HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-3-10, Page 14 A4, -a . '• Y, et, .4 it 'Vol. 82. No, 36 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 1904 W. H.KERR,Prop, New Advertisements, Robe loet—Tne POST. Balls for Bale—John Bennett, Spring ebooe—I. O. Rioharde, Eget Ilorou Lioeneee—J. R. Miller, str c;t tteros, Oen .atbe-ttole. The Cameron flax mill will not be operated for the eeuean of 1904. Next Sabbath' afternoon Bev. Mr. Andrewe, of Welton, will preaob iu the Methodist oharoh at Oraobrook. A sleigh load of young people attended the Epworth League Anniversary eervioe in Brueaele last Sabbath evening and another 0ontiugeot were at Rev. Mr. Crews' lecture Monday evening at the same plane. Jame r;Cowet . Ladiee' debate on Wedneeday evening of thie week. Tbe load of now and in on the bridge here was removed recently by Bleeds. MoJywen, Walter Wright and Albert MoKelvey tire among those who will go Westin the course of a week or so. Will. Brydeo will ,also go West shortly. In the absence of Rev. Mr. Perrin, of Wroxeter last Sabbath evening a prayer meeting was held in Viotorie Ball. H, R. Brewer, of Brunets, will take °barge of the service not Sabbath, • W.t1 !•allot. Rev, 0. Wesley Cogito, of Brueaele, will preach here next Sabbath evening, the pastor being at Broseele. Mrs. Jamee Ryan, who line been so eerionely ill, is improving, we are p'eaeed to state. Her eon, Dr. let an, of Kiehl - gen, is visiting ander the parental roof. Will. and Jno. Grigg intend leaving for their 'home near Moose Jaw, N. W. T. The former has 320 aoree with about 200 ready for orop. In the same locality ie Jno. Barrows and John Dennison from thie loeality. Brune OENTaNART.—Sabbath evening last a union meting woe held in the Presbyterian enroll in this village at which Reve. A. McNabb and Alfred An. draws gave addressee. The audience was emaller than was espeoted on amount partly of the nnfavoi able weather eon- :linens. on•: itions. The ohoir of the church aided in giving interest' to the eervioe. An ap- peal wae made for the 250,000 gniuea fond and 930 was asked for. We cannot tell at present with what revolt se the envelopes will be handed in later. • Sete ret.ve. The railway blookade was lifted on Tueeday and trains are now running one mote although the freights are mov- ing with considerable 000110n. Frank Wheeler has diepoeed of hie comfortable bome here to George Daley, North of here, who intends retiring from farming next Fall. Mrs. Wheeler's health oontiuuee very poor and she is still aonflnod to her bed, where she hes beenafuoe last Jane. We hope a change for the better will soon ensue. It ie thought a.albtinge' of climate wooed be productive of good if the patient oould stand the tourney. After an experience of over 20 yeare the Directorate of East Wawanoeh Agri cultural Society have .decided to noel the holding of their Fall Fair here owing to the want of hearty seeped. The building need for the interior exhibit was to be offered for Bale thie week. Some of the Boned teethed long and earnestly to keep the Fair moving bat the majority were of the opinion that with the expanse oe0eee0ry to fit tip the groutide, increase of rent for Park and deoreaeing receipts that it would be wiee to quit while all claims could be nettled. Affilieotion with other Booieties was die oueeed bot the proliabilitiee are people will go where they please. Wlat;hanee efaurioe Rose, eon of T. H, Rose, of Wingham, has been distinguishing him• self as a mitt skater in Ottawa, •Mrs. Jae, Walker in now on a fair way tie recovery, after being confined to ber room for a couple of mouths with inflammatory rheumatism, ,The Muaio committee of the Trustee Bard of the Methodist church met and opened the•tendere for the position of Choir leader. That of J. A. Morton was accepted and the report of the oommittee wee received, by the Trustee Board and, approved, The auditors' report of receipts and expendeteree for the town for the year 1608 hae been printed. The reoeinte totalled 928,384 98 ; of this, Woe of 1908, $14,080.21 is the lathed amount. The expenditure wae 928,105 87, leaving a balance on hand of $279.07. The assets of the town are plaited et $107,691.00, and the liabilities at $113,004 80, The annual meeting of the Winphem Bothell Olnb was held at the King Edward. The meeting was well attended and the prospects for the coming sea'son are bright. The following offinere were elected:—L. Harold, Hon, Pree, T D. Holmes, Hon. Viet) Pro. ; R. Clegg, Peet, 1 A. M. Crawford, Viae Pree. ; T, e. McLean, Manager ; H. H. Wighttnan, Treae': H. - 0. Kent, Beo. J. Doyle, Ceptaln. There wag a tinnier Club, organized udder the protection of the the Seniors with Heib. Kent ae Mamnger, and J. W, McKibben as Seo areas. A special meeting of the Oounoil wae • held to consider the application of Walk. er & Clegg for a loan of money to aesfgt them to enlarge and increase their mann featuring premises and bunlneos. All lila members of the Uonnoil were preeent. The application salts for $10,000 for ten years without inters -et, half of the amount to be repaid in eiglit equal annual instal. manta, and the balance at the ixpiratlon of the torn ; also exemption from tnxee, exoept Canty and' eohooi rates, `In 000' sideration of this, the firm itgeeee to erect a betels faelory 451110, three atoriea high, engine room, holler room, 90950 (one teary), Tbey will enure the town with a mortgage on the buildings, real estate and machinery, insure the buildinge and plant in favor of the town for the amount of the lona, and employ seventy bode (meetly Wiled) for e period eaoh year equal to the working days of ten months, Alter aonaiderntion, 11 was moved by Ooau, Greer, amended by Collo. Arm. strong, that this Ooeooil accept the prop. oeitiou of Walker & Clegg, tan that the Mayor and Clerk have the proper agree. ment and Bylaw prepared for submit!. Bion to the Council at ne early a date as posetble. Tbie motion oerried,and Ooon. oil ndjonrned. 'A r(1 witch. Mies Nellie Osetell attended the Spring millinery openings 10 Toronto. Blythe MoLangblin is improving, but it will be some time before she eau re• eume her etodiee at High School. E, G. Cole left dor Esteveo, Mao., where he will open op shop, Omar, who ie at Hsrtney, will join the father at Baton. John and Mrs, Doig have returned to their home here, Mr. Doig having re. covered from the effeote of bis repent terrible experienoe. Alcan Bueohert, left for Gore Bay, Manitoulin Island, to reenme work, after spending a few weeks wltb hie parents and renewing acquaintances in thee° parte. 131 rth. W. P. Habkirle hae been appointed agent in Blyth for the Axeeleior Life Ioeuranoa Go. Olerk Young was instructed to order ono dozen indurated fire buckets and eix feet of five-ply steam hose for fire hall. Miee B. Robinson, who wee engaged with J. A. Anderson as milliner the past four eeoeone, hae accepted a eituation at W iarton. Wm. Robertson has purohaeed the bakery hueineee of Barrett Bros., and will run it in remotion with hie grocery sed restaurant. While engaged operating a saw at the Blyth handle works, Wm. Barr had the miefortnne to have the top taken off one of the flngere on hie left band and the hand otherwise injured. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the residence of Misses Diok, Queen street, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, when Miee Hannah Diok became the wife of John Jeekeon, a prosperous young farmer of E ma township. Rev. Dr. MoLean performed the ceremony. A largely atteuded and enthusiastic, meeting of the ratepayers of East Wawa. nosh was held at the Commercial hotel, Reeve Sloan, of Blyth, wae called to the Oak, when the matter of submitting another Bylaw to the ratepayere of the South end of East Wawenoah was ooneidered. Besides the chairmen's addreeeee were delivered by Ooan. Ellie, Walter MuGowan, Jamee Hioggiobottom, 1. H. MoOlintau, Jamee Potter, George Quinn, Fred. Tull, John McDowell end othere of East Wawanoeh, and Jamee Young, of Auburn. Resolutions were passed deciding to take another vote in the township and the territory vote wae eulogist and will contain all the lots up to and ino tiding the 7th oo0oeeeion. The petitions were made out at the meet ing and were largely eigned. The impree' ion was strongthat the Bylaw will Derry. Gentlemen were appointed to oanvaee the territory for additional eignateree to the petition. 80 th ea 1. Mre. Maguire was visiting her sister at Toronto recently. Township Counoil will meet on Mon. day 21st Inet„ in the Hall here. The people of this locality have been put about ooneiderably by the oanaeiling of trains and ehe non arrival of mail matter. Several from here, attended the Ep worth League anniversary services eft Brueaele Iasi Sabbath evening. Rev. Mr. Crewe, of Toronto was the preacher. Jon. Slemmon, who hae been enjoying a holiday visit here for some weeks, will leave in a few days for bit home in Calgary, N. W, T., where he boldo a good position. The snow plow and auxiliary from Palmerston reached here Tueeday even• iog end remained here all night. They had 75 men with them and 7 oars in all. Owing to the in formation along the rails progreae was very Blow compered with the moving of an ordinary blockade. We were glad to see the l000motive once more after our 10 days isolation from the outside world. WEDDING BELDe.—A very happy event took plane on We0needay evening. Marsh 2nd, at the home of Mre. Jno. Slemmon, Ethel, when her only daughter, Mise Miley A , and . Alex, D. Lamont were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D., officiating. At 5 o'clock Miee Bernioe Slemmon, niece of the bride, took her place et the piano, while rendering the Lohengrin Wedding March in her usual good style, the groom took hie position beneath a beautiful floral feehoon oumpoeed of ivy, emilnx, pine apple flower and begonia, The bride entered, leaning on the arm of her eldest brother, Wm, Slemmon, She looked charming in a dress of cream gloria Bilk trimmed with shirring applique and 'satin ribbon wearing fueohiae and hyaointhe in her hair, and carrying a handsome boquet of white roam ' Little Miee B'eatriee Stewart, of Seafcrth, acted ea flower girl and wawa picture in white silk, carrying a basket of pink and white rosea. 'After the neuai good wishes bed been extended to Mr, and Mrs. Lamont the guests to, the number of about on hundred, ant down to it enmptnoue dinner to which all did ample Notice. The tables looked vary pretty decorated with rosea and mtrnatiane, During the evening the bride was attired in n riob black peilette Bilk dress trimmed with applique, The bride ie a bigkly eeteotwed young lady, always ready to take her place in he work of the Sunday Bohol for whack the cahoot wished to show their appreciation of her eervicee by preaonting bee with a very pretty jerdineir and etand and the ohoir of the Methodist °burob, of which ohe was a useful member, preeented her with an extension table, The groom'e gift to the bride was a beautiful gold braoelet, and to the flower girl a pretty ring. The oolleotiou of presents was one of the finest ever seen here, Guests were printout from the North Weet, Toronto, Beatorth, St, lyfarye, Mitchell, Wtnghem Atwood and Brueaele. The bride's travelling ooet.ume was marine blue broadoloth trimmed with a fauoy lane stole mallet. After their return from Seatortb and other plane the young omiple will take up their reeidenae on the 9th oon0eesion amid the beet wtehea of a hoot of Mende for a happy and prosper• one future, Wreexiareoc-. Wm. Muir has arrived home from Dublin, Miee E. Wellwood -spent Sunday io Teesweter. Earl Armstrong had one of hie eyes hurt while playing hockey last week. Wm. Reid, of Brunets, Dulled on friends here recently before leaving for Toronto. Fred. Taylor has moved to hie property lately pnrobnaed from Mre. A. Morrow, who last week moved to Gerrie. Mre. Peter Fowler, of Wingbam Juno tion, was the gneet of her oouein, Miee Jean Davidson, for several days. Mrs. Thee. Smith returned to her home on Saturday after an anemia of several weeks spent with relatives in Grey. Robert Montgomery, of Minden, visited old friends here hist week before leaving for an extended trip through iihe States, Rev. I. A. and Mrs, McKelvey enter- tained the members of the Methodist ohoir to a leap -year party Tuesday even• ing, A few of the Manitoba vieitore who left for the West a week ago Monday, drove back to the village last week, from Mount Forest, after being storm -stayed for several days there. R. and Mre. Blank and Misses Agnes and Nellie Black attended the wedding of the former's neige, Mies Jon Edgar, to John Henry, whioh event took plane at the residence of J. Edgar, of Howiok, last Thursday evening, For about ten days we have not had a train and one is not expeoted for several days. On Saturday a enow plow and mogul engine were derailed five miles West of here and at the time of writing are still is the ditch, the plow being a oomplete wreak. The plow from the Beat is in the neighborhood of Grand Valley and Ise yet the worst part of tbe road to pane over. On Saturday we reoeived Monday's mail from Barrister' by way of stage and on Sunday There - day's mail arrived. Gres. Township Council on March 21st. Aeeeeeor Reymann ie making hie annual oall. A wedding or two will come off shortly in this township. Misses Julia Frain and 0. MoQuarrie were vieitore in Brneeele and looality during the past week. Leat Tuesday gave more than one traveller broken shafts, hones, eta., owing to the almost impassible condition of the roade on mount of the thaw, Jamee Turnbull, 4th Ooo,, has been botbered with something like e felon on the middle finger of hie left hand whioh has given him a gold deal of trouble. We bope he will soon be all right. It is said that Joe McDonald, let oon., is making quite a suooeas of batobing ehiokens without the aid of mother ben. With a good start in the year Joe'e Wake should be prize winners by Fall, Mrs. Jno, Engle, of Paw Paw, Mich., and eon, who have been holidaying with relatives and friends, left for their hone this week after a eomawhat tedious delay for the past week awaiting the train service. The 100 acre farm of Andrew Tennant, lot 15, oon. 3, hae been Bold to J. Huff- man, of aff-mau,of Turuberry, who is taking poe• eeeeion at once. He paid $3,800 for it. Mr. Tennant may remove to Trout Creek locality in Muskoka. We wish him and Mre. Tennant nooses. Some youths on the 4th line are the owners of a lighting game cook and they had to notion he could Olean out the neighborhood but a heavy draught Wyan• dotte at a neighbor's nearly laid out the former. To will have to wait until its epure grow boyo and aleo remember that the law does not permit of cooking mains, OBITUARY.—At 10 o'clock Thursday forenoon of last week a resident of the 15th oon. for over 80 pieta, paned over the river of death io the person of John Ewen, who bad nearly attained hie 83rd year. While in failing health for some time be was only oonflned to his bed from the Sunday preceding hie demise, Mr. Ewen wee born in Dumtermline, Fife. ehire, Scotland, in the year 1821 and learned the trade of damask weaving In 1845 he was united in marriage to hie now bereft partner, Mies Jane Grigg. They onme to Canada in 1857 having an experieuae they never forgot as the Martin Lather, the vessel on whioh they took paeeage from Glaagow, was wrecked and he passengers were picked np by It loading veeeel, Tbey were landed at Plymouth where they were detained six weette while their veeeel underwent the neoeeeary repairs, Point Levis tvae eaotted after a stormy passage of seven weeke. Mr. and Mrs. Eton lived at St, Marys for two yearebefore moving into Hibbert township where they firmed. n 1878 they bought the 100 aore farm of rah. Believe lot 5, oon, 15, Grey, where hey have o0ntinnonely resided, Out of family of eight children 8 tareive viz re. Wm, Telfer, John and Mise Kate. 'lre children died in Bonen end 2 in anada, Mr. Ewen wee an indnstriuna, hrifty going man. Be was a Preebyter. an in refigiou and a Liberal io politioe. he tumbrel took plane on Saturday orenoon, Roe, A. MacNab, M. A., of Delon, pastor of donned, aoelduotiog n appropriate eervioe. Pallbearers ore Andrew Hislop, Thoe, MoFadzean r., Alex. Gardiner, Jno,Leween, Williaat refer end Jno, Ewen., Interment was M 0 w made in Brueaele cemetery in the family plot. The family is eympatbieed with in their bereavement, This week the 52 sore farm of Peter. McDougall, 8th con., was purchased by hie brother•in.law, Alex. Yen!, whoee 100 aoree adjoins it on the Wast. The price paid was $2800. F. S. Scott, Bruit ee:e made the sale. Mr. Yuji' will get poeeeeeioo this Spring. He will now have a splendid farm. Mr. McDougall will bay a 100 acre plane it he finds what suite him. Last .Friday evening an enjoyable oyster (tapper was given at Oliver Barrie' 16th, Con., in first olaee style, in boner of Harry )ouglae and bride, the latter 0 a slater of the hoetese. The evening was spent in dancing, Bong, maaio, &o, and a jolly time was spent by all. Mr. and Mre. Douglas will leave for Manitoba about the 15th 1091 , where they pnrpoee making their home, We wieb them eeeoeee. The Olintec News Reoord antis :—Mies Addie Rathwell, daughter of S. Rethwell, of Goderich township, left Olinton station on Monday afternoon of last week for Winnipeg where on her arrival she was married to John MoKay, formerly of the 17th oon. Grey township, thie county. The happy ooaple have taken np their abode in Elgin, Mao. The bride is a sister of Mre. N. Beacom, of town. May emcees and happineee be theire. M orrlte. Morrie 0000011 will oonvene next Mon. day. A 6th line bachelor is going to join the benetliote it is said. Some .predict that the maple anger season for 1904 will be minae owing to the long continued Winter. Miee May Oode, daughter of Council lor Thomas Oode, of Morrie, has entered St. Joeeph'e hospital, London, to study for a trained none. One day last week a cow belonging to James Evens, oon. 8, gave birth to a steer calf that weighed 125 pounds. It was a whopper without any donbt. A good many farmers have beeu nom pelted to teed stock for several weeks after the time ageed for their delivery owing to the non.arrival of freight trains. John Evans, who hae been farming in Oxford County daring the past year, arrived home last week and will stay in Morrie. He says there is no shortage in the eopply of enoov in Oxford. Jamee Lawson, 8th line, received an ugly bang ill the teoe on Wednesday from a horse he was leading. His nose reoeived attention from tbe doctor. It was not broken however we are pleased to state. Theodore Holland reoeived a cheque Wedneaday of last week from the Bowiok Mutual Iuseraeee Go. for $1243, the full amount of hie claim for barn, &o., dee. troyed by fire. This was a prompt and eatiefaotory eettlement and to the oredit of the Company. Saturday last Kenneth McKenzie and wife left for their new home near Guelph where they will follow farming. They took the overland route owing to the snow blookede on the railway. Rotheay was reached in one day with a herd of hie oattte, a good tramp, We with them prosperity, John Beeman, of Rat Portage, and family have been attending part of the Winter with Edward and Mre, Beeman, of Wingham, and other reletivee in the vicinity of Ilnevale, Mr. Beaman re• turned to Rat Portage last week, but Mre, Boemau will remain a few weeks longer in Ontario. Jamee Sherrie moved to the farm he recently purohaeed from K. McKenzie, 4th line. Some 15 or more neighbors gave him a hand on Monday and made tbe removal a oomparatively easy matter. Wm. H. Sellers, 8rd line, is moving to Mr, Sburrie'e farm thio week, He bought it last Fall. A new boneekeeper will be intellect. John and Chitties Hall, former well known young men of the Gth line, who have been farming in the Glenboro' local• ity, Manitoba, are enjoying a holiday here with relatives and friends. , They will return to the West tbie Spring to resume their soil tilling. Some hint that a housekeeper may aopompany them, The 50 acne farm of Jamee Moffatt, 4th oon„ hae been purchased by Thos. and Robert Warwick when farm edjoine it, thereby giving them 150 aoree, We wish them eueeeee, Mr. Moffatt moved ant week to the homestead on Turnberry boundary where be will now make hie home and where we hope he and hie will spend m any happy, prosperous years. Paneneee lou, -The Alameda (N. W. T.) Diepatah of Fob. 19, eaye of a former Morritite :—The friend, of Gavin Bow. ley, of A, 11, Hopper to Co'e bank gather. ed together on Tueeday evening in Heaelfp'e Hall to give him a farewell reoeptien on the event of hie leaving town shortly to take up a position with the Union Bank. G. W Knowling, chairman of the committee spoke briefly, regretting the departure of Mr. Bewley, and wishing him evened in bis neer sphere of work and ocno'aded by galling on Rev, H. L, Kinsman, who read the following address ; To Gaunt J. Bewley : DEAR Ma. DnwtEY,—Your business friends have beard with great regret that it fa year intention to sever your oonneotiou with our town. We are well aware that your abilities deserve a wider field and oar regret at your departure le mingled with p'eaeure in believing that by yen removal your proepeote will be improved. Our indeed and social re, latione with you have been snob that we aatanot let yon pave from oar midet without an expreaston of oar goodwill toward you and of our beet wishee for your fntnre happineee and proeperity, We will be glad to have you aeeept thie alight gift ae a token of our goodwill toward yonreelf and of our good wiehes for your intim happineee and prosperity, and trust that it may in outer soenee re• mind yon that yen, atilt have felands in Alameda, Alameda, Feb. 10, 1904, Me. Bartley was preeented with o hand goes edit ease and a collet and onlf one. The recipient spoke a new words thanking hie friends for their kindness, after which those present were served with refreehmente. After a finial hour the gathering adjourned with singing Auld Lang Syne. James Beans hoe leased hie farm, lot 21, Con. 8, to hie Bone for a period of three years He will tette tt trip to Menitabs and have n holiday for a time. Mr. Evans intends bolding an 0000100 sale of farm dealt, &a., on Marsh 22nd. CARD oi' TNANI0N.-1 hereby with to aokuowtedge my Menke, to the Howlett Ineoranoe Company for their] prompt payment of my elafm for loos sustained by fire, on Feb. 214. I received a cheque for $1243 from them on Feb. 27th, being payment in full of my olaim. I alai, wieh to tender my thanks to my eeit:h• bore for their kind aeeieta.toe on the might of the fire and foe tbeir help and kindness show to me eine that time. TEenuonu HOLLAND Morrie, March 5, 1904. Soon REPORT.—The following is the standing of the pupils of S. B. Na. 10, for the months of January and February, and will determine their position in their olaee for the month of March. A alar, placed before a pupil's name, indioatee that eooh pupil has been absent daring part of the exam. Examined in Gram., Hist•, Arith., G'•og. and Oomp.—Total 600:—Sr, IV—David Johnston 430, Nellie Clothes 405, Maggie Miller 894, Ralph Shaw 865, Ernie Shaw 851, *Daniel O'Toole 290, *Ethel Andereno 285, *Jennie Simpeon 280. Sr. III—Lizzie Innes 873, Alioe Combee 370. Intermed- iate III—Willie King, W1111e Breen, °H. Anderano, *Garden Harlow, Jr. III— 'Mary Forrest, Lizzie Breckenridge, Bella R bb. Jr, II—Ferne Eckmier, Agnea Miller, Arthur Shaw. Jens F. STn00NAN, Teaoher. Church Union a Living Issue. To the Editor of Tun Poo Doan EmTon,—For many years there hae been talk of an organic union of the Presbyterian and Methodist °hutches throughout the Dominion. Later the Oongregational°bnrob people have been asked to join io tbie great movement. The highest courts of these enrollee at their last sessions appointed committees ,o consider the question and report prograee at their next melon. All interested in this matter will be pleased to read the account of the first interns' meeting of a large number of the fore. moat men, ministers and layman of these churchee, ae reported in the Toronto papers. Perhaps yon may be willing to pnblieh the following from last Friday's Mail and Empire, and oblige Yours truly, Anion ANnnawe, Walton, March 7th, 1004, The Preebyterian, Methodist, and Congregational Ohurobee have for some time been oonsidering the petition of orgauio union, and each hae a committee ou tbie subject. On the suggestion of some of those interested residing in and near Toronto it was thought advieable to hold an informal meeting of as many ae ooeld conveniently tams together, To facilitate the movement J. W. Flavelle invited several to luncheon at MoOonkey'e Thursday, when there were.preeent from the Congregational Chest), H. O'Hara, president of the union : Mr. Woodley, Reve. T. B. Hyde, G. L. Gordon, J. W. Pedley, 0. Duff and H. F. Thomas ; from the Presbyterian Church, hie Honor the Lieateoaot•Goveroor, Mortimer Olerk, S. 0., Joe. Henderson, W. B. MaMurriab, Reve. De. Warden, Dr, Giese, W. G. Wallace, and J. A. McDan• ald ; and from the Methodist Ohnroh, J, W. Fievelle, 0. D, Ma -Bey, B. H. Fueled end Rove. Dr. Carman, Sutherland, N. Bnrwaeh, W, F; Wileoe, of Hamilton, and S. Cleaver, Lettere were received explaining the absence of Dr. Roue and others. After lanoheou Rev. Dr. Carmen was oiled to the ohoir, end stated the position of the General ()outdone at 1902, read. ing the resolution of that body and e statement of the purpose of ite committee, in wbioh the present informal meeting had ite rise, Dr. Warden and Dr. Oaven set forth the action of the Preebvborien church in the metier, ae did Mr. O'Hara for the Oougregational. These all expressed thenraelvee favorable to the advance movement for onion with proper deliberation and precautions, Addreeeee of a similar character were delivered by big Honor the Lieutenant Governor, Hamilton Onsets, Rev. J. A. MoDonald, Rev, Dr. Sutherland, Ohanaellor Bute weeh, Dr, Oleever, Cheater Massey, 3, W. Flavelle, J. W. Pedley and T. B. Hyde. The epeakere wore heartily of one mind that each onion was at one desirable and predictable, and while it may tante some time to aeoomplielo it, the duty of the hour was to prose forward with due Dare and eoneideratiou. The people of the different ohurohee, it wee held, should 10 fally Ono cod in these matters and the itttereete of Christ's oanse and king. dom and the mind of the Holy Spirit kept fully in view, It was thought beet that the committees of the several °hurohes meet soon, and that then there be a joint meeting of the oommitteoe preparatory to reporting to the respective governing bodies, Dre, Warden Garman, and Mr. O'Hara were appointed an Executive to direct the calla and consul. t ati0ne. L, G. Appleton, of the Melon Bank staff committed eeioide in Montreal, Father O'Neil, of Kinkore, was etriok en with apoplexy ou Saturday night, and is hot expected to recover. That evening he visited a pariehioner, and on returning home fell to the floor, where he was fond eons time afterwarde. A doctor of Sebringville was called, and found hie patient's condition very eerions, Pettier Tobin, of Stratford, administered the iaet saoramant, end Fathere Laurondeau, Ronan end Brennan neighboring prioeto, are in attendance. Father O'Neil to 74 years old, and hae been pariah print et Kinkera for about a third of n 0001003'. Ile fa beloved by bis entire pariels. The dean soya he may linger a few weeks, "Look Up ! Lift 'Up !" SUOCESSFUL LEAGUE AN- NIVERSARY. Lust Sabbath the Epworth League Annivereary serving of Brendle Method. let oharoh were held and were very en• joyeble and emulative to the older people ae well as the youth who are banded together in commotion with this Society. The ohuroh goers were greeted ae they entered the auditorium with a large "Weloomo" while over the ohoir was a large "Forward,' Other moetaee'were "Look ftp I Lift up," "For Christ and the (hush." Both the Senior and the junior Leag. sere assembled i, the school room prior to the morning eervioe and after redly. ing ing their badges the goodly company marched upstairs °conpying the nuts pews in the church, toning very heartily in the eervioe of praise and paying close attention to the dieaoaree. Rev. A. 0. Crewe, of Toronto, General Secretary of Young Bi ople's work, was the preacher and was very warmly wel- comed the remembranoe of his visit here a :year ago bele fresh in their mem. cry. Be le an athletic looking man with a good oloar voioe and has a striking way of presenting the Gospel so that the auditor meet be doll indeed who does not parry away many helpful words. The text wee "I Thy servant fear the Lord from my youth,' I Kluge 18thohap ter and partof • 12•h verse. Obadiah's oharacter was briefly tketohed in the devetopmeut of Ged.ltke qualities even in the court of wicked Ahab. The speaker pointed out that the men who stand high on almost every circle are those who started early in life. Praotioal adven- tagee of following Obadiah'e example were pointed out as follows ;— (1) We wilt be able to make the DECEID and beet of life. Obodiah's piety did not interfere with his position as treasurer for Ahab, neither did it binder Joseph or Daniel, they cold be trusted. There is a onminercisl varus in true religion. (2) Youthful devotion to God euablee e. person to form settled habits. A good start is worth a greet deal. In ao00iueion Rev. Mr. Crewe dwelt upon what God hae a right to expect of ea— our beet. It was a fine dinaoaree. The ohoir rendered tine anthems "Magnify the Lord with me," and "Sbiuing for Jens." Ill the afternoon Rev. Mr. Orem addressed the 'Bahbath School briefly taking "The Pilot" ae his theme. It was monthly Miseiouery day in the school the collection being $5 90 making a total of over $60 00 einoe the letof Int May. At tate eveueng eervioe the gadery waa celled intorequisition to a00ommodate the large audienoe. The eervioe of praise woe lead by the S. S. Orchestra and !emitter hymns Bung with a fervor that was inspiring. The anthem eI will say 01 the Lord" was eung by the ohoir io good form, Mre. H. L. Jackson presiding at the organ for the day. Psalm 20 and verse 5 was the Soripture ohaeen by Mr. Crews, "We will rejoice in Thy salvation and in the name of our God we will set up our banners." The die:oaree was a model one and full of hard common eeuse, thoroughly educative and promotive of new ideals in the development of youth. fol, or more mature Olarietian life, eepeo• tally oatliug attention to the necessity of greater aggreeeiveneee. After denoribing the relation of the banner to the nations of the past, five divisions were dealt with as to how the name fvaturee should be exemplified in the Christian, (1) Tbe banner ie the emblem of Patriotism ; (2) Of joy ; (8) Of attachment to the cause and the Master beloved; (4) Of Hostility; (5) Of Deoieion, Illnetratione were not wanting, both in story and poetry, ampli• tying the thought being expressed and good should result from the sermon, The pastor Rev, T. W. Ooseue assisted in the services. le. II. Gilroy snug the beautiful solo "A. dream of Parediee," with violin obligate by H. L. Jackets, in good voioe. Roll call followed for both senior and jauior Leagues, the Searetarioe, Obeater Arm. etroug and Lora Leatherdaie, reading the names, and the interesting eervioe was oonoluded with the rousing byline, "Stand up, Stand up for Jesus,"and the Benediotion, "TUB BnIonT SIDE OE LIFE." Monday evening, despite the condition of the roade and threatening rain there was a goorl attendance at the Lecture delivered by Rev, Mr, Crews on the !beery object "The Bright Side of Life." The pastor occupier' the !hair end after oatmeal selections from t11e Orobeatra and an opening hymn and prayer the ohoir sang the anthem "I will Magnify Thee" and the leotnrer was palled upon. Re defined oheerfulueee and allowed wherein itdiffered from mirth, with some people this happy mood is inborn but with many it needs to he !emptied. Some of the etemente of this mental ann. shine outlined were :—(1) Onitivabing the habit of looking on the bright aide of things. Enjoy the good. Worry ie wasteful of nerve fooe and it should be fought againet. Caltivate gratitude. (2) pleasant 001mtenanee. A smile is ae !heap as a frown end n emiling face is a wiener. Have a senerifled tape. Learn to laugh, Ute the facial mn.olae for laughter, Ohrietittnity in no foe to wit. and humor. More oheorfnl people are wanted as laughter is bettor than tears, (8) Cultivate 'tinned of speech and ant, 'Yu ie oils e the tnaohiuer y of life. o, How words are spotteu often moan more than the Words themeelvea. Bow seeds of kindneea every dayy, Prniae 1e a positive Jbmee Kerby_ founder i,1 the Kerb duty, (4) UultOato good mamtete and Hnuso t y olitenons. Domestic olitonoe N it Woo q ttn died fn dog wheel p pentode should Roes Heil waa anugbt to a nog wileai nt be emphasized, Make bons Attentive. the Hamilton Steel Works and hut/ Dolitenese hae a oommeroial Value, injured, The world fe too cold. The beat end only lasting way to promote obeerfnloeee is to follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Sing songs of gladhees ae His gospel is one that singe. Give gladsome eervioe and eelt eaorifloing effort for others. Help your brother and turn Arotio midnight/ into unoloaded and perfect noon, For over au hone Bev. Mr. Crewe dwsit ou the eanshtny topic and the tn. oidente, relating to the points adduced intermixed with snatches of poetry lighted op the lecture luminously. There was peacoat philosophy packed in all through and many thonghte chat could be carefully and thoughtlnlly digested. Many a good laugh was afforded the audience over Mr. Orewe' well told flllce•. tratious. On motion of W. H. Kerr and W. H. Salter a resolution of thanke to Rev. Mr, Crewe for hie highly appreoia• ted services was adopted. B. Gerry moved and W. 3, McCracken seconded a vote of thanks to the ohoir and orchestra for their musical numbere, after which proceedings were concluded with the Benediotion. The fioanoiol prooeede of the Lecture were 928,00. The Epworth Leaguers of Brneeele Methodist chetah are to be oongratolated upon the aaooeee of the anniversary ser- vioee and a fresh impetus will no doubt, be given to the various practical lines of Uhriatian effort for whioh these organizations were instituted. W. H. Salter ie the' President of the eenior League and ie heartily supported by a faithful offloiary and a willing member- ship, Mrs. (Bev.) Coeene, Mre. W. H. Kerr and Mise Tbnrea Gerry haveoharge of the Junior League. The former hod their regular meetings at the conclusion of the preaching servile on Sabbath even. loge and the Juniors assemble on Wed needay afternoonafter public sobool. Here's a motto jest your At, Laugh a little bit, When you think you've trouble hit, Laugh a little bit, Look misfortune in the face, Brave the beldam's rode grimace, Ten to one, 'twill yield it'e place If you have the wit and grit Jaet to laugh a little bit. Cherish this ae sacred writ, Laugh a little bit, Keep it with you, sample it, Laugh a little bit. Little elle will sore betide you, Fortune may not sit beside you, Men may knack you and deride yon, But you'll mind them not a whit If you laugh a little bit. EDITORIAL NOTES. IT is said if the Liberal party assume office fn England that the Duke of Devon- shire maybe invited to become leader of the Cabinet. Teta probabilities point to the arrange g. ing of a regular line of steamships be- tween Oanade, and Mexico, the latter offering to bear half the expense. A dir- ect line would be a source of great advan.• tags to this country it is said by those who are oompetent to speak. This Dom- inion wears swaddling clothes no longer and every profitable avenue of trade open- ing up should be promptly taken advan- tage of by our Government. Weems wise people, who speak by the records, affirm that only three Mee has the strenuous weather of February 1904 been outdone. Thoae years are given as January 1885, January of 1875 and February of 1885. Just now we can- not call to mind particulars of these record breakers only we have thie to say when they beat out the period just passed they were good ones for this Winter has been long enough, steady enough and stormy enough to eatiefy almost every- body. Tun POST fs of the opinion that if Mote in charge of the postal service 10 this district had exercised even very or- dtuary foresight instead of the people of Brussels and surrounding country being deprived of marl matter for over a week it might have been hare almost every deer. The railway was open: to Seaforth and a stage Zine in operation for at least 25 or 80 miles Northward and why these public faoilitiee were not utilized instead of having from 25 to 50 mail bags aooam- laaed at Guelph or some other point is a conundrum the olhotels should give some answer to, especially when several days ago their attention was palled to the "open door" by a telegram. It shows a want of thought if not positive neglect ea their part when access was as easily at- taiued by the route we have indicated. If they did not know of the existent 011 - nation then officiate who would know or make it bheit butteries to find out ebould bo anbetftuted. Tuesday nighte'B.etage. res lieved the tie.up by bringing quite a cargo, oe letters and newspapers and goes to prove the correctness of the statement We have made as to the feasibility of the same anew being followed during the week previous. The rateability of the W. G. ee B. being opened did not need to effect the temporaryahange of route ei the delivery et Brunelle would have only hem delayed a fow hours for one day NO this boon the ease.