HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-24, Page 4— e'eeteettereleee'eeeeettneettee21"We'eTeealteeearemetee . whim Medicines This is the time of year when a great many people need a good Spring Medicine. Tho coming of more moderate weather reminds one that their blood needs purifying, SPRING'S SARSAPARILLA you will find a safe and reliable remedy for all erup- tions of the skin, pimples, etc., as well as a powerful blood purifier. For those who desire to prepare their own Medicine at home we have an excellent package in NYAL'S MOUNTAIN HERBS This is composed of leaves, roots and seeds carefully selected and mixed in proper proportions so as to get their best curative effects. Price, 25c. large package. DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Bence Boren Boum Somm, Mail 7:15 a.m 1 Mixed 10:00 a,m mixed ..10 00 a.m I Mali 1.17 pm Exprese eteapan I Express 8:11 p.m rug Ears Puts, A. ohiel's amang ye takir ' notes, An' faith he'll prent is. C. 0. F next Tuesday evening. HORSE FAIR Thursday, April 7th. Mecca:tan At Home Friday evening. GEO. BEST shipped a oar of hogs on Tbsniday. TUESDAT morning's rain reduced the soca coneirlerably. Wee= out for the April Fool joker on Saturday of next week: Tan Poen supply of paper has not yet arrived but with the restoration of freight trains it is expected along now very shortly. No person has any Howse to throw snowballs 51 passersby on the street, either walking or driving. It is in bad taste and should not be allowed. A stranger cannot appreciate snide an introduction. FRIDAY of next week will be Good Friday and a public holiday. The lousiness' places will be closed aud tbe postoffice hours from 9 to 10 a. m., one hour after arrival of afternoon train and from 6 to 6 30 p. m. Flew public schools are so favorably oirourastamed as Brussels in the matter of good teacbers, wide awake trustees, firstostass Inspeoter, careful Janitor and tidy °ash balance after the audit. These with a hardworking lot of pupils give our saboot the extra good standing it enjoys today. EASTER BATES.—Speoial rates will be granted for Beater on the railways 58 follows :—Single fare reborn tickets wig be issued good going on Thursday Marcia Slat to Monday April 4th and valid re- turning on or before Tuesday, April 5th, A. good holiday trip oar be made in the time limit of the ticket. OWING to the railway bloakdae groceries and other neomearies have beau hauled from Seaforth and Atwood. Monday W. J. McCracken and Jas. Turnbull drove to the latter piece to get some freight that was in oare on the siding there since the Itloaday previous when the storm caught them. Tun Wingham Advance of last week says :—Miss M. Campbell, of Brussels, who was lefb a million dollars in 111108 property by M. °aldose°, of Alexia°, hes gone to New York and Kansas City to meet Mr. Ouldosao's brother, who is one of the mine owners. She expecte to arrive at some knowledge as to what her million of mine property will be worth in a year's time, when 15 10 to oome into her possession. We wish Mies Campbell a pleasant and suocessful trip. TEE METROPOLITAN BANE To OPEN IN MONTREAL.—The stonework is begun on a new seven -story building, on St, James st., Montreal, for the Metropolitan Bank. It is being emoted, says tbe Gazette, by M. Louis Beandry, ender arrangement with the Guardian Assnraoee Company. The sits is next door East of the Temple Building. The front of the building is eo have a base of Stanstead grauite, the other stories will be of Indiana limestone, Classic three.quarter aolumne will be a feature of the first story. The declaration of the entractes hall, ten feet wide, is to be entirely of marble ; the bank count. ere and dodos also of marble.—Monebary Times. SAAMEL BOGGARD bas a clutch of new thickens that are rushing the eeason. Jrzo. WilionT, who bas developed into quite a poultry fancier, lute investtd in a tete of buff Orpington fowl from 0. Tor onto breeder. Ile paid a good price but hopes to reap corresponding results. THE Goderioh Signal expresses itself as follows :—Brother Kerr, of The Brusaels Post, has bought a farm. With wheat at a dotter a bushel it looks like a good thing, and the Spriug plowing can be worked in nicely between the weekly rashes of getting to press, ATw000 Bee last week has the kind. 0855 to say :—The Brussels Post had to foveae as a half sheet last week owing to the non arrival of the ready prints from , Toronto. Never mind, Brer Kerr, your half sheet is worth quite a number of other whets sheete, Toon Pon oongratulatee the Huron ' Siena' and Wineham Advance on the celebretion of their resprotive birthdays with many evidences of development. The Daily Herald, Stratford, and S.. Patrick claim the same birthday, the latter of course being the older bet the Herald is 00 baby as it was 17 years old on the 17th of Ireland. elimaximer displays of the latest and moat novel in ladies headgear will be made by the milliners of Brussels on Wednee.dey, Thursday and Saturday of next week aethe regular annonnormente will show. Friday is omitted on amount of it being a publics holiday, being Good Friday. There ie loot mach neoeseity of oennselling the fair sex to be sure and see the new styles as a Millinery Opening is something they seldom over. look. nun' Institute meeting, in connection with East Huron Farmers' Inetitate, will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of next week, April 2lid, at 1.30 o'olook, Addresses are expected from A. E. Sherrington, of Welkerton, and P. J. Cerey, Fruit Division, Ottawa. There should be a good attendance as the orchards are now a very important department of the farm and the cultivation of smell fraite in the garden is of now small interest. Both the speakers are praotical men. Tome was a tie up for 2 or 3 days on the G. T. R. gime oar last teem and trains and mails were cancelled but Tuesday, after some ice formations bad been removed, the toot of the locomotive was anon more beard and Wednesday the full quota made their appearenes. The arrival of the freight trains were specially acceptable as pert of the long wisbed for supplies came to band. With the proba• bilitiee of fairer weatber and the rapid thawingnow going on blas likelihood is that the railway blockades for this season are at en end entails that the accanaul• atiou of water should freeze up on the road and form an hoe bed. SEIP/SD Bret RIGIIT.—During the long continued Winter now drawing to a close George Cardiff has very kindly, and with olook.like regularity, plowed out the snow banks on the sidewalks of Jehn street and adjacent loaaliby with hie horse and snow plow. Lest week Mrs. Watson Ainley and Mrs. Gordon Mooney oalled upon the people who had been benefitted and the result was the presentation of to Mr. Cardiff a flue 8 day mantle olook last Friday eveuing. The reoipient 18 very grateful for Mile testimonial, the more so ite the trouble he went to was undertaken without the expectation of reward. He wishes to return thanks to all concerned for their flue gift. THE Seaforth Expositor of lint week says Dickson, our postmaster, who has been moat neslduoos in his efforts to get all mail matter passing through the office hers for the sunow bound offices of tbe North, through as speedily as possible, (Impeached a spectial conveyances North On Sunday morniug with some mail matter that arrived here late Saturday night and on Monday he weut himself as far se Walton with another budget that bed arrived. If the officials of the department generally had been as well op to their business BB Mr. Dickson, the public would have been very math lsss ineonveniemed. Matter would not have been allowed to lie for a week waiting for a train, as bas been the ease in some inetanCee. In this; connection we may mention that Archibald Hislop, AL P. P, for Eaat Huron, left Toronto Friday evening with the expectation of reaching his home by way of Beeforth, Saturday forenoon, as he had done several theme this mason. But he did not math Sett. forth until early Sunday morning and he got bank to his home near Wagon with tbe conveyance Mr. Dickson bad tient oat with the mail's. He left hie home early Monday morning, driving to Seaforth, expecting to get the train for Toronto here. But when he ranched here he found that there WeR 110 train and he drove on to Mitchell expecting to get it train tbere, But when he teeohed Mxtohell there was still no train, sio he oontinned hie drive to Stretford and got a train on the main line wheel) enabled him to got batik to big Parliamentary digital at Toronto. If the Tories had been alert and brought on a division in the rneantiroe, with the present narrow majority of the Governmint, even the absenne of one to ember' m ight have eerione cOmegetenomi, APPOINTED TO POSTAIASTEIMEUP. — The Stratford Beacon of last Friday makes the following reference to A. M. Kay, a former Brusselite and a brother to Mrs. W. H. Kerr :—The opening of the new post °Moe in the Southern prat of the oiby is likely to take place about the first of next wont% E. O'Flaherty, who was nomluated. as postraaetee, has detained the position. After giving the Matter the fullest ceneideration and teking into moottnt the disarrangement in his other baeinese he felt that he would not be justified in anoepting the office under ex- isting oirautnatanoes. Hence a new sel• eaten had to be made. The Beacon was informed tido afternoon that the office bas been offered to A. M. Kay, deputy post. tmetee, and be has accepted the same, His appointment will follow in dm course. The °Ito will be a general post °36s in the fttilest respect, with money and savings departments, and will be oondttated on a commission Waite The premises lately (templed by A. IL Bur. goyne, bookbinder, on Waterloo Mame, opposite Battery park, have been seamed temporarily tend will be et onoe fitted up for the parpose. Mr, Hay's long onset'. knee in poet office work should enema the sew post °thee being managed efe. oiently and the making of it a great iten. veniene to the paha in that motion of the way. The name of the hove post °Aloe has yet boon annotemed, but it will be in tbe matae of NNW days. Am. TUJ B El 1:3 Jil 8 11'0 8 T Standard Dank of Canada T H E 7.16T11.7517.420===1 1E172 AGSM'S — OVER TBIRTIIEN MILLION DOLLARS Gt 0111.0ra II. ankill a; T3wiesin often Trfit.XISIA. et ocl "''''\NZS A V I G S B A N Ac.::z1"'°— —DBrosrrs OF ONE De'LLAR and upwards remind on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE OP DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANE RATE. ACCRUED INTEREST is added to accounts every six months and becomes prineipal, —MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Deposits without the lei ervention of any person, LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE. SALE NOTES CASHED, COLLECTED or may be left for SAFE•BEEPING only far which uo charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will receive one oareful and murteous attention. F. H. GRAY, AGENT. f0.1121512 41:61,=LISIVIIMPOS1•00411.1.13.E...=61¢Mt604199[•616701010 .ITM6 A WOoLDEN marl, eeveral odd elovea and guautlet mitts and a lady's muff are at tens POST awaiting ownere. THE Farmer's Handy Book for 1904, issued in cotmeotien with the Faemiug World, Toronto, has just reitehe t 05. The book is a neatly bound, attreative volume, containiog 256 pagee of reeding metter. On every one of three pause something oC vital interest to a farmer May be found, no matter wbab epeoial branch of agriculture he may be mneeing, The Readmit devoted to the Soil, Dairy• Me, Live Stook, Poultry raisiug seri the Orchard, are particularly praotioal and interesting, And adapted to preeent re. quiremeute ; every farmer sbonla have this book for ready reference no all notes. It is so well indexed that no time need be lost in looking for the information contained in the work. FITTERS/an—Wednesday at high noon Rev. T. W. Omens, of Brumaire tied the matrimouial bow at the home r S. Caution, Ethel, between George Milter, of Brussels, and Mee Mary, daughter of the boat. The oeremony was performed ander an evergreen arob from which were suspended iloral bells. Miss Eva Gant. Ion, sister to the bride, was bridee naid, and Brunt Miller, brother to the groom, was groomatnan. Both bride sod brid -maid looked first °ass in 005' Imes of Nile green. A well prepared dinner fob. lowed bearty aongratulatious, and theitap- py twain took the afternoon train ''or a wedding tour to Brautlord and Paris. On their return they will bake np their residence at Brussels. The bride's going away dress was seal brown. A handsome mantle Moak was the groom's preseet to the bride ; the bridesmaid received an opal ring and the groomsman a mile gold scarf p00, The wedding gifts were useful and valuable. Many good wisbss will amompany Mr. Miller and bride on their voyage over the ocean of life. DEBATE.—"Reeoived thab it would be in the best interests of society in Oanada that in order to remove the present difftculties in obteining divoroe, and for other rearms, them questions shon'd be transferred to the ordinary jediaial tribunate." This was the eubjeot of a debate one evening between Osgoode Hall and McMaster University, Toronte, 10 whiob itt. A. McDonald, formerly of God. erioh, and brother to Lawyer MoDoteald, of Breese's, again carried off the bourn. The affirmative was upheld by J. B. Ooyns, B. A., and Mr. MoDonald, representing Osgoode Hall, and the negative by I. G. Matthews, el. A., and J.111, Warner, representing Manatee. The Toronto World's report of the event statism that .the debate throughout was of a high order ; the speakers had made themselves toroughly oonvereant with the many important issues involved in the subject matter of tbe argument and displayed notable intelleatual mumen and readiness in :controversy. Mr. MoDon• ald most fairly be held entitled to the individual palm. Although all the aouteetants, displayed grip and lucidity, his notribation was more ekillfully constructed, hie points well marsealled and his replies speoially apt, But for bis exceptionally excellence the debate would in all probability have ended otherwise than it did." Business Locals. 10 Youtea pigs for sale, Gno. R013B, Brussels. Raw Foos —Higheat prim paid for raw furs. A. Comma, Brussels, ANTONIO who will see me now can have a bargain in saws. Taos, Moennems. ORGANS and Sewing Machines almond and repaired. Also Organs and Sewing Machines for sale. Apply to Tooefee Moos, Brussels, 32 BIDED OITS.—The new Waverly hi now admitted to be the beeviest cropper and beet strewed Oat ever brought toClanada. We have them ab 50e, per beshel. Guo. E, KING, Wingbam. Peon WIRE FENOING.—The underelgned is prepared to take °entracte for building Page fetter: and gates. Partin in Morris township may leave orders with Jas. Sherrie, 4th Hue. ROBERT (hose, Ethel P. 0. el101/10)11 Cif I et ES. Beater music is being prepared by the varione thumb choirs in town. Rev. P. 51. DeloBacherm of Glatt:tie, bag consented to remain in tlharge of bis congregation. Rev, Mr, Maxwell, of Ripley, who had a call to Obitsley, Out., has deoid .d to remain as hie oengregatiou Ina raised his Palmy from 8850 to $1200. ",Quench not the Spirit" was Rey. John Roes' text hug Sabbath raotnisg in liebVlbls ohnieth and in the evening the topes was .Charaoter Building.. Last Sabbath morning Rev. T, W. Comm' theme was .Hennabat infleenee on her eon SILMOel." The Beetling sob. jeot watt "A refutation of Spiritualism,. Principal Hartley of Wroxeter Publia Sahool, took Marge of the servioes in St. John's Murat last timidity in the Maumee of Rev. I, M. Webb, and did hie part well. The annual examination for probation. ere and oandiclatee of the London Con. ferenoe will he held in the Methodist thumb, Parolee, on Tueedey, day and Thmtedey, April 1.0, 20, 21, The Salvation Army ie now estab qibed 10 forttenine oountriee, tweaking teirty. nine langnages, They have 7,500 . par. t ate moieties, 14,000 peed offiners, 411,730 unpaid °Wore, end 17,170 bandsmen. The Board of the Windsor Avenue Bletliodiet Murals, destroyed by fire reontly, bas decided to build the new one on Ouellette avenue, The new church is bo be one of the most modern in tbe Dominion, and will be built of atone and brick. We regret to learn that Rev. E. 0. Jenniuge, Auglioan minister at Bayfield, Varna and Goebert has been (Impelled, upoo medical adios to retire from motive labors for a few montbe owing bo a nervous condition that has 000113 over him. Tweuty live million Sunday School raisers, teeohers and eoholate maks up the world's Sunday school Rimy, an army of peruse :outnumbering the armies of the world for war footing, which it has been computed amount to twenty-tbree mil- lion of men. God speed the army of peoue, The receipts of the various fonds under the management of tin General Atmem. bly of the Presbyterian Chureh, lo, Can- aria, for the year 1903-04 amounted to $274,817.20 at the Mom of last month, which is practically tbe total sum which will be reported to the General Assembly. The renewing is an official amount of the cfferings :—Home asiesions, $113,419, 55 ; augmentation fund, e28,728 02 ; foreign mission fund, 665,575 ; Fretioh evangelizatinn, $20 426,04 ; Pointe Aux Trembles, $9,753.29 : widows and orphans fund, $10,767 80 ; Assembly fund, $4,812 69 ; aged and infirm minis. ters, $9,936 76 ; Knox College, $6,082 69 ; Queen's College, 83,127,80 ; Montreal College, $2,685,90 ; Maditobe College, $4,082 70. The augmentation committee at last session Battled upon tbe grants to the following Presbyteries :—Quebso, 61,017.501 Montreal, $2,100 ; Glengarry, 8445 ; Ottawa, $1,349 ; Lanark and Ban• frees, $925 : Brookville, 8926 ; Kiegstou, $905 Petetboro, $550 ; and Toronto, $970. PERSONAL rARAGRAPHS. Mies Annie Ross is visiting relatives at Obesley. Miss Eva Cantelon is visiting relatives at Brentford. P. Hogg, of Wellesley, is a visitor in town this week. George Muer is acquiring the art of telegraphy with Reg. Pletcher. Riob. Barrett, of Winglsam, called on old agenda in town on Blondey. Be Daily, of Trowbridge, is visiting his Meter. Mrs. J. Milhausen. Mise Jennie °mem, of Trowbridge, ie a visitor at tbe Methodist Parsonage. Be Milli:prize and Miss Olive were visitors io Witt:ham for a few dep.. Lawyer MacDonald was a visitor at the Co. town on legal hardness ou Tues- day. Richard Stevens bas finished bis job at Seafortet il•ta mill and is Beate to town again. Mrs. A, Currie, John street, was dap of the numerous victims of lagrippe duribtg the weelt. Mrs. Chambers, of Port Elgin, is the' guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Holmee, Bruseels, Barrister Blair, of Goderiob, was in town for a day this week attending to some business rnsttere. D. D. and Robb. Fergneon, who were vieitore here for a few months, have rio. turned to Calgary N. W. T. Mate Dulmage, of Rothsay, is enjoying a holiday visit witb her eister, Mre. W. W. Harris, Eliz high street. Miss Mabel Colvin left this week for Crediton to assume charge of a Millinery business in that bustling village, Harry Douglas and bride, who have been visiting Mre. Douglas and family, Bruesels, leave for Gilbert Plains, Man., on Friday. Jou. Beattie, of Wiarton, was renewing old friendships in town during the past week. He may go to Winnipeg for a trip that Spring. Mies ;lean Doll has gone to London where she has a situation as Stenographer in Brener Bros, establishment. We wish her mom. Marshall Lowick, wbo was home on a vieit, returned to his poet as Combater on the 0. P. R. in the North West. His headquarters are at Moue Jaw, A. 0. Dames bas been under tbe dootor's oars with a, light Mem& of pneumonia. His many Mende hope be will soon be about as meal. The obildren of Harry and elm Dation are laid up with measles at Elmira and the family oonerquently delayed in their proposed return to Brrierielli, Will, Lowry, of London, Galled on relatives and friends in Brussels and locality last week. He looks as if Lon- don agreed witb him all right. Joe. Hunter has taken a position in Cochrane & Johnston's marble works here and will teem the atone °ebbing. 115 should make a good hand. Bliss Beatrioe Bromdfoot, of Gladstone, Man., is visiting relativea in Brussels and vicinity. Her brother, Rev. Me, Bum& foot is expected tbie week from Toronto. Mrs. Neil MoLauablin arrived home by Sunday reorniog's early teein from Hamilton where elm had been visiting, Her stay was extended longer than she intended by anew blookades. P, D. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, wbo took a trip to Oalifornie fur his health in missing the severity of a Northern Win. ter, has arrived bitok home much the better of it Mange in alitnete. Mrs. George Skelton, who him been ill for 'leveret menthe at her motherat, Aire. .0huelPe Alexander street, Brooks, is not ae well even 5 s usual for the lest Week, A nurse to oaring for her now. MAR. 24, 1904 'IROPOLITAN B turreAFJ—Poid ISP $1,000,000 RIMERVE FUND • • 81,000,000 REV. 16, 11, WARDEN, D, Wired -ors • *111A14,126.1MANIMMIIM1111“..6•11160.019111114111. 5, 7,03001010, Preliftlenb. letee-Pmeident, 1000, MtabBITAW, MO 71000012 Mn, w, AMAMI= MARX, X 0. 0.11, OXIMMON, X. 0, HEAD OFFICE TORONTO W, D. ROBS - - GENERAL MARAGEB A. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drafts Bought and Sold, Farmers' Notes Disooneted. &no:Nag eamix DEFORM/NAM Interest at HIGHEST OURREN'2 RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards Ds MYNA S &YOB/ A. 133. MELLISH, Manager. COMA .5.121314101111.19121.161111' The Seaforth News eaye :— Duncan McArthur, of Bruesels, who has been the guest of his brother at the Queen's hotel, hes tetnrned to that place after spending a very enjoyable vacation here for BOMB time. The Prairie Witness of Indian Head, N. W. T., love, "A. V. Gerry attended the Grand Lodge, A. 0. U. W. at Win. nipeg". IN is blas eldest son of B. and Mrs. Garry, of Brussels, Mr. Gerry found a new baby boy awaiting him on hie return. Mrs. John Wynn will spend a few months visiting ber eon at Detroit and her brother, Richard Murphy, of Emily City, Mich, Mr. Murphy wee a one time Brusselite but we are sorry to bear that hie health bas been poor for some time of late. Mrs. J. M. L. Young, who was visiting her parents, Jas. and Mrs. Oliver and otber relatives in Entente for the past month or two left this week for her home ab Moosomin, N. W. T. We wish her a safe trip. She intended calling on her sister, Mrs. McKinnon, at Winnipeg on tbe homeward journey. Last week we omitted to mention the oelebration of the 8Oib anniversary of Mrs, Oliver Smith, wbo makes her home with her son, John Smith, Turnberry street, Bruseete. She came to Grey township in 1866 and Mr. Smith passed away over 20 years ego. The abildreu ere Thomm, Alex. and Oliver, of Wrex alar ; Mrs. Andrew Turnbull, and Mrs, Alex Stewart, of Gray ; Jas., of Galt ; Ono. and Miss Ethan, of Brussels. Alex. Smith drove over from Wroxeter for the occasion. Mrs. Smith is a native of Roxboro' ebire, Scotland, and enjoys a goodly measure of health we are pleased to report. Kingston ratepayere carried the by law to purchase the lighting plant by over 1,800 majority. Moaw.D7 GERET—At Indian Head, N. W. T., nn Marob 12, to Mr. and Alm. A. V. Gerry, a son. Poen.—In Wroxeter, 001 March 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. D. Pope, a son. zer...e.meaR.imea. lefirm—Homeentins.—Ab the residenae of the bride's parents, Walton, on Marob 9th, by Rev. I M. Webb, of Brussels, Mr. John Hall, of Gains. boro', 16. W. T., to Miss Jemime, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Humphries, Walton. MILMOR—OANTLON —A.t the Immo of the bride's father' Ethel, on March 23, by Rev. T. WOmens, of Brussels, Mr. George Miller, of Brussels, to Miss Mary °mutton, of Ethel. azw=M. DILIVORTIL—In Minto, on March 51b, Henry Dilworth, brother to Robert Dilworth, of Ethel, in bio 63rd year. MoMens.—In MoKillop, OD Mandl 18, George ettoMamn, steed 70 years, 4 months and 12 days. al/MEX.—At Prinoe Albert, N. W. T., on March 18th 1904, William Miller, ‘, aged 72 years, a native of Fares, Bar. wiakehire, Scotland and formerly Nom Wroxeter, °minty of Huron. MoNnAY, MAEON 28.—Farm stook, im• plemente elt,o, Lot 6, Oon. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved eA 1 o'olook, James Elliott, Prop : 8, Scott, Am, TUESDAY, 11411014 29.—Form stook, tea., at Lot 6, Con, 12, Grey, Sale, unreeerveri at 1 p. m. Immo Mitchell, proprietor ; F. 8 Scott, auetioneer. TEDUSDAY, MA1108 810.—Farm stook, implements, household furniture, Lot 4, Con, 14, Gray. Bale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Wm, Ritchie, Prop, P. 13, S°°tt,steu.:, TAPE/L., 5 —Farm stook, implements, houeehred furniture &o., lot 6, non 6, Grey. Sake unreserved, at 1 o'olook, Trneman Soo9ibb, Prop, ; Ie. FL Seott, aoo, .rts .:1* E; is7.7.X..0.3 Fall Wheat ' 88 88 Barley 38 40 Peas 60 60 Oats ......... ... 28 29 Butter, tubs and rolls-- 14 15 Doe per dozen 14 F our, per met Potatoes per bus Apples (per bbl.) 400 5 00 50. 50 75'. 1 00 Ray per ton 6 00 7 00 Belt, per bbl., reboil 1 00 70 Hogs, Live 4 60 4 50 Wool 15 16 .....=.....,,,,,,••••110.0.M.1•••••••••••••••••••1••• TNE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. \}', NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—ALL N persons ludebted to tbe unclersigued are mead to meaty settle promptly as he intends going to the West and before 'env. ing will hand over the 00000ube unsettled into other hands Mr collection, 813 S. G. JACKSON, Blacksmith, Brussels. To Contractors. Tenders will be received by the under- signed, on behalf of the Pucker= ith Coon oil, until Friday, April 20111, addressed to geneall P. 0., for cleaning out the big drain on 000:was1e0ul 0, 7 and 8, H.R. S., Tacker. smith, according to the plans and specillea- Oohs to be seen at the office of the Work, 87 4 A, G. SMILLIE, 01a00, Hansell P, 0, AUCTION SALES. IAIUOTION SALE OF M FAR SiToort, IttPLENENTs, 'tte —P. S. Scott, auctioneer, hes received instructions from the undersigned to sell bv publio auction at Lot 0. Om 8, Grey, an Mono ay. March 28th at 1 okcirek the follewing valuable property viz :-1 brood mars in foal to ',Postumer", 1 aged borse, 0 mare rising 11, 1 driving mare rising 7, 1 filly Ming 2,1 costumer colt, 1 mare 4 years old in foal to shire bone, 9 newly ealy0d CO vs, 8 cows supposed to be in calf, 1 farrow now, 1 heifer 2 years old in calf ,2 young calves. 2 heifers rising 2, 2 steers risiog 3, 3 calves rising one year, 1 tboro' bred bull 8 yews old, 14 fat steers, 10 pigs 4 months 014,1 lumber wagon, 1 set truelm, 1 pair bobaleighs,1 cutter,1 carriage 1 top huggy,1 opeu buggy, 1 horse power, rods and couplings, 1 Jack, 1 straw cutter, mammy -el arra., 1 crusher, 1 belt 20 ft. long 1 fanning mill, 1 Wetter, Massey-Marris, 1 mower, Brantford, 1 Toronto mower, 1 pea bundler, 1 horse rake, 1 hay teddor new. etaseey-litarria. 1 steel land roller, 1 oulti- Valaro 1 seed drill, Wienveira,let0turnip spmw otver.,, 1 turnip pulper, single w 1 soufiler, 1 corn seuftler, 1 corn weeder, 1 set Bottles 1,200 The 1 grindstone, 1 Mettle gentle', 2 mut iron harrows, 1 pig box, 1 cot double harnese, 1 set plow harness, 2 sets single bat ness,2 milk cane, 6 creamery sons, 2 milk boxes, 1 Daisy obnrn No. 8 Mewl, 2 sugar kettles. 40 sap pails, a quantity of hay, about 150 bushels of mixed oats and barley, 2 sets whiffletrees, 2 neoliyokee, 2 scoop shovels and other articles too numerous to mantic a, Sale unreserved as the proprietor bas sold bis farm. Ternut—en mum of 65 and under cash, over that amount 0 mouths' credit will be given ou fornisl ing approved joint notes ; 8 per cent. off for cash on cred- it amounts ; grain and huy to be cash. JAS, ELLIOTT, Proprietor ; F. 8,30017, Auctioneer. March inds .2, are apt to play havoc .with fair complexions, All raw winds can do in a day can be undone in a night by ap- plying our CREAM OF WITCH HAZEL It heals and softens the skin, removes tan and all minor blemishes, and is per - featly harmless in every respect. 6c. per ounce. Drug Store )31... faetee La. BINDER TWINE. UNTIL further notice Binder Twine will be sold ab the Kingston Penitentiary to farnisra, in such quantities as may be dem. ell, for cash on delivery, at the following "Pure Menne" (000 ft. to the lb) 10)o 'affixed Manila" (560 " " 00 "Pure New ZeMand",,,„050 " " ) OSds eo per mend tenon ton lots. All In.b. Kingston. Address all communications, with remit- taucee, to J. M. Platt, Warden Penitentiary, KI ngston, Ontario. Papers inserting this notion without au- thority from the Hi og'a Paiaiter will not be paid therefor, .7, M. PLATT, 37-3 Warden, Sing, ton, March 14th,1004. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of John Searle late of the Townehip of Morrie, in the Coefety of Huron, farmer, de• aeseed. Notion is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 129, that all oreditors and others having Maims against the eei ate of the saia John Searle, who died on or about the 10th day of March, 1904, are required ou or before the 15th day of April, 10E, to send by poet prepaid, or deliver to Messrs, Proudfoot, Hays & Blair, Goderich; Wm. S. Skelton, Blytb, or Eliza 7. Searle, Walton, their Ohriatian and sur- names, Marmites and deeeriptiona, the full partieulare of their claims, tbe statements of their aeoeucts and the nature of tbe se- curities, It any, held by them. And further take notice, that atter soon last mentioned date the Executors will proceed to Matrbb. utel the assets of Ittio deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regards only r oticthee. claims of whieli they shall then bays Dated the 17bb day of Marsh, 1904. PROIIDFOOT, BAYS & BLAIR, Soliotborefor Executors, Our Spring Opening will take place Wednesday, Thurs. ej. Saturday March, 30, 31 4 .4pril 2 Every effort has been made to make this one of the most complete .and perfect showings of Millinery Goods that we have ever had. Accept this as a personal invitation to attend our display of the Season's most de- sirable Novelties both in Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats. MISSES H A BKIRK. 1:61•10[..9111.81161 n0mil?...,,..V114 • 1 lilinery peuing 611111221121116ENIONESSESING=1111191156NSIIINGSSEM=SMINIIIIIIIMI1 a0A.T ROBE LOST BD- \, eael Wean Brussels and Tatitelbtary on A TInirsclay Morning. The finder will mutat oblige by returning to the liYerY bare mil, DABE,Bruasols, ii•FIAM BULLS FOR SALE. uneereigned bas for 'tato two Thoestabred Durham Bulls, with registered pedlgreee. They use 11 mouth,: old and dark rod 11,Oolor, Thes0 animate will be Sold at reasonable prioes. Apply to wee 70810 pronlimeT, wools. '11Rortc7:BRED YORKSHIRE sow non Sem — The underaigned offers for WO Ono Therol-brod Yorkshire Row,3 years old, in pig to his thore hred Yorkshire hog. For .prise apply to it.. FL STODOLBON, (Bothnia Limo Works), Moo, 110, Bolgtaye P. 0, 86 -ti MISS LITTLE Extends a cordial invitation to the Ladies of Brussels and surrounding country to attend the Millinery 'Opening Wednesday, Thursday 6- Saturday March 30, 31 & A firii 2 Our display this season of Trimmed Millinery is unexcelled. Latest Novelties in Millinery Trimmings, Ready.to-wear Hats and MISS LITTLE. '