HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-7, Page 6" • e,
4404,...4.4444.,444,44.4.4 .444.4.444.4.44444-4
To the Prevalent Lack of Decorum Among Wor.
shippers in Our Churches.
.* -4 4.14.4,44.4444=4.44.4444
Mitered itecocaluit roar: „t.,11,1"t",ft;
▪ a
2.'housuncl .tane Hundred and lour
by Wm, natty, of Toronto, at tbo
Dene.rtment ot Agriculture, Ottawa::
despatch front Los Angelee, Cato
saYs; Roy. Frank Do Witt Talmage
proached frora the following text;
Timothy itt., 15, "That thou maY-
eat, know how thou oughtest to be-
have thyself in tho houao of
If relined soulul manners are essen-
tial in the home, they are equally
important ka tho house of Clod. So
oson' 1 aro they to a consecrated
Obristaen lifo that Paul wrote a long
eplatlo to his young lieutenant, Tim-
othy, concerMng them. In this let-
ter, wherein are found the words of
the Mat, the great apostla tells how
hishop,14 and their wives should act,
and also how deacons and deacons'
Wivett But to -day, instead ol my
showing how our ministers and
citurch officers should behavo in the
house of God, 1 would preach a sur
11)011 on church manners directly to
the pow. I would try to imolai e
tlas reverential. sph•it with which our
congregations 5h011 ,7 for
worship. I would try to teach this
reverence because more and more in
this irreverent age there is a tend -
good. If William E. Cilaristone,
ency to look upon chttrch buildings
with the greatest brain in alt Eng-
- as places fitted for secular 01110Y land, (mold sit Sunday after Sunday
ments rather titan as sanctuaries
in the little vhurch of llawarden and
consecrated to the preoenco of Jesus
get seth•itual food from young, in -
0 i"'She lord loved the gates
xpetienced restors who canto there
of Zion more than all the dwellings
to brook for him the "brood of life," in a way which, I trust, will com
of Jacob." No matt ought to place onurely 5.ottom3.. afford to honor thse ...,
and your attention."
1 iniote s .f. esus Christ as God' '-'----
foot in God's sanctuary unless be •
do it with the solemn. feeling of The King then again, though ovi
le dently fatigued by the difficulty of
reading in the first instance, began
at the boginning, and read through
the speech in "a manner which would
have cloue credit to any professor of
consideied ao represontiog tho hand
tho 'olds -tees preaching Why," 'tiered it Li -omissible for Ilis Majesty laws' Yalks SiN °g14°' Lb° Whit"
In 1836 at the Opening* of the
British Parliament.
In view of the gloomy weather that
has boon associatod with the °polling
01 parlittutont, says London Echo, it
is into -rooting . to note that on one
occasion the royal speoch had to be
delivered by candle light, On this
date, 1830, porliaanont was opentol
by King William IV., and the woo -
u 11 loamy An ina
perfection in the sight of tho King,
thm was lints y g
taSeleato IS o vola e gto 0 1100901Pa
r, FOR Tim 1.101VIE t...,
9 este, 0
1) O
to Recipes for tho Kitchen, 9,
O ilYilietto and Other Notes
fil for tho Housekeeper. 0
O f'0
19000Riai di045080009i'vf01490
• 0 nut of
Applo Castaid I e,— no
Not criticise tho church mosic or end the darkness of thv um_ boiled emotes elonr, and froo from
some ono says, "that is almost an to read tho t•oyal speech with facilITY.
of three, this mixture well.
impossibility. Some church choirs Most patiently and good-naturedly Ono teacup of swat cre3a,Inail hP
soma!' evely law of musical hat- clid strugglo with the task, oftel of butter Om size or au ig W
111011y. S01110 ministers are nbsolute- !hesitating, souleymos miotakiog ant nut. Flavor as you like. Mix nod
ly Stupid. They etre impraeticable 'at others correcting hinisolf. On one swOoten to you', taste. Make a good
men—meu of no Force, without any occasion he Muck altogether, and na crust'
toot logical, consecutive thoughts. ter two or threo inefloctual ejm
-18 Mock Mince Pte.—Four biscuits (or
„ make out the word, ho w obliged Men light broad to that amount),
choirs are noted 01 000 r t
' 0 -ar tali' a's- to ive it u h t 1 hst od ; rota cups or water, two and one -hall be substitutod Cot ono or Van, iti
'That is true, my brottor. Some
e, who stood on his right cups of nugar, one cup of raisins or if a recipe calls for throo torgs, too
cords than their musical perfections. , liegourn p; NV en, urn ug o ..or
Some minioters' plant al (tooth it ha d d 1 1 i currants, one-half cup of vinegar, one Ho ond a levol I ahl,,spoonful of
contly M the face, he said, to a tone - • butter, spico with nutmeg and cornstarch in pletea of the otlwr.
does not take a very long line o n ' an °°' ng him m°st signin- elm
parts of the Nouse, "Fh! what is LITTLE POINTERS ON DRESS,
sunieloutly loud to bo muliblo in all allspice, to taste. Balt° „steno as ally
fathont. But I ean give you this as
my otyn personal expe.ience—I never althea lite.
of Cod in my heart, to try to ocia- it'? Milk Porridge.—Soak two cupfuls In tho city, town ot country, this
siclor the leaders of that service, Lord Melbourne having whiepured of oatmeal in a quart of water o•ver rule applies" Always dives your chit-
entet ed. any church with the spirit
Clod's representatives, without re- the obstructing word, the King pro- night. In the morning strain and dren 08 woll as your chnumstancise
ceiving great spiritual good out of ceeded to toil through the speech; boil the water half an houto scald a will allow. This does not mean elah-
pint and a half oE
that iervice. In contrast to this but by this time he got to obout tho
thicken with a tablespoonful of dressed chi
rich milk, and orately or fancifully, for the "well"
statement 1 ne,ver entorod et ohorch middle the librarian brought, him
Hour robbed smooth in Id is often the °simplest,"
building, with the spirit of crititism two wax -lights, on whivh he sudden- a little cold dressed.
in iny heart but I found something ly paused; then raieing his honal, and milk, Add this to the water, with a Neatness always distingoishes well
•' i 's 1 out the minister and looking at the Lords and Commons, teaspoonful of butter ancl half a tea- dressed children. It should be en -
he acIdt•essecl thont on the spur of the spoonful or salt; boil well and serve. courageci and cultivated as much Its
moment, in a perfectly distinct voice, yoars.
possible. It will count in later
ter ii. oervice in the spitit of ea Ill- and without the least embarrassmett
cimn I always Mullet that I received or the mistake of a single word,
cream and a little whito eugar, they
make a retry acceptable addition to
tho winter's bill of fare. Thoy are
quite as much liko fresh peae as dry
beans are like green ones.
Now thua eggs are so expetutivo any
wear of saviog them commando itself
to tho economical. Instead of using
thet whito of an egg to settle the
breakfast ooffee, motto a bag of thin
muslin, put the corfoe into it—a table-
sPoonfol for vetch porson and "one
for the pot"—tie, and turn the boil-
ing wator upon it.
If you Nowell to got a eako too
stiff, (loot add milk. Beat up an
ogg ond told it gradually until tho
desired conaistency Is oltiodoNl. ;
()sone acid roducod with water ancl
opttliod to tho spots will 140100110 113111
rust. Rinso the fobrie won aftor Cot
avid has dona its work. Apply with
an old toothbrush.
When eggs aro dear cornstarch may
tho service beforo I got through with
it, anti, furthermore, when I did eo-
r 1.• 0 a from that serviee than these terms: of raisins chopped floe, four oggs, ono little girl is "sized up" by her dress
mond of fies chummon and nutmeg when sho enters cis a stranger into a
own ago?
Fig Calce.—Two cups of sugar, one
cut) of butter, one cup of cold water,
in ono teaspoonful of soda, three cups Did you ever notice how quickly n.
"My Lords and Clentlomen; I havo
to flavor. Beat togethet• sugar and group of t.
hitherto not been ablo, from. want of
butter, add the eggs, which should Tter rating is given her then by her
light, to read this speech in tho way
have been 1)001012 togethor; dissolve 51114111 Maymates, and her dives is
its importance deserves; but as lights
the soda in a cup ot writer. Cm the basis of it. Why not have the
are 210AV brought me, I will read. it
enough sifted flour to nutice it as stiff rating a good one?
again from the conmiencenient, and
ets pound cako. Out the figs in halves T-Tarmony, simplicity and noittne.ss
and peess well tho dough to pre- aro the throe cardinal principlos in
vent burning. Bake hi layers, frost- dressing children. It costs no morci
Ng each layer whit() warm. This re -
eine makes two cakes.
Vanilla Cretins Stick.—Boil three
pounds of granulated sugar with half
a pint of water, let it dissolvo slow-
ly on a cool part of the range, then
add a largo tablespoonful of vinegar
and a teaspoodul of gum onablo ells-
solvod in a little water. Boil until
brittle; removo from the fire aid
flavor with vanilla, peppermint or
cinuamOn, only work quickly. 'Rub
tho hands with sweet oil or butter,
and pull vigorously till the candy is
white; twist or braid it, or pull intO
long thin strips, and cut it off.
APRIL 3rd.
Text of the Lesson, Mark vii., 24-
37, Golden Text, Neb.
Or Easter Lesson, John
Illabakkuk, who deolitred, "The Lord
is in lila holy temple; let all the
earth keep silence before him."
First the church b ailding is the
meet mo children at woomo timso. tuary a-ou assemble, and to his re -
1100 -012(11
But hallooing yourself aright 1.0
church. implies not only due respect
to Gott's presenco, in whose sanc-
trysting. place where Ood promises to
es there, but also doe re -
That means it is a placo of rendez- Pre-entatii
. spe.t to the strangers who cOme in
vous, where you have an appoint- .
to worship with you at your church
ment to commune with Christ at
altars. It not only means that we
least twice every Sunday and &Claps .
;Amulet bow before God's altars and
once or twleo during the week. Ono .
111 moat ential tones say, "Our Fath -
inference from that fart is that when or," but it also means that we
a congregation as:ambles on the oimodd giro a warm, lotiog Chris -
S bl 1 da the o•orshippere should tian weltouic to God's children who
always he 011 time and be ready to would ait by our side. 1 11108125 that
lift their voices in p: -nine at tho first no church is 0. conseerated Christian had been froquently snubbed by both
word of the first line of Ow dosol- church unless all the men und wo,... during hts courtship --"as regards
ogy, as well as with bending head men alike, whether olothod in silk or your fathor and Mother—:—" aad he
Hilton to the last word of the last in homespun., whether lich or Poor, curled his 1M and threw out his
lino of tho benediction. whether master or servant, shall be chest.
antrum NO PLACE FOR LEVITY "Speak low, George," she whisper -
The E.piscopallan rector begins his
service in this wise: "Lord, I hove
loved tho habitation of thy house
and the place where thine
honor dwelleth." When on outer the
"Then you accept me, Etholinda.?
Oh, what happiness!"
"Yes, but you must seo father and
mother, Cuomo!"
"As regards your father and mo-
ther Etholinda," said Goorge, who
cordially greeted with an opea
church dom. and an open church pew.
Christian etiquette Should run ex -
a., Hy along parallel lines with social ther," continuod the wily 10V011, rats -
etiquette. Suppoen I ain Molted to ing his voice, "I think your father is
your home to that for a week. Sup- one of the most gentlemanly men I
poNing• at this country house party ever met; and as for your mothor,
house of God, do we one and all feel
YOU ShOUld haVO UM or fifteen guests she is one of tho loveliest of women.
that we are coming into the
!ioeluding eome of your own children.
of the Lord? If We (10, W0111(1 We I ((113. not surprised that you aro so
colts, laughing and talking and nod- Supposing at this house party I
should be rude to one of your guests good, so beautiful, so stoect, when I
remember you are the offspring of
ed; "I think they -are both hstemng.
'As regards your Lather and mo -
ding to oath Mawr, like a lot of or make ion of
your old mother be -
schoolgirls entering Con: class rooms'? came .
she murdered tho king's Eng -
such a. pair."
"George," said the father, hustling
. It we do, would. there bo so much 1 itho or oei,„„„ oho 0.00 dm h„r own
into the room, "she is yours.
- whispering among the members, both , , ,
[ NA cu,h la, , 11 hat would you d.o ? ,,And vou have our blessing," °rind.
in the paws and in the book of the ' Would you. octosider mu one of your he mother.
church? If we do, would them be so I friends'? 'Would you soy "Well, 11 t And George, as he readjuatod his
much tureng around to watch oth- 1 you don't like my mother or my
collar, thought to himoolf that an
ors who happen to come In. late, and children I will torn them out of
on •ti of timely compliment is worth
a disposition to laugh when anY- cloms. in order that you may feel a 0----(
- thing goes wrong? People. who Kayo Milo Loopier ?" Oh, no; you would
• viiiicod European mutts write that rather Say 1 "What is good enough
Otero the King is first and last in for my mother and my children is
the thoughts or all the waiting Nina- 1.good enough for you when you ore
' fors. Ao Hoot as the king enters the in, my house. When t-ou are rade to
room. oll tho waiting nobles urise . my kith and kill and loved ones, in town and went to au hotel. Short,
and how. When the king speaks, the 1; thon you dishonor 015." So the .iy dam a friend callod anti was
sei or tottero ho not only kneels, ' honor God unless at tho sanw time '
1 shown up to his room. Do found Om
travellor sitting in a chair surveying
waiting mibles listen. When a mes- 1 menthe. s of a rongregation cartoot
a Imund of argument,
A man on a business trip art•ived
As cloth of tint lessonO aseignocl rot;
tosday lima next fai our 1113080d Lord,
O woman as 1110 tomcat figure, and
the topic. in ouch is faith or 1110 tie-
cessity and power of faith, Wo will
do \von to 001101)10r both lossons, 111
Oath We sea a wonian in trouble, tho
Syrophenician because or her dough,
ter's alllictloo and Mary alagclalmo
tomtits° of lox own heart's sorrow,
tut in each case the Lord Jesus by
1)18 Ivorcl gives rest and joy and
roma, rominding 11E3 of that great
ord, "Come unto 111,t, all ye thot
tabor ond aro lwavy ard
o givo tom rest" (Matt. xi, 28).
Woman' le a notablo typo of tho
church, tho body of Christ, and
throughout this 1150 Of 111C; Bride-
groom s absence sorrow is her por-
tion, but De will come a.gain, [Ind
site will thon bo glad former metro
(Mark ii, 19, 20; .1 ohn xvi, 22, 32;
liev. xis, 7). `go Ole people or Naz-
aroth Jesus was only the Son. of
Joseph and Alary*; in His own kin-
dred Ile 12115 as cow beside himself;
to Cut religious leaders among th
J0228 ITe WIAS a. Samaritan and had
a devil (Luke iv, 22; Mark iii, 21;
John via 20; viii, 4:8), "but there
Wer0 some who had ey-es opened to
see klim as tho Son of Dovid, the
Lord of Israel. Nis own received
Iliin not,
Solnething About Nis Career as
(321 Enipiro-Builder in the
The gavot; Czars of Russia, 80100 -
body said, when thoy want a titan,
go out into tint struct and find one.
it is anothor way of Haying that the
Coar's Mini:dors spring from no-
alorgius du WiLto, descendant. of a
Dutchman, started at a. waysido rail-
way station on tho career which has
brought 11112). almost to the Mogi of
tho Stato
So, too, with the man who to -day
holda the keys of all the mysteries of
the great Itussiau weir machino. Alex -
01 Nieholaievitch Tfilimiatkna. wha 18
in command of the troops' in Man-
churia, began life us a sub-lioutan-
It was a Unto for teoung loon to
dream Mamma The veil of mystery
slowly being lilted from the groat
1 slam wonderland. Tashkent foll
ono morning and the Vening Gen-
eral Chornaloff was drinking tea with
the Czar's now subjects, The Emir
of Bokhara, who had thrown two
1•Mglish officers from the top of a
tower, go.ve way with 40,000 men
beforo 11,000 Russian troops. Khod-
lont fell at the point of the bayouot
after a storming of soven days. in
theso events Kuropatkin first tasted
War, alld 110 111053 still romombot the
day when the gates of Samarcand
wero opened to the Russians, and 8,-
000 of the Coar's picked. tromis
marehod into the capital of Timer- -
The W0111811 of Tyre and Sidon had lanO. The sub -lieutenant canto out
a real trouble and was lu great need of tho war a full lieutenant with two
of a deliverer. Laho had solochoW crosses of honor.
DO was in Promo at the fall of
heard of tam Groat Physician, so full
to dross a child in tho prevailing not go to Vint, 10528 31112.3 he 1111)3of compassion, but probably could sedan., oh, 8,05o andthe .01 .
Ho met Marshal Mucalahoa and the
ooltlO Prosiciont invited 11101 to Share in the
mar to her she at mute hastens
toItim,_and, having implicit coati- ro_org.meizies. of the cavalry 0
donee in Him, she will tako no denial 15.,.„=„.
from htlin, What a reward for tuna It WAS the young man's opportun-
ity, and General Contact will recall
in leis tinal word, "0 AVE/Mall, groat
If Otero is au ingrowing nail, try is thy faith; bo it unto thou even as
she to -day the delight with which le
frequent foot baths, aftor which a _11,1„eal. ilt" (Watt. XV 28), informed algelifaiton that tho host
bit of antiseptic cotton, or even a ono •was' willin t I:* 1
g o ta .0 t 10 dog's
remits. of the worle wero due to Kur-
half inch square of clean, soft, old portion received the children's btnad.
opatitni. In that marvellous reply -
linen handkerchief may be tucked in Colloidal' our Lord's ommuoodatioa
of the centurion's faith and that of enaLion of Franco which broke tho
between the 011511 of the nail and the
peaco of Bismarck, Alexet Kuropot,
flesh. The chiropodist is a useful the four who brought thoir masted
kin played his part. lie was given
at hand. Tho little compress may
it will give ob- Mark ii, 5).
friend, and contrast Dis rebuke of
t(hleattdis,c,iiii)ile.s sifuoi.: txtleivit: 11:1.1c1;c of faith
xvi. o; first Rossi
the cross of the Legion of Ilonor, the
an officor to bear Ow dis-
practitioner, but sometimes he is not
quently the "sure cure" of the scalp- (Mark xl, 22; John xiv, 1). Turniag i Dods in his own hind,
. maTrhoon 1 arcitleiniiiiier (1 91-1dip, 1 Unction,
tho young
solute relief as long as used, and fro- command, TURKEY VANQUISTIED.
not offect a cure, but
el and twoozors proves none too per- for the rest of our meditation to the lieutenant SEM 0101'!) lighting in Tar -
. .4)1)tstor lesson and keoping tho news- kestan. Russia fought and won, and
sity of faith as the central thought in the great campaign which mule
in the annexation of Kokand to the
we note that our risen Lord oPo
eenerld govornment of Turkestan,
' ' d the disciples for Untie unbe-
but tell, a he inuwia the throno room they aro ready to welcome end honot
he never turnS Itis hock -upon tha all of G oil's 01111 )111211, no mat ter to
001013430)')' of God. which is filled with
seated king. When we ontor the what 5,211111 caste they may belong.
the presence of God, do we bow as But, though Christian otiquette 10
before a king? Do wo try to keep the house of God should mean much,
our face always toward tho divine how many churches are sinf ully try -
face? Do we earnestly try to make ing to become the churches of class
the prayers of tho psalmist our pray- instead of the churchos of a great
or? "Let the wortls of my mouth Christion demote:my ? Con we uot,
anti the meditation of my heart Ito one and all, Ito largo henoted enough
atsvaya acceptable in thy sight, 0 to kuow that theta 113 ouly• one truo
Lord, my strength and my 141)110112- gospol aristoeroxy, and that belongs
or." The church of God ought to be to the imble sersing close which
smoothing more sacred than a con- JPSIla described when to snicl, "Who -
cert hall or a theatre. ft ought to :never will be thief among you, lot
be a pleoe whore a Joke and a each -
'nation and a chitchat should be jost
as much out of place as it minstrel
show would be at a funeral, by the
casket of the dead.
Behaviag °nester aright in church
implies not only doe rospeet to the
foot waits ttf the edifice or to tho
habitation of the divine presence, but
also du0 resooet to God's ministers
who rireach in the sacred pulpit and
duo respect to Clocl's muslciana who
sing in tha church choirs. Whon the
members of a church choir avian to
slog tho praises of God thoy bocome
part of that mighty host who in
awry Christian land on earth and in
the hectveuly mansions aro °coupled
with the sarno thonua Whon the min-
ister rises to preach he comes as a
mossonger from God to utter the
Words thett tho ITol,v Spirit bas corn-
inisolooed him to speak. The truly
conoocrated Christian inininter is et
roprooentative of tho Most Nigh and
e$ entitled to the deference that woe
paid tet tho ropresentatives of the
Europoon kings when they entered
tho United States monde and wore
given the fortnnoSt Seats. They went
not weicomod as mom They were
honorod in their official capacities as
personal rentasentatives of tho Brit -
11110 German, tho Rabin, the
Thission and tho Austrian throws,
.Novve forget whorl you criticize the
preachoes utoseinge that you may bo
criticizing( tho very Words that God
11.15 given hlm to deliver 30 you.
ITotiOr Godifi roprosentatives in the
fihriettali pulpit told •in tho Chrietaan
thole Inft if you Would honor Chriot
in UM oloirch. Tho ministoring
hando of tho choral aServiert, teattoto
in the good seed . aetaga may IA
Boiled Turkey:a-Dress o fine white
or yellow -logged bird for boiling and
make a chestnut stuffing in the fol-
lowing way:—You .require the large
imported nuts, and see that they are
sound; make a cross cut on the broad
end and then boil them for about
twenty minutes. Take off both outer
and inner skins; out the chestnuts in
staw-pan or other 5101111 vessel with
a Close cover, 'Do not crumble the
nuts more that you can help. Make
a tablospoonful of butter hot cold
sauto the nuts, keeping them as wholo
as you can. They Mould not get
crisp or brown, but the buttor should
be allowed to soak in and moisten
thein. To one pint of the ehostnuts
add a small tablespooMul of finely
chopped parsloy, scant teaspoonful
of thymo or savory, whiohevor is pre -
forted, a atilt:spoonful of salt, a scant
half one or pepper, and butter the
size, Of all egg. Stull Cut bird care-
fully with this atlxtur0; SSW 13 01) 00
that the gravy eammt eacape, and
put the bird in just enough boiling
water to cover it in which there
shoold be carrot, turnip, onion,
and u bormet of horbs. This last
may be made in the followilus pro-
Portiont—Two good sprigs of pea -shoe,
ono bay leaf, one sprig of thymo,
four el000s; tie all up neatly so that
they will not shod tool can be easily
taken out. Twenty white pepper-
corno should also be added to the
water, mid after it has gently boiled
an hour, a scant tablespoonful of
salt. Timo allowod ehould be half
an hour to the pound unless the bird
is very young; but nothing is more
unappetizing than underdone poultry.
Slam most carefully so that there
will not any discolbration. Take
up the bird, cat•erully cover it 'With
bochamel ao that it semis as if it
were onameliod. Now have ready a
couple of hard-boilod yolks of eggs,
and wi tit a teaspoon rob them
through a small wire :trainee so that
the bird tatty [moo the pretty effect
of Wog sprinkled with door pale
yellow grainlets.
with a gloomy countenance a trunk
which stood against the
"What's tho mattes'?" asked the
"I want to got 5.831)11 of clothes
out of that trunk," was tho answer.
"Well, what's tho dlinculty—lost the
"No, I have tho key all right,"
said Ott othor, heaving a sig•h. "Pll
tell you how it is. My wife packed
that truffic. She expected to como
with me, but was prevented at the
last moment. To my certain know-
ledge she put in enough to ill 1 three
trunko the way a Man would pack
hint be your servant 1 As you
would rover be rod° to nit- child be- them. 11 X open it, the things w111
causo yen love me, so retny o•e in our boil up all over the room and I could
church etiquetto timer coat et slur never get half of Omni back. Now,
upon Cod's childrom May WO 130700 W11113 T'In wondering aboot is Whether
jootle or push any ono away loom it would be oheaper to go out and
us 1 We should all belong to the buy a new suit of elotheo or two ad-
oopel (inn, We should feel that We ' dltional trunle6."
mode. Tan conts will buy completo
patterns of tbo latest styles, full in-
structions coming with them.
aro all brothers and sisters in Christ
0.1111 that, therefore by the goopel
fireside there shall be plenty of room
foe all the nietabots of the gospel
Lastly, rotined and con :notated
church behavior is demonstrated as
much in the way of a congtegation
disperses as in the way it assembles.
If 1 make a social 0101 upon you and
you aro polite and respect me, you
do not try to show your impettionce
even though I do stay a little+ long-
er time that I ought, You do not
gape and yawn and take out your
wateh agetin stsd again to loolc what
time it may 1111. You do not get
OP and 50 out into the hall and put
on your overcoat and than hold your
hat in your hond as though you
were ready to run atray nt. tho first
opportunity. Tr you acted thus I
would ceitainly take the hint and
louse as soon as poseible. Neither
should you be rtgle in church Ma-
As to0 began with the words,
"That thou mayast know how thou
cloghtest to bohave thyself In the
house of Clod," let us Ousts with the
PSahrtiiit's; wordn NV111011 110 Wrote for
the tomple when David sang, "/ was
A soldier of the Itosolans
Lay tapestried. at Tschrtzvicjskivitch.
There was lack of woman's nurSing
And othor comforts which
Might add to his last moments
And smooth the final way.
But a comma° stood beside him
To hear what. lie might say.
The Japanned Russian faltered
As he tool: that conmade's hand,
And lot said: "I newer more shall sea
My own, my natiVe land;
Take 0, message anti a token
To some distaot friends 01 1311)10,
For I teas honk at Smitixotaleggroz-
Fair Smanixzroleggrxzeati on tho Icl-
kotrve,kiinnov. '
Where Dr. Pigou Preached and lieE and hardnoss of heart because Ktumnatkin was chief of t ff t
koholoff. ITo WEIS sent to nnd the
Princess Worshipped. they bolieved not them which had s • s ° 0
Seall Iiim after Ile WaS 1`10213 (Mark famous Yakub Bek and sottle a iron -
Passing up Waterloo place, on the xvi, 11-1O). Right hero in our les- tier which nobody understood. With
left-houdf side, as ono enters Lower son it is written that oven Peter oliti
a wounded arm, he sot out through
Ragout street, stands a dull rod John as yet know not the Szetiosaro
the wilds against the Tartar tribes,
btilding of altilltIltiaX1 arelliA003411.0: that He must rise again from the
rode 2,500 miles on horsoback, 1111(1
011 3110 WallS 18 allot -ice to the effect dead (John 2L'AE, 9), and, tlthoitah Ile
returned in a year with his work well
that the last servico will be held on had so often said plainly that Ile
dono. Ito brought back more lion -
Sunday next, when the sermon witl was to be crucifiod and thal lle
be preached by Or. Pigou, Dean. of would rise again the third day ors, wrote a book on Kashgaria, and
received the Cloographical Society's
Briatol. That is Bt. Pailip's says "(Matt xvi a; xvii. 23; xx, 1 9),
- Id dal
"Did you say your Ittiabatul woe out
looking for wook?" "No, I believe
he's ont looking. at work. 'Photo mo
soma mon digging a callets cloWn at
the oorner ond he doesn't seem ober,
to got any further."
"I undetstond," (laid Cul loving
onolo, "that the toctehor oats you on
tho bock ocarly ovary day at WOO)),
glael whoa Cloy said unto niti, Le1 o•04) rm rootahho Rogtholo;
us go into the house of the :Lord""'"'''
"Mit somotimos it's too low &non
he moult It. Let us Prove by our .
to very comfort:Ebb. t•
antiOns and Otir Obnarintare of 0111ArCrt
"Mr. Seribblet" said tho rotirod
otiquetio that Public worship is not
drudgery alid repolsivo slayory,
but a joy, a haPPinosa and an op-
pOrtuni ty for continuous gospoi
Aeamire. Let worehip "tho Lord
the London Daily Mail.
Built eighty-four years ago an a
chapel of 08.80 30 St. Jamos's
church, St. Phiiip's has sadly fallen
front ita high eatate.
At ono time 1,500 nersolis crowded
its portals to listen oloqueat se.•-•
To 1)115110u carpobs, wipe thom
with warm water iuto which has
boon poured a few drops of ammonia.
Water added to soar milk will givo
better results than adding sweet
Ono part of cornstat•ch to two padre
bread flour is equal to pastry' flour
for cakes,
Flour and meal should always Ito
sifted beforn measuring.
Use plenty of sal soda in the kit-
chen sink. It. prevents pipet from
clogging with grease, and is very
A pima of charcoal put into the
wator in which f•abbage boiling
will cleatroy the odor,
A small bag of sulphur kept whore
thora ,re red auto will quickly (11
500140 them,
Roasted coffete oile of the most
potverfOl 'disinfectants.
Wator bottles and ortrots May be
cosily eloanod. with Allot and soap-
suds, Savo tho ehot itt a small bot -
thee to Ilse again,
Booty honstkonpOr knowe the ntitris
tiVa value of dried beans. Thoy are
rich in Om 11106010, the earbo-hy-
dtates and actto which coostituto tho
nutrittvo olomente of roods. CoMpara
son provee that pearl ton twarly iden-
Coal with boons, in :to rat' an 131010
philalitiliwint to lits secretary, elornents ,f1,1`6 concerned, Drute potts
soo wo roveivod ono hundred oriel fifty figliro 111(011 011r monies chiefly ao the
bads of a toetheome puree; but,
:malted over night itt cola water, on
which MOD ooda has been clisoolv-
od, put cm to cook in cold Writer, and
when tendet• seasoned with butter,
they had not received it.
Kuropatkin's aro has.changod since
What Mall We say oi the wpm= Alm days of tho oxpoditions into tho
10110 SO • loved Dim, followed liim demote of Asia, and he has boon as
and ministered unto Dim when We great in peaco as ho was groat in
500 them buying spices that they. war. ITo WaS Made Governor of tho
ntight anoint Ills dead body W11011 the now territories, anti under his sway,
• ci ad 120 Transcaspia ehangua from the wild
01005 11101u its then vicar, now Dean Sabbath was 50.5
Some of the highost per- on tho third day (Luke xxiii., 55. 53; country it has been to a place or
sona.ges in the land regularly attend- solo., 10. Although they loved Ilim towns and cities, with railt•oado
ed Divine servico there. much, they did not believe what Ea , churches, banks, schools, and cotton
13,11t for many yoors pivot the sole said concerning Ills death and resur- fluids. It is not surprising that, af-
congregation has consisted of half a motion. The love of God is the ter eight years, the Governor of •
dozen persons. it is for Clio reason greatest thing 280 0Ver heard of. but ,Transcaspia was callod to Woe
that the chureh is to be pulled down I eo our imnt the groutest thing is. • chorge of the army, to 00113001 the
aud the iand sold, in some respects, faith, for "will -Mut =thin° for which Russia pays thirty
11.11 the tieh folks who uSed to faith it is impossible to Moose God" ;million sterling ovary year, which con
yound there feacon. to have goon away Itho only way
TsiTaao and i (Hob. xi., 6). Faith in God is also Icon. to arms to -morrow, if the Cam
Ise do not go to eltareh any ,nd to bo tilled with joy ;wills, es many mon ElS there aro hu -
live in Carlton Nouse
pence and have ao untroubled man boings in London.
who has watched the congregation '27).
Mart (Rom. xvo 13; John xiv., 1,
longer," complains the old ea:total:0r,
dwindling for twenty yen.rn.
St Philip's has no parish and 130 Mary Magdalone WaS so occupied
enclowmeet, depending antacely on . with her OWEI sorrow and With 3110 fifty-six this mooth. 11co is an fa-
its pow rents. Those at the spogeo spiring figure, trustod because ho has
never been afraid, Five years ago
body of a cload Christ, for which sho
WEIS necking, that oho had neither
Kuropatkin was warned that the
Kuropatkin is young, as ago goes
• otatesnien TM will bo only
of lts prospetity amounted to Li
200 a yoasa Now they are absolutely
When Militant preachers liko Canon
liepton and Conon Ingou Wer0 Viear,
large and fashionablei congregations
flocked to hear them.
At 0110 time on a Sunday morning
the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of
Meoklettberg-Stralitz, Pt incess Diary
of Took, the Duke or Marlbetrougla
Lords Derby and Elcho, Mr. Glad -
5t0110, and many othoi• notabilities
'could all bo men in the Pews,
One delightful old character 'woe
A.clmiral Boylo. 'laving listened to
the account of St. Paul's shipwreck.
ho waited outside tho church for Dr.
begging !Moan s•enterelay, owl eters,
one has a damp oucl000d for et
3312811 ill 01.1EWilful hoarts, truly not in the beaUty at 11011110SW with re- rer.ly," "Yort sdr." "Woll, anStver
be porfoct handle; Oita, for the time 'fitted and OonSeeratOrl elenrch Man- them ovasively on post, cards, mid
301115 at legot, Nach. battle 51101.11d be rots, ' cncourage them t0 write agOirt;"
'Well, all I can say," remarkod ho,
Nothing happenod; but tho ext
"is that lf a Captain in hot Majos- is corning back again to establish a,
ty's set•vico had handled his ship as kingdom or righteousness on this morning the powder magaame at
that man aid be Would have been earth, yet fow uomparatively aro sot- Toulon woe; bloWn up.
courtamartialled tao 'same do)', and vin e the living and truo Goci and
di-anissed the service,"
Many tradestnon, attracted by the
faahionable gathering, aLtenclod tho
church. Ono of them, a wine mer-
chant., seeing that Lord Darby suf-
e•ed much from gout, wrote to him
and recommended a certain braud of
r'ilLetarfol Derby replied "Dear sir I
have tried your sherry and much, po'e-
MO the gout."
eyes nor ears for angels 1101 01,0
groat powder magazine at St. Petots-
Christ Frimsolf till the was startled VMS 30 120 blown up within
out of het stupor by hearing her 02811 .)-1°05
AiWel135(40111" 110111.8, and tho magazino
natio from 1118 lipe. What a blind- at Toulon, tom Tooloo was outsido '
ing, stupefying thing unbelief is! And
be -1 his sphere), but 1Curopalikin, who re -
it is Just the trouble with many eolvod the warning while in hod, rose
timers to -day. Thero aro so many
and went at onco 1,o the St. Peterea
who accopt Him truly and put all burg inngazine stores. Calling' to -
trust in Eis procious blood, but
gother officers cold mon, he Inspected
by considering theansolves and not
Ole stores, declared. the inspect:1On
taking Rim at His word thy lack satisfactory, arid gave ovary matt
amurance of salvation, at least con-•
, three days' Move as a tokon of his
tiatious assurance. Thou thero are pleasure. Within an hour the stores
n1any assured "believers, constrainod '
. \veto comity, Other guards end eap-
by Nis lovo to some Eim gladly,
pots woro summoned, a rallIPart VMS
whose awoke. ie Ulm buying spices to '
dug round the magazine. and boforo
anoint a dead Saviour—lovo, but 1103 night, it woo attain that any danger
Mith it is plainly written that He that liad existed. had been averted . -
If tvo aro to Judgo people by whet
they say, soeno mon most live on
hay tincl thistlos.
Those were on thole way hornet, when
a lady on the opposite side of the
area slippod and full. Be Pushed
across, raised his hat, and offoreal LO
assist hor. TT1 wifo f011oWed him.
rterose olowly, 11 queor gloo111 in hot
eye, "Tt'o all right—WS all viola!"
ho Whisporod. "Yee, 3 limits, it isl"
oxolalmod, IMMO. "Xigro
051 210-
31102031 woMan tairta her too mid toot
plough acrose Cie eti•oot to oat Itoe
op With lebtflonsg, The other day
Whin. I roll aloWnstairs you stood atid
lalfghed, and Wanted to knoW if X
Wette proctialtig,foe e ciretis,"
waiting for I -Tia Son from lwaven
(AOts 1., 1.1; iii., 20, 21; I, These.,
' 9 10, and therefore; thole sumac°
Asking questions is a flue art, but,
is not tho Joyous, victorious kind sonto poople who tonch school will
Clot glorifies Elm and wins others not take panto to mastor it. Theft
ivor, though
they have framed a (14)5531011(011I0linial. Saying to its as Ho saki to sugh 1142(1, he one they 100e
ingsroperly, anti got a, suitable an -
Wiry "My Father is your Father, searching for, thoy blame the limo -
andIll)' God is your Clod; therefore
go tell others." Not self occupied,
but Chriet, occupied, and yowling et -
rondo for Bina with Ele melee filling
our 00018. Then, sineo aod is our
Pathor, how eon WO bo anxious for
food or rcitment or anything, for TTe
Who spored not Flis own Soil, but
doliverod Elm op for to all, how 811511
ho not with Ulm also freely give11)1
all things and maim all things work
tOgothar foe our good? (Matt, Vi.,
25-88; TIMM vili., 28, 112). Lot um
amo toy to heart Ilis Worth; to l'ho-
moat "Ito not ralfhloss, but bolicw-
ing." "Iliossed an they that 11070
not soon un(1 vot inwo bulioved"
(versos 2/, 50), and loart Lo soy,
"Whom linviing not soon '1.10801 141
whom, thotigh note" 3 fine Elm not,
yot, bolfeoing, 1 rejobla" (1. llev. 1,,
cent pupils. FM •example: Sold a
bright young lady teacher to 0 little
boy in the arithmetic clays:
'Johnny, if your papa WOVO to give
your immune, a ten -dollar bin and it
tWenty-dollar hill and a nvo-dollar
bill, what would elm haVe?"
"A fit," Was Johnny's prompt re-
Vathor—"YOU A10 Nntry ha.011Ward 143
yotIr arithinotio, Whott I Wag your
ago I was cloittg etto 4o1)1?.." Day
"What's that?" Enther--"WhatO You
don't mon know what it is? , Dom
neo, thaCel terrible.rale'giVo 11110
Viler pencil. Now,, laike, say,
1, 2, 8, 4, and find the
Eiret you divide—mit youe-let no" ote
nevt. wind— r.
tor itu, porliaps you're. Um young 10