The Brussels Post, 1904-3-3, Page 4aki
Have you used our Baking Powder ? Ours
is an absolutely pure
Cream Tartar Baking Powder
So many Powders are adulterated and in
many cases really unfit to use, We guaran-
tee ours to be pure and always fresh, If you
once use ours we are satisfied you will never
want to use any other. Try it the next time
you run out of Baking Powder.
Trains leave Brueeele Station, North
and South, as follows:
Goma SOUTH Goma Noama,
Mail 7:10 a.m I Mixed 10:00 a,m
Mixed- MOO
1 nee pm 1 Express ...-. 0:17 mm Mail V17 p m
rA,Cat gebas
A ohiel'e amang ye takit' notes,
An' faith he'll prent f4.
LAOY's muff, found. Inquire at Ton
EAST Horou Teaohere Aeeooiation will
hold ite gannet convention at Seafortb on
May 13 and 14
A Brueeele bachelor bae hie wedding
suit made we understand but we are not
going to divulge hie name as it is a eeorat.
A. Livor. onus, J. McDowell, Lid J.
Tomball have been appointed
Oommiseiouere for Eaet Huron for this
ALL of the departments of the Publio
School are at work this week, although
the very stormy weather, plus several
cases of chicken pox, keeps down the
attendance of the little gaffers.
Imperial Bank of Oanada, was not 'mug
in attributing a large share of the pree-
ent prosperity of thio oonotry to its
admirable system of chartered bathe
with branches scattered in the towne and
Tess Home of Refuge Committee was
billed to meet at Olinton on Tuesday,
consisting of Warden Bowman, H. Spack-
man, B. B. Gann and W. Lamont, bat to
the members were enable to get to the
"hob" on amount of the railway linea
being impassible for trains the meeting
had be called off and will be held later.
meeting of Brueeele Foot Bali Club will
be held in the Cloonoil Chamber on Fri-
day evening of next week at 8 o'olook.
Receiving the annual report of the Sao -
rotary Treeenrer, electing offioere, ohooe-
ing a delegate to the annual meeting of
Association and arranging for the form.
ins up of the Intermediate and Junior
teams to defend the custody of the two
championship cute now in Brueeele will
constitute the business.
DIED. -On Sunday, Feb. 21st Joseph
Brown, brother to George Brown, of the
Central Hotel, Brussels, died at the
the hospital, Theeealon, Algoma, having
been brought there from his home, 30
milee distant, for treatment for a heart
affection and other oomplioatione. He
was 43 years of age and is earvived by
bis wife and eeven children, Mr. Brown
had been ailing for some time. He was a
resident of that eeotion for the past 20
DR, JOHN NonT DEAD, -A well known
former resident of Brussels paid Nature's
debt on Friday, Feb. 19th, in Olay Centre,
Kansas, in the person of John Nott, Vet-
erinary Surgeon. Valvular heart trouble
was the cause of death, his final illness
being only of a few hours duration. Dr.
Nott wae born 3 miles South of Olinton,
on the London Road, Huron 00., Ontar-
io, and atter completing hie oonree as a
V. B., came to Brussels to praOtiOe 80
years ago. Two years later be was tatt-
ed in marriage to Mies Ella, eeoond
daughter of the late Andrew Muir and
sister to ;Sirs. John Tait and Mre.' Thoe.
Thomson, of tbie plane. For 13 years
Dr. Nott followed hie palling euooeeefolly
here and then Bold out and removed to
Gley Oentre, Kansas, where he continued
up to hie decease enjoying a large pram•
tioe. In addition to Mre. Nott the sob -
int of tbie notice is earvived by live
children, Mrs Phillipe, Mabel, Olarenoe,
Remelt and Herbert. The funeral took
place on Sunday afternoon from the
Methodist obaroh. Deceased was 62
years of age. Hie heart had been tronb•
ling him for some time before the date
of hie demise. Dr, Nott wee a genial,
kind hearted man who eojoyed the friend-
ebip of a large circle and hie many Oao•
ashen friends will sincerely regret hie
deoeaee and will sympathise with the
bereaved wife and children. He retained
hie membership in Brussels A, 0. U. W.
and also in Court Prinoeee Alexandria,
C. 0. F, here, although so many yeare
abeeut from town.
D1vnaaool court next Wednesday.
Comm meeting next Monday evening.
WoorrEoe scarf found. Ask at Tan
Mama At Home Friday evening of
this week.
0, 0. F. Court will meet in their
Lodge room nest Toeeday evening.
Benseans School Board will hold their
regular meeting Friday evening of next
ELEOTtoc light is expected for Saturday
night. A supply of coal being borrowed
by Thnell Bros. for firing purposes.
SEVERAL from town attended the
Lemont Stemmon wedding at Ethel on
Wednesday evening and had a fine time.
A. 0. 0. W. Friday evening. Some of
the proposed amendments to the ooneti-
tnti0n to come Up at High Court will be
YOU Dao furnish insurance protection
for yoor family and save money at the
same time by a new aooamalation policy
in Confederation Life.
WEDNESDAY'S mildness afforded an op-
portaoity to a number of people to gat
the ice off the sidewalk. In some places
walking w very dangerous owing to the
W. H. HERR, of THE PoaT, was invited
to give an address on "Huron County
Roads" at the Good Roade Association
which met in Toronto last week but the
railwayblookade prevented his attend -
Tanta MOLADOHLIte, the well known
horseman, intended taking hie imported
Clydesdale stallion to the Spring Horse
Show at Toronto this week but the snow
blockade vetoed his intention by causing
the cancelling of the trains.
MONTHLY Horse Fair was held on
Thursday of this week but did not attract
the usual large crowd of buyers and
sellers owing to the stormy day.
Next Fair and the Iaet for this season
will come off on Thneday, April 7th.
A meeting was to have been held in
Toronto on Wednesday, in Diotriet
Passenger McDonald's office, 0. T. R„
to arrange for the annual exoareione to
the Model Farm, Guelph, next June,
Old Probs. knocked it ant however by
blocking up the railways and keeping
the delegates at home.
comes oat +n halt sheet form, the third
time this Winter. We are not to blame
however 60 there are three supplies of
paper for Tan Pose somewhere between
Toronto and Brussels. It is a great deal
more annoying to ns than to any reader We
van a6EDre you bat if the Grand Trank
oan't run trains regularly we are not to
blame but we hope tbie will be the last
000asion of thie kind.
of obangee will take place in the offioen
of several of the branches Of the Standard
Bank. F. H. Gray will be moved from
Bruesele to Stonffville, being aaooeeded
by A. 0. McFarlane, now at Orono, Mr.
Gearing goes from Stouffville to Pioton
and Mr. Bog, of that town, will take a
position ars assistant Impeder at Head
office assisting Inopeotor .Loudon, who is
on sick lament present, 0 P. Baholfield,
of Chatham, formerly of Brneeee, will go
to Toronto as manager of the city bue-
ineeo. Mr. McFarlane le a married man
and will move to Brueeele in the near
future. Mr. Gray has proven himself to
be a oarefu', obliging agent and the good
wishes of the people of Bruesele will
accompany flim and Mfrs. Gray and
family to their new home in Stouffville.
Hones or Bernie. -The Building Com•
mitttee of the County Council, in
connection with the addition to the
County Howse of Beluga, met in Olinton
on Friday, Feb.19, and bad a long session
arranging 000860re6 for an early start.
It was Battled that the County Solioitor
prepare the agreement between the comity
and the eontra0tor and that it be eigned
in Goderioh. It was agreed, and it ie
a part of the oontraob, that all disputes
between the inspector and the contractor
ehalt be settled by Mr. McBride, the
architect, and that in mase the depletion is
against the oontraotor, he shall pay the
ovate, hat if in hit favor the ooanty shall
bear the expense. The (m00060000 shall
be paid monthly, on the oertifioate of the
arehiteot, to the amount of 80% for
material used and work done, The
inspectors than be paid on the eerteAoate
Of the chairman of the oommittee, D.
Oantolon, and mater of the House, Mr,
French. The committee appointed
Arthur Oentelon inspector of Stone work,
brioandkAlet. cement
McKen McKenzieworts
epeotoc sof 1 ell
pare to be
aid atd Vim r rk, and to ofe eo$2 pperordfem when
employed eupetinLendieg the work,
TR..11 BROSt3J 14$ POST
Standard Dank of Canada
=s'SAataS+mm===, 11372
G'ranertt 11:3atealeiner X5txnin.cesm r.ertfneefteted
"w�ti?SA Vf/l9GS BANK
-DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR and upwards reoeived on which
ie added to ae00pnte every six menthe and bynames prin0ipai,
-MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS may make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any perean,
only for which no oharge ie ma' 3.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive one °mai t and courteous attention.
--_- Watson Ainley is buey these days
matting wood at H. Molntoeh'e, McKillop.
Eph. Oobsr ie away to Guelph with hie
team cad sleigh far a load of carriage
stook delayed by the non arrival of freight
Fletcher Roe and family, of McKillop,
township, moved into town Iaet Friday,
taking possession of the reeidenoe they
purchased from A. McGuire some months
ago. We wish them an enjoyable sojourn
in Brussels and hope Mr. Roe's health
Will be invigorated by the rest from farm
labors. Mr. McGuire and family have
moved to the house adjoining the home
of John Sober, Queen street.
PITon holes are growing beantifafly
deeper au the days go by. One thi.,g ie
certain they will Boon get to the road
bed and will have to slop,
DONT forget the auction sale of nem and
eeoond hand riga, harness, wa•ihing
machines, &a, in the Mo0aaghey hlook,
Brueeele, ou Saturday, afternoon of this
week, at 2.80 o'clook. N, S. Mateo• hlin,
Prop. F. S. Scott, Ano.
HURON OLD Bosa.-The fourth anneal
At Home of the Huron Old ,iioye'
Aeeooiation, held iu the Temple Building,
Toronto, Friday night, proved a
e000ese than any previous affair of the
kind in the history of the aesoointion.
Although the invitation Leet had been
limited to three hundred and fifty grteete,
nearly two hundred ooaplee were prrient.
The association had never so large a
turn oat. The earlier part of the awning
was taken up with short addressee by
Lt, Ool. Weir, J. S. Willieon and Dr.
Gogin. Instrumental and vooal aieo-
tione were also rendered by Mre. Gillies.
Mise Gorey, Miss Boyd, Miss Jac:own,
and Mise Macdonald. With the ooucloe-
eion of the epeeobee and eutertairment
attention was given to supper and 'nano -
jag, which oontinued into the early morn-
ing, Anions those present were a ;teat
many. of Huron's moat brilliant and
a000mpliebed sone and daugbtere. A
partial list follows : Mesdames Stewart,
Walker, Groves, Corey, Boyd, Gi'nes,
Miller, Warner, Bradley, MoI>.ren,
Clarke, J. A. Smith, Sloan, Firmly,
Balfour and Willieon. Misses Carey,
Boyd, McDonald, Jackson, Defoe, L.
Wilson, M. Wilson, Rose, Allison, Camp-
bell, Stobie, Boole, Goode, Smith and
jostles Garrote, 00
nJ 11 a Otter, aFergusonnd Ed.
Floody, Hogh McMatb, E. J. B. Du..aan, should be a model people.
Thos. G. Boole, Dr. Steen, Hon. ]'res. The Centenary of the British and
ideote ; G. A. Smith, President ; E. T. Forel Sn abbath Sgoi ty ince obs ra ved on
O.."' 't Treasurer
; nt M'• 0. Sao- service in the Methodist church, Brussels,
Taggart Treasurer ; A. A. Miller, Sao" commencing at 7 o'clock. Rev. Mr,
Hardie, of Listowel, and Rev. A. And•
rewa, of Walton, will conetitate a depute•
tion onteide of town to address tbe
meeting. Envelopes are being distributed
and the sum of 550 is hoped for as a
thank offering to aid in reducing the debt
on the Society. A anion choir will Lead
the service of praise. Rev. J. Rose, B.A.,
will supply at Listowel that Sabbath and
Rev. T. W. Comm will preach In the
evening at Walton instead of Rev. Mr.
Sabbath Rev, A. 0. Crewe, General
MAR. 3, 1904
CAPITAL--•l'eld ftp
RESERVE FUND • • $1,000,000
Directors e 1,MOORS,
ktEY. R. R. WARDEN, President, Vico-President.
Ta0"o, 0)111000110, I•.Le, 1010 norm 0010, w. aamaa10000 t MARX, H.O. D. E. 711200e000, E, 0.
Drafts Bought and Bold. Farmers' Notee Discounted.
Interest at HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all sums of $1 and upwards
, 'db USSMCe5" re i,'atNell
A. E. MELLISH, Manager.
Miea Ohittiok, who is engaged in City
Missionary work in New York, gave a
recital of her experienoee at the Metho-
dist Sabbath school last Sabbath after -
Exodae 8th chapter and let verse,
"Let My people go that they may serve
Me" was the text ohoeen by Rev. T. W.
Omens in the Methodist church last
Sabbath morning. The privilege and
opportunities of personal service were
well portrayed. "Lemmas from the Dew,"
Hosea 14, 6 and 7 was the topio in the
In Melville church last Sabbath the
pastor was in the pulpit and preached in
the morning from Christ's last oom-
mnnioation to His disciples." It was
ooneidered along the line of (1) The
Placa ; (2)The Plan ; (8) The Prospect ;
(4) The ower ; ani (5) The People.
"Ont vital Environment" was the even-
ing subject. If Melville church minaret
gation take heed to all they hear they
retary ; Meyers. Rom, Campbell, BetL.aoe,
Cuthbert, Collins, Dr. Duncan, Graves,
Marshall, Hazard, MoLnikio, Demon,
Tagman, Thatcher, Dalton, Defoe,
Phillips, .
Alex. Saundre(Godeinh), and Whiteley.
800110 BEEre.-Thorgday afternoon of
last week a meeting of farmers interested
in the cultivation of the anger beet was
held in the Town Hall, Brussels and was
addressed by Dr, Shuttleworth, who is
one of the promoters of the Berlin anger
factory, and Simpson Rennie, the well
known eeedeman, of Toronto. The latter
had oharge of the Experimental sugar
beet plots at Whitby, Port Perry, end
Lindsay in L901, at Bambara' and Mark-
ham in 1902 and last year was engaged
with the Bailin sugar people. Freight
rates on beets are 10 oente lower from
Brueeele to Berlin than from here to
Wiarto0. A preliminary' canvas was
made in this locality and if Wiartan
faotory people do not arrange to have
seed town before April let the Berlin Co,
will push the work. Meese. Weir and
Kaufman were here also calling on1 farm-
ers and arranging agreements. The
following i0 a Ilet of names muted in
this motion ars beet growers for 1904 :-
Robert 1. Etoy, Grey ; Dan, Marsh,
Grey : Geo..Robb, Morrie : Jobe Mo.
Fadden, Grey ; Thos. Newsome, Bre.
gale ; Wm. Runde, Grey ; Sam, Hoggard,
Grey ; David Jowitt, Blnevele ; Ph11119
Thnmae, Blaevale ; Alex. McGee, Blue
vale ; Jas. 13. Gray, Bluevale ; David
Geddes, Binevele ; Jae. Geddes, Mafiosle
Geo. Sennett, Bluevale ; L. R. Beeman,
Bluevale ; ane. Nethery, Bloevele; Goo.
Mothers Bloevale ; R. Leathern,
Business Locals.
Two smart girls to learn the Millinery.
Apply at Misses Hamann.
RAR FDRs--Highest pride paid for raw
fare. A COMET, Brussels.
Dr, Barr and Dr. Reaome agreed that
the bill would result in a retnru to body-
S. Clark thought the bill should reoeive
very serious consideration. Some mem-
bere of the Legislature might find them-
selves later on in the poorhouse, and the
proepeot of being Bent eventually to the
diaeeoting table was not peasant. It Was
possible their friends might not torn op
within 24 hours to claim their bodies.
He did no know bat that body snatching
was preferable to the present system, for
when in life their oweere did not know
what was in store for them after death,
whereas the inmates of institutions knew
before their deoeaee that their bodies
would go to the dissecting table, It wee
a cruel o06tom.
Mr. Hanna suggested that "it might
be a good thing for the medical authori-
ties to get these fellows when they come
book to vote."
Hon. Mr. Gibson thought the bill
should go to committee, where, after
dismission, some way of arriving et the
objeot of the mover might be found more
eatiefaotory than giving disoretionary
powers to the Wardens and managers of
The bill was then read a eeoond time
HANDSOME ucE walnut sideboard for sale ab ith thea Methodist Church,
le s work in
greatt reduction, Apply to MRs, Tl . Mconnection
Brussels. will preach h 11 being bre anniver•
, t
WANTED -Butter 17c. i Dried Apples
51o. ; Fresh Eggs 20o, We are cleating
many linea of seasonable geode.
GEo E. Faso, Wingham.
th League. Service a
10 8of the here i
Oman and Sewing Machines oh coed
and repaired. Alan Organs and Storing
Machines for sale. Apply to THOMAS
Mamie, Brunets, 82
SEED OATe.-The new Waverly is now
admitted to be the heaviest °topper and in the centre peen in the auditorium.
beet etrawed Oat ever brought tooanada. Monday evening, at 8 o'olook. Dir. Orewe
We have them at 500. per bushel. will deliver hie highly commended leoture
Oso, E. KING, Winghaw, entitled "The bright side of things,"
which will no doubt prove attr active, A
fell house was the order when Mr. Crewe
was here a year ago.
Legislation Badly Needed.
0 and 7 o'olook. Mr. Crewe will
addreee the Sabbath School in the
afternoon. The S. 8. Orchestra will
lead the service of praise at morning and
evening servioee. Rev. Mr. Orewe ie a
fine preacher. The membere of the
senior 304 >08ior Leagaee are asked to
meet in the S. S. room at 10.16 to receive
their badges and then take their places
People We Talk About.
Miee May Deadman is holidaying at
Mre. Charles Dodds is visiting relatives
in Seaforth.
H. Delion was a visitor at Elmira
during the past week,
Mre, Neil MaLenohlin ie enjoying a
vitt with Hamilton relatives.
Mise Jean MoLauahlin wee on the sick
list with la grippe this week.
W. Reid, tailor, has gone to Toronto
where he expects to take a situation,
Mies Bessie Watson, of Sunshine, wait
a vieitor in Brueeele for a few days.
Miss Luella Holmes, of Blyth, has
taken a position in London with the
Telephone Co.
Marjorie and Heade, children of V. H,
and Mre, Gray, were under the doctor's
Dare for a few days this week on ao^cunt
of an attack of oroup.
Mies May Sperling, of MoKillol:, is
visiting in town For a few week. Si, 1 is
in very poor health and le taking t:ledi•
oal treatment whish we hope wil, be
E. Webb, brother to Rev. I. M. Webb,
incumbent of St. John's ohnroh, '0 a
visitor In town. Rig home i0 at Lt:1an.
His May wag lengthened owing to the
oanoelling of trains.
George Brown was in Gerrie on reuse -
day to vi -it hie father who has sen
quite poorly, Both Mr, and Mre. B' cwt,
are well advanced in life eaoh Laing
about 82 yeare of age.
Last Sabbath was the 50th weeding
anniversary of Thos. and Mrs. Lott, who
live 1 miles Booth of Bruesele. Mr.
Lott to a hearty man emendating the' he
is henrdatottenli
wiM, and Mee, ontiaed tnd
inereaeiog happineee.
We are 00Try to bear that Mies Kate
Broadfood, of Seafortb, Meter to our
townsman, 0. Broadfoot, le not enjn"ing
nearly ars good health as her many 1r, •ode
would wish and le confined to bed. Me.
BrOatifoot Was ont to gee her on Sue lay.
We hope a change for the better will 'odn
Mise P, Sample, of Calgary, N. W 'T'.,
We thought we were well over the
customary snow blockades last week and
the people were shaking hands with
themselves that regular trains were to be
once more eetabliehed when along came
an old eooeer of a storm on Monday
which put the block eyetem into effect
with a vengeance, It ie not only the .W.
G. & B, that caught it but all the North-
ern lines so that on Tuesday not a brain
was running North of Guelph and Strat-
ford. The snow was modelled like Baud
and declined to stay where it was put
with MA the East k pt every partlow or shovel icle ofnd athel"beaum
tiful" that would move careening so that
ants on the railway were filled 0p solidly
r, 8 and even 10 feet the snow had frozen
and after the
rain accompanying
to the rails the l000motives were ae
powerless as wheelbarrows.
A plow, with two engines, and a some
of ehoveliers started out of Palmerston o0
Sunday to olear cot this liue and after
various vicissitudes the plow got off the
traok a mile Eaet of Brussels and live
hours were occupied a getting it back to
the steel. About 10 o'clock or there-
abouts tbe whole outfit was stalled near
the Westerly semaphore and after hard
work the plow was got bank to the aiding
at 6.80, the ioe ]laving to be removed by
pick and shovel. The water supply rue
Hing short for the l000motivee snow had
to be shovelled and when the fuel ran
low tome blacksmith coal was borrowed,
Wednesday the plow got off the track
about a mile West o
there yet the ehovellere working
fa advance to aid in a progoeesive move-
ment. At the time we go to press tee are
still anbje0t to the tie-up and no date le
eet for the Doming of a train,
Thursday evening of lett week a mail
train worked through from tbe North
with two engines, stopping near the
Demean enowbaoko to get 0p steam to
continue the journey and the same night
n mail came from the Eaet, On Friday
and 13 tardy, we had a service of a
limited and badly delayed aharaoter and
there it stopped. The railway num•
pantos are in a bad plight and will eing
eonge of rejoioing when the balmy breezes
from the South whittle down the banks
aooumuleting for months.
A oar of hogs wae loaded here last week
and the swine are
for W. F. Vanetane t
here yet. They were fed in bulk dor a
few days mud later divided up so as to
receive better core. The shipment of
horses by Moue. Smith and Forsyth to
Manitoba is cancelled in the meantime
and last Monday morning Geo, A. Best
had a oar of cattle brought in only to
fled that there would be no train. Other
buyers are similarity situated malting
comBusinessons peopleotiareo badlyr in need nd to of
goods on the way from the wholean160
but have 00 "grill and bear it„' alWaye
hoping for the best,
MOLuon-LAAIONT.-At the manse At.
wood, ou Feb. 17th., by Bev. 1', A.
McLeod, D. D„ Mr, William Die.
Leod, to Mea Mary Jeue Lamont,
both of Ethel, Grey township.
MmLEn-Font.-At the manse, Atwood,
on Feb. 7th , by Rev. P. A, MoLeod,
D D., Mr. John Miller, to Mies
Elizabeth Ford, both of Elm,
BnowN.-At Thesealoo, Algoma, on Feb.
21, Joseph Brown, aged 43 yeare.
MoRnleoo.-In Walton, on Feb. 27,
Rebecca McGill, beloved wife of
Matthew Merriman, aged 83 years, 0
months and 1 day.
MoKAY.-In Turnberry, on Feb. 24th,
Johanna Morrison, relict of the late
Jae. MoKay, aged 90 years,
Noir.-At the family reeidenoe, )Lincoln
Avenue, Olay Centre, Kaooae, on
Feb. 19, John Nott, V. 8., formerly
of Brussels, aged 82 yeare, 1 month
and 5 days.
SnonTtl:ED.-In Morrie, on March 2,
Obriatiha, third daughter of John
and Mary Shortreed, aged 36 years
and 8 months.
The only dieoaseion in the Legislature
Friday was on the gruesome topio of the
proper provision of "eubjecto” for the
medical otllegee. It arose on the second
reading of the bill of Mr, Hielop, of East
Enron, leaving it to the discretion of the
Warden of a municipality as to whether
an unolaimod body of a deceaeed inmate
of a Home of Refuge or House of In
dnetry ehall be turned over to the In•
specter of Anatomy. The present anato-
my act, Mr. Hlelop pointed out, provided
that i4 a body to not claimed within 94
hours it is the duty of the aathoritiee to
hand it over to the Inspector of A y
for the nee of the medical colleges for
dissecting purposes. This, be said, was
a condition of affaire that night not to
exist. It an inmate of an institution bed
some friends oateide his body wee given
deoent burial, but if the poor unfortunate
eh'.nld happen to have no friends his body
was turned over to the 001105es.
Dr. Willoughby said he was very sorry
the bill had been introduced. It was
purely a sentimental objection. No good
objeot would be served by the measure.
The medical ooliegos had to have material
for the etndeate to work upon, and if they
did not got it legally eat present, they
would have to return to the old fashioned
illegal way. "I know how little material
there is now for the colleges,"
o"t off the
marked, gravely,' Y
existing 00nr0e of supply they will be
gra evarde`as they did o out end inamyte the
days." This oonfeeeion of the Conger
vativo Whip wag emeived with laughter.
Hon, Mr. Stratton said he had a great
deal of eympathy with the object of the
mover and the bill, but pointed out that
in the past whenever the inmate of an
ietitubion hod expressed 8 wieh to the
ohiel alIlooe that hie body be not tent to
the diaeeoting table tbe department had
always interoeded. When no emelt wish
wag expreesed the body went to the In.
lei Oliver Mille, Bluevule ; speotor of Anetonefor the pnepo060 of
Hughes, Be0evarl0, in190e 2,nanWas s Wel°, vieitor d Oonsley. She Dame 09 from with
the Mi fro. deprived sof from 40 10 50 pet ars r of the
12000 ihod 800 n 1908. when they prodnoed over cry Openinge at Toro0to 00 spend Su.riay "etlbieote" they now received if die.
Seven millions ponnde of etanderd gen• but her talky was more peottraootedon oca 6104 tint w4rdeney and power
were gree o51 07 00fo he
Mated, timanse wwhioh is now beginning to to the oanoellation of t
command a ready tale wherever it le oof f the enoh Thure day aShe ter t0000k the info only 006 whey, Would sea that power in
Soughs often go from bad to
worse --there is grave dan-
ger in any case—no matter
bow slight it may seem it is
folly to neglect it. Keep a
bottle of
Our White Pine & Tar
a 7mmxos-r s.n.x>✓.
FRIDAY, MA1OH 4Ta,-Farm, farm stook
and implemeote, at Lot 5, Con. 7, Grey.
Bale, unreserved, at 1 o'olook. N. M.
Richardson, proprietor ; F. S. Boort, Gua.
SATURDAY, Mama 5.-Harneee, oaten,
buggies, &o., D'io0anghey block, Broeeeie.
Sale at 2 80 ebarp. Neil S. MoLanohlin,
Prop. ; F. S. Boort, Ano.
THURSDAY, MARSH 10TH -Farm stook
end implements et Lots 15 and 14, Oon.
18, Gray. Bale ooreeerved at 12 o'clock.
Demme McKenzie, proprietor. F. 8.
Scott, auctioneer.
in the house. Commence
taking it when the first
symptoms COMM A careful-
ly prepared remedy from the
best curative agents. The
beet remedy because it cures
safely, thoroughly and per-
manently. We refund the
money if not satisfied.
Price 26o, per Bottle at
Drug Store
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
Eight young Bulls from Imported and
home bred eow0 got by imported Sire. Also
Cows and Heifers of different ages.
A few pure bred Berkshire Pigs, 10 weeks
old, for eels.
Have a quantityof Seed Peae the Early
;um variety, tsized white pea0 ane[f'weredosef grown from seeIt a d
bushnear els to thetn0 e, 0000 not 1000 yielded over 07
Will also Bell a good aged working sod
driving horse. •
60.00 D. MILNE & 80N, Ethel,
Notice to Creditors,
In the matter of the estate of William
Cameron, late of the village of Brne•
eels, in the Ooanty of Huron, gentle•
man, deceased.
Notice isberebyiven, pursuant to the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 129,
that all creditors and others having olaime
against the estate of the acid William Oam-
HR J. Jyti`, 700.11, 1011»37m£ BrDu, who died on orabnnt the tweuty'eec-
and day ofFebruarg, 11104, are required ou
or before the first day of Apri1,10O4, Oo send
90 90 by post pre -paid, or deliver to W. M. Sin -
40 40 °lair, of the Village of Brussels, In the 0080-
6060 ty of Huron, Solicitor for Oharity Oameron
and Alexander Struoban, Executrix and
Executor of the last will and testament of
the said William Cameron, deeaeed, their
Christian and surname., addresses and des-
criptions, the full pal Maulers of their
olaime, the statement of thele a000unteand
the nature of the eeaurities, if any, beta by
them. And further take natio, that alter
su°11 last mentioned date the said Buoy..
tors will proceed to distributethe areata of
the deouated amoohereto havinregng ard the parties entitled
w of
h ch bray shall Hien have onit 01000thecdatum and the
said Executors will not be liable for the
e ,fd &beets, or any part thereof, to any per.
ehnll or have been receivedl by claimce
the time of such distribution.
Fall Wheat
Peae 30 00
Butter, tribe and rolls •14 1514 20
Eggs per (1.00,00.1
moor per owt. . 4 00 50 5 00
Potatoes (pr bus.) 75 1 00
Apples (per bbl.) 0 00 7 00
Hay per ton
Salt per 11111., retail 1 00 70
Hoge, Live
Hideo trimmed
Hides tough
465 465
15 16
6 6}
5 5
,[y. Bn103 cart for sale. Also
a EIi-
Porl1ing Bono. Apply 92.2
BON, Brussels.
Y� lost ou gravel road between the 9rd
Line of Morrie and Merman's Rote] Dunes -
town, ou Feb. 6th, Finder will oblige by
leaving at '1'H,t Posy, 13rueeols,
1V persons indebted to the undereigued
are netted to kindly Bettie promptly a e he
iutende going to the `Neat and before leav-
111 Hand over the accounts unsettled
1000 Other hands for collection.
Blacksmith, Brussels.
1 °ow son SALE. - The undersigned
offers for eale one Thoro'-bred Yorkshire
0ow,12 yeare old, iu pig to hie thorn'.bred
Yorkehtro bog. labr prion apply to R. B,
5 20 01 0 68 00, (8odmin Lime Wotke),6MYr-
xis, Belgraye P. O.
h� -The ares of land
off0e lar sale ur-
110000 and 0 30x00 of land in tiraham'0 dui•
voy, 1 mile South of 131'uOOels. Those ie 8
good etable, well and young orchard. Plan°
is well fenced and in good repair. Will be
Woat.t,a bargain as WM. DLL28, Brussels.
t Brussels and is Jog w
St. Matthew's Ohnroh, Brandon, hue
deoided to invite Rev. A. U. De Penoier,
of St. James Cathedral, Toronto, to take
the position of incumbent.
The first oivio election held at .Omer
son, Man„ in fourteen years, the town
having been in the hand0 of a reoeiver,
wag held Tuesday. J. W. MacDonald
wee °looted Mayor,
The will of the late Edward Martin, It
C., of Hamilton, disposes of au notate of
about $270,000. After making provieion
for Mre, Martin, the property ie divided
among the eight obiideen,
Hotente.-In Brueeele, on Feb. 28, to Dr,
W. L. and Mts. Holmee, a donghtor,
M6INMr, andlliane, Hugh nMolntouht
, o
fikLl.E0O.-In Morrie, on Feb. 2nd to Mr.
and Mre. 3411 Sellers, a eon,
Walker. --In Wingbane, Feb, Med, to Mr.
and Mre, Wesley Walker, a son,
Dated the 1st day o1 Marini,. 10 1504,
Solioitor for the ,Exeoutore.
World's Fair, St. Louis
April 80th to December let, L904
Settlers' One -Way
Ezenrsions, 1904
To Manitoba and Oenadian Northwest,
will leave Toronto every TUESDAY dnriog
Meeh and April if euffioientbueinese offers.
Passeugeretravelling without ;Live Stook
should tape the train leaving Toronto at
1 40 u. m.
P 600,1 ore travelling with Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
0 p, m.
Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each
Guido," ]]'R 'Western tCanada"pyand'B"Britt h
Columbia," apply to any Canadian Paciflo
Agent, or to A H. NOPMAN,
Asst. Gen, Pass, Agent,
1 king Bt. East, Toronto.
AN� � r�P,
at Reduced Prices.
Ladies' Felt Shoes 16 per gent, off,
Men'e Felt Boots and Shoes 15 per gent.
Men's Heavy Rubbers 20 per oeut. of
regular prioee.
Our Spring stook is now arriving and
We wieh to Man out ell oar Winter
Goode to give ae the room.
Zane 5S
Dopa, 'tm0.e.t
Blankets, rag, 51 25 Reduced to $1 00
Blankets, ' 1 60 " 1 20
Blankets, " 1 75 " 1 40
Robes, " 7 60 " 6 00
Robes, ia 8 00 " 6 00
-Repairs in Shute, Rnbbere, Ooliare
and Harness promptly and neatly
C. .i, V C H A R D S.