The Brussels Post, 1904-3-10, Page 3ed,
MAR. 10, 1904
°out, F.8, a °OTT, Browns,
• lether of Marriage lacienees, 01.
nee at Grocery, Teenberry tweet, Brunets,
A, 131400I01.100 haa woad good Farms for
Oak; god to rent, eau toenail, In TownehiPe
of Morris and Grey, it 0, SCOTT, kiroseel
Court Prineees Alexandria, No.24, 0.0.1P.,
13r1100010, reeete In their Lodge Room, !Hea-
lth Sleek, on the gull and last Tuesdaye of
each inonth, at 8 o'olook. Visiting brethren
always Welcome, JAS, BURGESS, O. R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
J. L ECK! E,
0Mce over Horsley's Drug Store,
Nov. erd, 1002. 10.3m Bruesele,
Wellington Mutual
Ore insurance Co,,
Insuranc) taken on the Saab and premium
note syatcm tw0t,nt rates. Refers Maur -
log elsewhere call on the undersigeed Agent
of the Company.
• Ban, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in less time and lees charges
than any other AnetIoneor in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at Ude °Moe or by
personal applioation.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terms reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the Math of THIS POST, Brunets, 29tf
EY • Honor Gradate° of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Oollege, is prepared to treat all die -
eases of domeatIcated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at-
tended 80. 000oo and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Ternberry ot., Brussel&
./;_• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Ete.
Suceeevor to G. F. Blair. office over Stan-
dard Sank, Brussels. Solicitor for Metro-
politan Bank.
• Barrister, Solicitor, :Conveyancer,
Notary Public, &o. Odloe-13 tewart's Block
1 door North of Oential Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. P4091POPOOT, K. 0, 01,0. Have
Cilleee—Those formerly tempted by Messrs
Oameron & Holt,
Gorman:at, ONTARIO.
BL 0., 0, aff.,
Trinity I:adverts/4, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Ont, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery, Edinburgh. inieTelephout No.14,
Beeidence—Mill street, 13rueeels,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons 02 Ontario ana Pirstalass Honor
Gradtette of Toronto Uhiversity. 011e
next to Isrewera Photograph Cutery,
British Columbia
Bed Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
teens ors hand er made to order
at Short Notice.
Esti:mated Furnished for all
Made of SW1(111143. Werkmeal.
ship and Material Gettaraaeatel.
taaaitaatil Caaira-A—Val .Jaaaar--5C---9
We bare enrolled as many sthdents
00 00 earollod loob
yeifc: nnithe, This tells the
ata,peawVA young poople of Western
°rl° EVI'DIONTLY ENOW Welch is
the best Sthool to attend. Now Stu-
,iloo,cntit admitted at any time, Write 13
0,0 a'1,0/3110,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, a
Mi5trict 1,4)33s,
131,' tit.
A Clinton newspaper lent week contains
the following note i—William Moser, of
Blyth, spent Monday and Tuesday in
town, somewhat impatiently it must be
oonlessed, bot that was quite executable
the oiratimetehoee oonsidered. When a
young man, the day and hour of whose
wedding is set, /aide himself oaught in a
snow blockade sud unable to reach hie
destinatiou in time be wili—well become
at least as impatient as Mr. Moser wee.
His wedding WWI to have taken in Tren
ton at six o'clock Wednesday evening bet
as he did not get away from Clinton until
Tuesday evening and the train remained
in 18 drift at Dublin all night, the oere•
teeny bad to be poetponed, but will
probably take place tbie evening. The
lady to whom be is to be married is a
Mies Jamieeon, formerly of Elyth.
Forel wick.
Mime Mabel Dobson and Blytbe Me•
Langhlin are enable to attend High
School on amount of illness,
H. and Mrs. Carter and family, for
Olive Man., who has spent tbe past three
months with relatives here, have depart-
ed for their home in the West.
John M. Gibeon, solved a Rebne, wbiob
appeared in a New York wiper edited by
the Old Girls Assowation and received
word that he bad won a prize of 01,500.
The anewer was horse radish.
H. and Mrs. Fltzpatriok and family,
of Sonde, Man., who have been Winter•
ing with friends in this axiality left for
their borne in the prairie province. They
were n000mpanied by Maims. Addison
and Charles Fitzpatrick.
The Fordwiob branch of the Emit Huy.
on Wornen's Inetitnie met at the home of
Mre. Geo, E. McKee on Feb. 17th.
There was a good attendance of members,
A. paper on "Soups", was given by Mre.
J. G. Wallace and a good diem:lesion fol
lowed. The next meeting will be held in
the home of Mre. E. Spithe and the
topic will be taken by Mieees McKee
and M. Peel.. They will choose their own
The next Bitting of the Division Oonrt
will be held on the 12110 of March iu the
ooaneil obanaber, oommenoing at 9 a. na.
S. S. Cooper is getting his anther on
the grounds tor he warty building
operations af the new King Edward Hotel
as soon me weather permits.
Postmaster Boott, has kindly ooneented
to keep the postoffioe door open every
evening except Viledneeday till 9 °him*.
On Wednesday evening the office will
close at 8 o'clock.
Mise Olive MaaDermott, machine
operator at Metiers. &salmon's faotory,
untottunately bad a finger pierced with a
ueedie, which is (musing much pain'. It
may be neoerseary to ammitete at first
joint, he bone having been grazed.
The ladies' guild of 58. Paul's church
are eerionely considering the advieability
of corameuoieg operation° on the interior
deoorations ot the ohnroh, which they
purpose having done *big year, as soon ae
the warm weaker sate in. It may
involve an expenditure of $500,
Many old friend's of 11. Holmes,
(formerly uf the New )ilra,) inquire after
hie health, and they win be pee:teed to
know that although bo is in bie eighty.
second year he is io the beet of health.
He is wonderfully motive. and looks just
me yoeug ae he did twenty year's ago.
0. meettng of the Oounty Horse Breed.
era' Aesoolation was called for Monday
of lain week to appoint delegates to attend
the oonvention a; Ottawa from the 7th to
12111. Four mauaged to get here, viz
Jae, Mitchell, S. Innie, W. G. Smiley and
Tom MoMillau. Tbe two 2181881 0090900008
East sett Wipe Huron.
It ie a progreeeive business that doubled
iteed in three yeare, bat 111113 bo been the
reuord of the Clinton Emma) Light Co.
A year ago 11 became neamary to instal
now, larger and 00010 powerful anginas,
to get enough eleetrioity out of the gener-
ators to eupply the demand. Next Fall
stronger dynamoe will have to replace the
present one's, ais these have reaahed the
hese of their eapaoltya
For 25 years Will Coate has held the
position of all that time, though he has
handled thousands of dollar% every cent
had been amounted for, and there
be never been the &testiest irregularity
in hie books, This was the last of the
many ramie held by Mr. Coats which he
gave up, and bie reilignatioteavas accepted
by the tiougregationai meetieg of the
church. Mr, Coate 0089 0101 now hold
any ofthe whatever go far as hie town is
oonoerned, although he did bold more
than any celser Mall (0 11,
The Presbytery meeting held here on
Tueeday of last week had seven etergy.
enab pteeent and one Iowan, all having
&Wen, Two report, were read, "Clhuroh
lift and work" and the "Sunday
Samba" and on the malt:aware favorable.
Representatives to the geuerel assembly
to be held at St. Johne, N,13„ nob June
were appointed. nese are Rev. Mr.
Davideon, of Verne, Rev, Pdr. Hamilton,
of Londesboroa and Rev, Pier, McNeil, of
Bayfield. The eldere of Hensall, Beta,
forth and Auburn were slag appointed.
The many friends of Jae, Stevens,
Chairman of tbe Limon Bolted, will
regret to learn that he enffered each a
were aooident that le liable to lay him
dp for several weeke if dot months. Lie
went oat to tbe stable about 8 o'clock to
look etter hie aoreee for the night, and
while be was thee engaged, received a
Wok from one of hie hooey, that floored
IBM. He brawled to the hooch en hie
heartened kneel, mid with assietanne 01
some ok the neighbors, Was made as mat.
fortehle ae Veritable on a lounge, anc11
doctors could be StiMiliOned, Attar
pinning 111011 ander an auotlielio is Wats
Tfi. B uessi.,t3 POST
discovered that hie right leg wee prom
twice above tbe knee, Walsall being iinuoil
discolored and Imo len, Ae soon se the
inflammation wise radioed the lee yew
pet IMO 08 (MI to Weft naturee effort to
knit the bones. tdr. Stevene is well np
in yeare, but with bie good oonstltutIon
there are hopes of him being reetored the
nee 01 1128 limb,
The annivereariee eervioes of Wesley
Church, to be held on Bencley, Marob 18,
will be of special Interest to this eougre,
lotion. A reverend gentlemen who be
well known to all Methodiete, as well ae
time of other denoneinatiouti, 80 QM
able and attractive speaker. Rev, Mr.
MoDonagh is to be the preacher for the
day. The Whir ie preparing special
mush. In (mention with the miniver.
eery, the ohuroh is endeavoring to pity
oft $2,260 of the indebtednees oe the new
betiding 01 11128 the Sunday school lo
endeavoring to raise 5250,
Seaforth Golf Olth is making active
preparations for next Reason's] eampnign,
J. D. Ellis, formerly of the Commer•
dal hotel, Seedorth, is now proprietor of
the Huron hotel, Goderieb.
John Abell drew a toed of flour weigh•
ing 7,000 pound's from the railway freight
shed to Cardno's More with one horse.
Fred Harris, who hae been an employee
of the froultare factory here for sever).
teen or eighteen years, lute taken a posi•
Mon in the MaLaggan featory in Strat.
Pare. J. P. Brine has dieposed of her
residenoe and property in HarEinrhey, to
a gentleman in Wingham who intends
coming there to reeide. Mrs, Bine in.
tends purchasing a residence in Seatorth.
A. large plate ghee window in the front
of R. Willie & Son's store was blown in
by the wind. The glass was oraoked
fairly in the Winter, but was thought to be
sefliolently etroug to het oat the Win
An interesting carpet ball match was
played in he Sone of &Oland hall on
Wednesday evening of last week between
two rinke of the Oarsadian Foreetere and
two rinks of the flootehmen, the Soots
winning by twenty•three ebote,
During the high wind Monday after.
noon of lest week one of the tall chimneys
on the T09713 Hall blew dowu breeking off
aloes to the root, The falling bricks
punched a hole in the Commercial hotel
building and broke two windows.
L'erth County.
The Milverton Sun is to be congrat-
ulated upon the inetellation of a Cottrell
power press.
Mitchel' Council was tusked in behalf
of the town band for the meal grant
of $100, which request was aooeeded to.
The Oollegiate Board, Stratford, aeke
for $6,500 tbie year from the Oity Oonn.
Oil, whioh ie $500 more than last
Miss Parmelia Pelton died•at the resi•
demos of her deter in•law, Mrs. Stephen
Patton, lot 18, oon. 16, East Zorra. She
was in her 748.11 year.
Chief Myers of the fire department
Stratford, has received an invitation from
Brantford inviting the local brigade to
the international firemen's tonreament
to be heat in that place on June 22, next,
01 is likely that Stratford will be re.
Jstnee Norris, of Oromarty, delivere
to Fred. Deal, e ewer whith welglr.l 170
Lather F. W. Turuer, of Oardogfor
attended the meeting of the Good Reed
Aetiociation beat at Torouto,
The /men river from Fel/eaten vi
lege to Mitchell VMS largely 144011 width
terra of by teernatere and pleaeure seeker
A ER, 0118130 man was awarded a el
ver mog by the Toronto World, as One u
those wboae birlbday falls on Febrna,
Oity Clerk Lang, Stratford, reports 1
births end 18 deaths for Febroar
There were no marriages at all, which I
ratber peculiar oonsidering the tare Ilia
this is the leap year morel'.
Mr, melte, who hes been deputy oii
looter at excise dutiee at Sarnia, has bee
appointed oollervor at Palmerston 0
encased the late Mr. Waller, who oom
milted etdoide a short time ago.
Plane have been dotted for the re
modelling of the atone beilding edjoinin
the Grand Central hotel, St, Marys, fo
the new premises of the Matson Bank
The plans show a very artietio Irma
The Flax Company, of Sebringville
are going to put up a brick smoke me
flay feet high next Summer. This fir
Will Eolith soutobing before the end o
the month. It ie now giving out seed t
farmers to sow at a pries considerably
below its market vain%
Perth Go. farmers are becoming ver
anyriorm about the effect which thi
weather will have on the Fall wheat
They say that if it continue a little long
er the mop may be smothered. Let u
mutt that ouch oalamity will be averte
by a welcome change in the weather.
The °interne duties oolleoted at Strat
ford for the month of February ansounte
to 510,475 80. This amount is consider
ably lower than the February returns o
lase year, which were 018,774 78. Thi
deorease is probably due to the rallwa
service, being tied op oo mach thie Winter
The value of duty free goods was 621,82
and the value of dutiable goods $44,099.
At St. Marys Connell it was moved by
Councillors Garner and Planate that by.
law No. 10, to raise by way of loan he
sum of 515,000 for the purpose of a bonus,
by we.), of a loan without interest, to F.
R. Butcher, 3, Grebbe, S. Fraleigh, A.
A. H Lofft, and 0. Myers, the provision•
al directors of he joint stook company,
to be incorporated under the name of Ilse
St, Marys Felt Footwear Go. Limited, or
mob name in the Charter of inoorpor•
atton, for eetablishing a manufacturing
business in the town of St. Marys and the
erection of the neeeeeary buildings. Oar-
Bang I 'with a sharp oraok and 'rattle a
peal of thunder rolled aoroes the sky Wed
Linda), night of last week about 10 16 and
shook bonses in every part of Stratford.
Closely following mime a wicked floral of
lightning wbiob oertainly made thinge
lively in its traok. It etrnok Knox
chinch, at a point near the 1300110Western corner of tbe tower and
ohipped good sized pieeee from about a
dozen bridal, People who were near by
say that for a moment afterwards the air
was filled with brilliant scintillations end
an eleotrio shook passed through their
bodies. Wm Beason, driver of the mail
wagon, was (1128205 round the 'tenser at
Knox obureh when the flash oame. The
horse staggered to ite keens and he him.
self was clearly thrown ant of the sleigh.
4 What
t; '
Are you Insured ?
If not the Confederation Life Association is
ready to present a proposition that cannot fail
to 'interest you.
Business in farce $86,687,388.00
Guaranteed Capital andAssets,10,568,858.88
Cash Income, 1908 1,595,768.63
W. 0. WISODONArn, &eatery.
J. K. lalacDosotrie, Managing Director.
The Confederation Life Asmiation deeiree to draw the
attention of tbe public, to the advantages rebirth may be
secured by the purchase of an Annuity. This is a means
by wbleh a person can, by the immediate payment of a
oapital sem, Bemire a guaranteed income eitber for a limited
term or for the full term of life. More eepedally is it the
beet raethod for persone eomewhat advanoed in yeate and
having no one dependent on them to make abeolntely sure
of an 18100000 for life.
Whole Life, Joint Life and Survivorehip Anaulties ftre
dratted by the Astmoiation on meet favorable tonna.
Containe no conditions ae to redidenoe, travel or 000npatien.
71 has but one condition, and that is that the premintne
ehell be paid.
It guarantees Extended Insurance for the full salami of
the policy, or a Paid-up Polley Of a Oath Suereeder
Value atter 8 yearn.
It gneranteee Clash,,Loans after 8 year%
10 patentees Liberal luetalment Option%
08. 81110010 80 thy's' grace in payment of Renewal Prerniurne,
Local .11.1Yezt
Exhibitors Say
80 ROI (mt. of Fat Outtle exhibited at
Provincial Winter Fair, 1000, were fed with
Worthington's cauarlian shoe Tonic.
DEAN Sms,—
We have been feeding your Steel; Food
to cattle for Route time, and and it to be an
excellent 401110. We have also fed It to
boteen and Pigs, :Ind ere quite sure lt le the
hest etocir food we have over tried, Our
prize winning cattle at the Provincial Win-
ter S'alr, 1003, were fed Worthington's Stook
lirteder Shorthorn Cattle,
Aoton, Ont,
03030 0104—
I And your Steels Fend 10 a very 001081'
1801 Tonic for cattle, giving them a 000a
appetite and keeping their digestive organe
10 it healthy working condition. 10110 08.000
"Soothe," exlilb,ted at Whiter Fair, weighed
at birth ge lbs., at 85 months 200 lbs, malting
a gain of 65 lbs, per tuouth. It pays 20 1400
Worthington'. stook P00%
Breeder Shorthorn cattle,
Peepabun, Ont.
MIMI Sum,—
We have used your Stook Food for both
cattle and hogs and rind 18. 010100 good satis-
faction, Several 01 000' cattle have shown
guilt of over 100 the, per mouth while feed-
ing it JAii. WILSON & SONS,
Breeder of Shorthorn dabble And York.
shire Hoge, Fergus, Ont.
Note the Price :
10 lb, 8001,200 feeds, 60o ; 00 lb, sack $2.
himutreatured by
Guelph, Ont.
For sale by— N.P. GERRY, Brussels ;
H. F. MeALLISTER, Ethel ;
W61. MESSER, liluevale ;
N, 13. ONItSY, Blyth.
In the appeal 0800 of the Canada Go.
ve. Mitchell deoision hae been reserved.
The point on whiolathe trouble hingee is
the legality of the division made by the
clerk in the assessment ot the 'several
lots interested.
Thomas O'H.gan, formerly of the
Mitoltell High School, well known to
Oanadians through his literary attain-
ments, itt upending eighteen months in
Earope 210 010(17 and travel including a
sojourn at the great liairopean °entree of
education for the purpose of etudying
student life.
A Mitchell banker had quite en exper-
ience the other night. While errand
asleep be imagined he beard burglars in
the room, and donkey fashion, whether
for reehatance or to mislead the supposed
robber, he Mated to kiok, but soon woke
up to dud his opponent was only the hard
wall, and hence has been nursing a sore
foot ever shoe.
At a meeting of the directors of the
Blausherd Agrioultural society, Amos
Doupe was the nneninsons choice of the
direotore to Roamed Robert Beatty as
Seoretary•Treasurer. He hae been the
assiatant for a, number of years and will
make a competent sueoessor to Mr.
Beatty. The annual Fall Fair will be
hold on the 6111 and 7th of October,
Stratford, 21 28 uuderetood, is to have a
fine, new, up to -date hotel mon, whioh
will be moth target and better equipped
than any hotel at present 2o the pity.
It is the intention of the present pro-
prietor of the Queen's, Fred. J. Gorda, to
tear down bie pment establishment,
(menet. of Ontario and Waterloo -eta, and
ereot on the site an elaborately planned
four or five storey edifices.
Robert White, of the "Boo", and Mas-
ter Harry Peppin, alitohell, has been 'Pio-
iting with Staffa frieuda Mr. White
was in the wreak on the 0. P. R., in
which the trate left the mile and three
cloaribes tumbled off the track. All were
considerably 'helm up but mine serious-
ly tojered. They were detained 24hours.
0180 0. narrow escape and an experience
he will not soon forget.
Saran& Robb, Mowat street, Stratford,
who is 86 years of age, ie another gentle-
man who hae the peculiar experience of
having hie birthday come on the 29th of
February, and, ooneequently bee bad only
sixteen anniversaries, He celebrated his
birthday hie year by inviting a umber
of friends to epend tbe evening at hie
home. A most enjoyable evening ma
;meta congratulatory telegram being
read from various places. One was from
S. R. Robb, of tbe Vaneonver World, a
nephew of Par. Robb. Numerous
presente were also reoeived, showing the
high seteem in which Hr. Robb is held.
The people of Stratford have been won•
daring whet is doing about the etreet and
radial railway prosecte that have now
been for months before the Oity Council.
They will be 'surprised now bo learn that.
the months het have passed einoe H. M.
Sloan's appearanoe on the scene !act 21121
have been lost, and after all the dallying
with N. M, Cooties, a return is now de-
sired to the Bret offer made by lair. Bloan.
The latter, who bad threatened to throw
up the city service portion of bis scheme
altogether, is to be Raised to jest make
bie original propoeition over agtun and
the Council will gladly accept it, failing
whioh a heal ooranany will be organized,
Henry Hasenpflua, of Milverton, was
foetid dead 101 bed Wednesday meriting
of late week. He retired in the evening in
his 1141141 robust health, after working at
hie (hop all day. Hehti harm is given
se the cause of death. Mr. Hasienpfing
was aged 00 years. He has been a resi-
dent of Milverton about balf of bis life
and has conducted a blaokemitbing and
<ferriage making businees. A man of
tur d
s y diameter and wann kindly dis-
position be wee very popular, and regret
at hie sudden demise will be widespread.
He was well known in Stratford. A
family of three boys and three girls
sarvive. The funeral wee oondnated by
the Oddfellowe on Friday.
Logan Township Chunoil met Feb. 28,
purenant to adjournment, all mem,
bees attending except Mr, Moffatt. The
auditors submitted their report on the
reneipie and expenditures of the township
for 1908, Witch was duly read and ea -
'waited. The (Sleek was instruoted to have
the natal number of the said report
printed, to be dietributati among the rate
mere. The North Midiend Railwity
Company, by their eolietor, applied to
den a petition for inoorporation by the
Ontario liegielatnre. Tim Commit Blast
dee deliberation on the matter, deolined
&Mien. By.litre 282 of the Township of
Loon, to anthoeize tbe tem of deben-
ture(' for the purpose of outing a bonne
of $03,600 to the Guelph Innetion Railway
Company in aid of the timid railway was
r dilly 154BEISCI 011011 the 00081413888 of the
County Judge that the 580800 01110 Ally
1 non,
13 L.,Y7 H.
Our 30801.8912405 Goode are coming forward in large quantities and on
!haughty, the, 25 Mt., we showed a lull range in the fathering good%
Owing to he sharp advance in the pride of Cotton Goode of all kincleavre
would advise our friends to buy their Cotton Goode now while they nen got
thew at old prioee, 00 any goods we run oat of and have to repeat will be
from 16 to 25 per pent ingber, Below we mention a few fines wblob are
extra good valise
Dress Dacha, in butcher blue navy, ;visite grounds,s,nd floral designs, now
worth 150, for 12120.
Drees Gingbame, in (1801 patterns, at 7o, I0o, 12120, and 15%
White Lewis, 46 Wishes wide, at 10o, 12120, 160 aud 20o.
Mercerized Meehan and Vestiege, suitable for shirt waists and dresses, in
plain PAW Lawry etripes, very stylish geode, at 16e, 20e, 26a, 86o end 60a.
Valet/arced 1.4088 and N'ootinge, a large assortment, direst importations,
Irons leper yard up.
We.offer 'woad valise in Grey Cotton at 6o, 6o,j3aaandil0o. —
Flake,Dress Goods, in black and colors, at 50o, 760 and
Bleak and colored Venetiane, 50 latches wide, ea 75o, $1. and 51 46.
Bleak and Colored Stailliana, 54 inches wide at, at 60o.
White arid Cream Caihmeres at 35o, and 50o.
White and Greens Laustres at 25% 85o. and 500.
Two smart apprentices wanted in the Millinery department.
carried by the vote of the qoatified elect.
or Tbe olerk hoeived instructions to
order plan and notee of eorvey re town•
lila of Logan and McKillop from Engin-
eer Bell. The Clerk was authorized to
oval a special meeting of the Chanoil in
osae tbe report of tbe Ellice Maitland
Drain regmres the same for diapetols of
the Milanese. A email number of accounts
were presented and mauled aneounting to
the sum of $216 65 Council] then ad'
jnerned to meet again on Marob 28th,
1904, at the whet time and place, F.
Jim% Clerk.
Sold in
ON MN. 4, 1004,
Two Oonrees—Clommerolea and Shorthand.
Send for Oonege Journal,
A. L. MeINTYNE, Manager.
Mira aau get a Cold,
La Grippe, Influenza, do not
be satiefied with something
to cheek. it.
The greilest danger is in
the lingering results of a
half cure.
Many a 1:te history would
tread different to -day it
that severe attack of Cold
and La Grippe had been
properly haudled. .4, hard
cold will settle in the weak-
est part.
entire raucous membrana
of the body —relleyeeCon-
gestion —cares Coital's*.
tiara Billousnen, and Dya•
pepsin—every large gland
of the body is brought
under its influence and a
clear-cut cure established
with a medicine perfectly
harmless to man, woman,
or ch d. 60 ceats of
dealers, or by addressing
WILsoN-Frais Go., Niagara
Ontario. Free sam,
pie to any address.
Brussels by James Fox:
We have a small stook of Photo, and Scrap
Albums left which we will
clear out at cost.
A. Few Cron Boards
Still on Hand.
New stock of Notepapers,
Pads, Envelopes, &c.
vd.:40114;e5dlelld OW,' Nur
P' iso
in er
We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop.,
This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3
Rope Halters, Samples of the Grain Bags, Hatters ana
Twine may be seen at our store, There are 4 Brands :—
PURE MANILA, 850 feet MANILA, 550 feet
PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA., 500 feet
lolail orders will be carefully attended to. Special prices on
ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. The
price will be considerably lower than the price of any other Twine
on the market. Prices will be officially published in the leading
papers in due Jima. Order early and save money.
'a I'