HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-24, Page 1a
Vol. 32. No, 37
New Advertisements.
Looa I—Geo. Robb,
Loottl—Robt, Close,
March Fex.
Auotiou ole—Jas. E Ilio,
Loot—Thomas McGregor.
Binder twine—J. M. Platt,
To aontraotore—A, G. Smillie,
Millinery opening—Flise Little.
Spring opening—Mines lelabkirk.
Bylaw No. 212—Grey Township,
Spring Millinery—Roohe & Hayeroft.
Notin to orecilbere—Prondfo Heys
Mistritt tketrs,
act arteRt0 wee .
John Simpson will work for a farmer
near Lietowel for the Summer months.
Many vieitore in We township were
waiting far treat to reopen in order to
reach home again,
Abe Btehop, having bought the farm of
Jae. Elliott, 8th on., will be moving
away from his farm on the Brd 0013.
shortly, Hie neighbors and friends will
be sorry to lose him and bis wife.
W $11 0.5)00
MATEINONIAL.-0q the evening of Wed-
nesday, 9th inst., e. pleasing ceremony
was•performeci at the re..idenoe of W. R.
Efomphries, when Rev. I. M. Webb, of
Brunets, tied the matrimouird knot
between John Hall, of Gaineboro, N. W.
T., formerly of Morrie, and Mies Jemima
daughter of the host end bostses. Mies
Ryan played the Wedding 'March ae in-
terested parties took their planes fur the
aeremouy. A very becoming costume ol
white wan worn by the bride. Hearty
congratuletione were tendered, a splen-
did repast partaken of sod an enjoyable
evening spent by all. hIr. Hall and bride
took a weddiug tour to Battle Creek end
Kalamazoo, Miob,, and on their return
visited in this toothy before leaving on
Tuesday last for their home at Gains.
boro, where the groom has a fine farm
where he lute spent several years. Many
good wishes will follow Mr. and Mrs.
Hall for a happy life, with enough of
the treetp:es of earth to enable them to
enjoy the comforts of this life. Top
Poe throws an editorial slipper after
Naetedlattat ae.
John &Arica, a well known aloKillop.
ite, who has been so dangerously ill witb
an attack of inflammation of the bowels,
ie improving nioely now his many frieude
will be glad to hear.
The gravel road has a great lot of snow
on 10 10 most places and will be quite ion.
passible for a few days ae horses break
through. A real good plowing out
would beaten the removal of the snow
Malatacie Coutrous—Ooanall met in
Christopher White's, Leadbury, 00 Tuna
day Marob 15th, all the member preeent.
Minutes ef former meeting read and
adopted. A. by law was passed appoint.
ing tPoundkeepers, Fenoeviewers and
Pathogasters. Those needing help from
Poundkeepers and Fatioeviewers will
remember the following names :—Pound-
kespere, Putricill Maloney, Timothy Ryan,
Conrad Eckert, Thomas Davidson, James
Dorrance, George A. Gray, George Mo-
lise and John Balfour. Feooeviewers,
Bernard O'Clonuall, Archibald Ferguson,
James Davidson, Micantel O'Loughlin,
Alexander Kerr, John McDowell, William
MaGavio and Michael Relearn, and every
fourth man a Pathmaeter. The Reeve
and Olerk were authorized to sign a
petition requesting the Legislature not to
repeal the Statute paned last year for
County Coupon members to represent
each munioipalitv. Anounte were paid
amounting to 028.00. Connell adjourned
to meet in Christopher White's, Lead
bury, on Thrneday, April 14th, at 1
o'oloek, p. no. JNo, 0. Montane, Olerk,
PASSED Awa,—An old resident of this
locality °reseed over the river of death on
Friday of last week at 12 °admit, in the
person of George Mordaun, who was in
hie 71st year. He bad been ailing a good
Maitre of the Witter witb la grippe and
bronohitis ensued the Tuesday previous
to bis demlee. Mr. Abalone was born
in the Co. Cavan, Ireland, and oame to
Canada when 18 years of age, He made
his home in Fullarton, Perth On., before
ooneing to Huron where he lived in Mor,
rut townelup before touting in Molltllop •
19 years ago, Mrs, MoDlteun's maiden
noose was Hannah Haddon and ber home
was at Bovemanville. She and 13100
ohildren survive husband and father.
The 8 daughters are :—Blre. 'James
Niahulson, 'Winthrop Mrs. F. Elliott,
Goderioh ; Mrs. Jno, McLeod, Ethel ;
Mrs. George McKay, Mouorieff ; Pare,
George Pettersou, Hallett ; hire. duo.
Shortreed, Morris ; Mrs. Thos. William•
sou, Grey ; and Miss Kate, at home,
Harry is the only son. George died some
21 years ago. Mr, McMann was a mem.
ber of the Methodist °boob and had a
large circle of friends. The funeral took
pleas on Sunday afternoon lasI, Rev.
Alfred Andrews, of Walton, oondmting
a suitable interne, Burial was made at
Brussels cemetery.
Jno. Hopper purchased the old 'Trys-
ts! Palen" from the Agrioultural Society
for 650. He will tear it down and
remove it,
James Robertson and wife, North of
this village, Impose leaving next Tees.
day for Boissevain, Mao., where they
intend making their borne. He has a
farm up there and is taking a oar of
settlers' dictate with him. Their many
friends wish them encases.
Rev. F. J. Oaten, formerly of Belgrave,
mourns the death of his father, Robert
Oaten, an aotive worker in the leethodiet
March, and for over fifty years a fool
preacher. He died at bis home In Toron•
00 00 Sunday, February 28, after an
illness of two weeks, aged seventy.seven
yore. He leaves a widow, two eons and
four deaghtere ; both gone are miuisters.
The Haman Poet of last week says of
a former resident :—The evangelietio
services being held at present in both the
Methodist and Evangelical oburobes are
being largely attended, and there is an
evidence of molt spiritual quickening
and revival power. At the Methodist
Menlo, where Rev. Mr. Oaten, of Mel-
bourne, is assisting Rev. Mr. Dearth, a
good work is being done. Rev. Mr.
Oaten, though not a professional avenge.
list, has a foroeful style, commendably
meausational, which together with a
pleasing pereonality, b. fit him to % con-
siderable degree to awaken and tomb
hie hearers. He has been endowed with
a good voice, and his singing is very
ITV yet acre neer -
Charlie Andrews, of Gorrie, spent Sun-
day in the village.
Jae. Pullin bas tendered bis resignation
as caretaker of the school.
Mies Ella Neale, of Rowlett, was the
guest of Mrs. J. Laokie over Sunday.
Geo. Town has returned from a few
days visit at hie bis old home in Seaforth.
John Hartley was in Brunetti oe Soo -
day taking the work of Rev. I, M. Webb.
IL McLeod has returned from Wiartoo
where he has been employed for some
Rev. J. W. Holmes, of Gorrie, exahang-
ed pulpits with Rev. L A. !McKelvey last
Mise Nettie Ewing, of Teeswater, was
the meet of her slater, Mre. Geo. Allan,
on Thursday.
At time of writing, (Taetday) it is not
expected that a train will get through
until the latter part of the week.
Wallowa Leckie left last week for Lon.
don where be visite tor a short time be.
fore leaving for Coldwater, Minh.
Owing to the blockade and non-orrival
of their paper supply it is three weeks
Men the Star has been published.
A large number of young people of the
village spent a sordid evening at the home
of Throe. Baird, North Gorrie, last Wed.
need ay.
A. number who have been employed on
the railroad for the past few weeks re
thread last Friday being almost snow.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby.
teriau March will hold a elootote eooial in
the basement of the church on the even.
ing of Gond Friday,
A meeting of'the Lord's Day Alliance
will be held in the Methodist church
Friday evening and oonduated by Rev.
T. A. Moore, of Toronto.
We are celled upon this week to report
the demise of a former resident of this
locality in the person of William Miller,
of Prime Albert, N. W. T., who departed
this life on Friday of Int week, aged 72
years. DOCNASOCI• was a brother to Is
epeotor Joe. R, Miller and Co. Counaillor
Robert Miller, of this vicinity and was a
a man worthily and highly esteemed by
many. He was born in Berwiokehire,
We invite the Ladies of Brussels
and surrounding country to our
Spring Millinery Opening to be
hold on
Wednesday, Thurs. & Saturday
lard HI 81 & April 2
when we will have a display of the Latest
Styles and Novelties in Millinery.
A choice stock of BEADY-TO.WEAR
EATS to hand that cannot fail to please.
Call in and see them.
We are determined to please our Patrons.
Sootland, and bee been a resident of
Pianos Albert for a number of years.
The subject of this notioe was a Liberal
in polities and a Pesebyterian in religion.
He was well -to do and will be kindly
Cs -,tall kt rook.
Mrs. T. Calder returned lust week from
a visit wibh triode in Sarnia.
Jno, Knight, a well known resident of
thin lonlity, will shortly remove to Lon.
Geo, Forreet, formerly of tbie vicinity,
but now of Wingham, made a abort visit
hers that week,
Matthew and ales. Cameron have
moved to the Fisaher farm, where we
hope many prosperous yore may attend
Township Treasurer MoNeir was at
Ethel last Monday attending the meeting
ot the Council. He is an important man
and mach sought after at then gatherings.
The total contributed by Cranbrook
Presbyterian March for the Oenteuary
Bible Soaiety Fund was $25 89. The
Sabbath School gave $3.00 of this
amount, a good offering for both °berate
and eahool.
There in some talk in tbie locality of
the formation of a mood Beef ring.
Theo desirous of taking part in it are
milted to leave word at A. MoDonald's
store as early as possible so that arrange-
ments may be completed for the nano.
Goon PROGEASI.—Ort Friday afternoon
ot last week an interesting and imbrue,
tive program was rendered by the pupils
of the Pablio School. Several vieitore
ware present and all thought the papils
acquitted themselves very creditably.
The following was the program :—Reai.
tattoo, Arthur Fax ; recitation, Lula
MoDonald ; solo, Niles E. Calder; tab
lean, "The old Maids" ; reoitation,
David Poole recitation, Nettie Ray
mann ; Bolo, Roy Cunningham ; reef
tation, Muriel Sperling ; reaitatiou,
Hartley Menzies ; daet, Allis Forrest
and Myrtle Sperling ; recitation, Mies
L. Medley ; recitation, Jessie Menzies ;
solo, Hartley Menzies ; reeitation, May
Hunter; recitation, Roy Cunningham ;
recitation, Myrtle McDonald ; chorus,
Primary girle ; reeitation, Raman Alder
son ; reoltation, Lillian Dark ; recitation,
Victoria, Sperling ; solo, Ida Sharpe ;
dialogue, Mina Fox and Emma Hunter ;
recitation, "Days of the week" ; Moog,
Five girls ; charade, pupils of Senior
Grey Council met here on Monday.
Mrs. Beaoon, of Monett, was visiting
relatives here.
George and Mre. Dobson were visitors
at Atwood last week.
Clark Sanders, of Toronto, is visiting
bis brother in-law, Isaac Lake.
W. D. W. Eoltmier has taken a posi•
tion in Atwood. We wish bim every
A neighboring fistiauff enooanter came
up for review before our local J. Pis. on
Monday evening.
Miss Armstrong, of Palmerston, and
Miss Harrison, of Luakuow, were visitors
at Geo, Welob's, 6th eon.
Moody and Mies Maggie Tiodell, who
were visiting relatives and friends here,
left for Toronto last week.
The people of Hein locality will not be
sorry to en the last of this Winter and
the return to regularity by trains and
John Slemmon left last Monday for
hie home in Regina, N. W. T. Ile bad
been here for pearly three months. He
expected to meet in with bloody Tindall,
formerly of this locality, at Toronto.
The aolleation taken in the Presbyter.
inn ohuroh here for the Centenary Fund
of the British and Foreign Bible Society
amounted to $6 21. It was remitted to
the Treasurer of Brussels Brooch to be
forwarded to Toronto.
Fred. D. Kellner has sold bis 100 aare
farm to Geo, Grubber and gives possess-
ion the 10Ith day of April. Along with
his mother and sister he will take a trip
to sonny Alberta. We wish them a safe
and pleasant trip sod hope it may ire.
prove their health.
The beet number of the Canadian
Forester gives the following note eon -
miming the Court of the 0. 0. F. here ;—
Deo SIR AND B110.-11aV ifiN read with
pleasure the reports from different 0ourte
throughout the Dominion, I thought
perhaps some Bro, reader of the Forester
would like to heat from Coma Ethel No.
261. At our regular meeting, on the 14th
of January, our new offioers were installed
by Bro. Wm. E. Sanders, Court Deputy,
assisted by Bo. F. F. Freeman, as
Marshal. Court Ethel No. 261, bas its
regular meetings in Eakuaier, Hall. We
have a fairly good Court of about 90
member in good standheg and have added
2 new members this year and hope to add
enough to make One hundred before the
year closes. Last year we bad Bro. R.
Ooopland here to egoist no and not with.
standing the busy time of seeding in the
Spring we added nineteen new members,
We extend a hearty invitation to all
Bretbreu who visit oar Wale village of
Ethel to 'tome and enjoy a night with the
Brethren of Court Tithe).
FOUND DIDADig Ban,—The Mount For•
set paper ot the 10th in st. eays :—Henry
Dilworth, the well known and highly re-
printed resident of Minto Township,
whose home ban ear Melgund P. al, bro.
thee of Robert Dilworth, of this locality,
pearled away in death Saturday night in
a very shookingl y sudden manner. He
and his eon were engaged about bile barn
during the day °Inning up grain and
doing the reborn, life never had much to
complain of in the matter of 111 health,
so therefore no one imagined for a am.
ment that hie last day on earth bad come.
In the peening be enjoyed his supper ae
teener joking with some friends, who
were visiting the family. The only re -
math he made that afterwarde caused
hie friends to think he was not feeling
right, was to Mrs, G. A. Boise, one of the
gents, to whom he said he believed he
was oetohing a oold as he felt aore hound
his body, at the same time pegging his
hand over the region of Ilia 'heart, At
ton °ado& he retired bet Mrs. Dilworth
and her visitors ootttittned talking
about midnight and on going Into the
room at the hour Mrs. Dilworth noticed
bar husband lying very still and white
with one area raised above his head,
Wooer examination revealed the tut that
be was unooneoiooe, Hie son Wesley
hitobed up au quick as possible and
drove to flarristou for n doctor and the
nearest neighbor, James ado0aw, was
called in, and restoratives used at ome
Mt the spelt had find The donor pro
mantled death doe to heart failure. De'
(wood was in hie 63 year ; was born in
County Armagh, Ireland, and when 22
years of age oame to Canada landing at
Quebec and proceeding to Hamilton.
After a reeidenn of a year and a half at
the latter place, he went to Fordwiab,
where,in a short time, he became mail
earner between there and. Wroxeter,
holding that position for two years. He
bought a lot and built a hone at
Fordwioh and was married to Mies
Emma Barrie, who still survives him.
After selling his Fordwich property, he
bought a 50 erne farm on the 3rd 000. of
Howiok and resided there until 17 years
ago when he sold and pot -abased the 125
Bore farm in Minto, where he resided
until God's holy angels beckoned him
away. Besides bin widow be is survived
by eight children two having died. The
earvivore are :—Wrn. J. Fred J. and Mb.
F., in Bowbelle, North Dakota, Letitia 0.,
and Robert, of Park River, North Dak.
kota, Mre, W. B. Chambers, of Voltaire,
North Dakota and Wesley D. and Nor
man ab home. Mr. Dilworth leaves two
Meters, Mies Elizabeth, who still remains
in the Old Country, and Mies Mary A..,
in Toronto, and one brother, Robert, of
Ethel. In religion the subjeot of this
notice wee a member of the Methodist
Ohuroh of Mount Forest and in polities
was a Coneervative. He was of a quiet
though sunny and jolly disposition and
never sought to become prominent in a
publics way. Not only was he dearly
loved in bis home but ae a neighbor woo
a large °irate of friends by his kind•
nese and readiness to assist in
sieknese or tremble. Hie funeral on
Tuesday of last week was largely attend.
notwithetauding the bad roads. Hie
remains were interred in the Hurriston
Oemetery, Rev. Mr. Liddy, of that town
offioiating. The bereaved have the sym-
pathy of the entire community. The
pall bearere were Jas. Mo0aw, H. D.
Darroch, J. J. Bracken, G. Kirby, A.
Brooks, and D. MoDermid.
Mart rrita-
By the Bylaw passed at last Council
meeting atook is prohibited from running
loose an the road allowenoes.
Druggist A. L MoOall, of Ohatham,
was home on a abort visit on Tuesday of
tbie week. Hs has a good business in
Kent's capital and is a shrewd manager,
Mre. Jas. Turnbull, 5th line, has been
laid up with rheumatism for some weeks
bat we hope she will eoon be better. Mr.
Turnbull is also poorly with a stomaoh
Simnel MoOraoken and Oliver Kelling.
ton, 4th line, who have been attending a
Barbering School at Chicago for the
past 8 weeks, are home on a visit. They
are now open for situations.
Albert MoCall and wife, 7th line, in•
tend removing to Manitoba this Spring.
Jas. McCall, who sold bis farm at Holy
rood, Brun Co., will, assooiated with hie
brother Peter, work the homestead here.
A reoeption, or home WarrOing, Was
held at the home of W. M. and Mrs. Cook,
5th line, when a very enjoyable tine was
wont by the company. We weloome
Mrs. (took to Morris and hope she and
her husband will spend many happy,
prosperous yeare here,
nun SOLD.—W. B. Wilkinson dieposed
of hie 100 mores, South a Lot 12, Con. 5,
to Alex. Nichol, 6th line, for the sum of
$4,000. Alex. McNeil and family, who
are returning from Fort William, will
take possession. Mre. McNeil is a
daughter of Mr. Nichol% F. S. Scott,
Brussels, negotiated the sale. It is said
Mr. Wilkinson will remove to a 150 acre
farm near Ripley for wbiah be paid
08,000. Mr. Wilkineou is an old resident
of Morrie and the removal of himself and
and family will be greatly regretted by a
large oirole of friends.
Wm. Miohie jr., and Robert Clerk
intend leaving next Tuesday for Leth.
bridge, Alberta District. This 10 0.
prospecting trip and may result in the
taking up of farms, wooing back after
housekeepers and settling down for life.
Mr. Michie left Thursday nf this week
for a visit with relatives ab Hespeler and
in Halton 0o. before going Weet. We
wish the boys an enjoyable and semen.
fel trip.
FelleeNTATIONS.—The Prairie Witness
of Indian Head, N. W. T., of March 12
gives the following interceding partioala re
=naming a former resident of Morrie
in the moo at W. T. Mooney, eldest
son of Maury Mooney, formerly of the 5th
line, now at Weybarn :—'The members
of the Methodist Murals farewelled W.
T, Mooney and wife on Thursday night.
A. scemble and enjoyable evening Wail
spent. A pleasant feature was the pos.
entation of au addrees to both, an easy
chair to Mn, Mooney and a set of dinner
dishes to Mrs. Mooney. Short speeobee
WON MaCla by Mn, Mooney on behalf of
himself and hie wife, and by Rev, Ben.
nett, Meeere. B, J. Brooke and Orobard.
General regret was expressed at the
departure of this esteemed pair, who have
always been among the ohtmoh's promin-
ent eupportere and workers.
W. T. and Mrs. Mooney, of Patio Play
dietriot, reeetved a ph:meant surprise tram
a few of the neighbors who dropped into
gee them on Monday evening. A eery
pleasant evening was spent by all. After
luneheon Mr. Marden se, took the chair
and oalled upon Jno. Miller to read an
address to their host earn bonen, While
101. Billett presented them with a very
handeome oloek. Mr. Mooney in reply.
ing on behalf of himself and his wife
heartily thanked all for theft many
kindnenes. He assured them that they
would always plane aide old neighbors
among their treed Mende, and wished
for them continued prosperity and
emcees in the Wore. The presentation
and midterm were followed by opeeehee
from Thos. Smith and Mt. Marden,
ararmosmara.A.avx. MIONSIONIOVII
MEWS, pane, elm The 000aSj00 as
;tally of our readers are aware was a
furewell to Mn. and Mre. Mooney who
have sold oat here mud intend removing
to Grand Coulee io a few days. Their
many triennia joie in the sentiments ex
pressed in the addreee and hope Mutt
oontiuued happiness and prosperity
await them in their new home, The
following is a Copy of the address :--
Dian FIUDNDB, — We, your ueighbore,
baying heard with regret, of your intend-
ed removal from our midst, feel that we
would like to express to you, in this tor.
mal way, before your departure, the deep
respeat you have won from ue all during
your residence among us. Yon have hoo
true neighbors, ready ever to assist as,
many times even at the muffin of your
own oomforts and interests, iu the many
harchhips and difficulties of the Western
pioneer life, Quiet, and unassuming, you
have been ever ready to help on any im•
provement that was to the welfare of our
district Yon have eat us all an example
in induetry, and we have noticed with
pleasure the 811000Be that has °ravened
your efforts. In abort, you have been
neighbors ; Mende in need ; partners in
our eorrowe as well ae oar joys : and best
of all, examples in aprightnese of living.
We would ask you tomooept this present,
es a token of our esteem, and good
wiehes. And wherever in the future you
may tree fit to reside, may its hours re
mind you of the years you spent among
ue, and may our memories of each other
last longer than its abimee.
eet: es sees.
Mrs. D. Patterson and son are weloo
vieitore as the home of John Brown, 10
Miss Emily Mason and her coned
Mies Latta Masora of Toronto, are vie
ing in Howiok this week.
Joshua Atwood, who was at Galt, 1
several months, arrived home last Seta
day and will remain here for the So
Geo. Kerr has been ander the doctor
oars tue past few weeks with rhecimatis
Hie many friends wish him a, speed
A. and Mrs. Tennant have remove
from the 3rd Ooo, to Trout Greek, when
they purpose making their home. W
wish them good luck.
Ab the township Omuta last Moeda
the Beltway Bylaw was finally pane
and the promulgation notice appears i
Tun POST tbie week.
Inspector Robb visited S. S. No. 1
Monday forenoon, and reports everythin
in first class order. This is a note
praise for Mn, Straohan, the teacher.
Tuesday of this week James Mitchel
12th coo., celebrated hie 77th birthda
and is hale and hearty. He will have a
attrition sale of farm stook on Tuesda
afternoon of next week ea be has sold b
farm and will retire from farming.
John Clark has sold bis farm, bein
lot 18, on the 17th con., to John R
WtIliamson. The farm mourning 10
acmes and bas on it a bank barn and ne
brick bones erected last Summer. Th
price ie said to be 04,000. Mr. Clark ha
purahaead the threshing outfit of M
oomprieing a Bell traotio
engine and Clinton esparafor, all in goo
Hand Mrs. Porter entertained a nom
ben of young people on Monday evaniu
of last week. Although the weather wa
anything but favorable a good time we
pat in by all, The music was supplie
by Taylor & Duni:meson and Will. Ma
Nair and Will. Menary, 9th aon., nom
panted by Miss Maggie Porter and Lore
Taylor on the orgau. Such gathering
are very frequent ou the 9:11 con. thi
uva.—TheNeepawa paper Saye :—
A very pretty ceremony took place a
"Poplar Grove," the home of Mrs. Waite
Seeley, on Thersday when her eldea
daughter Eliza was married to Adam
Steles, formerly of Craubrook, Ont., and
now of Neepawa. Their pastor, Rev.
Hunt James, offiziated. Tbe bride was
assisted by her sister, Mise Gertie Seeley
and the groom by Roslyn Drysdale, n
Inkerman. The wedding dress of the
bride was a beautiful light blue Bilk
trimmed with pearl on:temente. The
bridesmaid wore white organdie trimmed
with appligae. The bride wee given
away by J. W. Dryedale. After the
ceremony about ane hundred guano eat
down to an exotica tamper prepared of
the riallegb detiottoies. Supper finished
the health of the young people was pro.
paged by Rev, Mn. Jarvis in words whiola
My expressed the high esteem and re.
gad in which they were held by their
many friends, W. G. Pollook, reeve of
Langford, responding in an Mole manner.
Tee evening wee spent in various amuse
meute, The following is a list of the
veddiug presents :—Geo. and Mrs. Her
er, silver berry dish ; Mr. and Mrs.
Nadam ahina berry set ; Me, mid Mo.
Vetters, orystal tea set ; Owen and Mrs,
(alley, glass tea set ; Miss Sophie
ennedy, Mina oup, saucier and plate ;
r. and Mo. Dempsey, ladies collar,
in ooshion and china berry sat ; Missnant,
rant, °hint; fruit dish ; Roslyn Dlyedale,
him cup, gamer and plate ; Geo, Bike.
y, mooing set ; W. G. and Mrs. Pollock,
lass fruit set ; Mrs. Cruikehank, China
Reber ; Arnold and Lesfie Seeley, niokle
eapot and stand ; Mrs. Walter Seeley,
edroone set ; Mies Lento Seeley, Bet of
one ; Mies Gerrie Seeley, half dozen
earl handled donna knives; Wm.
Rhona pickle dish ; Mies Maggie
ruiltehaults, chinvase ; Mies Biikt
ruikehanks, pair glees vane ; Alex.
telikshanks, China butter dish ; Thee,
nd Mae. Newton, glen tea set ; Jan. and
re. Derk, glass tea est ; Geo. Tiftryeriale,
eater lamp ; R, and Mrs, Gordon, silver
apkin ring ; R. MoLttren, ellen salt and
epper set; ), end W. Pollock, glass tea
; and Nellie Lloyd, silver stager
ell and butter knife ; Edith Brython,
alf dozen forks ; Mn. and Mo.
ttohereu, silver tea spoon ; Nelson,
If dozens tea operate ; W. Moltren,
If dozen tea spoons and Omar alien ;
rank Ennis, silver berry dish ; Edithswbon,
ewton, soon berry spoon ; Lottie
Wean, hell dozen table napkined Stanley
rysdals, pet: MOO ourtains 1 J. 3. and
re. Bleak, Mote bed spread ; Minn
ettie find Nellie Molattea, white bed
it -
22. h
W. H. KERR, Prop,
spread 13. F. and hire, Dell, white bed
spread ; Minn Mate and Effie Bigg,
white bed spread ; Wm, end Mo. Watt,
white bed ironed ; J. W. and Mrs.
Drysdale, pair white blankets Mina
Drytdate, pair towels ; John Mt:Laren,
pair linen towels ; J. and Aire. Kennedy,
linen table Moth •, Mr. and Mrs. Fox,
linen table Cloth ; Berl Gullaoher,
Manilla table oover Mn. and Mrs, hear.
ner, °entre table, Skalding & MaElroy,
niokle pudding dish.
°DAWNED OWNERS.—D. KslIner sold
Lot 27, Con. 5, nutatuing 100 mos, to
(leer& Grubber, of Grey, last week, for
the sum of 54,209 and poineseion will be
given early111 April. Mr. Kellner will
bold a °leering gale of nook, implements
and boneehold furniture on Wedueeday
afternoon of next week, wbleti will be
oonduoted by Auotioneer Scott who also
made the farm sale. The Milner family
purpose removing from Grey and wil
make their home at Edmonton, N. W. T
They have been old residents of Grey
end many good wishes will follow them
to their Western home.
Wednesday of this week 'Proemial
Smith disposed of his farm, Lot 6, 0.101.
6, containing 100 gores, to Moses Doti, of
Braun% the price being $4,100. The
puratutear gets pc:monition iu the near
future so ae to get in the Spring arop.
F. S. Scott made the sale. Mr. Smitb
will hold an motion sale of stook sod
implements on Tuesday, April
Sob, and will retire from farming
as bis health has not been ae VigOrOOS ae
in days of yore. He bas resided on the
farm Inc about 25 years. Mr. Dull has
not been farming of tate bot is well
acquainted with the ornate departments
of farm life and will do well we have no
duabt. •
The fiats 150 sore farm of Jas. Elliott,
8th coo., was bought last week by Abram
Bishop, of the 2nd non, who recently
cold hie own farm. He will get panne -
ion about the middle of April. The prioe
paid was $9,500. Parra is in excellent
shape, with good boildinge. Mr. Elliott
purohased it 12 years ago from lbs estate
of the late John Forbad. An emotion
sale of farm stook, implements, is an.
noaneed for next Monday afternoon by
Mr. Elliott. The probabilities are that
Dar. and Mrs. Elliott and family will
m .ve to Brussels and take a holiday from
farming for a time. We hope they will
not get far away ae they have many warm
friends in this community. Mr. Bishap
made no mistake in securing this farm.
The annual meeting of the 0. L. A.
will be held in Toronto on Good Feiday.
Kidd Bros., of Listowel, have entered
"Perfect Dream" in the King's Plate at
"Brown" Jackson, of Seaforth, is a
amdidate for the President's obair of the
0, L. A.
The international football match be.
tweeu Ireland and Wales under neaoctia•
tion rules was won by Ireland by 1 goal
to nothing.
Masers. Jaokson end Fair, of Clinton,
will be two numbers of the Ontario
Lawn Bowler's team who will visit the
Old Country. The team will sail from
Montreal on May 26th.
The Marlboro's, of Tavietook, have
reorganized and will enter the W. P. A.
again this year. The Olub oarried a ea
debt over from last year. A oomert will
be given the last al this month to help
them out.
Harrieton defeated Listowel ab Harris.
ton on Saturday night in hoakey by a
eaore of 14 pale to 1. In doing this
Harrieton won the obampionship of the
Northern League by a lead of 9 goals.
Listowel heldthe ahampionsing for two
The Stare, of Mildmay, last Wednes-
day evernop, Bleated the following onions
Piseident, Dr. Macklin ; Ham
Vine President, E. N. Btxtabert ; Presi
dent, Dr. Doering ; Vioe-Preeident, Wm.
Berry ; Captain, 3. A. Johnston 1 Beare.
tary-Treasurer, P. D. Liesmere ; Deka
gate to the W. F. A., Dr. Doering.
The annual pleating of the Galt Foob.
ball Club will be held on Friday night.
As the meeting reports will be presented
ooveriug perhaps the most enociessful
year in the history of the olab. Daring
1908 44 matches were pleyed, about 40 of
which were won. An extended report of
the Manitoba trip will also be presented.
Officers will be elected and the proposed
St, Louis Exposition trip disonqsad,
Delegates will be appointed to the meet.
ing of the W. le. A, in Berlin on Good
The moue,' meeting ot the Seaforth
Lawn Bowling Olnb was held on Monday
evening, when the following officers were
elected i—Ohaplain, Rev. J. W. Hudgins 1
patrone, George MoEsven, M. P., H.
Either, M. P. P. ; President, James
MoMiehael ; Vioe-President, Alex. Wil.
son ; Secretary, W, D. IttoLean ; Treas.
nor, 3, S. Roberta ; Committee, W. D.
Bright, W, G. Willis, R. Hays, J. 0.
Grate, J. M. Beet ; Hou. Members, W.
K. Pearce, E. 0. Coleman, D. T. Hop.
burn, M. Morrie, G. Aetzel, Robert Logan
and F. 0. G. Minty. The date set tor
the tenth annual tournament was July
12th and following days.
0,8.Ramsey, the local manager of the
Traders' Bank of Canada, St. three,
died endcledly early Tumidity morning,
Hearb faders was the dense, He wax
Mutt 65 years of age, mid wae an old
resident of the town.
Romilci McNeil died at Stratford at the
residence ot his sou -in law on Saturday
evening, at the advanced age of 106 years,
McNeil was born In Sootland in Auguet,
1796, and name bo Canada in the early
forties, (tattling in Stratford. In the Old
Otanitry he was s oiler and fisherman,
but worked here as a mann until he
retired, a few yore ago. Until 2 roan
ego he was quite active. He Was enable
to understand English, his only tongue
being the Gaelio. Shortly after morning
to °attach, he married Miss Hate OelDet-
on, who survives him, and also a family
01 five daughters and two eons, Mr, Mo.
Neil was by Many years the oldest pet son
in Stratford EWA one of the few in C1411., ft
Oda who have lived in throe oenlatriee. Stratford.
Tis was a member of the Roman Catholic
°Moll and was loaded oa Tuesday
PrnitlIestitutoi Matings.
The following Fruit:Institute meetings
are tu be held cloning Mara and April, by
delegates, A. E. Sherrington, Walkerton ;
and P. J. Carey, Fruit Division, Ot-
tawa :—
Exeter, Taeaday, Marob(29.°
Zurich, Wednesday, Menlo 80,
Goderiab, Thursday, Mara 81,
Blyth, Friday, April 1,4:
Brussels, Saturday, April:2,
Luoknow, Monday, April 4,
Kt nordine'Tuesday, Aprid5th,
Teamster, Wednesday, April MI,
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met according to ,adjonru•
mens in the 0ounail room, illorrie,1001
Mania l4ilt41904. Members all preseut
the Reeve 10 toe chair. Mioutee of last
rneettvg read and paned. A coramat.•
!cation wee reoeived from the Clerk or
Ent Wagvauoeh stating that the °mond
of said tow:oat:lip Manned to acknowledge
their liability for a certain item of 06,31
on the boundary line automat for putting
in a culvert on said boundary at We.a
sad of 8rd line of Morris, On motion ot
Taylor and Coda the Clerk was iustruoted
to notify the Clerk of East Wawanoeh
that this Outman will hold them respou.
eibie fur the amouut of said item, the
oulvert being purely for the benefit of Use
Bounder road. On motion of:Jackson
and Taylor tbe Clerk was lustruoted to
prepare a By-law prohibiting all stook
from running at large in Ode municipal-
, ity. By-law No, 3, 1904 for the epurpose
of granting bonus to the Guelph Janation
Beltway Go. was read aud on motion of
Code and Sbaw was ordered,to be publish-
ed according to statute lu the Blyth Stand-
ard. .4. oommanioation was received
from the Oleo of Grey re repairs on
Emmen boundary. On motion of Oode
and Shaw no aution was taken, A.000nate
were ordered to be paid as follows :—P.
Amens grinding grader knives, 08.50 ;
Treasurer Matfett blind line attempt,
$33,89; McDonald estate elm plank, 720.:
Arne. Clark abarity to Miens Fleming,
$6.00. Pathmasters were then appointed
as follows :—North Boundary, C. Hen.
dereou, W. J. fiendersou, T.& Seeder.
son, Jno. MoOrsokeu, Geo. McDonald,
D. Patton, J. Curtis and P. Moffatt ; let
line, D. W. Campbell, A. Oampbell, K.
Jameson, A. 1110Eveau, 3. Robb, W. J.
Johnston, W. Aimee and A. Forrest; 2nd
line, Wm. Fiudlater, Jao. Onemore,
Wm. Elston, L. Jewett, I. Ferrand, S.
Pew, W. Forrest and Won. Moires ; 8rd
lens, A. Brydges, Geo. Hanna, W13:1.
Geddes, W. H. Knox, J. Thyne, W. J.
Bomb, H. Bone, Wm. Sellars and R.
Mitchell ; 4th line, Ohas. McCrea, W. 0.
Praetor, R. Nicholson, Jno. Wheeler, C.
H. Wueeler, J. B. Kearney, Jno. Sburrie,
Jas. Sherrie and A. °rocas ; 5th line,
Geo. Praetor, A. Cloakey, Jas. Russel, F.
Martin, A. Taylor, T. Clark, D. Sommer.
ville. W. J. Smith, Jas. Davis, D. Jordan
and A. Atlanta ; 6,h line, .1. Graeby, A.
T. Cole, R. Young, T. Russel, P. McNabb,
W. 11. aloCatobeou, R. Niobol and Wm.
Thaell ; 7th liue, P. Eidson, M. Healy,
Jno, Craig, Geo. Plaice, P. Kelly, A.
Howlett, S. MoCall, A. Button, Wm.
Bird, R. Bewley F. famish ; Eith line, H.
Fear, H. Richmond, W. 0. Laidlaw, J.
MoCiall, T. Bleiby, R. Skelton, P. Jack-
son, Jno. Bell, Geo. Kelly sed A, Knight;
Ooh liue, J. Snell, Jno. Parrot, 0. Taylor,
J. Jeakeou, Jno. Latdlaw, W. 3. Short -
reed, A. Sboldioa, Geo. Kirkby, Geo.
Grigg and Wm. Delaney ; Bast Boundary,
A. Bryans, 14. McLane:Min, J. Spam. and
J. Bulger ; Walton, T. Weglooro ; West
Boundary, J. Gotley, Wm, McCrea, T.
Gasmen and J. Cummings ; Belgre.ve, J.
L. Geddes. The numb then aajoutned
to meet again ou the 80th of May next
for °curt of Revision and other busineee.
W. Clam, Clerk.
CUM arlitau .No vyto.
Manitoba bag just experienced the
heaviest snowfall of the year.
The Messrs. Southern are negotiating
for the purchase of The Winnipeg Tele-
Worry nut 153 residerne of Ontario to
the Assumes Ian year. Work is better
than worry.
proposal has been made Inc a oloser
union of Canadian Baptists in foreign
Mission work.
Wm. S. Hamilton was committed for
trial on a Marge of manslaughter in the
killing of John Fitzgerald at Ottawa.
The Graud Orange Tam* of Ontittao
last uouveoed sos KIngstom Grand Mann
Muuroe deo.ared that Orangemen must
nut tolerate the ory of independence of
Cambia, but that °made mon be ready
to bear her proper Lilian of the defence
of the Emptre.
George One shot and probably fatally
injured his cousin, Italie Gee, at New
Oauttan, N. IS, They had been inteeping
tam:many," and Millie refused on Saliat,
day to pay cards with George, who grab•
bed a Lee•Bufield rifle and shot her
through the hips. George gave himself
up to the polio.
Rev. W. 3, McKay, B. Aa B. D., pas.
tor of the Baguet °boob, Strat1ord,
atmounoect to his congregation filauday
that he load deoided to aeoept the position
of editor of the Ottatedieu Baptist. kb
bee therefore planet his resignation wild
the Managing Board, to take'effeot at tile
sari of April. Mr, Maffei has beau la
Stratford for nearly 12 years.
T.he itupreseion preemie that the 0. 1'.
R. &mem who wee shot at Port Arthur
00 Priday last was John Mien of North
lilasthope township, whoa° parents Jae.
and hem Mum, owe about nine Mika
from Stratford. Young Mien was a fire-
man running between Port Arthur and
Feet William and hie patents on Osten.
day received a telegram ttonounoIng hie
death at Port Arthur. There is little
doubt that the IMMO "Meeoham" Annetta -
nil in the dispatohee should bs nMienn.
The 90009 man wae about 25 years of
ge aud his body ie expected to arrive in