The Brussels Post, 1904-3-3, Page 1ea • Vol, 82. No, 84 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH a 1904¢00..r.1.1.1..lanatlairg01011.111101000.0.111 W. H. KE RR, Prop, New Advertisements. Local—Mimeo Efablcirk. Notice to oroditore—W M. Similar. New Spring goode—MoKinnon & 0o, 40istritt ebas. Crateeteroole. Rev. Mr. McRae did not get to the Presbytery meeting in Wingbam on Tuesday as Maine were not relenting and weather stormy. We are pleased to oongratulate Mies Ella MoLauehlin on her mama in pass. ing her piano examination at the Toren to Conservatory. She is a pupil of T. A. HaWkine, Of Bruseels. We are pleased to etate that Jamee H. MoNair, who wan ilt for five weeks, ie able to be np the moat of the day now, His many trioxide bope the Spring sea• son will tend to hie oonvalesonee. W r oxecer George Town spent several days of last week in Guelph. J. McNeil is amisting A. Paulin iu the livery at present. W. Hastings, of Harriston, Dolled on old friends here last week. Jae. Ballantyne left on Tuesday for Listowel where he has rented a farm. Large quantities of loge are beiug refilled into the saw mill this season. A. and Mrs. Wells entertained a large number of their young friends Friday evening. Mimes Lulu Hemphill and Milly Harris have returned from a visit with relatives in Hensel'. W. Trenoh moved on Saturday to his farm on the Gerrie road formerly owned by W. Evans. Mrs. Godbolt and eon, Fred., of Cali- fornia, are guests of the former's sister- in-law, Mrs. Brawn. 0. Stuart, of Arthur, was in the village last week, attending the funeral of the late Mre. Sanderson. Mre. R. Moffatt and family, of Turn - berry, have moved into Jos. Cowan's reeidenee on Ann street. William Griffith left for Pine River, Man., last Wedneeday where he will be employed for some time. W. Lovell and family left on Monday for their home in Saskatoon after a visit of two mouths with relatives here. The stook of Sanderson & Mitchell was moved to Gerrie last Friday by the purohaser, T. Nichol, of Forclwioh. 1131vie vale. Untended for last week.) Quite a number are Buffering from la grippe. Walter Bargese, of Wingliam, was home over Sunday. and Mrs. Kerr, of Dad Wawanoeh, visited in the village Ghia week, Miss McAllister, of Hawkesville, has been visiting her cousin, ids. MoKinney. John and Mrs, John Elliott, of East Wawanosh, visited at hire. Auderson's this week. F. B. and Mrs. Scott, entertained a number of their friends at a progressive euchre party last Wednesday evening. Misses Jamie McKellar and Belle Bur- gess, Mrs. Robt, Shaw and G. Paterson were visiting in Belgrave last Tueaday. Mrs, G. Ray and children, who have been visiting in Bluevale for some time, have gone to Unaerwood to visit her brother, Rev. Robb. Thype. There was no service in the Presbyter- ian ohuroh here on Sunday owing to it beiog oommunion Sabbath at the other appointment in Turuberry. ?dies Cora Messer came home from Lis- towel last week to Emend Sunday and owing to the storm did nob get back to sobool until Thursday morning. The monthly meeting of the Binevale branch of the. Womeu's Iustitute as held at Mrs. John Wasman's on Wednes- day afternoon, when the subject "A weeks work for a busy hoose -wife" was disease Bed. The pa* was prepared by Mrs. Archibald Paterson and was very good indeed. Mrs, W. J. Johnston sang a solo which added much to the enjoyment of the meeting. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. A. Paterson's, on Wed- nesday, March 16th, when the enbjeob of "Cooking meate" will be dismissed. Robert and Mrs. Maxwell of the Blue - vale road went to Galt on Saturday ow- ing to the death of Mre. Maxwell's broth- er, R. N. Soott, of that place. The fol- lowing taken from the Galt Repotter of Saturday is ate account of .Mr. Soott's death :—"In the death of 0.. N. Scott, Galt loses one ot its beet known oitimus, and a very general sympathy is extended to the bereaved relatives in the loss they have suffered. Mr& Scott Was only in hie 62nd year and was a man of ebrong vitality, but the illness that attacked him early in 1908 proved boo muoh and though he seemed to have recovered he never regained to the full bus wonted health and strength. In December his sickness returned and though he battled bravely againet it he gradually sank and death Dame on Friday, shortly after noon, after a period of Seine home teationseious- nese. During his afflietion he remained bright and cheerful and retained his powers of mild with remarkable ()lame- ness, Robert Niool Scott Was born at Bunkhill, Dernfrieehire, Scotland, the son of James 5, Scott, a carpenter in that pima. Jantee Soott's family ooneisted of the following members i—John, deceased James, at Dulles, Team ; Mae Robt. Maxwell, near Wingham ; Mee. Alex, MoBrayne, St. Thomas ; A.nnie, deems - ell Mrs. Robert Webster, aloe. Jae. Mnfatt, Mimi Belle Scott, of Galt ; and Roble N. Robt. N. Seobt was married in 1876 to Christina Common, who with a Emily of three, Mies Annie, Sterling and Poets r mourn the lose of a good husband and father. :Mt. Soots Was for More than Man yeare manager of the farm of Wil- liam Sterling near Glonmorrid. 115 was afterward appointed an ekeeutor of the estate and was aounniesioued to go to Scotland to make a division among the relatieee, Atter retiring from the Ster- ling farm Mr. Soott moved to Galt and accepted an agency from Brown Bros, nnmerymen, and the New York Mutual Life. Iu this capacity be travelled over all parte of Ontario. Mr. Scott was long a member of Kuox (lurch and in polities it steuueli Reformer. Funeral took place on Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock from his late reeidenoe Oak street to Mount View oemetmy, Xeiretto +meth laseown, Now IN Jumon Fitiere—Lie• towel coatified for the jeuior 0. EL A. finale Friday, for, though they lost to Barrie by 9 goals to 6, they won the rotted by 4 goals, The gante was one of the fastest seen at Barrie, both teams playing desperately from tart to finial]. It was a Olean exhibition, only two men, one on each side, being of for tripping. The visitors played the beet oorobinatiou, and at all rimae were right in the game, the forwards following back well to 'desist the defence. Taylor on left wing for Listowel eclipsed all other players cm the Me, and he participated in every play that remitted in a goal. as is a emend Phillips, The match was marred by an unpleasant dispute over pale, Listowel Maiming that Berrie was wrongfully given two goals. The umpires were changed three times. In the Listowel rnatoh Barrie claimed that they were done oat of three goals. The fire( goal was earned lor Listowel by Hacking in 11 minntee. Taylor tallied the next in 1 minute. Vair made the next in 30 setionda, and Somerville tied the score in 10 amends. Hacking soared in one and onelatif minatee and five minutee tater Vair evened things ap. Seiner vine notated another in 6i minutes, and MoDonald did likewise iu 3 minatee, leaving the more 6-8 in fever of Barrie at half time. In the emend half Haok ing scored the first for Listowel in 4 minutes. A few nainatee later Hacking .vas hurt, retiring for a few minutes, and Brownlee went off with him. Vair mooed in two minutes. Brownlee and Hacking resumed play, but Brownlee took cramps soon after and retired for the match. Helmka amompanied Liam McDonald got hurt in the eleventh game and went off, Myers going with him. A ember of rushes by Taylor followed, and MaKernan saved by the most brilliant stops. Finally Vair broke away and tutored. McDonald came on again and Johnson made another iu 5 minutes. Brooke was the next to fled the nate no a odes from Taylor in 6e• minutes. In le minutes Vair made it 9-6, bat Taylor reduced the lead to 9—Gin one minute, after a rush. Steve Leslie, of Tomcat, gave perfect satisfaction ae referee. The teams were : Barrie (9)—Goal, MaKer- nan ; point, McDonald oover point, Gravett ; rover, Brownlee ; center, Vair ; right wing, Johnson ; left wing, Somer- ville. Listowel (6) -2 -Goal, Spears ; point, Brum ; oover point, Meyers ; rover, Brooks ; center, Hacking ; right wing, Taylor , left wing, Helmka. Referee— le. H. B. Leslie, Toronto, Woti con. Thursday of next week is the day set for Duman Moitenzie's attrition eale of fame stook, impleteauts, &a. • Owing to the. snow blookade on the railway Rev. Mr. Andrews had to drive home from Luoknow wbitber he had gone to meridian hliseionary services. Monday Rev. A. MaoNab, U. A., drove to Winehem to be there for the meeting of Maitland Presbytery held there on Tuesday. Mr. MoNab is the Secretary and hence was anxious to attend. The carrying of the 0. P. R. Bylaw in Grey township last Monday ie another forward step in the accomplishment of the building of the line. Surveying partial have been busy finishing ap their work along Ole motion of the proposed route. Celmeserte.—Next Sabbath evening a union meeting will be held in Duff's (Mouth, Walton, commencing at 7 °attack at which addresses will be given on the Oeutennial of the British and Foreign Bible &neatly by Rev. A. Andrews and Rev. A. hltioNab. This should be a ser• vice of real interest to everybody. At the railroad meeting hold here on Wednesday evening of last week the chair was ocioupied by Rev. Mr. Andrewa. The epeakere were Rev. Mr, Elliott, 0, F. Blair and Mayor Lewis, all of Goderich, Of warm there were no opposition speak erre There was a good attendance and coneiderable interest manifested. Saloon RePonee—Report for U. S. 8. Not 11 Morris, for the month of Feb ruary.—Average attendance 16, Fourth, Olatte.-1 Beth, Ohrietopher, 2 Frank McKim, 8 Joseph Grigg. Third Senior. —1 Thomas McDonald, 2 Lyle Motteod, 8 Caseel Kuielat, Third Ration -1 Ethel MeLeod, 2 Jewel Maim' 3 Mabel Bennett. Sewed Sanior.-1Minnie Ortudier, Second Junior, -1 Pearl Mc- Kenzie, 2 Howard Bolger, 8 Roy Bennett, Part Douglas Fronde, Part I.-1 Elmer Candler, Miss A. SIMPSON, Tauber. Goon BOMA.— The writ of Mrs. Matthew Morrison took its eternal flight from the tenement of olsy Met Saturday night Matta 11,80 o'olook: Deceased had been ailing for the.peet 7 or 8 years end at times her enflames were real interne, so that her demise was not an nnexpeo• ted event. Heart failure and other oomplioationa was the muse of death. Mrs. Morrison's maiden name was Rebtooa MoGill, and she was boon in Darlington townehip, Carleton County, ()Mario. Along with her father's tam. ily she mete to East Wawanugh a gond many years ago and was residing there whim she was monied to Mr, Morrison some 19 years ago wheel she became a reeident of Walton. MM. Merriam, was. a kindly turned person with a good word to say of everybody. Three brothers and two Witten of the deceased are living, viz Jae. and David, Wawanealt, Jno. 10 Blyth, and sisters Mrs. M. Buehoman, of Brnseele, and Mies Bather MaGill, of Myth. The tamest took place on filoe• day fotenoori to Brussels cemetery, the service being oonduoted by Rev. Alfred Andrews, Next Sabbath afternoon, et 2.80 e'elook a memorial Benin will be held in the Methodist (thumb. The sympathy of the community is amorded to the bereaved, Mrs. Morrison's ego was 63 yenta, 9 months and 1 day. She permeated many oommenciable Matto of diameter that did not require her demise to know of them. atturartal to wee We ars all anxious to see Spring onoe again. Mies 101. Straohan and Mies Ine.Bryene ars teaching music around Jamestown, Servioe in the Ball was taken by B. Shaw, B uevale, last Sunday night. The Hall was full. Mr, Hall, of Ethel, is visiting his soman law, Geo, Eekmier. He is a• weloome gentleman among as. Jos. Ooombee and Jae. Chat are expeot ed home from Basineee ()allege this week. J. B. Dines is tatting a month longer. The debate which was to be held in Victoria Hell that week ie postponed at prese'nt RS some of the Wroxeter ladies are not ready but it will come off bo the near future. C. B. &Mote has moved to his farm on con. 2, Grey, 8 miles from Jamestown. We are sorry to lose ear. Stokes. F. Wright will have to look out for his lady now as the home will get damp. Our Bahoole are enlacing bard to pat some of our young men through for the Entrances Examination. Some of them are not resting well at night over it. We have a splendid teaoher in S. S. No, 10, Morrie, b the person of John T. eitraohan, He will make his mark and he is a jolly good fellow out of the school, "Gm Tame" IS Tana MOTTO.—The people of 8. B. No, 4, Grey clammy° great credit, for the interest they take in get- ting their children to the sobool during the stormy months of January and February. Out of 58 scholars the average attendance for January was 41 and oat of 56 scholars for February the average attendanee was 47. Those never mieeing a day in January are :—Roy MacDonald, Andy Jaaklin, Martha Johuston, Eliot McAllister, Sandy Johnston, John McAllister, Clore. MoDon• ald, Maggie Johnston, George King, Bert RoAlliater, George Johnston, Arthur Johnston. Those wbo never mieeed day in February are ;—Roy MeoDonald, Carl Linea, George Fraser, Martha Johnston, Eliot MoAllister, Tom Smith, Avon MoKelvie, John Burke, Gladys Oatt, john McAllister, Ooro MacDonald, Maggie Johnston'Tom Berke, George King, Bert MeAllister, Jahn Johnston, George Johnston, Ben. King, Arthur Johnston. Out of 41 days 44 scholars have attended over ,80 days. R. Weir is the teacher. .Mltieel. TUB Pose gives the news. The stormy weather greatly interferes with oar mails and general business. It ie said that David Milne will erect a new residence on Maitland .Bank Farm next Sommer. Be and Noble F. may exobange farms. Next Sabbath evening Rev. 0. P. Wells, B. D., will take as bis theme in the Methodist olenrob "Lessons from the Russian Japan war." Some people say that the weddings are not all over yet but we mast not even give the ittitiale yet of the prospective couples whoee names are mentioned. William Elokmier, who has been poorly alleWinter with rheumatism, is able to get about now we are pleased to notioe and we hope he will continue to improve. The looat foot ball team tae been hav- ing a few skirmishers with the ball toes - ere of the Whitfield sobool section, 121b oan., and divided the honors with their opponents. Ethel will Toes Wm. Pawnee and family shortly as they intend going to Cockburn Island, where tar. PoWSOn witi work for the McAlester Bros, in their lumbering operations. The McAllister storehouse at the G. T. R. has been purchased by Hay Bros., of Listowel, for the sum of $1,850. This firm handles a huge quantity of grain at their various shipping points. Dr. Ferguson has moved his offioe to the newly and neatly fitted np apart. manta over R. 0. Davies & Oo's store, The Temperance Society have taken ether rooms in the same bleak, Rev. D, B. DifoRae will speak next Sabbath afternoon in the Presbyterian °buret here on "The Centenary of the British & Foreign Bible Sooiety." This well known end important Society will be 100 years old on Monday. Mies Lida MoAllum arrived home safely from Toronto although she was five deye on the way owing to the Meow blookade. fibs will tarn a position in R. 0. Davies & Co's store in this place, Mies MoAllum has been in theMoDonald atom for some time. Wednesday, Feb, 17th, Rev, D. MuLeod, of Atwood, performed the matrimonial ceremony between Williem McLeod and Miss Mary J., &tighter of John Lamont, both well known here. The attiring maple have set up honeekeeping bo Ethel with the best wiehee of a large circle of friends. The Annual Report of Ethel Preeley. tatian ohuroh has bean issued for the year 1903 and from it vve learn that the total reoeipts were 0495.90. Among the disbursements were :—Minister's gantry, 8800; expenses to General Aesembly, Vancouver, B. 0, 821.00 new roof on horse shed, $62 ; church schemes, $56,80; caretaking, $20. A. Milano of $80 is re, ported on heed, a pleasant position to monpy. Rev. D. B. McRae, of Oran. btook, is the pastor, and C. Bernath is the painstaking Secretary Treasurer of the congregation. 31. F. MoAlliater has gone to Gook. burn Island to assiet in the management ot their large lumbering besiness. The family will likely follow next May. Oookburn bleed, located near the Manitoulin, hen a population of about 800, including a number of Indians. Messrs, McAllister have 12 camps and 10 dump on the beateh. They bought 4,200 mires and have 59 square miles leased, on whioh is 5 et of ilat timber. Already they have 40,000 railroad time and 26,000 odor poste ou bend in ad. ditioh to a ,arge out of eaw loge, &o. ,A. bile:genet work is Metered oil at their ral A. meeting to diastase sugar beet grow. Ing was held bare Friday atternonu, Dr, Shuttleworth, of Berlin, and 8. Bennie, of Toronto, were the epeakere. They were representing the Berlin factory. Heyeral le this neighborhood ars disposed to grow the beet but those wbo dealt with Wiarton factory last season are not mush atraok on their style ot doing (or rather not doing) bueineee, e- te . Social gatherings are quite frcquenh 00 the 9tit eon, Farr Broe. are running 'a chopper in oonneotion with their saw mill. Gam McKee, and wife, of Logan, were visitors ut Hugh W. MeKayei, flth ecu,, this week, Jas. Stewart, of Neepawa, Man„ was visiting at Mai. Duman Livingetou's North of Brussels. The contract for 10 cords of above wood for S. 133, No, 9 was awarded to Andrew Meehan 51 82.00 per oord, Hugh B., son of Oliphant Smith, 5th eon., has been quite ill with peritouitis bat is improving now we are pleased to bear. He bas been a very teak boy. Last week Mies Mamie Clerdief, eldeet daughter of Janne Oardiff, 7th oon., had the miefortane to sprain °mot her anklee and is temporarily ornfined to the borne, Arch. Sellers intended leaving for Dakota last Monday bub for want of train actoommodatiou be was delayed some days. Grey seeme loath to part with him, D. and 11. Ferguson, who have been home for some weeks on a holiday visit, intend leaving for °Meaty, N. W. T., next Monday if transportation is a0055• Trueman Smith, Gbh eon., gadded one of hie feet a short time ago and be disabled member has been bothering him somewhat Mace. We hope he will soon be all right. Friday afternoon of this week is the date of N. M. Riehardsen's anotion sale. He will also offer hie 100 acre farm for cede on the same day. Ae ha intends removing to the West shortly to make hie home there the sale will be without reserve. SalloOL RBPORT.—Fallowing is report of S. 6, No. 8. IV Claim—George Barron, 413 ; Mary Fulton, 326 ; Beetrioe Whit. Held, 804 ; Edmund McNeil, 226 ; Charley Strath;161; Hugh MoNeil, 184 Ilt Class.—Kanneth MoLeso, 375 ; Johnny Strath, 860 ; Sandy Barron, 229 ; Alice Ousio. 86. 11 Class.—Jobs Ca ice 16. Sr.A?t, II.—Lewis Whitfield, 147. Jr. Pt. IL—Angus Carmlobael, 282 ; John Oarreicilesal, 269 ; Annie McLean, 202. Miss T. Swrxzsa. Teaober. Bethel Sabbath School elected G. Mo• Quarrie as Stmerintendent ; Geo. Hanes, Secretary ; D. K. Livineston, Tractettrer ; and Miss Gertrude Hanna, Organist, The teaohing staff consists of Fred. Smith, Mrs. R. MoTaggart, Mies Annie Bray, Mies Mary Mann, C. W. Beware and NC Harrison. Considerable intereet ie manifested in the work and a mamas fel year is looked forward to. If the young people are wise they will make good use of these opportunities of study. ing the Good Book. Foo m Baeu—A week ago last Friday the foot ball team of Ethel mewl drove over to Whitfield's aohool and played a friendly match with the boys of Hint sobool. The game was rather an even one although the Grey boys had the better of it, yet neither Bide Booted any goals. The return emboli was played in Ethel last Friday, the mare standing 1-1, the game being a very evenly oonteated one. The boys of S. S. No 10 Mudded to go back to play the decisive match bat the Ethel boys declined to play again, thne leaving the Grey boys victor& OBITUARY —"Asleep in Jeans, blond sleep, from which none ever wake to weep." Such was the ending of the beautiful Christian life of the late Mrs. Robt. Carr, beloved wife of Robt. Oarr, of this township. Mtn Carr bad been a great sufferer for the past two years and bore with patient, nnoomplaining resig- nation her affliction until Satarday, 20th Feb., when her freed spirit took its flight to realms of endless day leaving a life record of loving Christian deeds which shall live in the lime of many who loved her, as long as life Mats. Besides her sorrowing husband, Mrs. Carr leaves a father, mother, three sisters and two brothers to mourn her untimely demise, and the heartfelt sympathy of a large eirola of friends and relatives ie extended to the bereaved husband and family. The funeral took plaoe from her father's reeidenee, Wm. Douglas, Bt. Paula, on Monday to Avondale cemetery, the ser- vice being tionduoted by Rev. Dr. Lang ford, of Stretford. Mrs Oarr's age was 36 years, 7 mouths and 18 days. Be LAW OARRI1113.—Last Monday was eating day on the Bylaw to raise $5,000 by way of motional bonne to ',morns° the right of way tot the proposed 0. P. R. line through Grey township, It was nob the nicest day that (Peer Was to get about beta large vote was polled, Voting took place at Tarubtat's sobool house and the school house at Monorieff and the results are said to be as follows Turnbull's, for Bylaw 52 " against " ' 26 Majority for 57 Monorieff, for Bylaw 61 against " 8 Majority for 53 Melting a grand total of 148 for and 88 against a majority favorable of 110. It le said at least 96 was required to [tarry the By•Law. Tee above Dorm are not official but are probably what the sum ming lap by Township Clerk MoIlitoeh at lithe! on Friday at 10 o'otook will be. Morris township will be the next Mend of expression and the By law will likely be read at their next Council meeting on the 14th inst. The engineering glad has been at work along the route during the pest week and are making certain bvt- stiose that will enable the road to steee olear of some barns that would be inter. fared with in the fleet survey. Greyites hope to beat the toot I toot 1 of the O. P. R. Mong the 18th oon, before this HMO next yeat, 314111138 Hann, who is visiting in Hoot. land for the paet two menthe, ie expeated home by the middle of March. Dan, Neable 15 moving from the 14th to hie new farm on the 15th, the Alex. illoletty 100 mares. We bid him weloome, Wednesday forenoon of Met week A meeting in the [Menet of the 0. P. R. By law was held at Mouoreiff sobool house, H. MoNaugbt wee eleoted as chairman and after stating the object of Ma meeting addresses were delivered by It, Smith, of Monkton, and Meyer Lewis, Ray. Mr. Elliott, and Barrieter Blair, of Guderich. The three gentleman from the County town WOO spoke at Fulton's school house, 16th Coe., on the afternoon of the same day. SCHOOL ItePoRT.—The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No, 10 for the month of February :—Averarge at. tendanoe 40. ath Olen—Omit Cmas. Sr. 4th—Olera Rethwell 73, Oala Rath well 70, Anther Denman 50, Roy Hanna. 50, Sophia Sperling 45, Lynn Beane 42, Churn Bathwell 40, James Oontts, May Oxtoby, Roy Oxtoby, John Campbell, Frannie Baker. Sr, Brd—alamie Dern men 80, Grum Speiran 79, Florence Whitfield 76, inertia Buttery 76, Jeseie Campbell 74, Eva Rothwell 73, Ruth Engler 66, Louie Bugler 61, Andrew Dealt 60, Stanley Hutahinson 40, Cheater Baker 38, Mary laaylor 85, Jr. Brd— Willie Speiran, Roy Taylor, john Holten beak. Sr. 2nd—Alma Speiren 76, Katie Dantean 69, Pearl Oxtoby 55, James Dealt 45, Percy Ward 44, Witfrid Whit field 40, Blanolle Whitfield 38. Jr. 2e4— Geo. Evans 71, Iva Speirau 66, Myrtle Speiran 63, Robert Plekerell 68, Lily Evans 16, Herman Pickerel' 47, Della Whitfield 84 Br. P1. end—Mary Meehan 68, John Hyde 66, Marguerite Efutohin doe 59, Russel Coate 64, Minnie Hanna 48, Willie Ward 86, Alex. Hyde 36. Jr. Pt. end—Freddie Om Sr. Pb, I— Hartwell Speiran. Jr, Pb. 1—Stanley Maclean, Millie Oox, Wesley Ballantyne. S. B. LAMONT, Teacher. 111 oz re. Townbsbip Commit will meet on Mon- day 14th inst. Heater McNeil and wife, wbo were visiting relatives and friends in Grey and Morrie, have started oo the return trip to their home in Manitoba. Last week Milton Sheep, 6th line, bad the misfortane to out his foot white chopping in the limb and he has been laid off active duties Gime. Robert Yeo, jan., of Morris, bas pnr• chased John Padfleld'a farm ou the Ib of Turnberry. Mr. Padfield goes to Howlett, to a farm of Thomas Dane, bis father-irelaW. The many friends of Adam Smith, formerly of Morris, now a resident of Lander, Manitoba, are sorry to hear of the death of bis little son, John Gavin, who wart three mamba old. jamas Sherrie, 4th line, advertised pigs for sale in Tan Pose and 50055 found buyers in W. J. Sharp, of Oranhrook ; Robt, McDonald and John and Jas. Grant, of Grey : and 33. Jordan, of Mor. ria. Mr, and Mre. Garden are expeoted Math from their wedding trip to England this week. airs. Garden is a daughter of Wm. Taylor, 9th line, They will go to their bomb in the Northwest after a visit of a few weeks with friends in this locality Warden Bowman was to have waited on the Local Legislature Cabled, Torou• to, Wednesday of last week, along with a delegation from other Counties, in refer. erne to the Go. Commit Act, but the blockade on the railway prevented hie attendance. Mrs. John Beaton, of Portage•la- Prairie, Man , who was visiting her oonsin, Alex D Grant, 6th line, left for Torouto on Friday where she will spend a week with her brotber, Rev. J. A. McDonald, the well known and olever Editor of the Globe, before going to her horns. We wish her a safe and pleasant journey, A wood bee was held at James Shed - den's, 4th line, Thursday afternoon ot lad week whets some 25 hands attended. About 85 cords of stovewood were out. In the evening a party was held at which a royal good time was spent by ell. Mn. and Mre. Shedden proved themeelves to be well able to eater to the jolly orowd assembled. PAN= Away.—Ohristitla, the third daughter of John and Mary Shortreed, lot 19, eon, 9, crossed the river of death at 5 o'clock on Wednesday evening, aged 86 yenta and 8 months. She took 111 witb pneumonia the Friday night prey. ions and despite all that could be done she paned away. For the past 12 or 18 years Min Sbortreed was bothered with rheumatism whieh continued fie en. cambia:lents as the years went by. She atught eohool stemesefully for a few years prior to this and was a bright, intelligent lady whom demise will be sincerely regretted. The funeral will take place on Saturday afternoon at 180 o'olook, to Brneeels aemetery, the service oornmeno. iug a half hour earlier. BARN BUBNED.—The burning of Theo. dors Elolleud's barn, South half lot 27, oon. 9, places him in an awkeverd situ Fitton in a stormy Winter like tithe In addition to the barn and atable he lost se driving horn, edge, implements, rige, harness, hay, oats, draw, &o., very little being saved. Mr. Holland was out doing the °hares on Sunday night and hung the lantern on a peg behind the borese. Be warn to the pump for a couple paha of water and on returning found one of his homes outside the stable with the front of the manager attached to the halter shack the stable being in flames. Whittle. er the lantern exploded or was kneeled off is not known. Thera was an intim& alum of 8400 on the barn, 8260 on the atable and $400 on the °entente, in the Howlett Mutual, Mr. Relined's loss will be considerable as Imilding material and labor are 50 expensive IIONV. Fire morn. rod on Sunday night of lest Week. 11. ederton'e oatmeal raill, at Guelph, was beetled. The Grand Trimic station at Air Line linnotio ,n three miles from Welland, and Agent W. 4. Hopes' dwelling were lumped. The 0. P. R. purpose to nee epeolal ootonisb trains to tranaporb to the West 8,000 immigrants wbo are dna ie Mont- real in a few days, INTERESTING LETTER FROM CALIFORNIA. To the Editor of Tire PosT Deme But,—It's a true Smash saying "There's a dib before every ene's door." My father used to any we would all get proud as peacocks, clid we not get a set- back omasioually, so withal the film oliroate, mulehine, fruits and flowers in thtliforniu.—ander irrigation—all is not gold that glitters. We took a drive some ten miles Into the country North-east, the Olin a Vista dietriot, and beheld a wreck we little expected to deed. Dead orchards, deserted huuses, unoultivated fields where eight years ago a wealthy syndicate under - book to build the Sweet -water dam, a large reservoir at the upper foot -hills, at the base of the big muuntains. They epent about a million dollars in hatreds - fug a large natural ravine and pipe ex - Leedom making a presumed water area of meant' square miles with an abundance of water to irrigate 10 miles square (100 square miles or more) then this ground Was boomed, the water syndicate owning the larger portions. It sold quickly at Mg prices and. large orchards were laid out and fine houses built but "the beet laid schemes of men (and mice) gang aft aglee". The great dam got duly filled from the suow-olad emanating and ex- ter:wive water shed, fine pictures of this pretty artifiMal lake are yet to be seen in More windows, but most unfortunately for such a well merited enterprise the water departed never to return. It was found, wilful to late, that the ground was of at porcine pebbly imbue that could not hold the water and it has been dry ever since, henoe the ruin to all that large district. Many dug small wells and erected windmills thinking to capture on a small male some of the suaken runaway water below and have succeeded in keep - log life in themselves and a few animals but nothing for irrigation purposes. Several moved their houses to the oity via scows from the sea shore nearest their homes but many left all. Many are yet there "waiting for something to tarn up." It was really heart-randieg to see the desolation that prevailed. Canadian farmers may feel thankful they are favor- ed with the glorious natural showers. Just think no rein here for the past ten months and the churches actually setting a publio day to pray for ram. It did come a few days ago all night and all day, but not one-tenth what is needed. It's a good thing fuel is not mnoh needed here as it sells at 815 a oord of 16 inches long, limbs and crooked elbows of branches mainly from the Eucalyptus tree, imported originally from Australia because ib grows without water. Many make a living in growing it for fuel, it oan be out down to the root, and soon grows up again without injury. The drouth is severe on cattle many are dying for want of pasture as well as water. One wealthy rancho -Ian seeing his stook sufferiug, several hundred deact and no aid in sight committed suicide by shooting himself, another, the papers said, followed via the laudanum route 1 Let me add that the above dam failure is the only one we have heard of, and sincerely trust there are no others. A. small farmer pedlar puttied our door the other day with a wagon load of oranges, selling them ea 25o a buoket saying ewers fine and juicy as his trees got lots of water". We invested and found 25 good medium sized fruit, sweet and beautiful, only wish we could express to Brussels a few meth buoketef all. The Mormons at Salt Lake sent a new Senator, Mr. Smoot to Washington. 400,000 women, in holy horror, sent a petition to Government protesting against his admission, remitting in a committee being appointed to maims his connection with polygamy and if he gave allegiance first to his ohuroh before his country, &o., the finding being all in Senator Smoot's favor. He had only one wife, renouncing polygamy, and no trace of pedigree inimical to a true, honorable representa- tive, Well done Mr. Smoot. In describing Oalifornia it would not be complete ,without a "fish story" and many interesting tales are to be heard, and like other predecessors we have to follow suit to get at some of the Mots. So out we went some 10 miles to sea init little up- to-date gasoline yearn by invitation of kind friends, We soon had oaptured 18 large silver mackerel, eaoh over 10 lbs., as long as your arm, by btowling with hues ab rapid rote on surface, the bait a piece of white bone, hook at end. These mack- erel, quick as lightning, jump at artifloial, bait going post before they oan examine' are hooked on. With lines and lobster bait we oratgut lots of cod and other varieties. Two whales were seen *mile out blowing and spoutiug, their beaks showing at times on surface like a big log. We struck out to get closer but on reconsideration we soon turned tail and made off close towards shore on being told that one's tail had strucka small boat smashing it bo "shivereene". Had we all been on solid terra firma no donbt we would have proved mnoh braVer. Some fifteen miles np the shore fisher - Men notioed a great splashing commotion for several honre, afterwards they visited the spot and found aedead whale floating ; they towed it in and it moasared 17 feet long. Next day a sword fish was naught by bait and line after memo,' hours wrestling. He ie supposed to have been the poor whals'e adversary as a piece of his ugly looking sword probocis, 8 feet long, had been broken off, be was taken bo a eboro for public viewing at 10 cents adinistiort, 8 or 9 foot ex rams length and three or four hundred pounds weight, blaok rely ekio, no melee, an angry look- ing opponent, Big mouth, he would Make Aleut work of men in small bootie Breen, the unsuccessful Preeidential ormdidabe, is being battled over the Male dishonorably in attempting to wrest from a poor widow her late haebandie estate, some $30,000 in whiter he had not the slightest Mahn. He Made to study more of the Golden Rule Mal leas about 16 te, 1. • St, Louis World's Fair is looming up successfully. It occupies 1200 sores, Chicago fair 030, Buffalo 800, Oenbeenial 280 and Paris 836 respectively, showing its enormous proporaons, The leading Manufaotures building, 1200 by 600 feet, cost 0700,000 and Machinery building, 1000 by 600 costing e600,000, with many others in proportion equally greed, reasures oar, of ire suocesq, Our local paper are full of war news, evidently Russia's dark grasping inten- awls are on the wane ; Americam's long residents of Japan deolare her to be morally and intellectually of equal worth to any other nation. Your truly, J110. 1). Rouen. Coronado, Cal., Feb. 20. EDITORIAL NOTES, Hon. THOMAS eirmizewee, the Ex•Pre• mier of blas Manitoba Legislature, and a former Haronite, may be offered a seat in the SeinOte. Me has served a long period in the political vineyard and should be a valuable aoquisibiou to the Upper Horne, espeoially On matters.per- alining to Manitoba and the, Northwest. Ws hope:while we are "bottled op" by the inelemencies of the weather that Japan and Russia will manage their little squabble without us. Between ahovell- lug snow and trying to get wood erne& to keep warm We are having an exper- ience the like of wbiob Metiattealeh never had in his long life of over 900 years. We don't know for the life of ne bow he kept hie maeole up without these opportunities of exercise. * e • TICE Indians of Haidimand and other Counties are asking the Lomb Legislature for the franohise. We remember in Hal- dimand Co, when the red men played an important part in an election for the Commons, go mouth so that Dr. Montag- ne Maned a bogus letter, supposed to be sent by good Queen Victoria to the tribe, urging that the children of the forest please her by voting for the great medi- oine man. The versatile Dr. had to take bis medicine later and had an experience he will not forget while moon's wax and wane and be ie above terra firma. There are Indians who are as competent bo exernise the privilege of marking a ballot and with more honesty than supposed in- fluential Mauna of Toronto and if they had to be bought would deliver the goods at a lower prioe,very probably. WAR IN THE EAST. Wednesday's dailies say c—There will soon be a demand for an affetavit witb every war "special." St. Petersburg, whiob is in tetegrahpia communication, Liao heard nothing of The Deo, Tele- graph's Port Arthur battle, in which the Adkold, the Novik and a torpedo boat were said to bave been badly damaged. what is more Significant, the Japaneee make no report of an engagement. The story is probably an exaggerated version of the light of Feb. 26, to which the Russians admit the Askold was hit, or must be taken merely ea an unconfirmed minor, one more in au exceedingly barge tot. Of official AGM there is vary little this morning. Japan has 000upied Tohioyaug, a Conan town North of Pingyeng, for whittle the Burdens were making a dash, and the Japanese forces in Corm is pretty well completed, and tbat the army will in a few days be set in motion toward the Yam, Ae the advance guard is now 80 ratted from the boundary of Maneharia, aud as ten miles 5. day through the Comm mountain passes will be lair progress, it will prob. ably be the middle of next week before the army arrives on the banks of the Yalu. What than? Some military unties, whose friendship for Japan is undoubted, strongly urge the abaudone meet of the idea of an advance into Manchuria, and urge that Japan should form an impregnable line of °Marne by field works and well -posted, mobile troope along the Yalu, awaiting Mere the Russian advanoe. This advice, however, was tendered on the assumption that Ramis bas 150,000 effeetivee in Man - °Mule, A Times oorreepondent ab Vienne nye that tuere will nos be 177,000 men South of Harbin till Mardi 200, the inference being that there are barely 100,000 Ruse Warta in Manchuria to.day. Japan has no railways to guard. Her crappies come by Sea, end until she gate quite a distance) into Manchuria it will be a fairly light tads bo preterit the Finset commanieatton. Baum, on the other hand, with 16,000 Chinese regulars and thoneende of Manchutiom bandits within striking distance of the railway by whi0b alone nseu and material can tooth the front, mut detaoh a hose fovea to maintain' the railway intern. It is evident that she cannot assemble more than 80,000 men to -day for field service, and Japan mu and probably will pot two men into the zone of operations for one Ruseittn. The lop/mese once whose the Yalu will awing West toteerd the Liaotang Partin. sole, will emelt Port Arthur and will push North along the railway' into Man- Mnia at augh formation ae will best bold bank a relieving form. The department of Immigration hag arranged tor a number of pereonally con. dunked part100 froth Liverpool to Winnfa peg this Spring. George D. Grant, lel, P, fet North Ontario, will move the address in reply When Parliament opens, and Mr. Rivet, of Hoobelaga, will Emceed it. It is reported that smallpox bas nearly wiped the Indians Out of the Isle Ls. 000850 district, North of Alberta, Meier #totime wuxu ing abeted in e, tear "wise,