in the latter for special orders. Well
Both kitos and balloons have their plument the other food. Do not torn
size, unless particularly won housed poicl artists aro employed to paint,
strong pointS; they have also their It °at° grass too soon. If a opring
and Md. I've times a clay Is loot too the iris, with its compliented lines
limitations. A captivc balloon can
easily ruieo several men, calf, carry. it over to the sewed 0U111- 01t011
often to Iced if the growth Is to let, of mingled blut, and black, and to
who can mer without pasturage. A fall anlf i
give each its ertless oxpression.
gather a great deal or information will be in good shape to get ite live
In a very short time. nut 11-, te ex.- mg from pasture clurmg its first
pensive, cumbersome, can bo sent summer,
np only whoa weathor conditions Fall calves am generally better
favor, and malces almost too good a cared for, thrive hotter, and melte
better COWS than thoso dropped in
tho spriog; another reason for hav-
ing COW9 CCUVO in the autumn. The
wo.iter feels certain of gett ing bettor
results, ito the OM, from raising four
celvos dropped at the season colvised
bo floWn throe lthildroil (boys in tho thee from live born he the spring,
year, Mowover, oultit it can easily .and is inclined to make the comport -
and safely' rats° a man it cannot be 5101 stronger.
Gm captiva balloon, but can only bo 4
considered a complote substitute for
utilized tee nn auxiliary to it.
The liquid paper is ladled out and
rolled into small calees, one roi• each
don's face, and the worker kneads it
with lois fingers and rolls ft out Un-
der a roller, just, as a cook makes
dough iato postry.
Then another craftsman comes
along. He takes the square cakes oft
the big bench, and emennences to
squeezo each one Into hollow clay
moulds of faces and backs of heatle.
Them aro quickly passed on to an -
Ono of tho best ways of providing
other man, aranod with 0. bone tool
exercise at this eime is by scattering
and a bit, of sponge; who makes tho
small grain among coarse litter.
When hens aro conenod to yards
they aro frequently gorged with food
which makes fat instead of prodUcing
elements which go to make up an
No single food contains all the nec-
essary elements In proper proportion
soft pasto fit into each. crevice, and
having onade this quite right. pares
ofT the rough. edges with a big knifo
(just as the girl cuts her paste oEf
tho pie dishes), slips it out of tho
mould, and plaees it on a board to
After this, some cement is applied
for egg production. A variety must to the even edge, and the faces aro
be sought, joined to the backs of the heads.
Tho framer has one advantage in They are then ,set on,a shielf to dry,
raisiug poultry as by giving them and an ugly -looking lot of bald -
it free range, they are able to pick headed figureheads they look,
up a good share of their living.
aotlung can take the place of
good management at all times, but
in winter ospocially, the stock is
wholly dependent upon the teeatment
If poultry is stmt to market plump tha xnaskeike face, and prepares
Presently coraes another artificor,
He is tho eye -setter. With a sharp
knife he cuts out a. piece from the
top of the hood, slits two eye -holes
and fat and well packed in an at-
tractive shape, it will bring the high-
est price every time.
10 1311.1 1/1 the nyeS.
The cheapor sort aro easily fitted.
holding the head clownwartle, tem
When all classes of fowls aro kept eyes are laid in the almod-shaped
hollows, and then with gicat dexter -
together the' smaller mot weaker ones
ity, the result of acing practiee, hot
suffer by crowding at feeding and on
Plaster is poured 111 to set.. tho
the roosts.
"sightless orbs" in their pieces arm -
'rho moot useful forms in which
too got.
A. kite, on the other hond, °Mrs
practically 110 point for tho enemy
to hit, and if it was struck tho
chromes are that very little harm
would too dono. It is sionple to use,
takes up but little apace, nad can
In 111013 the Maine Agricultural
perii000t Station made tho following
PICK A leTIG-NOSF.D PITSS. exporiments with potatoes;
Twelvo varieties of potatoes were
A good cat -the kind yon want, ill tented for resiseanco to blight, both
the Ii0085, if any -will have a round,
when sprnyed and whole unsprayed
stubby pug -nose, f, got 11100118
with llordomix mixtore. A. marked
end uppor Ilp, end, o wall-clevelp-
ed bump 011 the top cof the hood, be- difference Wile found in the blight re-
slatont, propertios of dittorent Yorks-
tween tho mire, betokening good
nature. A sleepy cat that purrs a dos. As rolo tloo oarly Va1'1011110
good deal 15 go od-imt n1,00. lir all. 100150 soonest at Lacked. Spraying do -
means to be aVoicled is a cat with
thin, sharp noso an(1 twitabing ears.
It must bo remembered, also, that a
good meninx' is not necessaeily 00
gentle or dosirable pot, 'Although
any good cat, win catch mico if sho
is not overrod, quick, bill, teepees -
sive e305 gonerally betoken a good
monser, The greatest inisltolco, and
probably the nook common 0110, 111
Ilia car° of domestic cats is over -
footling, particolorly with too much
meet. In Wild life the cat has eX-
oreises which onablo hot to cligoot
her food. In the lazy house-lifo the
same fiell reading leads to stomach
trotiblos and to fits.
Crowd the hatching early, It is Tho toms aro melted in sawdust
fbe early hatched chtekons that sell and sold at so much a case, Men-
tor tho best pekoe, but more than Melds of casts being clispoeed of. 011. -
this, it is the party It:itched //allots nuttily.
that make the boot. and most profie
table layers the following winter.
Some Careless as They are With
Other Bolongings.
"A watch might to be clowned, oneo
511 say eighteen months or two
yeare," sass a j0Wellor; "hilt how
often it would 'mod to be cloanocl
and how oftea 11111110 Wa11111 might
stand in mod of rapines would de -
Pend a, good deal 011 tho exian him-
self; oa how he used it."
"(1n how he ow(' it ? Doesn't le
comrtExToNs TO 0311)3)15(1.
The 11)00 being 11310,1. a row of
young W0111011 laim thO dolls ono by
one, scrape and smooth (115501, 81,11
lay 011 coat or 11,13 vett, so that
t110 13001'111 1111410 app.:1141 10 bo
blushing ((0(1)1,0'.Then a man who is '5,t 111 over
a, cauldron of 130 33 3 ag 1.,1X 3110 •0111111
SVP11.1111 C 110ad and bolding 11 11.
10(13' 11011' - of 1>111111)- .''l' dip fav
cheap 0011, two for a outlier 1e.1 ter
(lass, but for th
e 0013' "I:, dieN''
sovernl dips aro remote:leo to give tho
proper finish.
nom -just put his watch in his potket 0 The red blitsh in oblitoretoel, 0111e,
plukilleSS appearing in Its
and carry 11 ? Is thero any difforenco place. ,1,11„, a„iu,, „.,..„, ,,,,„ ‘r, ry
in tho ways be which. raen USO 111011. eickly-loolting, mod must bo tont off
moo t ches ?"
'1151(3'. thorcom ail the clifforomm 111 to the pointing room, ol000. they
WeY8 M (0111011 Men Ilse theil: eletl,Mel t511001 off, Noontime 0110 111 1 110.5 Up
or any other of their baton/4111P. s,olo tete 1151,hood, and in a vane 10 1 01101
will be motto up 11kl• 1111 eche se. '
the world, just, as there is in the 000 1 5r01,31 ot,..„, 14,,,, „oo tthodt
give& ti chotiening Iiitie 5,11 m011111.
This ho plus down on h;i. riolo sido,
and ettorkor nomber two with a
layod the attack on con. varieties bot man, for instance, put nrt n new
blight 01(1100155(101(1100155(1on Um spritycel plots overcoat and Imee it lOoking 111155
of some varieties sooner than on all Old 0110 ill a Month, and 01111(13(1'01111(13(1'plots of °time Varietiea that woro man would Weer the 8(11111' 0(0111500
unsprayod, The incasod ylold more two 001500115001500115 and come out with it flourish gives it eytivm a i i i pa int -
oda and NO they pass on front
than poid 1,110 oost of /sPraYing with the ond of the stmonci 000son looking
the 3101(1 of the early variOtivo wag bond to habil,
Itorcionox mixture. On 1110 avorage
one-third great or on the sprayed
plote, rola in lion case of the lino Ver
rietioll One-balr greater than on the
mosprievocl. Tho yiold of merchant-
potatoco from the early variotios
Was practicelly tho same, whether
practical farming
they Were horveoloci in Scptombor cor
Oetaber, 'rho yield of Goo tato va-
riotice, both aprayed and imeproyod,
SE'S Was a third grenlor tho toter data.
etiodichteCneTeleate and Legate, Freon ite ttee, liceerovor, no 101,9014
c'el'criolt:IxPeor'frilnent (‘11"(' 01
Is Sera throet to thr eiseetas tauldli
Ilug I/oath Wfm again conolnrell with
eau he the helvoteed BloWor.
— rarht green tot meant/rod by hoalth of
tnbore. As in pre-
riberet:0,,nteettan,dtielpterei(iliniell::19, opv,OutlitFrigext0)7'1"13einlgt9'!Dten1121i 111107 ttc°rfe 1211
oeterxhnta anyeeeke, Memo's '-e aPPI•ihLin 0libelataltV 1)1*()Lect°d
ogee All &aka, or nr,,C oboe Cho potn thee from the potato bug,
fresh nod in good order, And ono
man will mako to now wate'h look an
old one in no time, nod another wit
in some way, nod without Meowing
it in a chalacno bog ot• anythiug. ot
that sort, alwnys have lois welch
looking netv arid 115 good condition,
One man will talc° out his watch to
FIe1,1S1.11N0 ,1 rr,118,
They still 111110 01.," 1,, (0(5-
101(151(0(1 nomearallece duo to Olio tore
thpir being ham. 7..1 1. 31,0q1 1i they
roneh tto, hanolo 1 Oho Meol Milohers,
who some traosmoseify leo imbi-
be:4(1nd 111 (''('1110(03 toto 1,1101 lolls 10/...-
1oo1 et the lime onywhere, when tho ilo loves 1301 1,111 1 roo ille nitre, •
wirol is blowing dun oolong tlm This Is tho, wort 311('''i() 1, port of
otritot, or in tbe rain or the snow, tho bushose, mod forme a distinct,
whilo another nom et ill ho thought- tondo.
ful of ouch (Mop nod not got oat Three IN a honor ito landoli "
his welch 10 look at it whorco it ontiroly ntrovfitotures the eoft, 1.111.;1t
\VOUld 130 0111100011 10 1110 P00011114 !dud collod. e111O loth-, end exp. ris
1)1 1011)7 front 511010 to, causo, et.nd it tiod up 111 bniullte vueloos
bo Would keep tho porhot in which longths to the ei ,erein onearlos of
hi, rarriod it !roc, from dust ntal Mot, Irranco and Germany.
and w001c1 ceroful of it generally, :Mono cif it 'to lebratin 1i 1', loot the
'Oh, yes, there's n11 010 diNprouCe Irl'0111o91 1(01'i 1(1) lo 1111; 1' 1 n ;11
In lila world 311 1110 way in. Which inotiair pastod • on eledim of 1 ele
InDn use filch. watcloos, just ns thoro &Ilion, a Strip roll. (hi:, N.; ,01,1
is 111 ail theft, way,s," round patch for the 11oeame,