HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-24, Page 34 Mr
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MAR. 24, 1904
- gout. FA SCOTT, Brunel%
• Islam of Marriage Liecuses, Of -
fico at Grocery, Mulberry troot, Brussel,
00001911 000several good Farina for
Halo and to rent, easy berms, in Townshipo
of MorniS and Oro Y. ' S. SCO'BT,Brusaul
C. 0, IP.
Court PrinO0R8 Alexandria, No, 24, C. 0, F.,
Brussels, emote lu their Lodge Room, Blue.
hill Monk, on iloo god and knit Tuesdays of
oriel, month, at 8 Woloolt. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAS. 140 12(414938, 0.11.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
xamsa•rassmx,s, oaerr,
Moe over Hursley'a Drug Store,
Noy, Srd, 1902. 80-1m Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
Insurance taken on the Gash and premium
note system et current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere call on thouudareigned Agent
01 100 Company.
• HER, will sell for better mins, to
better men, in less time and loss charges
than any other A motion ee r in East 110000 00
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
0011 always be arranged at 81110 Mace or by
personal application.
I /3LUEVALE - 014T.
4 i,fs, Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reaseuable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tina Poem, Brussels. 221f
• e
e., • Honor Gralnace 01 100 Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all die-
easea of domeatiaated animals in 00001081-
0011 manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Oflice and Infirm ary-Pour doors
North of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels.
.4-1_• Barrister Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Summer to F: Blair. °Mao over Stan-
dard Bank. Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank,
• Barrister, Solioitor,i0onyeyancer,
Notary Public, dm Ofilce-S tewart'a Blook
1 door North of Central Rotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
paounrooT, Bess ca
Offices -Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Cameron & 11010,
GO01011I011, Onwenro.
100. 18., O. MA
Trinity Univereity, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Burgeons, Ont. Lieentiato of the Royal Col-
lege of Phyaiciana and Licentiate of Ifid-
wffery , Edinburgh, sartgolephoue No.14,
Residence -Mill street, Btu mole.
Graduate of 'the Royal Oollege of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario and Piret.class Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Oillee
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
AND ---
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
*erne on hand or made to order
at Shoe) Natio°,
Eat:mates Furniehed for all
kinds of Buildinqa. Woeltroan.
814 and Material Guaranteed,
are rPOSIVI'd from buelnoss llrits an
MANY STUDENTS ere plaeod in good
positions 00011 year by the famous
This delfool stands for the 10/01411100 rt
11.8 any 110010 in business caltioation 12 ,I)
(Inuada today, Many Business 001.
, legee 01011)107 902' graduatea aa tenon- a
ere. We have aeons of applications
from ether Colleges, Ash to see them
111 • day YOU enter, 00101001000 000000
00 W. Catalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
3f3i5trict geb3s.
21 10 proposed to raise $10,000 to oom.
plate the waterworks scheme.
The high wind blew over the smoke
steak at the tannery, whioh has eiooe
been teplaced..
A. Ray has been hired as constable at
a Balmy of $875.00 a year and the same
conditions as before.
Mayor Hay baa been elected a member
of the executive of the grain section of
the Toronto Board of Trade.
Kidd Bros., have entered "Perfeot
Dream," which they bombe at the
Seagram sale 80E38 months ago, for the
Rion's Plate.
The danger of a collapse of the Wallace
street bridge ban been lessened by the
removal of a large qoantity of the snow
with whioh it has been oovered to the
depth of about four feet. The snow was
plowed up and hauled away.
eNThere wee no gas in town on 10th and
Ilth 'nate., owing to the brioke in the
generator oollapsing. The generator is a
steel cylinder about six feet in diameter
and twenty feet high, and on inside of the
generator the bricks are built up in much
tho same way as well.
Manly Bruce, who has been in the em.
ploy of Hay Bros. for the past two years
as book keeper, left for Mt. Forest, where
ha bee seemed a position in the Sovereign
Bank. Manly will be greatly missed in
Listowel by the hockey boys'and it will
be hard to get a man to fill his place on
the team.
11 is a good many yenta now sinee
Listowel got he mail regularly by stage,
but etre,* of oirounistanoes this Winter
compelled the return of this old disoarded
method. Several times in the few weeks
the Postmaster obtained permission from
the Post Office Inspector at London to
engage a team to bring the mail from
Palmerston, Stratford and Atwood.
ilarrieton, &emplane of district No. 2
0. H. A., and Listowel, obe.nupions of the
Northern Lesgue, played an exhibition
match here Thursday evening of last
week. The vieitore eoored the first seven
goals and at half time the eoore was 7 to
2 in favor of Harriston. In the Remind
half the looals reversed the soote, and the
genie ended 13 to 9 in favor of Listowel.
At a meeting of the football entbusittets
of the Listowel High Sobool, a football
club was organized with the following
dames 1 -Hon. •Pree., W. W. Nichol, B.
A. ; Pres., Alex, M. Simpson I Soo. -
Treat' , H, Diokson ; Oor. See., Harry
Leppard ; Field Captain, John Adams ;
A-6". OePtain, George Sperms Exeontive
Oommittee, EC McLennan, S. Hay, W.
Elliot, Pres., two Captains, Cor. -Seo.,
end Soo.-Treas., being ex.offido members.
NV' bugle eam
Band oonoert on Friday evening,
Pilat* 25111.
John &James H. Kerr have got settled
in their new store lately oounpied by
Homuth BtOS.
Levi Lott has moved his boneehold
effects to hie farm in Morris townsbip, on
the Blnevale road.
11 18 reported that Alex. Orr, of the
Hotel Brunecviok, intends running a free
bus to and from all trains in oonnention
with hie hotel.
It is stated that Dr. Towler and Robb.
MoIndoo inteod leaving Wingham next
Fall for California, where they intend to
permanently reside,
Wm. Armour purohased in Wingham
a quantity of roll butter, whioh was
afterwards chipped to Hatifax. On being
opened, it was found that several rolls
were made up of salt, with o thin 0098t-
i0g of butter around each.
The property owners of Wingham will
on Tuesday, April 5t11, be called upon to
say whether or not they are in favor of
the town granting aid to the Walker &
Clegg upholstering faotory in the way of
a loan of 910,000, repayable in ten years,
without interest.
After the regular business of Maitland
Lodge, No. 119, I. 0, 0. P. on Thursday,
l0201o14., WM. Robertson, whole leaving
Whigham, was presented with a P. D. D.
G. M. Jewel by hie brethren. After the
preseetation oyeters and other rani*.
tante were served by L. G. Kruse in a
very exoellent manner.
Carl Campion left to take a position in
the Bank of Montreal at Raymond,
W. R. Robertson was the delegate to
the Grand Lodge of the A. 0. U. W. at
0. 0. Lee expects to have the hot water
heating °entreat at the jail completed
'lie week.
Knox °hurt* annual service for milers
and fiebermen will be held on the evening
of the 27111 inet.
Marine men look for a late opening of
navigation this year. The hie on the
lakes is very heavy.
Invader Pnieley 7110 18 town last week
and the up -town hotel keepers paid their
fines on Thesday,
Rev, Mt, Andereon ma in Montreal;
attending the annual meeting of the
Preebyterlan Board of French Evangel.
The Postoffice Department is askibg
for tenders for the colloidin of mail
matter from the letter.boxee about town
and the delivery of same at postoffiee.
The Goderich public library hes joined
the Ontaelo Library Ageomation and J.
E. Tom and J. 11. Tigart have been
appointed delegates to the annual waffling
at Toronto at Beater.
The firm of MoKeezie & Howell, herd.
ware dealers, luta been diseolved, Mr.
McKenzie retiring after a long aid hon.
arable butinees eareer. The 'bushman
will be ducted on by Me. Rowell, in the
'mine etalid,
B11.1713B.EL8 POST
Rev. H. 'Wig's', of Regina, gon.in.law of
Mro, Geo. Cox, 01 11170, le on the wny to
Jerusalem to attend the great Sunday
School Convention to be bolsi there. Eta
intends to travel in Bumps also and will
[mend three or four menthe in his trip,
Mayor Lewis has arranged that Robb.
Holmes, M. P., shall take charge of the
Guelph Goderioli renew, bill whioh will
shortly come before the Howie of Oona.
mons. The bill inolurlee a provision
giving power to oonstrU00 It line to
Seaforth and Clinton.
J. R. Bamford left for Boston on bud.
The snow plow that has been lying on
its side above the T was put bath on the
rails and taken to Stratford for repaire.
The Indian Hod Vidette states that
P. 0, Whittingham (formerly of thie
'motion) has purolmeed a section a mile
Thos. Judd, who resides in little Eng-
land, ad works at Stapleton met with
an accident 11084 00100 within au ace of
ruining the eight of the left eye. Be was
milking heading bolts, when a piece flew
tip from the saw and etre,* him inflict-
ing quite a gash.
Mews, Jeekson and Fair, of Clinton,
will be two mernbere of the Ontario
Lawn Bowler's team who will visit the
Old ()wintry, The team will sail from
Montreal on the Lake Manitoba on May
26th, returning in /owlet, A few games
may be played prior to the tournament
in London on Jatie 10.
J. R. Ransford bee meetly installed
in hie house the most modern aoetylene
gee plant styled the Shiba. When it is
known that the generator has been plao.
ed in the oellar direotly tinder the main
sitting room of hie house, you may rest
assured that it is perfectly nate. The great
difference between this system and any
other, is that it only maker" gas as it is
used, and omeequently there is no Mot'.
age or accumulation of gaa, so that no
danger may be feared from ite nee.
to the removal of 0. W. (Jamie from
Grey to Listowel, the members of Court
Molesworth, 0 0. F., assembled at hie
home and presented hint with an address
and a handsome badge of the Order.
The brethren were accompanied by a
number of ladies and a very sooiable
evenine wee epent. Following is the
address :-DEAB FRIEND AND BRO. : 14 10
for the purpose of expreesiug oar appree•
iation of your valuable services to our
Order, and our regret et your departure
from our midst, that we your brethren of
Court Moloeworth, 0. 0. E'., have met
this evening in your old home on the eve
of your departure to your new borne. Ae
a chartered member of our Court you
hove filled all Aloes of honor and trust
at the gift of your brethren, and by your
regular attendance at the meetings and
your unwavering fidelity to the interests
01 1110 Order you have been a seethe of
strength and etability, which is needed
diet any einiety may be a success. We
feel our society has succeeded largely
throngh the efforts yon have put forth,
and tee feel that in leaving as we are
losing one of tbe faithful. We ()Linnet
let you go without asking yon to itooept
this badge as a =natant reminder of the
esteem in which you are bald by your
brethren in Court Moleeworth, only ask.
ing you to remember us me a theiety, and
when we are done meeting and parting on
earth, may we all meet in that great
High Court above, where brethren meet
to part no more. Wishing you and your
estimable wife and farnily many returns
of the season, we are fraternally years.
Signed in behalf of the Court.
J. A. e2oDoix,n.
Mr. Cosene replied in appropriate words.
ALL ley 0 sa te.
Wallace MoBain is rapidly recovering
from a very dangerous attack of
Elmo butter faotory will re-ooromenee
operatione on Friday, Maroh 25th. The
factory has been closed einoe Feb. 1st, the
supply of milk having become very small
and the prioe realizad not being as
profitable as was desired.
By the death of John Switzer, which
took place on Wednesday afternoon 921.1
inst., Atwood lost one of its most esti.
amble citizens. The deoeaeed was born
in the township of Lowborough, oonnty
of Frontenao in the year 1837. Ho 001118
to Elma, along with hie parents, in the
year 1857. The bunny Battiest on the
farm now occupied by Fred. Switzer,
gravel road. Here he lived and worked
for some yeare. He took 8 trip to Cali-
fornia where be remained for 7 years.
While there he nontreated typhoid fever
whioh left behind ill effects. At times he
became 00 lame as to be unable to we*.
Returning from California be settled on
the farm now occupied by John Gray,
blind line. Finding that hie lamenees
still troubled him he sold his farm and
removed to the village about 22 years ago.
He married Mien Reba Gordon, who sur.
elves him. Hie death makee the first
break in a family of seven. The surviv.
ing members of the family are, Mrs. Jno, s
W. Boyd, blind line, Mee, Henry Buck, of i
Woodstook, Erect. on the homestead, and
George, Albert and Peter, all in Cali.
fornia. Hie widow luta the sincere aym o
pathy of all in her lose, for her husband s
wits essentially a lover of home life.
Cupid hers been Rending forth many
winged darts in all directions this Whiter 0
and the last to yield to hie attacks were e
two popular young people in the persona
of Mies Elsie 0. Struthers, only g
daughter of Jae, and Mrs, Struthere R
Main Eared, Atwood, and 12. Hollis, It
a nuocessfal obeeeemaker, who will thio b
year have oharge of a large factory at r
Adolphustown, hi Addington county. On D
Wedeeedey of last week at the hour ot 7 t
p. on. at the borne of the bide' e parents, ie
Rev. P, A., MeLeod, D, D., pronounoed e
the words that made Wm. T, and o
Mies Elsie 0. Struthers, man and wife. 11
The bride entered the parlor leaning on t
the arm of her father, whits the inspiring
Wedding March wag played by Miss se
Jennie Harvey. She vote 10001 booming.
ly attired in a handsome costume of be
white Leto sillt, trimmed with Valen. al
oionnes lace and embroidered chiffon, and at
ottrried a beautiful shower baguet of an
oarnatiane and amilax. Little Gladys th
Andereon anted as flower girl, and (*tried 011
dainty basket of pink carnation'', th
After the eeremohy the oonapany, which
ooneieted of over forty guests, extended
heartieet oongratttlatiote, and then par.
took of a dainty wedding diener, The
remainder of the evening Wits pleasantly
*Mit with musio and 300100, Tho bride
NM the recipient of many handsome and
useful presents, that from the gram
being a very pretty brooch, 01.1 with
rublee 1101(1diamonde. To Ole flower
girl he gave It lovely gold ',motet, The
brute le else ot our moat popular young
Wise and will be mar* naiseed mueioal
oiroles, having been for some yeare a
member of the Prenbyteriao ohoir, The
groom ie well and favorably known in
these p114140 8011 is a ettootainful cheese -
Hurry Morrison is now installed ae
night Constable.
Robert Willie has had the electric light
inetalled in his residence.
The new ltbaki eel* for the cadet
crops the High Sobool have arrived.
The town is threatened with a snit by
a lady on ermount of a fall on the side.
On oondition of giving a weekly oonoert
in the Park the town Council! voted the
Band 9200 for thie year.
Rog. J. W. Hodgins was in Hamilton
last week, attending the meeting of the
Woodmen of the World.
G. 51. Baldwin & Co. have moved into
the Jordan store just woos the street
from their former etore.
Dr. F. W. Twaddle I98,8 called to Mi-
meo on aociount of the serious Moen and
enbeequent death of hie brother in that
Relit. Bell has pnrohaeed the Chas.
Wilson property on Goderich street East,
Nora the exeontors, The parohase prioe
was 92,400.
Oar town daddies are opposed to any
ohange io the 0o. Council Aot of last
session and have sent a resolution to the
Legislature to that effeot,
Fred. °rich, manager of the dress
goods department at Wm. Pickard &
00., luxe resigned hie position and hoe
gone to Portage la Prairie.
Quite a number of healthy reheat
young I rfffinen (2,1019,0(1 10 town the ilret
of Elle WSPIt, direet from Ireland, They
had nu o.111,111ty in oeouring good tattle.
thin0 et 0, a number of farmers near
A horse belonging to John Elliott,
liveryman of Cliuton while being driven
home on hionday last week broke
through the must of the snow, in taming
out to allow a team lo pees, and fraotured
one of ite lege. The !mimed had to be
taloa The aeoldsnt marred between
Seatorth and liarpurbey.
Goeintis Weeemei -David and Mrs.
Dorreme, John otreet, oelebrated the
fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day
on Monday of lent week. A number of
relatives from the town and country
gathered at their borne, were entertained
to a aumptuous dinner and extended 000.
to the aged couple. Letters
of oongratulation were ale° received from
friends at Hamilton, Wingham and other
places and a large number of valuable
presents atteeted the eeteem 10 whioh the
recipients aro held. Mr. end Mrs, Dor.
mnoe, aged 82 and 70 respectively, have
lived in Seaforth thronghout their fifty
years of wedded life, during whit* ttme
they have been useful attd valued anima
A. large olrole of friends and acquaint -
anew' extend greetings.
Knox church, Guelph, was gutted by
The missing steamer Pro Petrie
arrived at St. Pierre,
Hon. T. R. MoInnee, ex -Lieutenant'
Governor of British Colembia, ie dead.
Edwarci Bennett, of Iluaford, acoident-
any shoo himself dead while ulesuing
Ole gun.
The PostoRiee Department; is continue -
plating the eetabliehment of 11 P0001100110
tube system between the Marin Station,
Toronto, and vitriolic' points of Ole oity,
for the distribution of mail matter.
BY-LAW NO. 212
— 00 THE—_
A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township
of Grey, for the purpose of granting a bonus of $5000.00 to the
Guelph Junction Railway.
Whereas a petition signed by at least
60 Freeholders resident in that portion
of the said Township of Grey, in the
Oonuty of Huron, hereinafter described,
such petitioners being duly qualified
voters ander the "Consolidated Menial -
pal Ach 1903," has been presented Lo the
Oonnell of the said Township praying
that a By-law be submitted for the assent
of the qualified ratepayers, of such por-
tion of said Tewnship, granting a bonus
of 95,000.00 in aid of the said Railway,
provided the mid Railway be constructed,
on what is known as the central route, by
way of the Villages of Milverton, Monk -
ton and Walton, the station of snot' Rail-
way for Walton to be not more than half
o mile distant from the present location
of Walton Postoffioe now hi the said
Village of Walton.
And whereas that portion of the said
Township of Grey, bereinbefore referred
to and whioh is interested in the con-
struction of the said Railway, or through
or nem to which the said Railway may
pass, is that portion of the said Tocvoship
consisting of all lots anti parts of lobe
comprised in the 13th, 1410, 15th, 18411,
1701 and 18th concessions of the said
Township of Grey.
And whereas it ie deemed expedient to
grant the prayer of the said petition.
And whereas in order thereto, it will be
necessary to issue Debentures of the sold
Township of Grey, for the sum of 95,000.-
00 as hereinafter provided (which is the
amount of the debt intended to be created
by this By -lave.) The proceeds of the
said Deboutures to be applied to the said
purpose and to no other, and provided
that the said Railway be construeted on
what is known me the central route, as
hereinbefore described or defined and
provided that the station of such Railway
for Walton aforesaid, be nob more than
half a mile distant from the present site
of Walton postoffice now in the said
Village of Walton and a siding and flag
station at or near halfway between
Walton and Monkton.
The said Guelph Junction Railway
Company is not to receive any bonus
from the Municipality of the Township
of Grey until the said Railway is con-
And whereas the &menet required by
the Consolidated Municipal Aot 1003, to
be raised annually by special rate for
paying the said debt and interest is the
stun of 9867,90, payable in twenty equal
annual payments of principal and. interest
And whereas the amount of the whole
reteable property of the Township of
Grey, according to the lost revised Assess-
ment Roll, is 91,788,900 and the amount
of the whole rateable property of the
aid portion of the said Township amerci-
ng to the last revised Assesement Roll is
And whereas the debt intended to be
rented by thie By-law is created on the
eourity of the Special rate settled by thie
By-law, and on that security only.
Therefore the Municipal Connell of the
orpotation of the Towuship of Grey
naots as follows:-
1st A bonus of 95,000,00 is hereby
ranted to the said The Guelph junction
ailvaty Company in aid of the said
enemy subject to the provisos herein-
efore recited ; and for the purpose of
aielug the said 0000 with inteeest, twenty
ebentures of the said Tocvnthip of Grey,
o the amount of 9867,00 each shalt bo
sued on the amnia day of July. 1004,
soh of Which Debentures' shall be dated
n the day of the issue thereof, and shall
payable in ooneeoutiee years, within
evenly years thereafter 01 1110 Standard
auk of Canada in the Village of Brae -
2nd Eat* of the said Debentures shall
signed by the Reeve of the mid Town -
lip of Grey, or by aome other person
ttliorized by By-letv to sign the ettme,
d also by the Treaeurer thereof, and
o Clerk of the said Township of Grey,
all attach thereto the Corporate seal of
o said Ilitinioipality,
ard The said Debi:1118nm shall bear
Wrest at the rete of four per ocintuin
r annum, payable yearly at the said
rink, on the 'wind day of july in eaoh
d every yew', (being the otirrenoy
oroof, and shall hum° attacthed to thein
oonpons for the payment of intereet and
principal, whioh coupons shall be signed
by the Reeve and Treasurer.
4th During the curreuoy of the said
Debentures there shall be raised annually,
by special rate npon all the rateable
property lying within the portion of the
1V1unieipality described as follows :-
Namely, Lote numbered one to thirty-five
inclusive in the thirteenth, fourteeutb,
fifteenth, sixteen 211, seven Month and
eighteenth concessione of the said Town-
ship the sum of 5367.90 for the purpose
of paying the amount due in each of the
said years for principal aud interest in
respect of the said debt,
6111 This By -taw shall take effeot ou
the day of passing thereof.
fith The votes of the duly qualified
electors of that portion of the said Town-
ship of Grey, hereinbefore particularly
deecribed, shall be taken on this By-law
at the following times and places, that is
to say on Monday, the 29th day of Feb-
ruary, 1904, cominenoing at the hour of
nine o'clock in the forenoon and contin-
uing until live oeolook of the afternoon of
the same day, by the following Deputy
Returning Officees
For Polling Sub -division No. 3, lots one
to eighteen inclusive, ab School House,
School Section No, 2 of the Township of
Grey, Oliver Turubull, Deputy Return-
ing Officer,
For Polling Sub -division No. 4, lots
nineteen to thirty-five inolueive, at School
House School Section No, 9 of the
Townsliip of Grey, Neil McNair, Deputy
Returning Officer,
7111 On Saturday the 20110 day of
February 1904 the Reeve of the said
Township of Grey, shall attend at the
Clerk's office in the village of Ethel in
the said Township of Grey, ab 10 o'clock
in the forenoon to appoint persons to
attend at the various places aforesaid and
at the duel summing of the voter by the
Clerk on behalf of the person interested
in and promoting or opposing the passing
of this By-law tespeotively.
ffila The Clerk of the said Township
of Grey shall attend at the said Clerk's
office at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
Friday, the 4th day of Maroh 1904 to
sum up the number of votes given for
and against this By-law aud declare the
Dated at the Township Hall in the
village of Ethel in the Township of Grey
this 25tb day of January A. D. 1904,
[nne] Ione McIeensia, Clerk.
Take notice that the foregoingis a
true copy of a proposed By-law whit* has
been taken into consideration, and willoll
will be fluelly passed by the Council of
the Municipelity (in the event of the
aseent of the electors entitled to vote
thereon being obtainea) after one month
from the first publication in TnE
BETS Posx, newspaper, the date of whit*
ant publication was Thoreclea, the 4th
day of February 1904, and that the votes
of the Electors of that portion of the
said Munioipality partioularly described
in the said By-law will be taken thereon
on the day and ,et the hours and places
therein fixed.
Dated this, 2560 day of January 1904,
Jelin MoInosu, 01000,
Tho above is a true copy of m By-law
passed by the Mudieipal Commit of the
Township of Grey, on the 25th day of
January 1904,
And all portions are hereby required to
take notice that any one halm(' of
applying to have suell By-law or any
pan thereof quashed, lnuob make, his
application for that purpose to rho High
Court of Justice within three months
mat after the publication of this notice
once a week, for three suoceesive weeks,
in the newspaper %Red Tun illnusetes
Postr 00 ho will be too late to bo heard in
that behalf.
Jontt MeRisaiert, Clerk.
Fivally passed in Council mooting, on
the 21st Day of Marc*, 1004.
ItOnISItT t1V911001410011, 13,00V0,
Jens 11101=005, 0110100,
/3 LYT H.
n n & Co.
Every 100111bringe us large quentitiee of New Swills; Goode. Below
. we mention a few 01 1110 late arrivale 1
Ladiete Drees Skirts in flake goods, 116, 40„and 42 inches long trimmed with
Roman satin, very *eclat 01 9170.
Ladies' Deese Skirte, in (habit oleth, in mime 011 11100141 and navy, trimmed
withahree,,olusters of (lording and satin strapping, lu all lengthe, great
value at $5.70,
Ladies' Dress Skirte, in dos Viauona cloth, in oolors of blemk and navy,
trimmed with humus and 1L) rem ourding, 12 00107 etylieh garment $8.95.
Ledies' Drees Skirts, in homespune, venetteme, broadcloths and fancy flake
goods, made up in the latest style, at 9.1,00, $5, 90.50 and 97050.
Leos Curtains, si yards long, 40 inches wide, 500,
LAOS 011tIllind, 8 yards long, 45 Mabee wide, 750,
Fine Nottingham Loge Curbaine, 54 inchee wide, in either plain spot or
eaten 0001000, vary epeoial, 91.
Tapestry Carpets, in new patterns, a large stook to select from, et 25o, 500,
65a, 75o, and 85o.
Union Carpets, in new patterns and orders et 25a, 35a, and 500.
Wool Oarpets, yard wicte, new patteree, at 865, 75o, and al.
Hemp °equate, in stripes and floral design'', at 12io, 18e, and 20o.
Fiera. Oil Oloth, in 1, ii, ii end 2 yards wide, at 2oo, per square yard.
Linoleume, in black Still &Cal patterns, at very close prima.
Japanese Mattinge, iu new patterns and colors, yard wide, at 12io, 18o, 20o
and 250.
r..--' All &create from 35e. upwards wi'l be cat and matched free of charge.
Henry J. Finkle bars been appointed
poatmaster of Woodetook,
Fire io the Canada Ootton Mill at
Cornwall oaoeed a lose of $20,000.
The Woodatook City Council' have
granted $400 yearly to the Oxford Rake
It is reported the Sontbane Corporation
aro oegotiating for the purehate of a
Winnipeg daily.
The e.nrinal meeting of the British
Empire League Ins held at Ottawa.
Sir William Maim* delivered an import
ant speeoh.
ON SAN. 4, 1904,
Two Courgzacgumr,3egtl,al. athor Wand.
A, L. MoINTYRE, Manager,
It's from the stomach the
blood Is fed and the nerves
Undigested food ferments
for lack of gastric jutce.
The fermentation and putre-
action' in the stomach and
alimentary canal are the
main causes of disease.
It upsets the nerves.
It poisons the system.
Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pfet
Inereaseethe necessary sup-
ply of gastric juice In quan-
tity and quality to Insure
perfect stomach action. It
has similar teflon on bile
formation. Anyone can
prove this for himself by
addressing Wxzeox.E'sx.s!
Co., Niagara Falls, Ont., for
free sample.
in Brussels by James Fox.
We have a small stock of Photo. and Scrap
Albums left which we will
clear out at cost.
A Few Crokinole Boaraz
Still on Hand.
New stock of Notepapers,
Pads, Envelopes, &c.
We ate now opening up for
Ladies or Gents or the Little
Tots either.
We itnitte Your Inspection,
We have everything complete and can supply you with any
style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good
article. We have now for sale one set Second-hand Team
Harness and three sets Second.hand Single Harness. Call
and see them.
MINOR, SALE-TwoDwelling Houses, a (00110 01 land with each, having large and
enioll fruits of various kinds.
is 101:1A S