HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-14, Page 1Vol. 32. No, 40 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1904 19999., New Advertisements. Loual—Joe 51 nter. Local—•G, E. King. Local—R. Anderson. Grain found—Tint POST. Braoelet lost—Tun PORT. Formaldehyde—J n Z. Fox. Local—W, H. McOreaken, Wall paper—Fred, eloOraoken. Alabaetine—Wilton & Turnbull. Spring drew: geode—McKinnon & Co. i 1xixt .033. tees metkrroole. Mies Ada Dining left for London on Wedneeday of this week. Conrad Raddatz, of Detroit, and William, of Cromarty, were here attend- ing the funeral of their grandmother. Last Saturday Mrs, Ohariotte Sohraed• er, died et the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. Raddatz, here, aged '70 years. The old lady was in poor health all Win• ter. Funeral took place Monday after noon, interment being made at Oran brook amatory. The Health Observer of last week soya :—John Pfaff sud Mies Clara Goetz were united in marriage on Wednesday of last week by Rev. Mr. McLennan, of Kippers. The happy oouple have gone to Brussels on a wedding trap after which they will settle in Heneall. A Hampstead oorreepoudent to the Stratford Herald aye ;—"On Stanley Rev. R. F. Cameron preached his fare well sermon to a large congregation. The sermon was a maeterpieoe, outlining the dootrine he had ever serivon to teach and ending with a retroepeet of his work outside the pulpit. Me. Cameron takes with him to his new field of labor the goodwill of all people here, who hope that all hie efforts may be crowned with ono aeee." The reverend gentleman to 0 eon to John Oamerou, of Oranbrook, and he is moving to Georgetown to wbioh plena he was recently 'tilled. —� aomine at°venni . Next Sunday evening Rev, W. J. West, M. A., of Bluevale, is expected to take the nervine in Victoria Hall, Jamestown. HararzeL —On Wednesday evening of last week a happy wedding party of about 50 assembled at the home of Elijah and Mrs. Jnoklin, let Oon., of Grey, to wit - nese the oouaummation of a matrimonial alleluia between Samuel G. Castles, of Clinton, and Mies Mary E , 4t13 daughter of the host and hostas. At 5 o'alook Mise Lizzie Bryane played the Wedding March and the prinaipale took their please for the oeremony which was per- formed by Rev. W. Lowe, Wingham, Mr. Jnoklin giving the bride away. Mies Martha Johneton, of Morris, wet the bridesmaid and Edward Jnoklin the groomsman. The bride end her attend• ant wore beaoming aoetumee of white organdie and 'tarried handsome boquete of white aert.atione. Hearty °enerat- illations were extended following which an elegant wedding nipper was served, Before rising from the table Rev. Mr. Lowe proposed the health of the bride in humorous and oangratualatory words. The wedding gifts were ncmeroun, use - The New Model Gra See�e� It is durable and not liable to get oat of order. "It will last a life time. It le very .easily ,operated—eau be set to sow any number of quarts per aore. Oan now teeter than other seeders. It distributes the Beed very evenly. • It saves more than half the labor. Will not pay any farmer to be without it. PRICE $1.000 eo ,O XVI T, 110-2 AG.L1NT, B11USSl:1LS. ful and minable, the groom's peanut being a gold watch ; Mr, Jeoklio gave a awing meohine ; Mre, Jadeite a set of dishee, &o. An enjoyable evening was spent in mueio, song, games and social 'that. Mr, and Ma, (Males left for their home in Clinton on Thuredny followed bymany goad wiehee for n prosperous future. The brides going away costume wee blue cloth, trimmed with white satin and white jacket trimmed with white applique. May their joys be many and troubles few, Severe! expected guests were enable to he present owing to the bad state of roads. 111 lee Oliver Mille had a suooeseful wood -bee oue day last week. Mre. Adam Cleghorn as been vieitiog relatives at Brueeele, Mre. Smell, of Wingham, is visiting her daughter, Mre. John Relay. Mies Maggie MODonagh, of Wingham, visited Mre, Charles Herbert lest week. Mies Janet Hood, of Sunshine, was renewing old acquaintances in Bluevale lest week, Henry lb7nHerdy has returned to Stokes' Bay atter epending a few weeks holidays at his borne here. Rev. W J. West had to walk to the appointment at Esdiee' cherish last Sabbath owing to the condition of the made, Wm Fraser, 1st line of Morrie, had a very euooeasfal wood•bee 'on Monday afternoon. In the eveuiog the young people gathered and enjoyed themselves at games and dancing, DRAWL of ALDERMAN Onowo.—The Guelph Mercury of htat week epeake as foliated of a brother of Mre. (Rev )'Swann, afBluevale :—The news of the death of Richard H. Crowe, for so many years oauueoted with the Orowe Iron Works, and who has been en alderman of the: year's Oinutil , et the early age of 54 came to a shook to the aitizane on Stirs day afternoon. There was hope on Saturday morning tbut the turn would be for the better, but later it wise found that the second lung was effected, and he gradually sank until death name about two o'nloak on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Crowe had an atbaok of grip eome six weelte ago which weakened him, and his fidelity to his work, whiob was one of the 1 ahief oharaoteristioe of the deoeaeed, broughthim baok to duty probably before he had properly reoovered his strength, Pneumonia set in a sew days ago and bis condition became geave from the first, though it was hoped be had vitality enough to throw it off. Mr. Crowe uvea the youuaeet eon of the lete Robert Crowe and had been a resident of thie city from his birth. After eome farming with the late John Kirkland on the Kelly farm, be learnt the harueee making with Galbraith and Beattie, Market Square, and continued with Mr. Beattie for years, joiuiog John Crowe some twenty yenta ago and blooming in time the general auperintondent of the extensive iron founding works built by the firm. In hie shop duties he was most indefatigable and unsparing of himself giving faithful, personal application to the details of hie work. In response to aontinnone pressure to enter the Oity Council, he became alderman for St, Jamas' ward in 1901 and 1902, and headed the poll on the first general vote for alderman 1908, becoming chairman for the Board of Works. This year be was appointed obairman of Finance, but reeig"ed hie position last mouth, owing to cleavages in 0ounoil. Had he continued in Ceuta ail, in all probability he would sooner or later have occupied the Meyer's chair, He gava to bis civic duties the same n f iGhful aee'iae that marked t kid hie dull y work, and nonmed himself independent of any clique or party in municipal affairs, depending solely on his record for enppoet. He had beau ouuneoted with Dublin street Methodiet chetah e'inoe its organization and was one ice most Mend °Motel members, He inotined to the Liberalparty to politico. He worth. ily maintained the best traditions of au old and honoured Guelph family. Mr. Crowe wag twine married, By his first wife, Mies Susan Hearn, he had four ohildreu, viz„ Cheater, at The Elbow, N. W. T. ; Mre, Ed. Shepherd, Guelph ; and May and Amy at borne. His eeoortd wife was Mies E. Ge mmebt, Hie brothers ere Wiliam, of Halifax, N, 8. and John and Joseph, Guelph ; and his sisters, Mre (Rev.) Ie. Swann, Bluevale ; Mre, John Kerr, Franklin, Man., and Mre le, A.rmetrong, Winnipeg. To the Yew Ganathan and American 1 WE have a full stook of this Season's production in WOnl. Papers. We have made a special effort to seduce designs and colorings of artistic Merit, not only in High Grades, but in those as low as 6 CENTS PER ROLL BED ROOMS—We have Dainly Florale, prodnaing charming effects at Low Coat. PARLORS —Beautiful Designs In Gilt and Dreamy Tones, Blues, Greens, &e., In delicate Shades. HALLS, DINING R00M8, &o.—•Fine, effective Designs, in MagniBeent Galore, Riving Warmth, Riobneae and Beauty to an Apartment. AND P510E8 1 We nen only nay we are offering this season Better Paper, Benign° and Coloring: than ever offered, -, Don't wait until oar eto°k ie broken. Make your selection now. If yon ham any rooms not recently papered, just all and let no tell you bow little ft oasts to make home bright, attraotive and happy. In Smale's ]3locltI two doors North of Postoffico. rateen 1, Painter and Paper Hanger. widow and family the einoereet eym• pathy of the pnblio will be extended in their Gore and nnexppeoted loss. The funeral of the late ex.Ald. R. El, Crowe took pinoe from hie reeidenoe Waterloo avenue, W,dnesday afternoon, and wee largely attended by the Mayor, alderman, and other repreaentativee of the 'torpor Mien ; by the empleyese of the Orow Iron Works ; by the membere of Dublin et, Methodist church, the oflioial board attending in a body, and other friends and neiglrb•re, testifying to the respect and elevation entfrteinad for a gond citizen end en honorable man. The floral offarioge were beautifal and in. eluded a broken column from the Mayor end Deenetl : a pillow from the foundry - men, wreaths, etre, from the afloial board of Dublin street Methodist 'thumb, from the Toronto Y. W. 0. A., ani the mail order department of the T. Eaton Oo., as a mark of sympathy with Mies Amy Orowe, The service was conducted by Rev. Dr. Cornish, noting pastor of Dublin et. ohuroh, who gave an exposition of appropriate Sariptnre, and spoke fittingly of the work and character of the doomed in his various relations is life. Mrs. Harrington gave an impressive rendering of "As the Days are Going By." The pallbearers were Masnre. John and Joseph Orowe, brothers ; Charles Ray. mond and Eugene, nephews, and E. Shepherd, eon in law. Among the mourners were Wm. Hearn, Toronto ' Rev. and Mre. F. Swann, Bluevale, end Henry and Mrs. Bunton, Brneeele. it'll !teat. Saba] reopened. on Monday. The flood in the Maitland hes abated and no v, ry serious damage done. Mies Pearl Sharpe, of Morrie, is visit• ing her cousin, Mini Elle Dilworth. Mise Mary A. Dilworth, of Toronto, is visiting her brother, Rubt, Dilworth. Two 'tare of aoel were received lest week by 152. lelenry for firing purposes at the air mill. Mies Kate McKay, wbo ie a trained nurse in New York, is here ou a visit to her sister, Mrs. Geortte Dobson, Monday evening next wilt be degree night is Ethel Orange Lodge; No, 631 and visiting members are invited to attend, Mre. Holland, of Toronto, ie bare on n visit combining bneinese and pleasure She is still the owner of a 100 eot•e farm Weer of here. Mise Lottie Mason, who has been visit- ing at her nnaie'e, L. Mason's, for the pant few months, returned to her home in Toronto an Thursday. W. G. Bell, 8rd con , hes been engaged by Thomas Vodden, 5111 con., for the Doming Summer, He will move to the house now occupied by Wm. Cole who has bought alarm on the 7th con. Mr. Bell is a good worker and we hope he will soon nave a good farm of hie own. Rev. 0. P. Wella, B. A., B. D., will go to Parolee next week in connection with the aunnal examination o[ probe Hoare, candidates and local preachers in oonneation with the Methodist ahurah, London Conference, The subjects for which Mr. Wella prepared papere and whiob he will examine are ;—The Old Testament and its Oontente ; The New Testament and its Contains ; The Holy Laud in Geography and History ; and the organized Sunday Sabooi. The other membere of the Examining Board from Wingham District are Rev, Dr. Gandy, of Wingham, and Rev, Joseph Philp, B. D., of Kincardine. Next week George Dobson's family will remove from here to Innerkip, Ox ford 0o., a plebe a trifle larger than Ethel, and 7 mitae from Woodstock, where he has porobased a general store. Mr. Dobson be now there in oharge. The many old friende of the family here will be a unit in wishing them eaooeee and while regretting their removal an heart- ily recommend them to the people of Iuoerktp. Mr. Dobson made bimeelf very nate' and his removing will neaeee• tate changes in eoeietiee, &o to whiob he and his good wife belonged. Lawrence Dobaort may go to lunerlitp for a time and land a hand bat we hope he will coutinue a resident of Ethel. A lawyer at Neepawu, Manitoba, is perfeotiug the arraugemente in 'tonna tion with the presentation of the alaime for an estate of 85 or 40 million dollars to wbioh the eons aid- daughters of the late Mrs, Elizabeth Sharp are said to be heir to. Jae, Hunter, of Edge Hill, neer Liverpool, England, uncle to Mre. Sharp, was an extensive ship owner and died very wealthy leaving hie property to hie daughter. She has also died without any direct heir's and thus the property eomen to the next of kin. If it turns out all right it would mean about 2 million dollars apieoe to the uepbewe and neioei interested. Mrs, Isaac Gill, of Ethel, is one of the nlaimante, Mr. Gill has the proepeot of $2,500 from the estate of Mie uoole in England alto, Mr. Gill has been poorly ell Winter but we hope ha will receive the money end get some of the betides of it. JNo. CLARn DUMBED —Leet Sunday John Clark paid Nature's debt and paeaod away from time, aged 80 years and 6 months, lie had been fatting quite per, eeptihly daring the past year and hie death was cot an unexpected event, Mr. Clark was born in Nottinghamshire, England, acid earns to Canada when 17 years of age. After a eojoarn in Taker smith township he moved to Grey 48 years ago when he took up Lot 80, Con. 4, a buelt lot, and upon whiob he oa tinued to reaide until three years ago when he Bold out to hie son Ieaao and moved to Ethel, Doomed had been a strong, hearty man and was thrifty and induetrioue. He was tt member of the Methodist church, Mrs, Clark, who died about 4 years ago, was a Mise Elliott, of Logan, a native of Ireland, She wan 75 years of ago. There were 10 children, 5 eons anti 5 daughters, as follows l—James, Thomas and John de- ceased ; George in Dakota ; and Ieatto on the homestead; Mrs. Jim. Imlay, Ethel ; Mre, Robert Robertson, who died in Manitoba ; Mee, Matthew Oughton, of Manitoba i Mre. Wm. liollenbaelc, Gray ; end Mise Eliza Claris, at home, The doomed was a brother t0 George Ciaro, 17th eon, Grey. Funeral took plate on Tuesday afternoon, the Berviee being W. H, KERR, Prop, oonduoted by Rev. 0, P. Walla, B. D. Interment was made in the family plot in Brussels cemetery. The bereaved are deeply sympathised with. llama Or artier, Punic Batton Fon Menu.— Bea n:nod in Gram., Arab , Phyo., History, Oomp, and Spell, Olen 4. Total 650,—•Lizzie Oh,mbere 1329; Melvin Slemmon 505 Neste Simpeon 503 ; Myrtle Imlay 4119 ; Hazel Coates 486 ; Edith Freeman 417 ; Irene Hogarth 1308: Bert Eokmier 378 i .Lorne Etakrnler 889 ; 'Tom MoAlliater 2,1. Olen 8 Tut al 460.—Pearl Bremner 409 Willie Hem. worth 406 ; O'larenoe Imb,y 801 ; Earl Balmier 815 ; Webster Psareon $13 ; Eleie Dunbar 289 ; Sam Molntoeh 273 ; Lizzie Cooper 264 ;Grace McAlister 345 Gordon MnKee 240 ; Edith McKee 236 ; Beatrice Bateman 280 1 James MoGal+um 217; Katie McLeod 150. Claes II— Voted 850, --Ray Eokmier 830 ; Laidlaw Straohan 320 ; Rusaeil Love 311 ; Ross Fraser 807 ; [:alone! Davidson 280 ; Annie Deeper 276: Joe Pearson 260 ; Laving McLeod 222 ; Harris Eokmier 214; Attie Hemsworth 122. Average at. bandanas 87, ALnnaT 15. Serum, Prin• oipal. Sr II,—Edwin Hemsworth, E1. win Tbompeoo, Irene Heath, RI- Gill, Alvin Malleo, Uela Dane, Allen MaAllie ter, Alaie Fletober, Luella Henry, Joseph Cooper. Jr. II.—James Bremner, Aubrey Dobson., Florenoe McCallum, Vera - Mc- Call, Aline Barr, Herm!m Fogel, Robert Thompeou, Pearl McKee, Wilfrid Eok- mier, Lizzie Molntoeh, Fleda Freeman, Herbert Saville, Willie Thibideaa. Pt, II,—Annie MoAlliater, Stanley Btraohao, Bpenoe Hemsworth, 011ff,rd Dunbar, Pearl Gill, Dealt Eokmier, Elwin Doboon, Oharnie Davideon, Verde Pollard, Ed- mund McLeod, Roes Ooates, Wesley Yeo. Pc, 1,—Noble McKee, Ruby Gill, Norman Addy, Grace Eoltmior, Edith heath, George Cole, Average attendance 33. Mica LAURA NromoLLe, Teooher, VV a ntxe,t;oi'. Mica Mary Smith bee left for Oweu Sound. Mies Minnie Staples, of Teeewater, oalled nn old friends. here Met week. G. Findlater, of Howlett, shipped a oar load of horses to the Wait on Wednesday. Mise L. Forbes, of Wiogburn, is the gnat of Mre. A. Eety, at the Walker Heuea, Mre. Wm. Saudereon returned from Hemiltou last week. She was axiom. pentad by her granddaughter, Mies Margaret Dale. A quiet event took plane at the manse Met 1 riday evening when the Rev. L. Perrin, united Alex. Scott, of Tarnberry, and Mies Nettie Cmith, daughter of Thos. and Mre. Smith, in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ample aple will emend a few weeks with relatives and friends in this vioinity before leaving for their home in the tVeet. After a lingering illness of about a year's duration, R. M. Calder passed away at hie reeidenoe here on Monday morning. The deceased, with hie wife and two Bone, George and Harry, moved to the village nix years ago, when he rented the foundry. He was a quiet man and mach respected by all who knew him. The taneral took plane on Wed nesday afternoon to the Wroaster oemetery. VV se.I ,.oft. John Turnbull is around again, we are glad to nay. Rev. A. MoNab el. A., took a business trip to Toronto last week. It is rumored that some of our village property may shortly obange hands. Public interest nentree on the voting on the new railway by law in Morrie, w Mich takes lace thin Frida , Regular service will be held in 8t. George's oharoh here next Sabbath ahem noon, F Powell, a student being expeobed to supply. A somewhat unusual aooideut happen- ed Robert Ft'eeer last week. While working in the sawmill, a plant[ with a [pike driven through, it fell on hie leg tied the spike penetrated his knee, with the result that he was laid off work for a few day:. Bonen RePoec.—Report of the ti S. S. No. 11 Morrie, for the month of March, Average attendance 20. Sr, IV—Herb. Obrietopher, Joseph Grigg, Frank McKim. Jr. IV—Thome McDonald, Lyle McLeod, Cassel Kuight. Br, III— Mabel Bennett, Teta, McKenzie, Annie Ardell, Sr. II—John Marshall, Garlands Marshall, Minnie Candler. Jr. II— Pearl McKenzie, Howard Bolger, Roy Bennett. Sr. I—Douglae Proude, Jennie Marshall, Jr. I—Eimer Candler, MIee Armin BIttP:ON, Teacher, Rev. A, Andretvs preached teat Sab- bath on "Flowers". The reverend gentleman draw many tenons from the text "Oousider the lilies of the field" showing that different kingdoms of earth's creation have different provid:nae end different responsibilities and also that men, like flowers, may be onitivalad and improved. The sermon was beauti- fully illaetrated by a magnificent bogset of flowers from the Dale Greenhouse of Brantford, which Mr, and Mre. Andrews visited last week. 101; Or ri at. Mra. David Campbell, of Walton, ie visiting Mrs, Peter Barr, Stn line, Voting on the O.P. R. Bylaw will bake place in Morrie on Friday of We week from 9 to 5 o'olmolc in BDbton': and Goe• man': school bonne. Seam, Rnrotte.—Following ie the re• suit of the peomotion examinatlone at B. S. No. 5, Morrie. Names arranged 'n order of standing, Sr, 4th, Clayton, Prootor, Irene Clegg, Fred Swindlebnrat, Edith Proctor, Anuia Johteon, Mabel Jnhneon, Will. Wateeo. Jr. 4th, Grano Fergneon, Lawrenoe Armstrong, Noble Wheeler, Jennie Jordan, Maggie Irvine, Alvin Armstrong, Sr. 8rd, Lizzie Fag. gueoe, Murray Johnson, Willie Watson, Rennie Wightman, Bettie Young, Mary Irvine. Jt, 8rd, 'Thyne Wray, Norman Geddes, Leslie Bates, tuella Wighfman, Andrew Proctor, John Licata, Hotter Johnson, Norman Wheeler, Jame: Van- oatnp, Irvine Porgdeon, Ir, 2nd, Morley Jordan, Homy Armstrong, Soots Irvine, Henry Armstrong, John. Tanker, Tloraoe Irvine, Charles Coultas, Victor Young, Part II, Albert Tasker, Carl Prater. Part 1, 0nmsron Geddes, Charles Frazer, Gertrude Armstrong, Willie Vanoamp, Willie Stratton, Gordon Forenoon. Faso. BRYAN(, Teacher, K McKenzie wee here this week from Marden and shipped a oar of bowel/old furuitnre, eio., that could not be got away when he moved owlug to the snow blockade. Naw that Peter Barr, 5th line, is Wang a hand in stook shipping he re gnired a helper on hie farm, He eeoured a young fellow named Barr lust Monday who wi,l be awed iu command. Robert South, 8rd line, who had a stroke of paralysis a few mouths ago, does not improve very Tepidly although lie is able to get about the hoose with the aid of a obair. We hope the coming of Spring will prove benefioial to him. (Fn ea.v'. Township Council will meet next Mon. day at Ethel, Archie Livingston left on Taeeday for Sett Oats, N. W. T., with John B, lyiotauoblin, where they will pall farm• ing operatmoe. We wish them a sum ceaeful time, Last week James Lindaay gold bis 50 are farm, North es. Lot 6, con. 7 to Binh. Jawklin for the sum of 52,300. The par• ohaeer did not retain the property, bow. ever aa he sold it the mama week to W. H. Oole for $2,340. Mr, Cole will move to the farm and make his home there, We expeot be will do well on the place as it Is a tidy farm. Robert Eaket, formerly of the 8rd eon„ is holding a good position as ebippine olerk is the store of Messrs. Ballantyne & Tertian, Stratford, where he has already spent the past two months. We have no doubt be will fill the bill to a ninety and as be is a level headed, steady going. youth he should do well both for hie em- ployere and himself. We wieb him sum oeae. ADDaaes AND PsassNTATI0N.— Friday eveningof last week a oompany o[ old neighbors sod friends, numbering about 85, assembled at the reeidenoe of James and Mrs. Elliott, 8th non., and enjoyed a very sociable time. After ell had aseemb led the following addreee was read by W. Work and the presentation of the two chairs (a gent's raker and a fanny arm chair) and a piano rug was made by W. J. Oardiff and Geo, McFarlane :— To lllr. and Mre. Jas. Elliott : DtAnFnlnxne,—Your neighbors leern• ed with mach regret a abort time since of yonr intended removal from this vioinity to Breasts. Yourselves and your family havefor twelve years been residents amongst ns, and during all that time you have shown yonreelvee to be oharaoter feed by the greatest oordiality, kindness and helpfulness, ever taking a real inter• est in those around yon, and doing muoh. iu many ways to promote the general welfare and happiness. You will be greatly missed by as, bat While we regret your departure we are glad that we ehali be able to meat with you from time to time, ao that the Friendships that have been formed may be oontinued and strengthened by still further aeeooiation and intero.,nree. We beg you to aaaept these two Chair' and Piano Rug se a slight expression of the einoere esteem and regard in whiob yourselves and family are held by your neighbors, to. gather with our enrage and united wish that in your new home every happiness and comfort may be richly given you. Signed on behalf of your Hallberg, Geo, MoFAmasti, WIT. JAe, OAansetr. Grey, April Stn 1204. Me. Elliott's reply in behalf of him• self and wife, was not of a lengthy char. nater but it was pointed and expreeeive and was wall understood. The balance of the evening was spent in areal obat, mato, snag, games, &o. About 12 o'- olook the baekete brought by the visitors ware unloaded and supper served to whiob all did ample jeotine. While ragcelting the removal of the Elliott family from the farm we cordially welcome hie eno- naoeor A, Bishop and family. Mr. EI. !tett will move alertly to Brussels where be has putabaaed a home. THE FIELD OF SPORT. Other sporting news an page 4. Dundee has dooided not to enter a team in the W. le. A. at all. This leaves Galt, Berlin tied Seaforth iu the senior aeries, The Galt oinb will tam the double series scheme. The lest football match of the inter national aerial, ander Aesooiation rule was played laet Saturday at Osltio Park, Glasgow, and England defeated Scotland by one goal to nothing. Thie match gives England the reeeooiation ohainpion- ship. At a meeting of the Beavers of Sem forth it was decided to play senior Inoroaeo this year. The Beavers have always pat a strong team in the field, but this year they expect to be stronger and better than ever and feel that they will be eine to give a good amount of themselves in senior company. The Godsrigh bowling club at its an. nal meeting elated oflioore as follows Hou. President, Dr, Taylor ; Hon, Viae President, James Clark ; President, P. Davie ; Vioe President, W. Peoudfnot Seeretary.Treaenrer, Joseph O'Connell; Chaplain, Rev, J. Elliott. It was decided to bold to tournament this year, the date to be Axed later, De. Lederman, of Milverton, and W. P. MaDnnagh, of Tavietook, were in Strut. ford last Friday night to meet McGregor Eaeeon, for the purpose of deciding of a sohedule for the football games of Perth dietriot. No eahasiule was drawn up, however, tee no agreement could be or. rived at, Mr, IttoDonagh wanted Tavi. stooltrs lab two homeand home games to be played in Tavistnalc, and would not agree t0 anything else. Mr. Esesson and Dr. Lederman Woad not agree to that propobnl, so the nutter had to be left over and will be reported to the W.1!1, A, ex0ntttiVe for them 10 decide. WAR IN THE EAST. land toes J•tI' the iter gone, Wednesday's daily aye :—"Another terrible dint:ter hoe overtaken the Bata elan arms. The battleship Petropav lovek while leaving Port Arthur to en' gage the Jape, ran tont of a automata mine and was blown up. It is officially announced that Vine•Admiral Makaruff was aboard end went down with hie ship. It is feared that almost the entire oraw, eoneietitlg of close on seven hund- red men, baa perished. The Grand Duke Oyrtl, herr apparent to the. Busman throne, was also on the Petropavlovsk, and had a marvelous eeoape. Every- thing points to a big battle or bombard. mans at Port Arthur, which a000rding to latent deepatobeo, is still in progrees, From a Raseian :aurae it is said that Admiral Togo approaobad with the in• tension of shelling the fortress, but was driven off by the Russian fleet. Stiff fighting is now going on along the Yaln. Rttaeiane claim to have wiped ant a Jap patrol, whim Tokio hare that the Czar's troops in an attempt to arose the stream near Wtju wers driven bank with heavy loaaee. illi li lt(1Il OIf IJi ES- The;Bishop of Huron has appointed Rev. M. ed. Goldberg, of Dungannon, to the (Marga of the pariah of Dunkirk. Next meeting of Maitland Presbytery will be held in Brussels, The W. F. M, S. will also convene here at the same time. Rev. A, 0. Jennings, of Bayfield, left Friday for L'ugland for the benefit of his health. He expecte to be gone three months. Rev, Dr. McLeod, of Atwood, will occupy Melville church pulpit next Sabbath. The pastor will preanb at Atwood. Police Magistrate Weir dismissed with ooete the Lord's Day Alltenas Daae againet the Ontario Sugar Company at Berliu, Out. Rev. Juo, Rosa, B. A., took Prayer for hie subject last Sabbath forenoon, and in the evening "The supremacy of 'Mar - ((ter," Prov. 14 and 14. Sunday next Mr, Powell, of Huron Cottage, London, is expected to preach in St. John's Church, Brueeele, in the absentia of Rev, Mr. Webb. Next Sabbath Rev. J. 0. Pomeroy, B. A., of Kincardine, will preach in the Methodist church, here and will deal with the Educational Fund of the denomiva. tion. He's a scholarly mac and a good preacher. W. H. Kerr, Treasurer of Braaseie Branch of the Lord's Day Alliance, re- mitted $28.00 to J. 0. Oopp, Treasurer of the Provincial Alliance, at Toronto, on Tuesday of thie week as a contribution from this branob. The Bishop of Huron went to Walker- villa Sunday to open the splendid new ohuroh that has been erected in that village at the expense of Mr, Walker. The ohurah whiob coat $25,000 i0 modern in every appointment. The annual convention of the Mende of temperanos and prohibition in On tario oalled by the exeoutive of the On- tario branch of the Dominion Athena's, anti be held in Toronto on Thoredey, April 21at. Every ahurob and society, as neat is entitled to two repreaentativee and each church or moiety having more than fifty members is entitled to an ad- ditioual delegate [or each additional fifty. Oaterio membere of Parliament and members of the g Provincial Legislature in r favor of prohibition also will be et the coub vention. Bpata e ' 1 reduced rate: will be V -pined on the railways, The politl& situation of the temperanoa question will be disouseed. "Blessed is the man that enduretb temptation," was Rev. T. W. Obeene' morning text last Sabba,h in the Metho- dist °hush. "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath" furnished the foundation for a sermon on Sabbath Observance to the evening con- gregation. The preacher showed that the Sabbath was a primeval institution as well as a Menlo institution and re. enacted under the Naw Testament, It's obeervanoe ie a phyeioal, mental, moral and epititual ueoessiby. A number of inetauoee were cited to prove this by well lrnowu authorities. A strong plea was - made to refrain from any attempt to seomarize the Lord's day. D should be observed and kept olean ; should be made a day of worship and should be the key- uote of the week, Various proofs were submitted for the observance of the first day of week rather than the seventh day. At a meeting of the Epworthr League Exeontia° of Wingham Diat•rlob held last Friday in the Methodist uhoroh, Wing. ham, it Wae deoided to hold a Summer Suhooi for the etady of the Bible and Minions at Kincardine during the saoond week or Angndt to oonolude with the anuanl League Dietriot Convention. Committees were appointed to draft a program and arrange for the attendance of both outside and local speakers and to melte arrangements at Kinoardine for the gathering whioh will meet from the 8th to the 15th of August inolueive. Fall ennounnement will be made in dna course but Leaguers should talk it rip in the meantime, The varietal °barges in the Dietriot will be visited before that date by Rev. J. E. Hunter, now at Victoria University, Toronto, in oonnection with the aampaige Inc the Forward Mission. ary movement, Het, omee at the request °t the Dietriot Executive and as he is well known he will no doubt be heartily weloomed, Rev. D. M, Ramsay, pastor of Knox °bomb, Ottawa, had the degree of D. D. dootee of divinity, conferred upon him by Knox Oollegs, Toronto, last week. Rev. Mr. Ramsay was born in Loudon in 1858, but was brought up in Exeter Where he attended the public eeeool and then went to Clinton high enhool. He was graduated from Toronto Uutvereity a 13. A. in 1860, taking several eobolet ahipe and the silver medal in olaeoios, He took his theologioal course et Knox College, and in 1388 went to Edinburg a nd Lepeio to oomplete his studies, returning in 1884 and taking his degree of bachelor of divinity in 1880, His first oharge was Hallett, in Huron county. After seven ryeas be went to Mount Forest where remained five anone half yea rs,From there he went to Kum:, oharoh, Ottawa, 1850, His theology ooaree was a brill• Taut one, as he took first,plaoo in eaoh of three years. He martial in 1885 the daughter of the late W. H. Verity, found. er of she Verity plow 00., of Exeter, now of Brautford, Perth. County. Stake ranee for the meeting at Bbrat. ford on Jone 20, 30 and July 1. A oouple of Uhinameo were in Milehell trying to get a plane to open up a laundry. A grout of $10 was made to the Monk. ton Pubtio school library by Logan township Donnuil. W. D. Spence, Principal of Pabliu soboole Bt. Marys, is quite elok at present end Percy Cuuplaud is teaching in his piece, St. Marys Town Cloonoil disported of the towns unsold debentures to the Mu• teal Life of Oauade Inauranoe Co,, the price paid being preotioally par value. Charles Fitzsimmons, of Bt. Marye; will etart bis new system of delivering paraele fur the meruhante in town. He baa made arrangements with nearly a:l of the bueiueee men to deliver for them end run four wagons, which will deliver percale four times a day to all parte of the town. The Easter vestry meeting of Trinity Anglican church, Sebringville, was held and merited the close of the moat sum easeful year in the history of the oharoh. Reporte from the various safeties were presented ebowing a total revenue from all sources of $804. The following. wardens were appointed for the ensuing year :—Fur the rentor, Geo. Hamilton ; for the people, Dr. Paul. W. H, Ooniton wee appointed lay delegate to the Synod. The remains of Thos. Snowdon, who was killed in the oullieioo en the G. T, R. near Geelph, were interred at Inuerkip on Monday, the services being oonduoted by Rev. le. W. Penton, of St. Andrew's Onncah. The fan.ral was M charge of the Foreetere, of which order the deneaeed was a member. The face and head of the young man were so diefigured that the casket was not opened even to the fatly. While a young lad named Doerr, of South Eaetbopo, and a nompenion were out shooting ou Saturday Doerr en. deavored to knock some apples' off a tree by hitting than with; the stook of the goo, be holding the muzzle. The gun wae loaded and the trigger naught in a twig. The gun exploded, parrying off part of Duerr'e hand. A dootor, of Strat- ford, who dreaded the injuria', found several shots in the hand, bat it is likely that no serious results will follow if bloud poisoning can be averted. G. G. MoPheceou, K. 0., of Stretford, returned from Ottawa and Montreal, where he has intereeted a number of wtpitaliatefeethe proposed Stratford -St. Joseph's electric road. There is plenty of capital behind the scheme to carry it to a eucueeeful couolueion, most of it be• ing 'maenad by Frenoh-Oenadiane. Some eighty thousand ties have been purohaaed by Engineer Hamel, who is eating Inc Mr, Uantin,i of 8t. Joseph, who is interested in the project. The work of surveying the route from Strat- ford to Heneall will be proceeded with at 00.09. CasitteiIa.n Ne !•known Jersey E. H. Ball the wei r ' ram ton cattle breeder, of Brampton, , is dead. The nook lighters arrested at Wood. stook have beau lined $5 and coots eaoh. John Kelly, the oldest cabman in Tor- onto, died as a result of a fall from his nab. George Harwood, a well-known citizen of Wood, took, committed eniaide by tak- ing area') acid. lion. W. B. Vail, formerly Minister of Militia in Hon. Alex. Maakenzte'o Admin- ietration, died at Dover, England. Thema Snowdon, of Stretford, fire- man, and Harvey Hall, of Clinton, brake- man, were killed in a collision on the Grapd Trunk near Guelph. During a fire at Riohardeon's photo. graph gallery, Napauae, John Pollard editor of the Express, fell to the ground and expired from heart failure, Mre. Clara Reilly was sentenced to one year in the Mercer Reformatory and Mre. Edith Hall to six months for steal• ing from departmental stores in Toronto. Ex -Mayor Mat.iandles, of Vittoria hoe demanded au investigation of the charge that he was instrumental in leaning liquor liaeneae to Ubiusee at five dollars nab. It is again reported that Sin Wilfrid and Lady Laurier will visit the Yokon thte Summar in company with Mr. - Sifton, and possibly some other Minis. IBM A head-on eollieion between two Grand Trunk freight trains occurred two miles East of Guelph about 8 O'olools Saturday morning, Two matt were killed, two in- jured sad both brains badly wreaked, A Lethbridge, Alta,, deepateh says ploughing was general Monday in the irrigated distrioto. There in no enow and the soil is moist, with the temperature 60 above in the 'Made, The season ie two or three weeks behind previous years. There wee another wreak on the Oan• atian Paoielo Monday between Win. nipeg and Brandon, tying np traffic fur the night. The Moose Jaw local .'Gast• bonud left the rails one mile East of. Brandon, and two baggage oars, two passenger dare and the engine turned over, Fortunately no one was injured, J. J•, Wright, of Goderioh, who went to London at Easter to visit his son, T, 0, Wright, of Piooadilly street, suffered a severe illness while there, and had to undergo an operation, Happily this has boon followed by exoallaut retinae, and Mr, Wright is getting on very' nicety indeed, Me many friends in that city and Goderieb will bo very glad to know that his rapid and . complete recovery from leis Illness is asettred,