HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-14, Page 7'F. A �j p OFF j�1 �jJ'[( 1�l 'p� Y CAUSES E (j j,1 STRIFE 1 A SPRING NEED, POOR Bf1111SII GUNNERY' SHHliiJ U�� 1 Lj� 1 � a 111A1Y 1 UIiUSllS Uk l� 1 �1� l'ho prize llrlttg returns of that Brt- sop YEARS 011' WAR FOR A Indoor Conflnen'ront in Winter fish fleet for J003, which have just SPRIB9 FEELING Hard on the Health, been compiled, tote disappointing. In CLEAN SHAVE, ships aro shaven. The average per- _ Nhtety-nine PeOPle Out of avert' centare of !tits was just over forty. s w ' Trivial £pairs Have Sufficed to hundred actual! need a tonic during 6 1 Y DODD S KIDNEY PILLS WILL - y g six, Tho hist Bitip secured an aver- 9 Plunge Nations in tit" spring months, and that Marl- ago of 70 pot, cent, In hits. Only DO IT NATURALLY AND dl•edlh Person wuuld make no mis- sevenL WELL. "� """"'� Ard Bloodshed, y -three men have earned the Ir - take if ho too hlfused a little extra newly-instiLuled medal and tatuitY --- A little Sunlight Suap will clean Nothing is Mara amazing in the vigor and poorer into lila blood, Tho for R o history of nations than the absurdly q good ntur of inedool Tha lavg- Cause and Cure of the Tired Feel- y reason re . his eonditian is quite "at number nt guilnls oto Cap- tr3vlat causes which have been suflia:i- apparent. Txr this desire to melee g I ing That is Epidemic at Tnis Cut 4,,+iaSS and other aftlClsS until Latins of (3-tu. gnus. twenty of ant to let Loose tdro dogs of war and Cat.utulian houses warm during the whom ivevivo Lite decoration, The Season of the Year, they shine and sparkle. Sunlight deluge continents in blood, winter mouths, ventilation is suer!- rcrnainder of he module are d{stri, Many a man has started an incipl- deed, and the health is Impaired, buted as Follows :=Phi Iola to cap_ The spring is hCI.C. You can foal it Soap will wash other tliiligs than ent riot in bis household by appear- There may be nothing SerfOUSly I tains of I.?.rin, guns, ten for marks- m every Pert of your body. Year dp ing unannounced with a clean shave wrong—noth)ng more than a variable nttutship with this 4-7, fnurLeOn for l alotbrs erre too heavy and though Clothes. atter having worn a hirsute adorn- appetite; little pimple.. or eruptions ; the :1.2.0, and 11 -pounders, Ihreo tor, you are not sick, you are too tired_— Mont for. a number of ,years, but it of the skin; a feeling of weariness the 18,3, 0110 for the 10 -in„ five 1 to walk, too tired to work, yes, even M EXTRA ORD] NARY LAKE'S. is almost Jnoredibte at first glanua and a desire to avoid exertion; per -I for the 9.2 four the 4-111., and three 'too tired to Cut. brat two groat nations should have halls an occasional boadacho. These go to amen serving on destroyers, It's that "spring feeling," On tine Afanglshlak peninsula on Plunged into an intermittent warfare may not seem sorious; perhaps you Ito ,you know the causa of it? No, the Caspian Sea there, aro five small. lasting 803 years from the same may think that he trouble will pass b all you want to know is how Lo get ink's, One of these is covered with cause. Yet nothing 'tore than this away—but it won't unless you drive 110TATO ALCOI70L, rill of it. !hall, the explanation and salt Crystals, strong enough to al- wns the primary source of throe con- it out• by putting the blood right the cute are alike simple. ]ow a man and horse to cross the turles of war between England and With a health -giving tonic, And Th *a tee of potato alcohol to fur- In the winter ,yuu "get usOtl" to , lance on toot. Another is as round France. In order to please the arch ttrare is only ono blood -renewing, tush light, haat, and mauve power ns any circle and of a lovely rose hate been developed rat the colt!, you thin],. As a mutter of + bishopof Bonen, Louts VII, of health -gluing, nerve e•eatoring tonic- P oidia and to a color. Its banks of salt crystals Dr, Williams Pink Pills for Pale Pett' high degree in Gmmuuy, (Ja}•- tact !t is tilt body that gets pro form a setting us white as white as France consented to remove his beard Pea lO, Over and over again i really produces about fr5,000,00U Pared. It puts one fortification t.ile (,"Din of snow to the water, which not one in common with his subjects, and P bait it Ute tons of Potatoes a Year, and uses extra tissue that ]..cops t11a cold Out. (shows all the colors from violet to resent a clean shaven fare to the ween Proved that these pills caro 7n the sprit time this tissue is world. It was a disastrous shave, when other medicines fall, and thou j for human food, stack fond, and f ' g rosy red, but train it also rises a for it led to so touch tJction with sands of grateful people testify that starch only about 35,000,000 tons. thrown off by the bode* cod it the perfume as of violets, Bath this they are the best of all spring madi- I The remainder is converted into al system is ,all in good working order, perfume and the color are the result his wife, who Changed appearancethaed tatlasthe cines, Miss D. 77rown, Collina, X. j for Yui and botused usnA. water genera- th yublood ca rionis turn filtered as -oft ff of the presence of secweace, tS B., says :--"I have used Dr, Bil- king divorced her, to become a few Items, Pink Pills for a run down and for cooking, heating, and light- of the blood by the Kidneys, and ex- NOT HIS FAULT. months later the wife of Henry Ii, of system, and havo found that* better ing. The alcohol vapor is burned pelled tram the body. England. From this marriage of than any other medicine I have like gas in chandeliers and street This means extra work for the !lid- Customer—"I believe you aura the Henry to the angry, discarded wife tried. In the early spring my blood lumps, and givers n very bright light. neys, and If they are at all tired or man of whom I bought this carne?" of Louis centuries of bloodshed may was out of condition and I had such, In rdistriets distant front mines it is worn they fail In their work. The Shopkeeper—"Yes, I sold you that be said to have followed. dizzy spoils that If I turned quickly cheaper' than con), result is clogged circulation and that cane," Inclosed in an iron ease in the tow- I would almost fall. I took Dr. --^- r tired spring feeling, Customer—"And ,you said that the or of Machine, cathedral may be seen Williams' Pink Pills for a few weeks TO 11111 PREMISES OF RATS. The eme is to lona tip the Kidneys handle was of genuine ivory, and I to -day a bucket which, 900 years and the trouble entirely disappeared, with Dodd's kidney Pills. Dodd's find that it is artificial." ago, was the innocent cause of a tar- I think these Ilote is a farmer's moclo for ridding 1�idne Pills make health Kidneys, Shoplceepea—"I can't 11a1P it, sir, g pills an ideal spring Y Y rible war. Some soldiers of Modena, medicine." ]cis premises cif rats and mice: If Healthy 7Zidn'ys quickly cleanse the I import my ivory direct from Cey- in a mood of mischief,. had stolen the It von want to he healthy in tile 'yO1t will sprinkle sulphur' on your .blood of all impurities Lind the Ion, and the only explanation that I bucket from a public well in Bologna spring don't close your sy."Lem with barn floor and through your corn ,spring feeling" is replaced witli a can give is that the elephants have and refused to give it up on demand. harsh, griping purgatives, anr) don't as you gather it there will not be a vigor of body Lind bouyancy of spirit taken to wearing false tusks." Fights between the soldiers of the exporiment with ober so-called rat or neons° bother, I Have done that mulles work a pleasure. rival and jealous states ensued, and tonics. To" Dr. Williaurls' Pink this for roveral ,years and have never STATE oxOntO, Crrr or TOLEDO, Is$ from this spark was kindled a f'o'e of fills at once and see holy quickly been bothered with rats or mice. I --£ LOUAat'GVNTY. war which devastated a large art of they will banish all spring ailments. have some, old corn in my crib at VZ SSLLS LOST AT SEA, Dank J. Cheney makes oath that he 1 g p Y F g to senior partner of the firm of F. J. Europe and led to the lifelong fm_ Sold by medicine dealers every- presont and not a rat or arouse can Tile official return of casualties to Chutney A Co., dolnq business in the risonment of the kin of Sardinia, where, or sant by mail at 50 cents Ire found. In stacking bay or oats, British and foreign vessels of 500 City of Toledo, Vounty and State p g a box or six boxes for $2.30 b sprinkle On the round and a little tone gross register and upwards dur- aforesr- and 13 said firer will ferny son of the Germnrt emperor.. y g' g g rho stun of ONO at s id Ar mrwil.A try BROXDN TEAPOT. writing ibo Dr. Williaans Madicine'through each load; and my word for Ing the past year shows that 5,550 for such and every case of Catarrh that cannot be eul'ed by -tic use of 1.1 all's Co., Brockville, Out. it, rats or mice can't stay there, A stgatrners and saiJdng vessels here t A war in Celina two centuries and latarrh Cure. P1IANX T. C1d1JNMY, a half ago, which involved the loss —"�" Pound of sulphur will he sufficient to totally or partially lost -2'r0 totally Sworn to before ilio and subscribed to of half a 'pillion lives, sprang direct- PROGRESS IN ASHANTI, preserve a large barn of corn, and it and 5,280 partially. The *British my rresencu, this 6th day of December, Is good for steel, and will not hurt casualties aggregate 2,783, 67 sten- A, �• 1886• o from Litebroken teapot. The tea- Peaceful and Prosperous Future thcorn ter bread," more and 23sailingships being tot- •••••• . A' 11, .1,11A801, dot area ttreasured liossessiou of Before It. p ally lost. The total figures show an SEAL : R. dignitary high in the favor and increase over the previous year of Councils of the emperor, and when he Sir Donald Stewart,. the son of the PLAYFUL CI?ILDREN, .192. Strandings were responsible I all's Catarrh Cure is taken intnrnat- was travelling through the lawless famous Scottish soldier of that for 154 casualties; collisions, 1,089; L'• and acts directly on the blood and provinces in the northwest of China name, is British Rasident tit IZum- What treasure on earth is more, to mucous surfaces re the system. Send damage 1.o machinery, 041; and for tostbnoniate tree. soma of his retinue, who had fallen ussi, and gives an interesting no- be prized than a bright, active, ]Taal- rough weather, 1,050. 1•', J. t`l1[1NI]Y & a10., Toledo, O. behind the main body, were intercept- count of how Ashanti is gradually thy, playful child? In homes where �— Bak by alt Druggists ' ills "edea [all's rums P764 for a stt• 1 k on tin civilized. Tho 'v -Ani 's m Y lr x o natr es are set 1 On Tablota core used C a a OU n nae B y aticn. hand f robbers, and a n y ern b ha o e P n Y fi -LAP ONE WAY RATES TO fiIIE th°soil the teapot was found and tent down d, ways of peace. con- neve'• find sickly, cross, sleepless chi!- CII al LS ' V GREAT N itT1Z- contamntuousiy tiling on the ground Lentment and proap'rity The noun- diem; If he little one is ill the Tab- W AERN RAILWAY. and Inrolcen. The matter leas report- try, in fact, has returned to almost icLa will promptly make it well, Ask An old Scotchwoman, when advised eel to the emperor by the indignant. absolute conrrnotlplaconess, and the any mother who has used the Tab- Effective daily during March and by her minister to take suint to keep mandarin, a punitive force was sent people seom to hove completely for- lets and she will tell you that this is April, cheap one way Colonist tick -'herself awake during the sermon, re - out, and a long and terrible war en- Sotten the old evil lcatys Of King absolutely true—she 1vi11 tell you eta will. be issued from all stations plied—"Why dinna ye put the snuff sued. lrempeh. The most important fee- the Tablets always do good, and nev- in Ontario to all points on the Great In the sermon, mon?" taro in the Present condition of the er do barn'. You. clan iv Lord Palmerston used to say that give therm to to Northern Ry. in the States qt Alan- Lord three men had aver known the eonzttry is Lha satisfactory progress a child just horn with perfect safety, Enna, Idaho, Washington, anti -0t•a- For Over Sixty Years only of the troubles in Schleswig- that has been ratulo with the rail- ; and they axe equally as good for gon, also all Points in British Cul- hall. w,ss,.oWfl Memnon has ba.n ulna by g- way. This Is a Government under-,we11 !own children. Mrs. lila' mintao.of nooth—for the rchildren .'bite Leo, Wall Polstein wbteh led to two great wnrg g' y J. hmtbia. nsnou,ee the nhu•t, wttrnx th g m.ai nYa pnln, once' —two of them had died before war taking, incl starts Ytum Sekondi, on Moore, T3opworth, Quo., says:— "M,y On March 1st, Sth, 15, 22nd and ,°incl unliaro nluans tha.tonn,ch 111111!huweln, and is this the coast. It proceeds through o boxe romnar ear or,nhwa Tae tr am oenta a batt!• broke out, and he, the thirst of the 9'arkwa, the chief old -minim contra baby has never leen sick since I be- 29th, and April 5th, 1 Lh, 19th, cold lig arnggleta thr:naho u, the wand. lie aura and trinity, had he, completely forgotten g g gam giving her Ilaby's Own Tablets. 25th, one way second cluss tiel:ets Aaktur"1nae.lrissnuwssooxamosrsur" 2s -o; and has reached a point not far The are a real blessing g what it was all about. It is now Iron, Kumnssi. Next ,oat, it will ho y g to both me- will bo issiiatl from Chicago to points well known, h0lvevar; that a Slight opened right to King's Prom toll's ther ane! child, and I'would not be in North Dakota at greatly reduced During courtship a girl thinks mat• - g 1 g 6 1 without them." Don't let your child rates. riage is a haven of rest in which she manipulationb llisrnnrcl, of tele - a al will n h Capital, and st take the journey e P ) Y w'1 free r worry d car , will be ee f ism all o am e '�r full irvn_•mation to m V suffer, and don't o ' h as time of a o dos it with strop gram set Prance and Germany 17,1- se erre gay instead of two their at pre- g After marriage she has another thiel, Ing at each Other's throats .a genera- sent. In addition to their work drugs or medicine Containing ofliates. trans, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- g tion ago, with results top appalling on the railway, the natives are Give Baby's Own Tablets which yon er, also literature on any of the coming. to Contemplate. taking to cocoa planning on an ex- l Can get from any druggist or by mail above States on application to Chas. SPILLED WATER. tensivo scale, to gold mining, and at 25 cents a box by writing The W, Graves, District Passenger Agent, Have gots re -4 .reM0—Have yah The lvar of the Spanish succession, to farming. Altog°tiror Ashanti Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- IS King St. West, Room 12, Toronto, any skin disease or eruptions? Areyot: Ili which the great dunce of ccessior_ looks as if it hard al peaceful and vills, Ont, or F. 1. Whitney, General Passenger subject to Charing or scalding? Dr,Agntn* Liu W played so conspicuous s and Uril- prosperous future before it, 6 Agent, St. Paul, Minn, Ointment prevents and cures any and all of g P a5 these, and cures Itching, Needing and bant a part, was, i t is said, the out- a A woman's idea of mutual Pleasure Stella—"Tom and I were out driv Blind Piles besides. Oac application bring,. ^°ore of a spilt glass of water at a SPEAKER'S PRUIQUISITES. is to sp0nd the money her husband Ing last night, and I had to drive relief in ten minutes, and cases cured h rujleri"s ball. One of the court The Speaker of the British House earns by the sweat of his brow. all the way," Phyllisr••"Why, what three to six nights. 36 cents. -7t Indies had expressed a, wish for a 'at Commons has several peculiar , was the matter• with Tom?" Stclla— zJass of water in the hearing of the pt•ivileges, Every year ho rCcelvea a• 60 �ppelA9lsfis on the fi e.—• .'Oh, nothing. You don't suppose ha - British and Spanish ambassadors, In the ordinary run of mceical practice a XEEN SIGHT, gift from the Master of the Iltrek- could drive with his feet, do you?" Who returning hastened to fetal it. greater number than this have treated cases hounds o£ a buck end doe ]filled for of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure Sire kresLrel is possessed of such On they each holding a d bad the royal preserves, This custom "—but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets Lever's Y -Z (Wise Hand) Disinfect- wonderful Powers of sight that it is Iar, they found that the fair bird had goes back so fat, that there is no (5o in a box at 35 cents cost) have made ant Soap Powder Is better than able to sae a Molise when it is Itself flown and was dancing with a French record of it. Later In tine year the! the cure, giving relief in one day. These other powders, as it is both soap and at such a height in the air that it stntesmun; and to crown their dis Speaker receives another tributol little "specialists"have proven their real disinfectant. is invisible to the naked human eye. romfiture the English diplomat can- from a different source. The doctors rarerit.— 2 --- gonad against the Spaniard and up- on the second occasion are the Cloth~, 7 JUST TIIE THING. p tl sot the water he was carrying—air at,- workers' Company of London, who G•EI4iliAN SUNDAY-SCIIOOLS. 11•dr. Goocllienrt "eta aiding rhos" Baptist, ��A�pr11 tg g�t.e 1s1�?� q�ist pH anex tinge Ind u an apology and send to the Speaker of era House oil kittens xny clear, the president of a tis T�9sfil6Ei011 an exchange of nourtesies. A trivial Conmxona and to several of His. Ili i:lris coautry the tarts "Suuday- ridiculous incident enough, but it 2%fajesty's Ministers a ganerOUS width school" has a definite meaning, and our society says the most humane INSTANT RELIEF FROA1 COLDS served to inflame jealousies and co- of the beat broadcloth to be found is exclusively used to donote a place way to drawn kittens is to Put them + hent sympathies and thus to turn in England. of religious teaching. In Germany, Irl an ordinary earthen flower -pot and HEADAIDRE AND CATARIIH, urn tile flolver- a u - tho U,alance in Lila direction of war. ---•4 however, Lite racy for commercial se,- then suddenly t t e p t p 'REV. �,RY•$ $TATEiA�ENT: The seven years' war was largely EMPTY NOW, prentacy has ler! to tine establish- side down in a pail of lukewar"A wan due, accordin • to his own confession, Ment of the Sunday -schools at which ter,•• (Lay. ti T, Frey Paster of the &sups: 8 tit. tlatptist Chnr:r, tln(lalo, N.Y., wish to the vanity. of 1oteiiericl, the Great How One Woman Quit Medicine, rvocbaniea etre given practical in' 14irs, Gaodlieart—"Nthy, yes.; that is , I have been greatly troubled With in wanting to see his namo -figure structIon in their trades. There is, a good idea, isn't it, because you coldh, headache and catarrh. Z have for example, a school for masons, at know there is a ]role in the bottom used Dr. results, Oa.tarrhui Pot clue lnrgr,Iy in the gazettes; the Indian "Whilo a coffee user• ray stomach F tv,un bast results, d hwi it has (toile was :precipitated by the car- , mach the students, many of W theno, h Liao flower -pat for the pool, little wonders for me, and 1 wish rat ally is trouUlad mo for years" says ,a !tidyjI mochanies who tc�ar4, eluting the 1vo0k things to breathe through." Mattel it to ovm•yan-," This a•:medy ;s tridges served out to the Sepoys, of Columbus, 0., ' and I had to take t and spare! soveral ]tours on Sunday also a perfect specific for Influenza. 24 which they believed were groaned with medicine all the time. I had what morning ie, lew'aing the higher bran ~� Dr. Agnew's Ointment Is without an equal the fat of animals unclean alike to I thought was the best stomach nodi- chos of their craft. Similarly there Young Man—"I cannot under.%aitd, for Skin Diseases and Piles. Hindu and Mohammedan; autd the clue I could gat, had to keel) gettiltg are Sunday -schools for tailors, Iron•• sir, why you permit ,your daughterto Vurko-llussian war, in the opinion of sue me for breach of proutiso. You it filled all the time at 10 cents a mangers and followers of other 811 adtzirable F'ootl or the thousands, was started by'tbe black- bottle, I did not know what tiro traclos--even barbers and black- remember that ,you were bitterly op- 6A P P Vit, nnith's hammer with cell..!! a TIerzo- cause of my trouble was, but just smiths, posed to our enga.gcm"nt, because I ovinian blacksmith killed a tax col- dragged along from day to day sit(- _-- wasn't good enough for her, and otor who had insultod his daughter, faring and taking xaodicino all the QUEER UNDERCLOTHES. would dfsgraco the family?" Old STOLEN PETT100AT, time. Man—"Young man, that was senti- •'nest quality and s tr m a t• v x. F'x a t a flavour, IF i t 1 r t nn an wear h r, the most Y q q nt• this -' r115inC45 t si • months I nit tan me rs 1 U ludicrous "Abet t oo Among other causes trentrig q curious kind of undarclathirlg, its pe- ........._ ._,...-_,.._., ,. which wars have sprung are the steal- hard cost"e and began drinking Los- caliarity being that it is made of •the Ing of a laced petticoat of a Castile, turn and I have not hard my proscr•111,- skills of birds. Theso skins before , A%4 lady by a Moor, which, with the van- tion tilled since, which is a great Sur- being sewed Eire chewed well b' the Xott can't cuso a Cough or colt! Bette, that followed the tlioft, loci to prise to oxo for it proves that coffee woman. ill order to make them Soft. from' the outside. You must Nutritious, and Ec(mo'nical. many years of fierce warfare betwoon was the cause of all my trouble al- About a hundred steins aro required cure it through the blood. 4R•-21 the Spaniards and the Moor(,; and though I nevar SuSlfectod it. to make a shirt, and tho Jabot, of m 9 -- _.-• - LUe emptying of a bucket by a Flor- "When my friends ask: rue how Ilahewiug the skins which form their Shlol®,fiasn a DFAD7'IFUL FREE Entine citizen on the )lead of a ratan SOO] since I have been taking rostunt , garnleni:s is quite enong-11 J,o account m 61ATCH of Milan who Was passing underneath I say, 'To toll the truth I don't feel for 1,110 massive, well -d volapod jaws Consumption vni CHAN nn^NAaw. iho wiricloty, p at all one that I at itutt i j 0 FOR 36LliQR y g hungry and eat a£ Esquinuxt .'e women, a BLU11 Borrowing a tobacco pit)(, and fail- everything I want and lots of it ,aucl *^-- - Gere The Lung _ t coots you Mottling to owe t de Jr P 6 htaW.nm pfannt eh,et h, MIMI Ing to return it kindled civil war far It never built$ filo and I are harpy. CURIOUS CI ICLI� LAW. Tonic nnnroaa, smtnuieknnm,oxaua g , Axrrong_rnnny curious ]attrs concern- nmm�n,tmsnntab rusaauesnver yyears amort the rival races in the and well slid contented all the title, is the only emedythatwilldothis. �b nni.1.a Atoll axxn Aims, n Famit's and Afghnniatan; a rliSpnto as I could not get ray tamily to It gets right to the root of the nrormnnut..nrm,nnndamnmsa.. Ing capital punishment, none perhaps liveryw4toUfluarnntoad to the relative attractions of §Rails drink Postuni foil a While Until I is more curious than Otte which re- trouble. It is guaranteed toeUre, Yauntsob rnnmab mntadnnb for P W 0111'tlka,a ryrytF }Tlann, the int nr and vipers as, foot! gave rise to fifty mixed it !tea little coffee and kept veils ill aveace. it C:natita that 0 Prices: 181 C. WELLS .'• CO, ni ttMeltIx0!11.00, 119re at once eta years of fighting botwcan Milan and on reducing the amount of Coffee un- Mau, b0ing sorltencod i:O death, shall � 25c. Soo. LeRoy, N.Y., Toronto, Can. ^ ne cent mnnyaal,e4trxud to reek• ,. I sans n 'tarrni n nahlnffnt ,a din Pisa, and it is said two Gcrntnu til I got it all Postum, NOW they await his e;+omxtion for two yonre. _ si.e.t Nasbauyunittta sot it, 0entn m otce� , a Nin hand R states fought far ,years Out of rtvatiry all !ileo ii, one{ alloy novel, belch it Thus for twenty-four misernlilo 15-04 t• enhonoi�nn easesrrr1rahud As to 1!30!!1 respective Mowers of beer up lllto Correa. n atom x n, r.�vm.n t, xsCr� nx amnene,tnsroeax.rNoIFtile i Jngtttits ha lives with that terrF1'!o .,, :shunt.. Every My Panda b atria. drinking, "4Vo all Jcnoiv that Irosttttn is a POS'l'A7, APPARATUS. x' 11711.1 r.ld ration lie tt)a,p01101, r P sine of doom before his eyes, O n end wo 1,ut Hmnecitninly fe. 1 �•-.•^—+_ suivilifne nra "1•. I find it helps one rrurrl�3ro«tin rmtob, and nhnin g g y yi - ^' A Vronch postai ..loch has avolyecl ✓ u,ae11nrmr±renInfoaearh ,run 1' tOai,l, for ivc do oaf, have to think 7I POI,ICI3rlI) N. oomm�nan, wntn�nrs.k t yea "Iso you know, Gaorgo dear, that of aches and pains tilt trio ,.tiro aura I.CSSOiV l 10.. q. simple apparatus roc dispensing annum:x.n, wnaa oat•„ti,iro. 3 Tho 6inr'vo9 Lir. atmq Ua' when you'gavo me your first kills I Tao] 4' tiro Landon police as his whit tela nOs t histank and auablhtg iv eh&ono Can'trso ou.r 'minds fox• ntligr things,,, n_ tlgl utas Ohiet of tile Zurich (Gen- Ono to et his latter franl^ad f ,tat 4bxante,Ong v Fi k� E5i ne t ratr: QUALITY ........ _. CAN BE HAD IN Pads, Wash Basins, 141.111h Pans, &0 Any Frrst•Claes Grocer Cmn SUPPIV you, INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. -a, .�,�.-�-�....,�-�.,,.,—sat..:,-_,•:�,,,,.r.,,.m.mix,:.,-..,--ratxe-�,..r.._a•,..�r..,rrsrr��.ire,-c-csoa±Tcr.�+•sr,�,sr ,�•+� H u e H C ,i )yelng I Gleam I berth a beet ... d anr nark to th, 1s 819ITI311 AP?IERICAN 07FINO GO." Look for moat In Tater toxo, o i aoud at...*. rlontreal,Toronto, Ottawa, Quebail And your have finally decided the Lomentous question?" "Well, no—or not exactly, We leave decirled to A married, but whether we'll bonrd, gap house, or live in a flat, is still r the air.,, Poultry, ALL KINDS Of oaf telrg FRUITS A Farm Pro..gs, duce generally,, an consign it to us. 9 Una we will get IMyou good pricala. THE Dawson Commission oil9 ' r• - '$'®�,2Q1'iQ"3.'O., LatttT[tf'. T, P. Tile East at tho 1•uvsa4at Price intrite 'for Terme REID BROS., MIPS 00.1y) res Iaerix flex, rn. J 32-31 'r Eur � ` rat' was no astonished that I ncarty Naauo rvofl 1'Y Pastern Co" n. tittle xis emit', g a - g evil) police Jnealm ,`.n anal," his loon tar office hours, Tito apparatus can "^— --- - M-- lingi fainted?" i yllaor have 11, yes, dor`• Creak-, Al'icit, iii future be fixed to any pillar -!taxi A coin - Jingl i, sliettld have .)shown bettor !ilio and cello has to bother wltlr ns good, if not bat'tzr. , PAGE "r" •�`� _ � than to ivo ou onl One." the golydat'lt]os aro to reCoive lesso11s :Is dropped btt,o % slot, the emmer of g y y coffee actions and pains is iradly halldf- front professors in civility acrd dr,- the IolO, Is insertod, anti ttxC mtm• AC,ME" ---�- capped _in the xa.cc tot, fame and for- r•ortmont, Thr lessons are to talo ..!Lina st.nxnps tato onvelopo with the "Tlint dress Is becoming, my datsrr" tune, ' Postnm $ a wonderful rebuild- plata at tllo poHro-stations, tvhero anioril pe1d, All you hxvA to do . mitt tho.man wl'n titins ho fs a dip- cry There's a reason. l i(, p those whq iso riot qxt duty vvlll fie •Shen int to frtrJt tin; 101.1"r into a n c - •...... cti .1158«1cssotratll Akaasthigh ... er.e.«elaxr..,o4A0 Far' poultryaAdgarden, ZistUrthot,old ofo^tor a ifloeaidealerbctm, Frelghtivdda korontist, Silo ieOteotl nL hall aald7y. LnoT, in sate! Package lot, this Tarn paraded be£ata the profa$sor Ofi Bair- pillet box fist coJloLtton, r book, " - .. _.--'i^- + : - ._ _ 1t1S0. 666 NOV tdatl lojgbr.....rrr.asr «.. lSr 10 'i HMI Mair:(` W1111 i �111$5#i 00. !}ti4 irlaan 201 tAhali re)i$ied, atJs little lag r Yha Road to \VOLT ding and put through tlfati steps and —_�.. fol a xrlalnant and ..... "Yoti ,lIt An bacomir.tw-ttadttarar Vtllon;-. Attitudos. Sit 1 OILS -0 �et1 Foot roar tockt+igpn,arnrnE lr a rr sr "'S r, n.e,e'u.«« 6rOQ 111'alltorsllld ]tCoutro avium! -' 1Tfr'7'.GdLari