HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-14, Page 5it
Ara. :14, 1904
And 1,11011 111 stod hitn.or
lar cu
/ L/STow.FL
Ta'm 01)0118 e1UJ'ii lith, 1904
Twn Oourloe—
Oommerelal turd Shorthand,
Send for Collage Journal,
A., L. afe(to TY1tJ4, Manager.
{$ Iv''•4�ririar'Tl' r g3
1ONJDont,fl TO LOA
F• 8.800
NT, BrAPowsesPER
1,1T H. Mo0RACKEN—
• Issuer of Marriage Lloenoea, Of -
lice at Grooery,Turnberry meet, Brussels,
nEnoraNED nae several good Farms Iof
talo and to rent, easy terms, in Townehlpe
of Morrie and Grey. F 8, BOOTT,Bru2eel
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
—TPADD1E1t 0E—
amvasEz s. osTx'.
Ohne ovor Horsley'§ Drug Store,
Nov, erd, 1002, 2O•31 Brussels.
Wellington Mutual
Eire Insurance Co.,
Inouonoo taken ou the cosh and premium
note system at current state. Before incur•
ing elsewhere onll on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE 80018108, Brussels•
• EER, will gel/ for better prices, to
hotter mon in lees time and lose charges
than any other Auctionoor 111 Rut Sunni or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at tills o110e or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Hurou County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tun Pose', Brussels, 2211
DJ a Honor ea adman) of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domesticated ani male in a compet-
ent manner, Partlnuiar attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at.
tended to, Office nod? Lnhrmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, NUL
huocoseor to O. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bonk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro.
polltan Batik.
V V Barrietor, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Public, Ice, °Moe—Stewart's Stook
1 door North of Ooutral Hotel.
Bonoitor for the Standard Bank,
W, Peouny00T,R.O, R. 0, Dive
G. F. 130AIR.
Offices—Those formerly 000wpied by Messrs.
Oateron & Holt,
000012I0H, ONTARIO.
M. It., n, m„
Trinity University, Fellow !trinity Medical
College, Member College of Fbysioiaus and
Burgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Ool-
logo of Physicians and Lieeatiato of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh. ta`rTulephone No.14,
Resit; enoe—Mill street, Breegels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgooneof Ontario and Plret•class Bonar
Geadaate. of Toronto trnive 010y, 011100
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallety,
A man to represent "C,1NAoa's G1l214r-
,1sT NunooitEo" in the town of Brussels
and aarrounding COMA*, and take orders
do Fruit 'Trees,, Sipa Fruits,
QI'narhehtais, Shrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Petitions, &c.
Stook true to name and free from San
Jolla Scale, A permanent poeition for
the right men on either salary or
Molle & Wellington
li0NT¢1LL Nt106111l1T1S
f10.8m OW 808 18100
are r108fvr11 from bustueoe Anna and
MANY W,YUDI.NT3aro plueel in Rood
positions anon your by the lama10
T J'Ii
.'arGlir C: F THE
Thin 8011001 stands for thet-Izanns'
ANO BUST 10 business eduoatiou in g
'auada tu•llay. Maley 11Usmesa
legate employ our graduates as teach -
yars, We ht1v0 source of apphoatlnne ,•
110m 0thor 1olIeges, Aolr to see them'
Rho day lou cuter,. eDnlmonUe oaarsn
now, Catalogue free.
W, J, ELLIOTT, Principal,
lutat 'Pews Wm.
FLETauaa Rue hue built a new 0bable
en hie 000, Turuborry street.
CLEAN up and get ready for the Baui-
tory Iumpeotor.
EAST HURON Lioenee Board will meet
at the Central Hotel on Wednesday of
next week to oouaider thn granting of
hotel licenseefor this inepeotorate.
Tim refine gathered on Main street
during the Meier wan hauled away fart
week welciug a deelrable improvement,
1f the work had be=n oouttnaed further
South it would have done no harm.
Pontine AH0AD.—I0 order to keep pato
with hie large and iuoreasiug business in
the manufacture 0f laggings, &u,, W. IL
Willie, of Seaforth, formerly of Brussels,
will erect a two story addition to the
rear of Ma present Store, having purohas.
od the property Home time ago. New and
improved mtohinlry will bo Metalled.
We sylph him uontiu0ed prosperity.
THE Clinton Now 1Jrlt eaya :—A. M.
Kay, the deputy poatno8Oter of the Btrat
ford office, was iu town on Friday. He
h r i
ns toe ved the appointment t
as pest,
tnaster of the eub•ofli0o-which hae recent,
ly bean inaugurated in that city. Hie
ohjeot in vioiting Clintou was td purchase
the old poet oflue fixlure0 that are the
property of W. D. Pair. Besides taking
these off Mr. ifatr's hands, whioh he is
glad to be rid of, Mr. Kay bought Jackson
Bros. big info, for servioo iu the new
INSURE YO1R LETTRRo.—The Poetofrloe
Department hue domded to institute a
system of insurance of iuland registered
lettere. The mnximem a010ant to be
insured will be $26. The insurance fee
for $10 will be 3 Dente ; for $15, 4 Ceuta ;
for $20, 5 Dente ; and for $25, 0 aeon.
Iu additoo, of course, the full postage
and registered obargee must be paid,
Coins, 8rti0008 of gold and silver, p180)000
stones and other articles of value mast be
put in strung boxes, in 0000rdaa00 with
directions fnrniebed by postmasters.
Envelopes with blank or colored bordece
May not be need for registered or insured
13fludo SomnTr.—Tho foliowl0g is the
etatamuut of contributions toward the
Upper Canada Bible Society for 1903 for
Brussels Branch :—
Collection at Annual meeting., .,6 6 42
East—Mines JeWttt & MoAr1er„
West—Ales. Dunaldeon do Mine
Eva MoCeaokou
North—Miesee i010010 ez Menzies
Oona. 3 & 4—Miaeee Strachan &
Cone. 5 & 0—kliesee Mo&rthur &
Smith '
Oona, 7 & 8—Misses Smith et Oar
Oona. 9 & 10—Misses 1ergusun &
Cann. 11 & 12—Mrs. Oemetou &
Mrs. Forroet
Cone. 18 & 14-61too Dunoaneon
Miesee Spence & Slemmon
6th Line—Minna Sharp & Keys
Rud " —Pelisses Bryaus & Eok
Victoria Hall, outle0noe
010N001EFF ,
Misses MOKay & Oemerou10 60
Depoeitory mates for the year70
Total 8189 60
The amount was sgushy divided between
the Upper (lemma Society and the
Quint! Buolety. Several eonoeseion linea
were not reported tine time although the
books were eclat out, Deep 8001 and
stormy' wrather Were given a8 rea00ne fn
1300110 oases tui the omineton. Money
was remitted to Treaeurer Young, of
Toronto, The foregoing baa nothing
whatever to d0 with the epeolul Centex].
Dry oolleotious taken during the past
mouth whioh will be reported elsewhere,
Ur To DATE,—Tho M11011011 Iteuorder
of April 8 speaks as follows of the opening
of Lb moue_ photo studio iu that townby
W. W. 1301000e, formerly of Brussels :—
The chief centre of 1nteteet to town on
Saturday last was the opening of W. W.
Burgess' maguifioont photo studio, in the
building whioh he porohalted a year ago,
Although the weather was disagreeable
considerably over Due thoneand peop.e
tainted this studio during Saturday after-
noon and evening, MUM Woe lurniebod
during the evening by the Agar Broe, and
Fred, Smith, On entering ills. Burgeee'.
studio one is struck with the homelike
and attractive appearance of his parlors,
and the artistic 1x800 shown Mite furuiob-
Mg and deooratioo. He 1)00000080 au
8110elleut large window for aehow window,
and on Gond Friday and Saturday the
display of photos attracted large numbers
of people, 121r. Borgeee intends putting-
iu another email window lot the u10play
of minute Reines and moulding., of
whioh he carries a large and well aesortod
stook., The aline, wnioh ie 111 front of
the studio is looked Lifter by Mise Lloyd,
who also re000ohe0 the photos. Bare is
where the display of pimure frames and
mooldinge le made. It is updated ream
the waitingroom by grill work, The
Waiting room presents tt very home•hlle
appeariteee, the walla and ceding beiug
ncoely d'toerated, the flour carpeted and
the room farniehod with easy obair0,
oouohce and rugs ; a mantel and an open
fire pluom., malting it loop still more envy,
Tvvo dressing teem8, one for ladies and
one for gentlemen, are off )hie department.
In the rear is the work room, A' stairs
leads from the wafting room to the
operating room above, Mr. MaCtite
memo Mr, Burgess in the operating
room, and 2100 ie the finieher. We Would
adv180 everyone to visit titin gallery, as its
oval is not to be found outside of the
10 90
6 05
11 10
6 15
5 70
4 70
4 00
28 06
6 10
30 07
1 85
4 00
3 24
4 £'
L tl
1 have opened up in the Stretton block, two
doors North of the Metropolitan Bank, a Jewel-
ery and Repair shop, All kinds of Gold and
Silver Watches, Choles, Fine .rewelery and
Silverware kept in stook and will be sold at
lowest possible prices.
Have bad a long practical experience in
(look and Watch Repairing.
Customers Dan oonffdently depend on first-
class work in this branch of my Business.
Will Guarantee satisfaction or money Refund-
Kindly Soliciting a share of Public Patron-
larger 011)88, and very few in any of the
elites 000 Oanlpare with it.
Comotenciog with the Ionian, Saturday,
May 7th, the Allan Royal mail steamers
will 041 from Montreal, calling et Quebec
and Rimonelti. Oommenoirlg with the
Parisian, Friday, May 27th, the steamers
will leave Montreal ou Fridaye instead of
Saturdays. Passeugere ono embark
after 8 o'clock an previous evenings to
sailing. The Liverpool Royal moil service
will ooneletof40t0001000, th,• Tunisian,
10,576 tone ; Bavarian, 10,370 tons ;
Liman, 9000 tons ; ',oriels/I, 6,395 tone,
the three fist named being twin moon,
The new turbine 01000.101, the V'etarian,
12,000 tons, is on the list for the 14th of
October, when elle will reptaoe the
Parisian. There will aleo bo a direct
Glasgow and 'Montreal 8ervi08, the
Corinthian, 6 220 tone • Sicilian, 0,284
tons and Sardiii•tn, 4 349 tone, forming
the service. W. H. Kerr is the Lr.oal
A;,'ont at Brussels.
DIED NEAR CamirtRT1 —The following
notion gives further parti0uters of the
11e0•11e9 of Jae. M IIer, brother-in•low to
Mrs. Geo. McMillan, Brussels, of whose
death THE Pose. made reference . tact
week :—Au old resident of the Oromorty
emotion passed ovor to the great majority
on Paster Sunday in the Person of Jae,
Miller. The deoeaeed was born in what
in now a portion of Glasgow and Dame to
this country when quite a young man,
He settled on the term on which he died,
whioh he cleared and improved, Being
of a genial eooiable disposition he made
many friende,•who thought moll of him.
His wife pre•deoeaeed him about four
years, The departed, who was in 1110 73rd
year, had been in the enjoyment of fairly
good health up to his last illoeee. The
cause of his death was pneumonia. The
large funeral testified to the high esteem
in whioh he was held. He was a Metho-
dist in religion. Six sone survive, Joe.,
of Atwood ; William J„ of Henson ;
Simon, at Oromarty ; Alex., at hums;
Alfred, of Toronto ; and Thos. of Sea.
forth, Also two daughters, Mrs. J. D,
Walker, of Staff*, and Margaret at borne,
His remains were laid Weide those of hie
wife in Staffs monetary.
PROSPERITY.—The following note from
a Strathroy paper will be of intermit to
many old friends of Rev. W. T, Cloff, a
former well known incumbent of St,
John's ohuroh, Brussels, now rector of
St. John's ohuroh Strathroy : — This
pariah, ander the faithful ministrations
and energetic oversight of its present
re0lor, the Rev. W. T. Cliff, shows nanny
evidences of material prosperity. A fine,
well planned parish room hae recently
been erected, and will supply a 010011
needed want, Xt will serve for Sunday
School purposes, weekday serviue0 and
lootures and social gatherings of the
congregation. The building Ilse many
attractive and modern features. It hae
tear o'ass-rooms and two well.proportion
ed transept., and has capacity for more
than three noodled people, It is finished
interiorinlly fn polished Bentham pine,
with admirable heating and electric
lighting arrangements. The poet was
some $2,500, and on the evening of it0
opening, February 1411, it Nati round
that all but $500 of this moult bud been
raised. Nor have the ohuroh cud rectory
buildings been overlooked. Within a few
past years the former 11 a0 reoeived oarelul
attention, as the neatly freeooed 0hanoel
and walls show, and by the setting up of
two m019316oent ele01ria ohandeliers. A
handsome polished brooe lectern, coating
$130, has been presented by L. li, Dam•
pier as a memorial to his late wife, and
nonsiderable outlay hoe been made in im.
proving the walks and steps approaching
the mato entraneee to the ohuroh. The
rector i '
y, with its new and epaofaua poral
aur_ verandah, is now It well-appointed
reeidenoe, and further advantages aro
promised for it during the coming Bum -
mar. The Lenten 8ervi018 have been re-
markably well attended. One week doy
crones of leutare0 is given by the motor,
and in the other the ftov. Canon Farthing,
J, M. Guano, Von. Arohdeaoon Rlabard•
eau the Bieho
p of Huron and Rev. 3,
Seton:Adameon, reepe:41001y, take part.
The utmost noisy and hearty 00 operation
seem to prevail with pastor and people,
lied the Divine bleeefng manifestly rests
upon 211.
Tau SPRING FRESHET—Chatham, in
Kent 0o., is one Of the numerous town
that has been deluged with water thin
09118011, The Maple ally is located on the
Themes and hoe numerous creeks and
and big ditches tributary to it eo that
when the snow melte and the river over-
flows there is trouble for many a resident.
The heading of e 4 column article in the
Deily News of that place, dated March
28 reads he follows :—"Chatham in midst
of 03 )Od of water. All furnaces out on
Kink street, and North side residents
reaching and booing houses in boats.
Sahoola and oharehes Moen. Water still
Hain; and much apprehension prevails."
Referring to the condition of King etreet
it remarks :—"A. I. McCall, the drag -
gist, is probably in the worst plight of
any. In bis cellar is stored goods to the
extent of three or four thousand dollars,
worth. i3lost of it is in the way of
barrels and oases far toe heavy to be re-
moved expeditiously, The water fu hie
Cellar in four feet deep end steadily ris-
ing. The goods have by m08.00 of empty
parking casee been raised oat of burro's
way,but if the water continues to rise
the damage done will be great." Drug
gist 11100x11 is a wall Ma two former
Braeselite. We always heard that drug-
gists required considerable aqua para hat
suppose the rush of waters Wa0 rather
t00 wholesale t0 be ntiliz)d.
'1'W faturlltt.tn,
Easter Sunday the ladies in the
Methodist choir appeared in their places
without their hate.
The stook of R. A. D:mglase has boon
purchased by the three remaining drug.
gists in town. 001r. Douglass is opening
a drug stare in Powaessn.
The Firemen have not auosoeded in
eeonring the Band of the 48th Highland.
ere for May 24th, and so have given up
the idea of a celebration.
Geo. Henderson bas Bold his farm on
the Bluevalo road, near Wingbam, to
James Fowler, possession to be given
June let. The form contains eighty
sores, well 8100 tied, and is a desirable
property. The price paid was $6,000,
Mr. Hendereon intends 010013ng it roof•
denim in town during the coming Sinn
Considerable interest was taken on
Tuesday of last week, in the paneaeo of
the Bylaw authorizing the loan of 010,-
000 to Walker & Clegg, of the Uphot0111.
ing factory, for the extension of their
hneinees. The vote was a0 follows
WAND Fon 20AI_80'1
1 59 1
2 . 63 2
3 79 2
4 118 8
Total814 8
Preparations have already began for the
erection of the buildings and work will be
Our Opening of Sprint,. Millinery was
of a most satisfactory character and we
feel confident that with the Fine New
up-to-date Stook we can please the most
fastidious in the latest and most 'fashion-
able goods at reasonable prices
We solicit a, share of public favors
feeling assured our customers will receive
good•value for their money.
Our hearty thanks etre returned for
the patronage already bestowed and ask
for its continuance,
e ammereed immediately, the new
em .. he ready for o1Cuoagny by
my the Into exports wits the
to iture Manfaotonr . 250.000
3 qk h e ready boon puroha-(0d tut a
n,tun r.l., cul .110 01 1 10 worlc, The build- 1
Inge will La u£ a eubatantiol oharaeter,
Bowan, Rro'orr.--The School report
nod promotion examination results of
8. S. N 10 with the names of mile
appear in order of merit an fu11ow0
fir 1V. l x,am, in filet., Lit., Gram.,
Pay •-•Ne lie Coombe, Ethel Anderson,
David Juhneton, M091)8 Miller, Jeanie
8,mpeon, Ernant Shaw, Ralph Shaw,
Daniel O"fools, Neil Robb. Aigheat
I to Irks in Lit.Nett Robb ; highest marks
iu Pey., Jennie Simpson ; hlglieab merits
in Gram., David Johnston ; highest
marks in Met., Daniel O'Toole. Pro-
moted from Sr, III to Jr. IV --Lizzie
linos, Aline Cnombee. From Jr. III to
Sr, III—Wit/is Breen, W. ;d. Anderson,
Frank Shaw. From 8r. 11 to Jr. X1I.-
Mery Forrest, Vella _Robb, fezzie
Breokem•idge. FrOm ,Jr. II to Br. II.—
Arthur dhow. J. L. STI{ACNAN, Teother,
0So•r 08119',
Levi Whitfield, 12th con., porahaaal a
tltoro' bred Durham bull from Frank
(Rich, of Tnokeremith, recently. Hu ie a
fine animal.
A library, eoanieting of 75 volames, hag
been instituted in B. B. No. 10, whioh
should prove very useful to the pnpile
and parents.
Before eoh0ol closed for Eager van tion
n collection waa taken in the Whitfield
eohool in aid of the Sick Chddren'a
Hospital, 1.
about $5 00 being raised by
pupils and teacher. On Thursday tarter•
noon an interesting program eoo0istili9 of
recitations, readings, dialogues, munin,
etc, woe given by the pnpile et which
quite a number of visitors were present
0110w1ng the Internet taken by the people
of the 0001i0n in their Wino'.
• l9
8cnSewn.BEPJNT.' 'tT following het
standing of the ;alpha of B. H. No. 3 for
Alarah :—Cines 1V—George Barron 003 ;
Ms!". Talton 500; Bratrios 4Vhitiield
471 ; Edmond McNeil 4130 ; Charlie
Strath 324 ; Heigh $Moil 267, fliasa
III—John Strath 603 ; Kenneth McLane
470 ; Sandy Borrow 286 ; Aiime Cneia 27,
OIa84 II—John Casio 6 Part II Sr.—
Louie Whitfield 403 ; John Oarmithael
163 ; Augns Carmichael 157. Part II
Jr.—Annie McLean 336. Part I—Millie
Casio 90. At the examioationO the fol.
lowing promotions were made. Flow Sr.
III to Jr, IV total 790—Kenneth Mo.
Lean 600 ; John Strath 566 ; Sandy Bar.
run 420 ; Alice OuOio 418 From Part II
Sr. to Jr. II total 300—L,aie Whitfield
235 I John Oarmiolmel 178, From Part
II Jr. to Part IL Sr. total 230—Annie
Morison 226. Mies T. Swrrzsn, Teacher,
Bottum Riteowr: -The following is the
standing af'tbe pupils of S. S. No. 10 for
the mouth of March :—V Class,—aeoii
Comte. Sr. IV—Clara Rtthweil 82 ;
Cela Rothwell 74 ; Curtis Rothwell fill ;
Arthur Denman 67 ; Roy Hanna 64 '
Hanna Lynn Evans 60 ; Charlie 47 ; Roy
Oxtoby 43; John Campbell 42 ; May
Oxtoby 41 ; James. Comte 40 ; Bo11hia
Spalding 35, Sr, III—Florence Whit-
field 07 ; Mamie Dennlau 04 ; Ch:lr fe
Buttrey 63 ; Jeesie Campbell 61 ; Eva
Ratbwell 62 : Andrew Doull 58 ; Stith
Eng'er 56 ; Stanley Bambino 51 ; Grace
Spefran 45 ; Louie Engler 44 ; Cheater
Baker 39, Jr. III—Willie Bpeiran 54
John Holleobeek 52 Mary Taylor 48.
Sr. II—Alma Bpeiran 09 ; Katie Den.
man 68 ; Pearl Oxtoby 66 ; Blanoha
Whitfield 68 ; James Donll 53 ; Maggie
Ward 51 ; Perry Ward 49 ; Wilfred
Whitfield42, Jr, II—Iva Bpeiran 70 ;
George Evans 68 ; Myrtle S eiran 06 ;
Lily Beane 60 ; Robt. Pickerel) 58 ;
Della Whitfield 4 ; Herman Piokerell48,
Sr, Pt, II—John Hyde 76 ; Marguerite
00lutohieou 68 ; Mary Meehan 67 ; Alex,
Hyde 52 ; Remit 000tte 50 ; Minnie
Hanna 46 ; Willie Ward 40. Jr. Pt, II
Freddie Cox, Sr. Pt. I—Har1we11
Speiran. Jr, Pt. I—Stanley Meehan,
Lamy Taylor, Wesley Ballantyne, Millie
Cox, Average attendance 40,
S. B. L.tllorlr, Teacher.
Wm. Bowden left for the Old Country,
where he intends pnrobaeing and 1113
porting a number of entire home..
A few of the farmers luoky enough to
still have a nnmbor of maple trees Capon
the place are just now making maple
Stephen Rieke, who reeentiy moved to
town from Hibbert township, wee t..ken
ill of internal bleedlug and although
alightly improved, he is stili in a low
state of health.
The matter of a raise in Rotor Per-
kins' stipeud wee considered at the East.
0r Vestry meeting and it was umanf-
anoasly decided to give him a raise of
$100, malting the total salary $760.
Wm. Hawkahaw, who for n number of
years has combatted the Commeroial
House, leaned this famous 110Otiery to
E. Muslim, of Rldgelown, for a term of
years. The new landlord takes posses-
sion on May 18th,
Ohne. Box, township of Stephen, has a
Dow that gave birth to four mine within
eleven months—two pair of twine. He
also _tae another Dow that gave birth to
twin calves, making three pair of twin
oalvee in eleven months,
The many friends of Mise May Arm
strong will be pleased to learn that elle
has twilit:Wetly recovered from her
recent nooident ae to be able to leave the
Hospital et London and is now visiting
her cousins the Miseee _t riend, She in.
tends returning to Iter home in the
0010800 or a few weeks.
Digging potatoes fn the month of
Ranh i8 oert0inly an nreneual thing in
this oomitry, bnt such has been the
000upation of One of our oi0izene during a
few moments of last month. Joitu
Noroy tailed to gob all of hie potatoes in
the garden dug last Fall, consequently
as 80011 as the snow disappeared he
sought ant the spot where they were
supposed to be and unearthed several
hills of flue When. The potatoes had
not been fro0en nod whon cooked were
found to be in a good state of preset,
vation, being better than if they had
been Rept in a cellar during the Winter,
Tho fleet boat of the season left Detroit
for Cleveland on Saturday of last week.
Dr, sI, 8, Hanson, of Sandusky, a form.
et Londoner, has lately dieoovered that
he is the owner of valuable and apparent.
1y inexhaustible deposits of mineral mien,
The doeter has a radon of 640 Wen ab
Summit Lake, neat` /tat Portage, 0,11,,
on the line of the 0anadlan Paeido raft•
way. It le only two miles from tho
Bi- Y7 H.
" Spring Dress Goods
This week we show a great variety of New Spring Dress Goode in ail ..
the new styfeo and weaves. Now is the tame to select your Spring Drees
white the stook is as its best. Ite,uw we mention a f0w liuee whioh are now
vary popular:
Voiles, in plain lane, I%nop and 13ourette etyleo, io blank and Wore, at 750,
$1 and $1 1
Blaolt Lurtree are in great demand this 01900)1. We show a 1401 tangs f0
brook and. coluro, 80 20o,.30o, 5(!m 011,1 75o,
Blnok Venebiaus, 54 inches wady, fits fiuieh, of 733v, $1 and $1.50.
nfanvaeo cloth in blade, navy and gray, at 760 and $1,
Fano,/ Flake Dress Goods, fn ail oolore, 4'G halon, all wool, good valao at
500, for 35).
We also 01101, ala irnmenue range of E taminoe, Panamae, Surges, Habit
Cloth, end other fabrics in plain and fanny,
Our ,took of Wash Geode le very large, Otto spare will not allow e
full description, suffice itis to say we show a fell range of Marline, Lawne,
Orancid lee, Dimitloe, aortic, Oh1Oks, P.quoe, Anj'ure, Spoto, Fanolea, Woven
L'enoy M-phrye, Chambray%, Kui0kere, Dentine-, Vsetings, Linen Orasbee,
Flaked Litwin, Eto.
railroad to the mine. An expert minting
engineer has recently carefully prnsp: ct
ed the property and reports that the
Inion crops oat on a strip of I05 •teres
ou the border of a little lake. Dr. Elan •
eon contemplates going out to his prop.
0rty in June.
To Provo what Anti -P.111, f1ie Great
System Treatment
nt vvi l
1 don
nr n
Every ,Inn,leror tett% paper may ,tnve
A Sample Mottle sent free Uy matt.
Derangement of the etomaoh is re.
epouetble for maoh sinkueee, and suffix.
ing. Every organ of the body depends
upon the stomnob for its nutriment and
strength,—If the etomanh is not workin4
right the blood uarrice t, the liver, heart,
nerves and kidneys tissue imperfect
nutrition. They become weak and 1111•
able to port ,rm their wort:—become
Winged, diseased, and throw out their
dietrese Symptoms. Now yen may get
s1amulative, temporary relief by the
taking of a kidney, liver, nerve or Heart
epeotfie, but the cause romaine.—Tb,,
stomach was at fault, and so long a0 it
keeps loading the blood With impurity—
waste, co long will the blood transport
nod depoeit disease breeding elements in
the weak p!aoeo. Wheu you feel sick
help the stomach first. A well 010ma011
means a well body, Anti Pill, the Great
System Treatment, ie a new dieo•tvery
that has a marvelous influence incorrect
lug system ailments. Addrese, Wilson•
Fyle 00., Niagara Falls, Ont., for free
sample. Regolar size, a month's treat•
mens, 50 Dente at druggiete. Sold in
Bras-ele by Jas. Fox.
CO: 1
"'-' rt `
The time is come that you
may want to buy aBuggy and
we are glad to say we are ready
for you as we have now on hand
any quantity of the finest Bug-
gies that can be got anywhere to
choose from. Prices right.
A number of first-class Farm
Wag'n s,.with low or high wheels,
either 2;- or 3 inch tires. Also
a= few 8 -spring Democrat Wagons.
Be sure and call and Bee
what we can show you.
Joh,r,Cobol' & Boas
We are now 'opening up for.
Ladies or Gents or the Little
Tots either.
We Invite Your Inspection.
We have everything complete and can supply you with any
style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good
article. We have now for sale one set Second-hand Team
Harness and three sets Second-hand Single Harness. Call
and see them.
I 'FOR SALE—Two Dwo111og Houses, , acre of land with eaoh,'having large and
email fruits of various kind9.
1 cka
a1 t
d ,'•s.
A @;
A rT
,'i 414;11 1..10 11'11'10'aetnp
Wo are pleased to announce tl at after the long period of
difficulty in getting goods forwarded by the railways we are again
to the fore with a very large stook of Spring Goods in all lines.
We also have a good range of union, All Wool and Tapestry
Carpets that aro sold cheap.
We are at your service with'the 33.11(131 OF EVERYTHING
at the L O%EBT PRICES.
SXi, AL_ lti4 411. taRt�!!!I ty