The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 8TktI Ba, n IS.N;LS POST
ki g Powder
Have you used our Baking Powder ? Ours
is an absolutely pure
Cream Tartar Baking Powder
So many Powders are adulterated and in
many cases really unfit to use. We guaran-
tee ours to be pure and always fresh. If you
once use ours we are satisfied you will never
want to use any other. Try it the next time
you run out of Baking Powder,
6o0T8aBN exTao oxo1 W. 0. & a,
Trains leave Brussels Section, North
and South, as follows;
Mall 735 a.m ( Mixed 10:00 a,m
Mixed 10.00 a,mMail ...... 1;17 p.m
Express...-8;26 p.m i Express 817 p.m
,oz i letas 4temL,
A ahiel's amang ye fakir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is;
MaNTHLE Horse Fair on Thursday of
neat week.
THE fellow who makes light of things
ie the incendiary.
A TIMEPBoee has been planed in the
Metropolitan Bank. It ie No. 22,
Tan Dominion Statntee, 1908, have
been issued, a copy of whioh has reaobed
this offioe,
75 CENTS in advance, will pay for THa
Pose to Jan. let, 1905. Don't borrow
any longer.
Toe three junior departments of Brue.
sale Patella school are still closed owing
to fuel shortage and told weather,
NETT Tuesday will usher in the month
of Marcie. It cannot very easily come in
any rougher than the weather we have
been having.
Tun Government ie going to have a
liquor bill and doubting some of the
members will have little ones on their
own account.
FonnuAsTsR FARROW dispatched mail
matter by Seaforth and Wroxeter routes
several days this week owing to the non -
arrival of trains on this line.
AnooT a dozen Brueselitee attended the
skating carnival at Wroxeter skating
rink on Thursday evening 00 last week
and bad a good time notwithstanding
the pitch -holes.
A public) meeting was held in the Town
Hail, Bruseele, on Thursday afternoon of
this week to dieooee the Sager beet
gneetion, the speeches directing attention
to the Harlin factory.
OWING to the removal of W. J. Goodwin,
who was the Noble Grand in Western
Star Lodge, I. 0. 0.F., Brunetti, James
Jones will fill out the balance of the
term, be being a Past Grand.
A snow, freight train was ran up this
line last Sunday to relieve the congested'
freight at more Easterly points. Some
goods, not here yet, have been weeks on
the way. The railways have had a bard
time of it for the past few months with-
out any doubt.
FAMINES' INeTITIITs,—A meeting of the
Directors of the East Huron Farmers'
Institute was held in the Connell Chem.
per, Brunets Thursday afternoon of this
week for the diecnssion of subjeots on
program of first Annual Meeting of the
National Association of Oanadian Stook
Breeders, in the Oity Hall, Ottawa,
Maroh the 7th to 12th Maroh nest, and
the'eending of delegatee thereto from
East Huron Farmers' Institute, as well
as other mattere.
THE pride of newspaper hae taken
another boost, while the newspapers sell
at the same old price. Indeed, whet the
Drina of paper will bets a matter of doubt,
as all quotations have been withdrawn.
The Oanada Paper Co., (Limited), of
Toronto, Montreal and Windsor Mille,
Que., hae issued a circular to publiehere
of whioh the following is an extract.
Owing to She shortage of pulp caused by
the motioned drought, and the extra
expense eutailed in having to use opal for
steam in manufacture instead of our
lienal water power, we are reluctantly
oompelled to withdraw all quotations on
News Print.
Eazoema LI000 PLANT SOLD.—Tbie
week Robert Mainprize dieposed of the
Eleotrio light plant, whioh he hes ran for
a number of years, to James and Robert
Tbeell, of Brussels, who are now in
pos8888ion, They are making an effort
to have the lights going on Saturday
night of this week if fuel arrangements
tan be completed. Mr. Mainprize will
be in charge for a time inetraoting the
new proprietors. They are somewhat
acquainted with machinery and should
soon pick up the work, A new engine and
a modern improved dynamo were platted
last year so that the capacity tan he
largely increased. We wish Thnell Bros.
anthem and hope Mr, Mainpraze will
remain in town.
MEweetrl=R Loses SIIIT,—One of the
spits arising out of the adver0ieang
of farms for Bale in the Can.
nadian rant Advertiser, an alleged
Toronto newspaper, watt dismlesed on
appeal , by the Divisional court, at
Osgoode Hall Feb, 12th. The one was
Sissy against Hallman. The plaintiff
was the assignee of J. J. Daly, the pub•
Behar of the paper, where defendant's
farm bad been advertieed for sale. The
agreement regarding the advertising was
that A180 should be paid by the de.
Pendant far advertising His farm for three
years, and that the oompeneation should
be a Charge on the land, and in the event
of a etas be a °barge on the parcheee
money, The trial judge had held that
the phthitiff or hie assignor had failed to
perform the agreement, that Daly or hie
agent bad obtained it by fraud, and die.
missed the eaten, The appeal agaibet
that fddgmeutWee disminsed With conte,
.Foanrte Divieion Court will be held in
Brunetti on Wednesday, March 9th.
EeounAR monthly meeting of the vii.
loge Oonnoil will be held a week from
Monday evening.
Tins ie a poor time to buy maps of the
world. The uooarate map of today may
be all wrong before the year le ended.
OEN great trouble with those who go
to the bad is that they do not think to
provide themselves with a return ticket.
THE grist mills have been doing a rush-
ing trade this Winter often having to the
over time to keep plane with orders.
Grain (bopping is a large factor in their
Neer week the Newe, the Oooeerve.tive
newspaper to be published in Seaforth,
will make its appearance. It will be the
successor to the Sun which went oat of
Imminent lest year.
Om Went the cellar 1s the plate to go
in time of a oyolone, and when a man
has a barrel of older in the cellar, it ie
surprising how many times a day he
thinks there's a oyolone coming.
THE interior of I. 0. Bioharde' fine
new reeidenoe ie now about ready for the
painters and will be completed in the
eoarre of a few weeks. Some outside
work Ruch as verandabe, &o., will heve to
wait the coming of Spring.
THERE is a noticeable increase in the
number of readers to the daily press
eine the Rnsso•Jap, war commenced.
Sometimes there's a good deal of reading
for very little news but we suppose it ie
lively enough for the poor fellows doing
the fighting.
AT Hotae.—The annual Masonic At
Home will be held under the auspices of
St John's Lodge, Brussels, on Friday
evening of next week, March 4th. It will
follow muob the same line as adopted
last year and will be held in the lodge
room, Garfield blank.
Mise Gnm,rul, vooal teacher, of Wing.
ham, who pays weekly visite 0o Brussels
has had a diffionit task in keeping
her eppoin0mente of late owing to the
irregularity or cancellation of trains.
The eouree of trouble should Boon be
removed now.
FAMED AwA3.—Leet Monday morning
William Oameron, an old and well known
reeident of Brussels and locality, paid
Nabure'e debt in his 79th year. He had
been in poor health for some time. The
funeral took plaoe from hie late residents,
earner of Church and John streets, on
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. an, nose,
B. A., of whose church Mr. Cameron was
a member, 000duating the service. Inter-
ment was made in Brussels cemetery.
Hoouoc. — The first Hbokey match
played here thia eeaeon came off last
Saturday afternoon a make•np team
being got together to give Wroxeter a
game. The soon was 10-2 in favor of
the visitors whioh was not unexpected by
the home team. Game was played on
the Maitland near the iron bridge. Play
ere were :—Wroxeter—Goal, M. Howe ;
point, W, 1YIi11er ; ooverpoint, F. Ardell ;
rover, Rueter ; forwards, H. McLeod, P,
Smith, N. Barrie.—Brneeele—Goat, L.
Kerr ; point, D. MoLanahlin ; 00080.
point, R, Brown ; rover, G. Eggleston ;
forwards, G. Murr, A. Lowry, G. Ardell.
Referee, Art. Robinson.
ON Toe Tae.—Jnet for the sake of
Auld Lang Syne two carting rinks from
town took a tour 00 Wroxeter on Wed-
nesday afternoon and bad a whirl with
the 8tsnee on the rink with the tee finders
of that burg. This was the first game
thio season for the Bruoeeiitee bat they
gave a good account of themselves ae the
following snore will indicate :— +
5RO0ETER, 1015881108,
Ft. MoLeod, R. Thomson,
J. Atlfn, H. James,
G. Kaake, 3. Hewitt,
A. Robinson, skip. 18 J. T. Rose, skip 12
J. Hayward, R. Downing,
A. Kaake, 0. B. Broadtoot,
A, Punka, A. Currie,
R. Blank, .. skip, 17 D. 0. Rose, ekip 16
Totals 80 28
Free PRennees.—The legal Siren of
Meters, Proudfoot, Hayti & Blair, et
Godarioh, have a eaite of offices in their
lately acquired block that would be a diffi•
Dalt matter to find their equal. A new
pressed brink front was planed in the
building with plate glees windows, The
front door opens in a commodious waiting
room and general intelligence offioe and
passing through this the vieitor finds
himself in the neat apartment of Mr.
Hays and Mr, Blair. An eaey stairway
leads up to Mr. Proadfoot'e otlioe and off
the game hall -way to the room for the
young lady ethnographer, The floors are
covered with matting, heated by a 0003•
plate eyetem of radiators, lighted by
eleotrioity and ao00eoted by telephone so
that oonveree from one department to
any other ie very convenient. Up stairs
a Wath and toilet room have been fitted
ap with hot and cold Water. The firm
dose a large bueineae end le well pre.
pared to look after it with their exper.
ienced brio, It Was reported that Mn,
Prondtoot was likely to remove to Tor.
onto, in wbieb pity be ie es partner in a
legal trim, but sdoh 18 not the Oen as he
purposes ooutineing in the Oo, town,
He manes a trip 00 Toronto every week,
however, and looks after the o0nneet work
for the two trine ot whioh bb ie the 'able
repreeentativ0. Branslated will be
inteOOetOd in this tram owing to on form•
et resident, Mr. Blair,.haing'a member of
the firm.
Standard Bank of Canada
IET..4.702.,TOMXX1' 1'7 1672
General 13 Witting l3xxsine Ss Tram Ste ete(7.
—DEPOSITS OT ONE DOLLAR and upwards received on whioh
is added to acoianbe every six menthe and becomes principal,
—MARRIED WOMEN ani MINORS may make anti withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any Wean,
only for whioh no (barge is made.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive oar 'Artful and oonrteous attention.
TEE morning train tame from Kincar.
dine on Monday but was the only one
from that direction until Friday, Re
the mail train from the East with three
engines, steak near Luokuow late Monday
night, Track was very heavy from drift.
ins now.
W. W. Biome, proprietor of Brussels
(Theme !notary, has engaged William
Thompeon, of the Nile, as oheeee maker
for the ooming season. He ie a married
man. Factory will get to work !boat the
anal time, viz May let, Mr, Harris will
continue on the road ae buyer for Messrs.
Ballengee. •
No TRAINS.—There hae been no resp•
lar mail trains on this line of railway
eine Monday and at time of writing a
train and 2 engines is stook near Luck -
now and a snow plow and three eugiuee
are off the track near Holetein. The
public did a great deal of oomplainiug at
the oommenoement of the blockade but
now we are thankful for a semi-weekly
bate wee held recently at oagoode Hall,
Toronto, in whien the enbjeot was the
broad one ot "Oanada and the Empire."
The debaters were M. A. McDonald and
D. A. McDonald for 0-goode and W. S.
Daniels, B. A., and Ino. M. Knight for
Victoria College. The speakers did well
and the lawyers won their case. Many
laudatory reports were published nu -
earning the dismission and the first
mentioned gentleman, who is a brother
to Barrister A. B.:MaDooald, of Brue
eels, was specially mentioned for hie
oratorio,' ability. .For the tbeologe, J.
M. Knight, who hails from Oran'lrook,
upheld hie contention with hie custom.
ary ability,
Business Locals.
Rew Foote—Highest pries paid for raw
fare. A. OoasLar, Bruseele,
Helmsmen walnut sideboard for rale at
great reduction. Apply to Mae. W. M.
Sinners, Brussels.
WANTED—Butter 17o. 1 Dried Apples
51o. ; Fresh Egge 20o. We are clearing
many linea of seasonable goods.
Geo E. Itl.Ne, Wingham.
Onus and Sewing Maohinee cleaned
and repaired. Also Organa and Sowing
Machines for Bale, Apply to THoouo
Momma, Brneeele, 32
Sun Oooe.—The new Waverly is now
admitted to be the heaviest Dropper and
best strewed Oat ever bronght toOr:nada.
We have tbam et 50o, per bushel.
Oma, E, Bios, Wingham.
People We Talk About.
D. M. Scott, of Hamilton, is in town.
Mr. and Mre. Broddy have gore to
Mre, S. Lookridge ie vieiting friends in
Mico Lizzie Downing is visiting at
Bert. Gerry, of Listowel, was in town
050E Sunday.
R. McAlpine, of Toronto, was in town
for a few days. •
Bert. Williamson is here for a holiday
from Wingham.
Mre. A, T. Onrrieeand son are vieiting
relatives in Seaforth.
Mre. N. B, Gerry, of Blyth, and dangh
Mrs, are visitors in Bruseele,
Mise Ohittiok, of Belmore, fes visitor
at E. Ocher's, Priaoese street.
Mise A. Hunter, Elizabeth street, is
vieiting her sister at Allanford.
Mre. Jae. Ballantyne and Jack were
visiting relatives in MoKillop last week.
Mrs. Fannon left last Friday for Peel
where she will visit relatives for a while,
Marton Howe, of Wroxeter, was re.
Hewing old iriendehipe in Braesela over
Mise Habkirk is at London and Torn -
to in oonneotion with the Millinery
Mieoae Rothe and Raycrott are in
Toronto attending the Bering Millinery
Chas, Dodde hae been bothered lately
with inflammatory rbenmetiem but he
is bank to work now.
Will. and Mise Mabel Taghan, at
Trowbridge, were visitors at Mre, A.
Hunter'e on Sunday,
Mrs. Reese and children, of Newark,
N. J„ are making a holiday Agit at
Councillor Betdereon'e,
Harry Neebltt, nephew to biro. F.
Adome, wee visiting hare. He is home
from Manitoba 011 a holiday.
F. B, Gilroy spent Bentley under the
parental root at Mount Perot, He was
storm stayed until Thursday.
Mise Mabel Colvin ie attending the
Millinery Opeainge at London. She hes
a eitaatioo et Crediton this season.
I)r. MaaDosatd, M. P„ was in town
last Saturday and met a number of the
Municipal ohtoirmeu of this part ot the
Riding, lie eat/ the outlook ie moat
S H. Jankeon made a business trip to
Toronto last weelc, He was detained by
the enowblookade and returned by the
0. P, It to Win)(bam reaching Bruseele
•Friday eveeite.
M. McLennan, drug traveller, of Lon•
don, was in town this week the fleet time
clinch the New Year owing to irregularity
of trains. Mao,'e health i8 very moth
better than it was,
Frank Hallman, of Winnipeg, ie a
visitor at pie nnole'e, R. Leatheedale, tor
a tees days, Go ie making an eetroded
tour and is having an enjoyable 0100.
Mr. Hallmau'e parent' were one time
retiderite of Brneeele moving from here
to the Watt
Miss Little ie attending the Spring
Millinery displays at the Queen pity.
Mrs. Gibson hae not been enjoying very
vigorous health of late. She is about 83
years of age eo failing phyeioai powere
need no0 be wondered at.
Mies Lula Danford, who bas been
acquiring the art of decorating ladies'
headgear, is away at Toronto taking in
the broader world of fashion and millinery
The Alpena, Mioh„ Nowa of the lith
inst., 0ont0ins a notioeof the purchase by
Dr, E, H. Kidd, of Listowel, of a partner-
ship in the dental pr8otfte of Dr. Shupert
of that city. Dr. Sbapert'e business bad
grown too large for oue dentist to look
after it. Dr. Kidd is more familiarly
known among hie friends as Earl and his
many friends wieb him suweee,
Brandon Baptiste will ereob a $25,000
sheath this year.
Maitland Presbytery will meet in
Wingham next Tuesday.
Rev. R. Paul took the services in the
Methodist oburobee, Walton circuit last
Rav, Dr. Warden states that the
Presbyterian mission and benevolent
funds require 8100,000 to be free from
debt at the end of the Oharob year.
Rev. John Ross, B. A., preached last
Sabbath morning on "The Christian's
Hope." In the evening the eeriest on
Life was continued "Environment" being
the theme.
The British and Foreign Bible Society
whioh in a pew weeks oompletee a
century of work, hae issued uo fewer than
180,000,000 copies of the Scriptures,
whioh are now printed in nearly 400
different languages.
There was much excitement in the
Presbyterian church at Stonewall, Man.,
an Sunday evening, when a lamp explod•
ed. The pastor, Rev. Mr. MoLean, woe
badly burned about the face, but the
members of the choir escaped with
damaged clothing.
Last Sabbath Rev, R. I. Husking, of
Ripley, ocoapied the pulpit of the
Mothodiet ohnrah here. In the morning
he preached from Eph. 3, 18 and 19 and
ie the evening Acte 26 and 29 was the
text, The reverend gentleman ie no
stranger here and his old friends were
peened to see and hear Sim once more.
Rev. Mr, Ooeene preached at Ripley.
The Lord's Day Alliance ie sending out
thousands of ofroalers in the form of
petitions tothe churches, religious
aseooiatioue and fraternal eooieties
throughout Canada. These peti0ione are
for pre etbation to the Governor.
Gunerai-in Council and the members of
the Senate and House of Commons of
Canada, praying that a Dominion statute
be passed which will guarantee the
proper preeervation of the Sabbath se a
day of net, when only necessary work
shall be done.
The eteamer Groeeer Kerfurst, having
on board 350 delegatee 00 the Wor•d'e • S.
S. Convention, to be held in Jerusalem on
April 18011, 1901 and 20th, will leave New
York 0ity oo Taeeday next. About
twenty delegatee from Ontario are expect.
ed to be on board. On the way out the
eteamer, which will be in charge of H.
E. Clark, the United Statee Vice -Consul
for Jerusalem, will oall at the ports on
the North aide of the Mediterranean, and
arrive et Joppa about the let of April.
The delegates will spend the time between
that and the date for the a0nvention in
taking trips around Palestine. After the
convention on the return the ship will
take in the porta on the South shore, also
Cairo and Alexandria, arriving In New
York 00 May 18th.
Canadian i ews.
Joeeph Webb, of COartright, wee
drowned at St, Clair, Miob.
The v erehonse of the Essex 5 x mill
was burned. Loss $10,000,
The new 9,2 guns have been placed in
poettion at Erquimalt B, C.
A. Norbtty'e store and bake shop at
Lakefleld were destroyed by fire, Lona,
Railway traffic in Manitoba has been
greatly hampered the past week by beavy
enowfal le.
The Montreal Reform Club will give a
dinner to Hon. L. P. Brodeur on Suter.
day evening next.
It hae been decided to allow impede
from New Zealand to Dome under the
preferential tariff.
W. Rickard, M. F. P., epeaking at the
Melon Club, deolared bimselt in favor of
abolishing the saloon,
Mrs. Elizabeth Marriott Moyer, widow
of the late P. E. W. Moyer, editor of the
Berlin D.tily Newe, died on Saturday
evening of feet week, aged 50 Nine
ohildren survive,
Jean Louis Legere, of Wood Motintaiu,.
N. W. T„ who wintered Sitting Boll
26 yaara ago, Hae within the past few
days been granted 58,000 by the United
Statee Government.
A block weighing over forty peptide
dropped 11:404 tech on the head of George
Robertson, of Chet horn, at the Eeeex oil
field. Mr, Bober0son'e skull was unshed
and be will probably die.
We. Oytue Davies, of Beresford die -
Mot, near Brandon, Man,, suddenly 6%
pirod while driving home in a sleigh with
her hneband, Deviea raped hie horses
for mediosl aid, bet wag too late,
Oharlee herr, with two companion
While driving home (robe Menotti!), N.
W. T., to hie farm, wag found frozen to
doa'h in a sleigh when the party stopped.
to got warm at a hone ten males Dat,
FEB. 25, 1904
CAPIT'AG—Paid 0101 $1,000,000
RESERVE FUND • 51,000,000
1tl0V, R, 13. WARDEN, 0, D„
S, J, 6100RE,
TH00, nnen00AW, 00 LA, IIr8 notion telt, w, 110000Ib0ER CLAIM, E 0, D. m, 0u81118018, n, 0,
Deane Bought and Sold, Partnere' Notes Discounted.
Sanwa& rade' IMPaTdd7NTtA!'dv1"'
Interest et RICHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all tame of $1 and upwards
PREP:SEAS s f8 oxen'
A. Il. MELLISH, Manager.
The directors of the Guelph Radial
Railway have resigned. The expenses
for the past quarter have been 8900 in
assess of the reoeipte. The railway ie a
municipal enterprise.
The Spring Aeeizee opened in Brantford
On Monday before Justice Britton. The
principal oath is that of Joseph Ken.
nedy,oharged with the murder of Irene
Cole in September last. Kennedy Sae
now been in jail about four months and a
halt is in good health and believes he will
be cleared.
OD bebalf of Mre. Hannah McMillan,
of Herrieboo emit was entered against the
•Harrieton Pork Packing Company. She
seeks $1,500 damages for the death of lett
husband, Jae. MoMillen, kilted last Nov.
ember by Lalling into an unguarded
cauldron of hot water. Re was an em-
ployee of the factory.
KELLr.—In Morrie, on Febtnnry 101,11,
to Mr. and Mre. Michael H. Kelly,
a eon.
RomeeoN.—In Hallett, on February 14th,
to Mr. and Mre. M. T. Robinson,
a son.
sA.a.m a..x=a,
Kora-Wu,00w.—Ab M innitanas Man-, on
Jan. 27, by Rev. D. Jobneton, Mr.
B. G. Keys to.Miee Nellie, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Wileoo, for.
merle of Morrie township, Out,
SroTT—HABTINee.—Ab the manse, Wrox-
eter, on Feb. 17th, Mr. Jas. Stott, of
Howiok, toMiea Eliza Haetiegs, of
Oa000aoN.—In Brussels, on Feb. 22, Will.
lam Cameron, in his 79th year.
Seuneeson.—In Wroxeter on Feb. 28,
Elizabeth Deaohmen, wife of David
Saodereon,aged 75 years.
Srttpa000—In Grey, on February 24,
Jessie McDonald, beloved wife of
James Simpson, in her 68rd year.
. 07OTION sa,I, •
ToueeDAY, Mellen 311D,—Farm sleek
and implements, at Lot 20, Oonoeaeioo
14, Mol fllop. Sale at 1 o'clock. John
Stafford, proprietor ; Thos. Brown, nuc.
FRiaar, MAROH 4TH.—Farm, term stock
and implements, at Lot 5, Con. 7, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'clock. N M.
Richardson, proprietor ; F, S. Scott, an.
TnIIooDAT, MAsMH 10Tu —Farm etook
and implements at Lots 18 and 14, Con.
18, Grey. Sale unreserved at 12 o'clock.
Duncan MoKenzie, proprietor. F. S.
Boott, a00tioneer. '
8R JSSF.2..._ :.7;1x.0 -000300'S.
Pall Wheat
Barley ,.,, . . ....
Peas ..
.Butter, tape and rode
Eggs per dozen ..
Flour per cwt. ,....
Potatoes (per bus.)
Apples (pee bbl,)
Bay per ton
Salt per bbl., retail
Hogs, Live
Hides trimmed
Rides rough
90 90
40 40
60 80
80 80
14 15
18 20
4 00 6 00
60 60
75 1 00
6 00 7 00
1 00 70
4 65 4 65
15 16
6 64
6 6
BEINO out for sale, Aleo a, good
corking Florae. Apply to It, BENDER -
80N, Brussels. 62.2
derslgned has a number o! There'.
bred Collie Pups for sale and ready to be
taken away. JOHN intoWN,
881 Lot 10, Oen. 10, Grey..
parties who cavo not squared off
their enemata with me are asked 10 do eo
at .once as those unsettled on Marini let will
be platted in other hands for aolleotiou.
81.8 A. CU,RRIE, Oreeuele.
are milted tonkind y !settle tproundersigned
peiyan a be
intends going to the Weet and before leav-
ing will hand over tba ae0ouute unsettled
into other hands for collootion,
e8 6 C. JACKSON,
Blacksmith, Brussels,,
1+ sow wool 8ALN, — The undersigned
offers for sale e one Thoro'-bred Yorkshire
Now,li yoare old, in pig to his tlero'•brod
Yorkshire hog. Fur prise apply to It. 8.
NI(HOL80N, (Bothnia -Lime works), Mort
rig, Belgraye B. 0. 80-tt
1 —The uunersigued afore ter tale hie
bourse and a aerea of land in amber 's 0551r-
vey,1 tulle South of Bruteels, 'There it a
good stable, well and young orchard, Plato
e well lanced and in good repair. Will be
Oki at.,a bargain a5 mein Dolor is going
West, . WM, ELLIS, Bromic,
Prize Winning Short
Horns for Sale.
L,tght young hulls from /averted aid
home bred 00tv8 got by imported Sire I Also
flows and Hottentot different ogee.
d fow pure bred Berkshire Plgs, 10 Weeks
Old far rate.
Hoye a quantity of Bead Peas, the Early
Juno varluty,t0 408p000'of, It 18 a medium
sited white Pea and were grown from hoed
from near North Bay and, yielded over 87
buolo to the acro, free of huge.
W111 also sell a good raged working and
11ri 00 6Hexeo, D, 0010111; St 5011, bt'bel,.
-� lost on gravel road between the erd
Line of Morris rindMuEwau'e Hotel, James-
town, on Feb.Otb. Finder will oblige b
leaving at TUE Poen, Brtea6018.
BT„ OE AND IMPLm xeNTe,-- Thomas
Brown, eoe56oneer, Lae received inetree-
tlono to sell by 0511)118 a00t,on at Lot CO,
OOn, 14, Moltliiop, on Thursday, March Ord,
at 1 o'clock, the following Valuable proper.
ty :— 1 heavy draught Dolt rising 2 yaara, 1
beavy draught teem rising 6 years (terms to
be mentioned on day of sale), 0 (lows suppos-
ed le calf, 4 ,iters rising 2 years, 4 heitere
rising 2 Years, 2 (naives, 1 Yorkshire brood
saw, 1 Liowdy cutting box, 1 plow, 1 root
rutper,1 wheelbarrow, 1 ro td tart ate etc
Terme—Al1 sums of 810 and under cath,
over that amount 10131or the' credit will be
given on furniobing approved joint notes. A
dimwit at the rote of 6 per oent,per an-
num will be allowed off. for cash on credit
av00000, JOHN STAFLORD, Proprietor;
TEcoe, Rnowoi, Anotion ear,
RAMI ST008 Xo wLED0ENTe, &on.—p, 8,
Scott, an0tinnoer, ltaa roue ved 10800004nus
from the uoderotgned to sell by public toe.
tion at Lot 0, (`on, 7, Gray. on Friday, Maroh
4th, et 1-'blrok, the foilowing valuable
property: -1 brood mare In foal to '
star;" i 1 8bred
30 months old, 1 thoro' bead
Sport Horn oow.regietered, in 0011 0o regis-
tered sire; 400we. enppoeed to be in calf, 1
farrow tow, 18 year old heifer, 14 steers
rising 8 years, 8 steers rising 2 years, 7 heif-
ers rleiug 2 years. 4 naives, 2 sows in � pig, 14
stere hogs a number 01 bens, 1 Hassey -
/1 tants cultivator, 1 Brantford mower,.1
horse rake, 1 fanning mill, 1 Finery plow
No.18, 1 Teeewater gong plow, 1 turnip
saunter, 1 broad -one! seeder, 1 pnlper, 1
wagon, 1 Bingle byhgy, 1 gravel box, 1 pig
rook, 1oe, 1 pig boxset, 1 weeuglelbarrow,baroeee, 1 sethay donfnrkble,
ropes and 51)585 ; 1 water trough, a quanti-
ty of bay and ml u per, timber for build-
ing 60xfeet, lumber, plates, old til, all
complete tun, &o.
aquontlty of houseshout res faroi-
0050, All 10 be said without r800176 e6
the proprletor is going West. Tho farm,
which oentaf0e 100 scree, ie 2 miles rot
and t mile frim srbeoL Splendid
Ioaotlon; miner Oret-ulu,sstate ofcultiva-
tion • m oacSouse, .large book burn,
latest improved cement stabling and silo ;
orchard, two paver Salting wells, and ether
conveniences. Terme—Ail 80018 of 66 and
under 5031, 0001• Gnat amount 8 mouths'
credit will be given Oil funnelling approved
joint aote0; 8 per cent. allowed off for uaeb
on credit ',amounts N. M. RIO8aRD600l,
Proprietor ; B.S. S00TT, Alloti,neer.
Coughs often go from bad to
worse --there is grave dan-
ger in any ease—no matter
bow slight it may seem it is
folly to negleet it. Keep a
bottle of
Our White Pine S Tar
in the house. Commence
taking it when the first
symptoms Dome. A careful-
ly prepared remedy from the
best curative agents. The
best remedy because it cures
safely, thoroughly and per-
manently. We refund the
money if not satisfied.
Price 25e. per Bottle at
cli s
Drug Store
8000E AND la1PLEMENTe: F. 8. Scott,
Auctioneer, has received iu00ruotions from
the untlersiened to sell by 05111010 auction at
Lott! 18 and 14, Hon. 18, Grey, On TAMS -
DAT, MAUVE 10th, ,,012 ,o'olook, the fol-
lowing valuable property; -1 heavy draught
team rleiug 0 years, 1 heavy draught horse
coming 4 Years, 1 heavy draught dolt rleiug
2 yours, l driving mare years old,1 driving
colt rising 2 year! sired by 'Kaplan,' 4 (wive
supposed in calf, 1 new calved oow,1 Spring
milt, 4 heifers 00ppo500 1n colt, 1 dry now, 0
bead of rat wattle fed for grass, 0 ['teens
onming 2 years, 4 heifers coming 2 years, 8
waives, 12 owes, 1 ram, 1 brood sow in pig, 4
atone hogs, 4 pigs 4 months old, platform
scales, nap, 2,000 lbs., new ; beam scales, 1
binder tablecanvas and 1 deck eonvea. 1
Massey-Harrie !mower, 1 pea haryeeter and
bundler, 1 Reotlon grinder, 1 horse rake, 1
fanning mill, 1 seed drill, Frost & Wood
disc barrow, 2 gang plows, 2 narrow plows,
oue nearly new ; 1 set Dtnmund barrows,
1 Lend roller, 1 turnip eovfaer, 2 polpere, 2
truck wagons (wile nearly new), 1 tingle
buggy, 1 gravel boa, 1 bay rook, 2 wheelbar-
rows, 2 sots bob -sleighs, 2 Seto double bar -
nese (nearly new), 1 800 plow barium. 1 set
single ha.rueue, 1 eat small collars, quantity
of bay and turnips, a number of grain bags,
1 bay knife, 2 Noon ebovole, 1 barley fork, 1
logging chain. 1 bidding lobalo,. 2 arose -out
eaw8, "Melotte" oroam separator, 26 gallou
milk can eage grinder and doer. a num-
ber of milk pane and earthen oroolis, 2 tur-
nip hoes, auytbee, forks and other artiolcs
to0 0118080005 to mention. No reserve as
proprietor has rented bis farm. Terms—All
sums of 85 and under (ash, over that amount
11 months' credit will be given 0n tnrnie0-
ing approved joint notes ; 8 per mint. b110w-
80 01r for oseb en credit nmouots. 1:10170 AN
MoKENZOE, Proprietor; F. S. gooTT, Ano-
Are you Insured ?
If not the Confederation Life Association is
ready to present a proposition that cannot fail
to interest you.
Business in force ,,,$'186,687,888.00
Guaranteed Capital and Assets,.. 10,568,853.88
Cash Income, 1908 . 1,595,768.63
To January tat, 0004
For Detail Claims (gross) $8,988,789 80
For Matured Eudowmente .•,.., 1,752 886 84
For Auuaitiea 243,866 82
For Ouch Dividsndo 1505,470 87
For Cash Values (Pollofeo surrendered) 810,075 89
Total Oath Payments
Cash Surplus, Govornm, nt Standard
field io pay Clofine Aoorned
Bela to pay Dividend's 0lisle oiling
58 250 090 22
786,594 08
48,585 85
78,780 61
Reserve on Polioiet end Anuuitiee,'Guv. Sutra i 8,682,856 00
Total cash paid and held on Policyholders' .
A000unt $17,786,212 71
W. B. B2ATTY, W. D. MATTHEwe and reEn, Wynn,
Proeidel,t, Vioe Preeidehts,
W. 0, 51.4oDoNALb, Aotuaey,
J. 10. MAODonut, Managing Director,
KERR Local di,ge4t