The Brussels Post, 1904-3-17, Page 3tl tr•, 1 tC MAR, 17, 1904 .Ynes•.v.arnoe,.im,r,•M BUSINESS CARDS. MONEY TO LOAN AT G PER aunt, F, R. SCOTT, Brussels, VV H, MOCBAOKEN- • Ionner of Marriage Licensee, of- fice at Or000ry,Turnberry street, Rrusaels, LL7-1ABM8 FOB SALE -THE UN• 000 100*an has several good Farina for sale and to rant, easy tartan, lo Townships , of Mozri9 y and Ore F R, SOC11,Brunel C. O. V. Court Primulas Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. F„ Brussels, t n their Lode Room Bias - hill Blomen 1 9 last Tueatta a of Block, on theagod and a hill lll r p9 • three each 0welo welcome. Visiting brethren alwoye woloom0, WALTER BURGESS. 10.•S. t 5% ; Stamm i C Qi f MANY CALLS aro rooehrd trout businoae Orme and MANY STUDENTS ars phtood lu good P00101011e 011011 year by the famous M. MORRISON, Issuer of' Marriage Licenses, WALTON, ONT. MISS JEAN M'LAUCHLINI, -TEACHER OF - PIANO - AND - ORGAN. »s�vasax,s, oiv'r. ROBERT OUNNINGHAMI 18601ANaa, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. J, LECKIE, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE, LOAN AND BELL ESTATE AGENT, Ocoee over Horeley'e Drug Store, Nov, gird. 1902, 80-810 Brussels. Wellington Mutual Flee Insurance Co., ae@A0L05000 1840 Insurance taken on the cash and premium insur- ingnote elm•whers call on the undstem at current ersigned Agent of the Company GEORGE ROGERS, Brunets. AUCTIONEERS. FS. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION• • Ban, will sell for hotter prioea, to better men In loos time and loos charges be wont barge anything x Datein saud orders eon always be arranged at this offioo or by pardons' applloation. iROST. H. GARNISS i BLUIi1VALE - ONT. Auetioneer for Huron County. Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for at the °floe of TIM PONT, Brussels. 2211 VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK- !' e Honor Grafton of the Ontario Vot- erlaary College. is prepared 0o treat all dis- eases of domesticated animals. in a oomnet• ens manner. Particular attention paid to Veterinary Dentistry calls promptly at- tended to. Offie•andInfixrmtr - ordoors North of bridge, ' LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A B. MAODONALD- .C1• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc, Softener to G. 1.. Blair. Offioe over Stan- dard Sank, Brussels, Solioltor for Metro- politan Bank, 1 M. BINOLAIB-- • Barrister, Ooll•itor, Ioonveyaneer, Notary Public, &c. Office -Stewart'* Block 1 door North of Central Hotel. Solicitor for the Standard Bank, p110UDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR- BARRISTERS, O LIO ITE01O8, NOTARIES W. PaorommoT, Q. F. EMAIL 0. 0.HAre Offices -Those formerly 000upled by Messrs Cameron & Holt, Gonm axon, ONTARIO, MEDICAL CARDS. J. A. M'NAUGHTON. M. D., O, M., Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical 0011.40, m0mber Collage of Physicians and Surgeon. Out, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of i'bydoiane and Licentiate of Mid- wifery Edinburgh, /M-Telephoua 110.14,Residence-Mill street, Braisele, DENTISTRY DR. R. P. FEILD, DENTIST Graduate of • the Royal camp of Dental Burgeons of Ontario and First-ola0o Honor Graduate of Toronto IIuiyereity. 011oe next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery, BRUSSELS. SHINCLEI British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. - North Shore rine and Cedar FUR SALE A2 THE bilis Planing Brussels �r s Akio Doors and Seth of all ;Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. {} J0at mates Fatntebed for all kind] of Buildings. Workman.- uaranteed, G • chip and 'Material P. AMENT, CENTRAL STRATFORD, ONT, This oottoo! 'Randa for the HxonnoT l',/ AND DnoT in bneinoe6 ed ueat100 In Canada today. Many Buelnete Col. 19R 0' employ our graduate' as tea0h- era, other have doors' of no see tbpt from other enter, Ash to ace 06060 the day you enter, Oommenoo course ,� now. Catalogue free, W. J ELLIOTTPrincipal. V. , vistrict.eba, L tatowel. Poor BALL, -A Targe and enthusiastic meeting was held in the Qaeen'e Hotel for the purpose of reorganizing the junior football club, and the following staff of °Moere were appointed :-Hoo.1, reeident, B. Forsayth ; Hon, Vioe•Preeident, R. Cassels ; Praeident, G. Bray ; FiretVice- President, Mr. Bernie ; Manager, J. J. Montgomery ; oapta!n, George Loren ; eeoretory-reaearer, R. 13. Edmonds ; team oommittee, E. Hooking, L. Stew• art, E. Willoughby, A. Riggs, along with oapbaiu and aeoretary•treaeurer. A. A, Bamford was appointed delegate for the purpose of attending the annual meet- ing of Ile W. F. A., in Berlin. It was the unanimous choice of the meeting to enter a team in the junior aeries of the W, F. A. and as there le a lot of good material available Listowel should put up a etrong fight for the junior oup. lOxete a-. Miss May Armstrong is progressing most favorably. During the beavy storm recently a large portion of the smoke stank on the eleotrio power house was blown down. Mina Beatrice Robinson Hae aaoepted a p0eition as milliner et Wiarton and Miss Ethel Bissett bay aooepled a position 110 Conestoga. Norman Horn, who had been employed to hardware clerk with Hawkins & Son, has aooeptod a similar position at Nor• wioh and left for that town to commence bin dntiee, Robb. Leathora disposed of bit fifty aore farm in the Towoebip of Stephen, being South halt of lot 22, oouoeseion 4, to Mr. Albert Ford, of town, The price paid was 48,000. The following were ab Goderiob serving in the onpaoity of jurors :-T. Johne, of Exeter; Robt. Kydd, Wm. Elegies, Thou. Hankin and Geo..Kerelake, Uabor. ne ; Arthur Ooxworth and Ed. Ryan, Stephen. Drxoe VS. RANSIL The above ease was tried at the High Court eeesione at Gode- rioh on Tuesday of last week. 0. M. Dykes sued Eraetue Rennie, of Heimall, for alleged telae arrest tor burglary aom- mitted at Ronnie's place last Winter, and for $2,000 damages. The jury die. allowed the claim, a warrant baring been sworn out in due Corm by Rennie before 9, Smillie, J. P., Heoeall. Detective Wolcott, of (hie plane, wee the chief wi1nee9, he baying made the tweet at Thedford. The jury brought 'in a ver- dict for the defendant, the plaintiff to pay allcosta, Diakineon & Garrow for plaintiff ; H. J. D. Oooke and W. Proud - foot for defendant. Cxoeieriott. Word has been reooived of the death in Toronto of Thomas Craig, eon of James Craig. Harry Wiggins, of Downing & Mao. Vioar'e shoe store, left to take a position in St. Mary's. The hospital board, having been grant• ed a site by the town, intend to proceed with the erection ot aha hospital as early in the Spring as conditions will permit. Builder Marlton has lately received several oarloade of timber and work on the new steamer on the ]eland and on the tog winch was lannohed late last season progresses. 3, H. Woreell, accompanied by Mre. Woreell and daughter, Mies Rita, wee in Toronto last week so a delegate to the annual meeting of the Order of Home ()Iroise for the Province. The Epworth League of Viotoria street Methodist church is arranging to have their Longue anniversary on April 24th and 26th and have secured the services of Rev, 0. T. Soot] for that date. "The Patron Saint of Irelend" will be the abject of the 1001000 to be given in St. Fusee oharah on the evening of 9t. Patrick's Day-Thareday, March 17111 - by Rev. J, F. Stanley, of St. Peter's cathedral, London. The town oonetablea have been having trouble in keeping loafers out of store doorways and alley ways in the evenings for some time and many oomplalnte from merobants bavo been made of their door• ways being obstructed and the entrances defiled with tobacco juice. Inquiries have been received by the town offioiale from the company *bat are proposing to put up De Forest wireleot telegraph etetione at variola points on the lakes regarding the town electric system. This looks as if Goderioh were in their minds as the poeeible Ioostion of a station, Ford wioit. The annual meeting of Fordwiah Pub. Ifo Library woo recently held in Dr. Armelrnng's office and was, as usual, attended by the Board of Management and Librarian. The minutes of the last annual meeting, the treaenteral and and• Rorie reports were read and adopted. The total receipts for 1008 were $208 90 and the expenditure, $196 23, leaving a balance of 412 67, bat the liabilities of the library $126.67, Over 41200 has been spent in bootie for library pdrpoad oinoe Re inooption. There are 1866 volnmee in the Library, alasei$ed tie fellows w • . Hint. ary, 286 ; Blogrephy, 93 ; Voyages and Travel, 114 ; Selena and An, 65 ; Gen. oral Literatore, 267 ; Poetry, 21 ; boli• gime Litoratnre, 52; Fiction, 819 ; Mf0- oellaneoue, 696 ; Ref. 18. 58 volumes were added in 1003, posting 454.17, There were 1974 volumed issued -248, Htrtory ; 18, Biography ; 1.61, Voyages and Travel : 81, Soma and Art ; 728, General Literntur•e ; 3, Poetry ; 7, Rold• going Literature ; 204, Fiction ; 582, Mieoolleneoue ; Wake of Reference, ]There were•228 Ingather% Wnt. Castell, l TEl BRE) SS.NLS POST Thos, Glbeon, A. MaChedy, G. E McKee, 3, H, Aragon, John /ague, Joe, Wade, Won, Waitere and Dr. Ai manna were elated as Board of Management for the current year at the memo salary, The Board met immediately at the aloes of the anneal cocottes and elsoted Dr. Armobrongg, Pree„ Wm, Watters, Seo,, B. S. Cook, Trots, and Thos, Downey, Librarian, at the same eatery, the 1ib• rary blade not permitting a raime, Tbio year members will be charred 60a, for a 36 book ourd, 250for an 18 book pard, and 10o for a 6 book oard. The member• ship fees last year were only $18 40 not half the amountit taken to ran the lib- rary moataiee In the membership fee tie oom els . w p ory Aosta earth. N. Glew and W. G. Box were at Gotha riob last week serving on the petit jury and W. H, Oannter and G. 13. Scott served on the Grand Jury at the Spring assizes. The Golf club elected the following allure :-e-Preeldent, T. F. Coleman ; Secy.Treae., 0. E. Parkes ; Committee, Meagre. Fox, Walker and Greig ; Honor. ary members, W. K. Pierce and D. T. Hepburn. St, James Court, of the "Oatholio Order of Foresters," a metal benevol. ant Society extensively eatabliebed in Canada and United Mateo, hoe recently been organized in Seaforth with a mem• berebip of 36. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Seatorth Presbyterian church .on Monday evening of last week the 000*rnot for the remodelling of the antra was awarded to Mooere, Guttridge & Edge, of tows, at $9,000. At a meeting of tbo Quarterly Omoial Board of the Methodist ohurab on Wed• needay evening of last week it was decided to extend a Unanimous invitation to Rev, A. K Birkin, of the Colborne street church, London, to become pastor here for the coming term. Fred. Harris, who ie leaving town to swept a position in the MaLaggan factory, Stratford, was made th,e recipient of a handeome bible, by the officers and teachers of the Methodist Sunday School. Mr. Harris has been a valued teacher in the school for seventeen years. The following officers were elected for the Laoroese team for 1904 ;-Son. Patrons, Moore, Parke, Gibson, Holmeetead, MaEweu, Silber and Reid ; Hon. Pres., Dr. McKay : Hon. Vioe Prea„ Mr. Rodgers ; Pres., Brown Jaohuon ; Viae Pres., A. Stobie, W. H. Willie and E. Hamilton ; 8eore- tary, L. M. Appleford, Treaeorer, Robert Wilson ; Mauaging Committee, Thos. Hatober, Thos. Pinkney, Jae. Dick, Wm. MoDoogal and Oscar Neil. Grounds Committee, Jae. Munro, Jae. Dunn and Walter Smith. Transportation and Advertising Committee, E. Fox, R. Cromwell and Geo. Sills. Brown lack eon and Robt. Wilson were appointed delegates to the 0. L. A. oonventban. Clinton. ton. R, Holmes, M. P., lett on Tuesday of last week to attend the parlimeotary session at Ottawa, which began Thurs. day. Glen W. Campbell, teacher of music, hae retarned to town from Alymer, where he had been in attendance at hie father's funeral, Wm. Graham, agent for the Ontario Sager Co. in town 'aye that be has been enemata in getting a number of eon. trate for the growing of sugar baste in this ueighborbood for 1604. Three advance notifications have been received by the Collegiate Football team, for amens to be played for the Hough Cap here thio Spring, These are from Owen Sound, London and Goderioh. The attentive committee, after the meeting of the Luoroese Club dooided on holding a big demonstration on May 24th, when several of the beet laoraeae elnbe in the dietriet will oompete for a trophy. •Only two of the 72 bead of cattle that were shipped by D. Forrester were dead when landed in England and the reef in good oondition for Wham they had paeeed through. They were insured, which will let Mr. Forrester out of any serious lose. The offioere thea tar elected for Clinton Laoroeeo team are, Hon. Pres , Mayor Hoover ; Hon. Viae, W. Rosa : Pres., B. J. Gibbing' ; 1st Vine, A. J. Morrirh ; hod, Bert. Kerr I See., H. Houston ; Treas., J. Crooke ; Executive, Meseta. Morrish, Kerr and Shaw. J. 0. Stevenson has the honor of hav- ing aeing held the position of Secretary - Treasurer of the Bible Society for a period of 27 years ; this is a good long time to hold office, but Mr, Stevenson oao acumen it ie %nether reepeot, for he has been a member of Weeley and Rattenbury Street Choir (one and the same) for a period of over 90 years. The New Era 'aye Saturday last there wan a car of Dorn brought to Olin. ton, detained to W. G. Perrin • from a Windsor grain merchant. This oar left that city on January 191h, and hes been on the road nearly two months, On opening the door, the beat and emelt from decaying vegetation and growing corn WAS enough to knock one down. Mr. Perrin refused to aoaept the grain ; the elevator was asked to unload and quote a pride on it, but Mr, Smith, not thinking it worth the price of pig feed, alto turned it down ; $60 was then offered for mho $800 oar of darn, by a town feeder, bat tide was refused by the owners, What will beoome of it, or who will be the loser ie hard to oonjeobure, but some one will be out a few hundred. A tw0041. A. F, Diokeon was unable to run the grist mill for a few days last week owing to lack of wood and coal. Ed. T. Greeosideearrived in town on Wedneeday and took snook of the supply of grootaries &o., in C. Ballentyne'e store, and is now iu poseesoiou. Mre. J. W. Gray, wife of the G. T. R. agent here, is lying eerlonely ill of lever in Clinton. lair, Gray is with her. The Managing Board of the Presby. terian Church oontemplato erecting a fine large ohed for the a000mmodation of the farmers' horeea, Plane and opeol0. oatione may be seen at Alox. Cameron's. The shed will be hnilt on the acme plan 0e that erected by the Methodiete. The following le the report of the needing of the pupile of S. S. No. 7, Elms, for the month of February. 5th 0.aoe.-Mary Blatchford, Jooio Blatoli. ford. Sr. 4t3 -Violet Wherry, Flora Wherry, Merle Blamed, Millie Wherry, Sr. ill, -Graham Bell, Donnie Love. Jr. 11I. -Ruth Hanoe, Mabel Richmond. Sr. IL -Bella Beret, Baby Hird, Aline Richmond, Noloon Kitchen, Ernest Wherry, Prom the Aaditore Abebraob Statement of the rooeipto and expenditure of the Treaonrer of ]Jame we eelher a 1,4 foots ; -Bulanoe au hand fratu 4904 wus $11671, 47. Taxes colleoled during 1903 awnurOb- ed to 428,418 70. Total reoelpte 411.120.- 14. Expenditure for the year $811,99989. Cash in Bank of Hamilton $3869,21, lo Imperial Bank $210 87, oaob on band $nalleoted u eeon r7olls for1908 he a ammont o of 0 Mae o 4172.98, as compared with $274 70 for 1902 'notal aeaote 466,869 88. Total liabilities $66,078 70. 'able report above that the township le in asoandfioanaial oonditioo. On Thursday 10th inet„ et 4 p. m at the home of the bride's parents, Wm. tMr. M Lod and 1I lair, the Rev. a e ]d i re. $, Engdsb ohurob milliner 110 Milverton, united in marriage two E'ma young people in the persona of Mies Minnie Bair and Charles Duoklow. The inter• eating and impressive oeremony was performed in the preeenee of stoat forty guest°. Mica Mary Wilson played the wedding march, The bride wee dressed in wbite organdie, trimmed with vale0- oienuee Mae and ineertion and white eatin ribbon. She carried a handeome bouquet of white carnations tied with white ribbono, The young oonple wee supported by Mise May Tindall and Wm, Gilmer, A eumpt0oae wedding dinner wen served, after which the evening was pleasantly spent with denoing and games. The presents were nnmerooe and wetly. We wish the young couple every hap piens. 113 a 1e: reeve. Geo. Lawrence, of Ayr, is visiting at the home of hie stater is the village. Mre. Win, Watson and Master Willie were visiting with Blyth friends. Geo. Dalgarno has been seriously ill witb pneumonia, and hie friends hope that be may have a speedy recovery. Wm. Beogough, the venerable secre- tary of the Belgrave bronah of the Bible eoaiety wart presented with a oertiilaate of life membership as a token of bis faithful ureioea in =emotion with the Society. Hugh and Mre, McLean reoeived a very pleaeant surprise, Feb. 27th, when sever- al members of the Ladles' Aid Society of Knox ohurob presented them with a beautiful upholstered rocker, 'Mr, and Mre, MoLeao are moving to their farm on the 10th line of East Wawanoeh. Mre. McLean baa beau an settee mem- ber of the Ladiee' Aid Society for many years and both Mr, and Mre. McLean will be mach wiemed in this vicinity. ADDRmse AND PRESENTATION. -Quite a number of the villagers met and enjoyed a very pleasant evening at the reaidenoe of D. Sproat, on Monday evening, Fab. 29th. The party assembled for a double purpose ; one was to celebrate Mr. Spreads birthday, and one peculiarity of that oeoaeion ie that be is -68 years old and hae only had etxteen birthdays. Atter extending congratulations and wieh- Ing him many happy returns et the day, the second part of the program was pro. Deeded with, and it was to present our popular etatioo agent, W. B. Batton with an easy chair. Mr, Sutton hae been agent here for several years and has proved himself to be a very efficient and obliging business man, and has made many friends in this village ; and its he to about to leave Belgrave hie friends could not let him go without giving him a testimonial of their friendship. The presentation was aoaompanied by the following short addreee To W. B. Sutton, G. T. R. Agent, - Dun Sia, -It ie with feelings of tbe deepest regret that we learn you are about to leave this village. Yon have always been faithful in the discharge of your dntiee as agent of the G. T. R„ and at the same time very eourteoue and obliging to the business men of thio vil- lage ; and we cannot allow the present opportunity to pea without showing our appreciation of your kindness, and ask you to aoaept this ohair 90 a token of the high esteem in whioh you are held by the people of Belgrave. Wiehing you and Mre. Sutton all moues in your new home. Signed in behalf of Committee, D. SpnoAT 0. MOOLELLAND. Mr. Sutton was quite taken by eurpries and thanked hie friends for their kind- ness to him. He regretted very mall having to leave Belgrave, but owing to the very inconvenient eohool mamma dation, be was compelled to go to some i l,x epees of examination other plane better situated in that re. Mi oellaneoae 'peat. beam. The feu was terribly dietorted and ISIS . ;; alaok, Tile poor aueband ut untie' a 1'•. rope and the body fell, fie fount nil• 1 e life spark still glowed, al. chalet. a +u y, and sent at once to ,St. Maya fur a doctor, the KOodieal man loot no Om, but he was too late. Dors, area Mame her husband and a family of two decghtoro and a eon, for whom meek] sympathy ie felt. Oa daughter is max• rigid aid the other ie a leacher. The eon worked the farrn witb hie father. De. nand wail fifty years of age. The fan• oral tools pleas on Wednesday Afternoon to St. Marys oematery. W. MoMillan and A. U. Neff, of Saha ford, hove formed a pertnerehrp and now the painting and deoaraC'ng e oteblieb. mens on the corner of Ontario and Erie eta„ will he known as McMillan & Neff, Mr. McMillan will look after tbe picture frame, moulding and wall paper depart- ment, while Mr. Neff will devote hie time to the painting ea decorating eon• train The Newark (0hh') Amerloan Tribune of March 2ud, contains an account of the ioetallation on Tuesday evening of Rev. T. A. Cosgrove, formerly of St. Marys, to lain new charge in that atty. Prior to the public Benicia of ioetalllttion Rev. Mr, Cosgrove was reooived into the Zeneeville Presbytery by a meeting held by that body at 7 o'olook that Dame evening, At tbe pablto nervine Dr. Work, of Granville, presided, and after song Davies and prayer he galled on Dr. Oarnett, of Cleve. land, a lite long friend of Mr. Ooegrove, and one of the eminent divines of Cleve• land, for the sermon of the evening. Dr. Carnett paid a tribute to hie old friend and oongratulated the oongregatioo on enuring his eervioes. Then followed the public form of inetallation, in aaoordooce with the ritual of the Presbyterian church. Dr. D. Roes, of Zanesville, delivered the charge to the pastor, Dr. F. A. Wilber, of Mt Vernon, followed in a charge to the congregation, asking their eo•operatioo with the new pastor. Dr. Work then lead the usual questions of ex• amination to Rev. Mr. Cosgrove, the enemata to which pledged him to the intereel of the ohnroh in solemn coven- ant, after prayer and the doxology Mr. Cosgrove pronoonoed tbe benediotion. The Amerioao Tribune ooe:Andae he remarks as follows : "Rev. Mr. Cosgrove begins hie pastorate under most happy conditions and the Newark public will what him God speed in the work he has entered upon. His previous oareer Hae been snob art to be cherished among tbe Presbyterians of Ontario, and all of Canada." Angus MaOrimmon has been appointed Crown Attorney for Elgin, Aubrey White was elected Preeideot of the Oanadiaa Forestry Aeaooiation. Hannah Street Methodist rhumb, Hamilton, will build a new parsonage. Noah Wenger, of Ayton, one of the most prominent beefiness men of the Northern part of the ooantry, died cod• deuly on Saturday, Fob, 27, Mr. Weugrr was widely known as a merchant and miller and was also interested in Ennis. ton induetriee. ABSTRACT STATEMENT -OF- Brussels Public School FOR 1903 RECEIPTS. Balance from 1902 4 341 38 Tuition fees 676 06 Equivalent to Gov. grant, 1902142 00 Guy. grant, 1903 146 00 Legislative Municipal grant..-2 90 Local useeeament 1000 00 Examination fees 31 00 Continuation Claes land - Government 200 00 County 400 00 Total 48439 88 EXPENDITURE. Paid Cambers $2297 00 Caretaker 164 14 Secretary -Treasurer 30 00 Interest 27 66 Fuel 185 10 Repairs and supplies 239 51 27 86 28 33 Balance to 1904 600 26 Perth County. The rumor afloat on the street of a large firm buying ont the opera house block at St Marys proves to be not true. Alex. Ballantyne, of Brantford. eon of Han. Thos. Ballantyne, has poroboeed the hardware stook of W. F. Cookehntt & Co., of that plane. Mise Wanless, a graduate of the Strat• Lord Hospital, and a poet•graduale of New York, bee been appointed head nurse at the hospital, at Stratford. Stratford hag reason to be proud of the record its young men have made in the field of athetios. For the third time in receipt years they have captured a provin- cial ohampionenip. Their viotoriee have been; The junior hooka in 1901, inter- mediate Marone in 1002, and now the intermediate boolrey. The Baptist ahnroh, of Stratford, bee had another proeperone year and oom• enumerated that feet as well art the estate liohment of the church at the corner of Nile and Onterio•ete., by anniversary nerving on Sunday and Monday 18th and 14th. Rev, 13. D. Thomas, D. D., late of Toronto, was the preacher. 13, Whitworth, Methodist sexton, St. Maya, who hae been 000apying the adage on the oharah ground's adjoin- ing the Methodist Sunday wheel building, hae moved ont, as the cottage has to be When down to maize room for the new p000000ge, Mr. Whitworth has taken rooms above J. A. Oheeterfield's tin• smashing and plumbing shop. 9010101. -Mrs. trues, wife of Robert Bruce, a well•to do farmer of Blanchard, oommitted enioide on Sunday morning of. last week by banging herself from a beam in a shed adjoining the -Houort It le a sad cage, evidently doe to melancholia produced by poor health. The family live on int 26, bees line of Blanchard. On Sunday morning Mr, and Mre. Bruoe were at breakfast in company with their eon, when Mrs, Benno roe° suddenly from the table, ostensibly with the intention of getting a glass of water. She wee absent n tong time and her husband be. R e came lhsioa0. no went out to the bask and looked in the shed, There he was horrified to see her body dangling from a Total $3439 88 W. J. H. M0KOinoiaTa, xuafAY.S. itore. What , Exhibitors Say 90 per cent. of Pat Oen e exhibited ab Provinafal Winter Pair, 1003, were fed with Worthington's Oauadiau Stook Touio, DEAR SIR',- We have been feeding your Stook Food to cattle for some time, Mild And it to be an excellent tanto. W e have also fed it to horses and pigs, and are quite sure it is the hest stook food we have ever tried. Our prize winning cattle at the Provincial Win - tor P'air,1003, wore sod Worthington's Stook Tonio, LESLIE As PEAREN Brooder Shorthorn Cattle, Anton, Ont, DEAR 01ne,- I And your Stook Food 10 a very 00001- lent Tonle for cattle, giving them a good appetite and seeping their dioostive organ; iu a healthy working condition. The steer "Soothe," 0Xbibited at Winter Pair, weighed at birth 80 lbs„ at 8e months 200 the, malting a gain of 65 lbs per month, It payo to feed worthingtNIADNW RCHARDSON, Broader Shorthorn Cattle, Peepabun, Ont. AnAn 8100, - We have need your Stook Food for both cattle and hogs mud And It gives good sans. Motion, Several of our nettle 11avo shown a gaain of over 100 lbs Pper mouth while teed. in It JAB.'t'IL8ON & SONS Brooder of Shorthorn cattle sad *ork- shire Hego, Fergus. Ont. Note the Prieo : 101b, box, 200 feeds, 00o ; 60 lb, Seek 02, Mouufaotnred by T091 WOR N 15 'Ilii GTON 005(0 00„ Guelph, out, Pox Bale by- N.P. (Datu f, Bruseole' H. P. Al oALL0STEII, Ethel ; N Mli GEdf3SI10', 1313114 ala ®Co. BLYT H. STILL. THEY COME Every stain brings us large goantitiea of New Spring Goode, Below we mention a few of the late arrivals d Ladies' Drees Skirts in flake goode, 88, 40,tand 42 inahee long brimmed with Roman satin, very epeojal at $1 76. Ladies' Drees Skirts, in ]habit cloth, la aloes of block and navy, trimmed with three oloetere of cording and satin atrappin6, io all lengths,e, great value et $6.76. Ladise' Drees Sktrte, in floe Viaunna cloth, in colors of black and navy, trimmed with buttons and 10 rows cording, a very stylish garment 43 96. Ladles' Drees Skirts, in homespun, vene0ian0, broadolotbe and fano, flake gado, made op In the tateet style, at 44 60, 45, $6.60 and 47 60, Lace Oartaine, 2} yards long, 40 iuobee wide, 500. Laos Onrtninm, 8 yards long, 45 inches wide, 75o, Fine Notbingbam Lace Curtains, 54 inches wide, in either plain spot or enroll nano, very epeoiai, 41, Tapestry Carpets, in new potterne, a large stook to eeleot from, at 25a, 60e, 65o, 75o, and 86a. 'Colon Carpets, in new patterne and colors at 250, 86o, and 60o. Woo! Oarpete, yard wide, new patterne, at $66, 75e, and $1. Hemp Carpets, in etripee sad Baal designs, at 120, 18e, and 20e, Floor Oil Cloth, in 1, 1}, l} and 2 yards wide, at 25o, per square yard. Linolenme. in blank and floral patterne, at very 01oee prim, Japanese Matting', in new patterne and oolore, yard wide, at 12}c, 18o, 20o and 25e. tom" All carpets from 86o, upwards wi I be oat and matched free of charge. 1 ®,e J. A. Ewan was elated Praeident of the East Toronto Liberal Aesootation. There is a prospect of a steamer rale war betweenlToronto and Hamilton the Doming Bummer. Herbert Fiedlay!formerly of, Orillia, was trnzeo to death at Fish Bay camp, Lake of the Woods. It is reported et/Montreal that D. A. Hamel, corporation paymaster, passed ;a forged r heck for1e10,000 on the Bank of Montreal and disappeared. He is ileo said to have taken several bandred dollars doe to oorporation laborers. SUCCESS ATTER OS THE GRADUATES] OF ON JAN. 4, 1904, WINTER TERM BEGINS Two Courses -Commercial and Shorthand. Send for College Journal. A. L. MoINTYDE,Manager. VIM THE MIRROR TELLS AN THE STORY. I -PILL R..EMOVES THE CAUSE. When the tongue is coated or the breath tainted, when an out -of - sorts feeling, as of burning or feverish stomach, dull- ness and aching of back or hips, there is trouble in the stomach which may develop to malaria or other oeyere sickness. If you have Dr.Leonhardt'e ANTI- Pu.L at hand, one at night and Dna In the morning will remove the trouble. It is the world's greatest system treatment. It is a guaranted cure for dyspep- sia, biliousness, or consti- pation. If you want to proye its merit, write Wu, - 8010 - From Co., Megan. Falls, Ont„ for free sam- ple, Sold by druggists, 60 cents per box. Sold in Brussels by James Fox. eirtilieseteeDINDOMalettlel AL s We have a small stock of Photo, and Scrap Albums left which we will clear out at cost. etaie Few Crokinole Boards Still on Hand. New stock of Notepapers, Pads, Envelopes, &c. BEISHISIOSIRMINESEMENIMISMISE I ONTARIO'S FACTORY TO ONTARIO'S FARMERS Cent al d't1 .Si. n er Twine am'waa'bst'41Hie tuw tob,ro, aevewro„A,w tt'w' We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop. Tbis Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3 Rope Halters. Samples of the Grain Bags, Halters and Twine may be seen at our store. There are 4 Brands t -- PURE MANILA, 650 feet MANILA, 650 feet PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA, 500 feet Mail orders will be carefully attended to. Special prices on ton tote. To secure this Twine you must place your order, The price will be considerably lower than the price of any other Twine on the market. • Frites will be officially published in the leading papers in due,time, Order early and save money. A. M. IOKAY&Co.