The Brussels Post, 1904-3-3, Page 3ol
MAR, 3, 1904
cent F,S. SCOTT, 13r0seels,
e Issuer of Marriage Licensee. Of-
fice at Grocery,Turnborry, street, Brunel A,
nza0IONEn Ian several good Farms for
gale and to rent, easy terms,in Townehipe
of Morrie and Grey, 11 8. SOW,Brrleol
0. 0. F.
Conrt Princeee Alexandria, No.34, C. 0.
S ru000io, meets in their Lodge Room, Blue-
hill Block, on the Sud and last Tuesdays of
each month, at o'olook. Visiting brethren
always welcome, JAB, BURGESS, U. R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
731WaS6>✓ZS, ONT.
11. LECKE,
Office over Hureley's Drug Store,
Nov. trd, 1902. 30.8m Bra Beale.
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
EBTAEL1ena0 1840
Insurance taken on the mob and premium
note uyetem at current rates. Before insur-
ing elsewhere eels on the undersigned Agent
of the Company.
-a; • sas, will sell for better prices, to
butter men, in lees time and lone chargee
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or
he won't charge anything. Dates and orders
can always be arranged at this office or by
personal application,
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Bales arranged for
at the ofeee of Tn1 Poem, Brussels. 22t1
• Honor emanate of the Ontario Vet•
eriaary College, is prepared to treat all die•
eaeeeof domesticated animple Ina compet-
ent manner. Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentists Calle promptly at-
tended to, O00oo and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Tnrnberry et., Bra08el8.
•LA.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eta.
0uoeeeeor to G, F, Blair. Ofeoo over Stan-
dard Bank, Brueoele. Solicitor for Metro.
polltan Bank.
• Barrister, Solicitor, iConveyaneer,
Notary Public, &o. 0111,3e—Stewart's Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank,
W. Pfto0DnooT, II. O. R, 0, Have
G. P. Bram.
081oes—Th000 formerly occupied by Meters
Cameron do Holt,
GODRm0a, ONTAa10.
M. D., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Phyeioiane and
Surgeons Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col.
lege of ii'hyelclans and Licentiate of Mid-
wifery Edinburgh, Ilia—Telephone No.14,
Residuum—Mill street, Brussels,
Graduate of 'the Royal College of Dental
Surgeonsof Ontario and Ffrat.elnse Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Offioe
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
British Colombia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing I11s
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notioe.
EeE.matee Furnished for all
kinds of Bnildinge. Workman•
ship and Motorial Gnaraetsed,
P. credo rd4'.: kms, I b
1 E1. BECia8.1CLE3 POST
96 .i S :i4 �1 ' Carried, Movers by Merero, Boyle and
it Goatee, that J. St,uthere be paid $120
LARGE A 1 P ENDANCE part aontraot ditching, Elkoott award,
said amount to be paid by T. Mu0ourt,
10 being bis ditch, bet which be failed to
perform, Carried, Moved by Mr, Boyle
and Mr, Curry Met the auditors' report
a0 read be aooepted and the clerk be
authorized to bane 300 onpiea, of the
abstract report p!inted. parried. Mpv.
ed by Mr, Curry and Mr. (Mateo that
By law No, 468 granting a bonne bo the
Onelph Jneetion Railway Go., as now
read a third time be finally passed,
Carried, Moved by Mr. Boyle and Mr,
Bell, that the oink be authorized to have
Bylaw 468 promulgated by advertising
the legal number of times in the Atwood
Bee. parried. Moved by Mr. Bell and
Me, Garry, that By law Not. 471 and 472
as now read be fleetly passed. Carried,
Moved by Mr. Boyle and Mr, perry, that
D. G. Anderson be awarded the general
printing for the towuebip of Elmo for
1904 at $60. Carried. menders were
received for Gerehelder branch drain
and work awarded to J. J. Moylan at
2 36 50 provided he rein] ant'
7to ee ie
factory (temerity. Moved by Mr. Corry
and Mr. Boyle, that orders he Mend for
payment of neonate. Oouuoil will meet
again on March 14.
a,/ '//
v. We have enrolled as many e1udonts Iff
jl during the last live months, eouslting jt
�from 8opternbor, a0 we 000011ed loot
,� year la lou months. i'hlo tolls the r
Oslo. The young people of Western
the b0 EVIDENTLY KNOW whioh le
dee beet school to attend. New Biu•
outs admitted at any t Write
tar Catalogue,
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, 7p
A. E. r Lloyd hoe returned d ir om a bee.
ineee trip to Winnipeg.
John Oarrathers, who bee been
visiting hie sister, Mre. H. Ball, is nen
irately ill,
The third oonoert for She Uniform
fund of the Wingham Band was held
Thareday evening.
Mies Millie Agnew has eaooeeofully
paeeed examinotioue at Pennsylvania
Hospital, Philadelphia.
Dr. MacDonald, M P. woe in Owen
Sound laet week attending a meeting of
the directors of the San Portland
Gement Co,
The oolleotion for Foreign minions in
St. Panda Church, Wingbom, bee almost
reached the sum of $60. The amount
required le $100.
H. Jeffries, formerly a member of the
firm of Hanna & 0o., is leaving Wingham
and removes to Petrolea, where he has
seamed tt situation.
David Gilabrisi, of Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., has been ependine a couple of weeks
in Wingham, with hie aunt, Mre. 0.
Oilohriet and old friends.
A slater of Mre. Maxwell, een., died in
Galt, on Saturday Feb, 20. Mr. and
Mre. Maxwell and their two sone,
Roland and Wm., attended the funeral,
John Green, of Lower Wingbam hes
been in poor health lately. He went to
Fergus, where an operation was per
formed. He came safely through the
ordeal, and is doing ae well as oan be
expected for an aged porno.
GIndetel ch.
Dan, Molver, South street, left Monday
afternoon of last week for Toronto where
he will spend a few days and then pro-
oeed to Winnipeg.
Jamee Mitobell, of the Star, attended
the meeting of the Canadian Faire and
Exhibitions' Aeeooiation in Toronto slid
was elected second vioe president.
L. 0. L. hoe delegated the master and
deputy, L. C. Todd and David Wells, to
attend the Provinoial Grand Lodge of
Ontario Weet. whioh opens at Brantford
on March 9111.
At a telly attended meeting of the
members of the official board of the
Colborne street Methodist oharah, Lon.
don a unanimous invitation was extended
to .Rev. Dr. Daniel, of Goderioh, formerly
of the First Methodist church, in that
city, to become their pastor at the expir•
scion of Rev. Mr. Birks' pastorate in
June of this year,
The severe front closed off the town
water supply to laundryman Coneigney'e
premieee, and as a result he lost all a
weok'e work. Leading to the water main
on Weet street =oh difficulty was found
in penetrating the frozen roadway, where
the frost had gone five feet. The gravel
and earth was almost as hard se iron,
and the otherwise email job was long and
Hoek Haye, who returned from Mil-
waukee, reports the lake there frozen over
and that there were over a million docks
on the snow, nerving because they were
unable to get at their food, the minnows.
Mr, Haye Saye that while he was there
eooh of the elevator companies gave a oar
of grain to teed the birds, and that the
policeman of the city were taking it in
bags and feeding the ducks from brid gee
and other pointe,
A.tW 00(1.
D. G. and Mre. Anderson entertained
the members of the Presbyterian ohoir
to 0 proverb party.
Mise Lily Anderson, milliner, of Man.
Moe, Man., who was the guest of her
brother, D, G. Anderson, for a few days,
left for London and Toronto to attend
the millinery openings.
Wee. Boyd returned from a pleasant
trip to California. He expreeeed him•
salt ae well pleased with the trip and en•
joyed living in California, Some per.
11o0e of the state had not had any rain
for 9 or 10 menthe bat for the most part
the season has been a favorable one.
An enjoyable time was spent by a num.
ber of Methodist young people at the
home of John and Mrs. Love, Dar-
ius the eveoiug Mre. Love was presented
with a handsome couch ae a mark of
appreciation of her services as choir
leader, The address to whioh Mre. Love
replied briefly, mos read by Miss Martha
In Elms, on Wednesday morning, Feb.
24114 the soul of Arthur Robb winged its
flight from its frail tenement of slay to
that bourne from which no traveller re-
tinue. The sudden death of Mr. Robb
ac090 ae a great shook to the oommunity.
We all knew that he was a very Wok mac
but did not think that the end would
Dome 0o quickly. Ho took eiok about two
weeke ago of pleurisy, and was a very
Mak man. He at length became wildly
delirious and it required two men to be
constantly at hie bedside to control him.
Meantime the plenriey was gradually
conquered but he still remained delirioue,
refusing to take any nourishment or
triedioine. He gradually grew weaker in
fact hie weakness must have been great.
er than was 0uppo0ed and on Wednesday
morning be breathed hie last. Shortly
before he died he called Jae, Donaldson,
jr„ (who by the way was a faithful.,; and
devoted friend to the deceased) to hie Bide
and throwing hie arms around hie neck
exclaimed : "I nee Jesus and ebe angels
and Mary," and pesoefully,(iaseed away.
ELM 0000mL.-The muntotpal Council
of the township of Elma met in the hall,
Atwood, on Feb. 15, Members all pron.
ant. Minutes of last meeting road and
signed, Moved by Mr. Corry and Mr.
Bell that the treaonre,'s FM6041011 be
accepted ae follows t Himself in the suds
of 86,000 W. heli, J. Coulter, 0. Harvey,
W. Robb, 3, Mitchell, in the tom of
83,000, eaob,' and J, rtOowau $2,000.
The ohair factory is starting op again
after several weeks' idleness owing to the
railway blockade.
Brandon Mothodiote have invited Rev.
J. H. Oliver, to the pastorate, beginning
next Oonfereooe year.
R. 0. Bamford went to Brampton on
Wednesday of Iasi week to attend the
funeral of his brotber•in•law, Mr. Mo-
Killop, of that town.
Rev. Dr, Gordon, of Bond street chorale,
Toronto, is announced to deliver bis
p pular lecture, entitled "Grace, Grit and
Greenbacks," in the Congregational
Chinch here on Taeeday evening, March
Editor Climie, of the Banner, left on
Saturday, Feb. 20111, on a trip to Los
Angeles, Oat., where he will visit hie
mother and sinters. He also purposes
visiting his brother, J. M. Olimie, et
Selma, Ala., before hie return,
On Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock the
stable 000upied by Wm. Donegan, bus.
man, at the rear of bis dwelling on
Division street, was discovered to be on
fire. Most of the movable contents
were got out by the family and neighbors,
but before the walerworke could be got
into play the building woe past saving,
and was learned to the ground. Mr.
Donegan loot a aon.iderable quantity of
hay, some sheat oats, a cutting box, e1o.,
hie Ines altogether being about $40.
Thomas Ohamney, a well known
figure in town, who teas one of the early
pioneers of Wallace, paned away very
suddenly on Tuesday afternoon, Feb.
28rd, at his home on Dodd eteeet. He
had not been in robust health for some
time past, bat had been armed as anal
np to within an boar of hie death. On
Tuesday morning be was down town, and
on returoiteg ham. he bad his dinner, and
then went out to shovel some enow. He
afterwards lay dawn, and complaining of
a pain in the region of big heart, asked
for a tablet, whioh Mre. Chamney gave
him, and whioh appeared to give him
relief, as he Raid that he felt better atter
taking it. He enbsegaently fell into a
daze, from which he never awoke, putting 1Nh t Exhibitors
quietly away within half en hour 11001
the time he tette first taken with the pain.
Heart weakens is the sump'sed 0a nee of
hie very eaddon death. The dooansed
was born in the North of Ireland ee6e0ty.
four years ago,
Lae elano TT
PnEenNTATfoN.-0u Taoaday, Feb. 10th
deepito the examinee cold end storm
there was a large gathering of the
Presbyterians of Lnaknow congregation
aeeembled to give tangible expreooion t0
their esteem for their tote paotor, Rev,
A. McKay, who baa recently reoigned hie
charge here. The obair woe taken by
Rev. S. M. Whaley, who was assisted in
the opening exeroieeo by Ron, F. A,
McLennan, of South Kinloss, Mr.
leloIutooh read a kindly worded, highly
complimentary and deeply appreciated
address, reviewing the seventeen years of
faithful and effioient service whioh Mr,
McKay bad aoaompliebed, both in the
pulpit and in their hornet:, eepeoially
among the nick and euffering. A kind
andreaiative address was aleo
read oMrs,, Mo$ay, gratefully
oolmowledgiog the splendid aseiotanoe
she had so ably and obeerfolly given in
parrying forward the work of the con•
eregation. Mr. McKinnon presented blr.
MnKay with a puree oontainiog $833 in
gold, and Mrs. McKay was the
recipient of a beautiful silver tea set from
Mr, Purves. Os behalf of the W. F. M.
Aoxi•iary, the chairman read another
address to Mre. McKay, presenting her
with a life.memberoh,p certifloate in that
Society. Mr. MoKay replied for himeelf
and hie wile, both of whom were visibly
touched by the many tokens of kindness
and appreciation whioh they bad received.
Addressee were then given by Rev's F. A.
McLennan, V/. T. Hall, and members of
the congregation.
six ete r.
Mre. (Rev.) Holmes, of Blyth, is the
guest of her eiater, Mre. (Dr.) Rollins.
Another newspaper venture has been
launched in the journalistic sea, at Mot.
riseey Mines, B. 0., with E. J. Eaorett,
a former Exeter boy, at the helm.
Mre. Geo. Smallaoombe has returned
from Stratford, where elm bee been in at.
tendaoae upon her daughter, Mrs. H.
Kelly, who is now reoovering from an
attack of pneumonia.
Geo. Boledon, of near Langdon, North
Dakota, is visiting friends in and around
Exeter, the guest of his Bleier, Mre.
Quanoe, He has been out Week sixteen
years and owns a half notion of land,
The Crystal City (Mao.,) Courier thus
refers to an accident that happened to
Wm. Blaalake, blacksmith, a former
Exeter young man :—"While engaged in
a wrestling match with one of the boyo
the other evening, W. 8taulake had the
misfortune to fall and break his shoulder
What easily might have reenlbed in a
serious catastrophe happened a couple of
miles up the G. T. R. %reek on Monday
of lain week. The three notion men, 0.
Birney, T. Flynn, and Geo, Eaaterbrook
had proceeded Northward on the baud•
oar to perform their road duties and when
about two miles up the track, amidst a
blinding storm they were met by a 8onbh•
boned train which was almost upon them
before they noticed its approach. Real•
Ming the imminence of their danger they
Are you Insured ?
If not the Confederation Life Association is
ready to present a proposition that cannot fail
to interest you.
Business in force $86,687,383.00
Guaranteed Capital and Assets,10,563,853 83
Cash Income, 1903 1,595,768,63
To January let, 1904
For Death Claims (gross) $3,938,789 80
For Matured Endowments 1,752 386 84
For Annuities 243,366 82
For 0aoh Dividends 1,606,479 37
For Oaeb Valves (Policies snnreudered) 810,078 89
Total Cub Payments $8,250 096 22
Cash Surplus, Government Standard 736,894 03
Held to pay Olaime Accrued 43,686 85
Held to pay Dividends Oetetanding 78,780 61
Reserve on Polioses and Annuities, Gov. Stand 8,632,366 00
Total Oaah paid and held On Polioyholdere'
Amount $17,736,212 71
W. H. BEATTY, W. D. MATTnnwn and FnRD. WNW,
President. Vioe.Preeideots.
W. 0. MACDONALD, Actuary.
J. K. MAaDaNALD, Managing Director,
Wa Hd KERR, Local Agent
00 per (sent. of Fat Cattle exhibited at
Provincial Winter Fair, 1009, were ted with
Worthington's Oen/Lilian Stook Tonle,
DRAB Blas;
We have been feeding your Stook food
to cattle for some time, and and it to be an
exoallent tomo, We have also fed it to
horses and pipe, and are quite aurn it le the
beet stook food we have ever tried. Our
prize winning cattle at 11,0 Provinoial
ter Fair, lege, wore fed Warthlugtou'x stook
Brtoder Shorthorn Cattle,
Aoton, Ont,
DEA0 Brno,—
1 and your Stock Food is a very excel-
lent Tonto for cattle, giving them a good
appetite and weeping their d100011ve organa
in a benithy working oaadiliou. The steer
"Soothe," exhibited at Winter Fair, weighed
at birth 80 lbs„ at 95 months 205 Ibe, making
a gain of 55 Ibe, per mouth, It pays to feed
Worthington'e Stools Food.
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle
Peepabun, int,
DEAn 8rae.—
We have used your Stook Food for both
cattle and boge and find 1t gives good antis..
faction. Several of our oattlo have ;Mown a
i4 f over lJA4. WILSON &]BONS a lead-
13reoderof Shorthorn Cattle and Tork•
shire Hoge, Fergus, Ont.
Note the Price
10 lb. box, 200 fends, poo ; 000 1b. sack 82.
Manufactured by
Guelph, Ont,
For talo by— N.F. GERRY, Brussels;
H. 21. MoALLISTEIO, Ethel ;
Wal, MESSEIR, Bluevale ;
N. B. GERRY, Blyth.
jumped from their perilous situation just
in time to save their lives, The handoor
however, did not fare so well, the train
crushing into it and emaehed it to atoms.
Luckily the ootooma W08 no more serious
than reported.
While ebarpeniog a razor on an oil
atone, Geo. Brown had the miefortauo to
gaeh his hand at the bane of the thumb.
The Band oontemplate giving a oonoert
in the near future whioh we trust will bo
very liberally patronized by oar eitia'ue.
Owing to the 111, 000 of Rev. W. Rigsby,
of Parkhill, Rev. Dr. Medd was requested
by the Chairman of the Dietriet to preach
there on Sunday of last week.
Groat regret was felt by all classes of
the community on learning that Jamee
Shirray had paned away ou Sunday,
Feb. 22od at the boapital in Hamilton,
J. & 0. MoDonell received a oar 01 coal
whioh was a welcome eight to oar citizens
and the surrounding farmers, its the sop•
ply, except in the 0050 of a few, ma
entirely or almost exhausted.
Thomas Dick, of Hay, hao purchased
the Elder property near the Bohm'
hoose, now occupied by Mr, Keiser, He
intends moving to Hensall in August.
The prise paid yeas in the neighborhood
of 81000.
Hansell ricks did not win the Western
Ontario Tankard, yet they have every
reason to feel proud of their playing,
pitted as they were against two of the
Hunt rinks in the country, they lost by
only 6 shote.
The Blake congregation reoently eta -
prised Mr. and Mre. Douglass who have
moved to Bruoefield - and made them a
presentation, Mr, Donglaee had been
secretary of the Blake congregation for a
number of years.
Will Stoneman, while cutting up a
tree that he had purohaeed from Can.
Redmond, came aoross two fine racoons
and a swarm of bees, which had taken op
their abode in the hollow portion of the
top. He disposed of the noon skins,
whioh were fine ones, for $2.00.
Canadian INewen.
The Windsor Hotel, at Fort William
was burned.
Robert J. Hill, 0. P. R. brakeman, was
killed at Drnmbo,
Mre. William Newry, of Palmerston,
died enddenly of apoplexy.
The Winnipeg School Board have deci-
ded to adopt manual training.
B. H. Mudge, brakeman, was thrown
from a oar at Strathroy and killed.
William Flynn wits killed at Niagara
Falls by the breaking of a derrick.
Joseph Kennedy was acquitted at Brant-
ford of the murder of tittle Irene Cole.
Arch. and Mrs. Balmer were found
dead in their house at Whitby, asphyxiat-
ed by opal gas.
Obarlee Rattan, aged fourteen, of Bat.
toren, Blipped on a plank and shot him.
self through the head.
Orr Bros.' oatmeal mill at Windsor
has been absorbed by the Canadian Oat.
meal Manufantnriog aompauy.
The Government will send up a steam.
er with coal and food eappliee to the ex.
pedttion to Hudson Bay early in May.
The Dominion Government hag melted
the Admirality for a warship to convey
missionaries in Goren too plana of safety.
Arthtnr,the fonrteon•year•old son of
Policeman (look, of Belleville, was
killed while attempting to board a maw.
1ng train,
David Dibbs, a London, Opt„ letter-
oarrier, received $13,400 as the result of
investing a dollar in a lottery about a
month ago.
Tee Imperial Oil Company are making
large redactions in their force at Sarnia,
on aonoant of the falling off in the supply
of prude oil.
Senator Lougheed, of Calgary, nae
awarded the oontreat for the reoonetruo.
tion of the Norman block and the Nor.
maedis theatre, recently burned.
Sir Sandford Fleming addressed the
Canadian Club on the new transconti-
nental railway, defending the proposal
that it should take the Northern rine.
The agreement Between the Street
Railway Company and London township,
making city fares operative on the Pot.
tereberg and Brongh's Bridge linea, has
been signed,
Fire at Braoebridge destroyed Mre. E.
A. Pelletier's residence, part of whioh
was 000upied by J. Warlow'e family. A
two•months' infant of Mrs. Warlow wag
burned to death.
A pathetto story comae from Sheering.
ton, Qaebee, of two aged brothere,
Edward and Naroiaee Beandin, whose
dwelling wee burned, each returning to
the building in aearo% of the other, and
boot losing tttoi4' Om is thq Annan,
:McKinnon & Co.
Oar New Spring Goode are coming forward in large quaotil(ee;and on
Thursday, the 25 ult„ we elm wed a full range in the following goods.
Owing to the sharp advanoe in the prion of Cotton Goode of all kiode, we
would advice oar Mende to bay their Cotton Goode uow while they can get
them at old prices, os any goods we eon out of and have to repeat will be
[torn 16 to 25 per cent higher. Below we mention a few !Mee wlxiole are
extra good value:
Drees Dinka, in botcher blue navy, white groandoiand floral designs, now
worth 15o, for
Drees Gingbame, in new patterns, at 70, 10e, 120, and,l6o.
White Lawn, 46 inohee wide, at 10e, 120, l5o and 20o,
Meroerized Matalaeee and Veetiuge, imitable for shirt waists and dresses, in
plain and fancy stripes, very stylish goods, at 15e, 20o, 250, 35e and 60o.
Valenoenoe Laces and Foobingo, a large assortment, direot importations,
from So.e yard rd o
P Y P•
We offer a e is 1
W o l value in Grey Catton at 6a 60 8 1
p y , o,tand Oo,
Flake Drees Goode, in blank and aolore, at 50o, 75o and$1,
Blank and colored Venetians, 56 inohee wide, at 75o, $1 and $1.45.
Black and Colored Bioilliane, 54 inohee wide at, at 50a.
White and Cream Cashmeres at 36o, and 60o,
White and Cream Dienes at 260. 35o, and 50o.
Two smart appreotioes wanted in the Millinery department.
The flour mill at Morden, Man., was
burned. Lose, $11,000 or $19,000.
The First Baptist Gburoh of Winnipeg
will be enlarged et a poet of $28,000.
George Y. Chown, Registrar of Queen's
University, hao ;,also been appointed
'Preen rer,
Mr, Bell, editor:of ties Mining 'Review
at Ottawa, fell down an elevator„ leafs
and wee very eerfoaely injured.
The body of a man forend frown to
death on the prairie near Brandon hao
been identified as William Allen, a dray -
man from Sonrie,
ON JAN. 4, 1904,
Two 0oureee- Comm•raial and Shorthand,
Bend for College Journal.
A. L. 1oINTY1E, Manager.
To those well along in
years there comes, accord-
ing to the condition of the
eyetem, their measure of
Me and suffering. Some
are young at 70, while
others are old at 40.
Elderly people who once
nee Dr. Leonhardt's Anti -
Pill And that It has marvel-
ous power to relieve them
of the troubleothat nothing
else will shake off, esped
ally backache, cosetepa-
tion, bladder trouble, fall.
log appetite, and indiges-
tion. If ANTE -PILL is used
upon taking cold, the aches
and pains that usually fol-
low will bo avoided. Te,
prove this, send to Wm -
son -Fria Co., Niagara
Falls, Oct,, for a free sem.
pie. ANTI -PILL fs sold by
druggists at 50 cents a box.
Sold in Brussels by James Fox.
We have a small -stock of Photo. and Scrap
Albums left which we will
clear out at cost.
A Few Croklnole Boards
Still on Hand.
New stock of Notepapers,
Pads, Envelopes, &c.
Central Prison
Binder Twine
V1'N'b,Wtw,%'trirlooto, vtrv,v,rerNafaltr
We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop.
This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3
Rope Halters. Samples of the Grain Bags, Halters and
Twine may be seen at our store. There are 4 Brands :—
PURE MANILA., 660 feet MANILA, 550 feet
PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA, 600 feet
Mail orders will be carefully attended to. Special prices on
ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. The
price will be considerably lower Allan the price of any other Twine
on the market. Prices will be officially published in the leading
papers in due time, Order early and save money;
A. M. MOKAY & Co.