HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-4-7, Page 1Vol. 32, No, 39 PosonwcammtwantiOrtT*21,, agmaammosnormnoma BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1904 New Advertisements. Looat-Truo Posts, Looal-j. Y. S. Kirk, Health notice -R, Paul. Grass Seeder -B, Grunt. Loottl-W. J. McCracken, Looal-A. el. McKay & Oo, Weoted-Blew Bros. & Co, Millinery -Misses Etabkirlr, Hair Dressing-Mre, Stook»), City Millinery -Mies n. Little, Oarpete-R, Leatherdale & Son. New premises -Neil S. AloLanehlin. Beautiful afiliinery-Boohe & Hayoroft. Mistrirt gthos. ast1rte3toV11311. The service in Victoria Hall last Sabbath evening wae takeu by J. COL Jamul Inner, is home from Toronto where he was attending the Bueineee College, Qnite le number of young men from here talk of going West this Spring. May success attend them. COBE CARLAOE FACTORY The time is come that you may want to buy a Buggy and we are glad to say we are ready for you as we have now on Land any quantity of the ftnest Bug- gies that can be got anywhere to choose from. Prices right. A number of first-class Farm Wagons, with low or high wheels, either 2i or 3 inch tires. Also a few 3 -spring Democrat 'Wagons. Be sure and call and see what we can show you. John. Cob- & Sons 0 ARRI A GE 61.VG's nittrzBEL8 Dugald Straohan kept up the repute - •Won of Jarneetown, by singing at the "Seotah Tea" in Wroxeter laeb 'ridea owing. We notice among our fleeter visit:ire, Prin. D. L. Straohan, of Teeowater nub- ile School. Mr. Streohan, is alwaye welcome whereever he goes, Jamestown included.. Ca'ratates.rook. Moo Mina Maw le visiting her Mater all Liatowel. tains Ette McNair ia spending the Easter holidaye in Goderieh. Willie Lang is home from the Beninese College ebStratford. He will not return, Muse Minnie MoNair is home from the Toronto Conservatory of Musks for the &ober vacation. Next Sabbath at 10.30 o'clook Rev. Mr, Battenburg will /nasal) iu the Lutheran ohuroh in Orembroalt, Mrs. McKay has boon on the oiok list with en intaok of la grippe but we hope ebe will noon be restored to her custom cry health. The Calder bridge, West of here, was so badly daresged lost week that it wars not epee to train°. A new bridge will have to be built in the near future. The bridge near the flax mill nearly came to grief last week by the weight of toe in the jam on the'river. It was mos, ed a little and prang in the centre but can be replaced. Miss E. McLachlan left on Tuesday for Yorktm, Assinaboia, N, W. T., where she has accepted a position as echool teacher at 1 goo salary. Mies MoLaoh- Ian has been in the Weat before. She is n Ruusseriful teacher. We wieh her a safe journey and an enjoyable stay. The BV lodol Gra N SOW Tt ie durable and not liable to get out of order. It will la.t a life time, 1G le very easily operated -can be set to sow may number of quarts per aore. Can sow faster then other madam. It clistributra the seed very evenly. It same more than heti the labor. Will not pay any farmer to be without it. PRICE 55/.00 S.. G RA-1\wr am AGENT, BRUSSELS. VII•MON. A Large Supply of the Finest CLOVER, TIMOTHY, MANGEL and TURNIP SEEDS GROWN, at HHH De: x. X DESPITE unfavorable weather our Opening proved quite a success. Never before have we had such an Elaborate showing and never were prices so fairx. x ' Now is the time to eleleot your Spring Hat while 2C you have the Stock in all its Freshness to choose ale from. 2c Our Ready-to-vigars are a marvel Ot Style and 211C Cheapen. Children's Hats bora 500. Upward It will pay you to give us a call. 21C r"--:1611 -6-416-L76P-IfT3==ri>=Iif=4=t=teil=11 1"4 141111 MISSES HABKRK so ' i=6'-•=o-==';'•-•'°4t-ft=fo="JL--'=a!r-'36 HHH x x x x x • Mre. Jamul Rano has been bothered with rheumatism this Winter but we hope the Spring weather will remove it, She its 74 years of age but remarkably smart for her age. After a reeidenoe In St. Thoinfia for 10 or 12 years, being employed in the ottr shape,Henry Haan has removed to Illinois where he has taken a situation els theorem on a railway loeomobive. Ae he is a steady goer he will no doubt promote in due course. Or) Oona -John Rana ie the possemor of an old 'Myer coin bearing date 1571. It woe brought from the Isle of Wight by hie Intents when they °erne to Canada a good many years ago and has been retained as a souvenir. Another silver piece he has le dated 1838. Eirelg•rtaave. The Easter service will be held (D. V) next Sunday, April 10333, in Trinity ohurob, at 280 o'clock, Holy Common - ion afterwerde. Rev. W. Edmonds wee prevented getting to Belgrave last Sun- day on account of the rondo. VV 08.3 Lon . R. Forenoon was at Toronto last week with a load of oattle. Geo. IloKien and John Turnbull are etill on the eiok liet. Rev. and aim Andrews were visiting friends at Brampton this week. Maple syrup making commenced this week in this violent', A short season le welded. Klee Maggie Wilson, of Seaforth, who hail been visiting relatives in thie vicinity returned home on Friday last. The Walton saw and heading mill ie iu full swing. A large store of lumber and heading is to be got out this season, The auction eats of farm stook of W. Pollard & Son takes place on Tuesday afternoon of next week. They are good feeders. Mr. Horton, of London College, took the service in St. George's church last Sunday. The gerviaes next Sunday afternoon will be withdrawn. She 50 aore farm of John Doherty, MoKillop, has been purchased by John Clark, of Grey, for the aum of 52,200. Mr. Oiark will continue to reeide where he is however for this year. Next Sabbath evening Rev. Mr, Andrews has annoumed to preach a speoial discourse in the Workmen at 7 °Woolf, on "Flowera." He will be at Providence 01 10,60 a. or. and Bethel at 2.30 p. m. Last Sabbath he discoursed on the Reenireotion. The annual veatry meeting of St. George's; oburnh was held on Monday. In the absence of the ineumbent, hie obnroh warden, Wro. M. Smith, 0000pied the chair. The former ohuroh wardens, Wm M, Smith and Jansen Bolger, were re elected end John Soarlett was appoint. ed delegate to the Synod in London next .3une. Very eatiefaolory progreee was reported for the year ; all aeooaute were met and a comfortable balance left in the treasury. A resolution was passed expreming eympathy for the incumbent, Rev. 1 131, Webb, whom ill health had forced toirelinquish hie work for a season to try the efficacy of the Colorado Springs. Rig tendered resignation was not accept- ed and it is hoped he will noon be able to resume bin pastorate here, where his sterling qualities have rendered him very popular. Vire-oreeeter. Joe. Heyworth left for Toronto on Feiday. G. Howe has puralmeed the woollen mill from J. Barnet. Jae. Mcnwen, of Goderioh, is ' home for the Easter vacation, blIrs. C. F. Edwards returned from Whiteohnrola on Tuesday. S. M. Robinson, of Wingbutro, visited hie home here over Sunday. Mre. Ewing, of Teeswater, ie the guest of her daughter, Mee. Geo, Allan. The annual meeting of the Epieocipel church wae held Monday evening. Geo. E. Dane, of Hamilton, spent Monday and Tneeday in the village, Herman Morrison, of Flesherton, spent Friday the gout of his parent's here. Austin Morrisou, of Markdale, spent the holiday season at his home here, John Brawn returned to Tavistook on Monday after a couple ot days' elan. Mrs. Mapleoroft, of Mount Forest, le vieiting her detoghter, Mre. W. Carrie. Miss Nellie Martin hag taken a posi- tion in W. Rutherford's hardware etore. Min Jennie Audison, of Woodetook, is the goeet of her sister, Mrs. B. Match. Norman Oook, of Remelt, wee a peat at the home of Geo. Herrn, er, during the holidays. M. and Mre, MoLenen and daughter, of London, were guests, of R. and Mrs. Bleak last week. T. Hemphill shipped a carload M oat- meal and Hatiolton and Roberteon a oar of cattle on Monday. Mle Wellwood left for het home in Oakville on Thursday where she will spend the Easter vacation, 'Min Kate Haelewood returned het Wednesday from a three menthevisit at Hamilton and Bovemanviiie. Samuel Willis, of Loudon, visited his meny old friends and relatives in the village during the paet week, Chas. and Mrs. Stewart left for Arthur ou Saturday, the letter having spent the tau six Months with relatives here. Last week A. Moffitt had a new aix home power boiler set up in hie shop to replace the mealier one he lima been using. A plement time was spent at the Botch motel given in the Preebyterian (Murat on the evening of Good Friday. Ls none of the had etate of the oads a goodly number were present the prowede amounting to 582, This week we We called 013 to record the death of two old and well known reektenta of Ilowialr, namely Tboe. and Mre. Malloy, the former passing away on Friday and the latter on Sunday. For a great marl tome they lived close to tbie village inta.of late bare been etaying in Howiok near the Delmore road, arid Mose to the home of theft datigliter, Mtg. Mo. Glyan, The old people were perhaps the oldeet couple living in thie vicinity 333 sue nae paused the winery Meek and he was rapidly noting it. The bodies were interred in the Oatholio cemetery at For. Mon, Kt}, 01. Old Mr. Clerk is in poor health. E. and Sire, Fletober spent Easter in Harriston. EL Oantlon ie visiting relatives at Goderioh this week. Mine Maggie illaNiohol, of Obeeley, is vieiting her Mother Bert, Miss Linda :Milne le home from her school in Wawanosie for her holidays. The Presbyterian Sabbath eohool sent oolleotion ot 61.00 to the Treneurer at Braseele tor the Bible centenary Fund. We are sorry to stet° that the infant of • John and Mrs, Dane, Went of here, died on Tneeday end the burial was made at Gorrie 013 Thursday. Last Sabbath morning Rev. 0. P. Walla did not get to Roe's appointment on account of bad roo,de. He walked to "TJnion" °haunt in the afternoon. The Kellner family have removed to Edmonton legality in the Northwest where we hope they will prosper, They carry with them the good salamis of many old friends in thie aommunity. The centre abetment of tbe bridge here wee damaged by the flood but was repair. ed. At the Oohs pond the ice was oat loose to permit the jam to get away and to prevent the flooding of the millyard. Itet csa-rtee- The Sunshine bridge received a alight shaking op by the ftsod. Mre. 8. Walker, eah line, spent Easter with relatives et Mitchell. Mise anum Sharp, trained nurse, of London, was home on 1113 Easter visit. J. Pinfold, of bloose Jaw, N. W. T., was a visitor at the residence of James Sharp, 5th line, during Easter. Owing to the warn out on the railway Alex. McNeil and family have delayed their home aiming from, the Weat but ere expected shortly. CARD Or TEIAN8A-The undersigned deeiree to express his thauke to the friends who oontrihuted to the puree pi -gutted bo him [set week to aid him in replacing the horse he recently had the inieforinne to lose. The surprise was very highly appreoiated. FRANCIS KEENEY. Having homed hie farm, Lote 89 and 40 Oon., 1, W. J. Johnston will hold an Auction Sale of farm stook, implements &e, on Tuureday afternoon of next week, Mr. Johnston and family are 001 and favorably known, and have been old residence of Morrie, ROM] FRou OALIFORNIL-Loot Saturday Joseph Clegg, a well known Morrisite, arrived home from a trip of 4i menthe to Loa Angeles and San Freedom, look. ing first-01am. The Winter was beauti. fel be sem and with its fruits and flow ere it ie not to be wondered at that he gained 12 or 15 pounds despite the foot that he walked the eolee off hie oboes in the exercise he took. Many Oanadiane are to be found in California during the Winter nation so .aa to avoid the inclem- ency of the Northerly latitudes and if the coming Winters are to be aa long continued ae the one now concluding it will cause no wonderment i e mnoh larger number eeek the sunny South. 0. P. la -Meetings for the discussion of the proposed railway By•law will be held at Batton's school house on Friday afternoon of this week end at Goeman'e Bohm] house in the evening, addressee to be given by Mayor Lewis, Rev. Mr. :Elliott and Barrister Blair, of Goderioh. The amount of money asked for is $3,500 debentures to run 20 years which will re- quire the raising of a yearly amount of 5257,58. Voting takes plaoe Friday, 16 th inat„ from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. with Andrew Laidlaw and Richard Bewley tie tpa orPynitnYBin oludeetclurinngBy-lawC)farera; -IiTohtee tle"tiO 16, moluaive, in South Onn. 6 1 to 15, North 7th Con., 1. to 80 in the 8th, 9013, and 10th Concessions, omitting Blyth oorporation. On April 18th, at 2 o'olook. clerk Clark will make the official dealer- ation as to the 080)011 01 the voting. if& trite vat An At Home under the auspices of the Westrainister Guild of the Pessbyterian ohuroh will be held ab the house of Geo. and Mre. McDonald on Wednesday evening. All the young people of the congregation are invited to attend. The annual meeting of the Blnevale Flax Mfg. Co. was held on Saturday afternoon in the Forestere' Hall, when a dividend of $2 50 per share of 520 wee paid to the stookholders. A new Board of Directors was elected which is as follows .1-Thornete Stewart, John Mo. Gumtree, George Torvey, Williatn Menem and Henry Diment. Thomas Stewarb was eleoted President of the Board. An effort will be made to rout land for the purpose of sowing fax Peoisouste.--Mies Cora Meager end Will. Flillott are home from Lietowel High Sobool for 91108•14013.-Mignee Annie and Belle Itiobardeon, of teassele, visited in Bluevale thie week.-MMIenzie ildee• aer, druggist, of Chatham, is holidaying at home. -Henry MoHardy spent a few days in Goderiola -John Kenzie vielted friends at Stratford.-Juo. and Mrs. Baby and little Miss Mabel Visited Port Dover friends,-Miee Kathleen Swann is vending the holidaye at home.--Mra. Morrow visited relatives 03 Lietowel,- Misr; Atinie Swann and Clifford POO are home from Goderieh Collegiate Institute for Eaeter. Wesley Cornell visited Mende at Hespiner,-Oliver Mille wise holidaying at Clinton.-Difies Mary Soon ie vieiting el Settforth.-Oheeter Pugh, of Palmerston, spent neater geode/ at home, -Bert, Bailey, of Ocean Sound Butsineee College, apent a fug dive at horne.-Wire. 'Robert Bing, of Toronto, who visiting her eider, Mrs. Andreas Efoln]es.-srdre, George Haney ie visiting relativist' at Toronto,-Weeley Denman, of Grand Valley, wag visiting at his home here. - Peed, Johnston, of Beatitford, spent Sunday at home, - Mtge Aggio Shale, of L013(1013 140t111041 S1h001, le holidaying itt honfte.-Mise May Davidson, ot WroxetOr, wag vieiting her wean, 131n6, Peter iovelet, et the Bluceole road. --sjahetie BrirgeeS, instutotor In the Stratbroy Dairy 130h001, spent a few dam at home. -Mile Belle Fowler, of the Bluevale road, visited in Stratford during the holidaye.-Mrs. 0. A, Brinker and children are opending the holidays itt Miohigan. Mee Maggie Jermyn has returned to Toronto after a two weeks' visit at bar home here,-Maeter Thyne 10.y, of Belgrave, visited his aunt, ittra, Bailey this wake -Mtge Alice Duff le spending the holidays at horne.-Mrs. G. Gannett and George Greenway visited at Guelph,- Mra. Moallieter, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. James Menet, fell one day lea week and broke her hip. Ae hire. McAllister is an old lady it ta apt to prove serime, ,G.x•feave Miss May Hogg is attending her Beater holidaye at home, Kra. R. Dilworth aliened friends in St. Thomas this week. Mie Maggie McNair, 16113 oon,, was a visitor with her sister at Detroit, °beam Lake is home after working 'several months with 11 farmer in Morrie. Mims Belle Pearson ie spending her Easter holidays under the parental roof, 4033 line. John Herr ie home from Stratford Business College spending leie Mutter vacation. Mies Minnie Carr has been laid up for some time with rheumatiem but we hope ebe will soon be all eight again. Willie, the 14 year old aon of James Catia, 14th oon., has been nitrite ill with pneumonia and pleorisy but we hope he • will soon be all right. The bridge 00 the farm of Councillor and Jae. Grant, 14th oon., over the she Beaueshamp °reek was swept away by the freshet last week. Mrs. Darman Livingston and her omain, Mrs. Lurob, ot Palmerston, are enjoying a visit with friends of their youth in Toronto and vicinity. Tburaday eveoing of fast week Wm. and Dire) Sande, 12th out., celebrated their apical wedding. We wish them many happy returne of the day. Charlie Lamont, who has spent the pain 6 months in Miobigan, arrived home on Wednesday and will pitob into farm ing operations as soon as Spring work OOMM80008. The 100 sore farm lot 6, eon. 8, Geey, owned by Robert filloAllister, has been Purohased by William Bryans, 4th line, Morris, for the sum of 58,000, who got gond value for hie money. Next week W. Ritohie, 14th oon., will leave on a prospeoting trip to Yorkton,18. W. T. His brother James may 000001. p1105 him, They are thrifty -going young men and should do well in the West. It is said Truman Smith and daugh- ter may make a visit at Lnoknow and other points before deciding where they will looate, Mr. Smith sold hie farm reoently. We would like to see them continue in this touting, • Having failed to aware a farm to suit him P. McDougall bee decided to wait util next Fall and has announced an auction eale of farm stock, implements, at Lot 8, Oon. 8, on Wednenday atter. noon of' next week at 1 o'clock. "Outitorn Boy",the speedy roadeler stallion of RobePilaDouald, 9th con., was sold to Wm, Cohanhoun, of Mitobell, tae prim being 5500. Mr. MoDonald had him from a colt Rod prized him highly. Hie colts have sold at high prioes. A bridge on the Grey and Elma bound- ary ie said to have taken a trip from its moorings and another on the bonudery of Grey and Hayrick is unfit for public travel. The latter is to be replaced. by a Meet bridge tbie season, built by the County, for whits's the ocostreet ie now let. Goon Hoasa,-Robert MoDonald, 9th rm., who is a great horse fancier, has purchased a tip top imported Olyde whose weight le about 1800, from Wm. Colgehouu, of Mitchell, who 11R• ported him last esteem The horse is a dark brown, ie mining 4 yeare old and bears the name of "Baron Fife". Thom who have seen him say he ie a splendid specimen of laoreefieuh in the heavy draught olase. Last Saturday the wooden bridge over the kleitiaud, 911) eon., wee taken away by the freshet. It is now lodged West of of Oranbrook. A new /inflators will have to be built and the Connell will no doubt see that it is placed on higher abromente iso as to motto a similar fate to this one now removed. The old bridge had well nigh served its day bat was expected to last out 1004 so as not to throw too much building into one year. OBie.-The Atwood Bee of last week speaks of the deoeaee of Mw. Bishop's brother au follows :-"John L. Turnbull, gravel road, this week reoeived word of the midden death from peritonitis of James Patterson, a nephew of hie, and a former resident of Elma. Mr. Pettereon formerly resided On the 4th eon., and left here about 18 years ego, Nothing was ever heard of him till 18 months ago when he oorreepooded with hie relatives and was then living in New Jamey, acting ae foreman of a large sale stable. He wae 45 years of age and had only been ill for two dam. The body arrived on the nighttrain on Wedneaday and wee interred in Blunt Centre Cemetery on Thursday morning. The rustle were in suob s, wretohed condition that the wane had to be kept in the rongh box end eonveyed to the oemetary on 008 horse sleigh" Me. Bishop attended the funeral, The Wiarton Football Club has re. organized for 1904, and has decided to enter 33 teen) in the W. A. The Atwood Football Olub decided not to eine a team in the W, F. A. but will play exhibition games with team e in the etneounding town's. A large and enthuelastio crowd of bowlers met at the Grand Oentral Hotel, Listowel, and organized for the outing semen, with the following allure :--Hon, P110011801, A, Yule I'. Peetaident, J, Sohinbein Vioe•Presideno, A. St, Gunge Hawkins ; &watery, Geo Beay ; nem. met, A, J', ()mullets ; IhreoutiVe Coms Mittee, W. R. Logue, J. Ainley, H. S. Connolly, A, Yule, R. A. Climb). Every. thing pointe 10 a Very ettontansful nation for bite IiiatoWel tub, Spring Millinery. --- A. neuitilful Exhibition of the latest • leryie view. Owing to the preeenoe oI snow and the deterrotneil oraukinem of the weather thie setteou'a Millinery °poolig; were bereft dofeetIhreadoubytwtehredittacirooaroxpeuilimatanittemsoalme 01301.0 difference to the millineras they demonstrated beyond any gneetion their capability 30 0111011 to the fashions and flimsies of the milinery art and the result was a well pleased lot of vieitore when the doors were thrown open 013 Wedneedity, Thursday and Saturday 01 last week. The various allow rooms were most attraotively arranged with ribbona, twee, teatimes, flowers and drapery and if the visitors were not able to 'amity make a ohoioe 13 would nob be wondered at in the large colleotione of varied Walton, Oiebe, 001008, trimmings, eto , It mut be a tiresome ordeal for the miltiners but we euppoae in tine millinery seed Bowing they see the harvest in the ealea following aim the compliments epoken in and 004 of theee gardens of Eden. If the roads or weather detained wow who were desirous of paying a visit to the displays we have no doubt bat the fair proprieorese' will only be too wall memed to have these pawns call yet even if the official openings are past. 11110300 BARR= Misses Habkirk'e display of Spring AltIlioary W60 one of the most complete and summerful ever mude by the firm and received many compliments from the great number of visitors in their large ehow-room on the days Bet apart for this porpoee. Many flowers are being worn in the Spring hate and ohiffon, outline and floe limey straw appear to be the favorite materiale. Green, mauve, and °harm pagne shades are the prevailing shadea with black which la ae usual much worn. The turban shapes are very popular and the deoided feature of all hate ie the decidedly flaring brim this season. 01 the, many oeautiful styles promoted one of the favorites was a magnificent bleak dream pioture hat made ot silk maline with large bow of black taffetta ribbon on the back under brim, upper brim strapped wilb il1t ineeition, the left aide finished with handsome bleeds palms. One of the most popular hats shown was a torpedo turban made of brown satin straw, high rotting back and eidee, dip trent with cream Yak lane in rim and cream and vante osprey at left side. A new and dainty style for a young lady is the Twentieth Century Girl made on the poke bonnet order, of shirred white mantle, edged draped with white lam fold white lam ties, the only trimming being pale blue velvet ribbon and forget•rne•note. Mazy flops are being shown for Misses dainty Mani and silk hate in white and colors for the wee tots and the neat ready- to-wear whioh is so opolar is sho,vn in endless variety and at eatoniatung low prioes. The ladies expreseed themselves as well pleased with the opening deepita the untavore.ble weather and are very busily engaged filling their many orders. 00000 & RaDROVT. This Spring styles are very satisfau- tory in that they are both ertistio and becoming. There are few hall way hate. In regard to size they are either large or small ; large piatureaque style or small turban shapee. The otowne are large and fiat and of all shapes, oval, pointed, boat shaped, round or diamond. Brion are elaborately trinsmed. TM box brim is greatly in evidence and ia artiatioally treated, leariug brie out 01let the false that fit down Mom et the back are prominent 10 picturesque ahapee. The materiale in use, with the exception of velvets and ribboos, are,thin. The matinee, the ainffuns and trans.. parenb gauzy. stuff are prominent. A. touch of gold la Been on a great number of bats and turbans and all are neat One het that was partioalarly attraist- ive was made of white ohiffon in folds. The brim was Bail shaped and bound in bon* panne velvet, A wreath of foliage and pink rose buds outlined the edge of underbrim and osprey and olueter of rose buds formed lett under brim trim• ming and a small Moister of bole finished under right brim. The top of the hat with a large oval orown was unadorned. The Valentine hat was in pale blue ohiffon with tueked shirring and fancy straw pipings. The crown wae large butt shape with forget -mama% edge. A crush of ecru lam Anieleed brim and fall in cascade at beak in collaboration with loops ot very wide bine silk ribbon winob was held in place on baok of orown by a large steel bookie, Under brim 19118 made in folds and forget.rae.uots and raised on an all round bandeau. .A. pretty hat for young min in deep Moffatt fibula of straw had a diamond shaped orown, on the front of which was eaught a large buneh of Wein, Bookies and Rabin eibbon to metoh Writer own. pleted trimming ot the top of hat The brim waa an irregular drooping amps raised on all round band under fusing iu foliage Mead with ribbon foliage,and ribbon forming band trimming stem Spaoe will not allow 00 to deitoribe several large picture hate in black and dainty creations In white with law in eertiong and many novel ideas, Misses Roche & Hayoroft may this Spring's opening wag one of the beat of the varioua dieplaye they have held since eateriug into business and they were well &Reed with the mune. 111108 LECTLIA. Some of the neweot shapes are torpedo, trimone and the boat Eliseo, The large pientre hat in bittok white or mem is nolo promineut, the latter shade being moot farnionable. Matinee with lade, chiffon and stetter braid are the popular inatetie.le, Fine flowers have the .preferenee over large °nee. Champagne, blue, pink and all shades of brown are 02100101511031. The gales ehow the ladle& appreciation of the trimmed hate and ready.to.weat etylee. Mee Little cortical line:: in these geode. Among the dram hats Most admired Woe 11 &tare hat of white ohiffon both upper and Mode brim ()almond of folde of chiffon with crown and edge of small We H. KERR, Prop. mulsoromwswassommargr plek button rose. Foliage and Mule decorate the velvet bandeau, Obam. pagne lam, drape on the edge falling gracefully over the Wrk, A. White etraW tricorne bat with white yak lace over oorbtlower blue praline on the upturned edge gave a decidedly uew effeet. Three shades of blue ribbon in folds from hetet Of rico over orown to batik where large howe and bamboo of fruit complete a most stylish suit hat. A large green etraw het famed • with pink row petsle and foliage, having clusters of bode with ittoe draping 3000 muolti admired, The fruits of the ,Opening resulted in mom. O 110 sales sad ordeal and' Mire Little thanks the ladieo for their patronage. Brussels Council The regular meeting of Bromide woo - 011 was held on Monday evening, all the members present, the Reeve in the chair. Minuted of last rooting read and paws ed. Following wowing were presented Thnell Broo, Electrio Light 560.59 R. tehtinprize, Fire Engiue Begin. 1,1 50 • ebt, A..Bjeeo.attbo ebero.sw. ,ww7, it.b,: Is 000000 6 W. • 5.76 ▪ Molatiohlen, salary ..... 26.00 14. Henderson, coal for Bail, 7.60 Moved by S. T. Plara, seconded by A. Beefier that above 1100001148 be paid. Ija'Red. The question of additional fire pro- teotiou was diewesed along the line tet more tanks, new hose and a water pipe In the proposed Bawer. No datums action wee taken however hat the sub. jeot 'i1l Dome op again. Barrieter Sinaluir gave a report of the Sewer law suit and it was moved by R. fiendereon, seconded by S. T. Plum, that haunter Sinclair be Instructed to defend the appeal in the Sewer ease for this oorporatioo and cleat the min of 550.00 be pall on the account. Carried. J. G. Junes, leader of the K. 0. T. Al. Band, applied for the annual grant of 5100, lhoved by A.:Seeker, wooded by Be Henderson that the matter be left over until the May eneetiug, Carried. Moved by A. Busker, et:wooded by R. Thomson that the Clerk notify R. Smart, al Grand Valley, that the Conn- ell have had the opinton of an expert, ea to the safety of the svelte • of the Cangbey blook destroyed by fire and that he be aeked to repair or pelt down the building in once so that.lives may not be eudangered, Oarried. The question of having a wood By-law passed came up for disionseion owing to the number of complainte about the re. deletion in length (Borne wood offered be. ing not more than 16 inoues tong) and the oontraenon in the wird measure as wail. Iv was suggested that Oonetteble MoLatushOn measure all wood owning to town aud give a ticket for purchaser. .A. 13y.law wul probably be prepared. Another Gubjeot before the 0000031 was the punishment of men and boys woo diefigure side walk's and floors by tobacco sinttiug. The Statute makes provision for besotting lessons to persons who are unroindfol of the property of others and the Oierk wee instromed to have a By.law dulling with thus matter ready for next meeting. This le a, move in the right (Unction as the side walk in front of some of the stores and hotels, espeoially on Saturday evenings, are simply dos. graceful. B. Lew examplee made of offenders wit( have a salutary afoot. • Joseph Burton 9011 10 an aoconut for 510 for anow ohm:Ming in °tearing the eidewaike during the past Winter. It was Me on the table. Pointe in the Woollen mill loan By-law were threshed out the question • being introduned by Wm. Luokridge. No action wee taken by the Connell. Weighmaster MoLauchlin reported re. torus from emelea for Mardi to ide" 581.00. Connell adjourned at 10 o'olook. UhILltttlbb C111111E1d. No Berries in Bruseels or Walton English Warnings next Sunday. Par. Gorton, a etudent froin the college at Loudon; conducted bee services in So. Johu's ohuroh Met liundey. Rev. R. Peal preached in Wingham last Sabbath for liev. D. Perms in the Presbyterian Werth, the pastor being 111. The animal vestry meeting of let. John's ohorob, will be held Wednesday, April 13th at 7,80 p. m.. Full attend - eine reqaested. W. 0. Tuoropeon, of Wingham, gave a abort pointed knesiouary address at the Epworth League, Matbodiet church, lain Sabbath wooing. He ba the Miseionary Vine President for the Distriot League. Sabbath morning Rev. Jno. Rum preached on the "Resurrection of Lazar- us" and in the evening "The liesurreotiOn of the Lord." The Baster anthente Bung were "Gallatujah 1 Christ is rieen".and "The Easter Presume." At the Methodist Sunday eobool hint Sabbath the monthly Datemonary 001440- '3ms 19848 58,26, whilst) plaoes the Douai.. buttons, of the eollool for the year for Miesionary purpoaes at 557. The junior Leaguers gave a Missionary exerMee ; blies Jferuie Allin, of 'minion, sang the beautifui aolo "Giory for Me ;" hey. T. W. Comae gave a Wort adcireas ; and ttinieBertha and Milton Sharp rendered the duet "Morning Land" in a pleating 011100011. Bev. T. W. Ooeens, text last Sabbath morning for hts Buster diewuree Ivo "Obey preached unto them Jena and the resurrection." lo the evening instead of ' the ueual oetmon an Easter Pewee services Web given the program being Rd foliowe 1 -Anthem "I will my of the Lord" ; lured "Alexi and did tny Say - tour bleed" ; prayer ; anthem "Ohrist risen"; reeding tiorfpture lemon t,trj.14., "And an) only burn to 11300 0; 3010, "Natished," Mos Carrie Megaton ; chorus "A letter front Homo" 1 sow* "Boarcitnuel", 4, fdithatisen anthern, "Lift your Voicest" ; hymn, "Christ the Lord is riien today" ; tienedlotion. hire. 11. L. Jackson 0140iated 138 Otgateei. The ow:notion of 511.28 went to the Choir} Fund, At intervaio 10 the program till pastor made appropriate rattarite,