HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-31, Page 1IMineis r :r 0 e i.� 1 Vol, 32. No, 38 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1904 W.I-i.KERR, Prop, New Advertisements, Seede-Geo. Thomson. For sale -Geo, Doboon. Loonl -Jae. Ballantyne. Local -R. Leatberdale & Son, Baggies -John Ocher & Bons, Blockade raised -A, Straohan. Sign of Golden Clock -W. F. Stratton. Notice of applioation-W. M. Sinclair, Opening new goods -McKinnon & Oo. License applications -John B. Miller. In the High Ooart of Justioe-Mre. Jane Miller. 1st ±ct gam t Eovri.o. Mrs. Maoeer, wbo was so seriously ill, le now getting better. Mre. Brodnook sr. received word of the death of a brother at Woodstock. Miss Julia Frain, of Grey, was vieiting her nont, Mre. Day, North of Gorge. W. H. Gregg, had the miefortune to lose a fine big bay horse valued at about 6200, which committed suicide by hang. leg itself in the stable. AMLIMOINIIMIllnalMOS Edward Janos had the miefortnne to break hie hip by falling on the Nlippery sidewalk. Wm. Andison has moved into the house he recently purchased from Mrs. h Sanderson. Ohae. 6laxwell'e little 5 year-old girl, during the abeenoe of her parents for a few minntee, drank an overdose of medi eine out of a bottle, She was ill for a few days, but in now recovering. W fsteri,arn . Ynoga Lore Eenzn.-With sincere and deep regret this entire oommunity heard of the death of our ewteemod young townsman, Roland U. Gordon, son of D. ed. and Mrs, Gordon. A year or more ago, hie health became somewhat 'meek - ed, and for a few menthe he was in very poor health. An improvement however resulted from treatment and feeling m.uoh better he went to the Northwest in the hops that a change of air wr nid result in complete restoration. Hie friends were cheered with the prospects that ,hie h, pe meld be realized. A short time ago, he wee advieed to go to Denver, Colorado ; he did go, and while there was taken ill again, and on Batnrday 19113 far.irom relatives and home, passed to hie eternal rest. On Friday, Mr. Gor- Our Spring Opening will take place 0n Wednesday, Thurs. 4. Saturday March, 80, 81 4' 2 Every effort has been made to make this one of the most complete and perfect showings of Millinery Goods that we have ever had. A cce it this as a personal invitation to attend our display of the Season's 7nost de- sirable Novelties both in Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats. MISSES HABKIRK. 1 c wise • d'li Iii Ib9U'la'tu'h,'laq nartdlh'ni We are pleased to announce that after the long period' of difficulty in getting goods forwarded by the railways we are again to the fore with avery large stock of Spring Goods in all lines. NEW DRESS GOODS, WHITE VESTINGS AND DAMASK WAISTINGS KID GLOVES, PRIOTTY BELTS AND FANOY COLLARS, DRESS TRIb1MINGS, &O. THE LATEST IN STIFF AND SOFT FELT HATS, SHIRTS, COLLARS AND TIES. READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR ALL AGES. BOOTS. AND SHOES FOR EVE11/130 F. GROOERIES-A FULL STOCK. We also have a good range of Union, All Wool and Tapestry Carpets that are sold cheap. We are at yoar eervioe with the BEST OF EVERYTHING et the LOWEST PRIOES. MISS LITTLE Extends a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Brussels and surrounding country to attend the Millinery Opening Wednesday, Thursday 6, Saturday Marcho 31 & Aril 3 f� 2 Our display this season of Trimmed Millinery is unexcelled. Latest Novelties in Ready-to-wear fiats and Millinery Trimmings. MSS ram a T N em e • don received a telegram announcing hie son's ilium, and in the absence of train oommunioatiot, started to drive fn a blinding germ to Clinton, fa the hope of eatohing a teeth. He wse overtaken et Loedeeboro by a message stating that Roland wits dead. Deoea•ed was one of Winebam's most exemplary young men, obliging and upright in business relations and a member of the Presbyterian church, In the home he was cheerful and helpful, most fillal and devoted to his pareute, and affectionate to hie broth• era and sisters. Hie kindly disposition was frequently eee0 in age of kindness tothe siclt among his aogmtintanoee, and to many has he gone in affliction's hour with baguets of flowers and sympatb. otic words. His death is all the more sad because of oaanring far from home and among strangers, yet even there he found it kind friend who oared for him in hie lost Blues.. The remains arrived here on Wednesday, end the funeral took place Tharoday at 2.80 p. rn. The bite• ineso men of the town showed their esteem for their fellow•aitizen by plaoing a beautiful wreatb of flowers, in the form of a broken wheel, on the casket. ieteetowof. Miss Annie Rothwell, adopted daughter of the late William Rothwell, dled end• denly here Monday. Not feeliug well she had been staying in town with her unole, Thomas T. Rothwell, daring the past wtelu. Monday afternoon ebe went to consult a doctor, and while returning along Mill street fell to the ground. She was taken into the residence of Snmael Clarke, where it was found that she was already dead. She wag about 21 years old. Death was apparently due to heart faints. Fate e, I . Sobool oloeed on Tharaday for the Easter holidays. D. Milne made a bueineoe trip to Kin. oardine, Ripley and Luoknow last week, S. S. Cole's saw mill is hard at work. He has a large stook of logs this Winter. It is reported that Samuel Caution and eon will take a trip to the West and met, locate there. Wednesday afternoon, a large crowd from this neighborhood attended D. F. Keliner's %notion sale of farm stook, Con, 6. Morris Fogel and family have moved from Powaesan to North Bay where they purpose makiugivbeir home. We hops they will do well. The reetoratiou of train service was appreciated both iu arrival of mail and freight. Oar grain storehouse will now be able to ship out rte stook of grain. A Brantford wind motor has been er- ected at Peter Heffar's farm. It will be utilized iu pumping water, sawing wood, running pulper, &e, and the test made of it on Tuesday was very satiafaotory. License District 00 Tian East Riding of Huron, The East Huron License Commis- sioners will meet at the Central Hotel, Brussels Wednesday, Aril 20th 1204, AT 10 O OLOOH A. M. To take into consideration the Applications for Tavern Licenses for 1904-05. The number of Ilotel Licenses granted last year in' the Riding was 17. The number of Applications this year is 17. R. MILLER, Inspector. Jamestown, Marob 20,1004, 0 EB CARFHAE FACTY The time is dome that you may want to buy a Buggy and we are glad to say we are ready for you as we have now on band any gtlantity of the finest Bug- gies that can be got anywhere to choose from. Prices right. A number of first-class Farm Wagons, with low or high wheels, either 2a or 3 inch tires. Also a few 3 -spring Democrat Wagons. 13e surd and call and sae what we eau show you. John Cobor 84 SOTS CARRIAGE ,1rces„ BIWSBSL6. A fine young bull, "Prince Imperial,' belonging to the Campbell Rosebud family, was recently parohaeed by D. K. Livingston, UM con., from the herd of D, Milne & Son, of this plaoe. Wednesday evening 0f last week W, J, Palmer, of Parry S000d District, and Mies Mary Bray, 16th non., Grey, were united in marriage et the Parsonage here by Re'v. Mr, Wella. That made the second wedding in Ethel that day. The matrimonial fever has had quite a run in this locality of late. K7t-iter to ro n te. Farmers were plowing and seeding before this date laet year. A Hampstead oorrespondent to the Stratford paper says :-Oar pastor, Her, R. F. Cameron, who le severing hie oonneotion with the Presbyterian church here, preached hie farewell sermon on Sunday. Mr, Cameron's departure nausea deep regret among the people of this community, where he bas been euooesefelby laboring for the past seven years. Jstrnettowot. A wedding to ou the program, the 2nd eon. supplying the bride. Last Sabbath evening the service in Victoria Hall was taken by Tilos Stre- cha0. The roads in a few please were under water for a time noised by the overflow of the river owing to the thaw. No ser ions damage was done. A collection of 62.50 was taken in the Sabbath school here last Sabbath for the Bible Centenary Fund. It may be add. ed to before payiny over to Treasurer of Brussels Branch. Mre. Geo. Werner and children, of Saskatoon, Man., who were visitors at Thos. Straobon's for the past couple of months, left for their home last week. Mrs. Werner is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Straeban. W et ton. There was no preaohing eervioe in St. George's church here last Sunday after- noon, the inonmbent being away. Tneeday afternoon, April 120h an Au°. tion Sale of wall graded and flue oondit• ioned farm stook will be made by Wm. Pollard & Son, Lot 28, Con. 13, Mereillop. F. S. Scott, of Brussels, will wield the hammer. Mrs. R. J. Moore, and children, of Souris, Manitoba, wbo were visiting relatives in this Iooality for a week, left on Tuesday for Toronto from where they return to their home this week. She is a slater to Jno. Smith, 16th non. Grey. DEATH Or DR. LAORIE.-The ao00m. partying sketch is taken from the Oold• water Reporter and refers to a brother of Mrs. MaFadzean and Mrs. Thos. David• son, Grey township :-Dr. Lambie is dead, The news spread rapidly this morning, Marsh 41h, and eonroely one heard it who failed to expreee a word of sorrow, The great big, good natured veterinarian was a friend to everyone who knew him, always jolly, honorable and upright. Dr. Lambie was welcomed everywhere. Jame° Lambie was born in the parish of Tarbolion, Ayrshire, Sootland, Oot. 4, 1886 and was therefore 67 years and 6 months of age. He oame to Oaoada with bis first wife in 1859 but returned to Scotland the following year. In 1969 be oame back to Canada and settled in Soarboro where he engaged in farming but made veterinary work hie ocoanation part of the time. In 1880 Dr. Lambie gave np farming to follow bis oaaapation and come to this country settling in Allen from where he moved to Quinoy, whish was his home for several years. On June 4, 1891, hie first wife having died some years previous to that date he was married to Mrs, Rosetta Shook and they then took np their abode in Bold• water, Michigan, whiob has einoe been his home. His practice here hes been a very extensive one. In addition to hie wife and boat of friends here, Dr. Lambie leaves a daughter, Mrs. Robert Prangs, Unionville, Ontario. 8e3rrn,ve. On Thorley of last week a telegram was reoeived from Denver, Colorado, annou0oing the sad intelligence that William Lewrenoe, eon of Chao. Law- rence, formerly of Belgrave looality, and brother of Mrs. Irwin Pattison, of Wingham, had passed away on Monday from an attack of typhoid fever. For the peat few menthe deemed was seemingly in bis usual good health, but for a year previous to that time had been poorly, the result of a severe attack of bronobitis and'pneamonia. By the tone of his lettere and report° reoeived from Maude wbo have lately seen him, hie relabivee here were pleased that his prospeobs were good for complete restoration to health, These hopes, however, have been blighted by the sad newe of his death, Deoeaeed was within a few weeks of passing his 27th birthday. He was a brother bo Mrs, R. J. Clegg, of Belgrave. AMT.anes ANT. PnnaeoTATION,- The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Church presented itirs. McLean, prior to her departure from Belgrave, with It fins rocking ebair, accompanied by the following address ;- Dots' lira. MaLcau On this the eve of your departure from one midst we, the Ladies Aid Society of Rnox church, Belgrave, of which you have been so long a oonetent member, feel that we cannot let this opportunity pass without expressing to you In sortie manner our appreciation of the faithful and most hearty eervioe rendered by yon on behalf of our Society. The eaeeese which hail attended one Soolety has largely been due to the spirit of nuity which oharaoterized eaah of its members and this spirit you have sought to pro. mote at all times. Performing the different unties assigned to yon heartily as nuto the Lord together with your faithful attendance upon out meeting, prompts us to request of yon to aooept this rocking chair, not for any value contained therein but that oar expression to yea may encourage you in a wider sphere of neefulneee in the Master's artane, As oo-labotere One united prayer for you ie that the Holy Spirit may guide, strengthen and eaatain yon in your new ephere of labors, Signed on bebelf of the Ladies' Aid Mee. Jong Conn, Mae. W. H. FEnaUOON, A. suitable response was made in accept a0oe of the gilt. ;1 ri I- rt et - Warden Bowmen was et Clinton and Goderinb last Tgeeday on County buainees. Mise Carrie Bonah and 41re, Will. Sellers are away to Toronto for an East- er visit with friends. J. Forsyth, who was visiting here for some weeks, left for his home at Frobish- er, N. W. T. on Tuesday. Voting on the 0. P. R. By-law in Morris will take piaee on Friday, April 15. The sum asked for 68,500. The 100 sore farm of Theodore Hol. land, 9 b line has been perahesed by Councillor George Jaokeon, He bas rented it. Adam Smith, of Lander, Manitoba, who tuok a oar of stook from bare reach. ed home on the 28rd making the fastest trip he ever made. Bs landed his stook in good condition. Sidney Bolger left for hie home at Belmont, Man„ on Taeaday morning. He shipped a ear load of horses to Dam pbin. We hope the sunshine of prosper. its will (tontines to shine upon him. Robert Hughes, of Blyth, a former Morrisite, was oalling on old neighbors and friends this week and is enjoying a good degree of health. He ie agent for the Bowman uarsery and has been doing very well. Tneeday of this week Albert MoCail and wife left Morrie for Frobisher, N. W. T. where they intend making their home. Mr. McCall took a oar of stook, imple• rants, &o, with him. Their many frieude here hope they will do well in the West, Crer'. It is said Fall wheat will likely Come through all right, Pabtio Schools oloeed Thnroday of of ,hie week for Easter vacation, Trueman Smith's auction sale will be held Tuesday afternoon of next week. Perot' Baker, 1001i Con., will spend Baster with hie brother Wilber, at Granton. Rev. W. A. Smith, 13. D , of Luoknow, was here this week for n few days visite ung relatives. Miss Julia Frain, daughter of Conn. nillor Frain, was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Day, at Gerrie. Mise Tena Buttrey nae returned to Berlin after a menthe holidays at her home, 12th Oen. Messrs. Tarr, 10th Con., who bought the Qaerengesese sawmill, will commence saww Henrying01115 Bnttrevsek. and bis granddaughter, Miss Snider, of Vaughan, are visiting at Wm, Buttrey's this week. The auction Bale of Meeere. Mitchell and Engel on Tuesday afternoon wee a 500ce05. totalling about 6900. Mies Maggie McNeil, 14th Oen., has been ill with lagrippe but is getting bet. ter new we are pleaeed to state. H. W. Avison made a abort visit ab Harrigan an Friday. He will spend Easter there at the parental home. The Maitland liver baa been largly i0• creased in size by the thaw and in some places has overflown low lying lands. John Doherty & Sone, 18th eon., are intending to split and enlarge their barn by a good sized addition eo as to mom modste Abe prodnot of their two farms. The mills route on the 16th Con. for Silver Corners factory this year will be in the hands of Wm. Schnook. He gets 5 Dente per owe and hauls hack the whey. Ohaa.'Oooksley, of North Bay, is visit. ing in Grey. He is employed on the 0. P. R Soma say the goiter is promo,. ing a marriage proposition and we hope it 1s true, Last week Alex. Moray, an old resi. dent of the 16th Con., moved to the Buttrey property, 12th Uon. He is some. what improved in health but unable to be up yet. W. J. Killongh and family have moved from Exeter to it farm he parohaeed in Dungannon, Mr, Killough was formerly a resident of this township. We wish them 6000555. lbLtrehall Harrison has parohaeed the 60 scree adjoining his form, lot 32, non, 16, from George E. Speiran, for the eon of 61,750, Tide will give Mr. Harrison a flue form of 160 aures, The Iuepeotor suited Monorieff public school and reported satiefaotony work being done. 0. W, Sewers is the teacher, Me. Bowers will spend hie Easter holidays at hie ham° at Brumfield. Publio travel was almost entirely with• drawn for several days owing to the dangerous condition of the roads. Be. tweeu banks of snow and the out off ober. ester of the roadway it wee poeitiveiy dnm garotte to put a horse on the road for a time, . Union League workers hags re.organ. Ned with the following °Mioern for 1904 :•--Pres., 'Thos, Doherty ; 1st Vice Pres., N. Robinette ; 2nd Viae Pree„ Wm. Whitfield ; 8rd Vice Pros., S. L,mont ; 4th VioePree., Mies Amelia Whitfield; Reo•Beo., Mies M. Robinson; Oor Sea., Mien I. Baker ; Treas., Wm, Looking ; Greenlet, Mimi E, Buttrey, The Eng 50 acres belonging to L. Mo• Neil's 260 tsars farm, being West Lot 18, Oen. 14, has bean parehased by Will- iam Ziegler, whose farm adj gine on. the Dag. Prins 1a said is be 68,100, Thie will give Mr. Ziegler 200 florae an that line and he halt 45 agree on the 9th Con, We wish him rumen with his purchase which gives him a tip-top farm. We are sorry to hear that Alex. Mo- Nebb's health dime not show the improve. ment his many felonds wonld 8eefre to gee. He has been poorly Educe last Do. oembee and on anoint of his eontinned illnebe he is oempelled to deelet from farming and has announced an anotion ealo for Wednesday afternoon of next week, April 6th. Hie Lot is 20, Con, 18, JP, S. Scott will bo the aeotioneer. We hope Lobe able to report a favorable tutu in Mn. MoNabb's condition. Mrs. Hartwell Speiran, 15th eon„ is not enjoying very robust health but we hope she wilt be benefitted by the return of Spring. MATnlgoNrere--Wednesday awning of net week the bonds of matrimony were solemnized, by Rev.0. P. Wells, 13. D., at Ethel, between William J. Palmer, form rly of the 10th Con., now of Parry Sound District, and Mise Mary A., eldest daughter of Wm. and Mrs. Bray, 10th Oan. After the oeremony a recep- tion was held at the home of the bride, participated in by near relatives of the oontraoting partise. Hearty oongratu• latious were extended to Mr, and Mrs. Palmer for a happy future. They leave next Monday for Combo, Parry Sound, where Mr, Palmer is managing a saw. mill and timber business. A. oar of horses, vebialee,feed, household effects, &o, will be forwarded also. The many friends of the nontrading parties wirb them prosperity in their now home in which Tax Pose heartily joins. Brussels Continuation Classes, I;AST131d EX ill. Jnogone 360. (Peg 260. ROOM 1. Fonar III.- R Manic ....388 5 McNair 288 13 Henderson ..860 D McDonald .,229 E McKinnon ..900 0 Mn0naoken 218 L MaArthcr ..291 R Forrest 216 E Walker 291 I Raynard ....213 13 Hingeton 281 M MoArter ....212 A: Wilton 274 A Smith 167 R Brown 269 B McNair ....161 F dbby 267 M McRae 1111 H Ainley 252 Fonar IL -Examined in Aig., Phys., Be Lit., Fr., Ohem. B Rose 465 F Davidson ....804 A Roas 409 J McCracken ..290 R Deudmn408 J Straohau ....289 RBryane 390 M Dark........ 288 J Riobardaon 881 J Armstrong ..288 E Haneuld 975 L Riobardaon ..278 A MtQuarrie 351 A Boots 248 E Dennie 823 J Mooney 225. W Oameron....323 L Danford 206 L Tnrnbu'1 ....819 Fong 1.- Examined In Arith., Lit., B. K., Euo., Lat., Comp. B Moses 441. L Strachan ....326 L Brav 890 N Lowick 312 S Moteaarrie ..898 E Cameron 287 .1 Randa 884 0 Jaokeon 293 M Elliott 884 0 Bryans 204 P Fraser 383 V Edwards ....242 W Stevenson 862 F Armstrong ..206 13 Bryane 3669 A Elliott . 205 N :tiuNeught .,868 M Haggard ....199 J Elliott 880 36 Sinaleir ....182 E Geiser 328 Mlee E. 0. SaoTT, J. H, GAatznote, Prinoipal. n0og 9. ENTRANCE. -Examined in Arith., Hist., Geo., Grum., Spell.; total 500. H Brothers ,486 2 Bloomfield ..801 E Adam, 424 M 3oognee ....276 G Rosa 891 J Wilton 274 G Ewan 891 L dinolair 202 J Dull 879 w Wiliiameon..989 TZimmer 825 W Meenarrie ..282 E Colvin 808 3n.IV.-Examined in Arith., Hist., Geo., Spell., Gram. ; total 500. H Deadman466 0 Soots 293 F MaKeotiie....460 0 Holmes 298 M Brothers ....426 K Harbottle252 W Tarnboll....424 V McKenzie 246 W Straohan....420 W Miller 235 P Leatherdale..400 L Leatherdele228 U Bell 863 A Jaokeon 219 G Armstrong ..869 S Siabbe 178 P Backer 856 13 Oempbell....173 A Tboms,n 352 F Campbell ....170 V Wiibee 842 J Moore 135 A Mobillian....834 E Anent 111 R Cunningham -826 L MoArter 89 L MnOraeken ..810 H Lowry 59 W Henderson ..808 N Brown 53 J Ounningham..800 MIss L. K. WILaoN, Townher. Roog 4. Su. LII. -Examined in. Gram., Hieb„ Arith., Liter., Draw., and Writ. ; Total 500. H Moore 4.10 T Uober 311 J Leckie 429 E Wilton ...,..809 S Walker 888 M Birt ........298 C Denbow 878 E Speiran 282 0 Simmone....808 J Wilbee 281 3 Wilton 345 0 Gerry 271 A Bishop 388 W Soots 242 E Good 880 It Cole in 920 W Wilton 827 F Scott 220 F 11•lainp0i05 ..896 J Lott 214 B Anent 824 E Ewan 196 Jn, III, -Examined in Gram., Read„ Arith., Liter., Draw„ and Writ, ; total 600. F Boott........427 E Uober 861 A lines 420 J Henderson ..855 DSW Ooeene 408 1 Barkley 849 M Jones 898 V Walker 886 W Adams 891 A Robb 824 B Curry 888 B Leckie;......294 0 McMillian 877 E Wiibee 292 Z Lindeay ...,870 N Ewan - 250 C Anent 809 F Gerry 288 W Bell nt 809 0 Lowry 140 ii Ane861 L Bateman .,,,62 Mies D. M. Slum, Teacher. noir 5, Se. IL -Examined in Arith., Lit., Geo., Spell., Draw., ; total 600, E Dendnan... .427 W Long 282 II Good 880 V Ability .....,282 S Garry 808 Win Long 281 in Thomeon....860 H Mooney, , „289 0, Leakie.....,1349 11 Hatate 268 B Speitau 849 W Ainley - 299 J Armstrong 846 L Denman ....288 13 Hartle 843 H Oampbell....210 E Plum 841 S Fax 219 E Gilpin - 898 W Macey211 B Walker - 819 G Witboo..,.,,194 W Sperling ,,..810 R MoOrackon 181 E Sonora 296 Perfect Spelling for the monttl-S. Speiran. 3n, II Ootos,- G Oeueley.,,,4213 11 Armstrong 407 Il Ament K Wilton 406 M Thomeon..,.2613 M Bargees ,..,365 5 Bergese 244 13 Warwiok ,.,.300 P Dark ...189 - I Streohan ....848 G Herr 188 W Herr 838 W MoLaobia0..169 L Lamont 1104 E Uooper 90 E Lamont ,...275 Pettiest Spelling for the month -G. Ooueley, Mies M. T. Dowwzr, Tesober. stoat 6. Claes IV. Total 500, friary Lowry ..449 Hazel Burgese,.404 . 014u•1 Shaw ..446 Harold Lowry809 Bose Fox 428 Minnie Edwarde336 Edwin Barkley 426 Claes 11I. Vernon Ross 455 E Holmes 392 8 Brothers ....488 A Wilton - 388 O ()woks 449 0 Doll 880 A Moore 443 E Hafet 870 H Bimmoos,...442 G Jamieso0245 N Fox 432 Claes II. Total 500. M Biehop468 R MaKay......400 I MsLaohlan 468 P Thuell 897 0 Crone 417 L Lowry 8183 L Beaker ......443 T Snider 800 W Lott 417 F Lowry ......152 Class I. Exoellent-L Ballantyne, W Harris, J Haekirk, A Lookridge, E. Moore, 5 Sample, 8 Turnbull, E Toole, H Walker, 0 Uober, I Denbow, G Colvin, It Barkley. Good- A McLachlan, B Wiibee, E Lowry, Edna Cooper, 1 sic Cooper, Fair- H Balaton, L Holmes, G Edwards, Miss JINN RITCHIE, Teacher. Wroxeter. Mies Jennie Miller has returned from Toronto. W. Ardell, of Gorrie, spent Monday in the village. Two rinks of curlers went to Harrieton on Monday. R. Sanborn and J. Hamilton spent Friday in Toroirto. Hamilton & Robertson shipped a oar land of hogs on Monday. Miss Gertrude Brawn left for her home in Buffalo last Saturday. Mies Alioe Hamilton bas returned from. a six weeks' visit in Chatham. Miss Cassie Harris bas returned from a visit with friends et Hensen. Mre. Koehler, of Ayton, suited her sister, Mre. A. Moffitt, this week. Jas. Thomson, of Sault Ste. Marie, visited his sister, Mrs. Robb. Blank, this week. Abram and Mrs. Sanderson leave this week for Howiok, where they will make their home. Bert. McLeod, of Pinkerton, is spend- ing a few days at hie home here before leaving for the West, J. Glenn, of Listowel, spent several days of last week the guest of bis daughter, Mrs, Geo. Bpotton. Misses 0. MaMiohael and L. Higgios returned on Saturday from an extended visit to Btratford and vicinity. 2. Robertson and family, who have been visiting relatives here for the last three months, left for their home in the West on Saturday. On Thursday last at noon, the welcome whistle of the C. P. R. working train was heard at our station. It was a month, less two days, Mae there was a train from the Emit. About foar o'clock the plow with two engines arrived, followed by the express a little later. The regular night train come in on time. The 0. P. 11, on tbie branoh has had a terrible experienoe. They had foar hundred men °leaning the line. The men wbo have been employed speak well of the treatment they received, On Saturday the freights began to come in and on Sunday a oar of coal same to band, not before it was needed, Jaw KILLEo,-On Friday morning between aloe and ten o'aloek while Samuel Fine, a Jew peddler, of Toronto, woo driving on the sixth o0noeseion of Howlett, his rig upset killing him at once. A very short time after the accident ooeurred Frank Wright same along and sending for assietenee the unfortunate wan was taken from ander the rig. The coroner was soon upon the sone bat upon examining the surroundings decided an inquest to be nnneoessary, From the man's traoke on the road side it wag easily seen that be bad been walking on the low aide of the road no doubt trying to prevent the rig going over. Reaching a soft part of the road he sank to hie knees and the heavy box fell upon him smothering him in the snow. Hie body was brought to Edwsrde' undertaking rooms and hie friends in Toronto promptly notified, His brother oame np on the night train, and ou Saturday took the. remains to Toronto for interment. The bylaw to grant a bonus of 6115,- 000 to Alma, College was defeated at 'Bt. Thomas. The Carter oatmeal and cereal mill 01 St. Marys was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning. The snow blookade in .Manitoba has been lifted, and transoontioantel traffics ie again resumed. Rumor has it that one of Mitohell'e mast popular young ladies,wbo is at present teaching going in another town, tvitlretignher position at Easter and return home and in a short time wed the principal of the eobool fa whiob she le at present engaged. At a special meeting of the Stratford Obunoil Monday afternoonthe otgoe of City Bolioitor, whiob has been gaon•nt einoe the resignation of Jastioe Idingtu,t, wail filled by the appointment of elegera., Robertson and Coughlin. Mr. Robertson was formerly of the firm of Idington t Robertson, and, basing hod, charge of the . aiby's legal business for some time 'pant, the work is not now to him, A, P. M, Colter, an old and highly reemerged aibizon of St. Catharinee died suddenly of heart failure Sunday night attar Wonting a service et the St. Paul Street Methodist nknrah.' The deceased wag at one time a prominent baelnese man in that oity, but had for some yearn past lived retired. Hs Was the oldnst iusoober of St. Paul street ehurab. lie was 86 years of age and loaves a widow and two daughters.