HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 3CZA T EASTERT HIGHWAY A TRIP 0 VER TEE TRANS- SIuEI.>iAN 'RAILROAD. ' frtery of the War --Dangers Proin tato Rising of the Rivers. The British /while has had its fill of the eii:Wran Railway as seen by travellers In the pining times of pence. Pot this vast enterprise that drained the nloury hogs of Russia is to -day the chief interest, not only of the popple of the Czar, but of all who follow the progress of the great struggle in the for cast, writes a correspondent of the London Ex- press, It is the artery of the War, If the accident of nature or the schemes of the Japaneso should fasten a ligature upon lt, the Russian cause in the far easy must decay and perish. Distances upon this line are almost beyond comprehension, In Siberia it stretches for 3,500 miles; in -Man- churia for -1'141, more. In other words, a traveller from Port Arthur to the frontier of European Russia passes ovor a distance greater than from Southampton to Rio Janeiro, and almost four times longer than from London to Gibraltar. In many Parts the track Inas bean hastily Iaicl. In one spot it is brok- en by on inland sea. There are dan- goal by floods, by raiding brigands, by snowdrifts, mud last but not least, by the military advance of the Jap- anese. Will it hold out against these risks? That is the question time alone can tell us. LINE GUARDED, On February u I sighted Danny in a Zlussian steamer. It had been stated that the harbor was already mined, but this 1 can scarcely believe, for we passengers were not sent below; no boat came out to pilot or warn us, and our ship steered straight for the wharf without any show of anxi- ety beim captain or crew, The harbor is unlortifned save for the hypothetical mines. The town is a melancholy place, newly built in an arid, tireless desert, over which the bitter winds blew viciously be- neath the cruel winter sky. I entered tho armored train and away we went a a good 15 miles an hour over the broad plains of Manchuria. Sentries and blockhouses dotted the line. The trade was fairly laid—as, indeed, it ought to he, considering that Russia spent over . ninety millions on her Manchurian system There aro plen- ty of rich officials, however, who grew to sudden wealth while superintending its constrlrction. Before wo came to Mukdel tate line passed through a low-lying hollow in the land. The place was evidently considered noon -threatened, for an iron bridge was in course of con- struction to our right. The spring thaws will give great trouble hero unless the work bo completed in time, which I now think is extremely un- likely, There were Some curious people on the train. Before we reached Lake Baikal I had come in contact with Poles, Lithunians, met from the Baltic and Black Seo., Caucasians, Germans and Circassians. Near Tlnrbin I heard of the °lit- break of war, and great was the dis- cussion that diose. , Tho man who sat next to me was a Polish student, who had been exiled to Siberia for having Socialistic books in his pos- session. IIo had been summoned to joie a regiment at Irkutsk', and spoke very bitterly on the subject. they have broken up my family," 110 said "for both my brothers aro in prises, and not- they have asked mo to tight for them. Wo Poles do not forget. Socialism Is springing up among us, We know what we have lost and what wo have suffered, On the first chance 111101111 to desert to• the Japanese." rl'ANCIIURIAN FRONTIER: After leaving- Harbin we moved on through a vast and melancholy Wil- derness—a treeless waste that stretch- ed away to the horizon. We met few troops until after wo had risen the mountains on the' Dftulchurtan fron- tier—o, tango which may play no small part if, the' Japanese succeed, for it is behoved that, should they prove victorious, they will hold the posses against tate Russians. \Vital the mountains behind us, we rolled over high. tablelands, As we advanced, the troop trains grew 31101'0 numerous, and before We arriv- ed at Lake Baikal there were two in almost every siding that wo passed, Officers told x110 that tho mon who were hastening up were Siberian re- cruits in early stages of training. Many of them were not in uniform; 'some were noisy and abusive; others .stared out of the windows with the ,:nelancholy aspect of men who .lid snot fancy the work before them Ono :,rain -load were reasonably cheerful, ;singing a chorus which ]harped on a nentence which, being traltelatod, ran, 'Off to Manchuria to -day." DANGER FROM FLOODS. -11 Several parts near the ice -bound revere the line might, in my opinion, be easily leashed away by alio spring 1'eshots after tiro 5110w melts.. Such accidents, 1 3000 inf00m0d, have' hap- 'pened before, and will certainly hap- •veli again. The truth is that several 31f the rivets very their courses front rem to year, and, unless enot'nlousiy' ,lengthy bridges aro built, there is a1- evey's a danger of the river, or a por- 'ion of it; tcarhlg tap the permanent '•vay 1.00, yards front where the bridge LS stooling. At present, Mille the frost lasts, .1 he (•hlef clanger to Russia's cOm- ?nnnientioll will Ito in the snowdrifts, -1 Mel) twice blocked our Way imti1 we worn dug out by relief parties. We had 110 hack of provisions, Tho ;;tatf011 buffets were Well supplied by ho pectearae; it Was net fulfil Wo -veva forth e r acid a Week had fol- a Wee iG ?owed the treclat'Attiolt Of war that the N1iv1 VI, a bean to be felt, S'ER'•LTIa IAT SI'ItING, Nature Requires Assistance in Making New, .Eealtli-Giving Blood, Spring Is tate season when 3003m system 2100)113 1011ing up, In the there are no !ewer than 50,000 per- spritlg you must, have now blood juet sons who neve': 4104) that sun. About as the trees must have new sal''. Na two per cotta, of the blind in Japan titre dineancls it. Without flew blood gain a livelihood ley allude t.ho re - you will feel weary, Weak and litn lnaining 913 per 00ut, sustsin lhem- gultl, With .low, rich, red blood you salvos almost entirety as amnia will bo sprightly, happy and healthy, (sluunpeeees, pnattisore of a kind The one stupe way to get new blood of 11108813mi). the 111111110. of olden and trash energy is to take 11r, 1Vtl- cloys was the 1 ucu0sfall competitor Ikons Pink Pills. 171(y tactually of the physician, whose phaco in part make linty blood. They ,are 1110 great- he filled, but tho introduction of est spring tonic in the World, 11r. western medical science has told .7. T, Mallette, a well known grocer against the blind with their un - in ilfontreal, says:—"I wish to thank scient.ifie method of massage, and 60,000 ARE BLIND. Many Japanese and Koreans Nev- 4)r Sep the Sun, It Is not generally Itn0301) that in the empire which boasts the name of "Tile Land of the 311311ng Sun," THE ' W HAM CBBIED Af AIN J. J. PERKINS OWES HIS LIFT) TO DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Manitoba Man Helpless from Kid- ney Disease Made Strong and Hearty by the Great Canadian Kidney Remedy, Tyndall, Mn,,aAprll 18,---(Spetial) —Among the many in the great West who confidently slate that they owe their lives to Dodd's Kidney P111s is Mi'. J. J. Perkins, a well known resi- you for tho groat good your Da, the vast majority of the 50,000 are (lent Of this place. Williams' Pink Pills have done nae, threatened with destitution. I 10or two years I tuns troubled with lily system was very much run down ' Lilco the Japanese, rho Koreans arty Kidneys," 114). Perkins states. hu soca your pills have made a new elan havefounda special - vocation for "and at last became so bad that the of alio. As I am in business, comingtheir blind. In Korea tho blind ex- doctor gave me up and said I was in contact with many people, 1' am orcise devils, and in analogous ways Incurable. often able to recommend the pills, make themselves gune'alJy useful, i "I, at times, 11af1 mat severe pains and they have already t'elleved a 'Their dealings with evil spirits aro- in mer back and kidneys that I dozen of my friends tulle suffered as Z summary and thorough.. The gifted thought I would have to give up all did." 1 blind 111 3111 frightens the devil to hope and die. I was unabl0 to Many people further weaken their death by motors of noise more diaho- work and was becoming destitute, system in spring through taking per- Heal than Satan ever heard, or eat -1 "While In this condition a friend gutice uWth('lnOs. What nature needs eller Satan in a bottle and carries persuaded mo to try Dodd's Kidney i1 in trit.unph to a place of safety. Pills. I had little faith in them, and Ancestral fire is a very important it was more to please him than any- thing in Korea. In every ICorean thing else I gave them a trial house burns a perpetual fire, which "To my surprise the first box diel is sacred to the dead ancestors of lee so much good that I felt like a the household. To tend that fire, new man. Five boxes cured ole cons to see that 11mover runs the least plotely, risk of going out., is tho first, the "Dodd's ICidney Pills saved my life most important duty of every Scor- and I cannot praise them too much," eat house -wife 10 Korea, as in . Thousands of cases similar to dant China , ancestor -worship 141 the read of Mr, Perkins are the proof that religion. Confucianism is the avow- any Kidney Diseose from Backache to edreligionf th The Koreans are II ent- rants. Snakes and serpents are, perhaps, treated by them with more veneration and tenderness than eny n' animal lire. l o or - to help her is a tonic, and 'alt•. Wil- helm' Pink Pills supply this 1100(1 as 110 other medicine can, Tie sure 300(1 get the genuine with the full name "Dr. Williams' I'inlc Pills for Pule People" printed on the wrapper around the box. Sold by all medicine dealers, o1• post paid at 50 cents per box or six boxes for 82.50 by writ- ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 4 o a county. Bright's Disease y TJ yields readily to JAPANESE DWARF TREES. Dodd's Kidney Pills. There have been a good maty rumors nncl theories as to holy the 'A FOOL AND HIS WISDOM. Japanese dwarf trees are prepared in other form t 1 1 1'f 1 K A story tells of a weak-nuinticd lad Dm first instance, but this is a sem can ever kills a snake. Tie feeds it who wont to the' miller's to have ret which rho Japanese keep care- and does everything else he can to some grain ground. The miller saki fully to themselves, and oven then conduce to its comfort. The poor- to him: it is only known among a limited est and hungriest ICoreen will share' "So you are a fool, alt?" number of families, who hand it his evening meal with the reptiles I "I guess I ant," replied the youth. down from families, to generation, that sneak and crawl about tho . "A fool, ch ? it natural 1" mus - Ono account states Hutt a little soil roots that bound his garden. The ed the miller. "Wo haven't many is placed in half an orange from Peninsula abounds in tigers, bears, natural fools hereabouts. Do you which the inside 11ns been removed. cows. htbrses,.a11i8,adeer, dogs, cats, tubed if I ask you a foto questions?" In th10 soil .is placed the seed whi01t fi Ors, crocodiles, , "Olt, no, 811', of course not," the it is desired to grow, As the roots snakes, swans, geese, eagles, phea- lad answered, politely. burst through the skill of the orange sa.ntS, lapwings storks, herons, tel- •'t;•ell my boy, since ,vol are a they are Cut off with a sheep knife. cons, clucks, pigeons, kites, magpies, fool," begun the miller, "I went you The process is repeated until the woodchucks and larks. hens are first to toll m0 what you know, and roots evince no further desire to plentiful, and the eggs are detleious• afterward what you don't know. pone Irate. The oulsido of tho Goats may be reared by no one but Now, to begin, what doa ou know?" orange' is then varnished with asec- the Icing, and are exclusively used "I know," said the bo"that the 001 varnish, and the young tree for roligmus sacrificial purposes. miller's hogs aro fat." y planted in an ornamental rot. --4--- "Good 1 Very good 1" said the miller, "That is what you ]mote, FRENCII SUBMARINE HOTEL, Now tell us what you don't know." One of the sights of the Shwe Da- "I don't know whose grain fattens Largo numbers of visitors aro at- gone Pagoda in But•ma is a gigantic 'cut, replied the youth, — trncted every summer to the submar- bell of bronze weighing forty-two Me hotel near I'erdim, on the south and a quarter tons, and, said to be henry : "'relic about. general in - coast of I+'rance. The building is of the tllil•d largest bell in the world, formation, I should like to know of steel, on concrete foundations, incl the largest being in Moscow and the a subject that Mr, ,Janke• calulot line been fitted with largo plate -glass next largest in Mingin, also in Bur- talk upon," Uncle George :—"So windows, which ennbi0 the guests to lila. Afle.r conquering Burma the should I. ',Mat is the subject we'd look upon the' beauties or snbutarinc British undertook to carry the great always bring up whenever Jankor life from a depth of six fathoms.Rangn. Rangoon bell to Calcutta as trop- was present,' - e—_-- I hy, but dropped it overboard in tho IC131EP LITTLE ONES WELL'. Ra11go011 river, where it defied all 1 It sometimes happens that a woman the efforts of the engineers to raise loves a man for his money and hates There' might not to be any sickly, it. Some years later the Burmese, flint for himself alone. fretful, sleeplesst children—thorn who had not ceased to mourn its, would net b0 any if motherschildren1OSS, begged to bo allowed to 3'OCOV- Smiles OrDam, CiTT 11F 001.000 1 gav0 00 it. Their petition was granted, I JAMAS 400NTY. fAS their little ones an occasional dose altd by attaching to it an incredible frank J. Cheney snakes oath that he of hair's Own Tablets. The little number of bamboo floats the un- business scalar Partum of the firm of P. 0. roles are sickly and fretful' and wield mass of metal Was finally G1101ey 11 On., aoing business in the sleepless usually because of some y y 011,,8 of 7bledn, aunty and State stomach, bowel or teethingtrouble, lifted from its muddy bed and trium- aforesaid and that nand arm wall stayy phantly restored to its place. the sum of ONE I-3 'INDIUM 00LI,AR:1 These and the other minor ills of For each and every case of Catarrh that little 01100 are speedily relieved and ^--e--_ cannot be cured 11) the use of halt's t sari tl cured byBaby's Own Tab- Catarrh Cure, FI'E.NaC J. subscribed promptly y y'THE rIARDEST WOOD. :$worn to before me and subscribed In lets, and tho little' ono thrives and my presence, this eth day of December, grows plump, saccate well at night The hardest known wood is cocus A. D. 1886. end lots the mother get her much wood. It is much used in the man- A w, dLic ,so 7, needed rest as well, Mrs. R. Ili, ufacture of flutes, clarinets, and : SEAT, i NotaryPeetle LaRue, Mountain, Ont., says :—"I other instruments, The tone which •, • can recommend Baby's Own Tablets it produces is rich and powerful. data's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal. to all mothers who have cross or lie -I Another very hard wood is that of Imucuva for testiacr&cdesroatl Llaenathblood eoSaanndd the desert ironwood tree, which licato children. I do not know how tree'. I could get along without them, 1 grows in filo dry wastes along the P. J. 01-13131 18 d¢• 00„ Toledo, 0. Mother, isn't it worth. your mhilo to lino of the South Pacific railroad. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. give this medicine just one trial ? If It has a black heart so hard, when potion.1ia11'a Fam ty Pills tor 005511• your medicine dealer dons not keep well seasonal, Haat It will turn the trE the Tablets send 25 cents to The edgo of an axe, and can scarcely bo REMARKABLE SALVAGE FEAT. Dr, Williams Medicino Co„ Brock- cut by, a well tempered saw. MAYORAL PRIVILEGE, Vine, Ont., and the Tablets will bo sent by mail post paid. 4 ASLEEP SJ VENTIJEN YEARS, Dr, Herbst, in the Wiener hfodizin- i9el1Ci1 Presse, tolls of a woman, nam - ARMY TRIALS. - An Infantryman's Long Siege. This soldier's talo of food is inter. ed Gersit10 Moyer, wlio, falling asleep esting, in 188(3, remained in `lint state for During his terns of service in tato seventeen years. Die ,g that period 1.7t11 Infantry in Cuba and P111110, - the woman's eyes were closed, but pines, an Ohio soldier boy' contracted she was otherwise in possession of a disease of the stomach and bowels her faculties. Sho was nourished which all army doctors who treated A curious privilege attaches to the office of Mayor of Limerick, From time ilnmetnorial tho mayor has chained the right to a quarter of a ton of coal out of every cargo 1111 - ported into the' town. The coal mer- chants recently objected to paying this tribute, and -a test case was tak- en 10 the local t,?uurter Sessions. '.l.ho magistrates decided in favor of the mayor. That official receives over 100 tons of coal from. this source eve with pap, little, and eggs, and in- ]line pronounced incurable, but which cry year std distributor it among the variably made movements with bel• Grape -Nuts food alone cured: poor of the town, although there is month when she wanted to drink, "In October, 1899, whorl my en- no legal reason why he should not During the seventeen 300008 oho suffer- listment expired., I was discharged use it for his own private purposes. ed from cold's and an attack of in- from tho Army at Calulute, Philip- -- fluenza, These ailrnett5 had no of- pines, and returned to the States on Lover's Y -Z (Wino head) Disinfect - feet on her sleep. ' When at last tho tike first available steamer that left ant Soap Powder ie better than woman atvoko she had the feeling 1 M111111la. When I got home T was a other powders, as it le both soap and that she had only been asleep during total wreck physically and my doctor disinfectant: the night, put me to bed saying he consiciorecl 4 me the worst broken-down man of NEW TERRORS. TRAINING C L E 77. any ago he ever easy and after treat- Young Mr, Frostily (to his tutor): 0 L G ing me 0 months lie consideod my "Will you tell mo something of the ]neigh of Terror ? You know all about it, I believe." Absent-minded Professor :—"Reign of Terror ? Know all about it ? I should sad! I did, Six 01111dren at my house—oldest Laine, youngest three --and all down. with the whoop- ing cough." There is a policemen's college in case beyond medical aid. St. .Petersburg to train applicants "During the .'all and Winter of 1000 for the force, There is a museum and '01 I was admitted to the Barnes combined with 'the school where the hospital in Washington, D, C. for pupils make themselves f021111iar tvitlt treatment for chronic inflammation the tools of criminals—jemmies, of tato stomach and bowels, but after drills, chisels, and contrivances for 5 months returned home a$ bad as robbing collection boxes, Tho Rus- ever. sial passport system is studied he "I continued taking medicine until detail. Olio duties of the civor(ilts, February, 1902, when reading a news - a sort of assistant police, aro paper one day I read abotrt Grapo taught. They keep watch on the -Nuts and was so impressed I sent out residences, report on the ])obits of for a package right corny. Lire tenants all their visitors, ex- amine the papers of new -cookie, and direct them to report themselves at the police station, 131013111130750037 CABS. Tho 1Cnt'sic-7.,a.t•kotf Railroad, of 11.11581a., adVot taws a .speelal car for tha e'v l married, rcsi n ntnndhr- Welle1 with the latest corlttart, The decorations me in the best Parisian style, and polite fellate attendants. look after the colilfort of the happy couple. None but couples on n, honeymoon are allowed to fist able ntagn{fleent cal'. The partitions 2306 1.Onnavable, and the ear can bo teed "Tho result is quickly told for 1 haVo used Grape' -Nuts continually ev- er in with the best results, my health is so I can do a fair day's hard work, stomach and bowers aro in good condition,have gained 40 pounds in Weight and I feel like a new man altogether, "I owe my present good health to ('tape' -Netts beyond all doubt for medical science Ives exhausted," austad " Name given by Post= Co., 'Battle, Creek, Midi. I -Tad he conselt011 any 0110 Of soVor- al tlloueend physiclan;l we .chow of they Would Have prescribed Grape' - Nuts immediately, Leak la each package for the rant - as a 501'1011 01 411'011 coanpa talents lir: 0541 little book; ''Talo Road to Well - as a aotipto of .roomy, saloons, villa'','• HearteSiok Poo ie. -Dr, Agnew's Coro for the I -hart is a heart tonic that never fails to cure—is swift in its effects— goes closer to the " border land" and snatches from death's grip more seiferers than any other remedy for any family of diseases and ailments in the category of human sof Brings. Gives relief in 4)e minutes. -73 SMOISING IN JAPAN. Tho Japanese pipe holds a little Wadof ileal -cu tobacco t obs about the y size of a pea, It is lighted, and the s,nolcot• takes one long whiff, blowing the smoke in a eleud from 11833 and mouth, The 1adiee have pipee with longer sterns than theme of the Dien, and a Indy who ; desires to give tt gee. - Roman a Speetal Mari:; of her favor 1100 hof little pipe, take's half a, Whiff, then liana it to him, hod tats itfnn 1111(815 Sunlight Soap will riot burn the nap off woolens nor the surface off linens, ,6aic ter the Octarou Far. 09 ASKING A FAVOR. Eliza (cording upstairs to her mis- tress) : "I'd feel extremely obliged ma'am, if you would do me a favor," "Well, Eliza, what is it ?" "I hardly know what to say, ma'am," "Well, of course, I can't comply until I know," "Well, 111 11.11311, my young man is at the bank door, and I thought, 1® perhaps, you would be so kind LIS 1$ to speak with him for a few minutes 'ac while I run upstairs and make my- self tidy." de-tde6 C.eptAt /J � ,I gl/�1'''t.-+' �4p°-, z,y ,,, 9 ?/tom/r/ -„gFi "--frTa: • c414f. t i d f/d t) • RallDBONOSIt;(2tbKLwPd180CG SOK/Nfs&SilMOIE mamma e 1115) 41615 "Follows do get a little lazy in the Covermnent service, said the lean loan with the' waxed moustache; "but I do think that the elan who complained when pay-day was changed from 01100 every quarter to 1 once every month rather overdid the j thing," "Whitt was - he growling' lel about ?" asked the fat men, "Said ee it made hiu1 tired to draw this salary �R so often," TEL A L IT CITY, NEW JERSEY t�'tlatt .2'i She :—"Why do you toy so ner- vously with that fen ? Aro you afraid of it ?" IIe (gallantly) :— "1 ate afraid of anything that could produce •a coolness between us." A story first heard at a mother's knee is seldom forgotten, and the same may bo said of other things received at a mothers knee which will readily recur to the reader. Rheuma•Citrrra 3(6111 Succumb to South American Itheufnatic. Cure becaure it goes right to the seat el the tranblo ani removes the cause. Melly so-called cures but deaden pain temporarily only, to have it to turn again witn doubled vieience: Notes, with this great remedy. It eradicates freer the system the la,t vestige of the disceer and its cures aroparo•.r^•d —7q Friend of the family how's little Wi111e ? We don't see so 11111011 of you as we' used to." Willie (shyly : "No, I'm—I'm in long trousers 110W." For Over Sixty Years Ma.. Woman's S0oratse Srroe has boon nncd by millions of mothers for 3110, children while teething I i onetime the ehnd, :often. 11t•. goose, al ars pain, autos wind unlin. reg.]at es tLeslum'roh and bawele, and ,s rbc best remedy for niarrheen. 1•wm,tyIir- cense a Lottie Sell by druttgiecs throughout the world. Ito euro and ask fur " 31118. Wvaraw s 800x01!;0 sonar:" 22-04 Mr. Millions :—"My dear prince, you are engaged to my daughter—I fool so sorry for you both—but the crash has conte. I'm a ruined mon.' The Prince :—"Oh, clot vas all right, any dear sir, Don't you vorry about me- T can soon get another heiress " CIIi.•',AP ONE WAY .RATES TO TUE WEST VIA GREAT NOItTII- ERN RAILWAY. Effective daily during March and April, cheap one way Colonist tick- ets will be issued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the States of Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington, and Ore- gon, also all points in 13ritlslf Col - tumble. On March lst, 8th, 15, 22nd and 29th, and April 5111, 12th, 19th, 26th, ono way second class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points in 'North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of trains, beth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature on any of the above States on application to Chas. 1V, Grieves, District Passenger Agent, (3 King St, West, Rhona 12, Toronto, or F. I. Whitney, Ceneral Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Minn. THE RUSSIAN PEASANT, They are Morally and Physically Degenerating. The truth is that the Russian peasant, 100,000,000 of hire, is un- der preseut conditions slowly starv- ing to death. Isis average earnings in the central provinces are 17 and 18 kopecks (8 to 0 cents) a day throughout the year: during the bus- iest harvest time they rise to an av- erage of 27 to 80 kopecks( 18 to 18 cents) tt dny; during tire whole win- ter he and his family earn nothing. I]'is diet consists of meal, flour and grits, cabbage and potatoes; no meat, excepting three times a year. tits diet is insufficient and loss than in any civilized country. The hovel ho lives in is tura and a holt yards long and ono and one-half ;yards high, harboring the whole flintily end whatever cattle he possesses, Mese data are taken from official sources. Is it a wonder that' the 'Russian peasant has morally and physically degenerated 7 That the women aro immoral, ch'andiing maternity, a•nd. given to a frightful extent. to Mtn 13 - tickle ? That the men are nomads, leaving wives and children for months, often years, trying to earn 8o1n0thing 111 101171 0r in. far teeny districts 4 '1'ieat tho recruit- ing in those central provinces shows progressively physical unfitness for the army ?. T tat the health of the woolen is bad, and that the rate of increase in the population in this " lu ic- sthbelt" b c cn has dropped to 0 m 0.20 against 1-2 in 3 g 1the whole empire 7 "James,," said 1158 stern papa, Who WAS 1111115511 sn1ering from flenlities, ,,,I alit sorloti5ly displeased with you, Do you 1nhoW, sir, that yott ere a candidate for it Whipping?" "I hope IT -bo defeated, father,' was flee In- stant reply, And hey Wee, as ss TIIL mild and bracing climate makes Atlantic City especially attractive as a winter resort. The Traymore is beautifully located on the most desirable' section of the Boardwalk, and commands a magnificent The View. Itouso is thoroughly equipped with every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the guests, and no expense has been spared in perfecting the details of the appointments. The rooms etre handsomely furnished, and the commun- tt�.1icating baths are supplied with both fresh ancl. salt cs ra water. The Atlantic City Golf Links are acknowledged to be the finest in the United States. Traymore Book- lets will be mailed on request, and corres')ondence rela- tive to rates and accommodations is respectfully solicited TRAYRJORE HOTEL COMPANY D. S. WHITE, — President and Manager 07 .":® / •aOS3SCAOSED G-80Cs®9vt'DOSSODMGOMf1,08: D2antieee' ©GGOSG6t 1 HER GPJ 11AT TROUBLE. "Yes," the new woman remarked, "I ala greatly troubled." "By what?" "Well, I want to get married just to prove that I can, and I don't want to get married just to prove I don't have to. If I don't they'll say I can't; if I do, they'll say I have no more independence than any other woman." 'ilio Poiaonec t=.priwg;,—As in ature so is man, pollute the spring and disease and waste are bound to follow—the stomach and nerves out of kilter means poison in the spring. South American Nen. vine is a great purifier, cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and tones the nerves. The best evidence of its efficacy is the unsolicited testimony of thousands of cured ones, -76 MACS WITH MANY TARTANS. Many Scotch clans have several tartans, such as a common tartan, a hunting tartan, and a full-dress tartan. Early in the day a High- lander of position 310115 a kilt of plain tartan, and in the evening for dinner he puts on his full -dross tar- tan, with sporran and richly jewelled dirk. For exempla, tho Macpherson dress tartan is black and white, with a narrow red line, and the hunting Macpherson is a small blue and black and red check. The Stuarts 11avo three tartans, and tho design of their hunting tartan in dark blue and green is particularly line. Each clan hes its own badge, The Duff men wear holly, the Gor- dons an ivy -leaf, the Stuarts an oalc leaf, and so on. Poet Breath 1 e ti 'rh9 Headache, Are Banished by Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder. It Relieves in 10 Minute's. P. A. bottom, druggist, Cookshire, Qua, says: 'For 20 years 1 metered 103111 Catarrh, fly breath eras very olfobsive oven to thyself, 1 tried every- thing which promised me a cure. In almost all instances I had to proclaim them no good at all, 1 was induced to try Dr. A new'a ('atarl•hal Powder, I got tette( instantly after first applica- tion. It cured nae aa111 I am free from all the effects of it." 23 are Agnow's Ointment eenesge °aroma in 1 day. 500 Poultry, ip! Eggs, Apples;Ho ay, lZ ALL RINDS OP FRUITS And Farm Pro. duce generally. consign it to 'us and wo will get you good prints. Dawson Commission Co., TO113oz,v1.0. L3 MITJ Au i 7'tairable rood off, tiles 41•.:1 '' 'Ol A 't`n l;8 r� 'r3• ,>e Finest quality and flavour. Por the very beat send your work to the 4)1 BYlilfiii AMERICAN DY€5533 CIL" Look for swot he you town, or send direct, Montreal,Torouto, Ottawa, Quebezer FOR SALE 1 Buffalo Blower, No, 4, upright discharge, 9 inch outlet, 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 6, horizon- tal discharge, 101 in. outlet. 1 "Earl" Steam Blower. S. FRANK WILSON, '78 Adelaide St, W,, Toronto_ WIN1ONis KING Jt 4gfireaft King AUT OM 0B 11 L E UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By proseuting a ear of Such imperial merit as is the 1904 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" --ensuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen Onr new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carrlade Co Cleveland, 0.. U. S. A. konrosonted to the Dominion of Canada by THE AUTOPVIOR!LE 6t SUPPLY CO 2.9 Mail St., E., Toronto, Ont. Sub Adenoses la Met Dominion Claw; ,Nut ions and Ec1nomloat. y s5t7 S7 i5. S.0—O4