The Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 5APIs.., k1, 1904
And when lin Nand blm or
ptJ her to
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'l'erltl (pens dpl'iI 111h, 19.)4
Two Uutloo—
nom morchil loti Bbr
Baud for Oaloe Journal.
A. L. A'IoINTY1tE, Manager.
llVV cent, F.8, BOUl"P, I3ruseel8,
V V • Iesuor of Marriage Licenses. 0f
flee at Grocery, '1 urnborry street, Brunet.
nnnsIONDD has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F 8, SO OTT, Brussel
l�. NiwRDISoN,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
SPVLM=7.-0, O'1TT,
011ie° over Hurslov's Drug Store,
Nov. Srd,1902, SO•em Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
Insurance taken on the cosh and premium
note system at current rates. Salaminsur-
ing elsewhere Gall on theuu doraigned Agent
of the Company.
• non, will sell tar butter prices, to
beater men, In less time and less charges
than any other Aectieueer In East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable, Bales arranged for
at the once of Tun. Poem, Brussels. 22tf
J • Ironer Gradilnre of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, in prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated autm1ls in a compet-
entmanner. Particular attention mild to
Veterinary Dentistry.Calls promptly at-
tended to, Officio and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et„ Brussels.
.8.1.•Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta,
buosessor• to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Runk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bail.
V V • Banister, Solioibnr,'Couveyanoor,
Notary Public, &o. Office—Stewarl's ]flock
1 door North of Central Hotel.
aolieitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PDofDTO'.00T, A. C. It. 0. more
Offices—Those formerly crumpled by Messrs
Cameron & Ilolt,
Gom,nion, ONTAnr0,
111.n., C. H.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Pbysielans•stud
8tn'geone, Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Oot-
log8e Of Physfoiaue and Ltoeutiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, te.-Tolophoue No.14,
Besitlouoo—Mill street,Bruseete,
Graduate of the Royal Ooilege of Dental
atirgoon5of Ontario and First -ohm Honor
Graduate of 'Toronto University. Ofeoe
next to Brewers Photograph Gallery,
' A man to represent "0110201'0 01(012'
teem Numerates" in the town of )(Massie
and onrrueudfng eouttry, and take orders
hi Pratt Trees, Small Fruilet
Ornamentals, Shrubs, HOSOS,
Vluos, Seed 1'eiklees, &c.
Stook true to name and free from San
Jose Scale. 4. petuument poeitiou for
the right men on Dither eatery or
Stone & Wellington
100.8m over 800 ANSI
are received front business lima and
MANY WPC!)leN 1.8 cru p see 1 lit good
pooltiuue each year by tine /melts
R, ,
Thie eeh0ol sands for m
stands 0, 11(011 (11
AND dittaT in business 3 slues 1.
loose u ploy o Many 1res a0 t Cob
!egos employ 'our graduates t
1 e uteu a teach.
P ! a
4 ors. Wu boyo seems of uP 008 tions
loom other Colleges, Ask to sa0 thaw
0110 day you enter, 001/1 MONO oourso hb
IqpansUuGulugnofree,y wJ. ItLLfoTl',Principal.�D c, -=d . a -...3d rte .....,e
[lint c:t betas,
'Jet.° w]",rt dip.
A new boiler is being put into the
Trowbridge ahooee faotory,
Wo weloorno to our village Mr, Wil
llama, of leolmesville, who has been en.
staged by R. 11 Green es first eseietant in
the cheese (eatery.
Morelia° Smith, Pearl Code, Wesley
MoCormiok, Will. Moore end Justin
Joliette!), after spending 'he Easter vaca-
tion et their home, have re0umed their
studies to the Listowel High Suhool•
At the meeting of the Ladies' Aid hi
the home of Mrs. J. R. Code, the follow-
ing officers were eleored for the coming
year: President, A1rs, J. R. Code ; Vioe
President, Mies Covens ; Secretary, Mrs.
R. H, Green ; '1'reaenrer, Mies Mary
Pretty sold Spring weather.
Beading will be late this year.
Aire. R.,wland has put a new roof ou
her kitchen,
Wm. Oooprr to spending a ftw days at
Exeter and ISippen.
J011 03 Jackson, of Detroit, to visiting at
J. and 0. Jnekton's.
Many farwore are talking of growing
eegar beets this year.
The flood 15 an over now. It did but
very 1tt110 damage here.
James Hamilton is not progreeeing
very rapidly but we hope for a speedy
Sala. Wright has bra(0ht eight heed of
pure bred Hereford cattle from a breeder
in Listowel.
Mrs. Frank Meitner, who has been
hedfaet for over 10 weeks, is utile to be
around again.
The Choir of the Methodist Ohnrab
has decided to give a oonoert in the
Church on the evening of May 24'.10.
Henry Leslie shipped fifty-four bead
of cattle, the entire lot having been put,
°based from Henry Smith, of Wallace.
Several of the rooms in the Public
School were oompellod to close last week
owing to there being no wood for the
Will, Greve, who has been aeeietant at
the G. T. R. etatiou here for some time,
left an Monday of last week for the
Northwest, where he has secured a
position on the 0. P. R.
Town Constable Say desires to
caro the parties who ere shooting
mnokrnto along the river these evenings
that an1see they desist
from shootingm•
nide the oorporatiou he will have hem
promisee tea.
A W. Featherstone, who has been
selected on the team of Canadian Bow-
10re who purpose slotting the Old 0onntry
thio Summer, has reoeived from the Seo
retary of the Ontario Bowling Aesoaia•
Mon full instructions relative to the trip,
whioh promises to afford a eplendid out
The Liabowel Town Council at their
reenter April meeting decided to accept
Alr. Carnegie'( offer of $10,000 for the
emotion of a free pnblio library building,
and pissed a resolution accepting the
offer and bioding themaelvee to maintain
said buildibg at a cost not to exeead one
thousand dotard per year.
Ata meeting of the vestry of Ohriet
Church, to elect n Warden in the plane
of 1t (1, Bamford, who declined to act,
J. B. Horn was e'ented. Rev. 0. H.
Bualtlend, rentor, asked for three months
leave of absence during the Summer,
partly an s0000ut of hie health. The
request will most probably he granted by
thevestry at a meeting to be held shortly,
11.II4cs to r.
Mre, 0. B. Snell is ooufioed to her bed
suffering from appendioitfe,
Arthur Davie has purobaeed the dwell•
ing recently vnouted by Mr. Killottgli on
Aun street, from Joseph Davie.
Several Eseterites atluyed a "sugar-
ing off" at the home of Roger Northoott,
Hay, on Tuesday evening of last week,
The bntober baiting coodnated by
Wood & Fake for the past year and a
half has been diepoeed of to Solomon
Hardy, of Dashwood, bob late of Zarin.
Mre. Jamee Tom reoeived the sad
intelligonoe of the death of her sister,
Mrs, John Wilson, who died suddenly at
her home in Whalen, on Mouday of last
Mrs, Chao. Birney, who underwent a
0nrgi001 operation is, we are pleased to
learn, o•ovolesoinu. Her sister, Mrs.
Harry hopper, of Belgrave, ie attending
W, J. O'Brien, of London, who re.
oently aooepted the position of Commer-
cial Master in the High School Depart.
count here, arrived in town end eons.
menoed his duties on Monday of Inst
The Sutherland Innis Stave Works,
whioh wee Mooted here a little over five
80reago on Huron otreat, has ceased
operations and in the near future the
plant will he moved to Perry Station,
where they will open a new fi,+ld of labor.'
Pilot, the large St. Bernard dog own-
ed by Carling Woe, met hie fate. I1
appuerethat poison had boon laid tea
acme cheese itt the barn to poison rate,
and the dog getting hold of a pisoe of
the poisoned material, devoured it.
James and Mrs, Walker, who reside on
the London Road, South of town, met
with n very unpleneant accidenton Brut.
day while returning from ohurols. They
were driving a favorite old pony, whioh
is about twenty-three years of ego, but
though nota Dolt be took fright at some
thing on the road side and shying threw
both oocnpante into the albeit, witb the
reenlb Mrs. Wrtlitor rooeiverl a badly
sprained wrist and was otherwise ehaken
up, Willie Mo. Wnlltor ' n14h, nerl n 00m.
porn() fracture to hi ra a ap''n')
and a Revere Beaty (1(01(0,
several etitehee i , 11,•5.
Go41,A-r 51•.
Thoow tt
Ii is Uo uno' til tact ou@
W daos.
Harry Dane has nonepted a pneilion
emu G• 16, Deu„tedt at the cash )lard•
l'e •N
am oritlr t that ?Er
will luo t@ iti.ur taco hi the near
J It. lV••lia -
u m-1 hag said out his
shitiglo machinery to Bowes & Talton, of
Owen Sound,
Vernon Atol'n ted reoeived a bad out its
his head on Mende,/ of last ween falling
from a oar at the G. P. R. depot,
Leet week L Andrew purobae0d the
'bas buein'•os frnm Mr. Proolor, of the
Alb10u, and uommeneed to run a union
A000rd(ng to reports the 0. P. 1i.
extension form Totowster to liinoardioe
will teen place ns soon as the Guelph
Godhrich one le completed,
Since the time of the old Union bees
ball oath between Gerrie uno Wroxeter
there hes been a talk of re organizing
ander new and young blood but up to
this year no meeting has been called to
form the olub,
The leading pley,re iu the band should
form stn oruhestra to keep themselves in
T. Palmar is snaking improvements in
hie reetuoratlt, wbloh gives it quite it
nit,ded appearance.
Tne two nhildreu of John Sberritt, M,
P , are quite ill with pneumonia and be
oame home from Ottawa on their 0000001.
While at work with hie cattle, James
A. Bell, London Road, received skink o0
the leg whioh !muttered the bone. He
will be laid off for a few weeks,
As Mrs. W. (Jolwill was using a step
ladder it upset while she wits standing
on it throwing her with great violence to
the floor. Besides severe bruises is dif
fereut parte of the body one of the
bones of her nokle app ars to have been
broken. It will be some time before she
will be able to po around again,
The Observer says:—Our oitizene will
learn with sincere regret that our band
hsve decided to dieband. The members
'eliding the flnanoitt.l burden greater then
they could bear gave a 00,30501 a few
weeks ago whioh proved a financial fail.
me. The boys as a 1,101resort then ap-
pried to the Commit for a email advance
on the weekly grant made them at a
reoeut sitting. The Gunton refused and
the boy. feeling that it would be nnwiee
to iuunr any further expense determined
to di•band.
4=oreaos itch.
Dr, Peroy Tom, of Weliwood, Man ,
visited the old hone last week.
J. H. Woreeli'e staff are busily engaged
o.:mpluting the roofing of the new public,
The improvements at M. G. Oameron'e
law office have oommenaed by the tearing
out of the old front.
A number of reeidente have prepared
against the ravages of the dog murderer
by mnzziiog their doge,
Mr. Holwell has introdnoed a oaeb
Carrier at hie hardware store, end erected
a nice nouveuiont office,
0. J. Harper has been awarded the
contract for eome additional plumbing at
the court honee, at $221.
At the meeting of the Outario Edooa•
tioual Association Principal Strang was
heated Honorary President of the ohms -
feel 'motion.
• The water and light committee met
and reoommended the appointment of
A. L. Knoll, of Walkerton, as aeeietant
eleutrioiao of the town system in place of
J. Andrews, reelgaed.
The ninety fifth anniversary of the
founding of Oddtellowehip in America
will be oslebroted on Sunday, April 241h,
by Huron Lodge by attending marnin(0
0619100 at St. George's thuroh.
Itis expected that the new Bank of
Montreal building will be praotioally
oompleted this weak with the exception
of the painting, after whioh work on the
library will be pnahed forward more
E. Stewart Straiton, son of A. Straiton,
of town, who has been with the A ex.
andria Wood Export Co. for some time,
has removed to Ingersoll, where he has a
much better poeitiou with she Ellie
Furniture (Jo.
The anneal meeting of the ending and
skating 0es00iati011 99(40 he'd. The old
(+Moore were re.eleated and the terms of
the lease of the grounde to the bowling
club discussed with mstnbers of that
organization. The association are welting
$85 reutal this eeaeon,
A quiet but pretty wedding rook plane
et the residence of A. lei. acid Mre. Glum,
859 Icing street, London, when their
youngest daughter, [41100 Margaret, was
united in marriage to Dr. P. H Tom, of
Wellwood, Man. Mies Ethel Gunn,
sister, of the bride, acted as maid of
boner, mud Mies Mabel Tom, Meter of
Ole groom, wag bridesmaid while i:, W
Newton ably ppirind the a,tom
Ail11' retttro'(((1 fermi 0 1.; rrt. 11 „ 'he,
0111 reeve for !h1 i. Ana• mr n, ib
0 neap udenee bemtl0 will, P 0
1 lnopeotor fiepkirk, and (100tinued wit.
tbe railwayouch Atlee hag eeul d
o a r to in
the regular reception of ihN morning mai
A cumin 0l ehoddy dry g r'^ t+ p.nfi'er1
;101 t ' et Tuesday of 11151 w,ek end
y role ,• to diapes° of seine of Heir
e and 1 "(0 no herniae to 0 11 in 1"wn
nail a octet rather oboes by Chief
nt P ,1,. • t 11000.
h Geo. P 'teroou, foreman of the lumber
yard a e it ti t t
y G the furniture an cry, was be
I vietim of a bad aootdont while et his
at O'odorioh by the 10.45 train, line
/rein waito at Clinton, !f need be, for the
L 11. & B. from Lntdun, and we are thea
enabled to get the mail from that line in
I good time.
The ounoal meeting of the Ooderich
Elevator and U Transit o .d
s „Lt'd,waa hied,
4 dividend of 0 per cent, [vee declared
ant? the abarehold,re prevent were well
satinlled with 0110etatomeut, The loaner
manager, John I. A. Mont, was cleated
president and B. R. Stuart, of Mitchell,
vino president, wide W. L. Horton, of
town, was Omen m`ua(0er.
l3 telMr•atYe.
D. Sproat and 01100 Belle Sproat were
in Louden on Tuesday of teat week.
Miss Beatrice Robertson, of Soalorth,
is tet present visiting at D. Spreet'e,
Mre. Ferrier 1 again on the sick diet.
Her many friends hope for her speedy
Barry Dadsworth left on Tuesday of
lest week for Pino•rj'ttw, Plan., where be
Intends to start farming.
John Stewart hoe sided up hie blank
emith shop with galvanized iron which
aside very mob to the appearance.
W. B. Sutton left fur Denfield to take
charge of the station there. Mr. Mo-
Oul!ooh, of Dunnville, bee taken charge
of Belgrave station.
Mre, Time, Wilkinson is at present laid
up with a Blight attack of rheumatism
but her many friends hope to see her
around again soon.
A, H. Jacobs, of Eget We.wanosh,
attended the live stook sale held on the
farm of Thee, Mercer, Markdale, and
while there purchased an imported Short
horn boll, for which ho paid 5980.
ett, e'V cetera.
Miss Piney Little ie confined to her bed
with an attaolc of typhoid fever.
Mies Maguie Ooghlin has taken a peel•
tion as telephone girl in 0. H. Holmes,
A. M. Carr, of Wiugbom, has taken a
position of cutter in the tailoring estab
tishmtnt of 2. K. Bricker.
W. F. Forrest'e sawmill Mikhail neer.
atiene on Saturday of last week. The
number of logs out wee very email, owing
to the heavy roads of the Winter reader.
(q(0 it aimoet impossible for the fermere
to bring in their loge.
Tee Mooiocpal Omuta of the township
of Elwa met it, the Agrieu tend Hall,
Atwood, on the 14th April. Members all
present ; minutes of !net meeting read
and signed. Moved by Mr. Boyle and
Mr. Bell, that By les No. 474, detaching
lot 8 con, 15, from 8. B. No 9 and annex-
ing it to S. S. No. 8 as now read be finally
passed. Carried, Moved by Mr. Oorry
and Mr. Boyle that Crowley & MaD„n-
nell be awarded the 000trant of the Gan.
helder Branch drain at 10 cents per
cubic foot. Carried, Moved by Mr.
Boyle and Mr. Coates, that By law 475,
being the Gilkineon Drain By-law be
provisionally adopted and the By-law be
printed and served as per the 5th pare,
graph of said By-law. Carried. Moved
by Mr. Oorry and Mr. Bell, that the re-
port of Engineer for Improvement of the
Wilson D1ai0 be aooepted and 0 bylaw
be prepared for the same. Carried.
Moved by Mr. Goatee end Mr. Corry,
that Morpby & Oarthew be paid $75 for
work rand legal 'advice, 1908. Oarried,
Moved by Mr, Bell and Mr, Corry, that
the Oonnoil do now adjourn to meet
again on the 9th day of May next. Oar•
,iEarttliter $te.
Frank Gutteridge is eerionely ill at his
home in Sarnia.
A new skating and curling Heir may bo
erected in the rear of James Diok'e
Mrs. Mary Ireland has pnrobased the
property owned by 1'Ire. Elizabeth Fer•
guaon in Egmondville for 5750.
Mre. Joseph Brien bas purchased the
property on Goderiob street, at present
000091ed by the Rev. I. B. Wallwin, for
George Murray and family left for
Brandon, Man. Mr. Murray has so.
tabliehed a lucrative hardness Dear Bran
don in the mauulaobure of ,brink and
A dray load of handsomely bound
hooka, sessional papers and parlimentary
reports, . were taken from the public
library and sold for waste paper. The
books took up a lot of room at the library
and were never read or naked for, hence
their removal.
At the last meeting of the town Council
the following motion was presented :-
00rdno—Stewart—That the aleck notify
Mr. Dick that the woollen mill is not
being ran aooerding to 000108at, that be
ie not employiug the number of bands
he promleed and for Mr, Dials to answer
to cams. -Carried,
Our Opening of Spring Millinery was
of a most satisfactory character and we
feel confident that with the Fine New
up-to-date Stock we can please the most
fastidious in the latest and niost fashion-
able goods at reasonable prices.
We solicit a share of public favors
feeling assured our customers will receive
good value for their money.
Our hearty thanks are returned for
the patronage already bestowed and ask
for its continuance.
work Thursday morning of last ween.
II •
was welting on a lumber pilo about 7
Get high and 111 dome goa000untable way
e n spitting
I i
1 flon his head end in11'o'•u
a Ill
a 'ah three Mullett in length and xI
hie cheek babe, Lle was aneouseieue for
a time, but 15 now unproved,
VV1nr (*aoo9n.
Mise 100,, Fleury left for a visit with
friends in Wallaoeburg,
Prinoipel Musgrove a,tondel the see.
Bion t1 the Eduoattonal Aeeooiatlou, held
in Toronto.
The school population of Wingbam
during 1008 was 820, of this number 559
,,trended, 268 buys and 2081 girls with an
average ettondanoe of 849,
Thos. Gregory is makrug arrangements
for the tearing down of the building now
000upied by R. Barrett, as a barber stoup,
and will build a briolt store in place.
Perry, eon o1 Jos. Brad wile of Wing -
ie home for reuoperntion, after
spending six weeks iu St. Joseph's
hospital, Laudon, in with pne0mowa.
H. 13, Elliott, W. Wauhemutb, N.
Brandon and el. Beckwith are the
delegates elected from Court elaitland
No. 25, 0. 0, F., to the next High Court
Two 0ommnninalione in reference to
the Sturgeon Falls School B?11 were read
at Elie Sehooi Board meeting bore and on
[notion of Messrs. Irwin and Lloyd wore
ordered to be filed.
Rev, A. E. Prior, a former pastor of
the Wingbam Oougregatiooal rhurob,
has received and accepted a call as pee•
tor of the 0ongregatb eai church at Uu-
ionville, Ohio. T11e salary is $800 with a
free manes.
A change ban taken plane in the firm of
Vasbinder & Rudwell, moobiniets. Mr.
Rodwell retiree from the business and
ole interest has beau purohaeed by W. G.
Paton. Mr, Rodwell wilt tape up farm
10(0 et Beaconsfield, Ont,
00 Sunday, 24th inst., will be hal d the
anniversary services of the Euwurtb
Longue of Winghom Methodist church,
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Strathroy, will preaub
morning and evening, and will lecture on
the following Monday even(0(0 on "The
Manly Man,"
Dr. Irwin is thoroughly refitting the
etore recently vacated by R A. Douglass,
druggist, and when the work ie oornpiet.
ed, the thop wid be 000upied by Ooonoil.
lor Greer, who will remove his stock of
foot wear there. The ulftoe of the G. N.
W. Telegraph 00, will remain there.
A quiet wedding took place at the home
of the bride on Thursday, April 7110,
when Mies Jennie Lang became the bride
of Meloolm Lamont. Rev. J. A, 101oLeau,
B. A., performed the ceremony. Both
bride and groom are well known in this
vicinity and enjoy the esteem of a large
°irola of !deeds.
T. Jaokson lift for tbe Paoifia °oast on
e business trip,.
The Poet Office department bad its big
two ton cafe metalled in the postai:me
here last week.
Two teams of horses, and ten men are
busy at work exoavatiug the cellar for the
new addition to the House of Refuge.
J. P. Tiede!! has leased hie other store
next to H. B. Oombe'e drug store to the
Stner's fair people, who will move i0
about the let of May.
Laolr ISonuedy, late of town, has taken
a poeitiou 0s one of tbe time keepers in
0onne0tion with the oonetruotion of the
Temieoaming Railway.
The committee of the town council
whioh ie in charge of the perk is peeper•
ing plans for the ereotiou of a modern
grand stand whioh will seat about 400
Dr, Hamilton has rented the room in
the New Oombo block, ou Outerio street
and has had it fitted np lett) a comfort-
able office. A stilling door will be out in
the wall between his offioe and the drug
store, so as to make it oouveniout for the
dispensing of preeoriptione,
S. H. Smith brought up from Toronto
twenty000 stockers which had an aggro.
gate of 25,550 pounds. They were taken
to the stablee of J. & N. Fair where they
will be held until the grass is ready. On
the Satnrday previous Mr. Smith brought
twenty two head, also from Toronto,,
whioh had au average weight of 1140
pseuds. %hey were for the Messrs, Fmr
who are now feeding seventy head of
their own in addition to Mr, Smitb'e lot.
The body of Harvey Hell, aged 21 years,
a brakeman on the Grand Trunk, wbu
was killed in a collision near Guelph on
Saturday 9110 inet , arrived in town on
Bentley and on Monday forenoon was
taken to Laahnow and from tbenoe to
Dungannon oemelety where it was laid
beside the remains of hie father, Rev.
Mr, i1a11, who died five years ago, 9Sbe
funeral oervioo was canduobed by ltev,
Mr. Millynrd, formerly of Clinton, Mee,
Hall and family, who are residents of
town, have the sympathy of their many
friends in their time of bereavement.
The station house has been an abused
plane of late by loafers and others who
have no partiooler bnsinese on the prop-
erty. Besides this a number of Dare have
been entered by boyo and othere, and
property of the tiompeny mispleeed.
Complaints have been made to the proper
authorities, and the railroad oompany
purpose potting on private deteotives,
who will have nothing to do bet take
names of all treepaeeero, and lay them
before the Mayor, when summons will be
homed for their arrest; be it men, boys
or girls. A few days ago two bats vetoed
at $16 were Calton from the waiting room
by ohildten, they [vera discovered and on
giving up the goods were allowed to go,
A Ron of John Hardy, Albert street,.
dropped his watoh while chopping in the
1001010 last November, Considerable snow
was then on the ground, and not being
aware of hie lugs at the time it fell, all
traces of its whereabouts wa0 soon Dover.
0d up by the tramping around, and wag
given up for loot. However in tal,ieg a
loan last Friday around the boob where.
theyhad been at wank Net Fall be
upon the Iota exhale, It had rots for
nineteen home after it half tenon, only
stopping be001000 it 0900 run down, Not
one partto(e of the case woe tarnished
through its expoeure to the snow and wet
all Winter, but es soon ea wound up
stoned off as though it hod been laying
rip 00 the olnolt shelf for a short tittle,
Spring rin Dress. -cods
Thie week we show a great variety of New Spring Dread Goode in all
the new styles and weaves, Now le tbe time to oeleet your Spring Deese
while the stook le at its besb. Below we mention a few Wise wbtob dare now
very popular :
Voiles, in plain lone, troop and Bonrelte styles, in black and oo'0r5, et 750,
$l and $1 10.
Blows Laetrile are in great demand this eeaenn, Ws show a fall range in
blank and aolore, at 25o, 85o, 50e and 75e.
Bleak Venetians, 54 inches wide, flue finish, at 750, 51 and $1.60.
Oanvase cloth 111 black, navy and grey, at 750 and $1.
Fanny Flake Dress Goode, in all aolore, 42 inches, all wool, good value at
60o, for 861.
We elao show an immense range of Etaminee, Panama0, Serge(, Habit
Olo+ho and other fabrics ice plain cud foamy.
Our stook of Waeh Goods is very large. Our space will not allow a
full deeor.iption, euflioe it 1., to say 08 chow to fail range 0f Muslim,Muslim, Lawns,
0rgandiee, Dimitiee, Cards, ()Welke, Pestles, Anjeure, Spots, 1Po130iee, Woven
Fancy Zaphrye, Chambraye, $makers, Dentilis•, Voeti11(00, Linen Crashes,
Flaked Liners, Eto,
270 ER
AR a I. t..
The time is come that you
may want to buy a Buggy and
we are glad to say we are ready
for you as we have now on hand
any quantity of the finest Bug-
gies that can be got anywhere to
choose from. Prices right.
A number of first-class Farm
Wagons, with low or high wheels,
either 21- or 3 inch tires. Also
a few 3 -spring Democrat Wagons.
Be sure and call and see
what we can show you.
Johii Cob= & Sono
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in tbe
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly
attended to and all departments
of blacksmithiug, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and see us.
Thomas street, I3rnaseIs.
X-§ X
New and, Choice and at
Fair Prices.
PRING is at hand and with it comes house-clean-
ing and new Carpets, Curtains, tirc. We have
anticipated your wants and have now the most
Elegant and Up-to-date goods on the market.
Unless you come and let us show you the wide range
in stock you will have no conception pf the choiceness
of design, colorings and handsome effects we carry. In
Carpets we have the best in
Brussels, Velvets, Tapestries,
and Ingrains.
The Choicest Stock ever carried in Bruascls
Our line of 11lattings embrace Lineoleums, 2 and 4
yards wide, Inlaid Lineoleums, Oil Cloths, &e. Neat
Patterns and sure to wear like leather.
The Tapestry, Union and Wool Squares we show
give knowing housekeepers fin opportunityof securing
up-to-date goods without going to the city for them.
We also carry handsome Floor Rugs, Table Covers,
Piano Drapes, Curtains and other lines that cannot fail
to please and all at Reasonable Prices.
All tame of Upholstering done and in geode to mato% Oarpete
it desired.
t_M carpets Cut Rud Metalled in oar Show Room.
We have an elegant stool[ of A 1 FURNITURE, Call and see it,
Ii. LeE9crLa1 &
10 LI5"ril1s,ARGITIri3H'T7 IE3,'€1511AEiMINIy[