The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 4• T.111 JUtU JL P0,5T OTht Vrxtu.1$ .11.1 ost. TRIMS 04 , FWB. 25, 1904. Huron County Council. The adjourned melon of the Baron Co. Cannon woe oalled to meet on Tues. day afternoon of kat vveek. At three e'oloole the members preemie were Mamma Caneelon, Connolly, Gunn, Look. hart, MeNsoghion, Pattereon end Young, On account of the continued snow bleak. tide the other members of Coattail were delayed an adjournment was made till the:evening at 7.80 o'olook. °poet* nage in the evening, all the neenabere present except Meseta. Bloke, McLean and Kerr. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Tender for addition to the House of Refuge and letter from N. Stevens, of Clinton, were referred to Executive Committee. Patine referring to Children& Aid Etheiety wag reoeived and sent to Exacta tive Committee, Amounts read and gent to Finance Committee trona Sepal office, Co. Print. er, Gerrie Vidette, News.Reoard, Clinton, Exeter Timee, Standard, Blytb, Wrox eter Star, Beattie Brae. and Carswell & Go, Moved by Mr. Gunn, seconded by Mr. Miller tbat liming learned with regret that our worthy and reepeoted Go. Connoillor J. B. MoLeen, of Div. No, 5, havingmet with au aocoidett and is one.ble to be in attendanoe. We hope he will soon be restored to his peal good health, suggest that hie name be plaited on the pey roll for *hie meeting and that a copy of thie resolution be sent by the Clerk to Mr, MoLean. Carried. Moved by far.Durnin, eeoonded by Mr. Captelon that we instruct the Clerk to write to Bead masters of Goderioh, Clin- ton and Seaforth Collegiates to find how many mile are attending their wheels non•resident of Boron Co, and ask True tees to =One demands for auy amounts thee should be colleted from other Counties. Carried. Moved by Mr. Gann, eeoondeed by Mr. Young that Oleos 3 of the Education Oommittre'e report of the Jemmy seseion be referred beak to the Coupon for reconsideration. Carried. Oa motion of Messrs. Young and Spellman the ()Deceit adjertened to meet Wednesday morning. Council reaumed per adjournment with Masan. Bloke and McLean absent. Cleat:dee letter aekieg that delegates 138 appointed to attend a meeting to wait upon the Loose Legislature. Sent to Special Committee. Messrs. Spackman and Pattereon moved that By law No. 2 of 1897 be amended by striking oat the words "all accounts for granting Rey sum of money by the Council" be atrioken out. Sent to Exeontive Committee. Tbe Council dimmed vedette =tilers of interest and on motion of Blesses. Miller and Ferguson adjourned until 3 p, m. On reeuming Clause 3 of the Edatuttion Conaraittee'e report was reoonsidered. Mr. Patterson in chair in Committee, whioh reported that Orange be strook oat and the following added :— "Tbat the queation of claim and amount of same be left with the Warden, Soliaitor, Treae• neer ea Clerk to determiue." In °outwit report passed as amended. Report of Go. Property Committee WAS presented with Mr. Lookhart in chair in 0 Committee. Report paeeed. In Council it was moved by Mr. Lookbart, eeoonded by Mr. Durnin that the please of changing the mode of heating the Jail be defected for the preeent. Lost on a di. vieion. Yeas Messrs. Durnin, Lockhart, Patterson twit Speakman, 4. Naye, Messina Cantelon, Connolly, Ferguson, Gunn, Kerr, Lamont, Miller. McNaught. on end Young, 9. Report wan then adopted. Metiers. Williams and Field addressed Connoil as to allotting a room ab Hauge of Refuge for ohildren who name under Ohildrens' Aid Society, as a temporary stopping Report of Spottier Committee wee read, W. H. Herr oacopyiug chair in Com. mittee. Report was amended by alb- etituting 2 for 8 delegatee in the proposed delegation to Toronto. Report watt left on the table owing to time of adjourn. went having arrived. The °peon assembled Thursday at 10 e. m. Letter read from Mr. BleLean stating that be bad broken hie leg and wee unable to attend the Connell. Letter was filed. Mr, Lockhart informed the Coonoil that Chas. Bowler, now in Parry Sound, Perth Oo. where they pow ere ettatthed, that they be allowed the 260 per man hi nee Perth Oo. doeti not make eimilar grant. (Berried, rime, gontalon, For. go -on, Gunn, Kerr, Lookbart, lather, MoNeughton, Pattereon mad Speakman, Nays, Connolly, Derain, Lamont ated Young, 4, Moved by ear, Pattereon, geconeled by Mr, Miller that ohms° 14 of Exeoutive Comenitteeei report) be amended and a grout of 6600 mode to repair rood across "prairie", South of Wingbam 0» oondition that the three nenniolpalities interested grant 6300 senile Lost. Yeae, Far. Peon, Kerr, Lookbart, Miller and Patterson, 5. Nays, ()au talon, Cannella, Durnin, Gunn'Lamont, MoNaugbton, Spaakenen and Young, 8. M, ved by Meagre. Lockhart and Pen. peon that the question of reeponeibility of the County with regard to prairie road leading to Wingham, be referred to Co. Engineer to be reported on at the June Benton of that Council. Loot, Yoea, Forgotten, Loci:that, MoNaughton and Patterson, 4. Naye, Cantelon'Con nolly, Durnin, Gunn, Kerr, Lamont, Miller, Speokmao and Yooug, 9. The report was theu adopted as amended, Report of House of Refuge Committee was read and in Committee, Mr. Lamont monied the obeir. The report pacified by adding to Manes 2, that the Committee if they think advisable, advertise tor applioants for Keeper and Micron or both to be placed before Jane meeting. Report of Road and Bridge Committee wee taken op, Mr. Spaoliman hi the °hair in Committee, Report passed with. oat ameadment. Mews. Young and Gann moved that this Connell regret the absence or Mr. Bloke and recommend that his name be,pleeed on pay liet. Careied. Moved by Messrs Kerr and Speakman that By-law No. 4, passed in 1886, re. ferning to Go. Engineeret duties be amended by wilting oat tbe words "At his own expense" atter the word persone in the 44ch line of By•lev, Carried Moved by Aila. Gunn, seconded by Mr. Yoang that the tendere for the proposed addition to the Honee of Refuge be now submitted to the Oonnoil. Carried. Moved by Mr. Speakman, seconded by Ale. Ferguson that no nation be taken iu the erection of addition to Hones of Be fuge this session. Moved in amendment by Mr. °antigen, seoanded by Mr. Con. nolly that we proceed with building of addition and that we extend the period of paymeos for the same over 16 yeare, the building to be e000rding to plane and specitleatious prepared by Arobiteot aloBride, of London. Carried. Yaffe, Clantelon, Connolly, Durnin, Grine, Kerr, Learners, Miller, and Young, 8. Naye, Ferguson, Lamont, Mantughton, Pet.. tereon and Spaokman, 6. On motion Council adjourned to 8 o'olook. Council reenmed when supple- mentary report of Executive Committee was read and adopted. Report ot Fine.nae Committee was read and with Mr. 141111er in chair was adopted. Moved by Mr. Lamont, mended by Mr. Connolly that Metiers Yonag and Tatterson be a Committee to not with the Jailer in euperintending the plaoing of.the heating eyetem in jail. Carried. There were three madam for tbe brtild• ing of the addition to the Hope of Refuge, all of them ooming from Olinton. They were ;—B. Cooper, $9,000 ; Steve. ene & Sterling, 69,960 ; and T. Alotenzie, $10,606. Moved by Mr. Darnin, eeoonded by ear. Young, that the lowest tender, that of S. S. Cooper, of Clinton, et 69000, for building the proposed additiou to the House of Refuge, be accepted on non dition that he comply with plans and specifications, sign °entreat and turnish nthaseary fieentity. Carried. Yew', Can. telon, Connolly, Dentin, Gnnn,Look. hart, Lamont, MoNaughton, ergueon and 'Young, 9, Nays, Kerr, Miller, Pat- terson and Spaokraen, 4. Moved by Air. Lockhart, contended by Mr. Lamont that the appointment of 'motheaten for the proposed building be left in the hands of the Building Com- mittee with power to tot. Carried. Neoessery Beelaws were prised flee which Conned conelnded adjonring to meet on Mee first Tuesday of June next at 8 p. m. eroarer, 00010ITT011. In regard to the communication from be Conottee of Sent, Elgin, and North. mberind relative to the Go. Coattail's Aot amendment paeeed at the amnion of the Provincial Legislature in 1908 we would recommend that the preeent tu- atara for election of Go. Connoillare remain as it is under the Municipal Aot of 1896, believing the Ant as it now is ie mug general satisfaction. We advise hat a resolution to that effeot be signed y the Clerk and 'Warden and forwarded o the Provincial Legielaturs. We re. commend no gotten re the letter from South Wentworth Farmers' Institnte re Emigration. After ooneidering the oom. rnunioation from the Go. of Bram relation to Tax Sales we ooneider the ren p solutioosed at Deoember session °aven the ground. We reoommend that the opinion of the Go. Solioitoe regarding HOltneeVille grant be printed in the nein. utee. In referenoe to F. Anderson's aomeannioation comoerning school monies Wenn be laid over for further consider. ation. In reference to motion of Blesere. Speakman and Pattereon as to obanging Bylaw No. 2 passed in 1897 we reoom. mend the amendment, Begirding letter from Northumberland Co. asking Goan. oil to send delegate to wait on Ontario Government relative to proposed changes in Municipal management we recommend that three deiegatee be sent from Mlle Counoi 1. Ronr.114relden, Chairman, 00. PROPSIMI clatIMITTDE. We examined the jail and found every. thing in good order edd the number of repeater, to oorreepoad with *legal tepee and recommend that leis report be print. ed in the minutes, Rthommend that the euppliee for Turnkey's bedroom iton• fasting of 2 rutte, a dressing etand, e entitain and pole and email table, be graothd, Co. Clerk to have ermervision of the poet:than, We reoommend that hot evilest eyetem of beating the jail be put in ad that tender ot C. Lee, God. oriole, be aooepted et 6628, Janet Griffin to have excavating necessary done by prison labor, We vieited Registry Office and Cottelt Howie and Wind everything to good order, Advisee improvethente in Judge Doyle'e offioe, viZ waintiootting, painbiug and graining of table. Reword. mend the purchase of a revolving ohaie, oovered hi b etool and a inntain to vete hooka n D. MaDoetaid'e °fries. In AttOrneyet offiart eve adVitte that board wishes to be committed to the Hones of Refuge. Matter was referred to the Honse of Refuge Committee, Special Report wae again taken up in Couln' Committee's, Beloved by Mr. Young, impended by Mr. Ferguson that olanee 7 of report be etruak oat end no delegation sent to Toronto. Loeb. Nays, Cantelon Connolly, Dar- nin, Gunn, Lamont, tither, AloNaughton end Spackman,8, Yeas, Fergueon,Look. hart, Kerr, Patterson and Young, 6. Moved 'by Mothers. Lockhart and Far. peon that the Report be amended and that 8 delegates be sent, consisting o2 the Warden and Blesses. Connolly and Lane. Lost on following division :—Yeas, Con. natty, Durnin, Ferguson, Lockhart, Lamont, end Speakman, 6. Nays, Can talon, Gunn, Rare, Miller, MoNaugh- toe, Potbereon, and Young, 7. Moved by Mn. Durnin, eeoonded by Ale. Lemont that otanse 7 be amended by appointing O delegates and that the Warden and Messrs. Connolly and Kerr go, Loeb. Yeas, gonnolly, Deruin, Leolthart, Lamont, Patterson and Young, 6, Nuys, Cantelon, Fergueon, Gunn, Here, Miller, MoNaugh. tote and 8paakman, 7. Moved by Mr. Gann, seconded by Mr. Young thea Meuse 7 of the eeport be amended by inserting 3 &epees, they to be the Warden, and Wear& Connolly add Miller, (Warted. Yeas, Cantelon, Con boll er, Derain, Ferguson, ednti, MoNaughton and Young, 8. Naya, Kerr, Lockhart, Lan:tont, Patter. eon, Speakman, The report then pased. Rotten of Executive Go0101ittOe 0008 peattented with Ale, gantelon in the chair. The report pasted in gootroittee up to clang° 14, when the Cotinoil adjourned on Wallet of Mouth. Kerr and Speakman till the afternoon tet 2 e'olook. Go resuming the Igxedutive 00113131H. tee% meet wail Whale ep and report pegged. Moved by Meeere. Ferganon and Gaut. elan that in the event of Copt, 11,1,i0O'S 00 Volunteer (Ehertie) attending camp in CO • petition be out down, that More room be fitted up in attic ter books, end that walls be papered, work to be done under supervielon of Go, Clerk and oflthiele of vweioue Nome intereeted. We reoom. mend that a meter oloeet be pee in jury room for poomnetthatiou of Judges at time f Courts instead of dry earth ',Peet proposed se 'Wee le oontrery to town By.law, work to be under direction of go. Olerk and Mail m in of Committee. 'Zoom, Otthirtuan, Mr. Lathhart occupied the Chair in Committee when report wee carried and afterward adopted in the Council, a re solution by Messrs. Lookhart and Durnin to strike out hot water eyetem jail being defeated by 9 to 4. 110170 OP ncruar 001414133011. We are pleased to report that Mrs. French is still matron at the Moose of Refuge and no steps have been taken as yet to swam the services of another rastron. We recommend that in eon. nection with the employing of a Keeper Or Matron or bah for the Hope that the House of Refuge Committee be eun powered to swore the necteseary help temporarily in cage of emergency and to ask for applicants in case of vaottooy and plaoe them before the June seselon of this Council. We 000.0003a0ci that the telephone formerly in W. Coats' office, as House of leafage Inspector, be trausferred offioe of Inepeotor Torraeoe. We audited amounts 1186 to 1148 inolueive. These ea:aunts date from Dere let 1908 to preseut tinee,e_we find the mune correct. H. SPActithiAN,Clbairnien. ROAD AND MUDGE 0031101113013. We recommend that Go. Eugineer's report be aooepted and perused in the minutes. Year Committee examined all the tenders for bridgee reoeived by the Engineer in response to hie advertise. ment, known as the Westfield bridge, Howiok & Grey, Wingbam and the Kirkton bridge. The diff,rent tenders for steel superstructure are :— A. Dick & Eioa, Alton, Ont., Wingbam bridge, open 70 feet 61280 Flowtok & Grey " 70 " 1280 .Kirkton," " 60 " 951 Hamilton Bridge Go. Westfield bridge span 220 feet.66788 Wingbam 1087 Howiok & Grey " 1087 Kirkton 674 King Bridge Go,, Cleveland, Westfield bridge 64900 Wingham " 1080 Howlok& Grey" 1080 Kirkton 767 Banter Bridge Co., Kincardine, Weetfield bridge $4980 Wingham " 1076 Howie& & Grey " 1075 Xirkton 767 Diokeon Broe , Wingham bridge e1365 Kirkton 853 We would advise that the tenders from the Hooter Bridge Go. be accepted for P7eettield, Wingbam and Bowiok & Grey bridges and that the Kirkton bridge be given to to the Hamilton Bridge Oo. if the work is undertaken by our Go. this mason, the question of building bridges to be in obarge of oar CO. Engineer. For the abutments the following tenders were reoeived :— Frauk Guttridge, Seefortb Westfield, centre abutment $6 50 nob, yd. end " 5 60 " " Wingham 4.75 .1 .. flowiuI & Grey 41 5 00 f t Kirkton " 4 5,60 .. Mr. Barber, Wingbam Winghern' abutment 4 76 Howiok laGrey " 4 75 " Frank Nagle, Millet Westfield, all abutments 5,85 " " We would recommend that the tenders for the Westfield and Kirkton bridges be given to Prank Guttridge : the Wiughana and Etowick & Grey to Chas. Barber ; that our Co. Engineer be instructed to exatnine plane and specifloations and Meet eatiefttotory eeourity be given for the oompletion of the work, D. CANTELON, Chairman. EXSOOTIVIt 000101TT00'S ASSORT. We reoommend the following grantor applied for ;-610 00 for flowers at Court Hope ; $20 to Sick Children& Hoepital, Toronto ; $25 to eaob Farmers' Institute in Co. ; 818 to each Pablie Library ; and 620 to each agrioeltural end Horticultural Satiety holding Faire in 1904. No notion oopereing South and East Heron Women& Inatitoten and gonentroptive Saniteritim, We recommend that the tender of 3. T. Goldthorpe for wood for jail at 8415 per aped be aooepted. Wo have examined etatemente reoeived from Oollegiates in the County e and find the amount° to be paid for the year 1904 as follows :—Eleafortb, 62 865 57 ; (Pluton, $2,108 08 ; Goderieb, 01,800 00. We are in Raver of the grant to all schools doing Ountionation work being the Flame tie lest year. In referencia to regneet of Col Young, 88rd Reg., asking for 6600 to Beta piement pay of privates in Bump. We reoommend that above amount be granted but not in eny pee to exceed 26 pate per day, Committee begs leave to report that 8 bender; were received for building additton to Hope of Regugo and leaving oonsidered the importunate of thio matter refer it beak to tbe Cloonan. In regard to regent from Jae. Mitobell, President of Children' Aid Society, taking tor a grant, we recommend that the sum of 850 be granted. We advise that the ap• plication for gratin' to road improvement from the "Prairie" road South of Winge ham, the Aux tthable, and big swamp in flay be not entertained. B. 53. Gnutt, Chairman, 11 A BROAD STATEMEST. This ennonneement it made without any qualifioation. Ftern•Roid ie the one preparation in the world that guarantees it. Hem Redd will ante any ease of Piles. 79 18 in the form at a tablet. It le the only Pile remedy need internally, It is impossible to oure eateblished or. ptn ee of Piles with ointentt, supposit We, injectiohet or outward appliances. p A arantee is triaged with every p0ek. age of Hem Reid whit% oontaine wonther treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about Sold in Brtuthele by Jas. Fox, ty the will of the late Rev, Fthan Kneel, of Stratford, reoently regietered hie property Valued at between $8,000 end 64,000 is begueethed Re followe 81,000 to the St. Vineenb ole Peal Soolety, of Stratford, foe the relief of the poor ; 61,000 for a Meneakittl window in Si Joeeph'e (throttle end 5 monument in Avondale cemetery ; $250 for Mesas. Twelve shares of the DQminfon Stings to Investment Soelety etook to be divided aggelly between hie former heueelteepers, lire. Bridget Either and Mies Isabella AleoDooelel ; hie library to the RC Rev. P. P. feloEvaa, Riehop of London ; the residue to his Meter, now Margaret 0. Kilroy, ' Presbytery of Maitland. On January 29th, the Presbytery of Maitland met pro re nate, in the Preeby. teriau church, Lac:know, Rev, D. Perrie, moderator of Preebytery, presided. Tbe ocnthregation booming reoeived notice, was also present. The meeting wee opened with clevotionel exeraises, ooncluoted by tbe medersaar. There wee a fair attend- ant:tool members of the Preebytery. It with moved, eeoonded acid agreed to that Rev- A., Miller, of Athileld, ant fee Presbytery olerk pro tore. It was aleo unenirnously agreed to approve the con. dno* of the Moderator in haviog oalled the meeting. The moderator having stated the object of the meetiug, and it having been ex. plaieed that the congregation bad 60011 duty oited to appear for its intereat, Rev. A. Mitoltay was requested to address the Presbytery oonoerning hie resignation whioh he had sent to the moderator. Mr. Maokay then addreseed the court awl ex. phoned the eatteee of the stop he had taken, and expreseed tbe hope that bis reeignatiou would be aooepted. A petition was presented to the Preeby- tery eigoed by 135 members and 92 ad- herents, praying that the minieter,e resignation be not aooepted. Also a doeument was promoted whioh had been gent from a meeting of the congregation held OP the previous Monday, &eking that Rev. A. Maokeylbe retained as pastor. At thie meeting of the congregation 25 dale. gates bed been appointed to represent matters to the Preebytery, and the maj• ority of these were now preeent, Three representatives from the ammo» were heard and the delegates who were present from the meeting of the congregation were then regnested to address the port. All the speakere referred in the highest; tempi to Rev. Mr. Basokay's ability, the evangelical obaraoter in hie pulpit minis. tratione, and to bis faithfulness and assiduity as a pastor, going in and going oat among the families of hie flook, visit. hog the siok and the healthy with exaept. ional faithielness. Reference walla also made and statistical stibmitted, in regard to the very subetantial increase in mem- bership in the congreption during the sixteen years and a half of Mr. Mackay's neinietry. One or two of the speakers whilst expreeeing their regret at the air. oumetenees, would not press for the non. acceptance of the resignation, provided that the minister bim.elf was desirous that it should be accepted, Thereafter Mr. Healthy was beard in reply, and ex. preened hie appreciation of the kindly manner in whioh the epeakers had refer. red ba himself pereonally, but be did not See hie way to ooneent to the withdrawn( of bis resignation. The following resolution was Veen neov. ed by Rev. R. MacLeod, of Rieley, and seconded by the Rev. 3. Malcolm, of Teeewater, end agreed to :—"That the Preebytery accept of the molar:tattoo of Itev. A. letaokay, of tbe pastoral charge of Luaknow congregation, and in doing it Preebytery would p0000 record ice sor- row at losing the services of one of its members most highly respected by every congregation within its bounds. During the sixteen yeare of hie tniuistry over the Luoknow congregation, Mr. Maokay hag proved himself a workman not needing to be aehamed, rightly dividing the word of troth, and as a proof of tbe goodwill of the congregation towards him, at the meeting beld last Monday to consider matters relating to his reeignation, a unanimous vote was passed wishing him to withdraw his reeignation. Not only as a faithful minister of the Gospel did Mr. Maokay prove him -elf, but also me a member of the Presbytery, always willing and faithful ib discharging all the duties devolving upon biro. The Presbytery would reoommend him to the guidance and keeping of the great Shepherd of the sheep end would bope that a field would soon be open for him where he might labor tie in the past foe the eaten- aion of the Master's kiegdom. Members of the Presbytery then spoke in the highest terms of Mr. Maokay's min. istryeas being one oharaoterized by faith. fetuses anti by no balavvay conviotione re• goading pep] truth. He Was spoken of as being oioet exemplary in hie own family, having exceptional goalifloations as a visitor among the people, and being exceedingly obliging among big brethren injthe Presbytery. Mr. Maokay in allow remarks reciprocated the kindly feelinge beyxtpertey,esed by the members of the Pres. 1414PPlaripm004444.4444P40 FX0. 26, 1904 Rey, S. AL Whaley, of Bt. Helens, wail I SEAL ESTATE. appointed to doolaro the palpit man* and thereafter to at asModerator of ------- eieesion during tbe vaoanoy. The oold.etorege building at Trenton was knitted, laming a loss of uboot 660,000. Robert Jaffray bite been chosen Chair, Man of the Tetnisistiroing Railway gommieelote Bon. Rol •'phe roleux, Solieltor- General, was re•eleeted in Gaepe, Que., by aoolarnatioo. Ales. Octahrane, an old lady living alone near Olipbant, Brune county, was foetid fro zen to deet -h. The Dominion Fair in Winnipeg will be held the lain week in July and the fleet week in August, J. M. Molevoy, barrister, wee nom. hutted for the Commons by the Liberals of East Middlesex, John E. Bohissier wee mailed to death between two truces in the Vtotoria Harbor Lumber Company'e yard. Barnet 'Wein le under arrest at Mont. Waal on a cheep of having absconded with 68,800 from I, Weiner, & Go., Phila. delpbia. Fire in Woodstock on Sunday morning eaoeed by leaking gas,deetroyed the stook of J. O. Trotter, clothier, end damaged the pablio library, upstairs. At Stratford Aesizes Elias Meihna woo totted guilty of manslaughter in retheing to cell a dootor for hie sick daughter, and watt let go on appended sentence. STOCK FOR SERVICE 17t, ERKSBIRE BOAR FOR SER. I-, woo —The undersigned will keep for Serviee 00 09* Lot 17, Om 7, Morrie, 8 nor& bred Rerkelaire Boar, bred by W. R. Dur- ham, Ymk Lodge, East Toronto, Pedigree may be seen on application Terms, $1,00, with privilege of returning ff neoeseary, 28-t1 JAS. NIOROL, P1oprietor, IMPORTANT NOTICES ABOUT 25 cords green hardwood want. ed. G. A. DEADRAN, Bruseels. - - QHORT HORN - YEARLING 1._7 Bull for sale, red in oolor and brad from let prise stock. Lot 23, 000.15, Grey, J. D. McNeill, Proprietor, Oranbrook P. 0, 1410.8 SALE—LOT 207 AND .1 dwelling thereon, North-west corner William aud Albert streets, Brussels. 49-tf J. LECKIE. MONEY TO LOAN.—$25,000. We have the above amount of pri- vate funds to loarken real estate mortgages at 44 and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re -pay- ment and cute of loan moderate. PBOUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, Barristera, 40., Godermh, THORO' I3RED SHORT HORN e..I Bolls for sale, One is 1 year old and the other two younger. Also several regist- ered cows and netters. Apply to JAMES 13012111, Lot SO, Oen. 6, Morrie Twp., Bono. eels P. 0, 22-0f BLACKSMITH SHOP FOR BALE.— In the County of Helton, Naesagaweya township, iu the Village of Moffat. On this lot is a good stone chop 400*0 feet, with full set of tools, 8100 a good Urge frame houao, good frame stable and driving house, au itore of manual with entail orchard and good well. Property 10 situat- ed in good farming hmallty. No opposition within 5 miles enure, lie to oonvonienoe Property is e of a mile (rum school, less than 803100000 walk to oburch or 0. 1', 20, station; good woodworker shop in untrec- Ron and store and postoffloe in omega. Moffatt is 12 relies from Guelph, 25 melee from Hamilton and 12 miles from the Cop. ty town of Milton. For further partioulare apply to the undersigned TEO& TAYLOR , Moffat P. 0., Bolton 00. 006, 28.4 WANTED A man to represent "CANADA'S 088A3. 800Nvosencts" iu the town of Brunetti and aurrounding country, and take order° for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES in Fruit Tema, Sewell Fruits, Ornamentals, Maids, ROHS, Vines, Steed Potatoes, &e. Stook true to name and free from Sen Jose Saab. A permanent poeition for the piglet man on either salary or oommieeicto. Stone & Wellington PONTaILL 10UR8ER1108 SO -Om over 000680005 TO 3ONT0, - ONTA RID AUDITORS' ABSTRACT —OP 1..flABM TO RENT, BEING LOT 4. 80, Com ICI, Grey. There ale 100 force, 00 Peer aultivaelen. Apply to Josnra P. 10131010812, on the premium', or Alonorieff P. 0. 2141 1ARM FOR SALE CONTAIN. I 104 00 ambit, being North lativee of Lotti 15 awl 16, Bon. 1, Grey, comfortable 108000 house, bank bora, orohard, 40. 010Y 4 miles from Atolotwoi th. Goon Ideality and floe roade. m Galata poesesalon. 2! lana Is not sold by ond of month it will be rented if suitable truant offers. For fur. thor particulars apply to or write 18.0! W. 11. 12131601,022000e1e, GOOD FARM FOR SALM,— P110 nudersigned otters for gale her excellent fano, located 00 actu, 10, Grey township, and °matelot:1g 103 'acres, There is u comfortable troone ootter, bank been, good Mixing Feed, Dreher , doe. 00 Wee prinnises. 1larm is well drained and fenced. It le also will watered by the river Reit. land and an invaluable Boring. Convenient to market, 'wheel and ohurehes. For prieo, terms and other particulars apply on promises, 0011 by letter to MRS, T. OAL- BUR, Proprietroes, Oran brook 1',», 006( 1 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, ing Lot 11, L'on, 4, Grey town - gbh), 00 Exert olt ared , balance bush; There Is a good house, bank burn, orchard, .Zo. Well fenced and farm in good oondition 105 08008 01 Full W1100111. 6 mike from lirue- Belo ; only # of a :MHO from ohutob and 11 miles from school. 1 osseesien eould be given to suit the pbrehaser, Vet 10r- ther particulate as to price, ternte, dee., ap- ply on the premium to A, 00001, Proprie- ter, Or at TUB POST, Greene's, 02.01 TrARMS FOR SALE. — 350 autos flrat.chtse lend in the Township of Grey-1,ot 16, Goa. 14, 100 0.01.06 Lot 17, flou 14,100 euren ; and WI 1.01 18, Oon. 14, 00 aores-250 acme All excellent. 00 ndi• Woo with flest-olass buildingi ; brick house with all modern conventenees, and large bank barn, root and straw heave, stabled, &O. Well watered. Prom 85 to 40 88008 of good hardwood bush. Lot 10, Oen. 10, eon- tainiug 100 eons 00 first -elm laud, good frame house and largo bank barn nearly new. The property can be sold in two or three panels to suit pUrebexere. Terme liberal. Also a 001121110(11 OM dwelling house and lot tn8,ueeole, For fu ther partieu. la= apply to the owner on the premise:4 LAUGHLIN MoNkliu, or to JNO. Brussel& 21.tf BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS The Regular Monthly Horne Fairs will be beld as follows :— THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 h, 1904 MAROH Brd, 1904 APRIL 7th, 1904 A. Dumber of leading local aud foreign buyers will be in attendance, Parties wishing to sell live stook of any description, or other ohattels, by auction, at mob Faire, ORO have the same attend• ed to by oonemuniaating with the under. eigoed before date of Fair. F. 8. SCOTT, Clerk. STILL IN THE OLD STAND While we are not given much to puffing up our business in the public print we desire to thank our numerous customers for the hearty support accorded us in 1903, and to state that we are still in the old stand ready to attend to their wants. Wood work repairs promptly attended to and all departments of blacksmithing, with a specialty made of Horse -shoeing and lob- bmg. As we have spent 18 years in Brussels we think we are cora- potent to understand the wishes of the public to a good extent. Call and see us. S. T. PLUM Thomas street, Brtheeele. Frog & Wed McCaughey Block Item,ember our Bindere, Mowere, Rakes, Harrowe, Cultivators, Drills, eat., are not excelled by any in the market. If Tau are i, Need of any Farm revisit° we have it at a RIGHT, price. This is the Place for rare values in Cutters and Sleighs, Harness, Cream Separators, Pulpere, Washers and Wringers. . To Come inspect our Stook and get our Prices ie your Golden Opportunity if you are a tiller of the eoil. Wagone, Buggies, Hay Loader,., Forks and Bliuge, Windmille, Tread Powers, Epilog° gutters, 40, handled in seamen. Neil S. McLauchlin, AGENT. 1 Choice Stock of ROBES RUCS &0., &C. A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been opened up consisting of —BLACK GALLOWAY —SASKATCHEWAN --7•GREY GOAT, —GRIZZLY BEAR and MOUNTAIN BEAR. •••••.......1•••••• —Plush and Wool Rugs, a very choice lot. —In Horse Blankets a large stock is carried and sold' at Close Prices. IJ. DONALDSON Repairing' Promptly Attended to BRUSSEL S. Sign of the Horse's Head TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS CUTTERS aid SLEIGHS FOR THE YEAR 1903 RECEIPTS. egoalo on hand 8464 18 Belln ioi pal taxes 10685 27 Non-resident taruiS 5 87 Wawanoeh Bdy. line aponnt8 10 Receipts for timbee and lumber on toed 8 50 Lioenee fend 84 67 Interest 28 80 Asseeement re Lamont drain 11 PO Legialaeive school grant 298 00 W. Kerney, work with grader4 70 Leans 400 00 Debentures re Lamont drain4468 71 W, H. Kerr, J, P., Finee....., 8 00 Total . 619865 80 EXPENDITURE, Roads and bridgee 6 1919 74 Mithellaneotth 281 68 Board of Health 9 00 OMoer'a salariee 735 00 Printing se 00 TRIM 1953 13 Law Costa 1 00 Loans 400 00 801101)1 A 6217 64 Ze0ereet 00000 ... • k. 4 • 8 25 Charity . „. • 18 00 Lamont drain 4459 11 Debentures 710 00 TOW 818687 55 AiiiiiI/TS. LIABILITillIs. ORA OP 110.11(1 8 8678 25 County Rate ................$ 2361 00 Doloalleoted than 682 98 Debenture cm Lemont drain., 4484 68 nem Grader ..... . .... 200 00 Debentueee on ti. 8. 8. No, 12, Tovenehip thli ....... ..,970 00 ' Worth. 8 Mil tett., ....... e .. 1600 00 ••••••••• 6 5431 28 Total 8889688 As the Summer trade is over I heartily thank my Customers for their patronage and wish to state that I have put in a full stook of Cutters and Sleighs. BEST MAKES LOW PRICES We would ask you to call stock before purchasing els All kinds of Repairing promptly attended to. and inspect our ewhere. and Re -painting Liabilities of the ToWnship et Moretti for the year endite Deeeterber 314, 1908, correot abstract etatement of the Reoeipte and EXpenditure and of tho &sett' and We, the undereigned Auditor°, hereby &Mete the foregoing to be a tene and D4 N. J0n/161,0N At/Monte M. BLACK } Thainteer's Offloe, Feb, 4th, 11004, CARRIAGE BUILDER, BRIISSELS. • '1 ry. • el