The Brussels Post, 1904-3-3, Page 2(Tbif Vnuis,els fat, THURSDAY, MAR. 8, 1904. Downier; Parliament will open on Thursday of next week. Some of the members think the session may be an ex. bended one. RAlanoane are being built in the Phil. ilpineislands and other evidences are visible of abetter civilization since the war with the United States. While the Filipino may grudgingly adopt Western methods of life be will be the gainer by large odds by eo doing. Teas year already baa eeea some of the most outlet' oonSagratione for many a day. Last week Rochester oity, N. Y., was the scene, the lose being estimated at five million dollen, While are proof baildioge and modern fire fighting appli• anoee no doubt reduce the number of merlons tree the bacn•oate oontinae to count up, no doubt too quickly for some of the fire insurance oompaniea. Tse newspaper prevarioator is having hie innings at the Eastern headquarters in eending the war repute. A000rdiog to the reports published the navies of both Russia and Japan would be with "Davy Jonee" whereas they both appear to be fairly able to belch out allot and shell with deetruati e v energy.Repetition Ree on of 3lepatebee with additions or curtailments le said to be one of the caneee of the ap• parent oontradiotione. Tin Legislature ehoald amend the Anatmony Act along the linos propoeed by A. Hielop'e bill ae they will he heart. ily enpported in doing so by every Oonn. ty having a Hones of Refuge or other public institution lot similar character. "Robbing graveyard" talk by ,the medico M. P. P'e. should not gears those who favor the neoeseary amendment whiob still makes the law permissive. We have heard of oemetery ghouls eines the pree- eat Act was planed on the Statute book. ON the oonoloeion of a long dragged oat Budget debate in the Legislature the vote showed 47 to 44, a majority of 3 tor We Rose Government, 6 members were absent. Mr. Whitney must still abide by the old time base ball rule "8 oat all obit." To be so near a nd yet so far from the Government benoh es no doubt pate the Opposition in good fighting trim bat oapturiog the stronghold is the difficulty. Hon, G. W. Rose is a good General and will not be caught napping. An increase of 2 or 3 to big fighting !ores would be very highly appreciated we have no doubt. JAPAN ie rieiog to the situation in her oonfiiot with Roseia and is not only exemplifying signal ability with the management of her navy but is proving the loyalty of her eobjeote in their willingness to render both physical and pecuniary support. The combination of Conan foroee, about 17000 men, under the direction of Japaneee ofacere, was a long headed move and if the people of Oorea have their independence guaranteed it will probably prove of vital importanoe to them. Russia appears to be very anxious to drag some of the other powers into the fray and poeeibly realizes that she "has bitten off more than she can chew." It etrikee ne se being iittie short of profanity for Russia to offer up etagere for the araebing out of Japan when many of the enbjeote of the Czar know full well that the tyranny and brutality of Russia is superseded by no nation on the faoe of the earth, barring the Turks who are more fiends than men. We hope Japan will "duet" the bear's oat eo thoroughly that the woald•be world conqueror will come to the von. elusion that Natione as well ae individuale may be kept very busy' minding their own business. Japan's victory would be of ineetimmble value in opening up and developing the blast and promoting the beet interests of the world at Large, The Ohineee have nothing to gain by favoring Raesia but the expreeeed williogneee of some of the leaders in China to oast in their lotit w b Japan reads a trifle e Peanliar seeing that the Jape troaHoed them eo recently. We hope Admiral Togo will be able to go into both Port Arthur and Vladivostok in the near f ature. le every department ander Govern. meat anpervieion could be managed to show the same enrplasee tee the Poet office Department of this Dominion then surely the pathway of the Cabinet would be one of roses. The annual report of the Poetmaeter•General for the fleoal year ended Jena 80 laud ebowe thee the enrpin8 wag $395,268, In seven years Sir William Molook bee wiped out a defloit of $781,152 and effected a better, ment of $1,176,420. The Value of the stamp issue for 1902.8 was $5,305,452, ao increase of $643,098, or 14 per Dent over the previoue year. The number o1 pieces bandied was 291,106,179, an in. oreaee of 27,098,029 pieoe8, or 101; per ciente compared with the previous twelve month,. Last fiscal year 1,012,091 postal notes of en bggtegato value of $1,702,468 were paid, being an inoreaso 61 184,472 in the number of traneeotione, rend of $843,624 in the amount ttane' milted. The atrtoant of money remitted by money ordere and postal noted amounted to 6028,914,296, ee ageiuet 025,251,871 la the ,previoue year, and 013,081,860 in 1890. Tbe following table shows the number of lettere and poet oerde mailed during the last year a000rd• ing t0 Provincial: 1 No. of offioee Lettere. in operation, Ontario 3858 116,480,000 Quebec 1982 60 820,000 Nova Bootie 1789 16,820,000 New Brguewioo1263 11,210 000 P. E. Island 419 2,240,000 British Oolumbie890 14,561,000 Man, & Ter 1008 23,690,000 Total ....,,10,149 236,701,000 Registered Poetcarda. Lettere, Ontario 17.300.000 2,665,000 Quebec 4,800,000 1,870,000 Nava Scotia 1,600 000 407 000 New Brunswick,1,100,000 266 000 P. E. Inland 100,000 66,000 Britieb Columbia' 760,000 861,000 Man. & Ter 1,326,000 565,000 Total 26,646,000 5,470,000 Sir William Molook bee made a great a0ooeee of hie department whioh ie by no means the easiest managed. Hie predeoeeeore could not keep the amounts square on 3 gents a letter. WANT TIME EXTENDED. LEGIT FON ACCEPTANCE OF GOOD ROADS GRANT. The anneal meeting of the Western Ontario Good Reade Aaeooiation opened in the oonnty municipal hall, Toronto, Wednesday of Met week President James Graham, of Lindsay, in the chair. A. number of important subjects were die- oneeed at the two seething of the aseooia, tion and a resolution passed requesting the Government to extend the time with- in whioh county Ooaaoila may take advantage of the act respecting the improvement of highways until January 1, 1907. A suggestion that the repeal of the section providing that when the county fails to take advantage of the sot the municipalities may for one year have an opportunity of doing ao waewithdrawa. Mayor Urgohert, on behalf of the pity of Toronto, exteuded a oordial welcome bo the aeeooiatiou. He dwelt upon the &immunity of interest whioh existed between all manioipalities, whether rural or urban, eepeoially in regard to protection of their iotereete ageiuet franchise -seeking corporations. Warden Hartmann also extended a warm weloome from the oonnty of 'York, and Controller Hubbard oommended the objeot of the association, Ex -Warden Cummings, of Carleton, gave an interesting end inetr0otive sketch of the formation and organization of the Eastern Onaario Good Roads Aaeooiation. Altbongb in Carleton oonnty the by-law bad been defeated for the present, he predicted the people would yet vote 0138 necessary money to eeoare an improvement in the roade. The advisability of requesting the Government to eo amend the not for the improvemeub of poblio highways as to permit the application of a portion of the Provinoial grant to the construction of bridges was the anbjeot of a motion by J. W. Gibbs, of Ontario oonnty. The coat of oonetrnoting permanent bridges was, he eaid, eo great 'Cat it deterred many counties from availing themeelvee of the provieione of the bill. In hie own county it would be specially advantage. one if the munioipalitiee were allowed to expend such portions of the grant as ueneerary on bridgee, and apply tbe remainder on the improvement of the roade. Tbe enggeation vise provocative of a protracted dtecaeeion, participated in by Messrs, Waltere, Waterloo ; J. D. Evans, York : J. A. Boobanan and R. R. Brett, Essex; Major Brooe, Simooe ; D. H. Moyer, Linooln ; 0. E. Hewson, Simooe, and others. A. W. Campbell, in reply to questions, stated that it was not necessary for the ooapty Ooaoail to epeoify any mono when enbmittiog the bylaw. He thought poseibly one of the greateet stumbling blocks in the way of adoption of the sot was the Not that a moot larger cum of money wits usually epecifled that tbe ()toenail oonld possibly spend in any one, two, three or even five years. The meeting deolined to ask for an amendment to the act, as suggested by Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Brett, Essex, moved that the aeeooiation memorialize the Govern• meat to extend the time during which oonntiee may avail themselves of the not for the improvement of public higbwaye until January 1, 1907. This also wan a subject of prolonged debate, extended into the evening. There was a prononnoed difference of opinion upon the eubjeot of allowing the provision that the lnoal munioipalitiee might share in the grant to remain on the e0atute book. It was oontended that the poeeibility of the manioipatity obtaining the grant it the county adopta did not a at em of y oo0nty roads was reeponelble for the laxity and indifference of the County Ooanelle. Major Brave, Simooe, moved an amendment favoring the repeal of the emotion under wbioh maoiOipaiitiee may, under certain oironmetanoee, obtain the benefit of the sot. A. W. Campbell coked why, if, after font or five years, only tour bounties have aaoep0ed the offer of the Government, e further extension of time eboald be granted. He was personally opposed to the alternative plan of allowing the looel ma0ioipalitiee to take advantage of the provisions of the act, end hoped, if the money set aside by the Government were to be need, it would be expended by the larger and more comprebeneive body. The reason why the Connty Ooantile had not been ae eneoeeefnl as they should was simply beeeuee the County Connell - lore had not taken hold of the whole gaeetion in eooh a member ae they should. Personally, he would prefer to see the County Counoile have cbarge of every thing that could be balled a bridge, be. armee they were in a peeitfon to build their bridges and Iodic after them ohaapee and better than the smaller body, He favored am exteneion of time to County Cannella for two years, if it wonld be prodnolive of emanate The motion asking for an exteneion of the time limit to January 1907, was agreed to. Having attained his object in eliciting( diooueeion Major Braes with• drew bis amendment. WM,Jatkeon, Pod Stanley) addeeaeed ID II iii1tUtit3111Lti FOOT MAR 3, 1904 the oonveution upon the snbjeol of cement bridgee and oeme0t flooring for bridges. Before adjogrnment, Mr. Oampbell sag. pasted that, in view of the impossibility of all the repreeentativee of the vario08 ma0ioipeiitioe attending the annaai von. venticus at Toronto end Ottawa, county orgauizatione be teemed, wbioh would Meet yearly and dieouee gaeetione relit. Ing to the improvement of the biebwaye, these local orgeniz,tione to send delogatee to the anuual oeutral mestioge. COUNTY COUNCIL AC'r. PREMIEN ROBS' REPLY re LARGE DEPUTATION. A deputation, 200 strong, of Werdeoe, Councillors and Clerks of the aountiee of the Proviuoe, Wednesday of last week, waited upon Premier Rose, Hon. E. J. Davis, Hou. J. R. Stratton and Hou, John Dryden in reference to the eel pee• sad taut eeesiou, giving Township Ooen• elle an apnea to abolish the system adopted in 1896 of eleoting County Councillors direct, and to revert in part to the old eyetem, Mayors of towns and Reeves of municipalities constituting the County Council. M. T, Boobanan, of Oxford County, said they were a unit in objecting to the aot passed last year, Wardeu Braos,ot Simooe county, said the system of providing for equal voting on all matters up to 01,000, and there were few that exceeded that BUM, would plane the larger municipalities at the mercy of the smaller ones, Col. Farewell, of Ontario oonnty, said the proposed ohmage in the aot ignored tbecinoi le of representation b P Py In matters a 6 o 01,000 population, municipalities of 500 inhabitants wuld have an equal vote with munioipalitiee of 5,000 inhabitants; wembererepresent • ing 22 par oent of the rates could outvote the members repreeenting 78 per cent of the rates. Io the few mnttere exoeeding 01,000 one or two of the larger maajoi- palilies would have oonarol. Warden Boyce, of Carleton county, Olerk McNeely, of Victoria oonnty, War. den Kooriok, of Wentworth, Oounoillore J. D. Evans and Lundy, of York, H. 1'. Holland, for Northumberland, Albert Donoan, of Lambton, also spoke. Premier Rose in reply gave a abort re. view of the oonditione that led up Gu the act of 1896 and its amendment last year, One of the weaknesses of last year's meaeare was that on the question of equalization of aeeeaement the email municipalities had voting strength equal to the larger, and were thee, perhaps en- abled to bring about an nojest and unfair aeseaement. That should certainly be remedied, "We think oleo of amending the sot of last year so as to obaoge the manner in which it shall coma into operation. We would allow the Muni- oipal Ooanoile to pane a bylaw if they naw fit to do ea asking that the not alms into force. These by-laws afterwarde would be referred to the electors of each townehip so that instead of the Muni• Opal Council of each municipality govern• ing in this matter there would be a vote taken on the day for tbe eleotien of Ooanoillore, nay next year, and it a majority of the ratepayers of the whole ooaoty demand the change, the ohange will go into Wean in that emanate (Applause.) Tbe old act will remain he force for two years, and it may be pos- sible that the County 0oouoillora who have done snob excellent work will be able to eo impress their usefulness noon tbe electors that the ohange will not be, made. In the meantime, the aot of lamb year will be very oarefally revised and emended in one or two particulars." NO DIFFERENCE No distinction is made as to the kind of Piles that Hem Raid aures. The namee Internal, External Bleeding, Blind, Itching, Suppurating, etc., are simply names of the different stages throngb which every oath will pass if it 000tingerlong enough. Piles are canoed by congestion or etagootion of blood in the lower bowel, and it takee an internal remedy to re- move the oanae. Dr. Leonbardb'e Hem•Roid ie a tablet taken ;eternally. It is a permanent vire and no Daae of Piles tae ever been found it failed to cure. Money back if it does. A guarantee with every paokage. Sold in Brossele by Jae. Fox. Perth County. Building operations in Stratford are likely to be very brisk thio coming Sum. mer. Mr. Matheson has sold the Royal Hotel property Mitchell, to Mr, Cook formgood prioe, In the Spring the Perth Flax & Cord• age Company will make a large addition to their plant. St. Marys briogo baok to the fold the ooveted curling trophy wbioh is the envy of all the clubs in Western Ooterle. Alden Burritt has purchased the only variant lot on Front street Mitchell, and will erect a new store in the Spring. Uaanimons pall was given Rev. Mr. Jaokeoo to remain for the naming year as pastor of Waterloo Street, ohnrob, Strut. ford. The damage done to the Windsor hotel by 'ire, 8t, Marys, will amount to 0300. The National and Queen Fire Insurance were the 00mpenlee interested. We are plunged to report that the soar. let fever that has caused several homes in Trowbridge to be quarantined, ham abated and the :taboo} and abarob 80001000 are going On ae usual. Mrs. Wm. Orerar, ""Beeabridge", was driving home from Stratford, owing to the bad roads her ontter wag upset, and ebe was thrown on the hard, ice oovered snow, and as a regelt has been laid up over eines. The dootor thinks ehe bee cracked bar hip bone, On Monday evening of last week Mrs, Alden Barrio died atter a lingering Innen from aetbma and consumption. She wa0 in bet 89th year and had been in poet health for Moms time, She was the daughter of the late Rev. A. Hnrlbnrt and had resided in Mitchell and vicinity nearly 40 years, Beeideo her baeband, oho loaves one eon, Dr. 0. Burritt, and two tiaughtere, Mrs. Verity, of Toronto, and Mies Katie, at home, A large oirole of friends will regret to hear of her, death. She vies a devoted member of the Maim. dist abnroh, The funeral book piece to tbe Methodist 00m0fery on Wedneeday afternoon, Father Tobin has already rsoeived over $1,000 for the 00W Boman Catholic Miami), eo Stratford, in gratuitous, an. eolioited oubeoriptions, One little girl drew half of her bank a0000nt of $10 to help, J. M, Reynett, formerly of the dietriot freight °Moe Stratford, and latterly of the same deportment, Hamilton, bee been promoted Io the position of chief clerk to General Freight Agent Pullen, in Montreal. .Edward Robineon Bold big 100 acre farm on the 2nd eon, Logan, to James Jaokeon, of Fullerton. The priori paid wee 97,000. Mr. Robinson pgrobased the farm of W. Drager, consisting of 250 gorse in McKillop, for $11,500. It ie understood that a petition le being °irottlated by the temporanoe people of Si, Marys, wbioh, when oompleted, will be Bent to the nom niesiu0ere for the per• pose of trying to prevent the Royal hotel from eo uring a lioeneo. It is meeting with eeoaese. The report of Ioepeotor Wm, David. son of the Perth House of Refuge informs us that the average number of inmatee during the past year was 66. The Ooet of maintaining them end repairing Hones was $6,8100 57, The aotaal coat to the oonnty is 04,874,20. A joint meeting of the two Preebyterinn oongregatione, Bt. Marye, was held for the pal pose of taking a general vote on the two ohorotee uniting, There was a good representation of both oturobee present. At the 0000lneion of the meet. ing, when the general vote of the two oougrogations was taken, it was Coon& that the preeent feeling was to have the two ohnrobes remain as obey are. Suooee•fnl etnden to from Perth Co. at the Ontario Agrioul Garai College were : P. M. Ballantyne, Motherwell, fleet year ; R. Bailant ne Sebrin villa and y , g W. Bean, Hayeviile, second year ; N• N. Bedell, Hampstead, third year. Follow• ing were eacoeeoful etadente at Mao. donold Institute, Guelph ; Senior year, Mies E. MoVannel, St. Mary's ; junior year, Misses E. Ferguson and A. Brown, Stratford, nod E. Bell, Tavietook. The authorities of the Central Malian. diet church, Stratford, have oompleted arrangements for the impr0vem cut of the musical deparlmeut of their obaroh, The proposed alterations to the choir gallery, preliminary to the installation of the new Caeavant pipe organ in May next, will shortly be commenced. The organ ie to be of three manuals and pedalo, blow° by a water motor with pneumatio action for the operation of keys and etope. Joseph Near died at bis home in Monk. ton on Tuesday morning Df last week, Mr, Near has been a resident of Elms township for many years. He farmed in the vicinity of Monkton until last Fail, when be Bold the farin to hie eon and moved to the village. He took oiok short- ly atter and has never been well since. Mr. Near was a life long member of the Methodist ohuroh and was a man of eterl. ing ohoracter and highly respected in the community. The funeral took plane ou Friday morning at ten o'clock. A oontroveray between the Mitobell Recorder and Rev, John Henderson, of Staffs, Dame to a head the other day when the Recorder editor, T. H. Rene, wee served with a Ootime by Meagre. Dent & Thompson, noting for itir. Henderson, demanding an apology and the name of the writer of an allegedly libellous letter published in the Reoorder. The result ie that Oepbae Drown, of Hibbert, who wrote the letter, sad Mr. Race, who had already expressed regret at its publication in hie sbeenoe from home, have both tendered an apology to Mr. Henderson. The thirty•Aftb aunnal oonventioo of the County of Perth Sunday School Ase0ointion, opened at Milverton, Wed- needay of feet week. Seeeiooe were held to the Methodietnhgrob, • The program fol- lows : Afternoon : Devotional services, Ray. R. H. Barnby ; appointment of minute secretary and business cum• mittee ; address, "The maeter teacher," R. W. Dillon, 81. Marys ; address, "The element of suooese or failure in Bible oleee teaching," Rev. W. J. McKay, Stratford ; round table conference on Sunday eebool management, J. A. Jack• son provincial smeltery. Evening. - Song service by united ohoire ; devotion• el service, Rev. N. D. Mofiionon ; Wel- come greeting, David Smith, and the president's ro.addrege, "Love v. Fear of religion" ; address, "Child etady," 3. A. Jaokgon. The firet Sunday eohool convention of the County of Perth Sun. day eohool aeeoeiation was held in Brat. ford, on March 10 and 11, 1869, when Rev. D. Waters, M, A., was president, Rev. 3. P. Durran and W. L. Hutton, were viae presidents ; Rev. Robert Ham - Mon, D. D. wag secretary and James Hogg, treasurer with a committee of ten. Conventions have been held eaoh year except one in 1902. Presidents and Committees have changed eaoh year. Rev. R. Hamilton, W. E. Jobee and Isaac Hord have been secretariee, the latter since 1882. Crust adtattn lYewH. The Ripley flax mill was burned, Lose, 08,500, E. N, Heney, one of the largest carriage makers in Canada died in Montreal, Mies Annie 9 , b t, t pane, sister of Stephens, George to g S p , M. P., died suddenly at Chatham. 0. A. Jones, of Potrolea, was elected President of the Ontario Land Surveyors' Aaeooiation. Frederick A, Folger, manager of tbe Li%ht, Heat & Power Company, of Kingston, is dead. Hon. E. Blake, Al, P., hoe been named as one of the temporary obairmen of the British House of Commons. Father Bonobard, a well known Jesuit priest, was killed by an electric ebook at St. Mary'e College, Montreal. Brakeman Frank Hutabioon, of Walk. erton, wag killed in a collision on the Pere Marquette Railway at Port Lambton, Patrick Walsh, ligbbhouee keeper, at Lietgao, Oape Breton, drove over a 90 lootolid in a enowetorm, and was killed. Sidney Wagstaff, who shot Capt. Gore, near Minnedosa, Man., woo arrested, but took poison and died before reaching the jail, Robert Hayes, 0. drover, of Mount Albert, reported to the polio° that be wee robbed of 9780 on Adelaide street West, Toronto, The oix•yeal.cid denghterof Geo. Bar• bar, of Oxbow, N. W. T., is dead from the effeots of berms received by opening the door of the stove with her night dress, Senator McMullen sustained a painful though not omelette injury by a fell. He broke two ribs. No 9erio00 recall is feared, bob he will be kept fu the hoaee for a eonple of weeks. The Ereoutive Board of the National Council of Women mei et London, Ont„ end decided on Winnipeg se the next place for the annual meeting of the Coen. oil in Ootober next, Fergus, Ont., ran out of coal oil, but a8 it did not goat anything to go to bed, the village °ruwled Into Ohs blenkete and laughed itself to Bleep thinking of the money it wee saving at the expense of the keroeene truce, The premises of the Oontrel Prison, Toronto, were toroibly and uuoeretOn• ioaely entered Friday morning, the intruder being no lees then an entire passenger train from Oollingwood, the passengers of wbioh bad the experienoe of being within prieoo walla for a few min• utee. It eeeme that the railway ewitob that leads into the prison yard from the rear vette open when the Chilling wend train Dame along that morning. The train entered the ewitob at a fair speed and before 1t could he stopped, oraehed throngb the heavy prison gate, emoehing it into eplintere. The engine was slight- ly damaged, but no One was hurt, Tbe paegangers received a rather rode shook. IMPORTANT NOTICES ABOUT 25 cords green hardwood went. ed. G. A. DEADMAN, Brussels. r_ HORT HORN YEARLING 17 13011 for sale, red in Dolor awl brad from let pprise stook. Lot 23, Oon, 18, Grey, J. D. MONA1R, Proprietor, Orenbrook P. 0. .OB BALE -LOT 207 AND dwelling thereon, North-west corner William and Albert etreete, Brussels, 49.01 J, LEOSIPI, AA ONEY TO LOAN. -$25,000, LTA We have the above ¢mountof pri- vate funds2om to loan real estate mortgagee at'. m 41 and 5 per it., Esso derma of re-pe-p¢q- want and aceta of loan moderate, PROUDFOOT, HAYS de BLAIR, Barristers, &o,,Goderiob, 3 THORO' BRED SHORT HORN Bulls for silo. One is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered flows and Heifers, Apply to JAMBS 69EIR, Lot 80, Oon, 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus- sels P. 0. 2241 STOCK FOR SERVICE BERKSHIRE BOAR FOR SER. V100, -The undersigned will keep for service at 111 Lot 17, Oou, 7, Morrie, a t0oro' bred Berkohire Boar, bred by W. H. Dor. ham, York Lodge, Bait Toronto. Pedigree may be seen on application. Terms, 81.00, with privilege of returning if necessary,. 28-t1 JAB. NIOHOL, Proprietor, AUCTION SALES. A UOTION SALE OF FARM, FARM SToox, IMPLDMDNTo, &o. --F. 8. Scott, auctioneer, hos retie.vod instructions from the undersigned to sell by memo emo- tion at Lot 5, ('on. 7, Grey. on Friday, M,erob 4011, at 1 o'clock, the following valuable property: -1 brood mare in foal to "Bnr- ear, 11 ally 00 months old, 1 thoro'•bed Short Horn vow, registered, in Del! to mill - tared sirs ; 4 oowe supposed to be in calf, 1 farrow cow, 15 year old better, 14 steers rising 8 years, 8 steers rising 2 years, 7 heif- ers rising 2 yearn, 4 calves, 2 Bowe in pig. 14 store hogs, a number or hens, 1 Massey - 13 orris cultivator, 1 Brantford mower, 1 horse rake, 2 fanning mill, 1 Finery plow No,18, 1 Tesewater gang plow, 1 turnip Bonnier. 1 broad -east Baader, 1 yelper, 1 waggon, 1 single bugggy, 1 gravel box, 1 pig reek 1 pig boa, t wheelbarrow, 1 set double hareem, 1 MA single Manage, hay fork, men sad slings; 1 water trough, a quanti- tyof bay and mengoide; timber tor build- ing 50016 fest, lumber, plates, rafters, all complete ; a quantity of household furni- ture, &o. All to be sold without reserve as the proprietor is going West, The farm, wbioh contains 100 acres, 10 2 mites from Bruaaele and 1 mile drum eohool. Splendid looation; Tanner flret-olaae state of oaltiva- 01ou ; comfortable house, large bank barn, latest improved cement stabling Bud silo ; orchard, two never failing wells, and other oonveoopose, Terms -All sums of 00 and under *mill, over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved ioiut totes 1 8 per cent. allowed off for oaeb on extant ',amounts N, M. RICHARD80N, Proprietor; F,6, Scow, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF FARM EiTAuctioneer, ott Nr 11 Oreceived 1ti00trnatione from the undersigned to sell by public 000otion at Leta 18 and 14, Oon. 18, Grey, on TBURB- DAY, MAR1•H 10tb, at 12 ,o'eloak, the fol- lowing valuable p revert,.1-1 heavy draught team riling 6 years 1 heavy draught horse owning 4 years, 1110007 draught oo)b rising 2 years, 1 driving mare 6 years old,1 driving colt rising 2 yearn aired by 'Replan,' 4 oows supposed in Dolt, 1 new calved oow,1 Spring calf, 4 heifers supposed In Dalt, 1 dry vow, 9 bead of fat settle led for grass, 0 steers doming 2 years, 4 heifers Doming 2 year, 8 valves, 12 ewes, 1 ram, 1 brood Bow iu pig, 4 store hogs, 4 pigs 4 months old, platform ocalee, 00p 0,0001b%, new; beam ecalee. 1 binder table 000100 and 1,celo eenvae, 1 Mammy -Barris 1 mower, 1 pen haryoetand bander, 1 Sconce 8rinder, 1 horse rake, 1 fanning mill, 1 000,1 drill, Front & Wood disc, barrow, 2 gang plows, 2 narrow plows, one nearly new • 1 set Diamond barrow% 1 land roller, 1 turnip souffle?, 2 pulporo, "j trunk wag0120 (one neer)). new), 1 single buggy, 1 gravel box, limy rank, 2 wheelbar- rows, (nearly new), 1 eta bob-sleighs, plow 'lemoen, double feet single harness, 1 net small collars, quantity of bay and turnips, a nervier of grain bags, 1 bay Mitre, 2 swop 'Morale, 1 barley fork,1 logglog obnink1 binding fol uin, urea opt eawa Melote" Dream separator, 26 gallon milk l sausage grimier and drier, a num- bermilk peen anearthen an oro 2 tur- nip hoes, ebythes, forint and other articles too Humo000 to mention. No reserve 00 proprietor hag ranted his form, Terms -All sumo of 85 and under oaeh, over that amount 11 months' credit will be given on h- ing approved joint notes ; 8 per tient0,, all antrW- ed off for oast on credit amounts, DUNOAN MoSENZEB, Proprietor ; F. a. 8002T, Atm. bioneer, WANTED A man to represent "CANant'e GanAT- ttaT MAMMIES" in the town of Boueoole and surrounding country, and take orders tea OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in k'r1111 Treosa Small Fruits, Ornamentals, Shrubs, Roses. Vines, Seed Potatoes,' &e. Stools true to name and free from San Jose Seale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or oommleoion. Stone & Wellington 2081,11ILL Ni1R8ERZ1013 00.8m Over 809 Ante f'O1f0111O4 _ 0 ONTARIO REAL ESTATE. •T..f' iARM TO RENT, BRING LOT 29, Don. 10, Gray, There are 100 mores, 20nut1or cultivation, ,apply to 308Berl F, 10101 MQND, on the premises, or Moto toff T4'1ARM FOR SALE CONTAIN. too 90 acres, being North halves of Lots 45 and 10, Con, 1, Grey. 00uttortable frame house, bank barn, orchard, dm. Only 4 intim; from efotoeworth, Good looality and One made, Immediate pooeeeelon, If larm le not sold by slid of month it will bo rented If imitable tenant offers. For fur. titer particulars apply to or write 1841 W. H, SE810, Braessle, GOOD FARM FOR SALE. - The undersigned off ors for Bale her oxaellent farm, 1000006 ou Con, 10, Grey township, nail oo0tainhtg 168 'aurae. There is a comfortable lrame cottage, hank barn, good drivlu0 shed, orchard, &c„ on the premises, farm Is we11 drained a°dteaged, It le also well watered by the river Malt. laud and au iuvaluablo Spring, Convenient ter market, school and oburohoa, For prlae, me end osier p letter too apply On Otto promisee, or if 07 latter 0o MRS, T. OAL. E10, Proprietress, Oranbroak Y. 0, 3001 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, bolus Lot 11, Cop, 4, Grey town• 0000', 80 aoreeole ared,baiauoe bush, There is good house, bank barn, orobard, &o. Well tonged and farm In good condition ; 2e mine of Fall wheat 12, 0 milds from Brus- eels; only ¢ of it ;mile from ohureb and 11 miles from eohool. l0000oeion could be given to suit the purchaser. Par nu- ttier particulars as to price, terms, &o., ap- ply on the premium to A, 0005, Proprie- tor, or at TIM Poem, Brunie. 21-t1 L' iARMS FOR SALE. - 350 nares 0000 -ohm land in the Township of Grey -Lot 16 Con. , 14,100 mires Lot 17, Con I4 100 Horse • and Lor l '0 14, - 1 u. 60 nares -260 acres. All i e i gs; brick Donde ton with modern olasa buildings ; brtak house with all modern convenience% and lame bank barn, root and straw bonne, citable% &o. Well watered, Prom 35 to 40 acres of good hardwood bneh. - Lot 10, Con. 13, con- taining102 acres of 6001-olase land, good frame house and large batik barn nearly now. The property can be sold in two or three parcels to suit purchasers. Terme liberal, Also a oommodioua dwelling house and lot 10 weasels. For iatther portion. lace apply to the owner 011 the premises, LADORLIIN MoN1Il., or to JNO. LPOSI1, Brueoels. 21-tf RRU S SEL 5 HORSE FAIRS The Regular Monthly Horse Faire will be bald ae follows :- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4,h, 1904 MARCH Srd, 1904 " APRIL 7th, 1904 A number of leading local and foreign buyers will be in attendance. Parties wishing to cell live stook cf any description, or other chattels, by auction, at each Faire, can have the same attend. ed to by communicating with the ander. eigned before date of Fair. F. B. SCOTT, Clerk. 1 STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not giv n much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1908, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blaeksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and Job- bing. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are com- petent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent, CaII and see us. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brussels. Frust & \Vonrl ittcCaugliey Block Remember oar Bindere, Mowers, Rakes, Harrows, Coltivalore, Drilla, etc., ere not excelled by nay in the market, If Ton are in, Need of any Farm requisite we have it all;• RIGHT• ri .p ae. This is the Place for rare Wage in Cutters and Sleigh., Harness, Orem Separators, Palpere, Weahere and Wriogera. To Como inspeot our Btook and gat our Prices is your Golden Opportunity if you are a tiller of the soil. Wagons, Baggfos, Hay Loaders, Forks and Bliuge, Windmills, Tread Powers, Ensilage Cutters, &o„ bandied in season. Neil S. McLauchiin, AGENT, 1 Choice Stock of ROBESIRUCS A fine range ()Mabee, best in the market, has been opened up consisting of t- -BLACK GALLOWAY -SASKATCHEWAN -GREY GOAT, --GRIZZLY BEAR and MOUNTAIN BEAR. -Plush and Wool Rugg, a very choice lot. -In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and Gold at Close Prices. Repairing Promptly Attended to J. DONALDSON BRUSSELS. Sign of the Horse's Head 1 ' A , • • ;i, • i• 0 * " 4 CUTTERS and SLEIGHS As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank my Customers for their patronage and wish to state that I have put in a full stock of Cutters and Sleighs. BEST MAKES LOW PRICES We would ask you to call and inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Repairing and R,eopainting promptly attended to. ED. SPEIRAN ;CARRIAGE BUILEER, ERUSSELS. r'