HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-24, Page 2THil It 8,11 8 .It 1,8 PUNT
* �r� a°.usstl.s VO5t,
TRIMS 0 <412, MAR. 24, 1004.
Grand Lodge A. 0. U. W.
The Grand Lodge, A. 0. II. W., of
Ontario, opened its session Wednesday ot
teatweek in the Temple building, Tor.
onto, Grand Master Gibson was in the
chair, and about 600 delegates and morn -
bete were preeent. The Greed Ledge
degree was conferred by Captain T.
M. Cornett, of Gananogne. M. A. Jane' e,
of Boigmenvilte, was appointed prese
reporter for the twentieth time and given
es his aeBletant Rev. W. 11, Adams, of
Tamworth, The followiug appointments
were made ;-Assistant Greed Guides,
W. A. Bolduc, T. J. Lammiman, R. W.
Longmore and W. J. Whitelock ; Assist.
ant Outside Watchman, W. Hill. It
wesdeoided to open a Molt benefit fund
in connection with the order, to go into
operation on July 1, and the following
were appointed a committee to draft the
oonetftution -J. B. Nixon, J. J. Craig
Fergus ; F. N. Nadel ; W. H. Mille,
Ottawa. The following were appointed
as a Qommittee on Salaries :-J. A, Ely,
Banoroft ; F. Saunders, Is, Mason, Per.
th ; W. Y. Castleman, Oheetervilte. At
the afternoon session a recommendation
to amend the cenatitutioa to prohibit the
bolding of a Grand Lodge office by any
who have remgnerative or honorary
positions in life insurance companies was
overwhelmingly loot. John Milne, Peet
Grand Master, of London, spoke on the
enbjeot. Proposed changes in the form
of th were.anadiau Workman e 0 defeated.
An amendment was introduced by W.
W. Burgess, P. M. W., of Mimic°, who
urged that no representative should be
paid more for mileage and par diem than
the lodge represented shall have paid for
per capita tax during the year. The
suggestion that the Greed Lodge should
meet every two years instead of yearly,
as at present, was not adopted. The
reoommendation of the Executive Com-
mittee that ladies should be admitted
into the order was reoefved with cheers.
There was some discussion, but from the
first it was matte obvious that the plan'
wee popular and a foregone conclusion
thee it would pave. Only nineteen dale -
gates rose to vote nay. Grand Treasurer
Inwood, amid a profound silence, read e.
tribute of respect to the memory of two
brethren recently deceased, viz., Dr, J.
B. Carruthers, Past Distriot Deputy,
North Bay, and the Rev. A. M. Ruther-
ford, M. A., Distriot Deputy, Sutton
West. Messages of ooedolguce were
ordered to be Bent to the surviving
friends. Several other amendments to
the oouetitntion were then debated and
lost. The report of the Committee on
the State of the Order was taken up
seriatim. It was shown that the Grand
Master had made some ninety visite, and
travelled 17,422 miles during the year.
It was resolved that the reporte of the
District Deputies should henceforth be
printed with the reports of the grand
The Guelph Mercury Bays : G. T..10.
train No. 6, Eastbound, doe in Guelph et
10.30 on Monday morning, wbioh passed
through at 2 30 on Monday afternoon,
and got etnuk this side of Rookwood, was
finally dug out and sent on the way to
Toronto about five o'elook on Tuesday
afternoon. The work of digging it out
was no "snap". A number of the em-
ployees from the eiby went down on
Monday evening and returned about
twelve o'clock, midnight, Shortly after
notioe was received to send on all the
mea employed at the freight sheds to
help the shovellers to gat the paseen0er
poach free. There were some six or
eight of these, and they worked on the
drifts till afternoon, when they started
book to the oity for beakfost, reaching
here about four o'olook in the afternoon.
They reported that two coaches on the
West end of the train bad been derailed,
the truoke being turned oompletoly round
and thee one of the relief engines had
also been derailed, that the second relief
engine sent out from here had "died,"
and the third was running short of fuel,
while for water supply snow was beiirg
Tbe track, the men said, for the cis
miles East of the oity, was covered with
snow to the depth of five feet on the level,
and in many places from eight to twelve
Rev, A. I, Snider, of Freelton, who was
one of the passengers, paid a high tribute
to the faithful and uutiriug work of the
shovellers. He oontinned
Charo4 pulpit, Brneeele, for oeverel Rev. Ashbury, of Onledouta, whn was
week') reeeutly graduated from Knox recently appointed rentor of So. Peal's
College, Toronto, was appointed °hair. Epiaoopal chetah, Dublin, hoe decided to
man, and proposed eheere for Conductor reside In Mitchell,
Hollinger and Brakeman Den. McMillan, The uanadiun °entreat Record
of 00. Mary's, After whiah Mies White, announces that W. F,1ran Bualtirlt, fete
who ie n very °lever violiniet, entertained oily engineer of Roseland, B. 0., an d
with a tivaty violin solo, As the writer formerly of Stratford, hes been appointed
wee on his way to Aoton to tell the people ally engineer of Braudon, Man.
what be knew about "A Woman's The Bishop, of Huron, lune Appointed
Tongue" the uhttirnlen eoggeeted that the Bev. W. J. Taylor, M A., rector of St,
feature be given in the ear. Young and James' (thumb, St. Platys, to ba an
old roared with laughter as they were Dean, of Perth, in the phwe of Rev. D.
told of the enennraging, exaggerating and Deacon, M. A., of Stratford, realigned.
i u noroue tongwc of women, A young The Exosleior Laaroeee Club of Mit.
Engtieh)nae gave a reading in purely °hell banquetted Nekton Davidson, one of
English style, 'don't ye know.' Mr, their former players, in N. E Ooppiu'e
Allah, of Atienford, gave an exeelleut parlore, before taking hie departure for
reading, whiah was much apprrnleted ; Detroit city where hu wiil make hie
atter wheel) the eadieaoe joined heartily fntnrs home.
in sieging Chrietiau hymne, and Oloeed T. Enright, of St. Marys, who hae
with the National Anthem, The people parried on bolt and stationery bueinees
then engaged in mutual o nverentlon. for the past eight yenre, has de°tded to
About 3 it. m. the coal supply gave out dispose of hie locomen, on account of
and from that on until daylight we were seo0ring a gond position with a wholes
without fuel, but the people were happy Bale mauolareerieg house, with a large
and did nut suffer. and prosperous future.
Rev E. N. B•tker, M. A., 13. D., of the
k':aces te*t-. Broadway Tabernacle, Toronto, lata ef
Bon. Thos. (rite,=nwa ,after e. week's the Central elethodiet (thumb, Stratford,
y was married at Fingal on Wednesday of
visit with Dr. Rollins, left for Manitoba' last week to Mies Jennie Axford, Isle
Wm. Walker has purchased the prop -
lady erintehdent of Alma Oolfege, St.
arty of Rlehard Williams, North End, Y en p
paying 8250. Thome.
3 young sou of Stephan Hogarth, of At the bimonthly exnminatione of the
Stephen, broke hie arm Inez week the Mitchell High School Thomas Matheson,
resort of n fall from a straw stook. son ot G. Matheson, stood first in Latin,
Herman Reamer], until recently with Commeroia', Engllele Hietory and Geo -
J. A. Stewart, here, left for London 00 grnphy, and Remind in General Pr, ficiea.
xecopt A position with R. J. Young & Co, nY• This is the best showing ever made
Dr. L' L, Cash, at One time a etndent by n pupil of Mitchell High School.
of medicine with Dr. Browning, but now
On eaoovat of the inurane100 demand
of Yorktnn, Asea., is the Liberal nominee for their export Hour, Stuart Broe., of
to the Dominion Hones for MaKenaie Mitchell, have eeonred the old fico; mill
site New Hamburg,and there in that
at mN
district, d Asesons thriving village, Berinthe coming Sam
Word was received from Port Arthur
stating that Fred. °•Taman, formerly of mer purpose erecting a floor mill utmost
a duplicate et what they have in
Exeter, wee recovering from a severe edit.
emelt received some two weeks since obeli,
whole braking on the G. N. Railway. Geo. Goetz, of Ellice, has porahased
James Stewart, of Ueboree, who has the dwelling hones and Store on the West
been dick with plearisy, had an operation side of the road in Sebringville tutu
performed apoa himeelt. The cheat was Jooalbsn Scarth, of Stratford. r The
opened a tube Inserted end a large goau dwelling is now oc°opied by Dr, N oboe
city of pee removed. The patient ie It is understood that Mr. Goetz in ends
doing nicely. to retire ahortly and take op hie residence
A meeting of the South Huron Agri- in his new hnuce•
jultnrel society sons held for the pnrpoee Rev. Wm. Stout, of Rirkbon, hae been
of deciding on the pinae of holding the appointed to the ibeumbenoy of the
next Feli Show, I1 woe fivalty decided parish of Onondaga and Aiiedlepart in
in favor of Exeter in aoejanotion with the cioeby of Brant, Mr, Stout who has
the Stephen and Ueborne breech. served n number of years with great
Carling Bros. are improving their store noaeptanoe in Kirkton where he is very
by rearranging the grocery aide. The much liked, leaves shortly to take up bis
poeition of the stairway has been changed new dnttea.
the otiiee hae been brought from the rear
Thos. 111oLaren, jr., Mitchell, awaken-
the archway between the two stores, ed early Tneeday morning of last week
and the counters altered. Tbe alterations 10 find his honaa so full of mons that
certainly make an improvement, had it not been for the timely discovery
Two ot Exeter's bright little boyo met the whole family would have been anffo•
with very unfortunate aooideute, results acted. One of the young lade had fitted
ing in eaoh eaete0010g a broken les, the oven with wood and it took fire and
Drew Knight, son of R. and Mrs. $Dight, when the door was opened nothing but
while walking ou the icy sidewalk near red coals remained.
his borne, slipped and fell breaking the At a speeial meeting of Mitchell town
bone in one eg above the knee. Next council a by-law to extend the waterworks
day, while Mrs. Marshall was atteoding and elaetrin light plant ata °net of 012,-
}Ira. John Charlton, who is sick, her 000, 010,000 of which to be reined by Be-
little son Jimmy and some other children ben tures to ran ten years, and 52,000 to
were enjoying themselves coasting dowu a. be paid from the general yearly income
bank of snow in the rear of W. W. Tam• of the town, was introduced and given the
We tailor shop, The little fellow by some eaaoud reading. It will be submitted to
means fell off the sleigh and in the fall vote of the ratepayers on April 11.
that resulted, broke the bone above the Aiden Barrett, of Mitchell, has pere
knee. obaaed another property. This time he
_ gets the lot on which Mr. Sieaam is 'd 'ng
'� business, adjoining the vacant prorty
"As darkness surrounded ns we began
to realize the gravity of the situatiuu.
Hare were 150 people without food to eft
or pleas to lodge, save the railway coach,
A genuine heroine iu the person of Miss
Phillipe, walked half a mile through the
blinding storm, and shouted ubeerfully,
indicating her willingness to provide sup•
per for all who could make their way to
her home, and such uupxralieled hoapi.
tnliby was highly appreciated by the anew -
bound travellers. A number of gentle-
men put on their great coats and faced
the awful blizzard with the hope of 5nd•
log n farmer's house where supper might
he obtaiued, but ,fearing the blinding
storm moat of them soon returned to the
train, But the good and noble °endue•
tor, Hollinger, in whose care the pneeen•
gars were, felt the responsibility of the
hour and he sent men to Rockwood, who
returned in due time with provisions.
There were ou board a number of com-
mercial travellers. One of them who
wits on the road for a °rookery house
brought out a camber of platee, a tea
traveller brought out his eampise and a
tinware man produced a tea pot. Boils
ing water was produced and tea was
made. It bad somewhat of an iron taste,
boweveg and strong enepioi0ne were
entertained that it had cme ofrom the
engine boiler. The baggage oar was
turned into a kitchen, where euppee WAS
gniokly arranged, consisting of sand.
stichee, buns, biscuits, (sake, cheese, and
mint% pie, wit with tea in ebtindanewhiah
wag supplied by S. Grieves, the moat
obliging and painstaking caterer we have
met for along time, '!hie gentlaman'e
goods were of the highest quality. At
this junotare our party learned diepoeed
to become jolly, se they had food to eat
and were armored their train would stay
in the 'snow drift all the night. At 10 p.
re. an impromptu program WAS arranged,
The passengere thronged the -oar Until
standing room was Bt premium. Rev.Mr, McLeod, (who supplied Melville ie not known.
THEY h\01V fr. lately eeoured from Fred. Davis, The
Thouaande of people throughout the old frame will be pelted down, and two
p P briok etoree emoted as soon as the weatb-
country know that the ordinary remedies er will permit operations to commence.
for pitta -ointments, suppositories and They will have a frontage of about 46
applianoee-will not more, feet, which will be a great improyemene
The beet of them only bring passing to the front street.
relief, While working on a scatted on the
Dr. Leonhnrdt's Hem•Roid is a tablet new post oftioe at Chicago, John McDon•
taken internally that removes the cause aid a plasterer, and brother of Angels
of Piles, hence, the sure is permanent, McDonald, Mitchell, bed a very narrow
Every paukege sold carries a guarantee escape from death. The eeeffoiding was
with it, up 1.70 feet, and it gave way, preoipit
It is perfectly harmless to the most acing moat of the workmen to the ground
delioate oonetitntioa, A month's treat- killing some eleven of the men. In the
meet is each peoksge. Sold et 01.00. descent Mr. MoDoeald grabbed one of
Farther information fn regard to it at the arose timbers, and there remained
the drug store. until he was rescued. Hie esoapa wee
Sold in Brussels by James Fox, m irea0l005.
Benj Williams, formerly of the Mit-
Perth County. °hell Woollen Mille, is at the bead of a
new company whittle will locate at Stmt.
Mies Lille Cameron bee resigned her ford. Tba Company will be incorporated
position on the teaohing staff of Mitobell with a capital of 540,000, iooluding both
public school, !oval and outside inveatore, and ice chart•
Ata meeting of the Grand Orange er will be applied for immediately. A
Lodge W. J. Thompson, Logan, was large building will be erected and the
elected Grand Director of Ceremonies. artioles menufaotured will inelnde nearly
A little daughter of Jos. Turner, all woolen goods. The uamber of hands
Cobourg etreet, Stratford, had the mts• to be employed will be between eighty
fortune to fa10 out ot bed . breaking her and one hundred and twe°ty•five.
collar bone. The Railway Committee of Stratford
A. 11011 & Co., Mitchell, have reoeived City Council and Board of Trade is mak-
the contract to eapply a abeel bridge, frig final arrangements with H. M. Sloan,
near Newton, for the township of Morn• of Obioago, giving him the right for fifty
buten. Se far this firm bee nineteen years to run an electric, road into the
bridges to erect this amnion. city on Buren street, from Mitchell and
The editor of the Mitchell Advocate has St. Mary's to the poeboflioe, and thence
oompletetl his forty fourth year se a reei• by way of Market and Downie streete to
dent of Mitchell. Cu the 20th of this the G. T. R. depot. Mr, Sloan is to have
month he hopes to celebrate the forty- ears running by Dao. 1 next. This dose
second year of hie marriage, not supply a airy eervioe, the road being
Though married sixteen years E. F, purely radial, The agreement in the
and Mrs. Davies, of Mitchell, oelebreted rough was satiefaatorily settled Tuesday
the funrth anniversary of their wedding afternoon. The laying of this road will
day on February 200h, Mr. and Mre. probably mean thin paving of Market and
Davie only have thie pleasure every tour Downie streets with asphalt biook, tie
years. Mr. Blames company bind themee;ves to
G. G. MaPhereon, K. C., of Stratford, have between their treats and eighteen
is tilte.y to snooeed John Idington, K. 0„ inches on each side thereof paved.
now a Judge of the Exchequer Court, es John Gerry, 23 yenre old, who had
Grown Attorney of Perth County, The spent the Winter with hie grandmother,
Stratford So ioitorebip will probably go Mrs. Thos. Vosper, Follartou, wast re.
to 1t. S. Robertson, turning to hie home, Brandon, Manitoba,
The Stratford Radial Railway Com. when be dropped dead at St. Paul's Mins,
parry has not yet been granted a Union station, on Monday of last week.
frairhiee by St, Marys or Mitchell. The Death resulted from hemorrhage of the
project bac been diaauseed with the lungs. The depot ofaoiele went to the
councils of moll pingo and a thorough young man's assisbanoe, and a phyeioian
understatnding exists between them and was Gilled but death made his servaaes
the company. unneoeeeary. Gerry was neatly. dragged,
The marriage took place on Tueedny Ile wag refined looking and had the ap.
of last week, at the restdeuoe of John pearxnoe of a etndent- Be told some
Moore, Sebringville, of hie daughter, young men in the depot, with whore he
Shoe Claude, to Lents Embler, Bev. had become acquainted, that he had
Mr. Flultbetner officiating, There ie been to Mitchell, where he had formerly
romantic interest of an unusual nature lived, to see his sweetheart, whom he had
in °anneution with this marriage, both left behind when hie parents moved to
parties being deaf mutes, and mob one Northwestern °amide, He confided to
another at the Belleville Deal Institute. them that he was to be married next
5fiea Delrnage'e school room in the Sommer and bed preempted a home.
West ward eohool, St. Marye, was the stead in Manitoba on whlah to live with
scene of an Inoipieut blaze on Monday his wife otoee to bis father's homestead.
morning of hist week. Jaet before school
was called smoke wee noticed by Some 00 The deep snow of the Winter will omit
the eoholera issuing from the echoed onps the residents of Windsor hundreds of
board in the wall of the room, The fire dollars' worth of ehrnbbory and fruit
had not made mush headway when die• trees. Wild rnbbita, which infest the
novated and the noholers managed to low ground Son th of Gant airy, were
gaenoh it, No dameg%of anylmportanoe unable to Bemire food and driven into the
wag done. A few drawing objets were city by hunger, they attacked the freta in
deetroyed, The are i5 auppoeed to have gardens, girdling nanny vahsable num in
started from a box of matches loft in the shah a manner that they were destr,,yed,
unpboard, but bow they beoame ignited Field mice assisted the rabbits in Chair
Work of deatruotion.
A.L. Shambli an, ex o,unty treasurer
of Dent aounty, was arrested in Detroit
in nunneetion with the cherge of ems
brzztern. tit on which be was nrgnitted at
Chnth,tm !stet !cell. It is Bald that his
arrear is the result of the nou-fntfilment
of the term. of the eettiement upon wit ob
he obtained hie liberty_
-t'111,55 rlt.e tt SVE''WN.
Rev. Father Cnrutte has bee°appoiuted
Secretary of Laval Linivereity.
The steamer Bsr°elona, from gam.
burg, landed 971 immigrants at Halifax,
Ilan. T. G. Noose, Japanese Oeesul at
Montreal, anno°ucea hie removal to
Mre. Twigg was su£looated in her house
at Ridgetown by a fire oaueed by a lamp
John II. Sinolair, Liberal, was sleeted
to the Commons in Guysboro' N. S., by
806 majority.
Nelson Perry, of Yorker, missing since
last Fall, was found dead in the woods,
tied fast to a tree.
One of the tallest men in the province
died in Arkona last week. His height -
wae 6 ft. 10 inches,
0, 33. Borten, Grand Track station
agent at Heliburbon, committed euioide
drinking blue vitriol,
An explosion of potash pellets in the
pocket of a man in the St, Tbonias opera
house caused a small panto.
The Executive of the Ontario branoh of
the Dominion Alliance passed reeolutione
nalliog for the closing of all bare.
Ilon, Sydney Fisher has accepted the
Honorary Presidency of the ttentreal
Indnstrinl Exhibition Aseooiatiuu.
The Railway Oommittee of the Legis-
lature refused an Beset Comity eteotrio
rnilwaY p p
permission to operate vara on
Jean B. Paquette, an employee of the
Poet' face Department, Ottawa, bis been
arrested (Merged with stealing cheeks
and moray Ir in lettere.
John lUeechen, 0.P R. fireman, was
shot and killed by Pietio Donato, an
Itniian storekeeper at Port Arthur, durfeg
n dietarbancein the etore.
Two boys diecoverad a broken rail on
the Greed Trunk just West of Leaden,
and notified the railway ofddiale in time
to prevent a bad accident. -
John Idington, K. 0., of Btratfaed,
and Ie. A. Anglin, K 0. of Toronto, have
been appointed Judges of the new
Exchequer Court of Ontario.
The Minister of Education said he
hoped to have a forestry chair established
in the naiversity, Toronto, and another
at the Agricultural Ootlege, Guelph.
Thomas Stevenson, of Warwiok town-
ship, is held at Sarnia, on a °barge of
highway robbery, preferred by John
Cochreue, who had 5180 taken from him
by force.
Dr. Nesbitt attempted to force a divi-
sion in the Legislature, nobwitbetanding
the arrangement between the party Whips
that no diviei°n should be taken on
Hun. Colin Campbell, Attorney -Gen-
eral, of Manitoba, urges eonsolidation of
the country sohoole as the best manus of
strengthening the eduaatienal system of
the Province.
A company has been inoorporated at
Ottawa, with a capital of a million dolt
hire, to take over the bueinesaes of the
Masers. Bentham, in Toronto, Montreal,
Ottawa and Winnipeg.
Rev. Dr, Potts and 800 other Sunday
Subool workers trailed from New York
last week for the Holy Land, to attend
the World's Sunday School convention
at Jerusalem next month.
Mr, McLaren, Huntingdon, will
introduce the resolution ot last seeaiou to
prohibit the importation, manufacture
and sale ot cigarettes in Canada. It was
Mr. Bickerdike, who had ()barge of it
lett year.
James Connor and Mre, Anna Graoe,
who eloped from Detroit, and went
througb a form of marriage in Toronto,
pleaded ignorance of the law, but were
settenoed to four and six months' im-
prisonment respectively, by Polies Deni•
Eddie Bennett a former employee of
Kieoerdiue Reporter oflioe and son of
Henry Bennett, formerly of Klnoardine,
was shot dead in an upper room of bis
father's bou-e, at Meaford, on Monday,
14th inst. It appears that he and bis
brother, Alvin, were doing something
with a revolver when lib accidentally die.
charged. Tbe parente brought the re.
lumina to Kincardine for inter.
men!, The young mac, who hi oboist 22
years old, was shot twice before, having
a narrow escape both times, His mole
made the remark at the time that; "he
would kill himself yet," The young mac
made a reply as followe :-"I wander
what the sensation would be 7"
What Exhibitors Say
00 per cont. of Fat Cattle exhibited at
Provincial Winter Lal;, 1003, were fed with
Worthington's Oauadian Stook Tonle.
Dunn RIae,-
We have boon feeding your Stool; Food
to cattle for some tone, and end it to be an
exoalleut tonic. We have also fed it to
horses and pigs, and etre quite sure it is the
best stook fond wo have over tried. Our
prize winning cattle at the Provincial Win-
ter Pair, 1003, were fed Wortbinglttoe's stook
Tonto, LtetetelS & PE611,E14
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Aetou, Ont.
Dunn Suis,-
i Burl your Stock flood is a very excel-
lent Tonto for cattle, giving them to good
appetite and heaping their digestive menus
1u a bodily working °audition. The steer
'Soothe,' exhibited at Winter Fair, weighed
at Meth 80 lbs., at 30 months 200 lbs, making
a gain of 00 lbs, per month, It pays to feed
Worthtogton's Stools Foot,
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Dunn erns, -
Wo have used your Stook Food for bath
Battle and liege cud Bud 14 gives goad Batts-
faction, Several of our cattle have ebown a
sin of over 100 Ilse, per tttontl while teed -
Breeder of Shorthorn Uabbln and 'ork.
shire Hoge, Fergus, Ont,
Nobe the Prloe:
10 lb. box. 200 foods, 60e ; 601b, sack 42,
Mnnufattured hq
Guelph, Out,
For sato by- N, F. GERRY Brusscle
H, F, htsALLiSTi0R, lethal ;
N. R. 0 00titY, Mybi. elu 7
MAR 24, 1904
Deer Perk residents appointed a eom-
mittee to tliemlee annexation with the
Toronto nuthoritiee.
Edward Slaughter Was ootnmibted for
trial at Windeor on the (Marge of murder,
IIs etrnok John Redden with a billiard
ane shortly before Radden's death.
Ron, F. R. Letahford, Minister of Pub
lie Werke, who has been enfleriitg from a
bad cold lately, has been advised by his
phyei0inn to pay a visit to a milder
!,thile for e time. Dar. Le,tnhford may
go before the cloee of the eee.ton.
A public meeting wee he d at Owen
Sound last week for the pnrpoee of
organizing a oompauy to drill for oil or
sae in the aiotuity, Nothing di Milts wee
arranged, but there le eonsiderab'e
enthusiasm over it, and it will likely be
(tarried out.
Sroan, IesoLRilnsTe, FIIItNr1'nntt, ,t0 -
P. S. Scott,, naotiouser, has received in-
ebrnatlons from the umiersigned to sell by
public auction at Ont 4, Oau. 14, Orey, on
THURSDAY, MA.R. Slat,atl o'elosk, the fol-
lowing valuable property, vin.: -1 farmer's
driving horse rising f, years, 1 good worklog
!;orae, 1 fresh cow with calf at foot, 2 farrow
cows, 0 heifers rime 3 years, 3 heifers tis.
ins 2 years, 2 steers rising 2 years, 2 steer
calves 0 store pigs4 mouths old, 12 sheep,
a number of hens, 1 set single harnose, 1 set
team harneon nearly new, 1 Mssaoy earria
binder, 1 Waxen seed drill, 1 hay ratio, 1
Noxon mower, 6 f ant, nearly new; 1lum-
ber wagon, 1 eiugle buggy, 11 double bnggy,
1 cutter, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 faaniug mill, 1
hay reek, 1 hay fork and slings, 1 siugle
furrow plow, 1 two -furrow plow,1 one-horse
garden plow, 1 sat Diamond barrows, 2
relies, 1 turnip slider, 1 sugar kettle. about
lap bushels of Dauber Outs, n qautity Of
hay, 1extension sable, 1 small table, 2 b
rbom suttee nearly Y now, 1 (looking
move, 1
kitchencupboard, Itekan moure, 1 lounge,
o 20-gallo
2-gl ml1 lawn ecream-
ery calm a
nycamamilk tack, 5 serene hers, a
number °f.oom bles and numerous other ar-
ticles. Sale oureesryed its proprietor has
sold his farm. Terme-Alt sumo of 46 and
under cash, over that amount 9 menthe'
credit will be given on furuiabisg approved
joint notes ; 8 per cont. oil for cash ou cre-
dit amounte ; hayand oats to be cash. RM.
1iIT0HI10, proprietor ; bele SOOT.', duo,
kJ Bolt for sale, red iu Dolor and bred
from let prize stook. Lot 23, Oen. 13, Grey.
3. D. McNAIR, Proprietor, Oranbrook P. O.
1..41OR SALE -LOT 207 AND
dwelling thereon, North-west corner
William and Albert streets, Brussels.
49.10 J. LEOB1E.
M ONEY TO LOAN. -$25,000.
We have the above amount of pri-
vate funds to loan on real estate mortgages
at 40 and 6 per neat. Easy terms of re -pay -
in mit and sesta of loan moderate.
Barristers, &o., Goderieh,
Bulls for sale. One is 1 year old and
the other two younger. Also several regist-
ered Oowe and Heifers. Apply to JAMES
SEEM, Lot 30, don. 6, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
sels P. 0. 22•tf
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 21, Ooo.12, Grey,the Tho' -bred Ira -
Proved Large English Berkshire, "Willow
Lodge Swell' -11052- a winner of let prize
at Toronto Exhibition in 1908. Terme, 40.00
it paid at time of service or 31 26 it booked,
tette privilege of returairg if necessary.
88.4" J. P,1010110 TOSH, Proptiator.
vion.-The undersigned will kepip for
service at Ni Lot 17, Oen, 7, Morels, a tlhoro
bred 'Berkshire Boar, bred by W. H. Dur-
ham, York Lodge, East Toronto. Pedigree
may be seen on application. Terms, 31.00,
with privilege of returning if necessary.
28-tf JAS, NICHOL, Proprietor,
License District
East Riding of Huron,
To the Tavern -keepers ctnlcl Others
20100111 it 7710 Concern :
NOTICE is hereby given tbab
Application for Licenses
for the sale of liquors in the Enet Riding et
Huron, for the License Year of 1004-1000,
which oommenees no, the 1st day of May
next, will be roaeivel by the undersigned
from the present date up to
Friday, .April 1st, 1004
inclusive, Applicants mei) furoteb the
names of two good and suf0ulent euretiae as
bondsmen at the time of making applloa-
tiou, Any applicant for a new !!venae must
furnish a certificate signed by a majority of
tilt°lectors entitled to vote at eloations for
!bLegislative Aeeebtbly iu the Polling
Sub -division in which the promisee sought
to he llooused are situated, and the said
Majority muss fulled° at least one-third of
the said electors, who aro at the time of
mush apphoatluu residents within the said
Polling Sub -division,
MO,R, KILLER, Iespeotor.
Jamestown, Mose] 6011, 1900,
A man to represent "OANnn,'s GnitA'r-
DST Nnnesnras" in the town of Brussel°
and eurruanding country, and take orders
tit Fruit 'frees, ;(nsa11 Fruits,
Orhnnlentsels, !!trolls, Roses!
fitted, seed rotate", hie.
Stook true to mime and free tram San
.Jose Scale. A permanent position foe
the right man on either salary or
Stone &Willington
FONTnILL 14015011301100
80.30, ever 800 Acres
Prize Winning Short
'torus for Sale.
Tightyoung hulls from IluPorted nod
home bred cows got by impnotod Sire, Mee
Cows and lioifsre of different ages,
A few pure bred Begtebire Pigs, 10 mange
014, for Bale.
17ave a iiantity of Hoed Petra the Barly
June variety, to dispose of. It is a nlsdtttm
steed whits pea and Were grown .from seed
!'tom emu Noah liar aid Ylsiuod ever 07
book°le to the note, free of bugs.
Will also soil a good aged working and
drlvlcg bores.
00-tf D. MILNE & SON, Ethel,
�i�Aii'b'I TO RENT, 13EIN0 LOT
20, Oen. 16, Grey, Phere are 100 acres,
20 und'dr ealtivation. Apply to JOSEPH F
REDMOND, ou the premises, or iiouortail
1'. 0, 21-E1
Tho nndersigued offers for sale her
exeelleut farm, located on Oen, 10, Grey
tewnshtp, cud containing 168 'notes. 'there
len Comfortable ;rain° enttage, bank horn,
good driving shed, orchard, S°., on the
premises, l'ant r 15 well drained and fenced,
It ie ,Aso wall wate•od by the river Matt
laud nun an invaluable Spring, Coovenieut
to market, wheel duct (Mariam. For price,
terms and other particulars apply on the
Di:� Y apileE gas, Ornnbroult or if by etter to P. 0. 1 50tf
1.00 ACRE
Lot FA11RMGou. 120114.Gro. SALEtown•,
ship. 00 gores bun ,balance bush. There
is a good boast, bunk burn, o onlaid, &a.
Well tonged sue farm to good oouehtcoo ; 26
nerve of Fell 00510,0 in. 6 milds from rue -
nets; only # of a ;mild from church cud
10 miles from school. t ossession rcould
fur -
be given 10 suit the purchaser. 1005 tar-
o ,'be tame &0. ap-
tl r m oculars le E prima, fur -
War particulars 1 p
i- 'UUO1i� 'r'rxis-
o Or the x1m l•, l u A, 1 .1
tor, or at Toa PasT, Brussels, 21-tt
A acres er'st•elass laud in the Township
of Groy-Lot 10, eon. 14, 110 sores ; Lot 17,
Oen 14,100 wee; and Vsr4 Lot 18, 000, 14,
60 soros-250 sores. All in excellent condi-
tion with first.olaes bullrhngi ; brick house
with all =dm oo,',+r eoteno es, and large
bark barn, root and Rom hoose, stables,
&o. Well watered. From 86 to 40 nares of
good hardwood beets. Lot 19, Oen. IS, euu-
tainiu8100 men of first -elites laud, good
frame !house and large bink barn nearly
new, The property min be cold iu two or
three pareeln .50 stilt purobasors, Terms
!thorn!. Also a commodious dwelling house
and lot In Brussels, For terbium particu-
lars apply t0 the aw0er on the premises,
LAIIOHLIN MoN1:lb, or to JNO. 1E01(1E,
Brueola. 21-tf
The Reguler Moutbly Horse Faire will
be held as follows ;-
APRIL 7th, 1904
A somber of leading local and foreign
boyars will be in attendance.
Parties wiebing to Bell live stook of any
deeoription, or other chattels, by auction,
at nob Faire, Dan have the same attend•
eel to by communicating with the ander-
eignod before date of Fair.
F. S. SOO1'1', Clerk.
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repai9s promptly
attended to and all departments
of blackamithing, with a specialty
made of Horse -shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have spent 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of tine public to a good extent.
Call and see us.
Thomas street, Brussels.
11031 & ood
McCangliey Block
our Binders, Rowan, Rakes, Hnrroiss,
Cultivators, Drilla, eco., are not excelled
by any in the market.
To are in Need
of any Form requisite we have it We
RIGHT pries.
This is the Place
for rare values in Gutters and Sleighs,
Harness, Orenn, Separators, Palpere,
Waebere and Wridgere.
To Come
inepe0t our Stook and get, our Prices
is your Golden Oppertanity if you are a
tiller of the soil.
Wagons, Buegiea, Ray Loader., Forks
and Slings, Windmills, Tread Powers,
Ensilage Cutters, &'o , handled in season.
Neil S. McLauch'lin,
Are you Insured ?
If not the Confederation Life Association is
readyto present a proposition that cannot fait
to interest you.
Business in force $36,687,383.00
Guaranteed Capital and Assets,10,568,858.88
Cash Income, 1903 1,595,768.63
W. 0, MACDONALD, Aotuery.
3. K. 1t7AoDonnin, Managing Director.
44NN UW D1 ES.
The Confederation Life Aesooiebion'deo!res to dl'aw:the
attention of the public to the advantagee which may be
secured by the purchase of an Annuity. This is a means
by which a person oan, by the immediate payment of a
oapltal slim, secure a guaranteed incomeeither for a limited
term or for Ihe'fall term of life. More especially ie it the
best method for pereoes somewhat advanced in yearn and
having no one dependent on them to,mahe, absolutely sure
of an lifetime for life,
Whole Life, Joint Life and Sarvivorebip Annuities are
granted by the Aseoaidtion on most favorable terms.
Contains no conditions as to reoldeucu, travel or ooeupabion.
It has but one oondibion, and that is that the premiums
shall be poid.
11 guarantees Extended Inenrande for the full amountof
the policy, or a Paid.up Policy er a Oasts Surrender
Value lifter 8 years,
It guarantees Oaeh Loans after 8 years,
It guarantees Libetet Instalment Options,
It allows 80 day,' grace in payment of Renewal Pi minim.
Local Agent