HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-31, Page 6WIIY HAR'409D
Irarwoud closed the ledger with
difimeet bang that !qua, 'Douti fo
the day." Twirling around in thi
meta chair, he got up and stretchy
Me hail" took down his big OVet
cout, preSsNI his hat well down oe
his head, and stopped out into a
blinding Sam\ storin.
...Coming from that hot °face into
suthlen menet with thin bleak, ka
fright Wakes a fellow's teeth cheater,'
with his u maul (qininicur.
He stopped at a corner to bey the
"Evening iNeWs," front a shivering lit.
tle urehin.
Hardwood had a kind heart. and
it had been -softened by the love of
one now lost to hint.
"Cula night," he scald cheery --"eh,
lad?" -while his hand weer, down eli-
te Ids pocket for change,
"Yussir. My fingers is 'most
"Haven't you any natters?"
"No, Billy 'Awkios sneaked Onna.
"To bail] Take these. I haven't
very fur to go" -taking otS his well -
Reed gloves mad haudieg thou to
"Yee don't mean 'cm for nie, do
e'er? Crikey, they've got lingers in
"Yes. Try them on, and even if
they don't fit they will keep you
Ata to swim i2111 1101 11,1 quae.12
pocketa"-Sa,cing whieb he started on
his way.
Anti as he walked along he fell to
imaginiug how nice it would be if
thtfre were a Mrs. Geonge Harwood.
Mid he pietniTd how it would seem
if elle were in a cosy hinny to meet
liirn. lJn sighed AS he turlwd dowo
she street that brought his hermitage
in engl, t.
"That's what an old haehelor gets;
but it might have been (Deferent if
Sinclair had not insisted upon Maude
merryine that raecal Branseombe.
Wheel at hearth he readied his door-
step and fumbled for tho key, he won-
dered if Airs. Donovan had left his
Pre burning:, as ho had told Iter to
do when she finished climiette.
"She has sueh a 1101.1 Memory, of-
ten Mr/tatting to lock the door; yet
she never fails to reinetuber the quart
of male I allow her to get When she
come: to sweep aud dust," niused
Sure eraregb, when he tureed the
knob, there nms no necessity for the
key. And he frowned, seeing aloud
as he entered:
"I wouldn't be surprised if the had
left the windows wide open, and I
find the snow all over my Poor."
illut he meshed open his sitthig-room
door, and insteed of the floor being
covered with Snow, it was littered
4. land, and Therwood picked him up
- fend laid lam on his bed.
d Thett ho pet fresh coal on the Ore;
the l-ig arnachair Was co.sily dllaW11
, up, and 1.111IS in solid comfort be
• gored into tho dancing themes, Impale;
• there to think out the problem of elle
•. hest ter -whom Nome mother's
heiert no doubt. must be toning.
Anil the thought, of 1 Ir . ehild's crava
inie for its mother, milled only for
O the preeetet by the soothing touch of
I sleep, and his own longing for tom
' panionship 1(21 ('11 lie had juot expert
d mond when he came home from work
• wori led him into one of those lire -
1 light funeies which illuminate th
brain in a earaugely pleusant way
Ilitypity, dreamily sveindereil he en
in the thought that two is eompany
• one is none.
'Maude clarliog, why do you come
20) ciiierly before my mind's Me to
' nielet of all nIgh_es?" he murmured.
wl-rz coaEl Is 'T1111 BATTLE.
It M Neceesary for Russia, and
Japan Wants It Prom
The g•aies of the Temple of Janus,
closed since tho termination of the
- South African war, beet+ been thrown
- wale mien by Japan, and the aLten-
• tion of the evholo world is uow riv-
eteil noon tho battlefield of north-
° eustern Asia
• Like the little child's query
Southey's poem of long ago, marl
, people are asking "What are th
fighting. for?'"So such a questio
' the following is an answer:
with poems, eooks. photographs, his
hairbrush, ehaving,-umg-in feet, ev-
erything that was tratisportnble lay
in a ',ambled heap before him, and
sordin reigned sunreme,
"What on earth heti been gOing 01)
in hem? IS ho the dickene-" And
burglars flashed through his mind,
ready to vent his wattle on the
culrez•it, he dashed the alcove curtains
aside and cenfronted his man.
exetting moment folloWed. Then
Ti.ardwoorl went back to his sitting -
room, bringing captive the newt
tanusiog burglar he had ever dreamed
of einifieg.
"algae, sit doom M that big chnie
by The fire while 1 cross-examine
Ilreviol's to which be bent down
end Isi,serl Hy, innocent head of a
two -)','Cl' -old 11a1see boy.
"And to think," said lie, "I Was
al 0151 to SteaS11 yen to piliereg Now,
where, in the mune of all that's -wiel-
dy-reel, did you cenne front? And
who the dielfens Lire yon? And how
did ;i -oil eet
To all of which the little man
coned 01e1 babbled unintelligently. ail
the time seeming to hike a vieiens
jos' in pulling the heavy moustache
of his interlocutor.
"ft is well to loite a legal mind
11.11. ..0”4114.1 1113 11110.81 1011s. '01.0D*
0..1 110111 111.11 skies; baby is e um.
mow; at,d Sire, Dimovein left the door
miler 5 ed. .1 hat tells he whole et ory
only it is rather unsatisfactory."
And them the Little arms were
striae:eel out to hine nod while the
reeleteill inolith wits dimpling with
angelie emiles, the Word "Pupal" 1
cume front the baby lipee.
"Well, '1 like that( "-with rather n.
bitter-sweet sareasm in his ton, "I
81811)080 .1.,'011 ere ono of these little
O1 0 who think that 1') 1121)1 num is n 1
pa.pa, 1. 0018180 11011, this being your I
first, on'ence."
"Alia!" crime from the baby, 1214 if
ha ontler•lood.
Whereupon Thiry:nod latighed
"Vote are a Memo little duffer. I
quit 0 like your good -nature "
Palieds (Mears were busy with a
himeli of Mies that las host dungled t
twrvi..! 11/111,
Dere 11terwcue1 began to reldresn
himself as If a third perrem Were 11
oat -forge," eairl 1,e, "you are ene
Joying thin oovel sitnatiOn ionnewie- 1
ly. Beet, tater all, it wouldn't lei 0. t
Levi flame if you wenild set yourtelf a
to thintang What yon are going tO n
2111 aith ails RUM bit of ligamoity t
for tlie eight, tred ilml a 115112, /AM t
left Mom Mrs. Donovan's dinner. You
mierlit go 11121'009 UM] 11811) Mee, i,rnintes
whet fif the beot Chime to do -d11111 ban el
en menet thildr,fil of her own. Dia
you can nee her (steely in the morn -
bee'. one 11.121110 the by with lior for a
the tiny, ixi crate anyone cells for. him
While revolvietr, three 11111855(1.1112 ie
his mina, behy's head began to droop n
elle laity's lips Inmeu
nred "Mm- 11
u •
".do tt 's Mamma yeti 2111,115 11020, is 1
et"? I 111,1111212, tho ortiele."
Ilia before llairstmod creed 5.1111111. 11
, ah5.1, 1315(511 do to supply the eyelet b
the little fellmee Seem off in dream- W
Ile seemed to feel her little ham
clasped in his 021121, and to 1.e tin
11115 glistening in her 0,1,238; 2121 they
2010 when they parted for the last
tin e at her father's gate.
A glance at tho clock on the nem
t elpiece, beside Which he stood
letretching himself and yawning. ewes-
, ed 511111 to slap his knee vigorously.
I • • J can! ' ' he ejaculat ett. "1
cattle near forgetting the burglar."
tenutiously and awlewarelly that
twelve d a half stone Of "toe, tee
51(111 Ceske" bellowed Itself On tiptoe
to the bedroom. where the child lay.
The light turned on, ho bent over
ant tucked toe covers around the
HAM shoulders gently and tenderly
vs a woman. ("1(3 stood a, moment,
rubbed. Ids eyes as if 1,0 clear his
, vision, and murmured:
"i as thie dream from evhich I have
;pint weakened turned my brain? lfer
, features -the 12100)12 blue eyes, the
:s.ime 022118,
I 11, Maude, rely dear, is this your
!child? Can be? 01a ins. dear, my
ner I
• And he strode up and down the
,reoin, trying to solve the problem,
which had grown stall more haricate
and perplexing. Then at length his
pare grew 11101e deliberate; be bee -an
to calm. doWn,
"i ere -here, I famVOod. 201705. 58
!the vse of jumping to conclusions?
Juift because this tiny lodger happens
to rise., bit' her is no proof that, he
, is her chad. You do net even.lenow
ther e has a child. Anil, even
so, remember 1110 rascal Bratiscombe.
And yon know thet, wasting the
hours thus you will be in 110 lit con-
dition tO cast up accounts to -mor-
110 flung himself on the bed, and
drew the child close to nis breast,
tinental expetesion of their empire. It
is only fifty miles frolll the litt
Japanese ishoul of Tau 5111010, whir
lies in the ICorean Strait, 11011 wa
betsveen Japan and Korea, to th
Korean port of isusan,
1113551 AN SIBERIA
occupies the enteet to the north re
Norse, Russian Altinchterle Iles to tl
23 I3Y YOU.
Pee le and Places You Ilear of In
the Ituseo-Japanorin
east, and the 1'111110120 shore to th
southward is being prtainupttel 11
England, Germany and Italy. Shaul
Korea be 1014011 11W113, Jiil11111 110111
be emmielled to attention Itre late
clay dream of a continental ernpir
end to remain in her andent islan
, isolation.
'21 Idngland line taken an especial M-
Y terest in thn
e fortues of Korea be -
cause Doltish capital is largely in-
n vetted in the rich gold and copper
111('R 111 tlin t o t et AllllflI'difl
e Alexieff, Admiral.- The • ltusslau
VI' • 1 1, 1'
oy 11 t te ar meet.
d Angioal apailese Age eement.-dTlas
1. ware eigeita on January 30111, i 125.12,
t, tile "1111)11 COntroctIlig rai tics" 10-
1i.g, of (mime, the Ceeetninents of
Great Brieein anti Javan. The tloo.
lenient consists of a preamble and
six articles. O'he first -named sari
fol-th the joint, dwite of the two
Powers columned to maintain uninie
pelted "Om iadependence and terri-
Lofial integrity of the Empire of
China and the letepae of Korea."
The et1.1)1 les etre concerned with the
alalanee, ollensive and defensive, be-
tween Britain and Jamul, the alle.t,
of wide It is that any other nation
Presuming to aid Russia ngainst 010
ally will antontatiCaily at the Same
thee declare war against Great
Britala also.
Arisaka,-The distinctive given by t
the Japanese to the type of Ileld gain t
with which their artillery let Princi-
pally at med.
Artamanoff, Major-General. -In
command of 0 brigade of Russien
troops at Vhedivostock,
'Ashai "-The biggeet of Japao's
six first -cage battleseles. She is 1
of 15,448 tons di -placement. The ' b
other lire ale (15,3022), Fiat- t
seise (15,84(1), ellekiehima (15,088),
Fuji 1.12,(341J), and Yeishinia •o
517) Them we e all built, In Dia-
tith yards
Chemulpo.--TheIport of Seoul (caP-
ital of Korea), from which iL is e15 -
tont about, teeeety-eix 011104. A
railway connects the two places.
(See Seoul.)
Oossackse-Light 'Weston cavalry,
used almost 0,11.111 elo ia skirmishin
Both Russia and Japtin want IC
ran. The IllitscoviLe regardo the la
rean peninsula as indispensable
1 the same relation to Asietic 111113851 as did Florda ito the 'United State
in the early years of the last (21'tory. Russia "needs" these 1112101
thole aid equate? miles to 0001(11211- her Yeast line, for if Korea falls 111
(101''111'1)l11'5rule, Russian ships wi
be unable to sail tht•ough the KM'
Ian Strait without running (1,,, (210(2102(11i
Set of .1apanesn cannon on either sid
5 flu8sia also wants Korea in orde
' to have an Asiatic port which
not ice-locted in winter. Port At
them 01)121 Isctlny, in state of the eelu
,!covite !natives spent in wbral col
street ion, have melted failures El
11'1010r harbors. Within their hug
breakwaters the. waters haw frozen
so as to prevent 111180211,n ships 1
' midwinter from reaching. the piers
Itbe Russian railroad,
In 'Koren. there are several port
egliti•h Russia wool(' 111122 have as out
leen to her vast Minna empire. 02
Rue western wrest there is Yongam
!phis, 3/e0r the northern boundary an
la few miles from the mouth of
THE '5(111,1,1 RIVER.
ilTere the Russians have leased a larg
traet of territory, and aro now build
ing forts, alLhough they said pritaar
fly they only wanted the land Co
1 cutting timber. 'Ihe activity of th
Ozer s S:lbjectS ill the neighborhoo
of Yongampho especially alarmed Ja
5 yonleampho, however, is too fa
north to be open in winter. it is in
'ci. higher latitude then 00131(2 (11' Port
:Arthur, which are situated at the enc
of the neighboring Lio Tung (10(241181.2.1a on tho eidN
astern se of oma)day,
Ilet,v, but in the Korean port o
Chenitelpo, the Russians saw an ape
partway 01 getting an all -year-round
harbor. Chentulpo is to Seoul, the
caeital of Korea, what the harbor of
1(1102,15 was to classic Athens. .e, rail-
road joins Chenzulpo and S'noul, and
it is through this poet that the capi-
tal OW carries on its trade with
China. A third port, and tho must.
Important of all, is Pusan, on tho
southiethtern extremity of the penin-
sula., which is tbo southern terminal
5 of tao Pusn
a-E-Leoul Railroad. Pusan
IreLlet be made powet•ful novel sta-
tion to control the straits between
Korea and Japan. At the present
time the Japanese Government exer-
cises a, sort of commercial protector-
ate 00,21(2 1.5155 port.; and one of Reis-
sla's latest moves was to get the
harber of Masampho, wItich is near
I'ort Lazard, on the eastern 1311020
of leoreet, 11123821021 by that branch of
the Warm. Japan current whiCh en-
ters the Keenan Strait, is still • an-
other harbor which would permit
Russia to have comenunication with
the sect simmer read winter,
A third reason why Russia is (mew
cialy cite:roles of extending her rule
Routh of the Yalu River is to obtain
the rieh, hard woods of the Korean
forests, and the gold, copper and sit-
eer of its mines. Siberia. and Man-
churia. are 2000(2,21112111051(2 With soft
pines, fir ee
and lch. Ever 1411100
II81110 pushed her dominion westward
to the l'acMo 81111 51105 coemted the
hard oak and teak 1011324(8 of Korew
Ja.yan (teethes Koeca foe seutimental
08 we'l as commercial reitsons. Three
centerfee tater the Christian era be -
gen o Japanese 0111(120138 eeixed Korea
rind 1110411. it a Japanese province.
Por varlome periods 5111C1.1 that thne
Jetean has exorcised 0 complete or
partial control over Koren. China
at three obtained control, and in
11504, becaithe she had threatened
r1.120111 to regain her ascendency, JD.-
53012 eleclareil War against China: Al-
though robbed of most of the fruits
of Mir victory by the intervention of
Resela, Germithy and Prance, mid
forbidden to occupy the ponineela of
Lams -Tung, which would have placed
Koren in the centre of Japanese do-
minion, the island 0/11135111 clid not
(151121,11(211her 1111055.125. ambit Of I
11101211(1 of repeated treaties and con-
eentione, the .inpanese, have grafted.-
ly inereased their 111101101,a1 wed cool-
merei-1 1 influietee over the Korean
21125.1121accordingly remelted 11135515,21etrusion beeetuso of the great
(orment of 305)1(1)1120 (10(11101 invested
in Korea. At the peasant time 'Ine
pen Ifes a prcm
atical onopoly in the
conetruction of Korean retinds
J01,0008(1 1)02,13(1 linen been establiehed
liroffelmut the penireule. The 1111111)
of the carrelbg (redo of Korea fri
vith Japan, and tho yeter 111(22.
1 ..12 21 el 101121 of 41151271111(2t need
Corean 5101(54, of which 030,81 0 tons
ewe ;lavaliere exoorte.
The 10195 vital reason Wily the 'Tap -
ones,/ ('('11(15. laneett ire 5)1)001121(2 that
Tart of tho Asiatic 12(1111411011t 3210(2451e sole napping stone for the cone
°- O. Refire, of the Madras Pre81.-
°- dewy, India, 0110 has carefully ex -
or plored the mineral resources of Ko-
rea, 11201111t1'111111 1)08801321 richer
a grad veins than thoeti of the ICIon-
s8 dike, Ilb 110211011108 11)1)11(2 assays
11- whieh shm ow froOne to five ounces
Y of free g1411 01'e to the ton.
d" The British potted has also united
Mae the Japanese yen in many colo-
n 11101'1501 enterprises, which 11�5'23 bound
London rind Tokio together 3n a lin-
t- 2311(2101 falience that is even etronger
0, then any onion baserl on political
18 lt is over the Yule. Itiver where the
' war clouds hong blackest. There
8- 211(18 a time when the waters of the
1- Yalu were regarded as the beundary
S between liurea arta Menehuria. Since
c" 1896, when the Russians obtained a
• Umber cutting concession in the Yalu
11 Va ley, St. Petersburg statesmen have
f been more and More vigorously 0011-
tending that the boundary line is not
8 the titer itself, but Its southern wat-
- (trailed. Such an interpretation would
1 embrace e. rich slice °IT the top of
ancient Korea. The timber cunees-
o don was "obtained," as the Itus-
Sams Word it, or "eXtorted," accord-
ing to Japanese parlance. front the
King of Korea, when he was a /ere-
o gee in the Reisman legation at Seoul
- during the riots in which bls queen
008 murdered. In 1.1115 concession the
1 Russians also craftily inserted the
ea prCel'iS0 that in ease of dispute the
Russian version of the meaning
should prevail . Japan contended
!that the rivee itself is tho boundary
r line, aed that a concession ohtained
by duress is void. Russia maintained
, us Bhp did wheel she extended her CIO-
' main from the northern watershed of
- the River Amur to Um river itself,
and then to the southern watershed,
3+* * *
Next morning Tiorweed run clown
the Mors of good Mrs. Dolme's
'use ahe cross tway, feeling con-
tent that the small boy was safe
with her for Um day, and there 11)3111)a 2011(210 feeling in the region ot his
heart when he remembered that 110
would have 1111)1 to come home to at
tltere, Mittens!" he cried
Jo -daily, as he caught sight of the
neerseoy whom he had befriended the
night I3efore.
"Is that where you live?" asked
Mittens, pointing towards the house
linrwood had Just left.
"No. Ilse across the way, Why?
Went an thing?
But. the boy's face suddenly ae-
seated an eXpression of abject terror.
"Vi hat's wrong'?" said Durwood. !
Mittens gave 71 gasp, and started
cm a 1115 down the street.
lIarwoo1, pursuing, di3termined not
to di•sist until he hail discovered what
the boy's terrified looks signilied.
"Dr 11 t wallop me! Don't ye
toll the (opt:oral" cried the boy, 58
)tarwead laid a, heavy haled on his
shoulder. "111112111 I'd do such Et
1111111.1 to a. chap that's bin and give '
nee molt lino gimes? J_011111123 go 5
I'ee got 1,o go back an' tell her 5
fele put the id!
''iNO, ‚100 4011%, 1111(0118-110t. till
you tell MO whe.re (21)21 got the kid, 51
and till you know about it."
'I don't know naiades' 'cep'n as
how loO lade- -that's wot We calls
her -cum to live clown in Scratch
Court 01.011t a month 51,0 cgils
her that 0.0','.5521)'S so pretty -like; and
eficrateli ourt is whore we all. live; ;
an' we cells It that cm w 11 1 • ••
to scratch emelt Mr our livina
he bin aigittie' peaky hero batt-
y, an' yisterttay she sez to inn Mot
She kin 5(22352, Mu, and she. 122(11 got
10,ocly teem to do tiotlein' fer' her 011(1ittle Sorety-thatai 2101. I calls the 5
sad, an', I tell yer, he's 14,1 right- 5
In she ace she had to go yisterday
etternoon or loner to a sitivettion, 1
au' elle can't go and leave the baby 5
elone, au' I'd hal to take 11101 to
ter Me num,. An' I 5,26t
'(30111 to be 51178(2 's afternoon h
illy papers. Not but alit l'ia willin'
to go, but woloveral I do of the wee f
man ain't, ere? I can't come lug- !
gin"1211 hack.' Then I looked at
'(32', (121' elm wag (20(21(1' So I see; as
I would go, nnd, erikey, if 1 ain't 1,
111114e 5, IlleSs of ft, and took 'Oa to •'
he e-rong place!
"She tor me three 1707(12(5 from 005
0)111.22 (1! thiS street, an' no matter !
f Mac '1(1,1 111(714 ain't thorn, open the I
oar an' pet 'Int in, fer her kids is
t los theta, an' 25117 (1-012' tie:keel 111 1'
he 11112')'', fame evil] '81)111111, "Thal
110 Les' we kill rlo,' se? she, 'Seeing
how 1 awe' go, and you Tate't got 1,
• time.' So f opened the door 5
11(1121 and shoved '1171 511 like I does i
"A note! By Jove! Why didn't
1111111211' the C112151'21 0101.11i rig? No 5 1
matt Mrs. 110111108 bee 10111111 if 1/0"i t
ore this,"
AM' be turned quickly, Met stopped. I
gain to ask Athlone etTet w1mer53 5/
Sera -telt Court" WEIS, Ullti to 51151
coin into 11214 band.
Mrs. Dolmen was still perueing the
(12 11 when Iferwond mitered, ft Was F
urtl for her to renal weiting, end Telie t
tins 812e111ng met the words, Itarwood b
ost no tierin les offering hie asititit- 5
nee, having first glenced tet the Nig- .1
edema and neseired 1111110011 that flee •
al,y's mother ond his old sweetheart f 1
ere cote and tho same,
Ifer deep old ineree end her fond
corer wiped the heirs serreptitiously
roni their eyes on reading the sad
.rtIe of how her parente had both
li el, end lier worthlens husband had
effeitel,,reel 1,),' money left to her,
ted had recently been in a
lliteivoodth emplresere die not eirei
heir bookkeeper awl. morning, 13115,
thoe eimii elfin" did, mu' the little
media, bronglet 111111 hie; lifeth leeppi-
JOSS.--LOOT1011 Answeiw
that the Sala River means the whole
People who keep their houses Stark
for fear of the sunlight spoiling thole
carpets and furniture, luteo 110 ielea
of the dtheaecacestroeing influence of
the senalgat and ear. Reeent exper-
iments hese sl own that bacilli ex-
posed to tho sun and air were des-
oyea in two hours, while those
°sowed to the sun (the air being ex-
clu(5eri) were alive after fifty hours
of exeosure. A Neapolitan 1ii3Cfer
has meat) an intereating experiment
witb chole a bacilli; while he fonnd
those prote.ted from the sun killed
killed guinea -pigs in eigateen hours,
as usual, thoee exposed to the sun
were toneterecl barnaless.
As to -the influence of sun and ear
011 baeilll, it was ascertained tbat,
the 0.V3"tier) Of air had marked
e/Sect, 111 aesieting- the 81108 rays, and
that the ba( 1011(0 110110 ed Mole from
the son s rave if the supply of oxy-
gen len 5 increaved them if it 20118
eirlri•1 he4„ Ce thin liquids, too,
which wi 1 vridergo putiefaction in
in ea: o 21111 e main svcet and free
from baeteela when exposed to tee
sen's 1 Air and eun 0,2e Na-
ture's groat pueleers.
It Is a remarenble fact, aecoe•ding
to the statenumt of a Vancouver
banker, that the loettl Chinese have
(121 llnploeu aptly precise ealeit of
buying when exchange is low tend
about to rise. alie impression of the
brinks is that them is E01/10 11114er-
g ound system. operated 1.13' the (3111a-.
(3511 in this businese, but no one has
yet been With to fathom how the
thing is clone.
Java is very thickly populated, and
cultivatien is molted to an extrema
dinery dietaaro uri the steep slopes
of the hills. The plain of Leles in
the neottli of July 18 one etoa of ripe
goltain rice, with here tend there
village of brown thatch roofs nestling
in at group of green cocoanut trees.
11) tho middle of the island white
ellimneys of sugar -mills peep above
miles and miles of 'sugar -cane fields.
The annual crop of polatoes in
Germany is colossal, and fur exceeds
that of nny other country i» tint
world. Laeet year, for exanirle, tam
area Miller potaloes was 8,0 ,5
neves, while tl e crop In the • Milted
Stacie oceurfed 2,065,C61 acres. 'Phe
(Iceman (0 20(1(20 11'115 1.11118 more than
Dome times 58 great as that of the
eel 6 La tee.
Poropey--"De oft' host beolce ho lot'
bin' leg 45s itiornire, inneree.," "now
did he come to do that?" asked 1118
master. "It Was his owe fault, neat -
ma. Wain did yer darky's batik was
turned de weiglerts aninale be kick me
on do head, Masan."
Camphor is reepally advancing In
price 11205-1 (2 10 the war in the Far
Emit, about, a week ago it was 77
cents n (Toyed by the barrel. at is
now 651', itnif Is Fetid to be extreme-
ly scarce 11111 111011'0,
Tle had foeght 511 nint•ee a leaflet,
And bed won by heolc or crook,
But lie eirolso I to tile reale
'Butt the little baby Shook,
important shipping. company In
1(505c101110. -The 141501.111
fOrCeS are eat They eon only
he mobilised in case of wee, or gruye
nal lone I Chtliger, stud by .5 inperia 1
aulailatilf:ITst{v)8., 0 i',1:111117:- lia40(1)1(.111.1(t;oe,0 1;10201111:Urge
Ot•alco.,-Outi of the -ewe arseuals
large sod by Japan, T1,0 other le at.
Port Art hula -The prima/ea Res -
111111 naval bate in teke Par Fast, It
Is sileutte0 at the extent/illy of a
peoinfetlis which juts out into the
Gull of Pe -c111-11, end let very etrong-
Ov 20(21 10011,
oolitic:0U b jeiVit'fitee ler.;11(N1(11T•11.32•8o0la
Uldne, U1ntViCiitallf
&mat Os. 1(1.; bet in ofli lel calcula-
tions 11.45 roul.les are taken as equa
to the tiound sterlieg.
Saniural.-T1 Is Is fi•equen weal
as synonyni for 5, Jetpanciee Army
011100", although tee "samurai" 55 a
eta title tive military eakte were abet -
seed at the revolution of 1371.
Satsoina and Chmehu,-The two
g eat clans of ./ apan. 1111.2 2111121(5
men, am at the head of the aavy;
thoee beloeging to Ohoehu at t1.0
liewl of the Army.
Seel:a-Tim capital of Korea; Dep-
ilation 2007000, lts port is Chene-
apo, with which it is conneeted by
a Short Miley. This letter was
taken 01131. by Japan in 1800, and is
row worked and controlled by Jae
paeate officials.
6111111°11°e°' 1.-11 city and port in
Jaren immediet ely opposit e Pueten
Iecirett. Dere dollen hes /ono
onn inaesing leu go mune:ors of
roops, in readiness to be thrown
cedes 15.0 straits into Korea at tho
utbreale of hoed:hies,
:alma -Literally "tecand lieuten-
ant," tire loweet commissioned rook
n the Japanese Army. '11 -ie other
lodes, aids them haigli 11 equi,a-
lents, are as follows : (Mei (513 51
lieutenant), tali (captain), shosa
(Major), cilium1, flietit.-i 05(11111), Mine
(colonel), shos• o (11.111.0r -general),
chiujo elleuterian 1-5(011een 1 ), feel leo
(gene(2al), gonsui (teetel-inetreilial).
With the exception of tho latter, pre-
cisely 1110 811111e (0.1)15 are applied to
the .ranke of °Mears in the Navy.
Terauchl, General Masatake.-The
11 Japanese Minieter Mr War. Goner&
Wake Tee much' .15 an exeeediegly
capable man, and a ciOSO 001'80801
Oland of the, 01101011 Prince Yos1.1111-
Tokio.-The 230.1 1(01 of Japan; pop-
ulation about 1,50-0,000. 'la 0 name
of the city Is also spelt Toleyo, 11111.1
it was formenly known as ?ado. It ;
Sum1.10, ss -115.11, although wiee,
etands 071 (Ile of the risme I
t unnovigable by vet sels of large ton -5
nage. Yobolicema is the port, dis- 5
hence from the (m)1tal tra es. A rail -5
_ way connets the two places.
Tokumu-Socho.-Aleans literally
• "8(111211 eergeant-major," and is the 1
1 ighest noracommiesiolied rank in I
outyost, and escort 'duty. 11.ey ale
the countm part of the COr1135,11 1511"
512120, but we have nothing answerin
to them in our osvn Army.
De Rosen, Ileu on.-Theltustlmt
Minister at ToOio;
E.talima.-The Japanese Nava
Amino:v. lt is eituated on th
she es of the Inland Sea, and is t5.
p; educa.1 tonal est abliehmen
for training the °Ulcers of the 11ee1-
.1flp051e5e Amy
numbers 45(1,000; of e between
eight and nine thousand are °Mee s.
Petsana-A seaport in the south-
eastern part of Koloa, and unwed
lately opposite Japan, from whieb I
is distant about one hundred miles
Seoul, the capital of Korea, and Pit
San, are being connected bv a. rail
way, built by Japanese engineerA
and paid for with Japanwie Money
TI 0 (1170 11111e1115 axe already connect
ed by au overland telegeaph Line
constructed by tee Japaneee.
ltabashi,-At this place, as well a
Meguro, Dual -lama and tla, 21.14
3505115 powder factories.
lto lairobumi, Marquis, -.3 apan's
leading- state -man. Ile has been
come. ned eel Lav the government of
that country, on and off, since 1873.
Joto-Hel.-Literally ''tipper sold-
ier." The lligheSt of the three
grades into witich the private sold-
iers of the Japanese Army are divid-
ed. The other two a; e firs-toe:late
(051.080(So). A private on joining
Is a recomd-elass toldier. For pro-
ficiency cued good conduct Ise is rais-
ed to the rang of first -c1000 soldier,
and ultimately to that of upper sold-
ier. Ills pay, his dutice, and the
numbei• cd stripes on his nom vary
with Ms grade.
Knesura, Gere al Count Taro.-
'Pho Japetrese Prime alinteter,
Kieto Chau. -The Ge.mian 1151'51
17 118e 111 tho Par Knot, coireeponning
with our Woihai-wei and the Roseau -1
Port Arthur. It is Ellett:104 on the
mainland of China, opposite Korea,
nncl about 100 miles to the soutbe
weleirradmonfcad.Ye-hiaLwaeni.,-Tha Japanese
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Kondratenko, Major -C'( 0(10(0.5.- In
command at beigade of Russten
troops at Port Arthur.
Kolei.7-Thle is the ofileica title of
Japan's mien, 111111 /21011118 Emperor.
Koreet.-A country embracing the
peninsula lying between 5,110 Yellow
Sea and the Sea of Japan, having
an area of about le:1,000 eque,re miles
and an estimated population of
about tee millions.
Kuria -The chief of Jaean's first -
dare naval. statione. lt is situated
on the Inland Eiee, 110.8501reS a, splen-
clid namenal, axed is serongly forte-
ito3(OhttrIno.-This is tlee 1111.1T/0 of the
Japanese Minister to the
KuroPaalcin, Generel, is the Rus-
sian Minister of War, De was ap-
pointed lo December, 28(17,
Daikal.-A these water lake,
0101. 400 1111 508 long, which the flreat
Siberian RailWay Pert 'Antler
0'0850 by means of a Ateanier,
which emetics the trains.
hinuehuria.-A Chiume proeince or
'dependences% lying to the Mirth of
:Korea, which it alijoinS. Its seizure
by Remelts, has all elates been streng-
ly resented by joertn. Tim (0(200 02
Manchuria, is about '400,000 equate,
mikei, and Rs estimated populettion
6/Trievle'10111,111 101111•0aTd'. Dolce, it the heir
twesumptive to the Ruesian throne.
0 1
t I
Floe liacl aguele to Do With 3301
lug Up of the Russian
The London Dally seam tin
ago puldislieci the f Rowing slielfee
of Admire! Alexelen, the Ituselite,
Viceroy 1» the far east
A leveeing personedity, noth-
ing in 1118 appeal -ghee to strike ter-
ror to i'he is tact 1115111 Who.
110109 the keys Gf peace rend War le
the foe east to -day. Admiral Alex-
eieg, a. man 1010111 the Clear has
many tlities bo' n pluethed Loner,
is young cnotegh to look for-
ward to great commeste, e et just
01,1 01101,01 to imprees us as a lithely
middle-aged man, with 0. PILL1111.• (ha
beard, whOte deliget ie to dandle a
child on las knee. Ile Is the first
Russian Viceroy in the far caet,
tee rnan• upon whenu Nieholas 11, has
animeed tee momentous task of
building up 11011/ genrire. Quite -
what part Alexeied 1158 relayed in the
recent movee on Ilie greet chess -
boned of Asla nobody outti 'e the
Czar's empire lenews. Ile 1 as been.
In hie lime Covernew-Gere el of baste
ern Sibeda and Governor of Ras Ian
ond he is to -day corn-
maneer-iel-ellief of ti -e Mission (oleos
in e Pacific. It is an office hardly
112 lorotood in Englarel, for Aloscieff
bets I1041'01' 01'01' the forces.
If he 115,8 played his part in the
strange developments which have
brought Ressla fare to Ince 111111 Ja-
pan. Alexi:MIT has tmetributed his
effete at to the eteength of the
Re ssinn navy. Time was when Om
Cear's 11011y 11/08 commanded and
officio eel Englisinuee, wl en the
Ten posver of Rustle, eves not such a
thing DS 111/1111004 158 080/1/108, 1 3 tit
it is diffe elif 110111, and Russia's fleet
stends tetra among* tte 115,2 108 of'
Europe, With pollee nine tbousend
mi es 'wart, Ressitt Ins a 110.V5.1 11011'
Ilion w1.11 h Sir (3002ge Clarke ee-
dares "abaolutely 1111411re," anti its
yew sea tfower is due not a litale to
tl foreiglit and skill of its gloat -
est; tailor.
So lately 1900 Alexcieff was
Ieit'e siOe with the forces of ja-
pan. Le wits in t halve of the.
swain 1 l'00fS 111 China, and had
limier him when war begun more
..1 meanese Army. Not below 5
' 11111 C011105 11 soclio, equivalent to our f
70 gerent elaiOr; 11110 wins° and goeho
3 eqUi 05.1011t to 01.11' sergeant rend cor-
e() al reffpo tastily.
Toyeuna Gakko.-Literally Militrtry
1Sraii ing School, Dere aro educated
all /1 °pouffe oft/cora, the com so of
bathing being exceedingly elaborate
and thorough.
Tseshinea.-An I land belonging to
Japan, eilmated almost in the mid-
dle of the narrow channel 'Mach
separates that country 1. orn Korea.
It is of immense sLrategical im-
portance, aed is almost sure to be
the centre of desperate fighting soon-
er or later. '
Ty I toll, Admiral, is the Russian
Alinieter of 21 o 1q11.17. Ile was ap-
pointed in July, 1806.
Vo et. -Tho Russian "mile," equi-
valent to about two-LhIrcis of our
5111111 10 11111e.4
Vleglivostocle.-The chief lleasian
serepoit in the Pacific Gomm 31. is
si Luated at the southern extremity of
the Alatitinie Province, comparative-
tl 0 point whet that goveln-
ment meets both Manchuent Lend
We-hal-wel.-Tbe Dritisti equivalent
to 1. 50 Russian Pot Arthur, from
whitai It is distaut about 100 nelies,
Ufa two places being almost exa.tly
oppoeile orte 011011 01'.
Yrunagata, Isield-Marshol.-Com-
mander-ineChief of 1,1 Japoneee
sraeleenia.1 tifins
leeh.as been Prime alinie•to
Yamamoto, Admiral Baron Gem -
bei, t1i Japaneme Minister of Moline.
No is in supeeme cominand anil con-
teml of Um Japanese fleet, and of
the naval oporation$ /0 connection
th crawl lin
Yen. -This is tho Jaenen'ese unit of
value, and is equal to 0.75 grammes
of pure gold, It is not, howevne,
reinecl, the szuallest gold piece in ac-
tual use being the five yen alma.
The teen is the Oundredter Part of a
yen, wed the 1511 is the teeth part of
the cen,
"a okoliama.-The port of Tolao,
from which it is dist cent about eigh-
teen miles, A rialway connects th(7
two tilieces. 103 population is about
1515110,a,000021r, 0111t, tenoansiTeeitatillionstmeletraciire\e,
oral big lines of European and Amer-
ican paesengor iftenmers.
Yolcoseika.-An important iliairmese
nweal stretion; one of the four first-
class ones upon Whic51 tho serenity of
the Empire denends. The clime
three ate Kure, eineeho, atul Matz-
V0ehilato.-The fireW11 Prin'e of
Japan. llore 1 87D. alarrled in
1.000 to 5.110 V1'11111058 111111111,11(1. A 50/1
and heir, ince leirolato, was bore
to the Prince Imperiel in April,
11111S •-•-•,A, 5000110 01155 of the
"01'01 ellen:10," or 1 hessian eeerve
forces, Peeving 104111111y either in the
Asiatic dolninione of the Tsar or in
Cauctutia.-Pearron's Weetly.
' new issue of Imstage Tetamps
for Dome Kong, on which King Ed-
ward s head 58 tO 11411000 (hilt of
Vletoeia, 117111 leave to lituthia
the ;moue position of possemsing tile
only Illiehuligeci 111010 of Malm15 in
the seorld, The Breit. etainps of tha le
411.2155(1) noat to lef stipereeded were ia
1551113(1' 111 Veneer Kong in 1.8.110, The 01
Russian iseue will/ the double eagle a
and shield of alt, 'George, width flint
aPlovareal 111 1 804-5, Will now 'take No
ite place at the head of the list.
Ile holds several cemunhel 01:9 111 the
regular 51.1113', holteding timl, of Col-
onet in the Satinets Se-cobra/01817
regiment, The Groot Ihthe le a
horn warrior, aml will almost core
tainly be in the thick ot ring fighting
theirs Inas, be.
Alitentet.-ThiS 514 (be mime of the
Title with which the Jetennetei team-
-try is arludd. lil oppeetrailee well of-
feetiveness it approximate:8 chwely to
110 Alnether.
/alibis "lien th the name of the pre-
sent .A1Mado (or Elneeror) Japen.
Ile was born November dal, 111521,
uremia:eel the throne in 11467, and fee
the ow: hundred and twenty -Data of
the Milenelos. 1 118 elyneteitY, 51 isi
elaimea, bee occupied the throne
rhea 11.11. 1160.
Neemeakfa-The teeniest I Or .1(1251.2,»
01n W111,111.1, to lioren, 21111 oleo of the
(111 245, Offernemit cofinorireleel eon/era
111 the tiegelona
laiotion Yarem Ketitlat.---"Phe most
troops than an the other Powers
ttegether, exceet Jaren', The story
is told tient tem taus ion bee d played
ti 0 Peon "Marsel lal e" as It
marched Mt° Pelein, 5114 Ulla it (10.8.
011iy atter some wily Les of acute t
agony that the Gemara was able to
stop the 111111y of tee manne(t ounti-
erg• to the frepublican 11151%11. Bet 15
W1.18 the implest blunder, and should
not he token as in tie least seg-
ge tang lack of Cie: MD, e. WI era
Alexeiefr ruler, Ilo e tee sol ier
knows that obelience is the only vir-
tue in 11 e omelet.
If Alexi:flog is not the Slave of a
etrict convention -and we Meow teat
las eoldiers %ewe seen in Chi.1a,
(2 1,121(101' 1101511'011115" -'11011015111101511'011115" -'110o -e knows
510211 to litinrad
11. was PrObIllay he 01 Wi.ora a
timveller wee thineleg 2111011 W11011
wrofe home that "1 have seen
high Russian officers joke and 101 gli
W1:11 them soldiers as if they I -ad
boon chums"; yet Om same traveller
wrote Lluet the -trying 11101.11 520
Peein, "l1,' ere 501-110 5 of all ether
Inatome/hies collareed in hundreds
along* the read front s'.2ns5,ro' e or
ClySelltry, Or oppressed by the great
heat, 1 110Ver saw a single Russten
fall out of the tattles." When the
alffes left, CM. a 1.1 e Czar set t Alex -
cede a sword :Mining with gold and
diamonds, and Inseriotict, "For ei -
holes at the seat of war in Pe OW,
:ethen the leanret•or lies made
1150) loed of abeseia's far aeste n eau -
pace with powe s 11 221082, abeolute
under the Caar himself, and a. st
ial committee. '11110 Admiral las be-
come as a, 1.1.0s -1t11 Paper said, the
inetrument of the will 511 purpotee
('0(1823 the greatest 11115108112055 to tl,e
rest, of tee world.
of tee 07,51', and that 1:1 the tang -
tonics whore 1109-10811101ciments
It is said that when he firee le -
mixed hiS flag, AlexeielI had a (on-
set -11111g eastle15 for l'iluselan i 'go"
end was the beaL 1 home on Um Pac-
ific Plation. Dut he has no time for
"Midge" today. We shall Lear
more of Admiral Alexelelle
now Doan Swift Nolped the Bosi
ness af Ilia Barber.
Ono of the insittetions of 011 chi-
lli e11 countries is the harbor. For -
e110113, when wigs wwe worn and
beards wale not, the barber had his
hands fell. Dean Sesaft 111118 every
day ehaved by a barber with whom
10 20118 on excel t;ot terms,
When 1.0 weal busy on his feunous
reatonter orm movning the harbor
eilid lie had a great favor tee ask
1 is 1'0N'el'01/08, 5441 re; 5,115't at the
Seggestion of 11251 neighborS he .had
taken re 510011 inebtie house at the
to.nar of the c1u1e:11yard. 1 -To hoped,
`4‘,,iinice a better living for his faintly,
tie two businesses, that ho might
"Indeed," said the Dean, "and
what cnn I do to promote Um happy
union 7"
"lf it pleases you," Baia the 1)101"-
510,', "some of our customers have
heeled much about yotlr revereneeth
poetry; so that, if you. would but
emulesceoul to give ine a smart little
totiieh in that wny to chip oncler
gn, 10 might be the Malang of me
and 11112,0 far ever."
"But, want do pole intend for your
lige 1" Inquired the cleric.
'VIM 'Jolly Barbee,If it, pleasee
ollr Imogene°, "with a razor ite one
Land mai a full pot in tbe other."
"Well," reloined the Roan, "in
the t eithe thine con be 110 grent '1118-
('7115. 123 811pplying yell With a 5411 IL -
"511,51';$g9' 2.1
111.11(dri he i2):44111.1y 5111105.0
1.0 folloWing couplet, WhiCh Was
Paintelt on the sign 05115 remain-
lhere for mealy Scare :-
Rove bet from polo' to' pole, lott,
atop in lure,
hero nought exeels the eIfavieg but
the lie0q"