The Brussels Post, 1904-3-31, Page 5r MAR. 24, 1904 TRAIN UP A CHILD And tvbora up nand him or her t0 L/STJYi✓EL �� Tenn opeBB April 11th, 1004 Two Couraee— °ammero,al and Shorthand. Send for Oollogo Tomvmh ��MJ) A, L. MeiNTY1tE, Manager, tb:Gr2g4zrra&Anc.-sig sJG 1*it" 8: MANY CALLS aro• reo0111n110001 buetnl009 nom; and ANY STUDNTS pen t olte emit) 11Ye tr by Me fa 'agedmous cod BUSINESS CARTS, ONRY TO LOAN AT 5 PER Dent, L', 9. 5001"P, Brunets. T H. MoOEAO] EN— Y V • Ieonor of Marriage Licenses. 01 - nee at Grocery, Tmnborry ktroet, Brussels, tARIv1S FOR SALE—THE UN- Daestuonn has several good Forme for sale aad,to rout, earn y terms, in Township Ol Morrie and Grey, N fi. SO0'i1T, Brussel M. fORRISON, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT, MISS JEAN NI'LAiJCHLIN3 —TEAUHER OF— PIANO - AND - ORGAN, >=•:cZVrdr37-7L7, ON'T- ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI 10991(ANOR, FIRE ANO MARINE. GUELPH. LI. LECKIE, • LIVE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, y Odlce over Enrslev'e Drug Store, Nov, 9rt1, 1902, 30.940 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co., EBTABLI601D 1840 Toilworn* taken on tho Dash and premium note system atom•reut rates. Before Maur. lug elsewhere oall on the undersigned Agent of the Cnmp01yO1iGE ROGERS, Brussels. • L' k., • • AUCTIONEERS. Ls' B. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- .1 • URtt, will Belt for better prices, to bettor men, in loss time and less charges than any other Auotiouoer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and or(lorm can always be errnuged et this office or by personal applioatio0, ROBT. H. GARNiSS BLUEVALE — ONT. Auctioneer for Huron County. Tomo reasonable, Sales 0000090(1 for at t110 02100 of TUR POST, Bin0001s. 03 tf VETERINARY. -gy D. rAEW1UK-- t` • Honor 14, 11,111nm of the Ontario Vet- erinary 0011096, is pr spared to treat all die - erase of domesticated animate in a 000200 - out manner, Particular attention paid to Veterinary Deutletry, Calle promptly at- tended to, 02100 and Infirmary—Four doors North of bridge, Tnrnberry at., Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AB. 111ACDONALD— • Burriotor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. buccaneer to G. F. Blair. 02100 over Stan- dard Bunk, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro- politan Beak. NAT Ili. SINCLAIR— Barrister, Soltoltor, 'Oonvoyanoax, Notary Public, do. Ulnae—Stewart's Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. ' Solicitor for the Standard Rank. pROUDFOOTT, HAYS & BLAIR— BARRISTERS SDI3LIC I l''R9, NOTARIES W. PRODDFOOT, K. 0. R. 0. Mrs G. F. BLAIR. Cffloee—Those formerly occupied by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Gonunl00, 014 PARIS. MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M. 11., U. al., Trinity Univereit Follow Trinity Medical 0011090, Member College of Physicians and 'Surgeons, Ont, Li eon Nate of the Royal 001- lege of Phyolulano and Idooutiate of Mid- wlfory, Edinburgh, 4ZB"Telephoto No.14, Reoidenoo—M111 street, Brulsele. DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeon°of Ontario Rod First elms Honor Graduate of Toronto 0nivoraity. Office next to Iirower's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS, WANTED A man to represent “CANADA'S 01019- n6T Nun6EaI69" in the town of Brunetti and surro4nding oonntry,and tape orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES hi Fault tpr0a8, 8110l 'L'rttlig, Ornamentals, 1hrnbN, Hosea, Vine9, Seed 1'0t0009, Fir. Stook true to name and free from San Joe° Seale. A permanent position for the right roan MI 01080 salary or oummieeion. Stone & Wellington FONTn0LL NU(t8E13IL18 80 Ikn over 800 Aor00 TORONTO, - - ONTARIO CENTRAL STRATFORD ONT. '19110 0011401 stands for the Mantua at AND BIM 10 bnbina49 0d0001012 iu a c!uaatnl today. Many 1300iuo06 Col- leges employ our grud00tee ea teach. ere. We have somas of u 110 bone b 0 x 9 pu u from other (Jolla otil m 1 , 09. Ask t 000 e g titsYou Bator, DOmmOn00 Coli C80 nit w, Catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, liTktrict 191 r• f:L, A Fruit Institute meeting will be held in the Temperance hall, Blyth, on Good Friday afternoon, N. (taming was io Toronto attending the annual meeting of the A. 0. U. W. Grand Lnd.e. He represented Blyth lodge No. 128 The choir of Blyth Methodist ohoroh enjoyed a pleasant ev00ing at the hoepit able home of A. H, and Mrs. Jambe, in Beet Wawanoeh. George 8:raehliog, who bee spent the peat throe mouths visiting in Blyth and vicinity, lett on Monday of last week for E !thorn, Manitoba. Thomas Marotta!' and family have moved from Blyth to the Holland -farm in Morris near Walton. Mr. Marshall will menage this farm for Oouuoillor George Jaokson, of Morris, who recently 0urohased it. Morley Davie, of Luoknow, hae taken charge of Thomas Watson's barber atop here which hag lately been ooerimoled by W. N. MaoDouald. David Somers, who hue been engaged in the Blyth shop for aom0 time, has accepted a situation in Mr, Wateon'9 shop in Luoknow. Elvin wall., The 136ad was out of pocket fit 000080 - tion with their 0000ert. Leslie Colwell io at present in Utab and Anda the Mormons good people to do bug (nese with, A largo number of our °Baena are out of coal and wood. The longing for Bprieg Lae taken the form of a prayer in the minds of many. The Observer eaye :—Oonduotor Quirk has become so die heartened with the condition of the road this Winter that he has laid all joking aside. A motion was passed at last Connell endorsing the proposed change in the election of Oounty Councillors whereby the mayors and reeves will be eligible. A diversity of opinion ex(ete as to the wledam of the County Connell in appro. prial(ug $9000 to the erection of an ad. dltion to the House of Refuge. We, io this end of the County, should cot nom. plain however n6 apart from the expend' tare for education and administration of justice we reap no beueflt whilst the balk of the money goes to build and maintain bridges on the Maitland. Wfrl't,"tlrt,titt. The next monthly horse fair will be held ou Wednesday April 0th. Thos. Smith, of Tara, has the oontraot again ibis miasma of trimming W. Dore's vehicles. J. B. Ferguson is preparing to build on his variant lot ou Patrick 'Beset, West of Mr. Moludoo'e, The editor of the Advanoe received a telephone menage on Monday of last week, annonnaieg the death or hie father, Rev. Henry Hall, who resided near Arlt. weight, Bruce oounty. Deoeased bad reached a great age, being in his ninety. Math year. He wait born in England, but Dame to Canada forty -eta years ago, Of late years he baa been very feeble in body, but hie intellect remained oleer till the end. He wan a remarkable man in many reepoots. In hie youth he had but very few opportunities of 000aring an eduoation, yet by improving his spare moments, he become an expert maths metioian, a student of astronomy, and conversant with the Greelr, Galin, Hob• rew and other languages. He witneosed the opening of the Bret railway in Eng- land, end prier to leaving the old land was chief engineer of oonetruotiou on the Midland railway. Whet he cisme to Onneda he entered the ministry of the Methodist church, or (het branoh of it then known as the New Oonneotion, Hie end woe peace ; for years he hod been looking forwari with a bright hope to the time when age and weakness ehen'd give way to eternal health and life immortal. He leaves two eons and two daughtero. lottettew of. The annual meeting of the Listowel Bowling Olab will be held at the Grand Central Ilotel on Ma,dny evening, 4th April. Listowel rink closed onjSatnrday night, 19.h inst., attar the longest and one of the moat 9uaoeeofnl 00610006 since its motion. Wm. Bradley was the delegate from Lietowel Lodge, A. O. U. W., et the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge, held in Toronto. Friday, fair day, being Good Friday anti a bank holiday, the regular monthly fair for April will be held on Thursday, March 31ot. Rev. T. Albert Moore, Aesistaot Se. oratory of the Lord'o Day Alliance, of Toronto, oondetotod the morning 9eevi000 Sunday in the Presbyterian Chung], and the evening 60rvioe8 in the Methodist. Trowbridge, Moleoworth and Kurtz. villa are likely to be oonoeoted with Listowel by telephone in the near fu- ture, as supe are about to he Jakob to secure telephone 6ervioe for these places, which would be a groat Oonvenienoe. Tho gnestiott of a Federal building for Lidtawei came up for dieotts0iou at the Inst Council meting when it was moved by 0ounoillor Hacking, eeoonded by Councillor Anderson, that whereas the volume of bu0ineeo done at thio point by the Cnstome, Inland Revenue, and Poet Office departments would warrant a Public) Building to be eroded by the Perioral Government, a deputation nun. Dieting of the Mayor and the mover and seconder, be appointed to interview the IYlinieter of Public Works with a view to 1110 planing of a 0nni in the 06timatee sttfielerat to ereo1 0uitabl'e bdildiugo, T.I:J.$ 1$itCI88 B TA h P()3T T. H, Rolle & Son nee lntving exianeiVe I improvements media in the itorli r of the Grand Oeutre! The parlltt'ms on the Deet aide of the 81.1u 11611 are being removed and 411e wh•rb• epees, about twenty by thirty feet, is being thrown into one apartment for entraoao and olikoe. Other otlaugee are oleo being mats ; a travoper'a writing room will adieu) the front 'titling room, and a 0001 room abd t le hone r0 n are being plaited on the opfoeite aide of the hall in rear of the uffloe. IC:xet<,r, a tt left for 'eat rnh E tear Wnsloa , b o where'he bee ao0ap(ed a poeitien ae bar ber. Audrew Gibson, a pr0eperona farmer of the Thawed R a'(, Ueborno, was unit• ed in marriage to Mi'e Mitobell, of near Ornmarty. Wednesday of teat week, Fred, Penhale sustained a painful in jury to three Angers of hie right hand while operating the equalizing machine at Sutherland, folies Oo'e works. The tope of the three fingers reooived severe oats penetrating into the bones, Jas. Murray met with a painful ariddent whiuh might easily have remitted eerioaely. I6 appears ire wee handling Borne iron when one of the heavy bare came in oontuit with hie head, inflicting a painful wound Viet above one eye. Mies May Armstrong, of Exeter, who wag injured at the Clarence street meg. ing of the G. T. R., London, some time ago, hag so far recovered that elm is well enough to be wheeled about the corridors of Victoria Hospital. Though she may leave the hospital within a week or two, the will not be able to return to her home in Exeter for some time later. *t,st1or tat. Frank Beet, who hae boon vary ill for a few months, is able to be eroand, The Iaorc00e boys and othere are getting up a minstrel performance to be given during the latter part of April. Geo. Mordie has purohnoed the frame cottage nn Goderieh street occupied by W. H. Willie from Mee. Thos. Darman, Guelph, for 01,300. The employees of the Bell Engine Works, in this town, sent a 00011 donation of 024 to the free Ooueamptive Sanitar- ium at Graveobaret. Abram Oriole has the championship for big log drawing this year. Tho other day he drew from Laidlaw'e bush, in Tooker• smith, to Ament'e saw mill, in town, 8 log whioh contained close on to 1,200 ft. New telephones have been plaoad in the residence of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot and in the office of Jae, Wateoo, and 0006raote are Monad for new telephones to be planed ie J. M. Beet's law office, J. R. Gnven• look's residence, Jae. Cowan's r 00100008, and Geo. T. Turnbull's residence as soon ae the weather permits. While engaged in taking down the steeple of the Presbyterian ahuroh on Wedneeday of last week, Edward Lat. timer bad a narrow eoaape. He was olimbiog up the inside of the structure when one of the prose pieces gave wev and bo fell to the floor of the tower 20 feet below. The trap door of the floor on which he alighted, was open, and bat for the ladder which stood partly in the way and the timely intervention of his oomp0oio0, Geo,- Hart, he would have fallen through to the second floor 70 feet below.. As it was Mr. Lattimer was badly shaken np, but expecte to be at work again in a few days. tl ton. Band 0000ert to be given in the town hall on the evening of April 7111. Clinton Hookey Olob fell down before the onslaught of the Allem Craig team by a 00ore of 0 to 1, in that town. Cattle -buyer Watson, Blyth, drove two care of etooh to Olinton from that .place, en as to get them ebipped to Toronto. - R. J. Olnff was the representative from Olinton lodge A.O. U. W. in attendance at the Grand Lodge meeting in Toronto. Some rhubarb that was polled on the Rattenbnry property last week Pleasured some 13 inches in length, was oriel) and pogeessed a strong flavor of the plant. Seeley & Turner, who have been in partnership for the past three years in a general blaokemith, wood working and repairing, baeines, eta , have dissolved p.,rtnerehip. R. F. Stoddart having been offered the prinoipalehip of Forest High Bohoot, Minded in hie resignation to the board. If a suitable teacher man be oeonred, he will be relented at Easter. 0900 was the trntptil'v eatery offered. Ieose Lawrence, who for 45 years hae been a reeident of Hallett, is pulling np etakee and Ong to Lenminuton to oast hie lot, Mr Lawrence has been in that section 10.r the pant month getting things ettaightened around before moving his family there which he purposes doing in a mouth's time, All the triunes for the Hoose of Refuge are about completed. Most of the hem • look for the roofing, oto„ is ready at the mill to draw out, In foot some is already on tbe ground. B. 8, Cooper baa ell the material ready for hie new King Edward Hotel, and will have tLtie building Dom pitted within a very few mouths, 4 t. w 0081. The safe for the Cement Co, has arrived and has been inetolled in 0M, M. Hiles' oflioe. Rev. Dr. McLeod has been delivering a aeries of epleudld Betimes from the epietle to the Hebrews, J. A. MoBain left to mantra his position ne traveller for a wholesale firm. His field of operations extends ae far Weet as the Pacific, Robert Richmond was in Toronto last week eating as delegate from the local eooiety of Chosen Frieud0 to the Greed Counail of the Order. The Morrison boys, who spent the Winter vlaiting relatives in 01100 vitinity, left for their home near Beresford, Mem, on Monday evening of last week. Tho grad mill is olosed down f00 the present owing to the non arrival of the now boiler from Kincardine, The old boiler played out some time ago and Mr. Diakeon ordered one from a firm in Km. oard(Oe. Perey Greeneidee id able to be up And around once more alter a two mouths' siege of loS tmrmttory rbeamatiem, Mrs. Green/tido is at present somewhat crippled with the rheumatism dud we hope oho may soon be entirely recovered, The'trnateoe were compelled to ologe the Patella oohool fast weak owing to hulk of fuel and the y0uttgetere are enjoying the holiday imm0ne81y, A larva quantity of ooal wag pareha0od before Ernes and three tone more same time In Januitry but the severity of the Winter has been such ae to use up the supply very gn'nkly. LI thf , 1'a 9 4626,000 Are 1, i'ay in 1 O. '1'104 tru018em w 010 rill up °tor N If it np sz . ';rotvn'a g(000ry eateb inhru. lot were posed)) ti to obt.(o dry w u 1 -bat . 14 11 marina 010000 sv-•tu dome+!• Nu011 au ettus.8 oaui vt ,•nem•' „iy be i obhtiued for any money. (74O(deur1010, The Oddfellowa are getting up an eutertalnmeut for Tneeday, April 90th. Oaptain T. H Trothaw syi hue gone to Br ue Mines, where be e engaged an superintendent tor the Aberdeen Develop• merit Company. West Huron Forename' Inetitute hoe arranged for the annual ra0urniou to the Guelph Model Farm, to take plane 0n Saturday, June 11110. hlejur Beok was in To'onto last week representing Godsrioh Ooonail No. 167, Uaned(an Order of CbosenFriende, at the annual meeting of the Grund C•'unoli, The trustee board of North Street Methodist ohoroh voted a substantial in0re006 of eatery far the coming year to Mies Ooon, orgauiet and oboir director of the ohoroh. Skating oommenoed at the Weit street rink ou the 21st day of November, so that on Monday our people had 80001(y four 02000110 oouti000ee,ka1ing, a mord for Goderioh. Croton Attorney Seager'e office to undergoing some improvements and the old partition has been polled down. A new fiaor le to be laid and a low partition will take the plane of the old one. Rev. S. Cleaver, D. D., motor of Sher bourne street Methodist church, Toronto, has beau secured for ao address in Gode. tiah on 'Thursday, April 28 b, on the story of Jean Valjean, the hero of Viotor Hugo', work, Mre. D. 31, Strachan hae sold her store and reoidenuo, oorner of Benue and Via. Luria streets, to Wm, Holland, and the latter lute Bold his frame dwelling on 'Trafalgar etreet, to M. Finn, of Ash - Mild township. For some cement unknown, unless it be the work on the South pier, herring and perob are not entering the harbor as in former years at this season. The same oompiaint is mode by those who have fished outside the piers, so far as these flab are oonoerned. Monday night of last week Edward Haskell, of Colborne, mot with an 110 (Adept at the Colborne hotel, whish terminated fatally Thuesday morning. Mr. Maekell had Iain down on the eittiug room lounge npetairs but after being left alone got up and walked oat to the bal000y. He fell to the pavement, ap. pareotly lighting on hie feet, and the jar them received wan the amide of fraternal injuries. He was taken into the hotel and medical aid eenared. Mr. Maekell has a wife and eight children, the young. est about four yeare of age. The poblio eobool trustees held a special meeting to award the oontraot for (he uew roof at the ()antral school. Tbere were two tenders for the work, 0. C. Lee and J. H. Woreeil, and Mr. Lee woo awarded the oontraot on motion of Mr. Ontt and Omit, finagle. The roofing i0 to be with heavy Oshawa galvanized steel shingles, 26 gauge, and the work is to be commenced July 2od,and oompleted OD 00 bdfore Aa -est 141 under a penalty of 010 a day. $478 is the amount of the contract, which includes the shingling and other work according to the epeoifi catiou9. Kincardine Review eaye ; John Bell, Cleve Benuer,Robert Oareon and William Akins, of the Ooombe & Watson Miele factory, made on Saturday last what they 00neider a record in outdoor skating in this part of tbe oonutry at least. Leav- ing Kinoardioe at 1 p. m. on Saturday they arrived in Guderioh at 4,10 in the afternoon, thus coveri0g the distance (said by mariners to be about thirty-five miles) in three hours and ten minutes. Returning they left Godsrioh at 9 a. m. Sunday morning, but owing to a strong head wind did not arrive here until 8 p. m. This iuoluded a atop at Point Clerk lighthouse for dinner. The Review would like to hear from anyone who has matte it similar trip, as from what Dan be learned it has not been attempted for a good many years. tit3.ieo.i 4113411 IV a V004. The steamer Queen City about whose safety there had been some 0r-xiety, is safe. Antoine Welsh, of St, Charles, Man , received a du [wipe letter from a 0reditur and then shot him -elf. Hat, Mr. F,'her gives notice of the reiutrodnation of hie bill for the in8peo Wm and 'ale of seed8. Richard Hayes, fernier, of Kintoee Townbhip, bee been committed for trial on a charge of inoendiarism. The town of Perth has been given autb•'rity to buy out the plant of the Perth Eleotrie Light Company. Dcgald MoGregor wee acoideatally shot at Trauquilty, near Brentford, on Thursday, and died soon tdterwarde, The Welland canal will be lighted with about 550 aro lampe and the Melts and swing bridges will be operated by eleo- trioity. The Town Olerk, of Toronto Junction, eaye that the property owners generally in that muniofpality are opposed to an- nexation to Toronto, The Mayor of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has been indicted for interfering with the admiuietrativn of juetioe by ordering the release of a prisoner, Clement Guyette, who murdered Dan• lel Colligan and his eon in Alfred town- ship, will be tried at L'Orignal Assizes, the Grand Jury having found a true bill against him. An expert testified io the ones of the Lord'e Day Alliance venom the Ontario Sugar Company at Berlin that tbe too - tory could not be run enooesafally six days a week. The Magiotrote expreoeed the opinion that it bad been ebown that it was sea asery to run the plant on Sun- day. The ennuel report of the Chosen Friends for 1908 shows 26,824 members in gond standing. Aseeeeneente collected amounted to 0260,198.71, abd interest on inveetmente to $13,405 98. One hundred and sixty death eloime were -paid, totall- ing in all $17,08494. Surplice invented in stooks amounts to $401,283 44. Sir Wm, 0. Macdonald hag donated $1000,000, together with aauitable bloek of land, for, the pnrpoee of building and equipiug something in the nature of a Students' oldb on a large eoale, for Mo. Gill University, Montreal. Hie plan 18 to provide a place for recreation between lectures, ae well e6 a donoe hall, gym- na8lam, swimming bathe, billiard hall, leotnee hall, ere. Sir Wdl(em has not yet made known what rate be hae Own, but it le believed to be near the univereity building, t, ,.,Iron Spectator Paye :'--A 1ilretf,W man is being preeocu-ad for feeding "dead home" to hogs, What do the pernloliity poop's of Sbakoapearville want? Da they scant live horses fed to the hogs. The Tr it. urer of the Bible Buoiety, barH, n t u b Oe ten• rr p r e aver 040 fur the n ay? Thant( Offering fund from the ldib- berb beeneh. Tide le $15 mere than the 0010001 the senility had aimed at raisin'„ vhioh a erYkood, indeed. s i V VJ(Ilinm E. Miller, wile Maimed to be a survivor of the Light Brigade which made the famous ahargn at Bulaklava in 1854, t0 dead at Oroo'onConn. He was awarded tits e Victoria thrall, and eftcr• wards Berved in the Uelted Stoma navy dnring the Civil War, It in rep need at Montreal that Wtll- fatn Meokeezie'a trip to Britain lean for the purpose of negotiating a bond Josue for the Uanadian Northern, end that he was entirely euoeeesfut in arranging f .r fnnrl0 antFaient for construction work for the next two years. 11 S. Robertson, 9olioit*r for the Stratford Radial Railway, hae written in rho Mayer of h 010(18ll, stating tbat it is the intention of the olmp00y not only to build a line to that town, but to extend— if there is prospect of paying bnaineee- 1. Godsrioh. Of o'uree wh.aher or not this extension will be made depends up u the stmeee0 of the road first built. The Grand Council of the Canadien Order of Chosen Friends oonoloded its deliberations at the Temple building, 'Toronto, on Thursday, and 6eleoted Tor, onto as it0 meeting place again next year. The eleotion of offioere resulted as follows :—R -:v. A. J. Pool, Minnie, Grand Prelate ; 0. G, Strange, Barrie, Grand Marehal ; Mrs. W. G. Lemon, London, Grand Warden ; W. P. Thom - eon, Brookville, Grand Sentry. An And. Wag Committee was constituted of W. L. Roberto, Horning'° Mills, and Andrew A. Moore, Kingston. W. 0. Smyth, Montreal, D. Robertson, St, Cathnq(nee, and Dr, Cleary, Kingetoo, were eleoted the Committee on Laws, Victor Levee. qae, Montreal, A. A. Lakgo, Lindon, and A. Mitchell, Bowmanville, were sleeted on the Finance Oommittee. The daring and ingenuity of American poachers on the 000adian wate06 of Lake Erie will not he so effective daring the rooming 6eaeon, For some time past the Government steamer Petrel has been Wintered in Owen Sound, and has not heeo able, oil amount of fee, to get into Lake Erie until some time in May. As the American poachers do most of their illegal fishing as soon as the ice leaves the lake, about the let of April, nearly two months of Aebiug were enjoyed be• fore the Petrel hove in eight, and eeeum- ed the "ha't or I fire” attitude. This Winter the GOv000meut took the advice of experts on the North shore cif Lake Erie, and the Petrel Wintered in Walker. ville. She (e now being equipped for Ler eea000'e work, and will be iu the lake as aeon ae the tae goes out, or perhaps sooner. This Potion will do much to make poaching unprofitable. The number of committals to the joilo for 1903 was 9,261, being nearly 1,000 in excess of the previous year, Crimes against the person have inoreeeed during the year by soma 116 over the previous year, but are still lees than any other year since 1877. Crimes 8301041 property have been lower than they bene been for twenlyflve years, the total for Met year 2,190. Ur'mee against public morale and deoeuoy remain about the SUMO as the previous year. Offences aguiu01 poblio order and peaoe are alightly greater than the previous year. Other crimes with which prieouere were charged were about the same as is the previous year, Oom. mittala for drunkeuneee were some 500 in ex0064 of the previon0 3'800. The number of 11010000ra sent from the jails to the Penitentiary for the poet year in 0x0888 of those of the previous year were 21 1 to the Reformatory for Boys, 22 ; and the Central prison, 157., Tho total num bar of prieouere in the j•tile on the 30611 September, 1908, wad 817. Thirteen pri000000 eseapod during the Year, eight of whom were recap:need There were thirty eight d &the during the year. Seu,ttar Were ie not the only Cat ,.dian wh, bus 0008(01 y m We a m -usury ria i., 11MOO of 1 fn. Another long di.;eime rimier Is Mr,, Outman Mulntyre, t0 11 .x borough Town .hip, Stormont Ca.n,t,, who on Mnroh 10 h, pe+sed the hum', ..,.11.11 mile poet, havtn_ been born to Inver,es, Swotted, in 1804. When fourteen tear- of age she 04030 to this country wi h h' parent , who Bottled near 61ortiutowu. Glengarry O„unty, In 18.26, the tete e' h, 0 mother's (teeth, eh-, 1130048 i D•,:.ce MuL,tyie, the ceremony beim p'eL,rtn, c by Rev. Mr. Juboetuu, then 1000'6(l Ira (tOoilwall, l'hrae years lata»r 11r. and iy1PS. McIntyre moved from Final], whole they took up their reoidenoe eft,r their manage, to what (a n0W the bumeeteod, In Rexborough, Here fourteen children Were born to them 6even of witdrn are living, In 1884 Mr, McIntyre putted away, egad 84 years. Mrs. MoIntyre, notwithstanding her great age, (e enjoy, ing good health, and her mind is ae clear as fur many years back. She line neves worn glasses, and Darr road the finest print. She is aide to go around her dwolliug, end la always ready to W61001110 her old friends, with whom she takes groat pleasure in oonv004iug about time long gone by. Biro. Molutyre le a strict adherent of the Preebyterittn ohoroh, and ao exemplary 011rietian lady. It evident- ly comes natural for Ler to live so long, her father having lived to 98 and her grandfather to 104. "KIN° Bor,oMoo'e" Wm.—King Solo- mon, the alleged Hlndoo 1t(ug, but who is generally euppoeed to be a full b'ooded South Carolina negro, with a great pee - penalty for 'lotting," oloirvoyanoy and other things, is in a peck of trouble in Miuneapolin, Mino„ where he went last October alcor hie sensational nierriuge to a pretty white girl residing at No. '195 Frauluiu et, Buffalo. The bride wag Mtge Minnie Stophen8, aged 20 ye000, a former St. Marye girl. 0t is said the girl 0011001,ed Solomon at his office, No, 1477 Franklin street, and was easily in. diced to merry him. The marriage woe performed by Rev, A. Benjamin 000per, a colored minister, at No. 196 Walnut street on OOlober let Met, Solomon MOM that his age was 42 and that he was born in Bombay, India, oleo that hle father was "111ng Solomon," a Hlndou Ming. Solomon drooled like a howling wed, drove in a striking 000010ge and appenrod to have money to burn. Tine mareing0 0,rumnny was w(tnoeeed by Joeoph 11. Martin and F,orenve Cote. Immediately alter 0)0 wedding Solomon BLYT 1-1, STILL THEY COME lvory brain brings as large quantitiesrEitiea of Spring Guoda, Below we m606io0 a few of the late arrivals 1 Lodic' Dress Shine iu flake cods 39 40 uud m Loslong with 1tlman eali1, very epecttsl at 0176. Laoiee' Dreei 513,010, fu thabit cloth, to colors of blank and navy, trimmed witn,tbree,alustere of oprdiug and 001411 rtrappiui, iu all lengtb0, great vale. at 01.70. Ladia,' Drees blurts, in fine Vicomte, alolh, in oolore of blank and navy, trimmed with buttons and 10 rows °lording, a very stylish garment $8 96. Lwdie+' Ureeo Skirts, in burn00puue, venetians, broadolntb9 and lapel, flake geode, 010110 up In the 101000 style, at 0160, 05, 00.60 and 07 60, Loos Curtains, 2i yards long, 40 iuobea wide. 600, Loon Ourwuue, 3 yenta loog, 4,3 niches wide, 75o. Flue Nottingham Little 0ar1aine, 54 inched wide, in either plain epos or scroll centres, very 4pe0tat, $1, Tapestry Corinne, in new patterns, a large stook to eeleot from, at 25o, 50o, 051, 75o, and 85o. Uuim1 (100pete, fu new patterns end co(0rs at 25n, 350, and 500 Woo! (tarpite, yard wide, new peteerbe, at 003, 7&o, and $1. Hemp Ceepete, 101 games and floral decoy, au 124, 0, 18a, and 200. Trove 0,t 010111, in 1, 1f, 1*and 2 yards wide, at 250, per square yard, Linoleum.. in Mackauu tl. rat patterns, at very °lose prime.dapaua00 Moults, iu uew paltecu0 stud oolore, yard wide, at 12}0, 180, 20o and 25:0, rAll carpets from 86e. upwards 000 1 be out and matched free of oharga. and hie bride went to Minneapolis, and a sister to the bride accompanied them. She Aures oousp'ouonely iu the sense. tinoal infra! to ibe miserable merrieg0. After a eeneetional shouting affair, iu wbioh the bride bad her hand shattered and loot two fingers, he is now defeudant in a suit for divnroe. "Eine Solomon" wits declared not entity by the jury, hat he moat pay alimony to the extent of 615 per month. According to his story hie wife hod a shotgun in her hauda and he went 10 take it away from her when it wait off end the abarge carried awn), two of her fingers. Mrs. Solomon elated that her buebaud bad several times threaten. STILL IN TH OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. . Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are conit- petent to understand "the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see ns. S. T. PLUM 'Phomas street, Min in Left - Arm ae There is a great deal of iv sir z_ 6 pain and ache termed RhonaShah matin—sometimes called Kidney pain. The back aches, shoulders, side, and hips. A cold will cause pain and distress in the back, Kidney and Bladder trouble. In cases of this kind use Anti -Pill and see Brussels. ed to kill her and when the shooting ocanrred she determined to apply for a divoroe as ebe no longer oared for Lim, She acted very affectionately toward0 Lim beo.use she was afraid that if she didn't he would execute his threat. What Exhibitors Say 90 per cont. of Pat Cattle exhibited at Provincial Winter Fair,1008, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stook Tonic. DRAB 81n0,— We Lave been feeding your Stook Food to cattle for some time, and 140(1 it to be an oxoelleut tonin. We have also fed it to horses and pies, and aro quite surd it lathe beat stook food we have ever tried. Our prise winuing.oattlo at the Provincial Win - tor t'afr,1003, were fed Worthingtou'e Stook Tonin. LESLIE et PEAREN • Breeder Shorthorn Oattle, Acton, Ont. DEAR fiIRB,- 1 find your Stook Food is a very excel- lent Tonto for cattle, giving them a goad appetite and seeping their digestive organs in a healthy wnrking 'condition, The steer "Soothe," exhibited at Winter Fair, weighed at birth 80 lbs,, at95 months MO lbs, making a gain of 55 the, per month. It pays to feed Worthington's Rt2IANDRNW0HARDSON, Breeder Shorthorn Oattle Peopabun, ant. Does seas,— We have used your Stook Food for both oattlo and hogs and and it gives good setta- fnet100. Several of our oattlo have shown a 00111 of over 100 Ibe, per month while feed- ing it JAS. WILSON 8: SONS, Breeder of Shorthorn Cattle and York- shire Hoge, Fergus, One. Note the Prion : 10 ib. box, 300 feeds, 50o ; 50 lb,. seek 192. Manufactured by TETE WORTHINGTON Dano 00., Guelph, Ont, For sale by— N.F. GERRY, Brussels' H. F. MoALLISTER, Ethel ; NM, MESSER, Bluevale; N. B. GERRY, Blyth. Winrestarareeenaraersaraliare CALLED�• �v�.HE �.! MA' TLSMO Sold in Brussels how qutcldy you will get relief. It acts on all thee large glands of the body. Any one who doubts should write for a free sample to Wusorr Ffm.R Co., Niagara Falls, Ont, Dr. Leohhardt's .Anti -Pill' Is a perfect System Treat- ment. Pelee, 50 cents. . by James Fox. MADE BY GEORGE A, SLATER We We are now opening tip for Ladies or Gents or the Little Tots either. Invite Your Inspection. HARNESS DEPARTMENT We have everything complete and can supply you with any style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good article. Wo have now for sale one set Second-hand Team Harness and three sots Second-hand Single Harness. Call and see them. t1'F0R SALE—Twe Dwelling Muses, , acre of land with nob, having large and email fruits of various kinds. �f"Jtea,tytf R 'a, � N n a a' tr A