The Brussels Post, 1904-4-7, Page 8WALL PAPE
01117 New Wall Papers are now in and we have indeed
this year an endless variety to choose from. Our
carefully selected stook comprises the latest in .
Embossed Papers, Stripes with Moire Ceiling,
• Tapestries, Neat Bedroom Papers
and Papers suitable for any room. Before buying bo
sure and see our samples as you can save money and
get good satisfaction by buying from us. Please re-
member, however, yon are welcome to look through
our samples and receive our attention without buying.
pad EA% 4:tems.
A ohiel'e amang ye nide' none.
An' faith he'll pent i.
READ the advertisements.
Tan salt ioduetry is booming.
Somal BOARD Friday evening.
AWNINGs ere being pet in their places.
How does your subeoription for Tan
Pon stand 7
PUBLIC Sobools resume operations on
Monday of next week.
CHICKEN -DOS are bothering some of the
children in Brussels just now.
Tan Ian Monthly Horse Fair for tbie
season was held on Tbursday of this
DON'T fail to see "Jerry" the funny
leishoaan. He wilt cure the blues. At
the Town Hall, April Rh.
Mass Genera will resume her vont
lessons next Tnesday after an enforced
holiday owing to anow blockades.
THE ioe above the mill dam broke up
on Tuesday afternoon and got away
without any serious damage in ebbs
immediate locality.
Men eelections and marahes played by
the band and orchestra of the Jerry from
Kerry Co. are composed and arranged by
our amain' director, Prof. Harry W.
Lee. April 9tb.
LAST week arrangernente were made at
Toronto for the annual excursion on the
W. G. & B. to the Model Farm. The
date will be Monday, June 20. Speoial
train service and tiokete good for two
SOME wheeled vehicles made their
appearance this week but were belonging
to town as the quantity of snow on the
roads in the country forbids their use yet.
The sleighing has not been bad, barring
the pitch holes.
THE Court of Appeal at Toronto will
hear the appeal one of the sewer suit,
between Meesra. MaOrae and Danford ve.
Brussels Corporation, on the 18th inet.
Barrister Sinclair will look after the case
for the town.
WEDNESDAY of this week H. A. Match-
ett, who has been storekeeping in the
Garfield bleak for the past year, removed
the atook to Tweed, Beatings Co., where
be will be aseooiated with his brother.
We win him success.
Non. S. MoLenentle bat moved his
implement show room to what was known
se the Wynn blacksmith shop, near the
Town Hall. He has been appointed local
agent for the Singer sewing machine and
will carry it on in onneetion with hie
other agenoy work.
D. J. MoLeuorade was (Wenn Vioe
Preeident of Huron Dietriot at the
annual meeting of the Western Foot Ball
Assodation, held at Berlin, laet Friday.
He will also he the Referee for the same
Dietriot. Mr. MoLatiohlin takes a great
interest in foot ball and Wee the name of
being "square."
Wn are sorry to hear that Metiers.
Stewart & Smith, of Wiarton, formerly
of Brunetti, have assigned to N. L.
Martin, Toronto. A meeting of the
creditors will be nailed at the °Moe of the
assignee in the course of a few days,
when we hope arrangement]] will be made
that will enable them to resume busineas.
They had a splendid stook but struck a
bad Winter.
who recently disposed of his farm in
Grey townehip, has pronged the Broad.
foot property, oorner of Mill and Alex-
ander etreete, Bennis, and will take np
residence there in the near future. He
will make several alterations and im-
provements. The price paid was $1,200.
The hone and lot of Moses Doll, near the
G. T. R, depot, hes been bought by
William Forrest at 0600. Mr. Doll
will move to the Truman Smith farm,
13th Cone whin be recently purchased.
House or Bance.—Weduesday of laet
week House of Refuge Committee met at
Clinton, this being the 8rd attempt owing
to cancellation of teeing on former dates.
The chief business was to further con•
eider the resignation of the matron of the
inetitetion. This wag &tmpted, but Mrs.
French consented to remain on duty
until Nether arrangemente could be made,
and hos decided to remain for the year,
if her health permits. The oommittee
reported the Rouse it good shape, with
68 inmates. A cow, whioh has gone dry,
is to be sold, and will be repined by Ely°
=Rob cows. The gannets up to that
date were aleo audited and found mitten,
GRAND TROPE —Afternoon and evening
trains from the East are reheat as late in
their snivel es ever and that means from
ti to ei hoine,--The Easter pesenger
•traffic] wee heavy this year.— Freiph
traine-eagulat and opeoitel-are entering
the badly delayed oonsignments inward
and outward,—A proper sidewalk ebould
be put down by the G, T. R. from Turn
berry street to the depot to take the pine
of the old plank one ennead a year ago
The present onditioe is unfair to the
town.—Stook shipping has been moving
lively one More. During the past woe)
tiara lutve been shipped aS follow]]
A. 0. G. Dwain 2 euro of hogs On Tuesday
ande oar of (tattle on Weclemelay ; Geo
A. Beet a oar ot bop on Wednesday and
Baer Bees. & Bleak a Oar of hogs, The
Voade Were In b poor condition to get the
Lite,* to town but it wag managed.
Ir is reported • that George Howe,
formerly of Brunets, has purchased the
woollen factory et Wrogeter.
Go and are Patten & Perry in Jerry
from Kerry. It ie the greatest laughing
treat of your life time. Don't miss it,
April eth.
THIS wheeled bread van of George
Thomson came out tbie week in a new
dress of paint, the gear being yellow and
the body a maroon. 11 looks very neat,
BOY, the little eon of Jno, Currie Mill
street, fell against the neve damper,
while playing in the house and received
a nasty cut on hie nose necessitating
merlin! attention.
GEORGE MCMILLAN, of town, went to
Oromarty, Perth Go., on Tuesday morn-
ing to attend the funeral of hie brother.
in-law, Janne Millar, who died on Mon
day from an attack of pleurisy. He was
about 70 years of age.
TO SEE A SPEOIALIST.—Thursday Pities
Myrtle Wilson wee taken to Toronto -
by Min Kate Wilson and Dr. MoNaugh•
ten to commit a relative to a
limb that has been giving trouble for
seen years. Min Myrtle has been e
very patient sufferer but her many
friends hope speedy relief may be obtain.
Accxnnivr.—Mrs. P. MaQnarrie slipped
in the yard at her home on Tuesday and
unfortunately sprained both her wrists
quite seriously. To make matters more
awkard her eon is on the sick list so this
appears to be one of the OaSee where
troub es dont Dome singly. We hope
Mrs. AluQuarrie will speedily be able to
resume her accustomed duties,
KicKED.—Laet Monday W. H. Salter,
who re 10 the employ of Counoillor Plum,
received a kick from a horse he was
shoeing which laid him off duty. The
blow (taught him on the right knee and
knocked him over. It was feared at
first that bis leg was broken but we are
pleased to state such was cot the one
and we hope to see him able to get to
hie work again before long.
In a write.up by Berlin News•Recerd
of Met Saturday of the annual meetiug
of the Western Foot Ball Association the
eoribe has this to say of the delegate from
Bruin's ;—From the town of Brunk
oame Deno. MoLanahlin smoking the
pipe of peace and with hie °antenna
hid under the mile that won't come off,
for Done. has the strings on two thane-
pionehip mugs.
THIS week Robert Denbow sold out
his teamster outfit consisting of teatn,
batmen, wagon, sleighs, &o., to Daniel
Denman, of this place, who will attrition
the Wannest]. Mr. Denny? bas been a
resident of this locality from his baby-
hood and is an industrious man. He
talks of going to Manitoba,wbaro he hoe
a brother and two nephew, with the in-
tention of going into farming if he finds
what planes him. Mrs. Denbow and
family will likely remain in town until he
locates. We will be glad to report that
be strikes it rich. Mr. Denman will
carefully attend to all work entreated to
kiln we feel confident and Pa be is well
known he should do well. He has been
au employee of P. Ament einoe his re.
turn from Sarnia.
Maarlane, the new agent of Brussels
Branch of the Standard Bank, arrived
this week and is now in charge. He
mane from Orono here. Mre.
Montrlane and baby will Dome to town
shortly when they will take up reeidenoe
io the home from whish F. H, Gray has
removed, Mr. MoFarlaue was in Bruit-
sele for a short time some 12 or 14 years
ago relieving at the Standard so that be
is not a perfect stranger. THE Pon bide
Wm welcome and hapee his nay among
RS Will beat a .pleaeant and secosseful
oharaoter. Mr. Grey leaves for Snuff.
elite on Saturday to whin town he has
beau appointed, His sojourn of nearly
three years in Brunets has been of an
enjoyable nature to the buainese people
as he was oourteoue, obliging and
attentive to his post and he hew endeavor-
ed to further the interest]] of this
community in all the ways available to
hint, Both Me. and Mrs. Gray will carry
with them to their new home the best
wiahes of the eitizene of Brunets for a
happy and prosperous neser,
Patten & Perry'e Jew Irish Faroe Com-
edy "Jerry From Kerry." There is
stroost a oontinnoue rend of laughter
throughout the play, The play itself le
to tunny farce—plot there is soareely none,
The lint aot is a good bright opener, song
end speoialtiee fellow in sun quirk ono -
cession as to be almost bewildering. In-
trodnoing ell the Wed songa and funny
sayings of the day, the specialty note are
all far above the average and are aeleated
to please all. The company will appear
in the Town Hall, Bruesels, on Saturday
evening, April eds. "Jerry from Iterty"
With band and oroheatra, the funnieet
show on the road, Read what the St.
Thomas Journal, of Merrill lOb, saye of
this Co. :—"Jerey from Kerry" preeented
at Dunoombe's Opera House Inti night
before a large auctions proved to he a
very aaoeptable offering, The redone, -
antis wag of 8 note and a number of ex.
nitwit epeoialtieo. The band wee good
and the orolseetta was o. feature of the
entertainment, fat surpassing the ocdln.
try, The 'Dane of the Goblin,' the
Milan was splendidly rendered." Band
anent at noon, Saterday, April 1
TUB 1111066,F11.0 PO8T
Standard an of Canada
=ST.A..21e2.,SM2-13Y1711 1.07
.11e- Qeitcrab 'Et a Zeldin ex 3131it sin 0 reite le ran myt et ed.
-DEPOSITS 02 ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on whielt
is added to enemas every six menthe sea beoomee prinoipal,
—MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposite without the intervention of any person.
only for which no oharge is men,
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our careful and courteous attention.
F. H. GRAY, Anne.
Ion ie well off a good ehare of the side.
wain now, The Connell should have the
unsightly and dangerous front of the
MoOaughey block cleaned up as the in
ie mixed with soot, mama and burned
remnants of wood that is treakod ito
tamps and homes by pedestrians.
POST pleasure thisl week to report that
our gong towneman, George 0. Oun-
ningharn, posed his final examination
laet week at the Ontario Veterinary Col.
lege, Toronto, in a most areditable style
takine honors in nob subjects as Disease
and Treatment, Chemistry, Pathology,
Physiology, Anatomy and Batons. He
arrived home Friday evening and after a
visit of a few weeks talks of taking a
trip to Michigan to see what the outlook
is there before deoidiug where be will
hang one his ehingle. We extend con-
gratulations and believe Mr. Onening-
ham has the right stuff in him to make a
seinen of hie Deception.
Business Locals.
10 Y011EG pigs for sale,
Gno. Bonn, Brussels.
1000 paokages fresh garden seeds, for
sale cheap. J. S. Y. Men,
Two good second hand pianos for sale
ANYONE who will see me now can bave
a bargain in saws. Tnoa. MoGneene.
CLOVER (Govt, Standard) and Timothy
Rue bulk garden seeds trash at fda-
GARDEN Snns,—A.It kinds of Garden
seeds in paokagea 2a per package, 15 for
25o. Tested first elan eeeda
SIDEBOARD and dozen high back ohaire
for nate also a couch and a number of
pioturee, &e. For particular]] AS to
locality ask at Tan POST.
ORGANS and Sewing Machines cleaned
and repaired. Also Organs and Sewing
Maahioes for sale. Apply to Tartan
MOORE, Brussels. 32
SEED GATEL—The new Waverly is now
admitted to be the heaviest moppee and
bast atrawed Oat ever brought to Otteada.
We have them at 60o. per bushel.
Geo. E. KING, Winghtem.
PAGE WIRE PENOING.—The undersigned
ia prepared to take contracts for building
Pegs fenoe and gatee. Parties in Morris
township may leave orders with Jae.
Sherrie, 4th line. ROBERT CLOSE,
Ethel P. O.
Damen TWINE.—Pore Manilla in grain
bags with 3 haltere, 050 feet, 12ao ; pore
Manilla, in grain bags with 3 hatters, 600
feet, 110; farmers' special 550 feet in
grain bags with 8 halters, 11c. ; farmers'
special 10 rain bags with 8
bakers 500 feet, 10ia. Terms Gash. 1/4
hent added Oat. let. To enure this
twine an order must be given. We are
agents for Grey, Morris and MoKillop.
Samples of the twine, bags and batters
may be seen at on store. Take
advantage of this special bargain,
A. M. Moller & Co
People We Talk About.
S. Carter visited at Goderioh.
J. F. MoOrste, of Toronto, is in town,
Ed, Nicholson spent Good Friday in
Mts. Jas. Turnbull was holidaying at
John Ritchie was home from Seaforth
for Sunday.
F . H. Gilroy ate his Easter eggs in
Monet Forest.
John Donaldson made a hastens trip
to Woodetook.
A. R. Smith, merchant, Wingbam, was
in town on Good Friday.
Miens Annie and Belle Rtalnedson
orient Easter at Bluevele.
Mrs, A. Olegborn, of Bluevale, is visit•
tee Mre. M. Riaharden.
Mrs. Harry Jamee and Mise Settergren
spent Beater ab Brampton.
W. M. Newman, Who ton, was a visitor
at 3. J. Gilpin's for a few days.
K. and Mrs. Roes were in Lietowel
over Sunday.
P. and Mrs, Ament and Mise Laura
were in London for Easter.
Fred. Beek, who has a situation at
Stratford, is visiting iu town.
Inepeotor Robb was at Toronto and
Kingston during the pat week.
Homer and Pain Gran Barrett, of
Wingbam, are holideying in Brussels.
Mrs. T. Fletcher is in Toronto this
week oombining burdens and pleasure.
Joseph Habkirk, of Goderiab, was visit•
ing hie mother and Enters in town during
Thomas Lott was visaing his brothers
at Oshawa and Whitby during the East.
er vacation.
MSS Sarah V MoLattehlin was home
from Toronto for the Easter vaoation,
visiting under the parental roof.
Aire. Eastman, who has spent the
Winter with her sister, Mre. T. Kelly,
bas returned to her home at Detroit.
Mre. Gillespie, of Ripley, visited at the
parental home for a few days last weele.
She is a daughter of Chas. and Mre.
Mrs. Davidson and deughter, of Wing.
ham, and Mrs. Andrewe, of Kincardine,
were Easter visitors with Mre. Thos.
Mise Fannie Thompson, of Fergus, and
W. 0, Thompsen, of Wingbam, epent the
Beater holidays muter the parental roof,
Mill street.
Mre. Peters and son, of Bervie, and
Ur. Leslie, of Howlett, spent the Easter
holidaye with John Hunter and family,
Elizabeth etreet.
Meet. Baines arrived home from RD ex-
tended visit to Jameetown, N. Y., last
week and will continue to make her resi-
dence in Brunets.
Bert. Gerry, of Listowel, was in town
on Good Friday. He has a good hard.
ware business in that town but continues
in his baohelot ways. ,
Miss Mary Dark and Miss Annie
Gordon, of town'spent their Easter
holidays with their cousins Miesea
Florence and Mina Dark, of Aewood.
Mrs. Robert Dark bee been confined to
the hones for the past few weeks with a
disabled knee but we hope she will soon
be able to be about as actively as ever.
Mre. Jas. Jones and Miss Minerva, Dr.
Fetid and Tbos. Maxwell were nb Liman
to visit Rev. Mr. Webb, who went home
for a holiday as bis health hes not been
extra good.
George Buchanan, of Belfast ; Mies
Florence, from near Luken; and Rae-
vey, of Winthrop, are here enjoying the
Easter bonny. They resume twining
tint Mondity,
Miss pearl Lowry, who tarried iu the
"Soo" after the other members of D. A.
Lewry's family left completing her busi•
nese terns, arrived here on Tuesday
She visited relativee ab Guelph en route.
Dr. Holmes, Go. Treasurer, of Goderich,
was in Brussels an Tueeday. 11 ie 20
years eine the Dr, removed from town.
He still owns aonaiderabk property here
and is remembered by a large 'somber of
Robert Roes, of Guelph, a former Bens -
sante, was renewing old friendships in
town. He noticed numerous changes
and missed familiar fame of hie acquaint-
ance when living here. He is a brother
to William Rose, William street.
James Johnston, who has been viniting
hie sister'Mai. Habkirk, has gen to
Goderich to visit his daughters and other
relatives. He intends making a yid]] to
Galt and if his rhenmatiem does not
bother him be may go West.
We are eorry to hear that Rev, I. M.
Webb's health le net as good as bis
many friends here would desire. He
was advised to try a trip to Colorado
but ie fteekiug rpeoial medical attention
at present at Loudon. The reverend,
gentleman is not only popular with bis
own ongregation in St. John's Wench
bet hae a large circle of well wishere
amang other denominations who hope
for speedy invigoration and restoration
to bin work.
Norman McGuire and Jemee Thomson
spent Good Friday in Wingbarn.
Min Dora Smith enjoyed a few days
holidaying with Listowel friends.
Miss Barbara McKelvey is home front
Seaforth Oollniate for Baster vaoation.
Mrs. D. C. Ross was at °Insley visit
ing Thos. and Mrs. Roes for a few days.
Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest,
was home for Baster, returning on ROO-
Mos (Rev.) Gonne and De Witt spent
Monday at Atwood and are now in Sea.
Mrs. Campbell and Reginald, of Port
Elgin, were Bean vieltore at Dr.
Mies O'Neil, of Clinton, watt the guest
of Mies Mary Roos, William atreet, tot a
few days,
Will. Leatheedale epent Easter at Galt
and Mies Laura Leathernle *if Ss at
Mies Bella VoLetiohlin has gone to
Toronto to take a position tes dens and
mantle maker.
Mr. Langford, of Owen Sound, has
taken a position in the Dry geode stare of
3, Ferguson & CO.
Mre, W. 11. Kerr has been on the alok
list for the pet week with an atte,ok of
lagrippe and neuralgia.
Dire. john Williameon, Of Winghetn,
and Herb, Willieeneon, of Ripley, were
visiting ab R. Williameonk,
Willie, eon of Peter and Mrs. MeQratr.
tie le on the tack het we en env to
tame With inflaremetion of the inge.
His heart is aleo bothering him, We
%hope lie may soon be oonalenent,
T frl
7 1904
CAPITA L—Pald tip $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND • • $1,000,000
BEV, 11.00. wttannx, D. D., S. J. MOORE,
President. reee-Prestdeut.
Drafts Bought and Sold, Pawnees' Notes Disoonnted,
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of 01 and upwards
811116,71AS REMVele
A 11 MELLISH, Manager.
Mines Tena, May and Thia, daughters
of Wm. Robertson, late of Wingbam,
were visitant at R. Mainprizek. Tbey
will be leaving for the Weet next week to
join their father near Calgary. Mr.
Robertson was well known to a number
in town. The Wingbam people preented
a gold watch, accompanied by an address
prior to bis removal.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunstan visited their
daughter at Woocletook during Easier
and returned on Monday evening to find
a telegram awaiting them containing the
sad intelligence of the decease of Mrs.
Boston's brother in law, Richard Crowe,
of Guelph. He bad been ill two weeks
with pneumonia and died an Sunday,
aged about 55 years. Mr, and Mrs.
Brunton left on Tuesday morning to
attend the funeral. Mr. Crowe wee a
most estimable men and oecupied leading
position in the Royal atty.
TUESDAY, Arnnuro 12.—Farm stook, Lot
28, Con 13, MoKillop. Sato et 2 o'olook,
Wm. Pollard & Son, Props. F. S.
Scott, An.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13.—Farm stook,
implements &a, Lot 8, Oon., 8, Grey,
Sale, unreeerved, et 1 o'clock, P. Ma
DOUGALL, Prop. F. 5, SOOTT, Atte,
TE1JRFDAT, Ana, 1.4th.—Farm nook,
implements, &o., at Lobe 30 and 40, Con,
1, Morrie. Sale, unreserved, at 1 p. m.
W. J. Johnston, prop. ; Jno. Purvis, ano.
Znii,SIGNED is prepared to attend. to
Orders for hair dressing in switebes made
from combings or cut hair. MRS. R. T.
00111580010. 00111 street, Brussels. 813 .
1: comfortable, eight.roomed dwelling
is excellent condition. The lot contains
tbree-eighths of an acre. Low 'price for
quick Rale. Apply to GEO. DOBSON,
984 Ethel.
Board. of Hearth Notice,
TO the public of 13russellt :
Thetime te approsehtug when all yards
and water -closets MUST be cleaned up. An
persons oonoerned must note this as the
law will be strictly enforced. Signed lu be-
half of the Board of Health,
SOO R. PAUL, Mailman.
REORNTATIvis 111 this county aud ad-
loining territories, to represent and adver-
tise an old established business henna of
gond ffertnolal standing. Salary 521 weeicly,
with expenses advanned each Monday by
check (bract from headquarters. Horse
and buggy furnished when necessary; posi-
tion permanent. Address Blew Broa, & 00.,
Room 610 Monon Bldg., °bleep, 111,
To 0Ontraetors.
Tenders will be received by the under-
signed, on behalf of the Tockersalith Boon -
oil, until Veiny, April 29,h, addressed to
Heiman P. 0., fur cleaning out the big drain
on 001100SPIOUP 6, 7 end 8, H.R. S., Tucker -
smith, according to the plane and special:a-
tlas to be aeon fit the Whoa of the Olerk,
Oleik, Gentian P. O.
In the eurrogene Court of 1110
County tie Huron.
In the matter of the gOardisuship of Jack-
son Webster Stitt, Thomas Sylvester
Kitt, and Annie Florence Stitt, the in-
fant children of Mary Ann Stitt, of the
Township of meNitiop,in the County of
Huron deceased.
Natio° ie hereby given, that after the ex-
piration of twenty days, treti the first pub-
lication of ibis notice, enunciation will be
made to the Surrogate Court, of theCounty
of Enron, fax a Grant of Letters of Guard-
ianship, of the above named infants, to
Samuel Stitt, of the Township of MollilloP,
111 the Comity of Huron, Panne, the lather
of the said infants,
Dated at 11111$8010. in the County of Huron
this Thirtieth clay of March A., 0)3006
W. 1.1, S/NOLAIlt,
Solicitor for the Applicant.
Our Opening of Spring Millinery was
of a most, satisfactory character and we
feel confident that with the Fine New
up-to-date Stock we can please the moat
fastidious in the latest and most fashion-
able goods at reasonable prices.
We solicit a share of public favors
feeling assured our customers will receive
good value for their money.
Our hearty thanks are returned for
the patronage already bestowed and ask
for its continuance.
MISS E. 1-17-7LE.
e_ POW POI{ MO undersigned
offers fax sale ono Thoro'-brod Yorkshire
Row, 18 Years old, in pig to WS thora -bled
YorksbLre hog, For price apply to E. S.
KOSOLSON, (Boduliu Lime Works), Mor-
ris, Belgraye P. 0. 88-11
—The undersigned has for sale two
Thore'-bred Dorhani Bulls, with registered
pedigrees, They ere 11 1110d CDS Old and
dark red in color, Mess annals tilt be
;told ab reasonable fir(ins. Apply to
7010 10 BENNETT, Walton.
are apt to play havoc with
fair complexions. All raw
winds can do in a day oan
be undone in a night by ap-
plying our
It heals and softens the
skin, removes tan and all
minor blemishes, and is per-
fectly harmless in every
respect. 6c. per ounce.
Drug Store
Hay 011011
OUR Spring Opening was a decided
success and we desire to return
thanks for the largo attendance of
Ladiee and the generous patronage ac-
We were never better able to
suit people than this season and we
will be pleased to be favored with your
A. very nice stock of Ready-to-wear
Efate on hand.
Special attention given to Mourn-
ing Millinery. In Ordered Work we
guarantee satisfaction and give you the
Latest and moat I3p-to-date Styles.
'tt ,M1.0,1 ,bOErs HP,
New aieel Choice mei at
Fair Prices.
PRING is at hand and with it comes house-clean-
ing and new Carpets, Curtains, &c. We have
anticipated your wants and have now the most
Elegant and Up-to-date goods on the market.
Unless you come and let us show you tbe wide range
in stock you will have no conception of the choiceness
of deign, colorings and handsome effects we carry. In
Carpets we have the beet in
Brussels, Velvets, Tapestries,
Wools and Ingrains.
The Choicest Stock ever carried in Brussels
Our line of Mattings embrace Lineoleums, 2 and 4
yards wide, Inlaid Lineoleums, Oil Cloths, &e. Neat
Patterns and sure to wear like leather.
The Tapestry, Union and Wool Squaree We show
give knowing housekeepers an opportunity of securing
up-to-date goods without going to the city for them.
We also carry handsome Floor Rugs, Table Covers,
Piano Drapes, Curtains and other lines that cannot fail
to please and all at Reasonable Prices.
All kinds] of Upholstering done and in geode to match Carpets
if desired,
MI:opek Cut and Matched in our Show Room.
We have an elegant] etoolt of A 1 BURN/TITRE. 'Call and see it.