The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 7MANY TRAINS GREAT MEN WHO OWN LITT1•E RAILWAYS. Duke of Westminster Owns the Pinest Miniature Railway in En ].and. • ..g Thcro aro about one hundred model miniature railways is Groat Britain the finest and:. beat -equipped among them all being that owned by the Duke of d1'ecltn)inster, at Eaton Yell. The truck is four and a ball utiles long, -f8 splendidly ballasted, and le attended to constantly by a couple of expert platelayers. Tho gauge is fifteen inches, and WO sura expended in construction, exclusive of buildings, Wee exactly 85,545 per mile, Tho one engine (built by Mr, llegwood, of Duffield, who also owns ,a minhtture railway) cost $2,000, Its average armed ie about fifteen miles an hour, though n ,it has clone P twenty -ono upon Y OCenairn. There i6 onosena er pu g coach, thirty-four goods waggons, be - Bides brake van, toot van, and par- cels van, all of which are, of course, bttilt to scale, and elaborately fin- ished, Next in order to the above, in point of costliness god completeness, comes the Pitntanton Moor 0reon Model Railway, owned by,Sir John Holder. Its length Is comparatively insignifico,nt, but its equipment of rolling-stoetcprobably- surpasses that of any miniature railway in the world. For instance, it has no few- er than three locomotives, varying in ,Y length from 7 ft. 5 in, to. 9 ft, over all, end with driving wheels measur- ing between 0 in. In diameter (four coupled) • anti 16 in, (singlo). The hirgaat of these engines once travel- led over four miles with a, six -pas- senger load at express speed WIPIIOUT A SINGLE STOP. Very remarkable is the min iaLure railway at Croydon, constructed and owned by Dr. Gerald D'Ovenden, ,the well-known -specialist, and his bro- ther, Mr. Arthur LIovenden, In its entirety it constitutes an absolutely correct modelto settle of tbo sub- urban portion of the London, Brigh- ` ton, and. South -Coast Railway, and embraces the, whole of this section of the system between the two termini a' of London Bridge and Victoria at the ono end, and Cro+won at the other. Although only 22 ft. long by between two and three feet broad, all the fr principal lines are shelve , together. { with the junctions, signals, points, and crossings, as they exist in the real railway. Even the stations aro decorated with lnaniature reproduc— tions of well-known advertisements; whlie the engines drawing tho trains aro so Constructed as to take precise- ly twenty seconds to traverse the system, as against the twenty min- utes - average schedule time -of the FULL-SIZED LOCOMOTIVES. Lieut. -Col, J. Robert Harvey, again, who was Mayor of Norwich in le03, owns 'a miniature railway and passenger express train, the latter' so perfectly duplicated from a real one that it .even has attachedto it a travelling post -office van, fitted with collecting nota and delivery .apparel, tus. The weight of this one car, it may bo mentioned, is over 20 lb., so that the size and solidity ot the en- tire train withits is en ne and ten- der attached may be imagined. tI"Tho most westerly railway in the United Kingdom" is the title applied by its designer and builder, Colonel 'W. Hamilton, to tIrc miniature line he has constructed in tho grounds of his residence, Glentios, Co., Donegal, Ire- land. Tho houso is situated on a headland, almost an isllmd, which juts outinto tho Atlantic ocean. n. • It 18 a complete andbeautifully equip- ped model railway, with roiling -stock Water tanks, turntables, carriage works,' cool stages, tunnels and sid- ings, and is entirely the work of its proprietor's own hands. Mr. Walter Alcock, the well-known musician and assistant organist et Westminster Abbey, is very proud of having built 'off his own bat" a com- plete working model of the Midland eiglne, which, although only weigh-. eg about :60 lbs., has drawn a man WEIGHING 224 LBS. All the work incidental to its con- struction was done during his spare sours, and at the tint(' he was study ing for and sitting for his Mus. Bac. degree. Also, he had no prior engin- meting experience; except what he had gained as a boy, when ho built on engine with a cocoa -tin boilerand his mother's best pair .of scissors as pritloipal tool. To Dr. J. Bradbury Winter, of Brighton, belongs the credit of hav- ing constructed the most pealed; as it corthinly is the moat wonderful, model locomotive in Et -island. It is an exact duplicate, ((own to tho minutest detail, of the London, Brigh- ton,"and South -Coast Railway's en- gine "Couto," on a scalp of oho huclt to oho feet, and it occupied id11rtecn yearn in the bullding. Every part, ' down to the lest nut and riy'et,. Wee made by Dr. Winter himself, and was, wherever poesiblo, chissclled but of the 801111 metal instead of being cast. Icor example, the wheelie Were fh'et cut as discs d from omaas8 cif ilea ewer m a steel, Then the spoken were married out, ]soles Were drilled round the lines and the spaces were chiselled out and finished with the tile. This me- Abed necessitated the drilling earners) titan seven hundred holes in each wheel, and the time occupied in cora ploting the six wheels Wee over a year. Even the 8tec1 covering for the ilii -box was cut out of a solid bleelc of metal, although it is barely 1-96 of an inch In thicknees.- Peers0n's Weekly. ria • WATT/IRS' RECORD TIP, In 1"t'ankfot•t there 14 a restaurant the waiters of which have recently re- ceived what roars thou toneitlerod to he the largest "tip" on record, Ainoug 'their Gusto/Hors for many years Was a gentleman of Melopondant !Weans, Who died last year in Egypt anti left by 19111' 15,000 Intu'ks ($8, 750) totSIQ fortunate Weild1a Itt Otmetion„ TOO' LITTLE BLOOD, Xs the Oause. et 1Itost 01 the Misery in Everyday Life• -improve the Blood. and. Disease Will Not Exist, Among the many tliQusanile who testify V LO y to the varus of 'Dr. 1 i 1 (lams' Ping Pills as a blond and nerve tonic is Miss Mary Jackson, Nor- mandale,, Ont., who says lino used Dr. Vitllums Pink Pills and have derived such great' benefit from their that 1 consider it any duty to let others know their worth. For upwards of three years I suffered from anaemia, and grew so weak that I could scarcely walk About the houso, 1 had no color in my face, my lips and gums were bloodless, I lost all ambition, suffered, from headaches,, and fell away in weight until I weighed only ninety-four pounds. I 'doctored a great deal., but it dill not seem to do mo any good, I was tben ato dvisoil'try Pink '' 1 Dr. Williams lm: tall all before a r hall taken them ten days I felt bettor and my people could see a change in me. I continued using; tho Pills for some weelts and nm now in the vory .Lost of itetilth. Every be- pressingesymptom bas paused away and I havolgainod fourteen pounds in weight. I think there is no Medi- cine can equal Dr• 1Villiauu' Pink ]'fl a and I strongly recommend them to all weak and ailing girls." Miss Jackson's experience should bring hope to ail tee Weak, ailing girls and women. What those pills have done for her they will do iter others. Every dose adds tone and vigor to the blood and nerves, 'brings a glory of health to sallow cheeks, a sparkle to the eyes and aruby redness to pal'id lips. No other medicine has done so 010011 to bring comfort and health 'to weak girls and women, If you are stun;; give the pills a fair trial a.nil new health and strength will be yours. Do not accept any pink colored substitute; tiro ,caning;tills atn•ttys ltava t.ho full name "Dr. Williams Pink Pita for Pale People" (minted on the wrapper around every box. Sold by 131 0111 0 1 0 0 dealers everywhere, or by mail at 50 emits a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The T)r. 1111- Ilams Medicine Co.; 13rotskville, Ont CONDENSED EGGS In Germany they make ron'ensed eggs ! The superfluous water is re- moved and sugar is added, The condonsod eggs are put up for the market in Lormetically sealed boxes, a ono pound box containing about fifteen eggs. This article finds a good market in South Africa, but clueing tho present egg fiunine. nliglit be imported into this country with more or less profit. COMBS 114111) OF MILK, At recent Milk Supply lfixhibltion in Ilamburg, Gernlany, there were several caeca of nitriles which air recently lied Po conneetion whatever with . the product, of the cow. There wore combs. cigar -holders, knife -hand - lea, tables inlaid with marble In vnri- ous colors aid great slab of marble --or apparently Marble -with blocks of ebony, and many other things too numerous to mention. !When the in- quiring visitor asked why those things were in the Milk (Supply Exhibition, be teas told they were all made of milk! Thu skint milli of many farms in Germany has no sale. The peo- ple do not appreciate the fact that a quart of skint milk contains as muelr nutriment as a quarter of a pound of meat. Therefore the Inventive Teu- ton decided to make use of it in some way. The principle of slcim milk Is a substance known as casein; it Is really curd. This substance was mixed with others, coloring matter was added and the result ]t � vas gala- lith, or mills stone which is ash herd as buffalo horn, and cart be used for innumerable purpose. It has the ad- vantage o1 being light and none-In- flatnmable. IIACIC TO NEBUOI•IADNE7,ZAR. '01 the foul' hundred barons in the British house of 'Lords, about a doz- en 111to beta to 1400, the earliest 'be- ing eing 1264. Tho oldest family in the British Isles is the Mar family, in Scotland, 1098. The Campbells of Argyll begins in 1100; the Crosvon- ors, the Duke of Westminster's fam- ily, 1066. The Austrian House of Ilapsbru'g goes hack to 052, and the Rouse of Bourbon to 864. The de- arendauts of ltlohcoanned, who was born in 570, aro all registered au- thoritatively in a book kopt 51 Alec-' ca by a chief of the family. Little or no doubt exists of the absolute au- thenticity of the long line of Mo- hammed's descendants. In . China there aro many old families; also among the Jews. Dot in point of. pedigrees the Mikado of Japan has a unique record. Itis place has been filled by members of his family for more than twenty -nue hundred years. The 'resent Riilcado is the one han- d/v.1 end twenty-second in the line. Thefirstono was contemporary with Nebuchadnezzar, 666 years before Christ. RED LIAIR AND BALDNESS. Red-headed people aro Iess subject to baldness than others. A doctor explains the matter thus: Tho hair of the rod -headed is relatively thick, one red hair being almost as thick as flee fair or tluco ,brown hairs. With 80,000 red hairs nice scalp is well 0 thatched, whereas with the same num- TSE BLOOM_ OE HEALTHHEALTH. her orfair hairs ono is comparative Little children always need careful attention --•but they do not neo strong drugs. When any ailment comes they should not be drugged in- to insensibility with the so-called "soothing" medicines, nor should they be given strong nauseous, grip- ing: purgatives. The very, best mod- cine in the world for sucli troubles as colic, sour stomach, indigestion constipation, diart•hoea, worms colds, simple fevers anit teething troubles is Baby's- w Tablets, J U u) your little ones suffer from s e on1 any of these troubles give them the Tablete ani! soo how quickly they will bring back the bloom of health. Give th little ones an occasional dose of the Tablets auil you will keep them well. Mrs. Robt, Hanna, Elgin„ Ont., has proved the truth of these statements and says :-"I find Baby's Own Tab- lets the best remedy for indigestion and teething troubles: The Tablets cost 25 cents. 'a box, and may bo had from druggists or by mail from The Dr. Williams Medicine -Co•, .Brockville, Ont, TRIERE WAS NO REPLY. "Wonsan," remarked Mr. Goosefing, "is heaven's best gift to man, but whether it means a married woman or not, I am not so certain. Now there's my wife; I've known a good many wanton in my time, and I don't drink I'd be•.willing to change her for• fee any w0mall 1 ever mot, saw, or heard of. l'in willing to make as many concessions as most men, but ,I really think there is a limit that any reasonable women ought to observe, Not that my wife is not as reasonable as any other married woman, mind you, for '' sho is. Butthen acre •i s o t mes whoa she makes men doubt the strict 'accuracy of tho timo-honoree! rnaxina I have quoted, "Now, for instance, the other day I was doing something or other in the house, like a mon has a right to do on his own promises, and, just as men sometimes do, X put my finger where '1 had no business to put it, and hit it with the hammer. iaell,' said 1 to myself, though my wife was serving by .the window on the other lido of the room,' 'I'11 bet I'm the biggest idiot in c•roetimi,' "All of which I had 10 perfect right to say; blit my' wife looks up from bet work, and says'8118; -• 1Vflli,nlv,' says . she, "don't ;you !mow enough about the.ethics of gambling to know that you have no right to 'bot on a certaiety?' "That's what she said; and, under the circumstances, what ori earth could I Say but nothing,' and that's what I: said," sue. v„mw .,meoc range wvpn• r vow.«, 0 Wont euro a cough. When Worry w rry g wfind a cough holdingoh- you hen everything else has failed- try ,,ii e iNA • i1CP - COnSUMPtiOn Cure 'rionia ung ly bald. It takes nearly 160,000 fair and 105,000 brown hair's to cover d adequately an ordinary head. • NATIONALITY WASHED' OFF. A Russian sailor, a deserter from 1_ his ship, recently gave himself up to a crow of British seamen on the guano island of Leone, saying that he desired to renounce his allegiance to the Czar and to become a 'subject of RingEdward, i faid. Tho British sailors wore puzzled n obow to naturalize rho man, so they held a consultation on the subject. Finally, after the Bus- e nian had abjured his country, every British tar present threw a bucket of water over him, and thus leis nation- ality was washed ort. WELL POSTED. A California Doctor With 40 Years Experience. "In my 40 yours' experience as a teacher ,and practitioner along hy- gien10 lines," says a Los Angeles physician, "I have never found a food to compare with Grape -Nuts for the benefit of the general health of all classes- of people. I have recom- mended Grape -Nuts for a number of• years'- to patients with the, greatest success and every, year's experience makes rise More enthusiastic regard- t lag.its use. I make it a rule to always/ recom Mend Grape -Nuts and Postum ' Food Coffee in place of coffee when giving my patients Metz -actions as to . diet for I know both Grape -Nuts and Postum can be digested by anyone. As for myself, when engaged ed in much mentalwork my dict twice a day consists of Grape -Nuts and rich cream. I find it just the thing to build up gray matter and keep the brain in good 'working order. "In addition to its wonderful ef- fects as a brain and nerve food Grape -Nuts always keeps the diges- tive organs in perfect, healthy tone. I carry it with mo when I travel, otherwise I am almost certain to have trouble with my 'stomach." Name given by Postunt Co,, Battle Creek, Aidcli, Strong endorsements like the above from physicians all over the country have stamped Grape -Nuts the most scientific food in the world. There's a reason. Look in oath package for trio fain- otrs little book, 'rhe Road to Wen - n women hada vote the confirmed 11503181or cendirtato" would be loft at tate post, It Is gtiaraateed to vitro. It It dogsfs't, he'll refund your stoney. Neat 8, C. Wnt,te & Co, 800.. P5o,50c.�1. Lsttoy,N.'ir,.Toronto,Can, 4 LADY. VOLITNTIIIIRS, Anxious tb shire In the glories Of the Volunteer Movement, a largo Itumi'Ot' of the prominent ladles of 13urnlo;u, Staffordshire, England, have of,anized a shooting club,. Which sneets at the local drilkhall, Many of them are promising shots. Spacial rifles; have been placed at their din• posit, end during the season chore Will be eolnpotitiols With the gentle- leen of the North Staffordshire Morris '1'uho Lupe. Tlcwiit-"Groot has a0 070; to. btlSiitoi,5," .70wott-e'Yea; elle 070 Ito his own and two ttr other p00, re's." NN71 SENSATION IN IIEDIOAL WORLD Collingwood Bright's Disease Curd Brings to Ligilt Others Equ- onul aIlyVr doef , Mrs, Prod, Philip of Eglington Tolls of Her Remarkable Experience. Discharged From Two Toronto Hospitals-Dodd's )':idney 7/110 Brought Back Her Health. Toronto, Fob, 8. -(Special) The report drum Collingwood of the won- derful cure of Mrs. Themes Adams al Bright's Dva so byDodd'a Kidney Pills has aroused great interest here and the dtscussfon of it bus brought out tho fact that AL's. Adams' case 15 not an 'saluted ono, that right in Toronto there are people who, suffer- ing from the most dreaded and fatal of kidney Diseases, have found a positive and permanent euro in Dodd's Kidney Pills: One of the most striking cases that has been brought to• light is that. of Mrs. Fred. Philip, now residing 09 Broadway ave., Eglingtoil ,0110 of the northern suburbs of the city. That Mrs, Philip tva5 suffering from Dright's Disease and was in a most. dangerous state, there is not the shadow of a doubt. Silo was in two city hospitals,. Grace and the Goner. al, and left both places without a hope for the future, IN THE IIOSPITAI.S. In Grace hospital the doctors wished to operate on her, but she objected, and leaving the hospital called in, another doctor. He told her at once that she had Bright's Disease and diad her removed to the General hospital. The doctors here demurred to an operation on ac- count of the clangor. On being discherged a second time without benefit Airs, Philip stopped the doctors and started to tape Dodd's Kidney -Pills. The result is that to -day all the terrible swelling is 5000, eke rs able to do all her own work as well as look after her bright little four-year-old child. In an interview Airs. Philip spoke freely of her terrible trouble arid gave unstinted praise to Dodd's Kidney Pills. MRS. PHILIP'S STORY. "I was sick for six months," sho said, "before tatting Dodd's Kidney Pills. During that time I was six weeks, in Grace hospital and two months in the Ccncral hospital. I was told in both places that nothing more could be dono for me. I started taking Dodd's Kidney Pills in April and am still using them, They have dono nee a world of good. Tho Dropsy has ell left me and I am now doing all my own work just tho same as I was beforo I was sick." The talk these cases has caused has also served to show how general the use 'of Dodd's Kidney Pills has be- come and liow numerous are tho cures effected of Pain in the Back, Rheuma- tism, tism Dropsy, and tho other re- sults -sults of diseased Kidneys. In fact, cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills can be found by the hundred, but a case in which they have failed to euro has yet to bo reported. WORLD'S MISSIONARY WORK, • List of the Principal Societies and Their Contributions, Following are the names, C11a1'ac- ter and income last year of the prin- cipal missionary sociotles of tho world Church Missionary Society, Eng- land, foreign, 51,765,815. Methodist Society, United States, home and, foreign, 51,719,818, ,Propagation of. the Faith, Roman Catholic, foreign, 81,319,608. Presbyterian home Board, United States, 551,208,821. Presbyterian Foreign• Board, Unit- ed States. +1,049,840. Landon Missionary Society, Con- gregational, foreign, ;8998,011. Protestant Episcopal Board, home and foreign, United Stator, 8864,- 764. Propagation of the Gospel, Eng- land, foreign, $762,650. American Lutheran Societies, for - g, $ 5, for- eign, 74 8190. American Board, Congregational, foreign, 5740,777. • American Baptist Missionary Un- ion, foreign, 8792,767. Wesleyan Missionary Society,, Eng- land, foreign, $601,415. Amorlean Lutheran Societies, homes, 8654,800. Congregational home socioties, United States, $642,250. American Baptist • I•lomno Mlssioli Society, $640,669. United Free Church of Scotland, Presbyterian, foreign, 54:41,811. Baptist Misa1Onary Society, Eng- land, foreign, $480,045. Methodist Church, south, United States, foreign, ,$889,728. 'Zemin& Society England and Can- ada, foreign, 5289,605. China Inland Mission, England and Canada, 5257,292. Disciples of Christ,; United States, home, 524:4,967, Southern Baptist Cotivon11011, 'Uni- ted Status, foreign, 5218,512. Baptist Publication Society, Unit - ad States,: 1101110, 5911,064. Disciples of Christ, United States, foreign, 5210,600, United Peasbyterien Board, United r States, foreign, 81013,100. PreebyLorla:n Church, ;oath, Unite od States, foreign, 5107,000, Presbyterian Chnrcll, South, Unit- ed States, home, 5158,406. More than half the battle In cleaning greasy dishes Is in the soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap it's the best, ea UnlvgrsiLies Miselan to Central Africa, England, 8151,856. Chereh of Scotland, Presbyterian, foreign, $149,815, Adventists, United States, foreign, $1,14,000, Presbyterian Church, England, for- r< e3 n, 5182,�u0. . g' Zonae Liiblo c a and Medical mis- sions, England, foreign, $182,065. Regions beyond Mi sionary Union, ingittnd, foreign, $195,000. Friends Foreign Missions,associa• Lien, England, 8122,000. Moravian Missions, 1 0530115 and American, foreign, 8108,026, Southern Baptist Convention, Uni- ted States, home, 5100,450. There are many small, but no large mi,siOnary societies, Protes- tant, on the continent of Europe. The largo missionary Sunda of the Catholic church are handled by the Propaganda Fide, which is a corn- miLteo of the Curia at'Rome, and by J esuit, Dominican, Franciscan and other societies and orders. There is, however, one foreign 11118810nar}' snc- icty, having lteacicjuartm's 51 Nolo and in Lyons, Its income last year was $1,81.9,608, almost all of it given by rho Catholics of France.. The Bible and Tract societies of Groat Britain had incomes last year that aggregated $900,000, and the same societies In the United Status received and (111ibursed 5750,000 The year• 1005 showed a slight In- crease all aronnd over the previous year. SPEED 0.P A BIRD'S FLIGHT, Some timing experiments conducted by Mr, Alfred Walker would seem to 1nd'ecite that appearances are exceed- ingly deceptive so fur as the speed of a bird's flight is concerned, Swal- lows, Mr. Walker tells us, in their lightning -like evolutions, only 9y fif- teen to twenty-five miles an hour, which is much slower that the or- dinary flight of a rook. Starlings when going to their roosting -place at- tain a speed of forty-five miles an hour, which is equal to that of the best horning pigeons; but they fly during the day at a slower rate. A wild duck was found to attain a speed of thirty-six miles an hour in a short flight. Homing pigeons baso been recorded' to fly at a rate of thirty-three miles an hour on a twelve-hour journey, thirty-six utiles an hour on a four-hour journey, for- ty miles on a one-hour journey, for- ty-eight on a ton minutes' journey, and fifty-two on a one -minute jour- ney. „AI 4Ate/ 4 471, lacic•e t viaecod is L -tet•«.,`^ti LOWER PRICES iP ,ii c'"" f% Tr s d rl ,1 :rico t �.. `qp:�1 r... V:,%,,..---- + E 9 TA o - u JN ..1GL n no CAN BE HAD iN Pails, Wash Basins, alk Paas, &c Any FIrst•Ctaos Grocer Can sapply you. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. QUALITY zma- 1tt9x �k -'11P", )tagla 1110 'UAW REPAINTING t11'' 1,INi..RS. On trouble with some men elle pay as they go is they go very lit- tle, Tho great Atlantic liners are, as a rule, repainted every trip. The sides of the average first-class liner from avatar -lite to rail represent an area of about an acre. The outworks of decile and cabins amount to almost Mli rd'ts Liniment Cures Burns etc, 1 t as much more, while the outside sur_ Muggics-`7s that an upright pia - face of the two great funnels .and no next door'?" Buggins-"Give it masts totals over half an acre. Thus up. A11 I know is that it's a down, there is an area of about two and a right nuisance." half 0eres to be covered on the big or ovxr sixty Yeare liners at the end Of every voyag0. 7'ha Mas WIersairw's aooznrre noisy hire lies% nupd h��7 painting of the funnels is the 010 11 meneee es moth to t r ih } lld t o Welke* important and difficult of the whole :undertaking, and the men carry on Ithcir work from swinging seats. Little Elmer -"Topa, what is po- Iif ene-•s?" Professor Ilroadhead- "Politeness, my son, is the art of not letting other people know what you really think of them." Bettor without 'a Stotvaaeh than with one that's got a constant " her!" to It. Dr, Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stimulate the digestive organs,. Let one enjoy Ste good things of life and leave no bad effects -carry them with you in your vest pocket -do in box, 35 cents. --48 I Guest -"Is there any clanger of fire in this hotel?" Iioy (with his teeth chattering) -"N -not unless you pay for 'it." Mluard's Liniment Cures Dandruff, Ifnickor-"So the Newels don't speak to you any longer?" Booker - "No; I'm the man who introduced them to each other." Minard's Liniment far sale everywhere In Japan archers test their arrows by balancing them on the nails of The Fool --"I know that.I'm not r c bird nes of the second and t fl the worth t o th of you darling." g The F airy- rapidl twirling the Peary - left hand and rapidly t g m "Reo:ember that,.Harold, and my by the feathered end with the fingers married life is sure to bo hapgy " of the right. If the arrow makes a whirling sound it is crooked and must bo straightened. $Joe Reword, 8000, Tho roadars nr thie a or wil be pleased to learn that there is. at least one dreaded disease that .science has been able to cure in all Its stages, and that 1a Catarrh, Ball's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure- now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitntiena) treatment, hall', Catarrh Cure id taken Internally, acting direct. ly upon the blood and mucous aerfge. es of the system. thereby Metro:Ong the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature - 111 do• leg its work. Tho proprietors have so touch faith in its curative powers that they. offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls to cure. send for list. of testlmoniala.' Addrees F. 1, OBI:NEY _ E 00., Toledo, 0. Surd by all Druggists 760. Take .$all's Family. 1'11ls for constb oatfon. SLIGHTLY PARADOXICAL. "Will you please insert this obitu- ary notice?" writes a correspondent rof leading dail to the editor a y pa- per. "I make bold to ask it, because I know tho deceased had many friends Who'd bo glad to hear of hie death." fitbl1lrt BeerslIr9 Skin Dia.. mums OLired for Thirty -Moe t( ttte•-Da Agnew's Olntmenc relieves In one day, and cares Tetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Eczema, Barber's Itch, Ulcers, Blotches and all eruptions of the akin. Itis soothing and quieting and acts liko Magic In the cure of all baby humors, 35c, -dry MAKING TINS 1)EAT' HEAR, Dr. Marage, of Bourg -la -Reim, France, has made oxporimonts on de- veloping the hearing of deaf-mutes, and his results 1t v 'ei Communi- cated n 0 bt 1 co ni cated to the Academie do tlledeeino. Twenty-four stone-deaf children were divided by lot into two parts, and those Of ono group were submitted every day to the vibrations' of a -toned siren," w111c11 he lute invented far this "massage" of the tympanum, o)' drum of the ear, At the end of fix weeks all the eo t ect could hear s lj a .a sounds of rnnste 1 inatrunt nts for n e the first : time, throe heard phrases spoken near the ear, end two hoard conversation a treed 011 over a yard distant in tho ordinary voice, The siren also enables the llouing to bo measured with precision, Lever's. T -Z (Wise head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powdor dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. PATHETIC CUSTOM. The wives of the North of England ,colliers observe a very touching and pathetic custom when an accident oc- curs in the pit. Directly it is known to the Wife of a collier that an acci- dent has happened in the pit where jhor husband works, and that hie fate is uncertain, she throws open the houso door, and, however inclement the weather mnv be, she koeiss the door open and a candle burning in the window, night and day, till the man Is brought home, dead or alive. In some cases thodoorhas remained open and the candle alight' during several weeks. Dear Sirs, -I was for seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times thnt I could scarcely speak above a whis- per. I got no relief front anything till I tried your M1NARD'S MONEY BALSAM. . Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a o0mplete cure: T would heartily recommend it to anyone suffering from throat or dung trouble, J. 1". VAN IUSICIRIC, Fredericton, tri Dimpleten-"In the absence of the nurse, can't young Willie take care of the baby while we nee out?" Irirs. Dimpleton-"I should say not, Why, I would as soon thinly of leaving the baby With you." Clergy Like it Dr. Agtiow'e Catarrhal Powder Garai Alf creeds, It «alleges It is minutes, I1ere aro a few names o elergvmen of diement erode who hire Om believers Pr. -grew' Detainees Powdor to in D Agnew's e b genu tlh " r an it "live u �b the i ! t define: p 11151108 8ttcatinaa, Rev, Dr, .Lbngtry fl''plsoopnliau)t 1 ev, Ds, With- row end l*.ev. 131', (Members (Method• fgt.) and Ili Abtvtuan, all of Terbn, Canada„ Cattlee of their personal tt io tors for the asking, Or. agnate's Qlntenent retlsves piles to a tray sod o lV 1 i+; r o oro+. ren ter a oe 11ngeoll the gudbt,000,'s, ting ens, 5 bowels, 81)0 Brind e, ed).regulates thoei, 'evh and Lowo1,, uu!1 to 11p) olt remedy for t)lnrvuell Tscutr•Mrc 0,111, a haul Bold Ls0 uvglit, utr,s 1,ont. she world 11, 00x5 no4tt, ink-fur"Tiny. W010500 0800xnisu sYnnr," : 19-e "Woman," remarked the plain per- son, "supports pain more heroically than man." "Are you a doctor?" asked a listener. "No; I am a man- ufacturer of shoes." Mivard's Liniment Believes Neuralgia "Pa what does the teacher mean by saying I must have inherited any bad temper?" inquired little Johnny. "Eke .mems, my sots, that you rue your mother's own boy." The Prosiderit a Slave to Datarrh,-D. T, Sample, president of Sample's -Instalment Company,Washinglon, pa., writes: "For years L was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treatment by specialists only pave me temporary relief until I was induce) 'to use Dr. A,gnow's Catarrhal Powder. .It gave almost instant relief, 5000010.-4e LADY'S FROG FARM. Not the least 'curious of business in which women are engaged is that en- tered upon by Miss Moue Sheldon, of Friendship, New Jersey, who Inas started a frog farm upon a twefity- acte Pateh of w mP Her frogs are ocourse of theedi 1 i t wl of b e,,var a y, rose hind legs are beloved al the gourmet, and they find in cosmopolitan Ameri- ca a ready sale. Miss Sheldon is said to mako a clear $2,500 a year out of her reptilian stock -in -trade. ,.. oo meg 014 admirable' Food of the Finest quality and flavour. Nutritious and Economical, 48-•21 Billiard Tho nest at the Lowest Price Write Tor Terme RE I D EROS., M'f'gr Oo.0y Tau 10n5 pt %9i. 1 82-31 Dominion Una wutearnshiM a iviontreol S,e LIvo edt y' Portro.,W to Mires -pine Large, and 1F`ast Steamships. Sti'reripr accommodation for all classes of pos. senors. Saloons Saloons and Staterooms aryl amide/dna, Special attention has been: given to trio Second '8 !eon and hard. Class aroolnmodtttron, wog rates of pttsaages and all particulars, apply: to any agent of the Company, or to pas. sengcr a ant. 21017 ISN 07 LID1E.O107101IS: YOUR SOVERCOATS �cra Wont St., yy Montreal, CA a0 QN �3�Pi i Y ERS S sad hdr5 suits Hoard took beau, dyed. 11 m acme of, ours In year Weill, -writ. cared dio,Ercal, 1101 11@ BRITISH 1009h1Cian 'OVE1Np ob. jIIO2STR1sAT,8 4:-04 O'S77 ".1:01,1;;.0851' 1110 t 085 r . R KQNTe ro N"C Q 2i, ctAL °°hl r ^p PSALIF OF sv sand for oataiog,:• We give extra value. hang Furs and (aeneisic, Seed forprloe 11a11 11--04 P l r ALL MAN a FRUITS Eggs,Auti Farno Pro. duoe g'etiotsllyp "�a consign it to ti?! Idl9 .let if 't1!' � `ll � 6t you good prices. 1'kl 111s the twice Haat hits steed the test of Slue-•sinnris Iiia heaviest stralnwie91r it4 sass -the uts0xciatrl1,118 world 0900: Order L11Iou• Manlier. Ideal ng aLt'er cifteatJoan so, i awg was Pi::t9 O. •LIMN'* Br 'allot sddi, eiMtt ikd411rdsf• gee, tit. Oahe, ii.B, WiOt1l*egi 1a8t t 1 Q iwsnn ern +issian otgg K,7Li'p t&14J, Lfl,..,,- �N, 1,4 Apig 'grim S, tissue I1'o '1.44