The Brussels Post, 1904-3-17, Page 2tet tratsscts )1a.st, _ • _ THURSDAY, 1114R, 17, 1904. COUNTY' COUNCILS/ ALM Premier Rose introduced in the Legit]. Wine on Wednesday of last we' bill to e,mend the County Councils Aot,Ib alters the aot ot last session along the line iudicated by thetPremler when reply. lug the other day to a deputation of Tenn oi pa I representatives, Instead of giving township counoils Slone the power to abolish the present system of coned. tutingicoanty oncmoile by the eleotion of representatives for comity edivieious, it provides that on a maserity of the town. ship and village councils voting in favor of *eyeing the system the oonnty conn. oil than submit a bylaw to the people at the mixt oonnty ateenoil election. If carded, the old pi* of forming twenty oonneils, with the exception that only reeves ancemayore shall oonetitute then, will eo into fora. The amendment will not be operative until January, 1906, as no conoty council elections will, be held beforeithen on the proposed new Lot. • BIJR0?; REGISTRARSHIP. Mr. Stratton laid ortithe table oorres- pondence,injrelation to the appointment of William Coats aa Registrar of the County of Huron. Mr, Coats wrote on January 9, 1999, to Bon. 8. S. laarde, applying for the position of Regietrar rendered vacant through the death of L. Gibeon, Robert Holmee, M. P„ for Weet 'Huron, verote:efrom Ottawe Mar* 27, 1899, to Hon. A. S. Hardy, stating that the appointment of Mr. Coate would give universal satisfaction to the Weat Rating at any rate, and also in other portions of the Comity. He added that Mr. Goats had worked hard for the party, and that it was dee to hie efforts, ie part at least that the Liberals bad been able to'hoid Weat Huron. The teppointreent would be approved by Conservatives ae well ae Liberals. James Fair, of Clinton, wrote 00 January 12, 1899, to Ron. A. S• Eftee9 recommending Dlr. Coats, Mr. Coate wrote on February 27, 1902, to Hon G. W. Ross to commit an impression that be was an applicant for the poetmasterebip. Mr. Holmes had offered it but the posi- tion would aot suit biro, "and" said Dlr. Coats, "I do not think that eimply be - °ease that position isvariant it should prejadiee my *tine on the other in any way." He added that when the Regis- trarship wee vacant before, he was an applioant, and though be wee disappoint- ed at not receiving it, it did not make the elighteet difference in his efforts on be- half of the party. In this Mr. Garrow would bear bim out. Mr. Roes wrote on Marehlst, 1902, to Mr Coats :-"I bad a conversation with Ur. Gamow two or three Wenn within the last week or so. Next week, or at lean as soon as the eession is over, we intend to take op the vacancy in Huron and I hope it may be filled". C. P. R. to Goderioh. A special from Moutteal says :-Before the end of the present year the Canadian Pacific Railway will have °ennead* with Goderieb. The extension of the Guelph Junction Railway from Guelph to Goderioh has been on the tape] for some time, and more than eon Sir Thomas Sbaughnessy has hinted that this work might be undertaken. As the result of a deputation from Guelph which waited upon the president of the 0. P. R. Friday morniug, the 4th inet., the undertaking is now neared of completion within the present season. The deputation consisted o!3. A. Hamil• ton, the Mayor of Guelph ; D. Guthrie, the city solicitor ; Alderman Scott, William Bell, president of the Guelph Junotion Railway, and Col. MaoDonald, the °company's gollaitor. The Guelph & Goderieb Railway Company is applying for a shorter at the present session of the Federal House, end 55 0000 as that is obtained work upon the contraction of the eighty miles of tea* between Guelph and Goderioh will be commenced, whioh, with the fifteen and one-half miles already belonging to the Guelph Junotion Railway, will give the 0. P. R. aticess to Goderioh. The object of those who waited upon Sir Thomas Shaughnessy on Friday was to enure an arrangement as to the rooting of traffic over the proposed ex. teneion. The reply made by Sir Thomas was, Col. McDonald said, completely eatiefaotory. TO DAIRYMEN. The Montreal Produce Merchants' Association desires ones more to record its objeotione to the mandaeture of fodder cheese, either ab the beginning or at the end ot the season, believing it to be againet the interestof all connected with the manufacture of Mil gran oheese, from the farmer to the exporter. It is the opinion of ilia Anoolation that the time Mae arrived when the menufametre of fodder oboes should be dinontinued, and a time for the opening and °toeing of cheese faotoriee definitely arrived at. The amount of thane manufaotured in Canatie last year reached the large tont of 2,900,000 boxes, being about 850,000 bons over the previous year. This was largely owing to the extensive mannfuotu re of fodder °nese in March and April, end November and Decmber, Tbe un- certainty of the extent sod time of the mahufeedure of these feeders, together with the inferior quality prodneed, tends to depress the market, ereates a lingering of values, and affects the print' obtainable dnrieg the wbote of the Sommer name The opinion of this Association is that it is strongly in ehe interest; of dairymen that the manufauture of theses should not commence bettors May let, and should ohne not later thee November 16t1,. It this is done, a steadier market would result, and a better average price would bo obtained, The gentian of what to do with the surplua milk during the 'lease* referred to, is easily settled by the Menu. facture of bathe. By giving closer attention than heretofore to the require - Monte of the trade in Better, the quality would he eery tnnob improved, and we Shahid bOon gain a reputation and qui* matket for goods made during the Winter and early Spring mootbe. Most prof- italde bee eteuld be Made of the eldest tiojbk far tile feeding Of etoek. The pnepeete for the profitable mane. feature of butter have never beau brighter than they are this naeon. The ex. portation of butter hone Rusela, whioh is assuming large proportione, will probably be Louth curtailed by the war between that county and jepan, Red ibis feet, together with the fit m *vine from Bug - land, should bring about higher prim in the near Were, With the present good home trade demand, producers et oholoe creamery butter will tied piens profitable thio 8pring. The stook of *me in Greet Britain and Canada, le now almost double that of Ian year, and if many fodders Are made, 11 10 boned to result in phenomenally low pricier] during the coming season. Huron Spring Assizes. The jury sittings of the High Court ot Justin opened at 8 offilook on Monday afternoon of Met week before the Honor able Janice Teetzel, with thirteen civil issues on the docket. There was also the criminal Gate King se. Thomas Sherritt, for !tenant alleged to have been commit. ted on his wife, imel aonsequently a grand jury bad been summoned. This nee it will be remhored, was sent up for trial by Magietrete Humber. The jury *on G. W. Thomson as foreman end returned a ewe bill in this ogee. Mr. Shemin plead• ed "Not guilty" to the indietment. Fol. lowing the general praoticie and in view of the number of civil oases to be tried His Lordship put eft the Wei till the general Benton of the County Court in June and Mr. eiherritt was let go on the same bait as before, $5,000. tar. Seeger was ap pointed the Crown Attorney to conduct the criminal business before the Court and appeared for the Crown in this 10. don. The grand jury inspeeted the mond house and jell and made the following pre:de:at:neat GRAND ME PRESENTMENT. The jurors of our Lord the Kim; beg leave to present as 'anew : We bays examined the jail and find the rooms olean and in good order. There are four prisOners therein, three committed for vagrancy and anothet for lawny. After a tborougb examination of the jail we would reoomeneed the fol. lowing improvemente First, storm windows, which we consider nenesary to keep the water pipes from freezing. Seoond, an eave.trough and waterpipe on the SOnth aide, as we consider the drop. ping of the water in that place an injury to the fonndation of the building. The water from tbis pipe would also benefit the sewage system by firething out the pipes. Third, a new kitchen stove as the old one is almost useless, and that a hot water tank be attached thereto to 00000n with the prieoner'a bath room upetaira. We also think ib emissary to itaVe a hand railing on the steer leading from the auditorium to the hall.way of the court house. We reepeotfally beg to tender to His Lordship, Mr. Justice Testes), our cor- dial welcome and congratulation noon bis find visit to the County of Baron in his official oapacety. Geo. W. THOMSON, Foreman, Goderioh, Grand Jury Room, March 8th, 1904. Following is a report of the issues that have oome bo trial :- Sleobbrook vs. Granger Au aotion for 'pander, J. P. Mabee and A. B. Macdonald for plaintiff, E. L. Dtekineon, for defendant, This trial oommenced at 8,30 and was not concluded when the *art adjourned at 7.30. The thud re - earned at 9 30 a. m. on Tuesday. The Jury retired at 11 a. na. and returned at 11.80. On their finding Hie Lordship directed judgment to be entered for plaintiff for $100 and oasts on the High end scale. The plaintiff in the notion is 1 lad of thirteen, who took motion through his father, a farmer in Hullett. The defendant wee John Granger, who, admitting that he made the alleged state. meets were true. Cue of the witnesses far the defence was a little girl of six and owing to the doubt as to her oapaoity to 'understand the nature of an oath His Lordship did not allow her evidence. Thornton et al vs, Robertson - An action to prove the will of the late John Robertson in Mame form. Wm. Proud toot, K. 0., for plaintiff, E. L. Diekintion, for defendant, By consent His Lord. ship directed that judgment be entered for the plaintiffs deoreeing probate of the wits of the late John Robertson lo solemn form and discharging the caveat lodged by the defeeciant. Costs of the action to be paid by the defendant to the plain- tiffs, the executors, old nets also to in- clude the costs of examinations of parties for discovery. Dykes vs. Rannie-An *don for mal - Miens proseantion. Messrs. Dickinson & Garrey/ for plaintiff. W. Prontlfoot, K. 0., for defendant. Theeplaintiff is a speoterne and patent mediate° vendor who was Arent* by Constable Westocitt on 805910101 of the theft of a gold watoh belonging to Mrs. Rennie at Hensel!, the defendant being Peir, Rennie, on whose information the arrest was made, The geestione as to whether the faota justified the arrest being made or whether they dimmed lege] malles on the part of the defendant and what the amount of dam. agate if any, 'Mould be were referred to the jury by Elie Lordehip and they took only five rriinOteti to answer them. In anordathe with their answers Elia Lord- ship direoted judgment to be entered against the piainttff, dismissing the action with nets including nets of ex aminetione for dieciovery, and teetiarked doet he had seldom witnessed thole a speedy exeontioo of juatice. Steep vs. Gloried* Ermine and Blayele 00, -An anion for breech et contemn. J. P. Mahn, K. 0., for plaintiff; Dickin• eon & Gamow for defendants. The plaintiff in this ease is Jas. Steep, of Clinton, when patent for a din invitee and shoe ottaoloment for geed drilla the defendant's company aequired. The plaintiff Wag On the witness stand for about so hour and a beef on Tuesday and all morning Wednesday, end the patents, the machine itself and various parts, the agreement between the patentee and the defendants. whereby the letter acquired the patent and agreed to mem:feature the machine for the Canadian market, and 11. large amount of correspondenee were pat in as exhibit)]. The witnesses for the defendant *ropey Were ateMenager W. Doty, GOO. H. nonce, Harty 1), Reed, Manager David Thotrison,Preeidene Jes. Clerk and Director jag. Wile*, The can was mewl** Wednesday but judgment has 001 yet bent given, pending ST1 attempt to Arvin et a, settlement between the puttee. DLL J.RU8 8 I& 8 1'Q8 Whitely va. Thompson et iti. l Ru bion to rescind the sele of certain nooks, the plaintiff being Joseph Whitely, of Grated*, 3. P. Mabee, K. 0., for plain. tiff. C. G. Jarvis (L *foe) kr the CA*. da Tin Plato Co., 3.91. McEvoy Geondold for other defeedente, the Strailerd lemu Co. not repreeented. The tame of Webeter ve. the Grand Trunk Railway Co. was settled out of nun, $500 damages being agreed mioni and a couple of other oases bate also been settled, ORANGE ORDER IN CANADA, The annual meeting of the Orange Grand Ledge of Ontario Weat Resembled at Brantford Wecineaday after** the 9th inn. under tbe president's. of John Grand Aimee, About 200 delegetee were present. The Grand Master, In big address, after the usual preparatory remarke referred to the !nesting of the Triennia; Connell in Dublin last July, whielibe attended. He observe(' ..-The Be foot celebration was the largest gathering it has ever been my privilege to wheelie, and it was representative of tbe loyalty and Protestantism of Ulster, Ito the printed part of the proceedings width I cow lay before you, I notice the omission of a ruling given by Rt. Hon, Bari Of Brno, Imperial Grand eleeter, on the powers of the Ooneoth The ruling is important, and its omissions Lona the printed report requires explanation. The Imperial Grand Master sustained tny aontention that the Trimmed Council is .an advisory body only, and in tio seuse a legislative assembly. The next meeting of the Conn* will be held in the oily of Toronto in the year 1906 when all who desire to do sone attend and judge for themeelvea. Regarding the Orange Mutual Benefit Funi, the Grand Master said that daring the past year 239,000 was paid out 10 (loath ',Mims. The membership woe not increasing as rapid. by as could be wisbed. He urged that the order exert itself to Noreen the membership. After referring to the fail urs of the movrment for the amalgam. don ef the Orange and True Blue orders in the nonuagemeet of the True Blee Orphanage at Piot*, the Grand Pilaster concludes :-"If the Grand Lodges of Ontario Beet and West have not the will, as they oartainly have the pewee, to enter into some practical scheme for the alleviation of human misery and distress, they are not as good Orangemen and Christiana AB I take them to be ." The Grand Treasurer B. F. Clarke, U. P., reported tbat the yearly receipts, amounted to $2,302, while the expen• diming! were $2,707. The batmen on band is $1,470. Win. Lee, the Se3retary, in hie report, showed that ten primary lodges were instituted during the year as follows :- No, 264, at Kingsville, oonoty of Estes ; No. 283, at Clapham comity of South Kent ; No. 336, at Depot Barber, comity of Parry Sonud ; No. 446 at elelvilleie Cross, county of Dufferiu No. 976, at Milberba, county of Nipiesing ; No. 1,840, at , at Massey Station, county of Nipiesing ; No. 1848, at Dundee, minty of Went. worth ; No, 1373, at Gremlin, tenuity of Bast Middlearx : No. 1,805, at Middle. miss, oonnty of Bast Middlesex ; No. 1.808, at Hymen, county of Rainy River, While No. 208, Bast Brace ; No. 870, North Perth ; No. 953 Beet Middleen, and No.1694, Rainy River, have been resuscitated and now in good working order. Settistioal reports of the Order's progress were slow in arriving this year, as the county lodges met later than usual. So far the admission to member. 'hip has been 1,781; The Grand Lodge of British America meets 10 Pioton in May next. After the reading of the Grand Master's address and the reporte of the officers a large committee was appointee to strike the standing committees of the sea. atom In the afternoon addressee of welcome were presented by the mayor and aorper- ation and the county Orange Lodges of Brant. Wednesday evening's onion was open to the public, and was addressee by prominent members of the Order. Midland will be the next place of meeting. The following officers were elected for the miming year :-J. H. Sootl, Grand Master ; B, Besery, London, Deputy Grand Muter ; H. Lovelock, Junior Deputy Grand blaster; Bev. Wm. Lowe, Grand Chaplain ; William Lee, Grand Seoretary ; 111. F. Clarke, Ild. P., Grand Treasurer ; W. J. Thompson, Grand Director of Ceremonies 1 J. D. Banting, Grand Leaturer ; 3, Hewitt and W. H. Taylor, Auditore, NAGE PREORPTORY, The Grand Black Preeeptory of Western Ontario was also in session at Brantford. The annual report of Grand Regietrar Parnell was a gratifying one, showing both a substantial ithrease in membership and a eatiefaetery condition of finances. The Black Chapter elected the following t facers -Grand muter, James Wileon'Potholes ; Deputy Grand Master, John Etherlet, Leadbery ; Asap. elate Manor, Robert Graham, Hamilton ; Grand ObAplain, Rev. Win. Withal, Brampton ; Grand Regietrar, et Par- nell, Bt. Catharines Deputy Grand Regietrar, Albert Swinn, Guysboro Grand Treasure, A. E. Belohee, Sonth• Ampton ; Deputy Greed Treasurer, Wm. Poreter, Toronto ; Grand Lecturer, Richard Thompson, Rat Portage ; Deputy Treasurer, Chris, Armstrong, Toronto ; Grand Cleneore, W. B. Wrigley, Toronto; Grand Parthivante W. Wilson, Grand Standard Weenie B. Comptoe, 81. Thomas and T. B. Milburn Toronto ; Grand Putenividd, Wm, Wlbson, Eam. Ilton ; Grand Committee, Dr, Buottarehl, COokstown ; A. W. Johnson, Aylmer : W, A. Fraser, Patrols& ; W. J. Thomeoh, Mitehell ; 3, J. Shelly, Toronto ; Wne. Teener, Sault Stec Merle; W. 0, Web- ster, Dr. W. N. Robertson, Pelona sobool trustee of Stretford, will bring an original plan before the toned ebortly. Ho says that drinking coupe for the nee of all children in amnion are unsanitary, and will Advocate a separate driveling oats for every sobool pupil in Stratford, Dineen tett often linger in the innocent lips of *Raced, he thinks, and are transmitted bY 005555 01 the school onto. He does not favor the plan proposed elsewhere 01 hay. ing children drink from a fonntein their lips bombing only the water "The ohild **id an what it ie drinking" he bays, Dr, Robertson will nleo nit the Boned be have eaoh child supplied With a Separate towel, ne, he declares the nes of one towel by many persona is unhealthy. ele says tbet the leers of Stratford sehoole are too cold, and that the room are not prop. oily ventilated. A. tennewhet origitml idea for the otimpoeition of Reboot boerde IMO been evelved by the doctor, W110 -Rs that these be weapon* of two old, two middle aged and 1150 yeung men ; also two boys jciet 00 t aohool, who, be Says, wou ti realize weakening in the system wed* older eeeple do out entice. NTRATFoRDPREsBYTER,Y. Stratford Presbytery mob at Knox *mole, Stratford, Tuesday of last week. Owing to the disarrangemeet in the run- ning of trains, and had roads, some metn• tiers were unable to attend. There were peanut Dr. Hamilton, moderator pro tern, and Rev. Messrs. Grant, Panton, MoLaahlin, Estelle*, Lena], Graham' R, F. Cameron, MeOullooh, Cowan, efeAnley, Gilmore, Wilson, MOE**, end einem. Denney, Mention, Ireland Smith, MoLeati, Stewart, Weir, Field; MoCalltno and Munro, eldere. The easel* reoorde of Knox thumb, Stratford, were attested. The Presbytery expressed its high regard for the high Christian tharttoter and kindly manner of Ur. Cos- grove, late of Bt. Marys, for bis faithful. nese in the discharge of Preebyterial *tin, and vvithed him great sunese in his new Id of labor in the United States. The year's report on ohne* life and work, and that ou Sunday schools, were presented by their respective oon• ethers and had the right ring about thane showing the several congregations inolud• ed to be doing the work of the Master well. Tbs oonimissioners to the General Assembly ars Rev. letersre. Graham, °renal/II, Wilson and GI moor, and Peter Smith, W. K. Weir and John MeMeheci, elders. Messrs. McPherson, of Toronto, and Bolin, of Penis, were present and were invited to sit as oorrem pending rembers. The tall to Rev, R. F. Cameron, of North Beetbope, frc.rn Georgetown and Limehouse, in the Pres- bytery of Toronto, wee accepted by him. very strong plea Was put in by bis congregation to retain hie servine. Mr. Cameron believed his work in the future lay in the larger and border field. Hie trenelation was granted, to take effect at the end of March. Mr. Ouwen, of Shakespeare, was appointed interim moderator of the session. The Preeley- tery. *else* its sympathy with the oongregetioe and expressed ite sense of the loss it sustained in the removal of Mr. Cameron. Mr, Ferguson was s,p• pointed treasurer of the Presbytery in plane of Mr. Cameron, resigned, The Presbytery expressed sympathy with the principle of enlarging the powers of synods, but could not disclose the details of the **ler owing to a depleted Pres bytery. Dt1170a0 Stewart, of North Baste hope, wee appointed to represent the Presbytery on the *famines of bills and overtures at the synod in Hamilton. Presbytery adjourned to meet on the stoned Tuesday of May in Roux thumb, Stratford. Brussels Seli.001 Board. The regular meeting of the Publio Spinel Board was held in the Board room on Friday evening. Members Present. D. 0. Rees, Jae. Turnbull, J, G. Slone and le, Leatherdale. Minutes of last meeting react and pass- ed. Anounte were presented as follows : -Wm Riley, tvood, 317.50 Geo. Calder, wood, 324 00 ; Robb. Ithedden, weed 327.00 ; W. H. Kerr. printing, $2 50. Moved by 3, G. Skeine, noontime by R. Leatherdale that above thounts be p kid. 0 arried. Moved by J. G. Slone, seconded by JasTurnbull that 3250 be borrowed from Standard Bank for three months to ametpurrent expenditure. Carried. The Auditors' Report was read and ordered to be published for, a week, in the local papers. The report for attendance for February is as follows :- Dept. On Roll Av. Att, 1 62 38 2 46 41 3 42 39 4 43 37 6 & 6 61 67 Board *jeer)]* after discussing the feel situation. HOW IT seitnium. The first paoltage of Rem Reid Km infallible Pile oure) that was put out went to a emelt town in the efitate of Nebraska. It Made the oure Of a case of Piles that was aormidered hopelese. The news spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr, J.13. Leonhardt, of Lin. 00111. Neb., the demoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being gent to ati Dante ot It will oure any one of Piles. There Is a month's treatment in oath bet, Sold for 3100 with absolute guarantee. It is for nee by drugging, Sold in /3ruseele by Jae. Fox, Ontiteediteett News'.,, Berlin bas another timer farm ease on ile hands, Brockville *dome officers seized 3800 or $900 worth of ernogeled silk. henry J. Finkle, of Woodetook, will be appointed postmaster of that (eV. I,ou Todd, who has been teller of the Sovereign Bank, at Milverton, Ina been promoted as manager at Claremont, Lea Seholee, the Cahadisto and Nation: al amateur earth:ran, *emcee that he will go to Henley this year. He is now in training, enSn intervievv, Sir Marin Hibbert Tepper, M. P. for Panne, and at present residing in British Columbia, armouring hie retirement from polities. In the nurse of the interview Sir Bibbed vigorously attacked the Government's treatment of British Cohn:Oda, Owing to the prosperity of the Week, the demand for lomber is unprecedented in the Lake of the Woods dietrict, Mr. Merge*, Crown Lando agent at Rat Portage, reporting to the departtnent, stated that the out would be one•third target than last year. The amount of lumber cut in the Rat Portage and Kee. vsatin mills will be about 100,000,000 end at Rainy River, 90,000,000, There bae been a proportionate increase in ties, telegraph poles and finer poste, There Et ri great *deity in all railway theipliee, and all people in the dietriet are eagerly looking for the doming of the Grand 'Perik whioh OOiIl came gent development in the distriote, 1.100.11111.014141.0. MAK, 17, 1904 Magprill.01014M1•141410011nagadali11115• Mr. Taylor bas introdneed a bill in the Legislature to compel harden to wear red coats and ups or similar diatinpaith• log merlin. A Toronto man le mentioned for the Presidency of the reorganized "Soo" oompany, with T. J. Drummond Re Vice. President. Sir William Von Borne and other rail. way and finnoial magnates conferred with U. S. Seerethey of War Taft mord. ing the ponibilitlee of steam and eleotdo railway developutente iu the A rather important Memo woe an• nounoed Met week from Owen Sound. The R. J. Doyle Man nfaoturing Cora - patty have assigned to B. Jackson of the game place. The company manufactured paints and varnishes, and did it large baainese. The on ferry Chuang() running be. tween Conneaut port and Rondeau'Care *a, caught fire off the bather ab Con. neat on Friday morning of last week and burned to the waters edge. The engineer was taken off fatally burned, Re says four men periebed in the hold, The rest of the new snap*, Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Wink= Cameron, late of the village of Bens. sole, in the County of Huron, gentle. man, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 329, that alt creditors and others having Manua agaiuet the estoto of the Bald William Oen.eron, W110 died on or about the twenty -see. cod Say of Pehruary, 1004. are ,regaired on or before the first day of Apr13,3904, Leptod by poet pre-naid, or deliver to W. M. Sin- clair, of the Village of Brussels, In the Oonn- ty of Huron, Solicitor for Charity Cameron and Alexander ft traohno, Executrix anti Executor of the last will and testament of the said William Cameron, deceased, their Christian and autuateeR, addresses and dee. captions, the full particulars of their claims, the statemeet of their aecounts and the nature of the securitiea, if any, held by thern. And further take noture, that atter such last mentioned date tbe said Execu- tors will proceed to distribute .the assets of the decietood anions the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the 51010,08 00 which they shall then have notice and the said Execubora will not be liable for the Gild assets, or any part thereof, 00 501' en - sou or persons, of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of seal distribution. Dated the 1st day of alarob, 1004, W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor for the ,Exeoubors. IMPORTANT NOTICES QIIORT HORN YEARLING Bulifor sale, red In oolor awl brad from latprize stook, Lot 23, Con. 18, Grey. J. D. blatant, Proprietor, Oranbrook P. O. ROB SALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west limner William and Albert streets, Brussels. 49-tf Z. Lsosis, jJ ONEY TO LOAN. -$25,000. ..1.5.11 We have the 4130V0 5,001001 of pri- vate funds to loan 00 0501 estate mortgages at 99 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re -pay.. matt and (meta of loan moderate. PROIIDFCCT, RAYS ds SLAM, Barristere, &u., Gcolsrleb, Q THORO' BRED SHORT HORN eJ nulls for sale. One is 1 year old and the other two younger, Also several regist- ered Cows and Balers. Apply to JAMES SPEIlt, Lot 80, Oon, 6, Morrie Twp., or Bros - eels 0. 52.11 STOCK FOR SERVICE nERICSEIIRE BOAR FOR SER 0100,-Tlie undersigued w111 keep for service at 171 Lot 17, Oen, 7, Morrie, a there' bred Berkehire Boar, bred by 'W. B. Dar - ham, York Lodge, East Toronto., Pedigree may be 8000 00 application Tams, 81.00, with privilege of returning if imeassary. 2841 JAS. NIOELOL, Proprietor, License District OF TBE Bast Riding of Huron. To the Tavern -keepers and Others whom it may Concern: NOTICE la hereby given that Application fox Licenses for the sale of Minors in the Emit Riding of Enron, !or the Limner) Year of 1004-1001, robtell commences on the 1st doe, or May next, will be rooeived by tho undersigned from the present dabs up to Friday, April 1st, 1904 hnusive, Applicants must furnish rho 11/L20 OR of two good and 'sufficient suretioe as bondsmen at the time of making appfica- Moe. Any applicant tor a new Beene° must furnish a certifleato signed by a majority of tee (floater* entitled to vote ab elections for the Legislative Assembly in the Polling Sub -division in which the premises sought to be licensed nre mtnated, and the said =jolty must. include at least one-third of the sold steams, who ars at the time of such applieetion residents within the said Polling Sub -division. 3200, 0. M/DLIElt, Inspector. Jamestown, March ail, 1004, WANTE A mat to repreent eauseee's Gaga - EST NI:meanies" in the town of Bennie and surrounding orientate and take orders for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES lis Trait Trees, Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Seed Potatoes, &e, Ste* One to name and free from leen Jose Smile, A, permanent) poeition for the right man on either salary or eoromiesiou. Stone & Wellington PONTfitrore NtrasEmiss 00 ens over 800 Acme TO KONTOt - ONTA ItIO REAL ESTATE. 1.11ARDI TO RENT, BEING LOT A. 20, Con, 10, Oreg. Tbero eTO 100110280, 20 under cultivation, Apply to 30011500 F. REDMOND, on the promisee, or Moment( P. 0. 2141 TAIARAI FOR SALE CONTAIN. O Me 00 aoreit, being North balms of Lobe 15 and 10, eon, 1, Grey, Clomfortable Irmo house, bank born, orehard, as, Only 4 tulles from Moleeworth. Good locality and floe !nada runnedlabe possession. If rem isnot eold by 510 10! mouth ib will he routed if suitable tenant offers For far- ther partioulars Apply to or write Iii•tt W. 51. KERR, Brunets, (4.00D FARM FOR SALE:- 71be **reigned offers for sale bar excellent form, located oe 0011, 10, Grey township, and containing 193 'acres. There is a comfortable frame cottage, bank ham good driving reed, ordinate Sze., on the premises. I, arm is well &anal and fended. It is also well watered by the river Mait- land and an Invaluable Spring. Convenient to n3arket, school and churches, F02 orlon, terms and Other particulars 'tinny on the promisee, or if by letter to UM. T. GAL. DER, Proprietress, Oraubnookp. 0, 6011 nil ACRE BARK FOR SALE, t„.1 being Lot 11, Con. A, Graf' town. ehip. 80 notes cleared, balance bush. There is a good house, bank barn, online, en. Won foutied aud farm in good condition ; 26 aurae of Fall wheat tn, 8 miles from Brus- sels; only 4 of a ;mile from (Mural and 11 fillies from sobool, iossession could be given to snit the purohaser. For fur. Cher particulars as to price, tams, dm., ap- ply on the premises to A. 000E, Proprie- tor, or at Tun Poo, Brussel°, 21.00 T. FOR SALE. - 360 acres flrbb'ebose land In the Township of Grey -bot 16, Coe, 14, I00 caret; Lot 17, Clon 14,100 acres ; and Wi Lot 18, Oen. lc SO acree-260 acres. All In excellent oonli- tion with fIrst.olass building,; Wok house with all modern conveniences, and WO bauk barn, root and straw house. stablee, As. Well watered, From 86 to 40mores of good hardwood bush, Lot 10, Oen. 18, con. tainIng 100 sores of Arst-eless land, good frame house and large bank barn nearly now. The property can be sold io two or three parcels to suit purchasers. Terms Also a commodioue dwelling noose and lot in Biuseels, For Nailer partiou- Jars apply to the owner on the promisee, LA:GOBLIN MoNISIL, or to J.NQ. 1,160101111, 130LIBeele. 21-11 BRUS SEL S HO SE FAIRS The Regular Monthly Horse Fairs will be held as follows :- TelleRSDAY, FEBRUARY 4th, 1904 MARCE 3rd, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904- 8. number of leading looal and foreign buyers will he in attendenoe, Pardee wishing to sell live stook of any desoription, or other ohaftern, by Emotion, at snob 'Fairs, eon have the ear* attend- ed to by communicating with the *der. signed before date nt Fair, F. S. SCOTT, Clerk. STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded no in 1908, and to state that we aro still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants, Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Hors&shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are cora- patent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent, Call and see us. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels, McCaughey Block nomember our Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Harrowa, Cultivatore, Drills, etc., are not Quelled by any in the market, If You are in, Ned of any Farm requisite we have it at RIGHT:price, This is the Place for rare values in Clutters aad Sleighs, Henna, Cream Beperatore, Pulpere, Weisberg Rod Wringers. To Come inetiven onr Stook and get) our Pelees ia your Golden Opportunity it you are a tiller of the soil, Wagons, Buggies, Hay Loaders, Forks and Sling'', Windmills, Tread Peewees, Entities °Otters, &O., baadled in sawn, Neil S. IVIcLauchlin, AGENT. CONFEDERATION LIFE Association Are you Insured ? If not the Confederation Life Association is ready to present a proposition that cannot fail to interest you. Business in force $86,687,383.0 Guaranteed Capital and Assets,10,568,858,83 Gash Income, 1903 1,595,768.68 W.,c. suonorm, &Jimmy. J. K. edeoDozenn, Managing Direntorr, ANNUITIES. The Confederation Life Aseernetion deeireelto drawithe attention of the public to the advantages which may be enured by the parelmee of an Annuity. Thes is a meths by which a person loan, by the immediate payment of a capital sum, secure a guaranteed income either 1005 limited term or for the full term of life. More espeoially is 10 the best method for persons somewhat advanced in years and having no corm dependent; on them to:makerabsolutely Gore 00 501 income for Me. Whole Lite, Joint Life and Survivorship Annuities are granted by the Ass001461011 05, tnoei favorable tams, rHE 'NEW ACCUMULATION POLICY Contains no orteditions as to residenee,:travel or orsoopation. I0 has but one condition, and that ,is ,that the premieres shall be peed, 51 guarantees Dictended rnearanee for the full amount of the pones', or a Poicemp Policy os a Nab Surrender Valle after 3 years, Tt gueranten Otteh Loam after 8 yearn, Zi eminent% Liberal Instalment Options, It allows 80 deem' gran in payment of Renewal Premiums, mmar....Amargralmotamiorammrsommmonermo..........e...ftrar,.........mosoramormosatorravrem W. H. KERR, Local Agent Brussels mosimissommoserimmaimmasimmussismoss...-..,---_.