The Brussels Post, 1904-3-17, Page 4This is the time of year when a great many people nee(' a good Spring Medicine. The coming of more moderate 'weather rewinds one that their blood needs purifying. IN SPRING'S SARSAPARILLA you will find a safe and reliable remedy for all erup- tions of the skin, pimples, etc., as well as a powerful blood purifier. Por those who desire to prepare their own Medicine at home we have an excellent package in NYAL'S MOUNTAIN HERBS This is composed of leaves, roots and seeds carefully selected and mixed in proper proportions so as to get their best curative effects. Price, 25c. large package. SIT DRUGGIST AND STATIONER. ez. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN =TENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Braesels Seation, North and South, as followe Cowie Boerne Goma Nelms. Mali 1000 am emit 1:17 p.m 7:15 a.m Mixed 10:00 nem Express 3:25p.m Expree's 8:17 p.m rant Pins. A. abiel's amang ye takM ' notes, An' faith he'll prent THURMAN of this week is St. Patrick's Day. A. 0, U. W. Friday evening of this week. To pitfall holes in the corporation shoald be "doctored',. GOOD morning l We expect tide will be the hot week we Will require to print a half sheet. Motetherer Horee Fair, the last for this season'will be held in Brussels ou Thurs- day, April 7th. Mark the date. COURT PRINCESS ALENINDRIA, C. 0, F., Brothels, will purchase a new and mod ern regalia for officers and members. TEE temporary foot bridge, at tbe flax mill was taken away with the recent thaw and those going to ',Brooklyn" have now to take the "long way round". THE loot robe advertised in Tem Pon last Thursday was brought to our offiee Friday morning before 9 o'clock and the following day the owner was in poseee aion. Advertising pays all right when done in the right way. Huai)» Promotion Examinatione will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, Muth Nth Rod 31ste Papers are being prepared for promotion from the Jr. II, Sr. II, Jr. III and Sr. III elegem Teach era requiring papere mot Bend at once to the P. S. Inspeotor for the number of papers needed. 9.1.—Notioe of appeal has been served on Barrister Sinclair, Solioitor for Broseele, that the sewer extension ease recently beard in Toronto, has been ap pealed and will aortae up before the Court of Appeal, in the same city, about the middle of April. The town tent of course defend, the recent deoleion being in their favor. We are sure of one thing and that is that more mouey will be squandered over law than would have well nigh done the work, and nothing of real value will be established when all the Courts have been visited. APPRECIATED THE Hnen.—The subj ,ined letter indicates the appreciation of the National Sanitarium Association for the generous contribution to that itietitution from the Lady Pdathabees of Braesele ;— Afro. P. Ameat, Brussels : Darin MAnea,—Your kind letter of the 7th with express order for $42 gent to Gravenburet ham been forwarded to me, as all bines in oonneotion with our institutions is done from the heed office here, Let me thank yoa very heartily for this generous gift, and the enterprise that wag ehowo by yourself and ladies of the Maccabees ip getting ug the enter, tainment that realized so handeotnely for this mum. Kindly 000vey our thanks to your asenoitetes in thie work and, believe me, Very truly yours, J. S. Rothnesoat Toronto, Feb. 12, '04. Secretary. PRTISENTATION.—Last Tueeday's Toro»• to Globe gives the following referencia to a young lady formerly of Brussele• ;— Some eighty.five tuembers of the congre• gation of the Firet Ohnrah of Christ (Scientist) gathered ea "The Waverley," Spading avenue, last; night and presented Miss Ethyle Powell, formerly soloist of the thumb, with an illuminated address and a handeome gold watch suitably itteoribed. The presentation Wag made by Allem Leadly and J, Humphrey, on behalf of the friends of Mise Powell, wbo made 0. happy reply. The party were afterwards entertained at eopper by J. J. and Mrs. Powell, and a mew enjoyable time was spent. Miss •Powell rendered several solos, and reoltatione were given by Owen A, Smile, and Ernest Beier, Reginald Powell and Bare, AlOao Leadly presided at the piano. A vote of thanks was rendered the hoot and :bootees. 40the Atienvanseux,-0U Tuooday even. ing of this weak, "Paieley," the home of William and Mee, Martin, Alexander etreet, was the Hoene of a very pleasant gathering, the 000aolon being the 40th wedding annivethary of the esteemed hoot and hoetmes. The relatives and Mende ptheent were from town and loonlity and those from a dietanoe, Who were unable to A110& becomes of the train blookades, eent their hearty oon- gratulations and beet withes for future happy years to the long wedded pair. After tea was served, 19ev, Mr. Roes and Principal Cameron made addressee euitoble to the 000insion, which voiced ihe seatirneetg of all present in behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Mattin, to wbioh the beet appropriately responded. After spending a moat enjoyable evening the ooMpany repaired to their several heron wishing Mr. and Mee, Martin many yeare Of riontinued happiaoss. 0 A ClOODLT number of Brussel/tee were gueste at the wedding: of Wm. Cook to Miss Lamont Wednesday evening. A SLEIGH load of Wroxeter young people were in town on Thursday evening of last week at a party given by ,,Xies Luella Reese. LETTERe of condolenoe were forwarded to Mrs. John Nott, of Clay Centre, Kan - gas, from the Odd Fellows Lodge and the Conn of the Canadian Order of Foreeters Bi:Lasalle of which her deemed husband Was a member. OVER 4 tone of expressage was reoeived lam Sunday by A. Cowley on the arrival of the train from Palmerston. Hie store was phed full until the goods were sob. divided on Monday and delivered to the respective owners]. HAROLD JAAVIS is being corresponded with by the Foot Bali team in connection with the bottling of a conoert in Brthaele abont the aloes of April. He will draw a rood house no doubt. Dateand further particulars will be annonnoed as Boon as the arrangement, are completed. WAIL BROUGHT I. — Last Saturday forenoon e. oonveyanoe from Seaforth brought a large consignment of belated mail matter to town and in the afternoon another sleigh arrived from Palmers ton with 12 bag., 'oft teeters and several Imes of newspapers. This rig delivered nmil all the way up at the intervening deems. It returned Meet from here. Sunday'train added another 10 bageito the supply and brought the arrival up to date. Postmaster Farrow and hie demi ties were very busy for home on fester - day and Monday forenoon getting every thing in plaoe. The Seaforth stage con• veyed the mail on Taeaday evening so we were not eerved SO badly after all. There were 32 registered letters thane by the speoials. UNITED W010103300.—The report of Grand Recorder (0arder) of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, presented to the members at the annual meeting of the Order in Toronto on Wednesday, showed that the total umnber of oertifl• oates Maned to Deo. 31et, 1008, was 69, 086 ; total nomber of death olairus paid 4.204; total amount of death claims paid $8,258.24, There were 429 deaths for 1008, and the death rate was 9.38 per 1,000, a comparatively low rate. There were 8,656 new inenabere initiated, hot the large number of temporary suspen• eione 'Demo the greets Mot:ease. Betted oiary old during the year 9758,634.93 ; general fund, $37.018 98 ; platted in re serve, $08,431 17—total, 879,578 08. There were 44,122 members in good standing and 1,703 temporary amen Celle at the end of 1903. The record of the year ie a worthy One. ANOTHER SHTIT•OFE.—The stow piowe and dagga of 51100011800 401 the due clear last week and several trains got through on Sunday and it was expected Illoudity amnia see something of regalarity restor- ed in the etheriala but "the beet laid plans of mate and 11305 gang aft aglee" and im it was proven when Monday ea. rived. The awning train oame down from Witighain and a freight train mune from the East hot aiong with it there also 0011115 8 driving storm of snow which foretold of another lookup. The freight trein was inetruoted to put the ears on the Eliding here, pick up the Italian 'Orm- an' and put foo Wingbam where coal and water would be at Muni, They started but stook in a drift 8 or 4 miles away and were there for several dotes. No other treene arrived until Wednesday when the plow and three engines, emoorn• ponied by os gang of men, forded their way through. Stook was brought here uu Monday in expeotanoy of a treen only to be dieappointed. Milder and fairer weather am:weeded the wilduees and roughness of Monday and appearances now point to a better oondition of affairs. We are all ready for the good old Bummer time after a eolid 4 months of sleighing. SUDDEN H0131510.—Last Monday morn- ing a telegram was reoeived here from London minteining the sad iutelligenoe that Joseph Ballautyne, Becloud son of Three. Ballantyne, of Brneaels, bad paeoed away Sunday evening at Victoria Hospital from an &Dank of diphtheria, He had only been token to the hospital the Thursday previous. Mrs. Ballantyne had recently left the game institution after an illness from the Dime dieease and is Mill entleriog front the after eft/tote. Mr, Ballantyne wag born in Bruesele 39 yeare ago and spent his youth here, learning bus tinsmith trade on growing to manhood. Ile was a good tradesman and was 0 business here for 0. time with S. Wilton and afterwards removed to Petrolea where he epont eeveral years going from there to London about two yeare ago, In 1893 deoeased was united in merino to Mieo Jennie Wfitahell, of London, They have no fancily. The subplot of this notice wait well known to lhs people of this oommunity and num- bared his friends by thores. He wag g:enial and Many in hie manner and his endden demise is einoerely regretted And sympathy expressed for Mrs. Ballantyne And other relatives. Owing to the mare of the distmee interment ems made .in London Monday forenoon from the uneortaking establishment of J. Formosa, the funeral being private. Alm Ballan. tyne's father Byres at London. TRIG BA000.1.4.t.0 roaT Standard Bank of Canada T H E 1f37:73 .6.281410S — OVER TEIRTEEN MILLION DOLLARS tir ell Or al 13 tank In en• Uoauco,.oro :tease -act fed SAV/NS GE3 A N PC;?.f,".'- --DEPO'ilTS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on which INTEREST IS ALLOWED FROM DATE Or DEPOSIT at the HIGHEST BANE RATE, AOOR1JED INTEREST le added to accounts every eix menthe and becomes principal. —MARRIED WOMEN end MINORS may make and withdraw Deposita withoot the intervention of any pereon, Wm/MS, MSSI•441.•••• LOANS MADE TO FARMERS ON NOTE AT LOWEST RATE, SALE NOTES (DASHED, OOLLEOTED or may be left for SA.FL'aDEPING only fee which no charge is made. YOUR BUSINESS will recieive oar careful and courteous attention. F, H. GRAY, AGENT. ?axle E, R. LITTLE returned from the wholesale Millinery openings on the 10th of March. Two large consignments of new geode have been received and are being made up for the Easter display. A sleigh load of young people from town visited at the residence of R. J. Soott, 6th line, Morris, Weduesday even. inc and spent an enjoyable tirne. Mr. and Mrs. Scott made firet ohms enter. tainere, Fioniz BOUTII AFRICA —The L merlon, North Dakota, Cavalier, of Delaroh Ord, contained the following note of interest to a goodly number in Brunelle and ;—Adam Reid was plethantly aurprised by receiving a letter from his ,on in Natal, South Atrioa.. The young men went oat and joined Baden Powell's mounted police and nothing bud been heard of him since the end of the Boer war. He has been working in the up. bolstering business and earne $35 a week, It costs bine $15 for board and lodgiog. Ue expeots to have $1,000 saved up by April, and is 11180 4:90119 to take a vacation and vieit 90 this othotry. Fnmene BENT Orte.—Three oars of hoge were thipped from Brothel. on Tlinreday forenoon by Messrs. Barr & Black, A. 0. Dames and Geo. Best. A. ear of mettle wag also forwarded by the latter. Mess• re, Smith and Forsyth got tbeir Martha minty 10900 for the Weet after a tedious delay of weeks. Owing to the snow plow being off the track near Blnevale the evening train from Palmenton, with ia :"ng:'e01 andexPreaefajira heeovrn1:2etttdThurednyCOrnoor Halfpenny returned East with hie train and the oars of stook and other freight soeumaleted here. There were five engine& at Brussels Wednesday night. A. HANDY WAR MAD.—The Globe, Tor • onto, is minding out a good map of those portions of Japan, Corea and alanohuria which are likely to be the scene of oon• diet between the &mean and japariew birdies On land as well as on water. The map is prepared on a Iiireinneye plan, ehowing the topographical formation of the land, and giving a. better idea of the shore line and harbore then can be glean- ed from any ordinary seethe. By keep• ing it before you and watching the maps published from time to time iu the Globe, indicating the local moven:mote of the forthe, the reader can gain a better idea of the situation than by any other means we know of, W0EDS oo BYHEATITY,—The following speaks for itself t— To Mrs. Joo. Nott, Ctooj Centre, Nouse& HEAR MADA11.—We, the offisere and membere of Western Star Lodge, No, 149 I. 0. 0. F., Brusels, desire to oonvey to you aud your family our einoere and heartielti sympathy, in your loee by death of a loving husband and kind father, a loss which none of earth's Mem. urea can replace. As a lodge we shall miss, and you and your family more especially, a onee familiar voice mud bis faoe and form will be never more 8080 in this lite. Tbere le e. consolation that the time will not be long when yon will 01869. 97401 again in a more serene 099010, that land were thine oast no shadows and the young never grow old, a land where the parting hand is never given where friends 08000 063' farewell Where the good and the great of all ages ehall bye and bye meet. Signed in behalf of the Lodge J. G. JONES, Noble Grand W. H. MoCnathen,Reo. Sen. OBITUnlik.—The spirit of George Shiele, Tornbetry street, Brunets, took its flight last Sabbath, Cause of death was a pulmonary ailment with whith be had been affected for the paet 3 or 4 years. Deceased wait born in Grey township and was the 8rd son of George 'Thiele, 15th eon, He was 82 yeare and 6 menthe of age. Owing to failing health Mr. fate's gave np farming over two years ago and eame to Brussels to live. He is survived by his wife, who was a Min Coombes, and one daughter. The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon from hie late reeidethe, Turnberry street, North, end it was under the direction of Court Woodbine, 0. 0, P., Oranbrook, of which deceased wee a mamba, Funeral service was oonduoted by Revels. Meseta Rose and McRae. The pall bearers were W. Gordon, A. Lemont, Clark, 200. Meadowe, W. Wilbee and W. WOWS, Interment was made at 13ruseele oemetery. Mrs. Shiele and daughter aro deeply eympitthieed with in their sorrow. De ceased was an honest, etraight forward man, He was a Presbyterian 15 religion and a Liberal in politica. FROH VANOOOVER.--A. letter from a sub- egriber in Vencouver, B. O., says ;—Wo always look forward with pleasee to receiving Tun Poo, booms° it always contains meth news 04 811 our friende of the East. We have noticed through year 00111MAS What 0 dreadful Winter you have been having, and we are thank. fol that 000 0.08 not awing it with you. A, shod message whiels Wag Dent from here on 8eb.19th to the larger papere of the East will Rive you an idea of what Innutibel weather we have been and are having, It read toinethIng like tilde ;— "Speing is Imre, min shining beautifully end garden fiowere in bloom." We have had a little snow boo 91 did not Met a week, The people are already working in their gardens and In all probability we shall have Spring vegetables before the last of your soow dieappears. The arty here is in a very flourishing oondition, in fact a gentleman of authority inforro. ed Inot that in lees than a month theta would not bo enough reeohanice, ellen 110 earpentere, mesons, and plasterere to 40.007 005 the building and that any Man who tumid handle a 011W And hammer eotild get $8.20 a dab of 8 beets. Hop - 9099 this will find you all in the best of health and spirits I remain, Tours Truly. Business Locals. Two email girls to learn the Millinery. Apply 8.1 MIMS HABICIRK. Itew Plum —Higheet price paid for raw lure. A, Cloosnwx, Bruetsie. Hansoms walnut sideboard for sale at great reduction. Apply ec. Pass. W. M. 80007403, BrtlitaelS. WANTED—Botter 17e. 1 Dried Apples 51o. ; Fresh Eggs 20o, We ars clearing many lines of eensonable goods. Geo B. KING, Winglianci. ORGANS and Sewing Machines °leaned and repaired. Also Organs and Sewing Machines for sale. Apply to Tames Moon», Brussels. 82 SEED Oame.—The new Waverly ie now admitted to be the heaviest oropper and hest 'crewed Oat ever bronght to0anada. We have them al 50o, per buthel. Geo. E. Hoo, Wiugham. People We KE.OVer. Chas. Broadfoot spent Sunday in Sea. forth, Mrs. George Bather is visiting relatives at Zurioh end Exeter. Misses Mary and Letitia McArthur are on the sick list thie week. Aire. Geo. Brown was a visitor in Ger- rie for a few days last week. 0. Doan, of Rat Portage, was visaing friends during the past week in town. Blaster David Hardie, of Listowel, visited Muir Thomson over Sunday, las. Fox and P. H. Gray attended a meeting of the Masonic Lodge in Wing - ham on Tneeday evening. The young daughter of 3 -no. and ISIrs. Kerney was this week with tonsilitie. We hope she will soon be o, k. Dr. Toole tail' go to Toronto next week as represeutative from Brussels Chosen Friends to the Grand Council. Romer has it that Mrs. Ransom, of Brussele, wbo went to Manitoba Mat Fall, hag matted and will be remaining there. Mrs. Jna. Hunter Elizabeth street, was on the sick list With the prevailing cold bat ie improving now we are pletteed to state. The MoNiehol families have moved to the farm of Duthan McKenzie, 17th oon., Grey, whioh they have leased. We with them sucoess. Mrs. D. B. Moore was ill with pneu, tnonia but ie able to be about again. It is not of tee Mrs. Moore is needing the oare of the physinian. We nobles by tile Clinton papers that Harry Bertliff has been havirig a oatott• asmatohman lagrippe but we hope he is o. le. by this time. Georee Simpson, Manager of the "Royal" and "Queen" Insurance Com. panies for Canada, died at bis residence, in Montreal, on March lltb, of cerebral hemorrhage after two days' Rinses, He was 42 years of age. A little Kw of Rev. G. F. Salton, pas. tor of Dominion Methodist thumb, Ottawa, was caught under a now elide ril the personage roof WedneilaRy even ing, of last week and lies in a, perthrions condition. He is unooneoions, and the ontoome le doubtful, A later report says the little lad ie improving nicely. The many old friends of the fancily in Brach sele hope no serious consequences will follow, 0111,110011 CRIMES. Easter Sunday ooneee on April 4th this year. "Feeding the Multitude" will be the topic of next Sabbath's Sunday Bebop' Meson. Melville Sabbath Moot oontribtited $12 00 to the Centenary Fund of the Bthe Society last Sabbath, The usual Epworth League servioe wag withdrawn Met Sabbath evening on Emmet of the union Bible meeting, Rev. J. Rose, 13, A., preached in Lie. towel lest Sabbath and Rev. T. W. 00gens aripplted Rev. Mr. Andrewe' work on Walton °Mania Rev. A. Andrews, of Walton, preaohed in the Methodist ohnreh here last Sab. bath morning giving an intereeting die - 000050 05 "Holinese". Re is et good preather. Last Sabbath morning Rev, Mr, Hardie, Of Listowel, occupied Melville ohtiroh pulpit, dieoonteing on "The new Birth" in an °Innen& manner to a large con- gregation, Ile also addressed the Sabbath School taking the word Bible in aorostio form foe bis subject. The ()contingent from the United States and (Meads galled from New Pork last week for Jernealem where the Oonvention will open on Easter Sunday in commotion with the World's Sabbalh School Con. ventien. It Will no doubt be a very interesting trio. Bev. I. 40. Webb has gone to his borne at Lamm to upend a few weeks in twilit. ing hie health. His work in St. john'e and St. George's elegrehee will be sup. plied. We hope the reverend gentleman will speedily regain bis old time vigor and be ready for bis regular duties. Rev. De, antherland, of the Methodist Mission ROMMit has reoeived a letter from Rev, J, O. L. Battle, 0. Mieeionaty in Tokloortating that, &ingrate, to all expeotations, the work has not been dite, turbed to any great extent by the wary and that the Japanese in Tokio do not appear to be infected with the exeitement whit)) thogenotal public. think is One et the momoriee of war. the flET POUT CAPITAL—Paid up REMIT FUND $1,000,000 41,000,000 BANK Directors REV. lt, E. WARDEN, E, E., S. a. MOORE, President, Yice-President, BRADMAle, 170N011 Ha, W. 0IO13TI003I1 (MAAR, IC O. D.% TiREDION, IC O. Haita OFFICE - TORONTO W. E. 10038 GENERAL 110ANAG1(I4 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Drefte Bought and Sold. , Farmers' Notes Dithounted. &PINGS Vamix firwarcaiwr Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards DzerisSEAS' Bemiew A, IL MELLISH, Manager. mobilization of the land forces was going on," writes Mr. Bates, ''thotteande of troops marched into Tokio, and in a few days they 00509. 00 their Owe of embark. atiou, nueing no more fan than 11 11 had been as everyday occurrence with them. The soldiers did not take it to be o, laugh. ing matter with them, but rather took voar's most serioue view, and apparently knew that it 8085 not to be all parade and pleasure for which they are conga. gatiug." THE FIELD OF SPORT. The Beaver Lacrosse Oltilt, of Seaforth has reorganized. Listowel is entering a jailior team in W. F. A. this tampon. The W. F. A. annual meeting will be held on Good Friday in Berlin. The "Hurons" of Seaforth will enter a strong senior team in the W. P. A. It ie reported an Intermediate team may also join the Aesseiation. The Clinton Collegiate teem, holders of the Hough Cup, has reoeived three notifintions of ohallenges for the Cup ' for Spring gainee. They come from Owen Sound, London and Goderlob. Stratford will enter the intermediate football seriee again this season. The Busineee College has o timber of players attending sotto& among them 2, Pass- more, who taught the Olegg aohool, Mor- rie, and played back with Blyth in the Intermediate eeriest two years against Brueeele.ean Tuttal meeting of the Midland Football League will be held at Peterboro ine Saturday, Marcia 19. This year clubs will be in the leagues from the Conntiee of Victoria, Durham, Peterboro, North- umberland end Hastings, and about 26 teams are expeoted to enter in competi- tion for the Stratton Cap, emblematic of the league ohampiouehip. At a meeting of representatives of the sM turf associations in the Canadian Trotting and Pacing Circuit, held in Stratford on Saturday after000n of last week, the following (into were decitled 09000e Sa:forth—June 7, 8 and 9, Londou—Jene 14, 15 and 16, Listowel—June 22, 23 and 24. Strattord—june 29 and 30, ;Lily 1. New Remburg—July 4, 5 and 6. Windeor—July 11, 12, 13, 14 and 16. M. Broderick, secretary of the Seatorth assooiation, was elected circuit secretary for the year. Last Friday evening the annual meet ing of Brussels Foot Ball Athoeiation was held itt the Council Member Den. 050 MoLanchlin in the chair. Tbe following officers were elected for the ourreut year ;— Hon. President, Dr, 3.9.,atioNaughton ; President, Jas. Ballatityne •, Vice President, Rev, I. M. Webb; Manager, D. 2, Molatuohlin ; Seorekary, J Leslie Herr e Treasurer, F, H. Gilroy ; Intermediate Committee, W. Cameron, R. S. Flambee, A. Lowry, 10, Brown, President and Secretary ; Junior Committee, J. Good, S. Suitt, W. lather, 10, BloLeod, 2. Thomson, President and Secretary Delegate to Berlin, Manager Me • Laudblin. It is the intention of the Olub to place an Intermediate and Junior team in the field to uphold the honors won hist On - 5013 and although a number of :familiar Mom will be missing, owing to removal, good material ie still available and es soon as weather permits praotioe will commenne. Owing to the absence of both Secretary and Treasurer of lest year from town the finanoial report was not given in detail but it was stated that theta wag a deficit of $40 from lest year mill existing and the Olub le anxious to wipe Ilia off and put a few dollars in the treasury. The captains of the two teams will be sleeted after the clubs lave been farmed up. At Kuox church, Stratford, on 0. recent Sunday evening, Rev, M. L. Leitoh declared that lie knew that liquor was being sold after holm by Stratford hotels, and if the botelkeepers did not know that he was on the lookout for them he could have them arrested in a week, He also complained that the fact of hotel mon being lined le being kept from news. paper naen by the autborities. Week before latit weed wee reoeived by John TUbb, North oI Mitoboll, that hie eon, John, had died in London toy - MM. Another son went to bring the body home, and while 011 the rettun trip, the old gentleman, who had not been Well for some time, posed away. The double fatality' in the fattlly °mused wide. spread eympathy, and many were the expressions of sorrow for the griefetrick. et, wife, and Ohara so enddenly bereaved. Mr. Trash was one of the early ;settlers of Logan and wao held in the highest esteem by all who knew bine, The By-laeo to grant the Guelph Junotion Railway $6,000 to purohath 0. right of way throueh Mornington Was voted and denied. The teturne are Polling Platte For Against Milverton 99 15 Hermon 46 26 Millbank 106 6 Newton ,......... .... 27 69 Attridge /57 11 Poole 62 • 81 Carthage 9 6L Total ...... ......406 209 .10C,M1,1 . 1166014,—In Grey on Feb. 22, to Mr, and Mee W to Dineen A 0 n 00031—LABIONT.—At "D u art" Parte, Grey, on Merch 16, by Rev. D. B. Mateo, Mr. Wm. M. Cook, of Morrie, to Mies Marion .1., daughter of Mr, and 11.1rs. Angus Lemont, of Grey. LAIDIAW—Soo.— In Winnipeg, on Mareh 5, by Rev. W. BloWilliana, Mr. Willie= G. Laidiew, of Begot, Man., to Blies Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr. James Soott, of Morris town- ship, Huron Co. MoEtveri—ATeranele.--In Grey, On Marsh 16, by Rev. D. B, Mediae, Mr. John MoEwen, of Morrie, to Bilge Catharine A. llef, Attridge, of Grey. =IDES% BALLANTXNE.—At. Ykitoria Hospital, Lon- don, ou Mara 18, Jooepb Benno- tyne, aged 89 years. BEHEL13.—In Brugge's, en March IA George Shiele, aged 32 years, and 5 months. SEMM,E.—ID Morrie, on Mardi 10, John Searle, aged 70 yeare. -ot.ITCTIO2O- To00my MacCal 22 —N. 4, Lot 21, Oon. 8, Morris, Farm Stook, implements, &a Sale at 1 o'oloth. Jae. Beane, Poop ; S. Soott, Ana, TOZSDAY, Manan 29 —Form etook, at Lot 6,•Con. 12, Grey. Sale, unreserved at 1 p. m. J,.mes Mitchell, proprietor; F. S Swett, auctioneer. TIIETRACIAY, MARCH 61BL—rano stook, implements, household furniture, deo , 2101 4, Om 14, Grev. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Wm. Ritoltie, Prop, F. S. Scott, Ano. 37 117 raerro•T-,,3•.t.s4.xs.::.<70,m: a . Fall Wheat 88 90 Barley . 40 40 Peas 60 60 Oats 29 80 Butter, tube and rolls—14 15 •Egge per dozen 15 16 i Flour, per owl 4 00 5 00 Potatoes per bus 60 50 Apples (per bb!.) 75 1 00 1 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 8a:a per bbl., reettil • 1 00 70 1 Hoge, Live 4 65 4 65 i Wool 15 16 TNE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. RS. W. T. OLUFF, STRATH. 1 It= (formerly of Brussels) wants a General Servant, frighest wages. For par- ticulrs apply to AIRS. W. M. SINOLATR, Bruasels. DIIRRA.M BULLS FOB SALE. —The undersigned has for sale two Thorol.breci Durham Belle, with registered pedigrees. They are 11 months old end dark red in color. Those animals will he Bold at reasonable prices. Apply to ' 80.4° 7013N BY,INNEITT, Walton. NOTICE TO DEBTORS.—ALL persona indebted to the uudereigue91 are asked to kindly settle proton tly ns be intends going to the West and before leav- ing will hand over the mounts neeetaled into other hands for oolleetion. 80 0 Li. ad.C.KSON, Blacksmith, Brussels. orrf )107.017540°rl t:05°F rva - BRED YORKSHIRE FOR BALE. — Tlae undersigned for le one Thoro'-hred Yorkshire Bow, old, in pig to !ole thoro'.hred '2 bog, Vey price apply to It, B. N H , (Bodrain Lima Works), Mor- rie, Belgrayo P. 0. oAu FOR SERVICE. --THE undersigned 0010! keep for Beryl:114: -pkn Lob 21, 000.12, Grey, the Thorot.bred Im- proved Large English Berkshire, "Willow Lodge Seethe -11002— a wiener of 181 prme at Toronto Exhibition in 1900. Terms, $1.00 if paid at 11018 00 serviee 00 81.0004 booked, with privilege at returning If ueeossary. 00.0 3, P, Mats TOSII, Proptietor, 0 E K THE OUCH • It Coughs often go from bad to worse—there is grave dan- ger iu any 0R80—no matter how slight it may seem it is folly to negleot it. Keep a bottle of Our White Pine & Tar in the house. Commence taking it when the first symptoms come. A careful- ly prepared remedy from the best curative agents. The beet remedy because it cures safely, thoroughly and per- manently. We refund the money if not satisfied. Price 25e, per Bottle at Drug Store Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. hight young Bung from Imported and home bred 00005 001 bv Imported Site, Also cows and Heifers of different 01005, .0 few mire bred Berkshire Pigs, lo weeks old, far oolo. Have a quantity ot Rod Peas, the Early June varlotY, to dispose of. 11 is a inedinin bleed white pea and were grown from seed from soar North Say and yielded oier 17 bo,hele to the pore, free of bugs. Will also seil a good aged working and driving horse. 90-tf D. MILNE & SON, Ethel, AUCTION SALES. A TJOTION SALE OF FARM EToarc 1000070030110050, PIIIINIT1HAII, &O— le. B. Beate, auctioneer, has reeeiVed in- structions from the undersigned to sell by p000.110 auction at Let 4, Oon. 14, Grey, on THURSDAY, MAR WA, at 1 o'clock, the fol- lowing valuable property, 010.3-1 farmer's driving horse Tieing 5 veers, 18000! worklog horse, 1. fresh 0000 with calf at foot, 2 farrow cows, 6 heifer., thing 3 380.05, 3 hollers rte. ing 2 years, 2 steers rfatag 2 years, 2 steer onlyes, 6 storo pigs 4 mouths old, 12 sheen, a1101130b01' of lteua, 1 set single harness, 1 sot team baryons pearly now1 Massey.HurrIs binder. 1 !Ninon Bead drill, 1 hay rake, 1 Almon mower, 6 ft out, nearly new ; 1 lum- ber wagon, 1 single buggy. 11 double buggy, 1 cutter, 1 wheetbarrove, a en.ening 1 hay rack, 1 hay fork and elings,•1 single furrow plow, 1 two.furrow plow, 1 one-horse garden plow, 1. met Diamond harrows, ?oboe, 1 turnip slicer, 0 sugar kettle, shout 100 bushels of Banner Oats, a quantity of Ilay, 1 extension tale, 1080010 table, 2 bed - ream suites nearly now, 1 cooking stove, 1 kitchen clipboard. kitaben Mums, 1 lounge, 1 25,gallou 011010010,1 lawn mowor,2 eres.m• ery cans and milk tank, 8 semen dom, number of cow bioa and numerous other ar- ticles. Sale uureserved WI proprietor has sold his farm, Terms—All awns of $5 and under (lash, over that amount 9 months' credit will be given 00 hiroishitng approved joint notes ; 8 per cont, off for cash on cre- dit anionuts ; hay mid oats tO be cash. AM. ltrtos.Ge, proprietor ; 35,8 3OOT1', E4110. World's Fair, St. Louis April 30th to December 1st, NIA .....M.•••••••••••emiase... Settlers' One -Way Exclusions, 1004 To' Manitoba and Canadian Nnrthweet, will leave Toronto every 70115970.10 during Munn and AprIl if eunlaientbnsinees offers. Bassengere Cavelling without I Live Stook should take the train leaving Toronto et 145 p.m. Passengers travelling with Live Stook abould take the Want leaving Toronto at 9 colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train, Per full particulars and copy of, "Settlers' Guido," Western Canada" and ',British Dellonhla," aPPly 10 103' Canadian Pacific Agent, 00 10 A. 11, NOTMAN, 4.504, Gen, Pam Agent, 1 Ring St. East, Toronto, MADE BY GEORGE A. SLATER EAUTIFUL SPRING SH ES .4> We are now opening Up for Ladies or Gents or the Little Tots either. We Invite Your Inspection. HARNESS DEPARTMENT Wo have everything complete and can supply you with arny style of Harness at the Lowest Prices consistent with a good article. We have now for sale one set Second -band Team Harness and three sets Second-hand 'Single Haviess, ,Call and see thein, tSt'FOR BAIA:I—Two Dwelling Ileuses, sere of land with eaoh, having large and entail ireful of varions hind. /. C. RIOHAR DS.