The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 5• •
• I
• •
FEB, 255, 1904
.L L oat. F.B, 80OTT, Brnoeela,
• leaner of Marriage Liconeea, 01.
ape at Grocery, Tnraberry street, Brussels.
nnne4Onitn nae 60V0ra1 good Peruse f or
sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townobipe
of Morrie end Grey, F 8, SCOTT, Brssaol
C. O,
Court Prinooee Alexandria, No.24, 0.0. F.,
Brussels, meets In their Lodge Boom Blare
hill Blook, on the 2ea and last Tuesdays of
oaoh month, at o'olook. Visiting brethren
always Weloome. JAS. BIII1.0E88, C. 1t,
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
dessyssAz,s, OMT.
omloe over Hsreley's Drug Store,
Nov. Brd,1922. 80.80 Brussels,
Wellington Mutual
Fire insurance Co.,
EBTABLIe0an 1840
Insurance taken on the cash and premium
Ilsecurrent eur
na eewheercallheundersgnd Agent
of the Company.
nSn, will sell for better prices, to
better men, in lees time and lees °bargee
be won t charge anything r In essand orders
can always be arranged at this oieoe or by
pummel application.
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
ett the aloe 0f TEE Poe3, Brussels. 2211
!• Hon°r Gradnnce of the Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to treat all dis-
eases of domeatleated animals in a compet-
ent manner, Partinular attention paid to
Veterinary Dentlotry Calls promptly at-
tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnbo,ry et., Breesele.
• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc.
Successor to G. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Rraeeele. Solioltor for Metro-
' polltanBank,
s Borrlater, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer,
Notary Pnblio, &o. Office—S tewert'a Blook
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Blleitor for the Standard Bank,
W. P00IIDYOOT, 8. 0. le. 0. BAYS
G. F. BOAm.
Offices—Those formerly occupied by Masan
Cameron & Holt,
Gunman, 05241no.
M.D„ O, M.,
eondlleg,AemberColleggef Pbyiiaeand
8nrgeonm Ont. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians and Licentiate of Mid.
Wllery, Edinburgh. l rTelephone No.14,
Reet'dence—Mill street, Bruesele,
DR. R. P. FEIb,D.
Graduate of the Royal College of Daubed
bnrgeoueof Ontario and Fh•et•olass Honor
Graduate of Toronto -University. Office
next to Brewer's Photograph Gallery,
British Columbia
Red Cedar Shingles
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing dills
Also Doors and Bash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice.
Eedmatee Furnished for all
kinde of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
e :. r' P43Va D. B. MoRinnob, the walll known
fI Tt merchant here, hike been in business in
Blyth for over 40 yeare. He hes a large
trade and keeps hie stork in good atyle,
Reporteays DeWit Bolmee, of Park.
hill, was united in',wattage recently to e
young lady of that place. It true we
wish him end hie bride many happy
We here enrolled as many etudontn Qt
during the last dye mouths, aouuttog Y
11 hon, September, an we ourollod last
talo, 1uTlto youpghtpeopl e lel tells
the best Soiree] to attend. New Btu.
douto admitted at any time. Write
A44.1) Y
1.0 for at to Q
Q a gun. N
W, J. ELLIOTT, Principal. , ti 7{
M zstxzxt .ebast.
MogroLor 000N0I14 —00an11 met in
Christopher White's, Leadbary, on
Thursday, Feb. 18th. Members of
Connell all present. Minato of former
meeting read and adopted. By-law No.
60, giving 86,000 bonne to Guelph
Junction Rahway, having received the
neoeeoary majority required waa finally
passed, signed and sealed. TheFioanoial
Statement of Treasurer acidified by And -
hors woe accepted. A000nute were
passed and paid amounting to 618L26.
Gunnell adjourned to'neet at Leadbnry'
on Meroh 16th at 1 o'olook p. In. when
pound keepers, truce viewers and path-
maetero will be app'.inted. All reeig.
nations or other Motels will notify
Councillors before that date.
Jo. 0. Memuse1, Clerk.
Our curling club has been playing
steadily all Winter and eau put tont or
five fine rinks in the field.
A'strongly signed petition will be pre-
sented to the Council at the next meeting,
asking for a grant to the Band.
Mise Roby Horton returned from
Havergai College, Toronto, where eke
hes token a high standlug in her exams.
Mr, Puffer, of Milverton, bas been
appointed manager of the Soyereign
Beak at Zurich, Mr. Beeteoo having
been appointed to another branch.
D. Foss happened with another mis-
fortune an Sunday, which will lay him
up„for a while. In reaohing into the
oven for a etiok of wood he dislocated his
ehoulder,and had to undergo the painful
operation of having it returned to its
proper place.
The Official Quarterly Meeting was
held in the Methodist ohuroh here on
Monday afternoon of last week. On
motion an invitation was extended 10 the
pastor to remain a this'd year, also that
his salary be made 6800, the °iroult to
9e90me its portion of the superannuated
W fn=11elm-
The annual Supper of Wingham Fire
Brigade was held on Tuesday evening of
last week.
Mies Priemilla Powell, of Turnberry,
fell heavily on the slippery sidewalks in
town and injured her wrist.
Jno, and J. 13. Kerr have parohaeed J.
J. Homoth'e store, poeeeeeioo to be given
towarde the end of March. The consider-
ation is 88 900.
Mr. McKay, Who unfortnoalety lout
one eye by the bursting of the chopper at
Howson & Oo,'s mill a few weeks ago,
returned to work last week.
A meeting will be held in the Town
Hall here, on Friday evening, 76th inst.,
to be addressed by R. Holmes, M. P.
Clinton, Senator McMullen and Dr.
MacDonald. The Traneoontinental
reiiwey and other subjects wil be die -
Before removing from Wingham A.
Young was presented with a complimen-
tary address and a gold watch. Mr.
Yonne, left on Wednesday of last week to
oommenoe duty in hie new sphere, in
oonneotion with the Oonetrnotion Co,
Limited, Toronto. His family remain
here for the present.
H. 0. Bell left Wingham, for his new
home et Fort Fromm, where, in nom•
puny with ea. H. Carr (formerly of
Wingbam) and others, be is interested in
extensive timber and manataoturing
operations. Mre. Bell will remain for a
time with her parents in 0iitlroo. Prior
to Mr. Bell's removal hie many friends
preeented him with a gold watch. Dr.
J. R. Macdonald, who made the preeent-
ntion, expreeeed the regret felt at Mr.
Bell's removal.
Assessor Hamilton, has oommenoed his
duties for the pretest year.
Mee Luella Holmes is visiting friends
in Ingersoll for a few weeks.
A large brick addition is to be built be
Bmigh'e hotel next Summer.
The next monthly Fair will be bled at
Blyth on 'Tuesday, March let.
Coal shortage to quite noticeable and
the arrival of It supply ie anxiously looked
Mre. Oartie left for Englewood,Xllinoio,
where she will spend Dome time visiting
with relatives.
The eleotric lighte are turned off at
1080 eaob night now instead of 12 owing
to fuel shortege.
A. 13. Plummer ie working the South.
ern Ontario counties in the foterelte of
the Eureka cement block maohine.
A. H. Wilford, who has been attending
the Ontario Agricultural College at
Guelph for some time past, bas returned
The Bishop of Huron hag appointed-
Rev, 0. L. Mille, of Gleeherton, formerly
of Blyth, to be ino0mbent of the patieh
of Ripley,
At the quarterly Official Board of the
Methodiet ohuroh held here Bev. Jne.
13Clmee was invited back ae pallor tot
another year. The invitation wee ae•
It ie said that. N. B. perry, hardware
merobaut, may remove to the Northwest
next Spring. Be ie quite it hustler and
the Blyth people will be sorry to see
him move from town.
Mra. Anthony Surbrigg, mother of A.
Wettiauter, of Blyth, died at her residence
ie North Eaethope on Monday 8th inst.,
at the age of 79 years, 10 months and 8
days. Mr. and Mrs. Wettiaafer attended
who fnneral, which took place Thursday,
interment being made in Liugelbaok
cemetery, Smith Eaethepe. Mooed
woe a Veky ofd teeidont of North Eaothope
and for the poet 10 years resided with
her eoo.ln•iaw, Charism Cook,
Cit (trt«to.
Wm, 4ndleon hae parohaeed Mre. I.
filaudereon'e property for 81860,
81 re. Maoeer le very low at present but
undert 0 be sate o
t andoot dootor o we hopo ehe
will Boon recover,
Mies Verna Tindale, who hae spent the
Winter with her aunt, Mee Mary Boddy,
has returned to Toronto.
Quite an exciting event took place in
the home of Mrs. Jamie, Monday evening
of last wok, wheu the pipes took fire,
It looked for some time ae though the
fire was going to be 'incontrollable.
A large petty of Alex. Montgomery's
friends assembled at bis reeidenoe Orapi.e
Hill lath inst„ and presented
him with a gold headed sane and bie
good wife was suitably remembered. A
pleasant time was spent in games and
aoolal abet. Mr. Montgomery is making
preparetio0e to move to his new home in
Owen Bound where we wish him every
Lueli,»o w.
Mre, R. D. Cameron is visiting Galt
The W. 0. T. II. voted five dollars to
the Girl'e Shelter, Toronto and will
send a box of olothing.
Frank Oahe, who tae been in Toronto
for eevoral weeks past under the ears of a
specialist in that city, was aompelied to
undergo au operation for appendioitie,
At a meeting of the Official Board of
the Luokuow Methodist ohuroh, a u0•
animoue invitation was extended to Rev.
Mr. Millyard to oontione the pastorate
for another year.
A considerable movement bee been
quietly going on in our village in real
estate daring the Winter. A abort tiros
ago John Murchison parohaeed the
Campbell estate on the main street of
the village, of wbioh the Misses Camp.
bell have retained the atone Post Office
building and the valuable earner at
Campbell and Stauffer streets. Neil and
W. McKenzie have maimed the entire
brick book ; A. T. Davieon & Bon the
frame furniture store and barber shop,
and Wm. Allis the brink grocery at the
oorner of Campbell and Inglis etreete and
all the property up to and adjoining hie
Wm. Gallagher, of Salem, moved to
the farm on the 9th oon., reee0tly vacated
by Audrew Browo.
T. J. Nioholle hae rented the store in
Gorrie, recently vacated by W. Gallagher,
and will open out a general store.
The Township council met in the
Albion betel on Wednesday of last week.
All the members were present. The
printing was awarded to the Record for
this year for the name price as last year.
Mre Ella Scott, of Bpriogbauk, who Ilse
been on an extended visit to her eieter,
Mre, (Rev) Shaw, of Henault, bee re-
turned and ie spending a few days with
her Mater, Mre. A. W. Derrooh, here
before going home.
G. H. Williamson, formerly of Ford.
wiob, but now of Bottinean, N. D., bee
been ill for Home time and is not °oeval-
eeoing as quickly as hie many friends de.
eire. At first he had pneumonia and
later some trouble of the heart.
The annual meeting of the Fordwioh
Cheese mud Butter Co„ was held in the
factory. There was a good attendance
and the meeting was one of the moat
harmoniums in the history of the 0003•
patty. The following Board of Directors
was elected for 1904:—Wm. Edger, Jae.
Gibson, M, Daum, Edward Cooper, M.
Aldrich ; salesman, Jae. Gibeou ; Com-
pany's auditor, John Weber. An alter•
Mien was made in the eyetem of making
payments to patrons. During 1904
patrons will be paid by obeok, payable at
the Bank of Hamilton in Fordwiob or
Gorrie. The Company's effaire have
been well managed and ie in a healthy
°audition in every respeot.
Listtovs, el.
The wreok of the old S. A. barraoke,
wbioh had been left standing since the
fire, tae been tore down, and. will net
longer be an eyesore on Main street East,
A. Broadtool lost a One horse, one of
the matched team be need on the hearse.
The animal was foundlying deed in bie
etall on Wednesday morning of last week.
He wag a valuable beset and will be
hard to replsoe. -
A widows mudding accident happened
to. the five year old daughter of John
Wenzel, of Wallace. The little one pull-
ed over a pot of boiling water on her,
and was badly scalded about the lace and
arms. She has since Buffered very
greatly, but at loot a000u00e wae doing
well, and her reoovery is hoped for.
Alexander Baird, an employee at the
Piano factory, died tether eaddenly on
Saturday evening, 13th inst. He bad
been eabjeot to weak spells, and on Bat-
nrday was taken with one, death reeultiO3
in a few haute, He wee aged 67 years.
He leaves a wife and grown np family.
The funeral took picot, on Tuesday
afternoon to Fairview cemetery.
A meeting of the Quarterly Offioial
Board of the Methodist ohuroh, Listowel,
wee held on the 15th fust., at which a
cordial and unenimoae invitation was
extended to the pastor, Rev. J. H. Oliver,
to remain a third year, Elbowing that hie
services among the Methodist people are
highly appreciated. Iu suitably replying
Mr. Olivet thanked the Board for their
kind invitation and expressed his
wil ingneee to remain.
The annual meeting of the Publio Lib•
rary Board was held. in the town bait.
Mayor Hay, R, Bamford, J. N. Hay, G.
W. Slaughter, W. W. Ntohot, B. A., and
W. Olimie present, Mr. Bin -tighter
was appointed chairman for 1904 and
Mr. Nichol 8eoretary. Committees were
oeleotod for the year ao follows : Einehoe
Aleesrs. J. N. Hay, Niebol and Olimie ;
limit—Messrs.Slaughter, Bamford, and
Nichol I Management—Name. Murphy,
Olimie and Mayor Hay. Mico Olimie
woo re•engaged ae librarian for the year.
The annual report for 1908 was read and
adopted. II ohowe that the number of
volumes in the library ie 8,221, and that
8,946 wore oiroulated daring the year ae
todowo, Bietory 1441, Biography 120,
Voyages and Travel 457, Soienoe 180,
Genera' Literature 2291, Poetry 50, Rel-
igloos 89, Motion 4291, Miooelltuione 27,
Iteferenoe 60. The reo0ipta for the year
were 8491,40, abet tktq expenditers, lc.
eluding removal And refitting oxpeneee,
'were 96 40 more then t. °elute. 01 he
reoefpte 940.86 was derived from nttmb-
er'a cards and Onee, the town grant was
6274 and the Government grant 9174 80.
There were 090110 on booke 9192 20 and
on magazines 940.76. A motion was
adopted by the board respectfully de-
siring the town councilto take action
towards aeouring a public, library build
ing ander the root offer from Mr.
Carnegie, and expressing the willingness
of the board to assist in carrying the
ambeme to completion.
The aontraete c h new Methodist
h f t o a
ahurah et Monition hae been let, Messrs.
Horn & fielder, of thie town, kava eeonred
the oontraot for oarpeuter work and Gee,
Fritz the maeoory, brwkwork, eta, L.
N. Pletsoh will du the painting. The
church will be a modern, red briek
etroolare, with hi/Bement,bower, eta-,
coating about 97.000 oompete. W. E.
Binning who ie the architect, bee also
Mooed aootraote tor a new Presbyterian
ohuroh at Auburn to omit 96,600, and
extensive alterations and improvements
to the Preeovterian church at Seaforth,
coaling 911,000 oomplete. The seating,
heating and glass 000120ote for above
ahuroheo are not yet awarded.
Rev, Wm, Penhall, pastor of the
Methodist ohorch, bee had a severe at.
tank of la grippe,
A, W. Inglis, cousin of W'. G. and
Walter Inglis, has one to Gall, where he
hae obtained a good situation with the
firm of Goldie & MoOailoagh,
Mrs, Wm. M. Shearer is reooveriog
pioely from the tl&oto of the operation
performed some time ago in a hoepital in
Toronto. Her many friends will be
pleased to see her around once more.
M. M. Hiles, our leoal merobant, hae
Bold hie stook of dry goods, groceries,
boots and shoes, eta., to A. D. Goodwin,
of. Bloomingdale, who takee immediate
possession, Mr. Goodwin has rented
George Onrrie'e etore and dwelling and
will move hie stook there as soon ae
possible. He has engaged Rueeel Curtis
to sot ea salesman for him.
Our readere will, with us, be heartily
sorry to learn of the death of 3, H. Moore,
G. T. R., agent, which took pima fn Dem•
field on Wedneeday of Iaet week. Mr.
Moore was never a strung man at beet
and for years hae been an intense eofferer
from the effeots of heart trouble and
rbeumetio fever. He found the work of
agent here to be very laborious and went
to. Denfield seeking a lighter position, but
it seems that hie health had not improved
as result. Some weeks ago Ise bad a
severe attack of hie old trouble which left
him very weak but hereoovered enflioienl•
ly to visit Atwood and Palmerston friends
and returned to Denfield to teatime hie
work but io the coofw It
few ee a he
wae fcome a forced to tike to Ilia bed from wbioh
he never rose.
(>o(tse ries tt.
Robert Elliott hae bought 80 sores of
good bash land within reaeouable dis-
wince of the town.
The inmates of the jail number only
three now, David Patton having been
taken to Loudon and Jas. Hardy die-
Dr. F. Seaget'e reeidenoe, at Brigden,
was wrecked by the explosion of the
acetylene gas plant, and the family had
a narrow eeoape. He ie a brother to
Barrister Seeger, of thin town.
Robert Holmoe, M. P., wee in Iowa
last week. He ie trying to push matters
in oouoeotioo with the breakwater pro -
jot, and on Wedneeday Engineer Brongh
oommenoed the taking of eoundioge
th,oagh the foe,
The Spring assize court opens on Mon-
day, the 7th proximo, before the Honor.
able Justine Teelzel. There will be a
Greed Jury at thio out as the assault
case, "The King ve. Sherritt will be
tried al this oourl.
Orders for Fail goods are being reoeiv-
ed freely at the knitting taotory and the
company have a etaff of about sixty-five
bends. They have given up supplying
the wholesalers, thus being able to devote
their whole attention to their ever -in•
oreaoing bend:ion with the retail trade.
At the beginning of the yeat they moved
What Exhibitors Say
00er cent, of Pat Cattle ax Iat
Pr0rltiol01 Winter Fair, 1029, were
tad fed with
Worthlagtsu's Cannella,' Stook Tonle,
Damn Ortte,—
We have been feeding your Stook Food
to cattle for some time, aid and it to bo an
excellent touio. We have oleo ted It to
horeee and plge, and are quite euro it is the
beat Moak food we have ever tried. Our
prize winning cattle at the Provincial Win-
terP'aJr,1900, were fed Worthington's Stook
Breeder Shorthorn Oattle,
Anton, Ont,
Duan Slam,—
I find your Steak Food is a very excel-
lent Tonle for (rattle, g1Wog •them a good
appetite and seeping their dtcootive organa
ih a boaitby working (rendition, The Stour
'Boothe,' exhibited at Winter Fair, weighed
at birth 80 the„ at 85 montbn 200 lbs, making.
a gain of 66 lbs per month. It pays to feed
Worthington'e Stook Food.
Brooder Shorthorn Cattle,
D2An Bme.—
We have used your Rook Food for both
cattle and hogs and And it gives good saris.
fgaotion, Several of our cattle have shown a
ing It! over JAB. WILSmouth
N & BONS, Seed -
i Rraoder of Shorth7oru Cattle and York-
shire Hogs, Fergus, Ont.
Note the Price :
10 Ib, box, 200 feeds, 60o : 60 10, sank $2.
Manufactured by
Guelph, Ont,
For tittle by— N.F. GERRY. Brussels
H. F. M°ALLIBTER, Ethel ;
WM. MESSER, J3luevele;
' N. B. GERRY, Blyth.
their finishing room to the rear of the
building iuvolviog oonsiderabie alter-
ations, and another contemplated change
is the removal of the offices to the North•
east anther of the bailding, where more
convenient accommodation can be
J. L. Killoran, barrister, of Seaforth,
is ooming'bo Goderiob shortly to enter
into partnership with M. G. Cameron,
K. 0.. The offices of the new firm will
be those at present occupied by Mr.
Cameron and the adjoiningoffioe000upied
by the late F. J. T. Naftel. It is the
intention to have these offices thoroughly
renovated, The partnership will take
effect on the first of April next.
The result of the election of officers at
the annual meeting of the Huron Poultry
and Pet Stook Aseaoiation, wits as
follows: President, J S. Howrie ; 1st
Vine, Harry D Reed ; 2nd Vine,. Chas.
Hunt ; Ord V,oe, Jae. Hardy ; Treasur-
or, W. T. Murney ; direotore—for God
°rich, Wm, Anetay, Wm Doak; Exeter,
3. 13. Darling, Joe. Senior ; Ooottunce,
Mestere. Garter and Medd ; Clinton, A.
J. Grigg, Geo. Barge, Jae, A. King:
Auburn, Chas, Howson, Alfred Aekwltb ;
Wingham, Thos. Bower. The position ot
secretary was not fi led, as Oounoillor
Reid retailed to aoaept the position again.
Edward Martin, K. C., of Hamilton, is
Switchman, J, 0. Moody, wee killed on
the M. 0. R„ at Bt. Thomas.
The Bettie Felt Boot Company's fac-
tory was destroyed by fire. Looe
9175 000.
Alex. Stewart, R. 0., of London, will
not aoaept the oolioitorehip of the Ont-
ario Treasury.
George Larkwortby, of Mitobell, will
retire from the;bntober business in a few
weeks and devote hie time to the cattle
bneineso. Carter, Son & CO. will nom•
mance A seed and flour business' in the
L J. Barnett, of the Wallace boundary,
ie oonfldent that there is ealt ander his
farm, the water from the well he bad
drilled Iset Fall being quite saline and a
sediment of pure salt forme in a basin
when water from the well is standing in
it. The well wee drilled 160 feet.
'--OF THE ---
Bal. on hand at last audit ....9 122 75
Cash from Colleotore 14821 51
Legielative grant 397 00
Refund ofloans todrainaccount 810 00
Rent of Hall, grader and Silver
Corner's dram 112 81
License fund 56 00
Land improvement fund 188 07
Cash from Bank loans 2000 00
Cash from Bowen appeal 28 35
Grey's share from Elma Bely,18 75
Engine expenses award drains„ 20 50
W. Holmes, collection of taxes88 92
Old Iron sold 4 00
Cash for Debentures Bold 14898 98
Dash ou hand for Munioipal
drains 7858 94
Interest 202 50
Speoial levy Looking drain..., 82 88
Oeeh for deficit Bolton drain., 26 80
Total 940412 71
Roads and Bridges 8 2888 89
Stolariee 868 70
Printing 119 81
Board of Health 66 00
Schools 5872 01
Miscellaneous 281 07
Charity 40 00
County Rate 2216 00
Drain Debentures 1724 42
Coupons 677 22
Lonna and interest 2081 60
Drains and ditches 498 86
Expended on Municipal drains, 7044 82
Balance on hand and in bank., 15094 31
Total 940412 71
Cash on hand Local account ..9 779 58 Balance Gouty Rate 9 4G7 35
” " 4, for Hall drain ,., 1218 28 Debentures raer 0orneredrain 1748 65
.t 0 r, H
14thanna don, . 14880100897028
je " ' Lamont ", 6889 92
'r se" Kreuter " 91 98
0 " " Looking " .. 87 08
" el " Beauchamp" .. 2776 44
" " Fraser ". 40 84
11 14McTaggart " ., 172 22
IInoolleoted taxes 2977 48
Township Hall 1000 00
Bate 48 00
Grader - 210 00
flollootablo undet Clark drain
By-law 204 08
Loans to Municipal drains 198 00
Liabilities over assets..., 21056 20
Total .,. 942580 02
" 1807 58
" Beauchamp 't 15090 00
4274 SS
6001 97
505 81
2505 24
1574 97
912 01
598 00
8878 00
85 00
" Hall "
" 14t11 Con, "
" Gregg „
McTaggart "
Krantee "
" Hanna
" Lamont
Oolleotot'o talariee unpaid
Total ,.
949580 02
Audited and found oorreat
JXR A, Ad.ruA,IMCJ$i+I11
lileKinnon & Co.
We have /intuited etoolt•taking, and on figuring everything up we find
the year 1903 was nuc of the most eaooeeeful years III the history of
our Big Oaeb Blore, Every month eltawe a snbetanblal increase in
sates over previous years, end we take tbie opportunity of lbankipg
our nnmarone a00t0mere who kava patronized 11e so liberally, and aleo
a number of new onotomore who have oast in their lot with os darjug
the last year, who tell us they find it more eatiefaotory to trade in -a
big store where a large stook is kept to soleot from and where they
ova get nearly everything required without having to man around
from plane to pians. ,But we are never setiefied, .w0 want to make
1904 a banner year and give oar o0Btomer8 better goods sad better
values than ever before.
Six months ago we began to place orders for Spring Goode before the
vivant) 1n the price of Cotton and with few exoeptiooe we will sell'.
you Cotton Goode at last year's prioeo, although they ere worth from
15 to 20 per cent. more now. Stook -taking brings a lot of goods to
the trout wbioh moot be moved out regardless of cost. We can give
yon some great bargaime in the following lines it you get here before
they are cold :— croon me of Dress Goods, Ladies' Cloth Jaokete,
Ladies' Aetre0:—h
han Goats, Men'e Far Coate, Men'e Beaver Overooate,
Men's Baits, Men's Fur Cape, Gloves, Mille, Eto.
The Bishop, of Heron, has appointed
Rev. 0, L. Mille, of Fleehertoo, to be
iuo0mbent of Ripley.
Jesse Doen, of Chaffey township, was
oruehed to death under a shed that
Dr. F. R. Seager's reeidenoe at Brigden
was wrecked by Ike explosion of the
aoetylene gee plant, and the family had a
narrow escape.
Fire originating from the explosion of
a gaeoline engine in J. R. Palmer's bait -
cry at Tilbury spread to other buildinge,
and oaueod heavy toes.
ON JAN.t4,1804,
Two Courses—oommerolal and Shorthand.
Send for Oollege Journal,
A. L. MoINTY1tE, Manager,
} With a Gentle Hand ; ANTI -PILL.
Woman's life is a battle with nerves that sap strength
and energy. Shattered nerves aggravato and promote
chronic troubles. There is no time in n woman'• life
Anti -Pill Palle to do good.
When the Bleepfa restless, principle. Its effects are
food causes distress,, head- different from anything else,.
o2oordizz1ueoe,palno in the and there is no mistakin
or back, indigestion, pal- Its wonderful Influence. Dr.
''. pitation, appetite poor, con- Leonhardt hasrepared the
etipated, all tired out, de- formula entirely free from
pressed—just ono trial of the injurious ingredients
Dr. Leonhardt'e ANTr-PILL common to present day Pills,
will"lighten the burden" ate. It is the ideal system
that is dragging you down. treatment. Price, 50 cents
It begins its work In the per box of dealers, or by
t 4 stomach from watch the addressing WlLsorr-F'LS
blood is ted and the nerves Co., Niagara Falls, Ontario,
controlled. who will also mail free cam.
,ANTI -PILL embraces a new pie to any address,
Sold in Brussels by James Fox.
We have a small stock of Photo, and Scrap
Albums left which we will
clear out at cost.
st. r3117 Crokinole Boucle
Still on Hand.
New stock of Notepapers,
Pads, Envelopes, &c.
Central Prison
w411111 ,+71,1110 10194.7ld7Wtns nn'n.v,rWgJs,Ndh,•
We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop,
This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3
Rope Halters. Samples of the Grain ]Sags, Halters and
Twine may be seen at our store. There are 4 Brands :—
PURE MANILA, 650 feet MANILA, 650 feet
PURR MANILA, 600 feet MANILA, 500 feet
Mail orders will be carefully attended to, Special prices' on
ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. The
price will be considerably lower than the price of any other TtWLne
on the market. Prices will be officially published in the leading
papers in due time, Order early and save money.
A. M. MOKAY & Co,