HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-21, Page 1Vol. 82. No. 41 ItOSV.®.0.O5.l..,ad.ls., New Advertisements. Formaldehyde -10.R. Smith. Cow for aole—G. A, Deadman, Tenders for property—B. Gerry. Sewing done—Mies Violet cooper. Looe onrtains--J. Ferguson St 0o, High Court of Jnetioe-13. L. Doyle. Notice to oreditore—W. 117. Siteoleir, Three propositions—A. Dl. Malley de Oa. MistI"%ct grbas, F3ele reeve. Mise Tillie W ilkineon epent Eteter with her friend Mies Maude Robertson, Wing - ham. Jae. Wilkinson sustained quite a Mee Saturday night by the death of his fine blaok driviug mere through inilnmmatiou of the bowels. Mr. Wilkinson has refue- $100.00 for her a good many times but preferred the mare rather then the money. She wee quiet end gentle to drive and the old geutlrntan will be Inneeome without her ae she was quite a pet. Miss Tillie will oleo mare her as she did love to take her out driving. wt^rtxt6r.eee . Mies Annie Voeburg'is on the Molt list at peewit. Mrs, °aider ie the tweet of her dough ter, Mre, Van Mere, in Simooe. Elnmiltou R Reberleon shipped a on of liege end one of cattle on Monday. lathe Jennie Miller went to Toronto last week where the will epend a month. Waldo Miller Jena for Beuveele this weelt where he will be eugoted is 0 her nese shop. After speeding the Winter in Zurich William Patterson has returned to his home here. John Rae has eeonred a position ae telegraph operator in Toronto and /eft for there last week. Amos Gnfbon and W. Muir left for Parry Sennd on Monday where they will be employed in a saw mill. THREE PROPOSITIONS FOR THE FARMERS :Ili Ilrlli le'le'ti'ill'1d1e14dldq,av Binder Twin e$25.00 saved on every tall by planing your orders for ()antral Prison Twine. In addition to this the Twine is put up in good Grain Rage tied with 3 Rope Limners, onmplete with getups and rings, We are agents for the Town,hipe of Grey, Morrie and Me illop. Pure Manila, 050 ft 121±,1 Farmers' Speoial, 550 ft llo Pure Manila, 500 ft )lulu Farmers' Special, 500 ft 106o Terme aeeh or lo, added for payment Oalober 1st. Barplee of *be twine, grain bags mud halters to he Been tot our 'tore. Pratt's Food. The Quality, not the Pries, le the first rnrreineretiou in purchasing Stook Food. Prato's Food hae been in ase for over 30 years, It captured the Medal and the Diploma at the World's Fair, Chicago, 1898, Now is the eeaeon to teed Prettier Food to your Horns, (tattle, Sheep, Piga end Poultry. Pratt's Food, pot up in pails, ie the most profitable paukage. Price of pails, $1,25 and $2 50. ltioeey relented if Pratte Food will not do what ie claimed for it, Portland Cement We are agent] for the Han., over and the Reroutes—one grade Duly and that the BEST. The beat results nen only be obtained by neing the beet Gement. Gement Companies will not gneranleo a price only for the month of April. Price for April $2 25. By ordering your Gement at once you will get this pride, Later on Gement may advance. einsaa alislesteaslintedste'IiMNI M. MokAY CO. MADE BY GEORGE A. SLATER EAVTWVL SPRING SHOES We are now opt'ning up for .Ladies or Gents or the Little Tots either. VVe Invite Your Inspection. HARNESS DEPARTMENT We have everything complete and can supply you with ,,,any style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a od article. We have now for sale one set Second-hand Team Harness and three sets Second-hand Single Harness. Call and see them. tEr'FOB, SALB—Two Dwelling Boothe, , acre of land with each, having large and email Iruite of varione kindg. Ca RICHARDS. w ow OanaLian and American E have a full stock of this Season's production in Wall effortto secure, designs Papers. We fines made a special ffo c, g and colorings of artistic merit, only ly in High g Y gGrades, but in those as`low as 6 CENTS PER ROLL BED ROOMS—We have Dainty Florets, prodnoing charming effects et Low Copt. PARLORS.-Bendtifnl Melting in Gilt and Dreamy Terme, Blues, Greene, ergo., in delicate Shade°. - BALLS, DINING ROOMS, rem—Pine, effective Deeign0, in Magnifloont colors, living Warmth, Richness and Reaoty to an Apartment, AND PRICES 1 We can only say we are offering this season Batter Paper, Designs and Doloringe than ever offered. Don't wait unlit onr stoop ie broken, Make your eoleotion now. If you Have any roma not teoontly papered, just call anal let Oe tell yon how little it emote to nteke home bright, attractive laud happy. In Stnale's Block, two doors North of Postale°. Fr 1VIcCrackeu Painter and Paper Hanger. OlOOMOOPOOO moo BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1904 Mrs. Gro,B o returned ram wet rf Deer Park Inez week where elle epent the Win• ter with her deughter. Mise Cassie Barrie hae gone to Gerrie where she has neared a 'situation in Andrew's' general store, Geo, Town left for Palmerston on Mon. day where he will essiet taking stook in the hotel be hae rented there. Mies May Davidson returned on Seen, day from a month's visit with relatives in and around the vioiniby of Wingbam. 35)nrovrslro. Next Sabbath the quarterly Com- munion eerviae will be bend 1,1 the Meth• odiet ahnroh. Rev. T. Hall, of Wing• hem, will menet the pastor, Rev. 5', Swann. Rev.?. J, Hartley, .of Roland, Man„ a longer reeident of Bluevale, has bad the }moor of B. D. conferred upon him by tete Gaiverstty in 8lnoitobe. We extend aangratulatiot,e. ilio1rta6ev(,0 t31 - T. W. McKee wilt eel) by patella atiotion the old parsonage at Trowbridge ou May 2nd at 2 p.'nt. Rev, J. Ei, O,teer, of Listowel, ie to preach in the elethodiet Mouth hero on Sunday next on the Bdaaabioual Fond of the church, Those who mien this opportunity at bearing the reverend gentleman will milts to treat. The following affioere were elected at the nnonal meeting of the Epworth League on Tuesday evening last ;—Hon. Pree„ Rev. A O. Tiffin • Pree,, Heigh Spence ; leo Vine Pree„ 0. E, Leppard • and Vioe Prete, Mrs. H. Grainger ; Srd Vice Pree., Jambe Leppard ; 4111 Vioe Pree., Mre. W. T. McKee ; Reo,-Seo., Wm, Spence jr. ; Trane„ Mies Lena McKee ; Organist, Mies Winnie Magee ; Rep. to District liipwocth League Executive, W. T. McKee, ei1.0ei10r-00l1. D, MoNair is home from Toronto Medical College. communion envies will be held in the Methodist ohnreb next Sunday after noon. Grey Oomloil will meet in J. Lenge Hall here on Seterday of next week, April 20th, meeting oummenoiog at 11 a. m. Last Sabbath a baby boy arrived rat the home of Dr. J. L. and Mre. Turn. bull, of Goderioh, and of oonree he ie the ufoest boy in all the town. Mrs. Tem bull is a daughter of A. MoNeir. Edward Perine, of Doon, wan here lest week and bought tbe stook of flex and tow held by Cameron Bros , of the flax mill. Mr. Perine does a large bueineee he 1110 manutaotare of linens, twines, 511108 fro, employing from 140 kende up. He also rune two flax mills, There woe a bee here on Thursday of last week clearing away the wreoknge of the sheds ab Knox oburoh, which had been broken down by the weight of snow last Winter. The sheds will be noon oto at a erl date,the Mona in err d n e a Yg g Committee having the wrk in -hand. Tile annual! meeting of the Methodist Sunday School was held Monday evening The following are the °Moors and Mechem tor the evening year; --Superintendent, F. Raddatz ; assistant Superintendent, George Spariing ; Secretary, Bruton Hunter ; Treasurer, Mre Forrest ; organ. let, alias Clare Hunter ; nesietaot org0u- 1se, Mies Lizzie Cemeton. Teachers, F. Raddatz, Geo. Sperling, Mre, Forrest, Mise clam. Hunter, Mies Lizzie Cameron. 11111 071ti. Township Connell met here on Mon• day. Geo, Gill and R,bt, Pearson jr. left e week ego Tneeday for Manitoba. Mre, W. E. Sanders and children have rent reed home after a two weekel visit with her eft -fere in Listowel. The Holland farm near here, hae bean leased for the coming eeaeon by Louie Langetvay, of the Ethel hotel. Mrs. George Weleb, North of Ethel, wae a visitor with relatives in Kinlose during the past week, returning on Mou• day evening. D. Milne has moved back to the Mita. teed Bank farm and his eon, Noble is moving over to the farm Mr. 'Milne par - abased from D Bonnier a few yeare ago, A. meeting of the Ethel Beef ring is auuonnoed for Tuesday evening next 26th Inst, The patrone are requested to at tend an there is considerable business to go the, ugh with, Cieorge Dobson wag here from Innerkip for a few days attending to theehipping of 1110 household effects and other baet- neee. He is well pieeeed with the prospect in his new purahaee. J, A. Oole end Wm, Peweom jr, left here on Mouday for ooekburn Island to work for the McAllister firm. Their fantilieslwill follow shortly. They will be missed ae they ere highly tespeoted veuog men. Owing to the removal of Geo. Dobson and family from Ethel to Inuorkip where Mr, Dobson hae purchased a store, the dooadiae Order of Foreatere elected W. E. Sanders 0a Financial Secretory to sue ceed Mr. D.,bson who !me rerigued that office, Leet Sabbath evening Robert McKee, took (Margo of the service in the Meth odiet church in thie pinta in the tab80008 of the patient who hood gone to pay a visit to Mei old home while eu route to Petnolea, where he was engaged thie week at the ministerial ex1mivat{0ne, Annnitee AND l iuratt 60,I0roN.— About 50 members 01 the .5111101 Division Sone ot Tomperanoontleembledab the reeidenoe of Barvoy Dobson on Monday evening, IStb in01 , their object being to epend to (Mole) evening with George and Mre, Danson prior to their removal to Inner. kip who, on acumen of moving thou honeebold Warne, were staying' at Mie brother's,. After all had been ooenfort ably emoted It. MuKay read the following address while J. 0. Lamont snit Alvin Barr presented Mr, and stirs. Dobson with a beentifnl hall raok andbandeome rug To lilt'. and lilt's. Goo, Do,)eon ; DgAn Ileo, AND Smelt -We, the mem. bete of EthelDivieiou Bons of Temper - anal, No, 149, having learned that yon are about to remove from oar village multi hardly ooseoientouely'et you away without exprteeing to lug in some way our deep regret et your departure tram our mideb. By your removal we lose two of our beet citizens ; a eaeoeretai pm• feeefoaal man, and our Order two of Its faithful mombere, and io you, Bro. Deb• eon, one at Its moat able and eflioient executive odioare, Your long reeidenoe among us, your untiring efferte in behalf of Temperance and every moral reform, your most honorable dealings in all matters of bosi0ese, together with yoor tumid quelitiee end genial dieposition have endeared you to rho hearts of all our members. We would eels you to wept this Eau rook and rug 00 a small tangible exrreeeien of onr high epprema- tMon of your excellent qualities and tabors among no. We earnesoly and einoerely hope that abundant 0000000 may attend your efforts in your new sphere of bust. 11000 and plane of reeidenoe and that you and your Don may be long spared to en- jey all the bleeainge that a kind Provi• dance may bestow upon you and when your "tar shall act at life's otoee that it may set not 110 the seeming star whioh geed dawn behind the darkened West bat es the morning etar which melte away into the breghtnees of Heaven, Signed in behalf of the Division. J. 0. LA51o1111, W. P. R. MoLnr, D. G. W. P. April 18th, 1901, Mr, Dobson hate agent the greater part of hie life in Ethel, 11 being bie plaoe Of birth. He ta0gbt school for 'seine time et Stayuer, alar at Dnke'e sobool near here but for the feet number of yearn he has been Principal of the eohool in Ethel doing excellent work. White sorry to Mee them from our viliege we heartily reoommend them to the good people of Ionerkip knowing that in them they will find the sterling qualities ot band, head and heart that conelitnte gree roanhocd and womanhood. They expect to leave for Inoerkip thio week. riolt.e•tw, A few farmers did a little plowing last week. The 0. P, railway sectional bylaw was carried in thie township last Friday. The Grand Trunk people are fitting ap the line fences along their knell] different seotione 11.1 Morris. Robert Currie, of Sault Ste. Marie, a eon of the late Ieano ()aerie, formerly of the 5th line, is here renewing old friend ships, It 10 7 years eines be left Morrie. Alex, McNeil, wife and family Retired here lest week from Fort William and will move to the W. B. Wilkinson farm, 5111 lige, whittle they liitve bought. Mr. Wilkinson moves to his 150 sore farm near Ripley. They parry with them the good wiehee of the oommunity. ' Cttrt. Wntab ant for the toot of the G. P. R. Jamee Bishop hae puroheeed a driver from A. Mo$enzie. Mre. (Dr,) Irving ie recovering from her reoeub ilt0800, we are pleased t0 state. Mrs. Joseph Bennett and Miss Minnie Bennett have returned from a visit to frieude in Wingham. A number from Walton attended the funeral at the have Henry Allen, of Her - lock, The deceased was very well known iu thin vicinity, and hie sudden death came ae a shook to his many Mende haTre, he Lady True Blue Lodge of this plane were completing the papers in re- gard to the amount paid in nor• 'motion with the demise of the late Mre, Morrison. This was 1110 second death in the lodge here, wbioh was instituted 186 years ago, the other member being the • late Mies Jennie Kelly. Mrs. Grieve is the preteiding arnoer and Mies Anne Kelly the Seoretary, The Aeration Sale of Wm. Pollard aC San, of MoKillop,'wae a decided eneopso. 8 porn with their nalvee brought $496,00, en average of $62 00 per onr, ebe' highest pieced cow, with molt inoladed, 588.50 and wee purchased by Alexander Ma• Lanohtiu, of Morrie. Ocher stock Bold proportionately well. F. 13. Scott, the veteran auctioneer, wielded the ham• mer end gave entire satisfaction to bath buyers and sellers. J'e nnerateWn. 11 looks very Wintery to•day. Jnneve Traylor i0 on the mend we ere glad to say. O, and Mre, Roadhouse, of Blyth, are vinitiug at B, Payne'e. Rev, Mr, Went preached in Viotaria Hall, last Sabbath night. Mr, MoAliistor will condaot the Berl/toe next Sunday evening. At the manse, Wroxeter., by Rev. Mr, Perrin, Alex. Soobt, of Morriebank, was marri'd to Mien Nettie, you0geot daugh• ter of Thoe. and Mre, Smith, of Wroxeter. We wish the yo0ug eonple many years of happiueee and proeperity, We are pleased to know that Nellie, daughter of B. T. Miller, is on the way to recovery. Hope 0060 a1 one time al- most given oe a8 to her getting better. A nurse from Wingbam le attending her who noderatande her Moslems. e, Pugin• monia web the ailment. Our store here is full of nholee goods and 1nsines8 le very good. J. Innes ie going to ran the peddler's rig as nnnaf as a0011 AS the weather permits. Prides of produce will be )rept up to the highest notch and ha will aoo0mmodate the pub• leo as well as be knows how, Orders received from tune to time will'be given prompt attention in delivery. Salioitiog the favors from old nommen and as many new o0e0 toe thiel o to their ad - ventage to deal with Md. Parties who left for the 'Wet daring the pact 10 dens are Wm. Bryans, Ab, Willie and 'John Simpeon, Welter Wright, who was ant last year, Dame homelase,Fail and prepared a on load of building material and tools it with him last Monday from •Itlnevalo elation. The three Wright Broe, have taken up over 1200 mom 01 lend to, year ego, end have 126 ready for Drop this Spring, They are bustlere end will do Well, Alex. Soott and wife ere oleo preparing a ear 10ad of 0et11bra' goiod» and era intending to go West in about 10 days, Edward m Subscribers in Arrears "The Post." 0 a Far oeveral menthe pact we hove been polling the attention of enbearibere to Toe Pon to the arreareg00 eu Oat' list, amounting to over $000.00. A goodly num- ber responded hat where have not paid the tenni attention hence 1013 week we naked a Oolleuting Agee. ey to aid u0 in thin work ae we have coma PRESSING demando for money at the preeent time. The um•,unte due, in the majority et 00868, are not lenge yet the aoonmulatiou ot them totele the amonot mentioned above and therefore our eabsoribere will see adv that it 00neerne ne nota little, 'tp O tl sa ar•/ and Mre. Smith are going ant along with A. Scott to take up their abode there. Eddie as we call him, le a nice quiet, industrious fellow and ie a No. 1 mechan- ic', We around Jamestown win miss him. 001.0', Mise Minnie Cameron, 5111 lino, Mor' ria, is a visitor with her aunt, Mrs. John Smith, lath Oon. Grey. Mise Maggio Ikl'oB, ir, 10111 can„ was visiting on the 14th con. under the per• ental roof for the peat week. David Shiele has gone to Calgary, N. W. T., where he will make his home for a time and we hope he may do well, Grey township Conine! wilt hold ibs next meeting at Long'e Hall, Oraubrook, uu Seenrday of next week. at 11 a. m. A wedding is on the tepid for the near future, The groom 11001 on the 14th con. and the 12th eon, supplies the fair bride. There were a few farmers got to work Mat week at Spring plowing ,but the re• turn of Winter put a slop to sod turning. The season le going to be late. Next Sabbath afternoon 24th inet., the Sabbath Sehoot meeting in the Smftu school house will re open at 3 o'oleok after the Winter recede. The 0erviee at Union oharoh last Bab beth was taken by Mr. Wherry, a moat eooeptable local preaober. R. MuKay supplied Roe's °hereto pulpit Sabbath morning. A good many wonder why Mr. McKay did not anter the regular ministry as he is a fine preacher and Bret Mass worker in all departmeute of 118 vineyard. Gotta Hous.—Ar 6 a. in. Wednesday Beth Amelia Copeland, beloved, wife of Ho.rtwell Bpeiran, 15th coo„ bade fare. well to earthly friends with the joyous antipipotioo of a happy renniou In the sweet Bye and Bye. See had been poor ly for the pest two years, the final mouse of death being hemorrhage of the etomeoh. Mte, Bpeiran wee born at Armegb, Ire land, and came to Canada, with her father, who was a school teacher, when a (Mild of about 9 years. Tney lived at Belleville for a time and afterward moved to St. Marys locality. About 49 years ago deceived was united in marriage bo her now bereft partner and they moved into Grey taking up Lot 28, Con. 15, then a bush let to which access wag gained by a "blazed" pathway for 7 miles. By industry and thrift they converted the sores of bushland into arafile fields and the home was a hospitable meeting plate to maty, Mre. Speiren was a kind hearted, flue oouutenanoed woman, motherly and neighborly, intelligent and God fearing whose testimony as to things that pertain to the eternal was cheering and. oomforting. Li addition to Mr. Speiran there are 9 children living and all residents of this township, as fol. lotus :—John, Loire. Teasdale Whitfield, Hartwell, Mrs, Joeeph Whitfield, Mre. George MoGall, George, Luke, Mrs, W. ,11181101 and Mre. F. Woods. Mre. George Hodge was another daughter who entered into rest a number of years ago. Mre. Sperain'e Luttrell will take place on Friday efternoon at 2 o'olook, service a half boar earlier. Interment will be mads in the family burying place in Brneeele cemetery. The bereaved will be sincerely sympathised with in the loss of wife and mother whose loving oars and forsthongbt will never be forgotten. KINDLY Resubtanmor: A large end jell antimony of old neighbors and friends ot Abram and Mrs. Bi01op from the 8rd and 4111 0onceeaione, &geelnbled on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. Biyhop for the purpose of giving expression of the appreciation they felt boomed them, The following address teas read and a beautiful coach and fine centre table were pteeentod to the host end hostess by Robert Our and Joseph Baynard To Mr and lura, Abram Maki( : Dimelferuuns,—We, your old neigh - bore 013,1 friends, have assembled at your home this evening to express the kindly feeling we entertain for yon, In ant aesooiation for the past 14 year0 w0 have found yon ready to lend your assistance both in efottneee and in health and we regret year removal from onr midst. We believe these Omegas do not o01ne by obanoe end sincerely hope that many happy praeperou0 years are before you and youre in your new comfortable home. While the are sorry to lose you from our neighborhood we realize what ie lose tows will be gain to othere. Allow ne to pre- sent thee oo1011 end centre labia an tangible evidences of the goad fellowship existing. Onr beet Mabee accompany 1h8 ether and we treat when the oyole of time allotted mull of lie is 00mp10ted that we all stay have the happiness of meeting in our Father's House of many ma08ione. Bigoted in behalf of the company by Roux, Cana, Joos81i Iterwann. Grey, April 20, 1004. Mr, Bishop's reply was o thankful aoknowledgemebt for himself and wife of many kindnesses in the yams past and gone Rua) a reeiproaation of the good wiobee expresoed in the ad,1re0e, The evening wag given up to a hearty teed happy mode of eel, bration after wbi0h a cip•top napper wee nerved and tate own - puny departed for their reepeotive homes happy to meet, sorry to part, hoping to meet again, Sortie! patherings of this nature do moot) to strengthen tine of friendship in a community and cultivate a Itlndlioese maob to be desired. A, Fox, 9th oon., had a 000oss6fu1 wood. bee en Friday afternoon. Mre. Fox in. vited the young latlioe of the neighbor- hood to 000fet at quilting. The Nil eon. girls are experts at the needle no doubt by the good work they did. The evening was epent nn eooial oboe, games and trip• ping the light fantastic. Violin selections w. ro given in fine etyle by Will. and Jim Duaoaneon, 17th non., L. Taylor arid N. Donees, 14th eon., and W. MoNeir and A, Fox, 10th ono. Everything wont pleasantly till the wee emu' heron of the morn than the guests departed, A hearty vote of the take woe paned Mr, end Mre. Fox, the genial host and hostels. This week Eli Smith, 7th (Jon., per. abased the 100 acre farm of Neil Richard. son, wlriab Rejoins his own on the East. The prime paid teethe farm was $5,000 and the Bale was negotiated by F. 8, Scott, Mr. Riohordean sold an a lower agora than he had been asking owing to his intention of moving to the West tine Spring where he has paroheeed a large farm. Tho people of this community will be sorry to ane klr. and Mre. Rioh- ardeon and family remove from here, Airs. Richardson has made herself useful in Sabbath Sobool and other ohurob work and her removal will be a great toes,. Mr. Smith now has a splendid farm and will no doubt do well,with it, CHURCH CHIMES. Last Sunday kir, Powell, a otudeut from Huron college, took the 0erviee0 i0 St. John's cherub and Mr. Simpson ie expeoted to °Moie.te next Snoday. Next Sabbath morning the oongrega• conal re-0nioh and roll °all will be held to the Methodist cherub in this plane and the following Sunday the quarterly Com. mn0ion will be observed, Rev. Dr.1MoLeod, of Atwood, wee the preacher in Melville church laet Sabbath. Io the morning he dwelt neon a pleasing theme "Ohrietieu Hope" ant' et the even- ing eerviae the text wag "The gates of bell shall not prevail spinet you." Dr, McLeod is a pieaoe0t, thoughtful speaker, end hie dieooareee were enjoyed by the tongregatioo. Rev. R. Pani preached et Hanover last Snndey. Tae Poev has no objection to hie reverence takiug work in the Lon- don Conference even if he has passed his 705h mileetone, bot broadening his parish into another Conference le another mat- ter unless hi. is being governed by Rev. John Wesley's marching order "the world ie my pariah". Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, of Kinoordine, preached in the Methodiot Clutch in Gale plane last Sabbath and hie minietrclioee were very aeoept011 0, Hie dieoonroe iu the morniug was based on the text "Wisdom and Knowledge shall be the stability of thy times" I John 1 and 3, "Truly our fellowship ie with tbe Father and with Hie Soo, Jeans Christ." Mr, Pomeroy, although on the enperaooaated list, is a olear thinker and a faithful expounder of the Truth. The following letter apelike for itself and was received on Monday by W. H. Kerr, Seoretary•Treaenrer of Brueoole Branch of the Lord's They Alliauoe :— Dain lino. $nun : I suppose you have already received the reeelpt of John 0. 0opp, our Prov. Treaenrer for the $28 00 rem;ttanee received at this office a few days ago. I gave a general letter to my stenographer to aoo0mpany reoeipto, but for your liberal oonlribution I desire to write epeoiollyand say bow grateful the Exeontive is for such liberal support. If ell our braaobee would give such amonote we would net only be out of debt, but able to e000mplieh much more for the defenoe of the weekly Rest Day. I hope to have the privilege ot 0)011105 .roar town in onr interest sometime next Fall. 'Yours Faithfully, T. Ar,nzax Moons, Seorehary, Last Sabbath W. H. Herr, of Tme POST was at Ontario street Methodist °batch, Clinton, attending the Sabbath School annivereary Berman, In the morning there wae an address to the obildreu ; the afternoon was taken ap with an open eeesioo of the eobool, Rev. Mr. Manning, of Wesley Metbodiet ahnroh and Rev. Mr. Gunn, of the Epieoopaliaa obnroh, speaking also ; and iasteed of a sermon at night four addressee were given ke laymen, viz. Meeere, Tiplady, Kontos, Kerr and Holmes M.P. Pastor, Rev, Dr. Cook, who ie doing a tree work in Clinton, presided, The mashes) exeroieee were of to very pleading aheraoter and in addition to well enng autbeam solos were given by Rev. Dr, Oook, W. Harland, N. Minnie and Mrs. Glbbinge and duet by Mrs. and Dr. Cook. Ontario street ohureh is a oommodfone, modern and very oomfort- able edifice with a largo memberehip and well attended Sabbath School, Rev. Dr. Cook was one time etatiuned at Blnevele and hae appeared before andieaoee in Brneeele on various 00000)008 with are oeptanoe, Janob Taylor, the Saperinteu• dent of the Sobool, was unable to be pros• ant awing to the decease of"hie mother, Co, OONvzNnroN,—The following mem. bare of the Executive 01 the Enron °aunty S. 6, and O.E. Aeeooiation met at Clinton to arrange a program for the convention of 1904;—D. E. letuneo, president ; Dr, Towler, Cor, Secy. ; 0. 0, Stouen,en, Ree, Secy, ; Revs. Jamee Elemiltote, Goderioh, John Holmes, Blyth ; J. 13°obonan, .Bengali; Mies Audereon, and Meeere, Cooper mod Soon, of Clinton, end Jamee Mitabeli, of Goderioh, Dr, ',Fowler reported that in answer to et oiromee sent out last August, 00)110g tot a oolfeMMion towards aseieting the Proviuoitil Asaoaiation and to 10601 the expeneee of the oonmy oonventiou of 1904, only $95 09 had been neOeived ; of &hie $28 had been sent the Provincial body, and expenses of printing end postage left the Wanes on hand 56.08. It 0000 o m decided talca a further appeal' to the various soboole and societies in the county, And the President end Mr. Mitchell were appointed to draw it ftp, and when mailed certain persons are to W. H. KERB, Prop, be aokad to edits disbriob superintendents. in heipiug to get a general re090aee. The dates of the 1904 convention are Juuo 14 and 15, the 0.E. to bare the first they and the Sunday Schools the emend, The indfoaliune are that the people of Wingham will matte exteneive preparatc0ne for the reeeptiore of delegates and the semen of the gathering, THE FIELD OF SPORT. What about the Baoe ball team? The Canadian bowling teem play their fleet match in Liverpool on Jane Otb. The tour endo on July 80th. A Bese ball meeting was held iu Wroxeter feet Friday evening to try and forma onion team between Gorrie and Wroxeter, The "Barons" of Seofortb are expeoted to play to game with the Braesele Inter.. mediate team about the end of thio mouth, Fah pertioul0re later. A letter was retell vodfrom the Secretary - of the Lnoknow elusion Society Band, to try feud arrange with our Rase ball team to play in Luokm,w on the 24th of May. The team players in Lucltnow last year and defeated Goderich 11 For the Inttrmediette series of Huron Diotriot of the W. F. A, the following schedule was drawn ap on Monday evening :— Wingham et Seaforth, May 6. Seaforth at Brussels, May 1s. Beatorth at Wingham, May 17. Brussels of 0Vinghem, May 027. Braaeele at Seaforth, May 80. Wiughooi at Bre-mile, Jane 3. • or week of the 24th. In the Junior series in Group 1 of the Karon District, Wingbam and Brussels, will play the following dates :— Wingham at Brussels, May 20. Braaeele at Wtugbam, Julie 7 or 10. People We ISnow. Mise L. Colviu extent Sunday in Wingham. Barrieter MooDonald was in Goderioh on Monday. Reeve Wilton 0000 a 0101101 in London thie week. Mre. Jew. Stratton is visiting old friends in Bruesele. Robert Denbow has gone on a prospect. ing tear to the Weet. Mite Josie Buchanan wee visiting at Harrioton during the past week. Dire. Rsobel Thompson has returned to her daughter's home nt Harrieton. Alex. AloLeniran, of the American Hotel, has been hovong00 tussle with the ri g Dr. McNaughton was on the eiok diet during the past week. Elie many friends hope he will soon be oouvaleseeut. Mies Jean McLauehlin is vielting at , London. She went to attend the wed. ding of Mies Frank Pelton, formerly of Brunets. Richard Stevens has gone to Monorieff locality, Grey township, where he has engaged with Mr..Speiran for the mom. ing season. Hobert Downing, of Downing Bros., has been having an undesired holiday . owing to a eiok epell bat we hope be will more be 0. k, Frank H. Reynolds, of Stooktou, California, is a visitor with Mre. and the Misses Douglas. He is a nephew of Mre. Doaglae. S. H. Jackson left town on Tuesday on a trip to Manitoba. 1f be sees what suite him he will remain and move his family - to the Wee Dr. Feildt. tone at London on Monday to visit Rev. I. M. Webb, wbo has been on the eiok liet bat is considerably better we tore pleased to hear. D. B. Grant, formerly one of the Collegiate teachers in Goderioh, wag in town this week. He ie now engaged as traveller for et Book Publiebieg House. George Denyer, who has agent a good share of the Wtnter with relatives and Mende at Woodstock, is back again to town and will probably spend the Bums mer here. Dire, Thoma° Hall celebrates her 89th birthday 011 Wednesday. She continues to make her home with Mrs. Meadows, Jobe street, and is enjoying a fair m8a0nr0 of health. Russell, non of Alfred and Mre. Lowry left Met week for St, Thomas where he will Resist his unole, Jno, Sharp, in hie grocery business. We wish him a euo. oeaefnl Otey in that city. We are pleased to report that Mies Myrtle Wilson 10 malting favorable prog- reee at the noepilal at Toronto. If good wishes will aid her complete recovery she should exon be oonvalesoent. Mre. James McDonald, whose health had not beth good for some months, left for tendon last week with her daughter, Mre. Charles Sager, where she will visit. We hope beovfloial resnlbe will a000ee, Waldo Miller, of Wroxeter, has token to position in the haruese shop of Jno. Donaldson, of Brnseeie, and will complete hie apprentioeehip at the business. The Junior foot ball team will be well ploaeed over this 0nove as he is a good player, Mre. George -Skelton, who hae been seriously ill for some menthe poet, 0000 taken to Toronto to the hospital on Thureday of hast week. We trust the treatment wilt prove oftottoioa0 and that elle will return shortly much improved in health. Mies Mary Roberton, who bas been a ooleotady in the dry goods store of .7. Fergueou e% Go., Brn00ole, fnt some time, Mos attempted a poeibioli m °hara0ter. in 1110 store of Gedrgeofa twos,ilar at Inoerkip, Ostord Go„ and went sito it on Monday morning. We hope she will. enjoy liar work in her new borne, The Clinton Regent says of it former - Brue8elibe 1—"0amee Danford who hag been living in Listowel .for the past couple of years, mends -again . becoming, 0. resident of Clinton, hating twoepted n - petition with Dover 'ttL Ball, Rio experience in thebusiness oambined, with hie genial qualities wilt make himt an invaluablemart." The gentleman m an referred, to le a heather to E. D. Danford of this town and well known to te large number of our residents, Trim Posy wishes him nutmeg,