HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-14, Page 4�fi v family reeidenee, Rev, Mr. Tnrnbali, of L ,lr 1 IGSS,CIS OS 14 Goderioh reed the solemn Service at the grave. The pellbearere, who were old friends of the deceased, were3ndgeDoyle, 1 THURSDAY Judge alt RST�e1Y, APR. �.�, 1904.. J ge $ ^Ibariff Reynolds, Mayer Lewis, Denis' Maodoaald and John Galt. community. At the time of her dereaee Iha MS ZO years of age. Her autone I Y deed] le deeply deplored by numerous friend° end bag been n terrible ehook to her true and devoted sraudpareete, as well to her parents, sienna tied brother, We extend our most heartfelt sympathy to all of the bereaved tami.y, T1,e funeral book plane on Tuesday et Oarlyle. Te•owbr•itl;:tO. B. MetOormiekanent Beeler in Toronto, T. J. Tughen epent Beeler at tiiakeon with his slater, Mra, G, Alen.l Dire, Milheueen, of Bruaeeie, is venting her parents, Mr. end Mre, Daily. A. McLeod bas purchased the property formerly owned by Mrt. 13. Oliver, Mise Mitsui Owens is in Atwood aeeieting Mics Goveionit with her millinery. J. Auemau has purabaaed Mr. Mu Leud'e property. That mama one mo e baohelor'e hall, The fernters have been drawing the material fur the new personage. The work is be commenced as soon as the weather will permit. THE FIELD OB' SPORT. Loddon will enter a beam in the W. F. A, The Wingbam Football Club organized Taeeday night last week with the follow• ing ofiioers ;—Hon. president, D. T.11ep burn ; president, Dr. A, J. Irwin. ; vies - president, E, Moore ; Captain, W. Bar- gee() ; eeeretary.treaenrer, S, M. Robin - eon ; managing committee, D.1). Wilson, E. ,1rloore and W. Bargees. They have entered the Intermediate aeries. For the senior eeriee of the W. F. A. the following provisional eobedule wad drawn Double Series, Galt at Berlin, May 20. Seaforth at Galt, May 24, Berlin at Seaforth, May 27. Seaforth at Berlin, June 8, Galt at Seaforth, Jane 7, Berlin at Galt, June 11. Seeforbh at Berlin, June 14. Galt at Seaforth, June 18. Berlin at Galt, June 21. Galt at Berlin, June 28. Seaforth at Galt, Jaly 1. If Dandas joine the senior aeries a new echednle will be drawn up. Bna09ELs FOOT BALL EXECUTIVE —At a meeting Of bre Intermediate Execrative on Tuesday of last week it wag thought advisable to have President Ballantyne and Treasurer Gilroy oat' upon the people of the town for support for the teame tbie coming Summer. "Billy" Cameron was appointed Manager of the Junior team, and was inetraoted to look up the players. The Herold Jarvis concert was dropped and a local °omert will arranged on about the end of April. A strong team ehnald be put on in the Intermediate serine as they have about 12 players available for the defence. Manager MaLenoblin wee the delegate to Berlin to look after the interests of the two Champion teams. He went on Thursday afternoon to attend the Examtitive meeting that night. Pelee Island, lite Doughtral Climate and Promising industries. Pelee ie an island sixty miles South of Windsor, twenty miles South of the Canadian shore, and twentylive miles North of the American shore, with several islands lying to the South and Wert. The Weed lying to the North ie Galled Kelly's Ielaod, and a email np. heeval North of that Galled Middle Is- land, making Pelee the extreme point South in Canada. There are several islands Westward, Pat•in•Bay being an American Island, a very interesting spot for Summer resorting. Luing to nue North of it are Middle Bass and North Bete ; a few miles North lies an island, usually termed 014 Hen, with three others known ae the Obiokane, But none of these islands are to be compared with the great Pelee, which consists of more ground than all the others put: to. gether, thirteen thousand acres, contain- ing one hundred and forty farms under cultivation. Pelee population is six hundred and eighty people, consisting of farmere, and on the outskirts of the is. land, pound fishing and gill netting. I am sorry to say ebe has been kept in the background with her untold riobee. She is undoubtedly the garden of Canada ae a fruit growing country and the oiimate ie unequalled. Grapes, peaches and all sorts of fruits are raised in abun• danoe, also hitherto() on the upland, leav- ing three marshes eoneietiog of three thoneaud acmes of eoil that will prodaoe the detest potatoes, corn and grain with less labor than in any other part of Can- ada. While those faote are true of the yield. lug capacity of the island, there are many other paying indcetriee that have not been unfolded, snob as building stone, limestone, sand, pad the proper May for brick, and down in het mother earth lien the untold flow of prude petroleum, On Pelee /eland at one time eeversl acres lay under water bat by means of a dredge large annals were made running from the East to the West of the island and to the North where at each point they have °obstructed a large pump whereby was pumped the water of the soil, making it one of the most !era ized properties known. Pelee Island ie noted for her large moequitoes at certain seaeons of the year, also the fishing grounds that sur- round her, several bnndred thousand dollars' worth of fieb being sold from her fishing pomade each Spring and Fall. On the Northwest point of the inland some of the brightest futeileote of the United States have oonstrocted a olnb house, where they spend seseral weeks flshfng eaeh Spring and Fall, On the Northeast point of the island stands a lighthouse that pilots many a large Craft over the shoal piaaee in the channel of Lake Erie. There ars three Morse on Pelee, two at the North End and one at the West Side, the latter being the best business spat. Pelee has one hotel, a Maaoabee ball, town ball, one wine cellar, two dooke, one government dook and one private dook, three poetoffioee, Nortb, South end West, also four oharahee, Methodical), Episcopal, Usiverealiet and Oatholi0. There are four schools and one doctor. The island has for her traneporbation a000mtnodation,the steam. et Linooln, which rune to the mainland. Moir times a week, tonobing the Canad- ian pointe of Windsor, Amheretburg, Leamington and Kingsville, and Saw dnakY, Ohio. I would just say here a few worde for the people of Pelee, They are not a foreign raoe, saoh se Pollaoks or Rotten• tote, but an intelligent rase of British subjeotg, Wm, J. Boson, Fire took plane in the new wing of Ri- deau Hall, at Ottawa. The Conabesa of Moth, who is laid up from bet regent accident, was carried down stairs, and eeveral of the heneehold weaned in night deems. The damage wee $40,000 01 $80,- 000, The late Alexander Aitehebon M'aokid, inepeoborof the Trost and Guarantee Company, who died at bis home 108 Dowling avenue, Toontc, an Wednesday night. Of last week buried in his g , was a g na• live town of Goderioh 0n Good Priciest,' Pelor bO leaving for that place Rev, Bernard Bryan oandooted a secvine at the' Readmit, t, The editor of the Obeerver and family now reside in the new Fatty block. 11 J. D. Gook inn gone to Detroit and Baginaw where be will spend a oottp;e of weeks bnildiug up his health. Alex, Lewie leaves fur Atwood, where he has 'mowed as eminent position es foreman in a tin shop at $00 a month, N. (lamina was in town and reports the matters oanseeoted with the eleutrio road to be in a eatiefaotory condition and that the road will be rundieg before the Bummer 003000 este in. Waiter Laminates hoe retnrned from London where he had spent three weeks in the hospital and underwent en oper• titian for appendioitie and as internal growth on the stomach. He le improving rapidly, ea.aet,lortll. Jackson was elected to the roan• oil of the 0. L. A. at the annual meeting. Mr. Jackson stood second on the list, Mre, M. E. Watson, nee Miss Maggie Campbell, of New Westminster, B. 0., ie vieiting her ano'e, Alex. Davideon, for a short time, Miss gate Cowan, who has been teach ing eohool in Port Arthur, has been laid up for some time with a revere attack of rh r amatiem. The Presbyterians have secured the use of Cardno':: hail in whieb in hold their eerviues while their own church ie being repaired. The Bell Engine Co. have recently in stalled a new Oiuoiun.,tti Millitlg Ma013. the, whiols will enable them to do many lines ofe work a great deal more rapidly. A handsome prize has been given by Toronto New' to Master Henry Larkin, eon of Rev, F H, Larkin, for fn exoeed. inglywell written essay entitled "Bunten on Lake Huron". There wets about fifty from outside lodges at the Masonic LAge of Iuetrao• tion hrid berg ou®Monday of last week ander the direction of the District De. pnty Grand Master. If -.i Mi tilt so' eu i . Bd. Bricker, eon of J. K. Bricker, of Listowel, left for Lansing, ltlioh„ where he has neared a good situation. The farm of the late Alexander Smith, on the Wallace boundary has been par. chased by Jas. Bartley far 20,500. A marble tablet to the memory of Robt. and Mrs. Menlo, is being plaosd in Christ church by the coos and daughter of the deceased. The members of Rob Roy Tent, K. 0. T. M., oeiebrated the fifteenth miniver. eery by holding a bengnst at the Grand Central on Monday, evening of last week. The congregation of Christ ebnroh, Lietowel, presented W. and Mrs. Witter with a cabinst of pearl handed knives and forks before their departure for Guelph, Mrs. Pelton, daughter of J. J. Stewart, left on Tuesday of Net week for a short visit with friends in Detroit after which ebe purposes going to New York, where elle will enter a hospital with the inten• floc of graduating as a nnree. A. F. Binning, son of W. E, Binning, of Lietotwel, war married at Medicine Hat to Miss Emma 13. Trimble. A few evenings previous to his marriage Mr. Binning was preeented by the o&Lizette of Medicine Has with a handsome puree. W. Climie, of the Listowel Banner has just returned from a trip to California. While in Sau Franoisoo he saw tbeYoong Oorbebt—Jimmy Britt fight. The for- mer is a son of J.11. Bothwell, of Den- ver, Coe, formerly of Listowel. Mr dlimie writes in his paper :—The boy. is a magoiflcently made fellow, live feat three inches high, twenty four years of age, and fought at 180 pounds. He is an intelligent looking, and -spoken fellow and bas not the slightest appearance of the tough in hie speech or manners, I saw him at bis training quarters bbe morning of the flgbt and matted with bim awhile about his relatives whom I knew. .:A t.'t'd 004l. W.F. Forrest's saw mil! shut down for a few days owing to the weter rising in the engine room. Miss Belle Patton left on Monday of last week on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. 0, H. Fnllarton, of Win. Mester. Elma Cheese Co. will begin the manufacture of cheese on Monday, April 8th, March batter was shipped on Tueeday to Hodgson Bros , .Montreal. Messrs, Cameron and Woods have received the coutraatfor the continuation of the earpsnter work of the new Pres. byteeitin ohnroh shed and the cement work to Geo. Coghlin. The Bee of last week says :—The community was deeply ehooked when word was received by telegram on Sat. day eve by Jae, Donaldson informing him of the death of Mies Lottie Barrie. The telegram, whioti was addressed to he, Doualdaoo, sr., 'was handed to Jae. Donaldson, jr., who was in the village, He, thinking it wee for himself, opened it. It le needless to gay that Jim was almost stnnned, and then the gad duty of breaking the news to his parents devolved upon him. Tae newe was terrible ie its suddenness as none of the family had the siighteet inkling of her illness. A letter was received a number of days previous addressed to lilies Maud Harris, but as Mand was visiting at Samuel Love'e the letter wag not opened. It was from her sister, Mre. Draper, of Brandon, end stated that she had reedy - ed a letter from her atop mother, Mrs. 0, E. Herne Of Larl I d Ad tt. Outing thin Lottie was confined bo bed with inff.tmmation of the bowels. No more word was received owing to the snow blooliade in the West. Lottie was the daughter of 0, E. Harris who f5 at preeent living at Carlyle, Am. Her another died when Lottie was quite young and the family was given in charge of their grandparents, Jas, and Mrs. Donald - eon, sr., of Atwood, who proved the most devoted gaurdiaus end did all in their power to advance the intercede of the children Lottie Lo was forea y re an exceedingly bright pupil of the Atwood public soitool, Some time ago she went to Brandon, Man., to reside with her father, Here the wee a euooeteful pupil of a high echoed. She nitimetely easept• oda pool/don as bookkeeper fee a firm in the uhriviug town of Carlyie. Here the Nome a general favorite and her madden death cast a gloom Over the entire or►•int. J. H. Holmes, of Victoria University, Toronto, wen visiting his father, Rev, J. W. Bolmee, in town. John Miltoon wan in Barrie laeb week on heathen. He purposes buying a livery business' in that town. John M. Kine f Senn o B t Ste. M,rie, paid a visit to bus parents here last week, He was attending the Teachers' Oon• %menet) in Toronto. Wuiteohnroh appointment of the Methodist March kindly remembered their pager, R',v, 0. 0. Keine, by giving bim a liberal supply of Date. OBIT.—We record the death of another of our old residents in the person of Susan Pierce, tenet of the late Thomas Pierce whiuh tookltun at the e reaidaoae of her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mase, on Easter Sonday, et the age of 70 years and 4 months, Deceased has been suffering for the past year and for six months had been almost bedfast. Her retrains were laid to rest in the Gerrie cemetery on Taeeday afternoon beside those of her late husband, Rev, E. A. Hall taking charge of the sereioea at the house and grave, Mrs. Mase bas the sympathy of the whole °immunity in her bereavement, The axonal Vestry Meeting in non.. neebion with St. Stephen's church was held Tuesday evening of last week. Wardens reported Aliening in prospei'oas 000dition, ba,uuae being on Saud to pay for fdrneae in the Beototy also smarm wind.,we and other repairs. The Fer• gnsou i estate money which was uver• drawn daring the inoumbenoy of the last Rector had not since been touched and therefore had accumulated some In - torso and if left for some few years longer would again regain its former amount, The following efficient were elected t—Mr, Langley, Lay repreeent• alive to the Synod ; Henry Harding, Olergyman's Warden ; David Hioke, Peoplee' Warden ; James Elliott, H. Holmes, W. Sharpie and 0. Spence, eidesmen. The resiguation of the organ- ist, Mrs. Litt, was read and on motion was received. The Wardens end Reo• tore were regmated to secure another, NO efrimansco. No differenoe le made as to the kind of Piles that Hem•Roid onre°. The names Internal External, Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, oto., are simply names of the different stages through which every nate will peas if it oontinueelong enoogb,• Piles are canted by congestion or stag. natiou of blood in the lower bowel, and it takes an internal remedy to remove the cause, Dr. Leonbardb'e Hem•Roid is a tablet taken internally. It is a permanent owe and no else of Piles bas ever beep found it failed to onre, 'Money beak if it does, A guarantee with every package. Sold in Braseele by Jas. Fox. Perth County. South Perth Spring Fair will be held at St. Marys on Thursday, April 21. F. H. Tbompeort, was ohosen by Mit. obeli Council, as town oolicibor for 1904. The "Exoelsore" of Mitohell, are think- ing of entering a team in the junior settee of the 0. L. A. The warmth of South Eaethope bad the enow on the townline between the village and Stratford limits worked with a diso barrow. Stretford labor unions are ooneidering the advieabiliby of eroding a delegate hu England to point ort the state of the le, not market in Canada. Ohne, Struthers, of Donegal wan whit. tling a Wok a few days ago when the knife slipped and made a hasty gash in his breast, near the heart, A.residenb of Huron street, Stratford, who did not lift bis potatoes last Fall, found them perfectly good when he in. veetigated life Spring to see bow they were. Workmen are again employed on the new Y. M. O. A. building, Stratford. The operations will be pushed tbrauth as rapidly as possible. It is expeated that it will be fluished some time in June, Vital Methane's se registered with City Clark Lang, Stratford, during March were ;—Births, 22 1 marriages, 8 ; deathe, 12. There have been but three marriages registered time the end of January. Jae. Bell has moved from itlaKillop township to Stratford and has rented the residence of Sampson Webb, ourner Douro and Well et, Mr. Bell will ge in• to the denying and teaming business there. A committee of 0(Idfello wa, of Bt. Marye, has made applioation for a liesase for the opera hones building, the Men. bion being to turn that Moak into a first. aloes commercial bOtel if rt lionise is granted, Water pumped by the Stratford wider. works during March amounted to 81,214,- 400 gallons, a daily average of 1,000,918. The changeable weather, and nonentity of keeping tape running early in the month brought the average op. It is now below the million daily. Jas. i in elms a LaneieePrairie, a B. permed away, The dcasedgentl. man was one of the early settlers of Fullerton, having lived on lot 11, oon, 2, of thud townehip op till about flfseen years ago, when ho moved out to. Britieb Colombia, Mr, Livingstone was well and favorably known in Fallarbon and Mftohell. Ile was about 70 years of ago, and a very largo family survives, V86 141. .f'08`.i~' The many friends of Mee Grew M Minohiii, of iihaltespeere, who ban been u nrat•in.traioing tit the Ifoepitttl at North Ad•,ms, Mase, will be pleased to learn elle bats been promoted to matron of the Hospit',l 51 Wuiltraberrt>, Pa, Mee, Malcolm Melnnee, of Mitchell, died vary tu.ldeniy on Mester ligudny morning at the age of 72 yenre. She had been about doing hof• week Batneday, itp- pareutly ut the bent of health, and her euiden ending cisme ae it greet esrpriae, Deoettesd wee it member of tliu Presby. ferias ohursh, The fuuetal took piece ,n1 Taeeday, It is understood that the Home Meurer. ia, Congregation (Episcopalism)), of Strat- ford, have arsjoired the tot etc the aprons of Waterloo and Douro streets now oe- oupied by a email store, where, as wan 'Wakeated as likely soma time ago, their new church is to be built. Plans for the oharah will now be prepared, Tbie eon. eregatlon will soon have a noel home and room tar expansion. Their new church site was bought from J. 3, Mabee, II, C. Ieaao Hord, of Mitobell, who is off ou the Jerusalem trip, sent a large number of poet cards, addressing one to each of his hands in the store, and reached Mit• ohell last week. The cards are very pretty, containing different views of the Island of Maderia, Mr, Hord said there were 12,000 letters posted at Maderia by the delegates. He also said they were all enjoying good health, and had a pleasaut voyage so far, and that the weather was excellent. The new R, 0, ohuroh, at Stratford, is to be a bendeome edifice, 68 by 188 feet, and bniit of red pressed br•ok, with brown atone trimmings, slate roof and St. Marys atone foundation. It will be of the gothic style of architecture, There will be a basement to be used as a ,eoture room, but it will not be fluted up for soma time after the cherub is opened. A tower and spire e 100 feet high will alma be built. The flouting all through will be in oak, seats to be of the latest im• proved make, ceilings panelled in plaster, and hard wood floor. Both gas and electric light will be need for lighting purposes and the bnildiug will be heeled by steep). d.aaoarseiirt.nt Ni The Northern Elevator Company will erect it large flour mill at Winnipeg. Airs, Shirley, an elderly woman, was killed by a Metropotitaa ear, Toronto, Martin Jarman, of Kingston, was kill. cid while trying to board a moving train. Three hundred men have been laid off at the Greed Trnnk Point St, Charles shops. J. B. Drolet was isnooked down in a boxing mutest at Quebec, and died next morning, Franuie J. Monro was burned to death in a solitary but in Viotoria Paris, Toronto. J. H. Antliffe, of Ottawa, who was injured"by a street oar some weeks ago, ie dead. Five young Ohineso students at Van. oonver went sailing, and are auppoeed to be drowned. Two men suspected of robbing Mitchell's private bank at Fteeherton, time been arrested at Ifemilton, W. F. Benham, Reeve of Yarmouth, was nominated for the Oammons by the Liberals of East Elgin, Peterboro' ratepayers will vote on the bylaw to gnarantee 2100,000 bonde of the sugar company on May 6, Dr, Bookly, Coroner of Prescott, died in the Ogdensburg, N. Y., hospital after undergoing an operation. The Magnet Oreamery Separator Cam• pane's factory at Gnolpb was damaged by nee. Loss about 275,000. Henry Robinson, of Toronto, e oommer'sial traveller, was found dead in bis roam in a Montreal hotel. Another smallpox victim has been found among the party of Saaiob tm- migrartte guaruuiined at Winnipeg. A German woman, patient at St. Boni. face; Man , Hospital, threw herself ort of an upper window and was killed. In a freight wreck on the Interootonial Railway near Rothesay, N, B , nineteen Care were wreaked and fifty cattle killed. The Legielatnre by a vote of 62 to 14 declined to bear Sturgeon Falls poblin school supportere at the bar of the House. The body of Mies Beatty, who dieap peered from Owen Sound on March 20, has been toned at Veil's Point, frozen stiff, Elliott Hobart and John Kirkey were drowned while dunk hunting in a small lake near Temperanoeviile, in North York. John MaOotlnm, of St, George, lay down on the railway, was struck by a moving freight and was probably fatally injured, fleury Boatillier was arrested at St. Margaret's Bay, Nova Scotia, on a charge of murdering Charles White in a row among a railway gang. At a meeting of the council of the University of Manitoba it wee decided to reonmmend the addition of six professiore to the university tenuity, IMPORTANT NOTiCES FOR BALE—LOT 207 ANI) 1. dwelling booreou, Noitlt-weeb ooruer WOliatn and Albo,'b Street's, Bttiseels 40 -ti 3, mouiti►1, 0, 0. 1+''. Court Penman' Alexandria, No, 24, 0, 0. F„ Brussels,meebe in their Lodge Room, lilne- hill liioat ne the 2nd anti last Tuesdays of reefs month, n t e o'Cloolt. Vlalbiug brethren always tvoleutue. 348, BURGESS, '1 R. 1v810Trilt SMITH, it, S. ONYX TOLOAN,—bl25,000. We have the above amount of pri- vate fnnde to loan on real estate mortgages at 4k and 0 per omit. Easy terns o1 repay- ment and eons of loan moderato. Pii0II1.3FOOT, HAYS & J.iLAIR, Barristers, &o„ Goderteb, Q THORO' BRED SHORT HORN te Nulls for sale. One is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered (lows awl Heifers, Apply to JAffiiO4 SPDIR, Lot 80, Oon, 0, Morrie Twp.r oe erue- eels P. 0, 22-tf Prize Winning Short Borns for Sale. Eight young Bulls from Imported and home bred oowe got by Imported Sire, Also Lowe and Heifers of di$oreut ages. A few pare bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks old, for sale, Sieve n quautihy of Seed Peasthe Early J une variety, to dispose of. It is a medium sized white pea end were grown from Bard from near North slay au tl yielded over 97 bu,beis be the acre, free of,bugs, Will also sell a good aged working and driv8ly 6f hoses. 13. MILNE & SON, Ethel, NT, °TICE OF APPLICATION.— in the Sum -name court aT the Colony or Bursa. In the matter the guardianship eon Webster Stitt, Thotuas ylester Mitt, and Annie Florence Stitt, thein- fant children of Mary Anti Stitt, of the Towuebip of McEillop, in the Oonnby of Huron. deceased. Notice is hereby given, that atter the ex- piration of twenty days, from the Arab pub- lication of this notice, application will be made to the Surrogate Court, of the. County of Huron, for tt Grant of Letters of Guard- ianship, of the above named infants, to Samuel Stitt, of the Township of lrraKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, the lather of the said infante, HatedatBrussels, in the County of Huron this Thirtieth day of March A, D., 1904. W. M. SINOLAIR, Solicitor for the Applicant, STOCK FOR SERVICE PltULL Fa. SERVICE.— THE • Undersigned will keep for service a thoro' bred Durham bull, on his farm ad- joining Brussels. Terme, $100 with privi- lege of returning if necessary. GEO. RO BB, Proprietor. 'BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keel, for service on Lot 21, Con.12, Grey, the Thoro'-bred Im- proved Large English Berkshire, 'Willow Lodge Swell" -11962— a, wiener of let prize at Toronto Exhibition in 1909, Terms, 43,00 if paid ab time of etrvloe or 81 25 15 booked, with privilege of retorting if necessary. 86.4 J, P. MaiOTOSH, Propilotor, REAL ESTATE. 1ARM TO RENT, BEING LOT 29, Coa. 10, Grey, Thera ore 100 acres, 20 tinder Cultivation. Apply to JOSDLH F. REDMOND, on the premieee, or Monarieff P. 0. 21-tf GOOD FARM FOR SALE.— Tha undersigned offers for sale her exoehent farm, located on Con. 10, Grey township, and containing 168 acres. There is a comfortable }rum* cottage, bent( barn, good driving eked, orchard, 40„ on the premises. L'arm is well drained undimmed. It is also welt watered by the river Molt. land and an htvalbable Spring. Onnveniont to market, school and ohurohes. For price, forma and otherparticulars apply oo the premises, or if by letter to MRS, T. CAL- DBR,Yroprietrese, Oranbrook P.O. 80tf ®o ACRE FARM FOR, SALE, being Lot 11, Con. 4, Grey town. ship. 80 cores cleared, balance bush. There is a good house, bank barn, orchard, &a. Well fenced and farm in good condition ; 26 acres of Full wheat in, 8 miles from Brea - eels; only j of a ;mile -from 'Mundt and 38 miles from school. Poeseaeiou could be given to suit the purchaser. For tur- tbar parlioulars as to price, toms, &0„ ap- ply on the premises to A. 0001;, Proprie- tor, or at Tau PosO, Brussels, 21•tf L 1ARMS FOR SALE. — 350 aures first -plass laud in the Township of Grey—Lot 16, Con. 14, 100 euros ;• Lot 17, Con 14,100 acres ; and Wt Lot 18, Oen. 14, 10 acres -960 acres. /All in excellent oondl- tion with first-class buildings ; brick house with all modern conveniences, and Image bank barn, root and etraw house, stables, 40. Well watered, From 85 to 40 acres of ood a100 screde of asst clues' land, con- taininggood frame house and large tau]( barn nearly new, The property can be sold in two or threearoels to suit uraitaeers. Terms liberal, Also a commodious dwelling house and lob inBrussele. For Wither partiou- lare apply to the owner on the premises, LAIIOHLIN lt10NHIL, or to JNO, LEOEIE, Brussel°, . 21-bf OUR Spring Opening was a decided success and we desire to return thanks for the, large attendance of Ladies and the generous patronage ac- corded. We were never better able to suit people than this season and we will be pleased to be favored with your order. A very nice stock of Ready-to-wear Hatson n a hand. Special attention given to Mourn- ing Millinery. In Ordered Work we guarantee satisfaction and give you the Latest and most Tip -to -date Styles. Ara 14, 1904 a: . h t, b a. '( ,r' 1' , i tltlppB" Lt: -a r 4� _ _ '�.Q t) x XESPITE unfavorable weather our Opening proved �L zic X X quite a success. Never before have we had such an Elaborate showing and never were prices so fair. X x X X Now is the time to select your Spying Hat while x DC you have the stock in all its Freshness to choose X from. X s,-rrr Our Ready -to -wears are a marvel of Style and DIC X Cheapness. Children's Hats from 50c. upwards. X It will pay you to give us a call. IC Irl,: rh 2C N-. ISSE,'b HA KIRK Pi" CW PREYJSES Iasi--. Having removed our Implements to the s Y N SHOP oTfwMo Darokoerts West Scales We will there show a complete line such as Binders, Mowers, Drills, Rakes, Cultivators, Plows and Harrows, Certainly You want the Best Goods Then make no mistake—buy FROST & WOOD. Do not be forced to settle for inferior machines, but buy where you will not be asked to settle until your purchase is giving satisfaction. We have "Bell's" Tread Powers, Ensilage Cutters, Land Rol- lers, eta. ; the Myers and Tweed Forks, Slings, Cars, etc. ; the Elmira Hay Loaders and Side -delivery Rakes. The Celebrated Woodstock Wagons and Wetlaufer Combination Racks. Canada's Best Build—the "Brockville" Carriages. The World-wide Famous Singer Sewing Machines. See our Royal Canadian Brand Pure Manilla (650) Binding Twine, also our best Pure Manilla in Hay Fork and Sling Rope, before buying elsewhere. NEIL . McLAUCHLIN. ST1LL, IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to ptifffng up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blaeksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see us. &T. PLUM Thomas street, License District ON TER East lidding of guront The East Huron License Commis- sioners will meet at the °entral Hotel, Brussels —0E— Wednesday, April 20th 3004, AT 10 O'01,00I1 A.M. To take into consideration the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1904-05. The number of Hotel Licenses granted last year in the Riding Was 17. The number of Applications this year is 17. J. R. MILLER, Inspector. Brussels. Jamestown, March 000, 1004. A Large Supply of the Finest CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MANGEL and TURNIP SEEDS GROWN, at e 4 • ;r 84 O A 1 e s. teS