HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-7, Page 5Ant. 7, 1004 TRAIN UP A CHILD And when up send him or her to l�kwMl (SI WI' ,LISTpWE/_ ///A�/`/ / e" 'Perin opens April I1th, 1904 TWO Couiiioo— Oommorolul and Shorthand, 11 u uvrn 1. ' Send for College J 1 A. L, MOIN 1' YRE, Manager, $ of: F Y'=ag srri4 Coy. 2c raw BUSINESS G1n S, MONEY TO LOAN AT 5 PER omit, 6%0. SOOTT, ltrnesel1 INT R. MoORAOKEN— v • Issuer of Marriage LtoOnloa, Of- fice at Grocery, Tmnherry street, Brussels. -WARMS FOR SAL] --THE UN • annel0Nh0D has several good Farms for sale add to rent, easy tonna, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F S. SOOT'1,Bruenei M. MORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN M'LAPICHLIN, —TEAOfi1R 010— PIANO AND — ORGAN, nm.T7HS3E12aS, ROBERT CUNNINGHAMi• INBIIAANO0, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH, LI.•..LECKIE, LIFE AND FINN LNe'0RANOE, LOAN AND RPfAL ESTATE AGENT, Oiliao over 13nrsIoy'e Drug Store, Nov, 8rd,10001. 80 -am Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance CA., BOTABLIBIIBD 10'10 Inaurunoe taken on the aaah and premium note system at current rates. Before insur- ing elsewhere call on the undersigned A gent of the Company. GLORGLI 1ROGERS, Brussels. AUCTIONEERS, I 8. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• , mut, will sell for better prices, to better men in lees limo and less chargee than e wan i of terga anything RoBMA a at d ordure can always bo arranged al this 0ffi00 or by personal application, ROST. H. GARNISS 7BLUEVALE — ONT, Auctioneer for Huron County. Terme reasonable, Halos arranged for at the office of TRIO Poa1, Brussels, 21st VETERINARY.. D. WARWICK - 001 • Honor illa,ittato of the Ontario Vet- erinary College, is prepared to treat all die. eases of domesticated aniseeds in a 00mpet- out manner. Parti•lulor attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry, Calle promptly at - North of bridgo,Tand z bo y et., Brussels. cors LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MACDONALD— li Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Suoee00or to G. F. Blair, Mae over Stan- dard Bank, Brn00010. Solicitor for Metro- politan8ack. UT M. SINCLAIR— V T o Barrister, Solicitor, '0ouvey0neer, Notary Public, &o, ()Moe—Stewart'0 Block 1 door North of Central Rotel. Solicitor for the Staudard'Bank, p11OUDFOO'T, HAYS t1G BLAIR— RABRISTEIi1'U81 CIDfR08, NOTARIES W. Pnenc room, 00.1). RLAIn, 11, 0, Bias C91ceo—Tb000 forerorly occupied by X00010 Cam00D11In00, ON1An10, WIESIIAL WARDS, J. A. M'NAUGHTON, M, 3,, O. 111„ Trinity UulversIty,,0?ollow Trinity -Medical Oollego,Member College of Physioiane and Surgeon% Out, Licentiate of talo Royal Col- lege of i'h3tlola6ns and Ideentia0o ot lltd- aiResideh100—Millnstree ,, Brussels.Telephone No, 14, DEN l`IilT1sY DR. R. P. F-EILO, worrosT Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and 10trnt.0100e Boner Graduate of Toronto University. Office next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, WANTED A man to represent "CANADA',/ GnoAT- ht0T NUnekalae" ,n the town of flame's and surrounding 0oantey, and tette orders far OUR HARDY SPECIAL.'iaES in Fruit Trees, fined Cralls, O1'oanieiitals, ebl'ube, Ifinae8t Vines, Seed- Potatoes, &0. Stook erne to name and free froth San Joao Scale, A. permanent position for the right mml o11 either galitry or commission. Stone & Wellington 1fONTtflfa , NU110111011110 00.8in over 800 Acres EQttONT00 a ONTARIO dJ MANY CALLS are retudvrd Iran, 1,119ine89 nano and afANY n,UDe1Nrl ire tuaee•1 le good positions aeon yo'or by the (among CEyp'�/ yt� G.Y U rFy1fr,d4i ,YI M 1 �-U STRATFORD. ONT, Tbio eidieol stoma,/ ter tato fII01teg1 AND 111,IT ill buofneoo 011 00 8110 0 ill 1 Amato tieday. meet. 73unh,exa dol. , Il.gt 00(1)11031 our graduates as tench. • Y have e x r n, i o 1 11'01, 1 H k 1 , o r tl f nl ] l 0uti 1 a iron at her lteeri0e. Aak to 000 them (10 duy you flute,, Onmmnua00uutao Oatdlmsu0 frau. W. J ELLIOTT,inoi al, �•} Y. , L P p dl -tetra, ,''4 0:'t'1•r. Saaanah 81100(11. — Following is the 010nding of the pnpile of S. S. No. 0, for March ; DAMAO iu order al merit :— IV 0la911—Many Fate, Nellie MaArnbur, Ruse J.:ekeon, Stenloy MaArthur, Jennie Bell, David Jaokaon, Ella Evano, Se. III Claoo—Harold McCall and Norman Jauh0cb (•qn't•) Ar'hnr Mo0111, John Taylor, Prank hell and Frank Mo- Oa.tehey (aquas). Jr. III 01.00—Joeepla MiO,eghey. Sr. II L' ase—Gerais Fear, Robbie Beit, Willie Sboldioe, Jr, If (lass Myrna M. Jnakonn, Mary Mo Oanghey. Pt. II Olass—Bobbie Bird. Pt, I Olean—Hazel Jackson. Following are the 110111es of tbadn who wore regular in their attendena0—Mary Fear, Jennie Ball, Eila Evans, Harold MoOalt, Nor- man Jaok0oa, Arthur McCall, Frank Ball, Gerrie Fear, Robbie Bell, Myrna Jackson, Hazel Jn0ltenu. Mose M. FAMED MA00Luo00e, Teacher. a:Alracoat. J. P Tiednll moved to hi.; new quarters last week in the (Jambe block. J. '2. Thompson, who 01,13 been spend• Mg the Winter at his home in town, re- turned to Golden Plaine, Aim., to look afar his bind in the coming Summer. Town Cork Maopberson reoeived a leiter a few days ago asking if this men did not wish to jilt] a 0012210 of other towns in 0111n1'io to pot on some good Dhows next Winter. The largeet oar of must that has come to Meru in many a day reaobed here on the 18 h. To onnteinod 40 tone, and the enviable part about it, WAS the fact that the kind of noal sae chestnut, which the bate been longing b,r, for weeks. J. J. Wright, overseer of the water supply department of the G. T. R. was in town making arrangemenle for the build- ing of an 80 000 gni. tank at the junction of the Bo 11,lld rend and their property. 0. B. Ballard has added a gents' furnishings department to bis hoot and One store. Mies Mary E. Faulkner, who has been ependiug the Winter at her parents' home on the boundary ENOL, left for Mutoneld, Manitoba, !tiles Grille, who has been in Mr. Snhinbein'a More for some time, leaves for the Northwest, where she hoe telren a School for the Summer menthe at a- good salary. She holds it Normal o„rtifiaato, A. W. Foalherotone, who is an enthoa 100100 bowler and a member of the Listowel Lawn Bowling Club, received word itch week team the Seminary the Ontario Aesoolatlan notifying him that he bad been stinted as a representative on the Oanadian Bowling team whiob is to visit the old country thio Beason, Friday 0veni0g March 26, the home of J. and Mrs Armstrong was taken poe0000ion of for a onuple of hours by n large nnmb•r of the ladies of •Knox Oharoh, who had formed a enrpriae party and met there for the perp no of molting a birthday preeeutation to their friend and fellow worker in the Church and 8gbbath sahont! An addrte+, ea- 0o20rani0d with a beautiful Teacher's Bible, WAR rend by Mee. W. R. Binuing. Lecnos1la,--On Wednesday night of lash week it meeting of the .Listowel Laoroeee Olnb was held in the Queen's Hotel for the ;mulatto of reorganizing for the Bonen of 1904. The olnb bee every prep pea of a anooea.fnl amain, and have decided to again enter a team in the 0,nadieu Lacrosse Association. The fnllowiugofficers were ideated Pr00ideni, 0. Oliooie ; Hon. - Vioo Plee,, 0. Z 111,01 11o11, m mber0, W. Morrie, A. Hermiston, P J, Llvineehon, A, Bam• fad, homer Meyers, Fred Wright ; President, A. Brisker ; Viae•Preaident, R. Woods ; Neorotary, Ray Bamford : 'Dronearer, Bert JohnstoneToam Oommittee, A, Brook, Fred. 'Taylor, R. Baird and Ilse Smith • Manager, Bert. Soon, Delegate to 0, L. A, convention, Bert, Boots, W. Livingston. 111.1!•01 00(2. Priouipol bleKinnon is ependiug hie hul'dnyat his home et Glamis. Michael 00,1)0 ban gold his hoose and lot near the mill, to Dennis Barton. Three of our lade touk the early train for the Northwest viz t Melvin Graham, Charles Coulter and Whiteford Morrison. Mieedtoberla Wilson is et pretant in Stratford where she bee accepted a situ ntion us tea011er of commercial work in the Stratford Bnsineoo College. EDDA Ohm and Blither Company re. 0umed the making of butler on Friday, lttar0h 26, when a fairly targe quantity of milk was received, uoneidoring the very dangerous anndillon of the rondo. George Cerra) to home on the Molt list, 'suffering ire m a nasty out over the Dye, received while performing hie duty as hrekoerean on the G. T. B. al Drayton. He worked all day atter receiving the injury and o0nght cold in hie eta with the result that lie 1111(1 to korai)) off work, B0nateux.•—G. G. MtFheroon, ooanty (frown Attorney, of Stratford, wag roti- tied en Go d Friday of ft 01 ar five burg. lanes bovine been committed at Atwood on the previeue night. The mieoreents were reported to have made their octave in the direction of Milverton. A, tole• phone message from Atwood elates that the promisee entered were these of Mr. Marshall, hardware ; Mr, Iiriolter, tail- or ; Mr, Watson, grocer, and Milhansen's 'total. The booty was n 'revolver from the hnrdwere More, a dollar in coppers at the gr000ry, whi:11y and cigars at the hotel. The hose at the tailor 0hop was entrnown to the nerreepondent. No trees of the bueglara hag been moored. °IEL R ,/tis 19LS POOT Alro, John Stow v t m •t with what might h,vo proved a very oerimo ,toe! dent, It was a very 000(1(00 A11,1 vary newel ono, toe . She WAN en1nrod in curling her hair with r• pair ot curling tongs, her attention win) drawn to the (Mildred. She ruined to 0peak to them and at the some time rained the toage to her head, "ho thought they were In emotion tion hat indeed of-touobi0(1 her (lair, she pres,011 the hot tango ogainst the l,all of her right eye, inflicting an ugly barn. She suffered inteu.0 agony tot a few daye but at the hast the fpflammati,01 wee n gradually n ubd ad. A 0110,11) STATEMENT. Thio 0.nnounee set is made without i •l itheone t � ' n Mtn e any qnn fi0ztlo a. preparation in the world that guarantees it, Hem Reid will cure any Daae of ?ilea. It to in the form et a tablet. It ie the only Pile remedy mad inter. natty. It ie imp008ible to cure an established Gage of Pales with ointment0, ouppositor. its, injrutiono, or outward appliaroes. A guarantee to issued with every paok, age of Hem ION, w11iob oontains a month's treatment. Gn and talk to your druggist about it. Sold in Brueeeto by Jas. Fox. PALMERSTON PORK FACTORY 5110,10 TO Silt. 0•SIA L,$. AND 001'0 or ITS .tF1'A11t9 SETTLED. The Pnlmaretor, Spectator of last week hoe the following in reference to the latest move iu canneolioo with the Park Factory of that town, and which will be of intoreet to many of the farmers in 001000is and Grey : Last week a report wits in oirsulation to the effect that the property of the Pal. wanton Pork Packing Co., in liquidation, had been sold by the oonrt to Mr. O'Mara ns the highest bidder. The re• port woe incorrect thou ; but after some further delay the apart finally decided to except illr. O'Mara's third offer, his first and second having been withdrawn. Tho course of the final oagotiatione appears' to have been in this way, so far as 01013 be learned here :—That when the tenders were firot naked for it WAS intimated that :lir. O'Mara MMB a possible purob80er, but as account of his necessary absence aid of the snow blookade the time for :melting tenders wee extended. Mr. O'llara offered $10,000, (the buyer to HUMS the bonded debt of about $28,000, 000), eubjeot to the plout being in good ooudition. This offer not being accepted at once, on moonlit of the apparent in. ter,tion of another firm to negotiate for a purchase, Mr. O'Mara raised his offer to 512,500 ; but, no opposition appearing, withdrew this and made another offer. Moving been advised that 0020 of the machinery wan rusted and some out of repair, he finally proposed to pay $8,000 and reserve $2.000 to pat the moohiuery in order, and if lees than $2,000 was re- quired for that purpose, to return the balanoe to the liquidators. Though muoh lees favorable than the original reader, this one appeared in the end to be the best available, and by order of the jute@ aaceptn0ue eras wired to Mr. O'Mara. Little i+ knows here of the parabolic and little of hie intentions with regard to the factory. His pima of abode is the City of Limerick, in Ireland, he ie ap• pereutly wealthy and has business in. areata in other parte of America. BoMA Apprehension hos been expressed teat the faotory here, doming loco pos00001013 of a large oapitaltet, may be kept closed, aa aom,/ others of its alma have beau, as part of the policy of the big oompenies. Whether this will mum or not remains to be seen, Lut it ie believed the new 050n0r ie independent of the large oom- bioattons of panadian paokors, and as a oompeteut and oxporienoed buaiueee mac, with good oonneatione in the aid 000ulry and a thorough knowledge of the British market, will restore the bneioees on a larger Beale than before and with numb better proepeote of 000oe90. It to under• stood that hid sou will take charge of the In -inose its Boon as he Dan Dome nut from Ireland. The old company's a00et0 will of mune fall for short of its liabilities, but no one eaters seri00a lase but the direotore. These made thetnselvle perouuaily re-. epo'.oible tie a hand of $10,000, and have been obliged to payit out of their own pockets. Aod this is the reward of their public epi, it. .By their enterprise and that of others litre them there %vas brought about an'erlt of high prima for the farm• ere that hoe paned with the passing of %hie nod other independent factories— prima snob as were never known before and may not be seen in a lifetime. Most of the farmer otookholdece have got the valve of their stools hack again times aver in iucreaaed prime for their produce ; but many of them ignore this aspect of rho case. The direotore have had a bitter lesson in trusting too muoh to pub. Iia support and appreciation. Others have reaped where they have sowed, and allied an Tustica Idington at the brans ` e1a9s 3 otherewill continue to veep wlle'o they Sata a ,inning and pra0e11l.d 0002 have sowed, with o. •: trees oomplimentary 11500 1110 r�{[v aiRu The Watery of the COutlnlny for the elms 1 . :no Beneh, pant five yenta bite been one of news and turns, of valiant fighting against adveros ktorth County. influence, of loyalty and intrigue, of the weakness of divided 00008elo, of mtetakag aad suspicion of wares than miebalcoe, It is now a thing of the past, and onprolit- able to disoueo, though its leeoona may prove ueetal to some future enterprise. 1N 141EMORLAM, In memory ot Melvin Jame Oxtoby, who died January let 190.4. A loving one from 0e was taken And one we loved eo well, ]Io has paned from earth to heaven The angels Dong to await, Jost a while since be lett 00, Left his suffering and hio pain, He is free from every trouble And we know we'll meet again. Yee 1 we mise our loving Melvin, Mies big loving fond embrace, Miss his cheerful words of welcome, Miss hie plea00001 smiling fade. He is gone oh I how we mi00 him, Ae he rests beneath the sod, There hie form is oalmly eleeping But hie spirit is with God. He we know is with the angels, Dressed in purest robes of white, Walking by the streams of plesem0 In the Land while there's no night. We moat brave earth without him, Mies him along the way, And prepare oar hearts to meet him, On the bright eternal day. —S, A, LAMENT OF THE OLD BUCCANEERS. Said the abode of Henng Morgan to the abode of Oaptaiu Kidd : "011, we lived about three hundred years too Boon ; Though we pirated with pleasure, Jost to get a little treasure, Now they boat as to a very different tune, "There are modern buooaoeers who make their money oat of ships, Though not jest the same aa we did on the main ; For their method isn't gory, Yet it's finite se full of glory, And it doesn't bring the fear of ball and chain 1 I'Onoe we lived upon the water in a rest- less, reckless way, Daring knives, and guns, and winds, and waves, and rooks ; Now landiubbere get the treasure, In a more extensive measure, While they calmly live on water—•in the etooka. "When we raked the Spanish galleons in the Caribbean Sea, Little thought we, as we stowed oar wealth galore, Men would work a little take off By another sort of rake off, And make larger Duffers cough up all the morel "Aa for war, and fire, and pillage, when we soaked the Spanleh towns, We admit it was a rather wanton way ; But the town -boas, without Booking, Hae a more substantial backing, For he owns the town, and makes the people pay. "True, we never oared for method when the money was in eight, And we never let the treaty cutlass rust ; And we never, never wrangled Wbeo the foe teas to be strangled ; Now they do it more genteelly, with a trust I "Now they talk a lot of margins—well, we had 00200 narrow calls, And the dangers pnid for all the treas- ures borne ; Bat the margin's not eo ;tatty When the "lambs" no gay and frisky &newae to the oali, and oome op to be shorn. "Talk of oaptaine of ind0etry I We can put them All to rout, For lo history making we hove had our share ; But for luolty epeoulation, And fin' greet aoomnulation, We weren't in it with the modern mil Bonaire I" The above Iopianl peens was written by Rev W. E Gilroy, of Toronto, brother to F. II. Gilroy, of the Mettopolitan Bank, Brussel% id ooineation with a prize competition b.'iog aonducted by the Mangey Magnzlne, New York. This one captured the kat prize in the competition for April out of 1028 oompetitoro. The reverend poet reueived 5100 00 as the let prize. There's money in poetry it you can manufacture the tight quality. A deputation from Stratford council, oomprietng Mayor Hepburn and Ald. MoIlhargey, Wolelt and W. J. Fergaeon, Kr ode A T 011..ii Ib'0ewbo 400t shoot v Wo are pleased to announce that after the long period of difficulty in getting goods forwarded by the railways we are again to the fore with a very large stock of Spring Goode in all lines. NEW DRESS G00'ps, WHITE VESTINGS AND DAMASK WAISTING S KID' GLOVES, PRETTY BELTS AND FANCY COLLARS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, &0. TEE LATEST IN STIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES. READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR ALL, AGES. BOOTS AND SHOES F01; EVERYBODY, GROCERIES—A FULL STOOK. We also laevo a good range of Union, All Wool and Tapestry Carpets that are sold cheap, Wo aro at your edified with"the BEST OF EVERYTHING at the LOWEST PRICES. a 1 rtl C ill N Groeob Broe., of Milverton, have added another high stepping mare to their string, w"inh will be a campaigner for the fail faire. The relines of Stratford onstom0' office for the month of Kerala are Free goods, 54,108 ; dutiable geode, 567,- 746 ; and duty collected, $16,442130. Allen Cameron, Mifabelk, hae purobae- ed the Money bleak, for which be pey0 51,450. He intends moving Into the building about May let, living overhead and using the I weefiats for hie laundrydr y bueineee, G. L. Money, who has lived in Mitchell for nearly nine years, has formed a partnership with Ernest Rnbibenn, of Niagara, who in well known here, and in a couple of weeks will locate in Crratford, Mr. Money's family following about May lat. I. Horde stere, Mikhail, narrowly escaped from a bad lire Satnrday ev-n- ing. 0n the seoond floor An eleolrfn wire ignited some goode, but fortunately it was noticed in good time. Two caper - 11108 were destroyed and the lose although Hetet, was made good by the Insurance 00, A. Goebel and T. Oollison, of Mitoball, attended the dog show in Brantford last week. Mr. (Jellison was one of the principle exhibitors, having two red and one block cooker spaniel doge entered. Tbey are of the blue ribbon kind and were awarded four first and one third 51fze Thee. annual meeting of the Mifoheil Sporting Association was held Tuesday evening of last week. The aoditnre re port showed a cash belanee of $352 on hand, with nn unpaid 0100o00t of $2 75 All the old caaere were re Bleated, with the exception that W. R. Cole takes the plane of Wm. Forrester au the Oommit• tee of Management. The president, eeo rotary and Meears. Colgohonn and Co'e were appointed a aommltree to fix a date and make all arrangements for Spring fair. The Aeeooiation is to become a member of the Amerioan Trotting As. 0ooialion. Old oertifioatee are to be re. palled and new ones leaned to each mem- ber for number of shares they bold at 05 each, The Mitchell Lawn Bowling Clab;lheld their annual meeting last week. The at tendance was one of the largeet in the club's history and the membership will probably be greater than in any former year. The following officers were elected :—Hon. Pres., A. Barritt { president; E. F, Davie vioe preeident, W. B. Barley ; oeoy.-trees., S. A. Hodge. The officers with E. A. Dunbar and W. R. Cole form the exeoutive committee. The following Alps were elected : J. L. Downey, E. A. Dunbar W. Ell1011, J. Dougherty, F. 0. Hord, E. F. Davis, S. A. Hodage, Drs. Burritt; Smith,Atkinean, and Cull. The club appointed E. A. Dunbar as repro• ee11tative to the W. 0. B. A. T. S. Ford accompanied by Mre. Ford, will repro. gent the slab on the Lawn Bowlers' Old Country tour during Jane and July. Ostneadlean .Nc: ww, Mayor Breault and Ooanoillor Barron, of Amheretburg, have bren maenad on quo warranto proaeediaga brought by ex•Oaanoilior Craig. The worst snowstorm for twenty-two years aompletely blooked railway traffic in Manitoba Red the Western States daring the past week. • Smallpox is reported in the town of Trenton, a mac named Charles Goodman being ill mad quarantined. Dr. Shined, of Toronto, was at once sent for. The Montreal Gazette charges the Interoolonfal with oarrying grain too cheap. No each heiooue aoaallation wag ever levelled agaioot a private company. Twenty three employees of the Dominion Iron & Steel Company's bleat fnrnhaeo at Sydney want out on strike because the company disohsrged ,e fore. man, D. D. Mann denies the report from Montreal that be is to abandon railway work for militias. "I oao't afford to go into patinae," was hie obaraaterietio statement. Albert Sinew, of Bervie, broke hie leg haat week for the third time within eight. en menthe. The lirot time ma at it foot -ball game, the second time by a here° running away. Bolen Stone oonfeased in the Po foe Court at Belleville on Monday that elle had abandoned her ohild on the train be tweet) Belleville and Trenton. Site was remanded for a week. A letter hart been received at the Melbo• dist ltliseione rooms from Rev. Q.vurttgi, the Japanese Methodist minieter in Van- couver, stating that the Japanese among whom he works hove raised $2,500 for the war fond of their nation. These -men, for the most pact are employees of the oanniog factories along the Fraeer River. The people of Chatham are making an effort to have the Thames `improved so that they will lowness the transportation advantages of a lake port. The town is bot a little over nu boar's steaming from the lake, and the work of making the river navigable to the ordinary lake venous not oonaiderod ne of forbidding extent. Andrew Denney, of Lala Island, B: 0,, a brother of the woll•known a0nn0rymao, was aooidentolly shot dead while driving home from Vanoonver Sunday. He was holding n -loaded shotgun between his knees, and the road being rough, it wag discharged, blowing his head oft. Dl'9u07 had been to town to have hie will d1awn, and aha draft blob ho was taking home to "think over” was found on 111, body. 1110 Provincial Medical Health Officer, Dr, Hodgette, has completed the health reports of hie department for February, and finde that there is still greet neglect on the part of some medical men in malting repute to the department. Re. porta have been reosived from 080 divia• tone, allowing 2,852 deatho in a popual. Bon of 1,924,975, or at the rate ot 14.4 per 1,000. In February of last year the rate was 18 4 the tote; deaths being 2,175 in a pnpnlntion et 1,041,632. Only one death from smallpox le reported out of 41 oases. SOarlet fever ehowe 18 deaths out of 261 oases and diphtheria 42 Seethe in 289 easoo. There were 185 deathe from doom:motion, en inor81100 of 82 over February last year, Diphtheria oleo ehowe an temente of 15 (bathe, Small. pox shows a decrease of three (loathe and ecariet fever of 91 (loathe. Manatee were trevelent in 41 dietriote'net month, b there was only one death, I r & o. S'LYT H. OPEHW GSE ' C000S t Easier O t o t B a a Goode ever � now, toll o n lam ,aom NI W i Sprx axe coming y day and Spring. We've been tiara long enough to know your noade, what to buy and what to let alone. Wove bought tine merlon to better advantage than ever before, with the Chances all in favor of lhoee who upend theft - money here, Opening up the new means crowding oat the old, and between enough Or encouragement enc e e a Il e o a do, Th reg the two we're having n w. a quick badness in each bargains as these : Linen Towelling, good width, good value at 7o, for 6o, Table Linen, 1} garde wide, half bleaob, very epeoial 260, Rookfaat Drill Shirting, now worth 17o, for 15e. Grey Cottons at old prices while they last, do, 70, Bo and 10o. Cottooadee and Moleskins will be toil at old prieee while they lett, now worth 200, 250 and 300, for 15u, 20o and 25a. L,dies' Sink Stook Collars, in new deoigne in all colors, with gold trimming, at 25o, 85a, 50o, 750 and 958. Ladies' Large Silk Collars, something new, at 60e, 75a and 01. Ladles' Now Kid Gloves, in all shaded, at 860, 51 and 51.25. Ladies' Laoe Collars, jet trimming, at 50a, 75o and N. Don't forget the new (hinge. Make it a point to gee them next tante on are in the store, No trouble to show goods and no obligation to boy unless you want to, Recently important disonverieo of copper, gold, and aabestoe have been made In Canada. Large quantities of uialtleiferoue copper have been located in Oape Breton Inland. The ore body is reported to be between 270 and 280 feet wide, parries gold and silver, and contains high values in copper and gold. It is said the property will prove to be among the largeet copper mines in the world. Now gold findings at Poplar Creek, Brit. ieh Oolnmbie, and an importantdisoovery of aebeotoe in Addington ooanty, On• tario, are also reported. STLL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print vee desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see us. S. C . PLUM Thomas street, Brussels. Kincardine Council hoe decided to build a briok addition on the East side of 1120 Towa Hell and make other improvements neoe00ary, ouch as are escapee. The coat will likely be about $1500. The Industrial Exhibition A.esocietien, Toronto, are being sued in the High Court tor 51,500 damages. as the result of the breakdown of a "razzle•dazz'.a" merry.go round and consequent injari40 to a little girt named 'Edna Flynn, an August Slut last. License District 00 1'010+'. East Riding of Huron. The East Huron License Commis- sioners will meet at the Central Hotel, Brussels. —0E— 'odnosdayf April ZOth 1904, AT 10 0'000000 A.M. To take into consideration the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1904.06. The number of Hotel Licenses granted last year in the Riding was 17. The number of Applications this year is 17. J. B. MILLER, Inspector. Jamestown, March 29, 1004. H E Cis, D A C E. Headache that le con- gestive. Ileadache that 1s bil- tous, Headache that is neu- ralgic. Headache that is nor- 100us. These conditions aro overcome by the use of fp Dr, Laonhardt's Anti -Pill through removing tho 010.000. Those oho have pert- plattrfrg odicalspells ofheadache, headache eanociated with melan- choly, nervous debility. weakness or trembling of the muscles, or insom- nia, should follow up the use of Anti -Pill once or twice a week for a fere weeks after the trouble has entirely vanished: S0 cents of druggists, or by addreseing Wu.00x-Fres Co„ Niagara Palle, Ont. Free 'ample to any ad- dress, ANTI -PILL. Brussels by James Fox. MADE BY GEORGE A. SLATER e� SS' 811 UTFUL INC ES We are now opening up for Ladies or Gents or the Little Tots either. We Invite Your Inspection. HARNESS DEPARTMENT Wo have everything complete and can supply you with any style of Ilarness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good article: We have now for sale one sot Second-hand Team Harness arid three sets Second-hand Single Harness. Call and see them. t FOR BALLS—Two Dwelling Mona, acre of land with eaoh, having largo ana. email fruits of variotia Rimae, e�amrs�a= /� ,1 _rw�elal�� Mit I. a N `a. I C� A !' .\ S tR