HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 4[Wirtoorls at THURSDAY, APR, 21, 1904. Tan Pditors•Of the Wingham Advanoe and the Clinton Naw Era have been have ing a wordy duel for several weeks over a 8peeob that 11. Holmes, M. P., .made at. Wingleam,and some of the upper outs have neither been polite nor productive of good. If we were proffering advioe we would gay Come aomradee of the facile pen Cease squabbling over petty things, But help this Fre to Advanoe In good, while angels spread their wioge. Tries Sommer Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Mre, Leerier will make a Welt to the Yukon it is said end thus become person- ally acquainted with the oountry and the people. We believe this is a proper thing to do and if more of the public men took the trouble bo adopt a similar nourse in other eeotions of the Dominion it would remove a large there of the sense - lees debate in the Benue often winged by the ignorance of facts. Sir John A. Mo Donald's for wee that he knew eo many electors in various seotione of the country and on his tripe was epproeohable and took the trouble to interest himself in the affairs of ibeepublio. It 10 a strong oard and properly no. Ton Toronto World had an editorial on."Ietemperaooe in the Legielature" in which tbie charge was made : "The Ontario Legielature is not free from the influence of liquor ae directly exerted for the purpose of serving both politioal and private interests. It is a notorioae fact that the enormous railway subsidies voted at a recent eeeeioo of the Legielature were oarried through in an all- night sitting, in which liquor Sawed in copious gnautitiee. It is no secret that members of the Legislature have beeu deliberately incepeoitated with Reiner he order to keep them away from a critical party division in the house, or to exclude them from a vote in a committee in which heavy corporate interests were at eteke. These praoti0es are no stranger to the present session of the Ontario Legielature, The party has its toll and the oorporetion bas its agent to effect with alooholio stimulant what they could. not 0e00re if every member registered hie vote in strict sobriety, There have been at the present emotion of the Legie. Ware members too intoxicated to attend divisions. Members Bitting on the floor of the house, too obviously the worse of liquor to be admitted to a reputable as- sembly. Members whose attendance at important committee meetings was pre• vented by a free administration of etimn. lent." The above le certainly anything but complimentary and if not true the &f. P. P's, should get after the World and make it take back tbe statement. We fear that its reference to some mem. here is only too true and in this node- fendable praotioe political lines are not drawn. If members of Parliament and this will apply to the Oommoue as well ae the Legielature, have no more respect for themselves or the eonetitnenoy they misrepresent, than to make a "holy show" of themselves tbe aforesaid non• etituente should leave tbem at home nntil they learn what ordinary decency means or else be sent to a gold mare in. etitation to sober op. Men are net sent to Parliemeotaay halls in this en. lightened age to booze but by clear beaded thioking, logioat speaking and fair minded voting to advance the in- terests of the Province or Dominion. 11 constituencies sabmit to thie kind of be- haeioar they are abetting an evil that will belittle them in; the judgement of people who love goad meats and manly nondoot. brines the remit that t:as made its fame. It 01.1 care 10e most stubborn case in existence and a bonded guarantee to tbat ala ct goes with each package. I; is to be ban at the drug store. Sold i0 Brussel: by Jas, Fox. made a hole to whore the sow lay, and time leaved her life. Tile animal le rapid• ly gaining etreegth and will soon be ae healthy tee ever, The Daae le a r'emarlt able one. London Conference. The program for the meeting in Lon don on the week heginniug May 30, of the Lo.don Methodist Guliferenne bee Neu prepared. The stationing Qom• mitte8 wit meet on Monday atternuoo. Beginning Titeeday, there will be morn- ing and afternoon heighten 08ssi01(0, and the following a'tnivereariee will be Dale• bested, the speakers for each oouanion be. ing given :- Tuesday, May 31. -Sunday School and Epworth League. Weiliegtou etreet obeech, 8 p. no. Addreseee, Rev. E. A. Near, O. B. Seenleyside, 13. A.., ata Rev. J. W. Baird, 13, A. Wednesday, June 1. -Educational. First Methodist Chant:, 8 p. m. Ad. dresses, Rev. Thomas efanuing, B, A., Jnmee H. Coyne, 13. A„ and Rev. Dr. John Pette. Thareday, June 2 -Temperance. Dundee Ventre, 8 p. m. Addreeeee, Reve. D. el. MoUamue and Dr. Chown. Friday, June 8,-lteoeption Service. Wellington street, 8 p. no Addresses, Revile. Jae. Gellowey and Alfred Brown. Saturday, done 4 -rheological Union, Weeley Hall 280 p. m. Lecture, "Im- mortality," Rev, T. W. Blatchford, 13. A. Historio'el Society, 8 p. m. Address, "History of the New Connexion Metho- dist Obureh." Rev. J. R. Gaudy, D. D: Meudey, June 6 -Missionary. Firet Methodist Ohurob, 8. p. ne„ etddreseee, Reeds. E. Mead, Dr, Sathcrland, and Mre. J. M. Me:Neaten. B:ble Readinge eaob morning from 8 45 to 9 45, commencing Wednesday, June 1, Rev. J. F. McLanghlio, Rev, H, M. Manning he charge of devotional, and Revde. H. D. Moyer and W. E. eliileon the mule. The eervieee of the Methodist churches of London will be taken on Suudey, June 5, as follows ;- Conference Lava-feeet, 9 a. m., con- ducted by Rev. J. W. Holmes, Ordiuetieo Sermon, 11 a. m., Rev, Jasper Wileou, M. A., followed by Or. dination Service. Sonday school service, 8 p. m., addres- see, Revde. 11, E. Outdo and F. E. Mall- on. Erening service, 7, sermon, Rev. Dr. Daniel ; communion, by Rev. 8. Baud. First Ohureh-11, James Hsueon, D. D. ; 7, J. H. Oliver ; 3, 0. P. Wells, B. D., S. W. MoVitty. Dundee Oentre-11, G. A. Gifford ; 7, James Livingstone ; 3, W. McMullen, B. A., W. H. Graham, Colborne Street -ll, W. Godwin ; 7, 0, W. Brown, B. D. ; ,3, J. 0. Reid, 13. D., W. Milleoo. Ceutenuial-11, R. Redmond • 7, W. G. H, McAllister, 111. A. ; 3, A. E. Lloyd, S. E. Toll, B. A. Hamilton Road -11, F. J. Oaten, M. A.: 7, W. E Esir; 3, Al. J. Wilson, M. A., D. E. Martin. Askin Street -11, David Rogers ; 7, A. Langford, D. D ; 8, W. J. Ashton, S. T. L., H. Graham, B. A. Empress Avenne-11, G'. H. Cobble - dick, B. D. ; 7, H. W, Locke ; 3, G. H. Long, A. J. Longford. 11111 Street -11, J. J. Sinclair ; 7, H. J. Uren ; 3, A. E. M. Thompson, 13. A, H. E. Kellmgton, B. A. Hieb Street -11, 0, F. Clarke ; 7, J. W. Baird, 13 A. ; 3, L. W..lteid, B. A. Richmond Street -11, W. M. Pomo- roy ; 7, E. F, Armstrong, B. A. ; 3, J. W. Huebert. Sansingten-11, Geo. Jewitt ; 7, T. W. Blatobford, B. A. ; 3, G. W. Revere, B. A. ; J. H. Ooterhont, 13. D. Melrose -10.30 and 7, P. W. Jones. Hyde Perk -3, Peter Myers. 81. John'e-7, Peter Myers. Rev. Jasper Wilson, ed, A„ of Ridge - town, is the President, and Rev. W, E. Kerr, of Blenheim, is the Secretary. 'THF WORST ICINI). After Piles have existed for a long time end passed through different etegee, the enfforzeg is intens --pain aching, tbroebinO, tumors form, fleed to berating with beck bl.od. 8ynt tomb indicating other troub'ee may upper 13 n therenobiy Pite•eiok person. T'0:e is wheel Hem Reid, the only in'tereal, the only ebeulata Pre cure, Varsity medioet students have com- plained of an increase in exeneinatiuu fees. A department of forestry is to be add. ed to the Ontario Agriculture College, Guelph. A. new 840 000 chapel win be.erected et Assumption Coliege, Eandwig,(7, this Sommer, The Leland Hotel property at Winnie peg was parebased by E. J. R•,chen for 5320,000. The poifee heve pat a atop to prefer:. 0icnee br-ZUneie Afa0treal. mea resale of the reruewo ctoel3ec. tragedy, The ontiekaming Iiailoeo7 Gone roiettiOn ere have awarded len:, reeve f .r e three -spare ariiteen anrnee the ef..ctreai Biller snit Car avatar Banka.. r y fel fug ntl'.1 P.Wt-l30mtd Ore, a s Ceitalou, an :11a r : lg t a 1038 r ir000 grams 4(1933138813'3 «1'e marl Esi3.33i 'br vita .tiil:Giiu"1 e,ii,er.. 7gre tute.t'aet. :Jut t.<aipaat.,-O* 984.7-4 '0 a089. 031 r. ;ie:. Tut o. r.Yr.'e tat fe:l tib+ riff h,snut,t 3:(11:11 ..1.6,wit«ts.. and sereroiytn;,.afiu e'+llrzt I"+.4 r,*•r st latter Stewart. The:datiwn," rrommio_yi:9t oak a eet•hank 1y the ,re.e', •. v.,re.- Governer,in-cnnucti Ohm tr e,e "t.O r ✓- : . of a deoisiou' rendered n!. ton Itat v e Boardin the Tweed IvK arae, a era ea A•oorcener's jury, womb theeeti3a : the •death ref JSmee feraig of .r1.e;etn t near Peterbarongn, sex. 0881e agoo.. bee decided that he died from strychnine poisoning, adminietered by uoF9 rwn bande. Troth to sometimes more strange thea fiction. Sub is the case in the story related by CharlesChelter®0v of the bane line, near Oshstee, On December 3§.11, 1908, Mr. 0ha1iereon threelled for G. Pierce on his farm, eget Weet W Oshawa rte threshing was bora ono Bratton. Wh d a eow belonging to Mr. Pierce was sc. oidentany and unknowingly covered op with etraw, and seen no more bili March f let, 1904, when she crawled out from 1 Underneath the straw etaok. The long l oopii.nentenk of 75 daye, withoat food 0r drinks, redacted her to a skeleton, but she had life enough to walk. The aatt1e bad by continually rubbing 03a1n81 the stook t Perth County. Farmere around St, Marys nay that the hard fr: ate are baviug a bad effect on the Fall wheat. At a cangretationel meeting at Knox devot, St. Marys, it wee decided to prlrchaee 1. naw pipe organ at a o0et of ate met 131.850. some of the Mitchell :ports will likely gat themse gee into tronb:e us mnekrat eee4ita }1s.e oaeed, and they are still oea them. anent! meeting of the res - , -ft eee se e Evangelised ova. e. nt.. tine Evangelical e fele ^.7.833. see ? tees el. Y.. Lee been laid fk. f.tied Winder r block, +t.. a •.re shank ,.f f+r- .�:t t... ,•Si. .e it303001r.tt. rt. ere. re-e.ri. teat 0318, a very r.aii- 'v., t. =•r,:t et tau fax mill, Al.toheli. els e• .. xeeret to (brew le felt eft with r~it fere t.1.:: tole :ere wee eenzht by 1t and ,",e"r t s teset.e fracture 1. Hie leg was i P ug wee 'v }r1 'e t r e . 11 edandR,rai d: r ne ce herr eel- ;f Impeoter Irwin, of he, e fere1a:1 r.re tI b(0 .ege broken a wea•1. oto 03' orwere where be was visit. ink-w,ai.e his father at Mrs. (Rev.) 0. flari1,4M's the base fraise/tether. The homes 0rtefn.5ieree ihroagh an eocideet with a beeyc:e. Wm Brown, St. Marys, was around with a petition whistle is being largely etan?d r3 grant a ri0enee to the "King Edward" betel, wheels in to be erected in 0. the I. 0. F. bleak on Water Street P e Barna is tr0nefor when the mad by the architect, carpenter and painter. John McCulloch, who lived in 91. Marys about twenty year8 ago, and who bee for a unrnber of yeare resided in North Dlkota, has bought the St. John farm at Blauehsrd, and he and hie eon are making preparations for Betting on it; the rest of big family will follow in the near future. IC it 11B R S +; ,<.l al P 0 k3 d Harry Bnrronghe, a G, T. 13 brake. man, who received eeyeral Blight lojuriee near Toronto a fete daye ago, is recover. lug at hie home in Logan. Mre. Fred Rishl, of Monkteu, was atrioiten with pareiyaie a ebur1 time nee, wed wan very mak, but we are gl,3. to 813te that the old lady le imprnviug. The farm of Gustave Balm (.1ecensd), on the 18tH coeo,eoion of L'lgere"in 0.'u• te taiuing fifty 0oree as sold by p btut. tion in the Monkten hotel April 1.!t for 98,040 to Adam 1'Creseler, The St. Itierye Argue eels that the public 8obool hated of that town rr0-•ive.l a oommunieatioo from the Sturgeon Salle board, asking 00 opera1ian, bet "dropped it like a 1101 coal." The Trnetee Board of the 11'ft. Pleasant Methodist church, Walloue townehtp, have secured a free deed of the !Wild neo meaty from Ww, King, and work will begin at etme, on the erection of their now cherub. While 10890ating some engineering wo,it in Tomtit° W. 3, Larkworthv, of Mitchell, met with au ao0ldent resulting in severe i• jeri8e to bin left etrrn, He ie recuperating et home in Mitchell fur a few weeks. A seriuue aoaident happened on Sun- day night of hist week to Joe, Querin, Neeson. When he was bedding hie horse he was kinked twice, 01100111 the etomnoll, Ate he fell baekwarde he reoeived another kink on the jaw, end also split the flesh on the lower akin. The greeter member al his teeth were knooked out. A Dr, from Carthage was immediately called and dreseed the wound. On Monday Mr. Qnerin wes taken to Stratford hospital. The 0. R. Somerville Paper flux 00., who heve opened up 0 brantth faat'ry in Stratford in the old Cardigan Overshoe factory, commenced operations about two weeks age. At present th•:re are only bye girls employed, but the stuff will be inoreaeed, ea aeon as the ordere require it. The goode now bring manufactured ere ohiefly biscuit boxes and the ether coarser kinds, the fancy boxee being al,lde in the London factory. The chief Arm being enpplied in Stratford is the Mooney Bieonit and Gaudy Co. The Y. M. 0. A. direr/tore, Stratford, held their monthly meeting recently. The eecretary'e report for March showed 3,193 attendances at the Y. M. 0. A. building during the month, an average of 108 a day. There had been 496 bathe taken, an average of 16 ; there were au average of 14 a deny in the gymnasium, The evertors attendance at the Sunday 0 18000on'8 mous meeting lied been 74 ; the Sunday morning Bible class showed au inmreeea to the average of 40. Tbe glee Mob meets weekly with a member. abip of 80 dud average attendance of M=8110. A largely attended meeting of the First Presbyterian uhurob congregation was held in the basement of the cherub, St. Marys, et wbioh at was nnanimottely decided to present to Rev. E. McWil• liame, of Hamilton, a call to their church. As delegates to Hamilton Pres. betery, John Maclean, A. Weed and Dr, MOGorman were appointed to present the call and urge upon bir.'MoWilliame its aoueptan08. Rev. Dr. Hamilton, Meder. 0tor of the Firet church during the vaoau• oy, was 0, quested to urge a meeting of the Stratford Presbytery before May to order that the call to Rev. MoWilllame might be 1000(1oned before the Preeby- tery of Hamilton meets, wbioh will ke early in May. On Tuesday of Met week. klieg Mate Mogk, of Bornholm, was united ie marriage to Augoet Bauer, of the tenth concession of Logan. Promptly at two o'clock the wedding party lett the home of the bride and prooeded Westward tsward the Lutheran chutoh, where the ceremony' wee performed by Rev. Mr, Weigand. On their return home the dainty weddteg breakfaet wee served in the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with evergroene and bunting, This over the floors were soon cleared that all might indulge in the popular amusement, the danoe. Precisely at 9 p. m. the royal ahariveri party arrived and arranged tbemeevee around the outside of the houee. One might almost imagine himself at Port Arthur amid the din and roar of battle, as th'e load report of gone and firearms arose in the night air, followed by the 1(0(80 of the oiroolar now, The party grew bolder tee the exoitemeut inareeaed, and they at hast succeeded iu bringing out the bride and groom upon the verandah. After some bantering they were generously rewarded by the groom and departed, leaving the gneste to 0(3oy uudietnrbed the light fantaene until dawn. A new industry ie shortly to be started in Stratford, being pone other than the raising and fattening of poultry for the English market. A oompauy known e8 the Canada Poultry and Prodnoe Cam. pany, Limited, and having that object in view, was formed in that city Iaet,Winter with an authorized capital of 94,000, the provisional direotore being R. Boer,it, 12. G. Delaware and F. 13. Dea00n, Mean. while plane are being pumped forward as rapidly as possible. Tbirty-one three of land on the MoPhereon heights opposite the park have been purchased as it tate for the company's hennery, cootraote hove leen let for the buildings end it is expected that work will be started thio week. The buildings are to be frame etrnctores with cement fenndatione, When finished they will be five in num her, bat el theme only three will be built tbi, year, a large breeding house 192 feet by 16 feet, a two story building 91 feet by 24 feet and at incubator house 24 feat by 3F, feet. The plan of these buil/Sege is that of the government experimental station, which in conceded t0 be the beet, The breeding hoose is to be divided into 8cratehing and roosting pens by a par, When running its enure length, while erose partitione, every eight feet divide it into tweety -four 'motions,LIa ohI Bo k being to keep the diffeent brawling smoke by themselves-. :the smaller two- storey building will be given up to fatten- ing armee, each one being G feet high, 18 Leet long and 16 feet wide, end farufehibl; room for 15 birds, These crates are made of open slats with troughs ramping along the front to contain food, The oejeot of keeping the fowls shut ay in mush a manner, of ooar8e i0 to prevent them from taking too mnoh 0xerm88, !trod it is estimated Chet by the use of the and t can be a1 n armee a 0 of fa on t a p P coat of about 5 5 dente, while the selling prise delivered in the English market is 16 cents, The stook of fowl will be oompoeed entirely of thoroughbred barred Plymouth Rooke. When all the buildings are oompleted the oap0o!ty Wilt be for 800 trying hone; in the breeding pens and 6,000 in the fattening mates, and itis estimated that teem 160 to 200 will be killed every day for shipping, ....a,a,.•c+naxw^aa.roam„w.w,wrm...„a.+.,..+.a,..,.n.,,+.+,wwnwr••ra.. The intention, of mirth, 10 to rein all these fowl oil tier prenlieE:8, hut for the fl e4 e0.e at 10341, the 5911 l e P have to depend 1orgely on whatthey01111 pnrahn08 from fawners trod fatten, tie the bu'idiuge 0113 hardly ba tlnished before betohin•t time le over. Bre J011180 ()ninon, of Peuneylvania, anuonr 010 an inveeinu Ur Toronto by hie evangole.tie band of Q 1011er0 early in May, i% The L. E. ,2 D. 1t. 11, Company are applying at Ottawa for power to establish a ferry service at Sandwich, on tbe Detroit River. Tire Victorian Order of Nerves fe ask• Ing Toronto City Counsel for (1 grant le enable them to a0uthlne their work among the poor. The late Sam. Riohardeou, of the Riohardeon 110088, '.L'orooto, bit an eetate of 978,000, and legatees amounting to 94,200 to Toronto ah0rities. Mayor Sharpe, OE Winnipeg, mauls that the Toronto city Outwit be invited to attend in a body the Dominion Ex• 'abater, in the Western oily. The Oa,Odian Pork Packing Company, of London, hues reelected their working roue one half on 0eeount et Danieh Dom. petition in the British markets. The Public School Board of Sturgeon Falls line provided for funds to carry oil the 00mpeigu against the School AM reoenity paeeed by the Legislature, Experte expect that tour million acres wilt be seeded in Manitoba this year, and that, following peat experience the "herd winter" will be for/erred by n good growing Sommer. The net value of the estate of the late Andrew Frederick Gault, of Montreal, was 131,467,570, Of this 971,000 of property was in Ontario. ❑e bequeathed 2 tol 13.S4, 00 kr,ntr a e l oha•ities. Eaeteru Ontario baa again eholvu that it is a good pleas to live lo'g and die old. The deaths are announced of ere. Donald Meodonelt, of Glengarry, 107, and of Kenneth MoGillivery, of Moore Creek, sued 101. Hon. Thomas Greenway predicts that within the next half century "Canada will have three big oitine-Winnipeg, Montrreiand Vancouver," and that in time Winnipeg moat become the gre0tesb oily in Canada, The Iodnatriel Exhibition concessions, Toronto, will ail be gold by tender this year, ivatead of by private sale, es form- erly. The famous Webly Small Arms Ootnpany of England bee applied for specie for this year'e exhibition. Copies of the new militia bill have been printed and distributed. Two of the thief obalgee, as already explained, ate those under wbioh an :fiber of the Imperial army can be selected from any part of tbe empire, and the (mieeion of the provision ander which in • time of war the oommaud of the Ouuadian militia was to devolve upon the offiner in oharde of the Imperial forces in the Domiuion. Other ameedmente proposed are, how• ever, of considerable interest. Tbe permanent force is to be increased to a m0xanum of 2,000, and the period of Retinal training fixed at no lees than 12 and not more than 30 days. At the present time the period is mot less than 8 and not more than 16. Authority is given to create the temporary rank of trigadier•geueral, and to promoteoolenele holding executive positions upon tbe headgnartere ONE or affioere who have rendered valuable services to the depart- ment to the honorary rank of major• generale upon retirement. I1 ie also provided that in the event of ebeenoe from Canada of the general cflioer commending the Canadian militia, the command is to devolve upon the next eeoi,,r Qombatent officer on the he0d- quartere ateff. POISONED. Rartli J',110011 1v created Whe1t. Food does not d8Ceo1 tutu that le when Sickness Q)etutucnees. If the man or women who dopa not feel right, will at none loon to potting the etemach right they will etrlite the right key. Every ache and every pain is a cry of pniene, too much of whi011 has been made in the prooeee of oo0verting food into nutriment. It may be the bankaeho or eideaabe of the kieneve telling they etre overtaxed and uanuot filter the poison, Ir mdy be weight, pain or dietrese in the 91nmpde that tens of fermentation and decomposition instead of. digestion, It may be headache, dull, depressed, wbioh telie poison has reached the fluid which eurr. ands the h•uln cells. The brut cause in theeame-laok of gastrin joins to properly ni_eet. ANTI•PILL, the Great System Trea'ment, ie a new discovery which e0 00te on the mu0ou0 membrane of the stomach, a natural euppiy of gaetrio jui0e is aeenred. To prove the woes/lariat notion of ANTI. PILL, you may have a free trial bottle by addresoing Wilson•Fyle Co., Niagara Galls, Ont. Sold 111 1300/0810 by Jae, Fox, IMPORTANT NOTICES DICK SttLE-LOT 207 AND dwolliug tbereou, Nortln-wont 0000Or yr ilnam ttu11 Albert erreots, 1i 1.0•,8,,0. 40-tf J, L170KUI I-i01(r BORN YEJABJING Null fey rale, red In oolor and brad from 1st mien ate alt, Lot 28, 00(1 alt Gray, J. D. MoNAllt, fir- praetor, Ornubronit P, 0. 'q1/14 Allt Pl1T'SSIN('r,_TIII17 UN.. ADnitk11174111) 19 prepared to attendto orders for Lair dressing in owitubeo made from 80m1'luge or out hair. 01118, 11.. T. BINGSTON, 01111 st1Oet,13rueeole. 30 6 APIs 21, 1001 Pell= ni -sx".eeee.• u8 l':.uG "ete 4G,:.eife.Xrre•-f . M. o. � n 4 6 dieA q f# 0,.d ®16 �Sm X O. 0, , Court Princess Alexandria, No, 24, 0.0, 13., X Brueeelu meets 1n their Lodge lissom, Itlue- a bill Block, oil the 2utl and last 'Tuesdays of eli� 8,1011 mouth, at 8 8'810011. Visiting brethren alwaye welcome, JA8, BUilGP88 C, R, WALTLR SN1I11H, OBEY TO LOAN. -$25,000. We bane the above amount of pre- veto funds to loan oil reel estate mortgages at 41 and a per pont, .11aey terms of rte-pky• snout and costs Of 1et11 moderato, PBOIIDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristers, &o., Godorlolt, 3 THORO' BRED SHORT BORN Bulls for sale. Ono is 1year old and tie+ etnor two 39unger, Also several resist. °rod 1)0tvs and inciters, Apply to JAMES SPEW, Lot 30, Con, 6, Mor to Twp„ or Brits - sets P. 0, 22.11 rnHOR0' • BRED YORKSHIRE Pow Fon Sera. - The undersigned offers for sole one Thorp' -bred Yorkshire 8„w, 39 years old, in pig to his tboreehrod S. TI0ROLSnhog. (eo0minp Liule W011(8), R. xis, Belgraye P. 0. 83.10 Board. of Health Notice, To the public of Brunets : The tine Is approaching when all yards and water -0180810 RUST be °leaned up. All persons 80000000,3 mast note this as the law will be strictly enforced. 8lgnod in be. half of the Board of Health. 03.0 14. PAUL, chairman. 'ANTED,— SPECIAL territories, to n 10 telentuuty,wd..d. Joining an terr,turleo, to represent and adver• ties an 0181 oetab(elletl business h0ura o1 solid nnanaiid standing, Salary 821 weekly, with espeutoe advanced each Monday by aback direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy fur. tailed whoa necessary ; noel - Oen pelweu0ut, Address Blew Bros, & Oo., Room 610 Monou Bldg., Chicago, 111. Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. Right young Belle from Imported and home broil 00w0 got by imported Sire Also Cows and Heifers of different ague, A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks old, for salo. Have a quantity of Seed Peasthe Early Juno variety, to dispose of. It is it wadium sized white pea and were grown from seed from near North Bay and yielded over 37 busbels to 1118 ,,ore, tree of bugs. Will also sell a good aged working and driving horse. 83.11 D. 1MMILN1, & SON, Ethel. STOCK FOR SERVICE BULL FOR, SERVICE.— THE Undersigned will keep for earvfoe a thoro' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad- joining Brussels. Terme, $1 OQ. with Privi- lege of returning it necessary. CEO. ROSB, Proprietor, REAL ESTATE. 11-OOD FARM FOR, SALE.- lJf The nuderaigued Mears for 'sale her excellent farm, located oil Oon, 10, Grey township, and containing 1148 acres, There is a uomfortnblo ieume cottage, bank barn, good driving shed, orchard, sbc., on the premises, l'arm is well drained and fenced. It is also well watered by the river Mait. land and an invaluable Spring. Convenient to market, Bahoo] and ohurehes. Per price, terms and other particulars apply o0 the premises, oris by letter to 3(108, T. CA L• DER, Proprtetrese, Oranbreek P. 0, 801f .00 ACRE FARM FOR. SALE, being are 11, Can, 4. Grey town• ehfp, 80 ae'oa el«ared, balance 3,08(3, There la a good house, bank barn, orchard, &e. Well fenced and farts 10 good oonnletien; 21 acres of Pall wheat in. 6 mites from tirus- sole; only 4. of a 'mile from church and 11 mites from school. 0.8016110 could bo given to snit the purchaser. I0i,r nn-. Mier pari tattlers as to price, terms, &u , ap- ply on the promisee to A. WWI Proprie- tor, or at THE Poste, Brussels, 21 1l 1i1ARMVIS FOR SALE. — 350 amen lirot•o3ase land in the Township Of Greyy-1At10, Cuu. 14, 1L0 smmut; Lot 17, Con I4, 100 sores; and wl Lot 18, Oen. 14, 60 aero,. -260 aorta. All in excellent condi- tion with fl,et•obtso bulldlugq ; brick house with all modern conveniences, and large haukbarn, root and straw hoose, stables. &a. Well watered. Prone 80 to 40 Bores of guod hardwood bush. Lot 111, Cob, 73, aim- teluing 1.00 nerve of fIrotolase laud, good frame house and large batik barn nearly new, fete property can be sold in two or three 1000ls to 8011 paurchasers, Terms liberal, Also n cernmodious dwelling 1101100 and lab in B111,41016. Por fa,111et portico - lora ape lv to the owner of the premises,. LAUOLIN 1010311711., of to 314 0, Li,0.13110, Brussels, 21•tf BEAUTIFUL , ?ILL odE OUR Spring Opening was a decided success and we desire to return thanks for the large attendance of Ladies and 111)0enero s 1 g u patronage ae- corded. We were never better able to suit people than bbig 888,8011 and we will be pleased to be favored with your order. A. very nice stock of Iteady-to-wear Flatshand, on Special attention given to Mourn- ing Millinery. In Ordered Work we guarantee satisfaction and give you the Latest and most Up-to-date Styles, 14 1,8 yrp a>Vatl x 1+,41'1'1'1; unfavorable weather our Opening proved " finite a euceess, Never before have we had such an Elaborate showing and Dover were prices so fair. Now is the time to select your Spring Hat while you have the stock in all its Freshness to choose from. ` :1,g; 1y, Our Ready -to -wears are a marvel of Style and 0 Chrcapneso. Cliildron's Hats from 50c. upwards, It will pay you to give us a call. rl�=qh�U�...�.5""tl-LP��.-'d�r�.a`i-4�'�imJS•-ani-J[+ Cg%,.�`'.'l�-' id-s)C-.^7.Ci'�9� da'ia HABKR • VH it r�pi x x a x rC x EWPHE\LISES , . . Having removed our Implements to the ��s `..i OP Two Doors West afV 1. Air of Market Scales We will there show a complete line such as Binders, Mowers, Drills, Relies, Cultivators, Plows and harrows. Cert lily 7ci, wear the Best Goads Then make no mistake—buy PROST & WOOD. Do not be forced to settle for inferior machines, but bay where you will not be asked to settle until your purchase is giving satisfaction. We have "Bells" Tread Powers, Ensilage Cutters, Land Rol- lers, etc. ; the Myers and Tweed Por11s, Slings, Cars, etc. ; tbe Elmira Hay Loaders and Side -delivery Rakes. The Celebrated 'Woodstock Wagons and Wetlaufer Combination Racks. Canada's Best Build—the "Brockville" Carriages. The World-wide Famous Singer Sewing Machines. See our Royal Canadian Brand Pure Manilla (660) Binding Twine, also our best Pure Manilla in IIay Fork and Sling Rope, before buying elsewhere. NEIL S. McLAUGHLIN. WILTON & TURNBULL Ail Kinds of Hardware, ±A 77 The largest and most enecessfhl paint .EA11 Over d80tore in feleworldsellCburch'sAlubau- '13.e World. tile, Klletlles wldeb decay upon ceilings seawalls breed ttbanr.s -they peel and Maenad 0b wren/lily. AlaimsKna"/frows harder with sop.. Cold water and abrtleh is all that'8' needed. 'WO 8000(8mend it for -Its henitl1Nlnust-rho ease with which It is applied -Rs durabilityy. Let minnow you the twentyueuu0fu1 tents (a0dw11ite), Of Cllurch'e 31(1960thn0, (Never Bold to bulk.) ALAASTM OttSold by WILTON & TURN BULL A Large Supply of the Finest CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MANL and IP SEEDS GROWN, at