HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-31, Page 74.404,e,eateace•ScEtt:Q016elitetateelIaleisisKteserfieseseatefetreq,e,e,efeesessidac 1S1 tit OTZ,_ A 13120THER,'S PROPUSE AN'S allIA.PTER X. There s,cre times when it 1E1 impos- sible for leas/agent° Officers to :cain- tain their hereditary, end always cart:fully pt•eserved, attitude of iiidLt- fui'wi 0 towg.ds events and halMen- tegs. "antelligenee" is thrust upon them, and unless they 110880149 0. 1.11e.,,tt,1 81.10 like a turnip's it pricks its way through, Major Don Petro Santiago (.11 Dorje, y Montalto - des{ esidant of tae noble house that .--^ mom to her, lint all the barriers cetja.e7,414301-101.10,3raaelartt,*-.0Q1ar With the die% plow the work hue she threw up wore swept away be- , vs,-..", Isie ie. as• ....ii or, N..1 s74 , gone right along, no stops or hind - fore the remorselese stream -tide of :Ple' , tar • *40*) •l4 from dry weather or hard Follett= 1,11111)11.1"11y. 1)1 fluedleanara ' 17.4 . 19 1 ground. It also pulverizes t he soil N a 1 much more t horoughly than do other civeuntstances. Ste eought, the ills- leo Was affable and Crat11.11 1108, and dri-l'e., NA I dial was breathiesti lo handle g•old. 1 eli; ' a .r,b' plc) w s , lett t ing it In a far better con- ' (Won for working down tool reeking All that ehe Itnew Wes told-oothing . v"...,,fr-rulrkp-4. A aikeeVeleetZ wail hidden, Coetunately fin' Pal- i 13(.• '.'7 '%i •m1 *awe, ova, asa 6q),It ready for seeding'. inetto, 'Alligators at Madura were I `rite disk is 001 as good a general moi.„ iiittto orditiii.t.fly 0 it,s. °stout, SUPPLYING l'eLA.NT 1;001). pureome plow OS 11101t1b0Ora PieWS, Dd. they will ant do in sod or land Pit," 101./C1 tile)", "10 Itt Palin Oily: Tho oho of chemical manures on ea that ifi inclined to le- wet turd sticky. his frown will terrify them." :BOY extended scale is entirely it feature of all of them, to a greater ,oe less des theY Itaci forgotten what 0 power modern agriculture, Bata aboet 1(111) :Utley' ure not sttlisfactory for early (4,01 be a People rot)aed by years of the humus or the sun WWI generally 81'3'10g 3' 3) Ilut for summer or ta„..1110,,P?-111e° 01..111? l'°''''''rn ' i, gree, furnirMed material of the "odd Illepaniola 'tried to raise moneY, and , the goad, and stimulated by the .roganluo, as th„ s„ei.,„, of „bst,,a1.. fIll 1, 011 011 it illdfl of stubble lands IM I . t. E0000 11.00011, the 1 irchiteet i and et eentete" kind. Dordinal Rich - was refused on every Bourse in Eur- j truest geddees of revolution, a beau- . ally all the nourishment or the plant, or (3 01.11 Boll, linty are just the tbleg 1 eblulasrgem40411044.0011 1litil?'`;,"1„.1,'11,18,1'11:-111,1:conitiert7: eolli,e. troi!outrItrlolii.ilmuiasliuresorz:31(31annetsusenica0041 Optll silo 'goaded, she grovelled -she I wei 0,1111 forlorn young woman, i inducting the carbon, which coast'. , to use. was spurned. At tho 010moot Wh011 What of Joan of Arc? what of Mary tato, so ;neg. 0. i It occut•reci to blur that there was • her sh part of all 'vegetable I When but raw team 18 Sept. on 010 ` ' ' ' 111 111111'11 ig awl Smola.. tti I a to.rys (Pe should have been describing 10434)143. search -circles in the Atlant iv, her duels -yard, coal-yru•d and arsenal 10- .4 borers wore curoisIng themselves on 8°140 PaY 1 tinkering of leaky boil- ers, bunkerieg of rubble, manufacture of non-oxplosive shells ceased. Tho sole sign of activity in Hispaniola get o to the Church of Rome its ,t,v,rios,xo,n the part of the weeping M Mb- THEn PALAT LOUVRE INTEEEG STINzascovnItx AS EEElsT ME AD, Masonry That Has Eeen Midden Two Irundred Years Disclosed. gle Now York Tribune'e Parie eor- respondout %so hes es follows regard- ing the discovery. of a new baseinent THE WillE fiREAT NEN CELEIMLITIES MAIM BEEN WO - TINS ronaxs, Famous Warriors Terrified at Small Things -Freaks Of Authors, Stualy the pantie Lives of all truly great men, both present and past. It is nut diflicult to automata° that e'"- who wrung hands, shrugged mrit infamous Pope, 1,0 tyrant, and " Ube ltuly it, most fins, shoulders and ()ailed on their great rel Mamma. But at last, by plodg- rant Ocurear, to 0. gaspirg world its mos11 beautiful deviliA Lucre la -was General Stempa's•chief intelli- gence Officer, earl he wan worthy of his class. But when Don Pedro nwoke from dreams of vingt-etAtn 313IC1 01011011011N liquoure, to lind Palm City 11101•0 t110.11 half deserter], and the flag of ing Import Duthie for ten yeare, money 1.3.218 raIROd, 0,11d the Ilispaa- Mina equivalent of work yeas resum- ed, The fleet cleared to sett, touch - ell at Palmetto on its westward course., and was gone to its fate four days before Maddalena came home, ilispantoIa limp tinder thiena. of ira- The turmoil 'of unrest that troubl- modtata furling, oven he was moved eh Ministo s at Madura had sPrenal to do sometning : facts make acro- 1.0 Hispardolan representatives bats of the niost drowsy. It was alt aiiroad. Tho envoy to the Court of 31 0011f0tiltded nuisance since it; meant St. J mews's hart his hands full : the "he postponement of that picnic with poor man lacked leisure, even for Senorita Lola Montijo, smond queen 1310a1 11311.0ing-1.11:1 WaS a• Patron 03 uf Palm Ofty detal-inondaines. In the lighter drarna.-and he almost for her villa at isieta the. high -priestess got that he rented a box at the 11 that cloubtfel hierurchy wits con- Alluimbra. Each day there were soling the Coneral in his martyrdom.' hundreds of calle s at, L110. F,mbassy, of 1 orruc•stration from Senora Stem- hut the First Secretto•y exervised O. 1111 tool her cherubs in the Sier• as. masterly 'discrimination : the OM- A pigeon takes but ton minutes to bassarlor could see 110 one-alTairs of wing from Palm City to Isletat : all moment engaged him. He was the tartaitero 1dg'0133)8 by the road, learning the Intricacies of bridge. two hours an a half is uot consid- When news trickled lamough that. eyed exorbitant. Vot, although di the IIispaniolan fleet lrad formaken Borja stetted at eleven, and Cas touch with eivilize.tioa-liad, iadeed, • tarter° rIvalle the saints for signalled brave boasts from the hor- les, it was n. quarter past ono izon to Stainpa ln Palen City --the Stampa was roused from his n. coffee am] cigarillo to hear S. ife laughed at di Ilorja,'s 111 offmccd elm sweet cham- yea by -end -by, by some 4)40" (410111.13.1 undosmosis, the no- wt. Hispaniola was in dangoe .1 itito Lis brain. The slumbee- ger awoke, contemptuous and *ord and flro 1" he snarled, and sword 1 Aruba knows me; motto shall. A week of my 8711- 11, and they shall have as much *eaten ,as they like -freedom to le, freedoi,t to be burled, freedom o kill me lf they are able. As for Hit • I111gliF11 jackanapes, he shall ,atig. higher than lindentri-bang in his Engli h tourist clethes ! Poona, oda querida, you 8h311 I see how .your gentle generalissimo deals with those he dues not like I Swet'd a.nd fire, the and sword 1 I ain hungry for work, I have been idle too long. I. i fish to Gm fray. DI 13orja 1" "I await your orders, General." 'Got back to Palm Clay at once. .1Itive the troops mulct, arms within the hour, prepared to march to the 1.1.1H. Fifty rounds of ammunition 3:01' man w1:1 bu sufficient -forty-nine of the fifty will be uselees-but let atay be taken. They will be useful for the prisoners. I ran trust y•ou to eee to tids 2" "Abiolutely." 'I Omit. come in myself to-nier- i ,,, .11 "'lb Ili 03.1.0 W 3'' Di Bode could not lamina: s the ejaculation. .. '' I. Said to -1110000W," 01104/pOd $tfitimai, '''and 1 meant to -morrow, litste you ally 03110CtiOl1 to the W11!(1 1.0' "No, no, General; no !" with much t inshasie, "Theo do not echo me as if you 1' ut parrot. I come myself to - 111011'0W 01011 all iti ready. Now -I t••Adios l'' ake my siesta. Adios !" The hoer of revolt was well 1111034 - ( en. Hispaniola was Li:reaming with ••• ••••• the 113ree Saates of South America, and the 'combat: promised to he mor- e„ Oil. Her credit tints depreciator], her 1 1'00091'y 3.1218 bare; whihi the Free States, rejoicing le plethoric ex- chequels, bouglit battlesbire and ere ti '.oi's, torpetio-destroyers earl quick -living guns, by the million pounes a day. For 11110111 Alla- ntrong'el and aamiaoll'a hammered and clanged tlin reitind of the clock; t ite 1 the pacific British shareholder, [westering swelled 'dividends, dropped a si•xpeuny instead of a threoPenny itiece hi the offertory o' Sundays, . • Queen of Scots 1 Could tl aY Nave substances. Liebig eonvinced the arm a - ag 0 81 SI" 00011 the thousands that iillcd the world that the organic matter of the As Yin 11147 (‚((1143 more that mold - cup of the hills, roaft,y to be poured soil is of relatively little importance hoard plows, but one will last a 1310-Ilispanlola, Ministers might. not 110.1•0 plata food; that plants derive , 3111(01)7 renewing the disks when they wearout, whieli will not cast more out, in a hitter draught of death for a, 43, their carbon rrom the alanosithere, I relict! RO 01t1(311 on Strunfitt. and that the amount of the geowth then a steel shots) for a turning Yes, °Octa1 e. was alive with 11100.. of plants on a given soil is determita Plow. To those who have lou '1 " architect's mind, dui not belong Maddalena had been seen of every buy in the near future, toci would to the ground floor. That is to say. to Ing for his hares. - 1ed by the abundance of certain miner- Dr. J01 114,011 %V Ulf 310 fond of his man, and uot a heart but had gone ties a disk plow. You enn got the basis or tba i,ouvre was want - something anoinalous 1,110 i,ot Liam. aside his puritan gravity and played of tho building constructed duel' g tardioso.s boil with. his datigita XIV. The tine broad whitlows 0.1•W deligIfted to go about in dIsguirio tee reigns of L01110 XIII. 011(1 LOtlf,4 lors that iMpl'e. the sightseer viith tite 1 eastantry. Cowper mem- turd attendants; lIenti Quatro looking rtl the palaee through 1.310 pied a gloat deal of his titne in mak- railings of the, Ilue do Rivoli, to the it bird ea 'Ifs nail In feetlin and: out to her. Doctor alld Don Augus- i.rr,.1 substances in it, writes Dr. E. E. 1 807 Useful as the humus is to gam to !way a fernier should buy any sort of them on lia • in ec , '8 • • I•01.0 that he would even go out him - tin were ever t1,1 th 1101', 0110 on this 'well' baud, ono on that. Tile older ream Leo yotaigoi., itaa met only gave parties, we know that even its nitro- ' 0 now tool or impletramt. Manufactur- rs who have feith in the efficiency of many soils desirable physical pr - teith rare self-sacrifice, gave way to way, but ',masted on thrumting him ,fron is looked beyond the roach of the IPtheir. products aro never afraid of ;don, !higher plants until it le unlocicod by Iputtina them out to be paid for on forward on every needful ace. NOW that the hour of lighting came, bacteria, with which the soil teems, al/Prowl Hector was the 111201 of action: and is changed first to tortmonlit and dreatning was a thing or the night, !then to nitric or nitrates. Thu great- thooday was come : is sand had lung !est mishe tune is, in my opinion, to craved. There WWI no roan in Mad: :be found in the fact that most of dalena's army whose heart rose 'the tillers of the soil in this court- loticilier in 11(111 than did Hector's l try, excluding, of course, the fruit Ween ' the drums sounded at the .0na unto, growers, are ten to 50 dawn : at the SOIllbt•O 5111111110110, re- 'years behind tho scientific investiga- verberatino from. side to SOX of the i tors anti teachers. This condition, cauldron of Caldera, his fingers itch- . and put in a liberal amount of seed. ilowever, ifi• rapidly changing sin • . cal for steel, n 'warm tin& ran 4110 establishment of our o",-;Tie:ttlturetti 'Use a well prepared seed bed and the through his veins, 0. certain savage 1 codeges and experhnent stations. 0 • rest:It we think, will he very gratia I wesant knowled s fplant I. .1 t•Oul 60 ci nu Ira n coldness (not the chill e.1 (oar) hoes- tying. it is a grnss that starts ear - 1 doubtless be greatly extended in IY: can be cut twice in tho sermon and ed in his heart, Ids eye glowed with trill doib expectancy, and to his stop came '` ---- makes a palatable and nutritious hay. the future. the fairing of eighteen. Ile was a - Practice, however, has shown that 4 goodly sight to see as ho lifted his 3,1om„ to mil f„, a last 8110„t or :ve have established the groat funda- nental principles, and that our devotion to Maddalena, ere the IC, giments should file through the heories are good working. hyPotheses. meet rho greater part of plant structures gorges to achieve victory or teeth. s made uo of carbon and the consti- Maddalena's own heart, as she tont elements of water, When the looked upon him and her bravo farmer sells these, be sells things thousands, and as she heard that nada from materials which cost him rothing, But the little workshops WITHIN THE PLANT, .he little microscopic cells, the real „mite in the plant and animal world, aced certain tools with which to do ,..heir work. These tools aro are zound in the soil in which the plant grows. When teci apply mineral plant food, we aro merely providing che little cells with an abundance of the necessary tools for tho coustruc- cion of the oil and fibre of the cot- not when applied to eggs. auts, the sugar arid ethers of tho "A I en's egg wi it a wrinkled ton seet..1, the oil and protein of troth, and in fact all the countless small end simply indicates that it holds a rooster. A Len is always eubstances that are found in plants. enclosed within the egg with a. 1 have likened the plant cell to a smooth encl. But both eggs taste workshop. Lot me emphasize one alike. Each It as its roper sha. e important difference. In the work- of phosphorus, Mein, albumen, sul- shop of man one tool or one materi- pliur, casein and margarine. al can sometimes be substituted for "There is water, tom a -plenty in. another. in the tirorkshops of na- a froth lain egg, but no more than tura, located in the cells of plants, theth is in a hammer. As long as {his is never true. It is often asked you cot keep air out of your egg it which is the most itnportant nlant will remain sweet and fresh; but no - food. The true answer is, none of body has sneceded in keeping it out hem. They are all equally import- more than six days without sub - sat. The relative ailments of them *Wig it to artificial treatineat. lider in different plants and the re- 0.1110..yeise oxygen is bound to finel .ative supplies of Om in different it•B waY tin ough the egg shell's roils, but every plant must lia:ve pores, and tho only way to save that mough of every one of them, as n egg then is to eat it. "ft sounds funny, but the instant leficiency of any one of therrt will vou give your egg fre.sh or you ruin imit the size and quality of the crop. - its health. Water is the food needed in greatest "As to hons themselves, there is abundance by all plants. You may no amounting for the freaks they pile on other foods by the ton, but often slum themselves capable of in in a. drouth your er01) Will be limited Irving and hatching their eggs. Now, by the water supply, what sort of consisteecy is there 111 Horticulturists have the advantage a 3011 almost big enough to eat her over the general fat•mer in that they cen afford to nsa an excess of [mail- at, Ogg corn 'off the top of a barrel laying no bigger than a sugar tzars, with the possiltle exception of phon 1 And why should a ben you nitrogen. I am convinced, however, can almost cover with a quart bowl that on the lighter, sandy soils, ev- get it into her head that unless she en nitrogen is sometimes used with lays an egg that will %re i gli a guar - too snaring a hand. Fertilizers must ter of a pound or so she is not do - not be t•egarcled to any great exteut ing her duty to berself or family ? as a, substitute for good culture, good "And who may account for the pruning and good general husbandry. purpose that seems to aalmate hens If ytt want to have abundant crops, in now and then layieg three or four which come %lath thrifty and well-fecl eggs at 0130 Liam, one inside of the plante, be to some exteet book other, like a nest of Japarrese jars? fat•mers and to some extent expert- "Yet such freaks are only a few mentors. Fertilize the larger part of that aro common in the poaltry yard. Out of a Netting of vggs one of my hens _hatched onee, one egg produced a live chick Milt four fully rlevelored legs aml four eyes, while in rtnother egg from width no chick oeolted its way I found a dead one with neither 31(18 nor eyee. That extra pair of legs arid eyes the Ilve chick 110 1110 Mit With, plainly enough belonged to the dead one. 'Now, by what sleight -of -hatch did the hen tit out the cam' with a double allowance of legs out oyes et the expense of the other one's payeleal mako-up clad its Me 1 But I sup - Pose she knew what slut was doiag. She laid the eggs ea well as hatched them "Yes, indeed. There are few things in ilea:use, I went to tell you, as queer as hens eggS and their possi- bilities and the ictiosyncreasies of things that come out of them." ing.' I\• ' e4 " 11 '.4 •'' el •'. ' 1 eulf to buy ashlers for them, his set, to himself, fearing that his giortai Yeats being too proud 'to do so. to dist over a new Louvre would, in Goethe desalsed dogs, but he kept a the event of failure, make hirn rEi.- Lame snake. (Mous. Emmett elese, excavations (i,,,a,,, ,,,,,i„,_,, ,i,„ ...,,,,, to „,,„ .%,... wn o begun along the font of tho ,,,,„„„•11_,77,,'":07,11"reZis`g‘'"117e0"11,:uavelets 'mince occupied by the Minister of :,',..;`,I' "" Finance, in the Tuileties gareens. "died from eiteer inactiiitY; be rose a F'0111:011, the eminent scholar, M. Rouvier, the Meister of Finance late aad when be had risen he sat ORCHARD C1RASS. The farther who has never grown orchard grass should decide to sow a piece this spring and ace how valu- able a crop it is. Of course it will cost mote than the seed usually sown; but never mind that, go ahead ambassador bethought him (eseatal- of dedication over the roll ly its lie found bridge-hulldieg oaa I fierce cry pensive) that a little relaxation of the drums, stood still in exalts. - might, not be (Mini. In one day he lion of pride : tears filled her eyes, naw three visitors. The last of But she was a. queen, and the daughe thein stayed for an hour and a. half. tor of kings : and her lip was lirm When elle departed 0110 Wali tho when to the reghnenial commanders richer by a piece of blue paper, bear- she gave her last word : "God bless ing a. "promise to pay" two hundred you. all, my brothers, and God send and fifty Loomis 011 certain con- you victory I" claim's; and the Marquis di Guada- The ilispaniolans bad crept to mare set the wires to Madura thrill- within a couple of miles of Caldera. ing with disquieting news, Madura during the night. Scouts heal laughed; it had heard talk of revoIu- brought in such alarming intelli- gence that di Borja was driven to lions in Palmetto before, and be- etles, was not Stampa there '3 Tho stir Stampa again. His 'fixcellency Chancel I or sent di Guarlamara a refesed to forsake the table, but he 80 far i.elaxed as to issue orders for single word, which may not be. set down hero, and Judith Feeler's bit of a midnight march. "Bring your prisoners to tho Gov - blue pa.per looked valueless. in imagination J sclith 'Prom spent matter's Palace at ten to -morrow ber prospective fertile° three times m°rninlit• I shall slioot them on the over. ITer little room in 0, Sloane Molc-it will save us digging graves. Now go; and don't \retry mo again attract hive of women -workers -the Nome for Ivreconcilables, a wag <all- to -night. And remember, your own ed it -saw her build afresh youthful life or that Englishman's. 111112 I must have. Don't let me see you un - dreams of comfort, small luxuries, pretty frocks, decent food and drink, less you catch him." Di 13orja knew Ms master well, anil dreams that stem reality had trans - he understood that unless he could forme(' into the grim facts of sordid existence. Iler hungry heart was kW lift"? 011 or r°31i°v° 7Freet°r Omuta his military career was at an emety of warm blood, the cheerful blue of youth was smudged over elld, Tor StamPa .was a power at Ma - with chill grey. dura, and front Madura came all pre - Years of struggle and rough el- torment, As fl. matter of tact, Starn- bowing had brought Judith Frani to Pa d•id not see rli Bode again for ti.„, 001w0i.nat litts, winiso 0110100 an, several weeks, but that was be- cause the Intelligence Officer wns a to be made between right with pot, - prisoner : end when 1416.011)31. (ltd see orty and wrong with comparative comfoi•t. The moral support of Et him -alas I 11.031 alas 1 81311001mi tailor-made, heelless shoos The first encounter was but a end close -cropped hair is not always mere skirmish, in whi..1.1 matters were re iable-as .1 tolith found. fairly evenly balanced 1 indeecl; it The temptation eame subtly. Out was more of a. reconnaissance in of the got/111100s of her Meat -when foree than anything else. But the the great events was accomplished Palmettos took sortie seventy prison - Judith wotatt have 001mans of yeti_ ers, among whom. vats di llorja, and able copy•-••Tiector took her tO ',the the Hispaniolans made captive fifteen hoes() in Bloomsbury 1 Maddalena, wounded PalinettOS. W110 were «tr- ail trust and tenderness received het, vied before Stampa with every dr- geaciously, and after Ilector had de- eutiestance of triumph, 'Pilo couramartial at which they ported, coptinued to receive her and speak freely before her of this arid were tried for their lives was a wild of that. The temeter used the mookory of military justice, and the pincli of poverty unmercifully. r,y01, 1)1.051(10a, our geatie genevelesimo, know so much,' eaid he, "that Ills- outel effreysed Jeffreys for teems- Paniole. will pny for. Why don't laara• Ills Pascing of the seraeace ;tem sell it ? It won't matter to Maddalena 1 it means a great 'deal to you. She is young and rich 3 you are growing old and you have been poor all those years. Why should tile young have all the good things'? This is so easy, and wbo would know 2" Sho mot the tempter with hollow. scruples. It would be so despicable; it would be so moan; honor, she lik- ed to think, was more Omit Et mere Case of erv us rostration Vol. Months Mrs. Myles Lay a Helpless Sufferer-, Attributes Restoration to Dr. Chase's Nery Mrs, John Myles, senior, of South IVoodsleo, Essex County, Ont., is well known thrOughout the surround - log corintey because of her work among the get: sefferhig. and it '1V00 Oh at:toilet of over-exertion in 'this regard that her health broke down, end she lay weal( andrbelpless, 0. 131001/1 01. nervous prostration. Doe - tans could .not holp her, and she re- trolve(1 to try 1)r, OhaSe's Nerim Food. /le a resift she has been thovoughly restoeed, and by recom- mending this tseatment 1.0 others ints berm the means of bviegieg back health anti 'MITI:Nose to reerlY 41. weakened and discouraged sufferer orn diseasee of the 'reeves. M 114, M;,113S 0.133331) :--"WLen I be - Ten the time or Or, Cluite's Nerve 4'00d I was eonfined to my bed Leith what the doctors 1401(1 ems nereot)a prostration. My stomach wits very 0 hex, nt ell de:dere, or bkhetrestni, Island the lneguage 1101eure, Dr, three horses turiong 1 a or 1.1 inetets, ttl11•1, WWI 10111t1 110l; 81003) Mt all & Conmeny, ' reron to . To t'rio ty?" Dr, Creety tan old beetle- hltelual to tia• rommort tuning plow, , fee any length ef time, Nervom protect yeti :mei. et s, the 1(1)) \o noCaln." Wiclow--"You After using the {Mk plow in promo rhi IN anal triaalding emelt! come over portrait. end signature of 13r, A. W. I don't allow If yellote means jortlott- lug 11001•1p• 1100 neves of whent level, 1 Food. 'time. There were nlso pains on top of the head, which eansed nas 'mutat sudeving'ancl anxiety. "After naing lialf a dozen boxes of Dr. Clhasejs Nerve nod I begati to gain in weight and to real stroager. Since theft 1 have been gradually re- rename,. '1%0 value which its' owned. 431.0( 0(1 to health, and in looking back sots upon the ring with its eMbedded been something wonderful. I used Onvellieg 131pwl I concluded, to try the drsic can say that the improvement lime retie Is shown by the following I- wheat - Some wave ago 110 0flti Four dtriOrllllt 31101t08 of plows and feel it a, 'duty, as woll as a peiv- tyhoo ho suddenly di:eovered that ao were tested, and 0110 WOO f01111t1 tO 1/0 in all forty boxes of illit1 preparation f'vern At, Petersburg to MOOCONV: liege, to 1') ((1)111,10(1(1 It to all who 1 about all that was elainvel for had forgotten the Ting. Tho train T. conchuled that 1 110111(1111 got alum ar0 80ering (NM 1Tel•r°1-14 cri5orders. was stoprod heinetilalrely, end n well without it, 1 found the i with mad it artd soma mosso/Igo sea )110s Ill 011 ' t 1 'I' • 1,110 C1011)110 tlitlk 1110W 011d four 1103 ('4 "1311.04 n.1 persous to whom I have de- 1 scribed tny (nee have express for it; nor Would the Ovnr one man multi 1,111•11 110 notch groimd of death tens unique. ''The Biased ?aid, your lands according to the best - "has again honored the arms cf Hispaniola. The cause of tight and known practice, after studying how justice has won, and you, clogs of rebels, who dated to sot yourselves up against the majesty of Ilispanio. la, have been delimed alive into our bands. 'rho courtesies of civil - 'zee warfare would be lost; upon such swine us you, rebels and (Tatters. S -s -so -at one o'clock to -day you will be shot. It will be a brief ore emony. Take them atvay." At ono o'clock tho unfortunates wore ranged on the Mole, the =ore grievously wounded leaning for sup- port on their abler brethren, their backs to the MEI, 3,11011' unbaticlaged eyes looldiat VOW11 the black barrels of Hispaniolan Mausors, fearless and unconquered, A hoarse order, 34, scorching crackle, end the wall of amuraled broke, toppled caul fell into the frame -hitch patern, and have been highly pleased with their Work, writes 'W. W. Steventa Unlees land ia very eough, the sul- ky plow will do nutell bettor Week than can possibly be done the HENS .A.ND THEIR EGGS. A Dealer Tells of Their Freaks and Idiosynerasies. "There is a lot about hens and their eggs that 'cool° don't suspect" says a dealer in eggs and poultry. 'For instance, here is an egg that would be a rooster if it were hatth- ed. And liere is one that would de- velop a hen. "How do 1 know 7 1 learnod it by long experience with eggs and their habits. 'rile small elld of a lion's egg will be either smooth as mad ble or wtinkled like a nutmeg. Some I cool° won't buy eggs that are wrinkled, because wrinklcs. they say, are a sure sign of (Igo, That is true, but it should bo modified, if -necessary, to suit your condition. Devote a little of your land and n. little of your time to svsteinntle experimenting with fertilizers and you will iteci the 131100 and money so expended n source of nrofir. PLOWS AND PLOWING, The good farmer, bo lie a large or email one, afways has a good plow, and starts all his crops by plowing his land well. We believe that short crops, to a very largo extent, aro duo to neglect In this first prepara- tion of the soil. In plowiag for wheat, for several years paet, we have tistal throe -horse riding plows of the blue waters, (To be Conlinued.) TIIE CZAR'S RING. The Ozar of 11.11$0t0, 10 odd to 1)0 ,wttlitil1g plOW. and the work um t so am... a ecira ,„ --,,,n er,-n- 'hard on either man or boast. If 1 very superstitious, OM tO hex tr o t ()1111:chlne° 4' 1.-- '''''''' -00''." n ''''ng 'had land too rough to use the rid - in which he believes is embedded a i I T ehouldtt't cultivate it to. ng J1 01V, - .... piciee of the true °roes. IL wits Ori - 0110 Of 1.110 1,1•00.0111'014 of the Vatican, end Was presented to All aneestor of the Gear for diplomatic any groat extent. It 000 1. pay, that is, for grain crepe. Last season I roade thange of plows. 1 had good deal of clover sod and stubble land to turn foe SPANISH SI11)1E1P-11A1SIN(.1,, There are said to be about ton million migratory sheep in Spain, whi 11 trate]. en re easioes as math tte 200 miles from the plains lo the nmentains. They are known tie trts naliumantes, tind theh• March, rest- ing places and behavior are govereed by $ee la! vegetations "dating Vein the feeirteeath century. At corteio times no ono may travel the same route as the rMeep, which hove. tlio right to grate on till Open and emu - num land on the way. 01*4415111110117 a man nutortgee beat a women in an nagumeet by lteeeing bis mobtit ;Mut. :Mow the train to move unt II. eight in a (10)'• MO 11100 1111l1 111)t 1101N5 - been emed, and I alit atom that "0 MY l'i.311'" I" 1.1.4"1 IIMIT•th• 11 11ra 1 110111•8 MI01'0;01119, t110 11108001111:01' 1•0' conic! 01 1 11 1 11,1 Wad turning plea,. Al- layed." ---- so that it did not pull Om four hove- "..1,7i DD.A. wo ()Imes n5 1,10 i4inif' in "I'r' (10311 14 g0"0 1011110d With the ring, I I). (1 '1) '4 No -se l000lf :i0 {TON • Buxom Widety-{{1m y011 0111101, PO 01 11101•00' With the disk then it did 1 es nny h a r d e r to tern 1111 or ill Melt- v. DATAR81,:lil,,t:CAbtuyalfibi,e;c11::;:0,,,ho 2,7e:d dBial:::?,,,,,,,d, `te;-.sl, ItIsT,Iiitels',0si,',1;ifft.43i8Teegi, • catarrh tied 'ay:taxer. blower • me n tins a alai st,entral to be Ofirufe, !lie famovs ei book an- fry?" Dr, Cruets... "No, um' ant; yel- rem reedy to 01'01101111re it an indispen- pi roet •A'04t III I 1,1AI ,t1fOr, are 011 OA 110X. lote Marine biliousness." ttable linplenteut in my farming. 43. t Ileata Anti larmentind851131 l 1.gikt2'„,d8',;u4.,(,05.2..,i,,I'vfialflt" mei moieties; ero•gl t stela cf M. Ration's werlunen eiggieg away trier- rily with pick and spade. "What in 1.1 41 world all) those men for?" he asked. "Oh3 013 are mere', and be fed with a spoon. Contrary this was the example of Sir Iv making a. new subway for tele- to Waiter Scutt, allo wrote all his finest works before breakfast. pFLIGIITED IN SPIDERS, 11*4-1 o a delighted to set spidere fighting and would laugh immoder- atcly at Mho -ding their instrei 'war - fate; and Anthony Maglinbeechi, the fionor.s ribrarion to the Duke of Ptscanye took a groat intereet in the s:1 'ors 0111 11 thronged bie apart - meets, and while sitting among his mountains of books would caution ti.itors "not to hurt my spitrers." \then 11e felt that he Leaded a lit- tle activity the great lagialan, Semi- te' Clarke, wotad. leap over tables 0041/ excites widespread intere t, and and chairs, and it. was not infrequent Americans reateiting Paris will find that the uphohterer had to be idled that the venerable old palace kits in to tepair romps. The learned quite a surprue in store for them. M. Radon, ialten questioned on the subaset, said that the realy discov- ered basement occupied three sides of the 'urge, stillale courtyard.. The masonry is pet feet, and the blocks of stone, cut alth sharp angles, are joined without the use of mortar. "It is certain," continued M. Roden "that the tu•ehitert, Claude Pet•rault, when te undertook to cona down to Lis buolts tend papers, A. woman who waited upon him in his leegtz gs said that he would lie a-beli. phone Wires end water pima NY 0.0 the evariove reply of Mr. Roden, DIDDEN FOR CENTURIES. in a few days splendid masonry that for nearly two hundred years has been covered beneath the soil to a depth of 100111;y -L111 00 feet was dis- closed. Tee Society of "Old Paris," and notably 1441. torien Sardoe, one of its most energetic members, became keenly interated in the ex- cavations. TI•e So iety of the Friends of the Monuments of Erma. 0' also took the matter up as a nation- al importance. Prelitninary hates were voted. M. aiscovery *4030111 1(8 would twirl bis chair around for five ininutes at the end of mery two hours, findirg tocreation In this. Tycho 130011e diverted 'him- self vrith T' 31)31:10(1 glasses for spec - la los, :Ex -Pre Went Cleveland would quit talking po i.i,s any time to go fishing. Dna so it Was, with Peley, the author of "Natural Theology," who wan so much given to angling that te 113111 h114 portrot painted pieta the work of Lemercter, actually with rod in hana. Louis XcL, of terminated tho three fronts. It is aad memory, amused himself lock- rielculous to suppose taat this fine emit:lung; while Salvator Rosa per- ancl coatis, masonry was intended to be hidden underground. The mason- ry was, accordi•-g to the plans of toCil;ttnal; Petrault, to have been sur- rounded by a vast dile b. twenty-five feet deep, very 11111011 like the ditch innei,r,eles the Palace of Saint "How could the Louvre be enter- ed ?" IMPOSING STRUCTURE. "By moans of three gigantic draw- bridges cot•responcling to the three formed In extempore comedies, tak- ing the character of a mountebank in the Areas or Rome. Charles II.'s most innocent amase- ment consisted in feeding the ducks In St. James Park and in roaring numbers of those beautiful spaniels Ii still hear '1115 name. It was diMcult for Beethcnort, io be free from a. cold from the fact that he eulighled in splashing in cold water et oil times of tho day, swampiug ('Is ehamber until the water oozed through tar flooring to the monis great entrance gates that lead to the nquare courtyard. 1113113)1110 what an .41 beneath. ITe would also well: out the dewy fields without stockings Imposing architectural effect woulli be caused by the coloesal structure et stone tieing above the enormous litch I" "How has it happened that or many years have elapsed without tho truth eoncerning the construction of such an inmortedit building as the Louvre being suspected 1" DUE TO INDIFFERENCE. "This is due par tly 1 0 the indiffer- ence menifested even so long ago as the time of Louis XV, to t',0 melt- tocts of the reriod of Louis 'XIV. - an indifference that lasted until tho end of the nineteenth ce.itury. Nov, pernatural appearances, apparittons. however, there is a revival of intere e3.1 in all that pertnirs to Louis preseetaments arid all such. He suc- cumbed before the teenaest preju- dices, ana attoTcTed Proof teat even, the strorgest intellects have always their weak side. Voltaire, whom ono would suppose devoid of fear, mocaer of veligion and beliefs, 00.11 made sick tvlfen bearing rooks caw - g in the country. Hobbes did not believe in God, but 110 kopt a light burning in his bed- room all night, being afraid of the dark. Rouseertu was another 331110 WaS afraid of the dark, old the or 11110014,Shelley could spend art entire day floating little peace boats ort any water he (1)31(1 ed to be near. OLDSMITH'S ODDITIES. • Poor Goldsmith's "oddities and ec- centritities" wet chiefly dandyisms, and the story of his peach blossom coat, is knouts the mold ever, Montaigne hall cm aversion for Fri- day, white he preferred odd numbers ho would sit 'down to a, 1131)1,1 011.11. thi teen people. Friday 008 03441375a bleak dtty in 11$1'011$111$1'011'13o'caar lend, but Byron believed in 01110118, &COMO. SU - XIV., and theve is, indeed, a propos- al or. foot to restore the Louis XIV. portion of the Louvre to its original truly magnificent propnitions." 111 wil. cortninly be many years be- fore the real Louvre of Louis XIV. inn be revealed. foradanble and ma- irettle. with dthwbritlges over wbith vi 'Roes mast pass to enter the old palaee, ('01(1 with broad, deep, dry ditches, lined with flower gardens. An 01-1<1 reflection, suggested by M. Reann, 38 ,1,1101, for neat•ly two hun- apprOach of night Imantg•ht only ter - deed years historinne, 'mete roul architerts have expatieted ror to him. Before retiring at night proportiors" of Um famous r.-1ir Samuel Remaly would always I .ok under the bell to see if anyone was eon (salad thet 0. Ile dreaded to me Light come. Great warriors have been afraid of thunder. Calmar was alamit thrown into eonvtalsionst by it, 13.11C1 Sir Thomas Aquinas suf- fered great ly 11.1 thunder -s t Orme. Queen Elisabeth, Talleyeatal and °th- ere could riot bear 1.0 have the word "death" uttered in their presence. Marshal Saxe, who 0\11,t1l1'41w armies, fled at sight of a eat.. doanacie of the 1../0l1V1%), and now it -34 discovered that daring all that, 1110 the °litho base of tl-e edifice has 1 len concealed from view. WHAT GOLD -BEATERS. 1)0. Gold -boaters, by hammering, re- clean gold louves so thin that 282,- 000 must, be laid upon each other to produce the thickness of an inch, yet each leaf is so perfeet and free from holes that one of thent laid upon any surface, fve in gilding, gives the ma pearance of solid gold. They are AO thin (1143.43 (1 formed into a book 1,500 would 01117 occupy the spare of a single loaf of common paper, and an octavo volume of an 111011 thiek would have tut many pages as the books of a well -stocked library of 1,500 vol- umes with 200 (131(1335 331 each. F011 ESCAPED PRISONERS. In Sihrmia the houses in every vilisso npon the main eteeet facing the road have little windows with shelves :Mout 6 feet above the ground, and on these shelses the in- mates place whatever food they have to spare.. This is a custom headed teer pistole, tevolvers, and the Intent down from a former period to aid es- and best lilies they colthl WAY. 1(3:' coped prisoners, the shelves being 0.1111 Ca nlered nt that 1101011 00 as to pre- "1111e -e are gifta worthy to be re- volt dogs from getting' at the food. rotted by a warrior ard n Ling," Careered. 'rho Influence of the itessiens and Englhli over Mutton 'dates from that luCky incident. -4-- -- Gritty Georg:a-I hope 313101 of coffee won't stimulato yer. "ro to work, Sandy l'3ke4.-1013. tartl: 1- 1181(08 de 'lady le. Pa 100 'IRM.',14' 1(3 tette no sorry he could') 11 come, 11. . • NO DOLLS 31011 MENTCLITC., It is the custom in Abyealnia fot• 'ti 0 foreign missions to btleg pre- sents to '<Avg Itletelik. The lerenth, vonat years ago, took a lot or r44.1.1- simn mechanical Loys-.stilecip that squeaked, pigs thet Ian on C eir Iliad lege, and, flolnl,silhtheittit,w41:41,1111,0133ida 'Fluty thought that such things woula dusty kiag. Itienelilt looked ttl. 3,1 0111 for 31101110111 be certain to Dale the fancy of a rate; then he thrust t110111 1','. "Do you think," he asked, "that 1 con a child or 0. savage, tied, I 811101,110M ildte811.8141t.rt, 0111101(13.1'- 4,5 (111)! 13113)11111 :bowed n. truer insight into Ms herneter. Trev brotig,ht hint Mau - Johnny -"Pa, what is tact?" Wale [4__ "131131., Johnny, is knowing how to do thiegs Without appearing to be doing them, Por instance, 1 ask-, ed Mr, Atlantan dinner this even- ing, and ineldontally 3 remarked that your mother would entertain 304 (1.31- 1.1)32 piano, Idr, AMMO said he M1 ,