The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 2F� i � , , . . . I - . . I- � I -111. 1. I I .. . I , - I I I - -1 I - I �7 1-11- 1111-- . ", %,—,— , - - -1 I -1 _ I . I I 1, � . 111--.1 I..
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. other nation than Hispaniola, would `But are not Soot and Eng- q61V,,9kA9hV9ZL
--Z<<'1*#Y01g<44A, -<4�r -IC�e<<-pI . , ,9G9j9Z give your young anlinalat too amselt. ABOUT BRITISH OWING
Isk< � JISIC ,1C<51E1'.< have been condemned long since, Illail, one?" comfort and warnith.
I 'y Fortunately,
in the glorious, slatiost "Thank, God, not The desire to 1;6 Too much oLross anti not be put up- —
Inhasr 01111100 Of 1`412110ttO, tenta[litt In'.1vidual and to remain So, Pro- oil the ananner in which cows Are GRZAT
. V did .. Still, tile fact made I XmCnEASr = STL'AR
not Inattol 'qLVVGS each of us Silva and strong, $1 0 - treated in the stables. AND SAIL.
. . Another point, towards his estlina ,6
. ,I the 11tsipau-iolitia army. to like competition between traders, tile . A cow soon copies to JlJte or dis- —
' A WORTS LOVE vi".",' N THE MR �,
W higher natiosaill rjvftjl,y Illakes till ),a- ;� qti ]tile a Person who carais for her, ao� Sir 0, rurluess Defeat& the Mani,
. W . The parade-groluid )Yes quite a , opectiol or each other", 1;&Z49ZZ9g91,,941�bZ6Z carding to the way 1. Which She is . J
. W . — I mile long by about half a mile In "Alit bo you cru a Scot.,, . "is, time Industry that; Bears
Y1 , broatith. noia nector Indt1his first handled, Il- , the 11stion, ,Twat,
I vlow of the point trace ist; g Ivo 1#�Voasc, than that," laughed RECP THIG FAItM BUSY, fit them by name,
,at I I'lit Your calve, talk to them, am
I � . OR, A BROTHER'S PROMSE their soft name to the island, They Iloctor, "much warso-I tun what 'a To inalto money fttruijug it is * same at call tile fiscal quilatlon, Sir 0, plurneps,
I Speaking At West Hartlepool on
� I i ow-losed Ilia ground oil three sides, coiled it Righlander." liar_ Illy Soon learn to c
I assary to run the farm oil a prInQf- land to vxpuct a at or a gentle M,P,, said that h1r, Oliamberl,lial do-
a A little shadow of Inquiry darken- lc similar to that of the morchalt. stroke. chood At Liverpool. tlial, we waro be.
t_�` tbuir featlwry green tops casting
I C114PTLU VII -(Continued.} soon ,its you can. 11an, going to go grateful sihatlow on tile hot blacl�, ad tile whiteness of liar brow.
I grit, that to walk oil was It torture. The merchant don't Stock tip with Good food will be lost on it cow in overtaken by forlaiguare in the
When thi Walter had gone Rector ,ranivill:ng to cat." Along Ono of the sides stret,ebed All "Tlow shall losaxplain? Perhaps winter goods !it spring, not, with that Is cruelly or evLrolessly troatod, matter of 6hippilig. To prove it Ile
'",oat to oil. of his portmanteaux and , Hector site Ilia fruit And drank I'LIS Hine of carriages, the Smart vit,il,orlas you have the Built distlactions here. spring goods in fall. Neither does he A differencia of twenty-fiva per cent. Stated that from 10flo to :LV)0,J the
drow out ,Ilia handle of documents 'wine as lie dressed, and in ten rtiin- find lotaboving baxonclies of the is-; it Is the difference between one born keep tot, sale ilia Some sort of goods •-in product has often been known to Increase In tile tannage of the Brit,
I whith find 1;ooli given him by Queen �, utQs )IQ was P,,tt tell fit the dining- listed al'Ntocravy. and the rlcYottyj on the Monte and one born down In all tile ,Your round, practically Ile tAke plaod between cows that were tall Hinplro was 1,400,000 tails. Ile
Illadda:,ena an tile eve of Ills dia- I'l)(1111. opposite General Stampa, one I tArtanat; of OIL lass well-to-do; ,hilta'I'aln, CILY at' the plains." makes two or more crops during the equally good. They wore fed the Ought to have oxi)Iahred Outt the IA-
porturo. llow often had he read and !Of the sauN'Dst of 1IJsPanJOIan gen-ion tile opposite side, in the full glare She took the polia.• yi-ar, by laying Ili stocks suitable to same, but treated dMaroastly, ocLalo for tbo United Ringdan alonst
, rrVLV-t t! -,-I during the Short voy- � tionlen, and one of the cruelest of , of the morning suit, sprawled U'll -X ln�Efillf," shu •Battled, not a lit- +110 season. 31 tile farmers will do Cows should be fail niall milked at in that period was Actually 1,600,-
I 000 tons, And it was only .by de.
aAcl la�'tci� enough, at ),,list, for ,tile century, Ilia record as cOnl- Common people, with here olul tho.,_ t "was born In the ductitig tile doCreaso of 0aiIada's old
ndeunt-genLral of the tarcog Q Ic proudly, likewise they will Tails better, The tile same time each day and in th(�
hint to ltnov- them by heart. Yet lie itinG ill:n, mountaineer rattled on his donkey ltronta", Bull s:io:ild be so handled As to yield game ardor. They quickly form ba- Nailink, feat that lie could Arrive Lit
Wls°wd to consult the particular all() :Aruba, Ilispaniola's chief colony in or mule In the contra of tile Fpnea ' as much as Possible. This cannot be bits and any interruption or aisap- his ligurcs, ,1,Jlon, sagaill, Ito osaall,t-
that coiiytv):vd instructiusis how, tu. 'tile West Indi,,s, wag inevitable even Itho troops stood to attention, Shall- ,,'I'lleit the subtle distinction—" done by harvesting A crop in Juno pollitment is quickly noticed by the 'a
. uct Bill comport himself during the lan,o,.g a People not particularly I by in blanched blue and dingy White. I 110 ves' 1 feel It, Bill; tell mc--" and leaving tile land to rest until lessened product in . tile pail. , ad to state that during flint period
I ' The Coneral turned his Ilorsv,s ! and she paused INT 13114 increased our steam tonnage
Hist days of Ills stay lit the Island. .noted for kindliness of heart. Vire ; sod as if finding hot, planting time next your; and in the Results simply allow what kind of
'I lj:s was what be read to Bravo's `an I rapine had marked his progress I head towards the line of carriag.s. gr,,;j of Lngllsh insufficient to Ax- Meantime tba pooz, farmer will say a atiall is bohind the cow -so look _AvhIcI1 earned about three :trues as
I an"Ill,tr handwriting: 'of pacification -he had had the task 1 "Our first Iduty," lie saki, t,A,Il-Ijag 1 PITrS liar meaning; its It, too, She the reason that he cannot pay off the Out. much as Built"&' tolinage*-by 2,575j-
ct tievIling a petty rebellion, and he 'him gray moustache with A fat hand, 'know her question was abrupt. "Why mortgage on his home is because Ile The food of the heifers must 000 toils- Was that all evidence of
. ELI be decay, 7
It any one shows you a, cross -hilt, -1 I 1"s toward the fail,. livaifty and'a"O you here, rot' Pleasure at- for h�s ll:it land enough to make him, such that it will nourish I Parts or
� I ell dagger -)r poniard hearing the hall transformed eat lisigilliloatit ris- I I,
L i letter R In Silver, unhesitatingly askling into a chronic Insurrection last_,Duty, the Soldier's twin -stars froinOvOrh? I mean, do you antike half, more than a bare subsistence. Thera the body. DIFFIBRIDN-Cru IN la,OxON11"'G.
1. .
� over yoarb-death and Wholesale , little Immemorial. Good ObYloe In sla,v, Or are You like Ali'. Smith, on Are I'mrinors, bowaver, who practice a They may manage to live on hay, FUlther, many of 'tile l'ortaign coun-
lit= for the Password. ITO should ,Ing our o d most de- business? method more like that of the Success- but they will be gloated in size and tries computed tiloil' tonnage on the
reply: 'For Palmetto, freedom.' ir1robbory had raged wherever Ills toast-�X
liglitful. reacon in all tongues." I I'leCtOr looked at her straight. Silo fill merchant. As soon as one crop will never equal their deans, though a w ra-
; b-, docs not, lie has cowo by the pous had boon driven. Tits ratime i � It gross t0salle,90 Of VAB vesaOI , lie
. 'rho Orange King grunted oro haft treated - a pre- the give may be of a line of tile best as the British ships were computed
siAn Wrongly, and you Mould fln& 'wars used by Hispastiolan mothers no 1 Away )let WOEI, W-Taling is gntJ)srvd and garnered they
, I oil the net register. This caused it
. o"t who lie is, so as to be able to re- I a bo,:ey to fright their babes, arid � Stempa's right, and on his left.:intent on nothing but the swaying paro the land for another crop, tali- better Makers.
Part, him ro our friends t1rut he !his s,)Idiors hated him As much As ! Hector, remembering the niau's re -!line of troospe that filee, by with A, Ing care that the crop Shall be soft, Beside that, their constitutions will Serious difference In the comparison,,
lua�., L'o watched. On receiving the It hei, flared him. ITO was now re-; c0l'd, grew hot with disgust. tircil, half -awake sort of Plod, a sit to tile season, as well as to Ilia be Weakened, And they will bo.subject and Ought LQ lictic been pointed out
correct reply, You will say, Irrec- timing home laden with the fruits I "We fillava to make distinctions slouch that was the outcome at or- purposes, They ;Rake their to every apidomfe that comes Around, by Mr. Chamblailain, Germany WAS
a bare, Senor," the General, Cers, not of will. soil Olvia once or twice each week a our closest coarillatAor In shipping.
dole. is but hill[.' The reply is: sl years of sueculation and thievery went an bring two crops every year, Which is
in "Buth," he Answered, "Work, not i,quivu as , on. t t Comparing out- figures with that
,krceloui. and Maddalena. is all.' You , fling and bland as a professor of � "NVO do not recognize or only dis- . � le t t d Cling the size of the 11,117 4111ijes, Potatoes or carrots a "a
will then any. 'llor Majesty Queen imoral. Philosophy, seeming to live, tautly, the -le Palmetto Animals. Still business, I know; and, I hope, pleas- field. . ulitr.Y, Ill 1%0 out, load was 7,_
only for Ills vorpe, his cigarillo, and �'tbore ure Sufficient of our own coup- ure too." But this cannot continue to give variety. 285,640 tons, And in 1890, 8,2r,4, -
I Afirddal,na,' and ilia. answer roust _womell here She flashed oil him again, l'a done -without feeding the soil, Stroteh a wiro the whole length of 078 tons, ani: fit 19CO 8,310,747
. bir '11,lloua. ('.aid preserve., There- I the eight of his home, tr" to make life not all If a, former would double the Weight the stahle behind the cows. Attach tons. It, &tGaIll tonnage we were
"Ahl souar. to the woary exile, .till EvO'OSO Esion. 'Ito Palmetto wo- "It is difficult to "Olabinc the art his hogq or cattle, or inereas . a snap with a ring oil this wire Anti
. after you may Lando" the conversa- , e thin 11) 1880, 2,507,710 tonis ahead, lit
. tints as you please, only bHvilm re- I what EL beautiful word is home, with � n`0` tire not devoid of charm, but two." mills of ]its vows, he must furnish hang the lantern in the snap.
. I ' "Duty does that for sa ." It 1890 4,318,865 tons ahoad, anti in
Bard to pro dive vour abstracter of ' tile loved ones waiting witli open thu a: —what shall I say ?-tvoach- n t
. , tilem. feorL To increase the proclue- can than be Irushed along where he 1900, 5,860,785 toils ahead, 'Wharst
anvalr of her Afn:ostv. and. in ,,if arms I" : erol,zs cuts. Man And woman alike "You have the Inst Word," She tiva capacity of his land, it must at, must light is needed, Was tile evidence of decay 7 Last
things to comport voursolf in ao- I 11 report were true, the aeneral a't'e rel'011ious animals- Fire and cried, very planned. Lit fed. Feeding his stock will ' your In the United Kingdom there
. -cian. that tyranny , sword—" "It pay; to have it," said Ifoator, enable the farmer to feed lit land — were Put in the water 1,427,508
Qtrrd with the dbriality and honor of i If% ad up to the ma, Iso OLD CRILS'DIr, I%ARD, -
. liho chaxity,-shot,ld begin at home. ' ITO paused to bow to till ovel, half conscious that by saying it InIjaIso, for the crops taro-wal 1.8r, the groes tons of asaercbaari� shipping,
. your position." I "I Borrow over the delay that I dresEe, , 11 matron Ili tight purple, had SPOiled her inaplied compliment, lorld call be passed through tile cat- — Whereas tile whole of nurope, ASIA,
. Hector then turned to the Direr.- keeps me in durance hole, evenISIVel'ing fit a vast green baroucLe. yet she noddW Ili agrocallent. it,, making them grow, and on to Many Things That %rare hawked and America put together only man -
tors, of Persons and looked "n the though it be a paradite. There is it! "I h roving ,roman--wito of our f Smith wad doing Ills best to carry ilia In3id, making it produce; and About in Old London,
. aa�imo of the colonel of Gastalai's re- vi -le, In t!,.e sbadow of the Sierriles, : Su.- orintendant of Customs. Fire and On a con-vorsation %%'fill Doll Miguel. then w:IJI a little•
Aged to get 90,883 tons in ill el
giment. , rotation And la. The protest against street noises Aged t or. Again, where was the eVJ_
. "I on Mir,iol Ortoria V Cajal," lie where little ones are longing, not BwOrd, as I was saying, would Work It was rather a one-sided Affair, I for .,,,<)ad deal or know how, the more in the metropolis is becosaillIg so goal, deuce of decay ?
Por the general, the st:llicr, no !-for wosu'ovs among these rabalg " Smith's knowlecoge of tile Palmetto t,31(' soil PrD1111COS the more it call Brill and urgent that probably to the LSP OUR OLD SHIPS.
read, "Rooldes an his vropte of Fri- the indulgont parent. But, thank i Re��e's, did you svvy?" interrupt- tollglaO was ltniltod, And Dun Miguel produce. Hariv farmers with 160 next generation of Lolldoilo,s street "Eno
ryalle conversant with slilp•
gt�lau,ta, in ilia district of Telde, fit- the Holy lviigin I duty is my Watch-:od the Orange King. knew no other. But by dint Or RX- acres would do better if they ,�%rould cries ivill be matter of history.
I,rf, I -a pa�utvro of half at it And double To those of our forefo.thers safflicia,l
t On miles from !)elan City. Belte-d word-dut,3-dut3% And ]:a ,lit art- i "Traitors and rebels," rejoined all vil gczturo, Ile Intulaged to wit- mak fillig," continued Sir, Christopher,
to be a.worthv man. but not very other algarilla, reflaAively, lvh11e ,I;t,,m.. A. I a I "knows that �hfa British ship owner,
,.o, 11 ant lolls that they vo,ir to tile orange 7: in EL quantity of tho yield of the other half, which Can with sensitive nerves London Illust is handicapped with ilia foreigner.
enthusiastic. Bound to tile cause Rentor wondered if this soft-spoken, take it into their beads to rise while interesting mis-inforuiation, Orion be done by rotation, fortiliz"119,
dw!a:lat_r, the Senorita Asunta, the og:,O, blood-stained tuad - Stam- restorative crops. good preparation ture. "'lliere islitoiIiing which more reason or official restrictions we ran-
chioew through the devotion of h1j; soft-heaxted gantleiran. were really .I comalintid here, I promise they The parade Ives nearlY OVELP ha -A10 b0oll 11 city Of Perpetual ter- They buy our old vessels which by
I crime- shall have short shrift.' Pa. And his staff finished their March and a -and cultivation. The farmer Astonishes a. foreigner or frightens it not Work At a proilt, and in the Ab-
. . 'whose hatred of Hispaniola and I stained, common talk had made 1 "But I always thought the Pat- of insPeCtion through the opened should ked busy by keeping his ,soil country squire than the
I ado,tion of our side dates from the him; ,wondered, too, if this were the - Little wore the most peaceable ranks and took up tlialr places cries- of Bence of those restrictions, maRo a
death of liar favorite brother, 'Ilan- man lie might have to oppose ill the an at busy. Ile call get all nooded rest London," wrote Addison, lit the profit on the working of tbans. if
I *c" I ria-co—the saluting -baso, under the ]till by, chancing front one kind of w Spectator. Those old London sitrect, air. CharriberInin Is .so anxious to
rico, as A Hispaniolan conscript in I day of battle. P work
, 1 -Th n, avy desur Senor Smith, you folds of tile 1-fispardolar, flag. The to another, which is really recreation. A-andors had musical ears and voices, benefit ahlitownstre I tlilnk it may
, San Tomingo. Don Miguel call be "All. I yes," murmure�d Stampa,' thought wrongly. Why, only ye 'trOOfs were Whc0lod into long wan- His land needs recreation And not be fairly asIllid-IN'lly lima he not used
. " -1 however, unlike the modern street EL
reach,sl through, his daughter. duty. I have other children, the tarday Our Governor had news trots , -Ing lines rot- the macch past. hawkers. But their number was up- life isalluence which his position . an thousand of them here, in .
Among your documents you will find t rest. an A,
a letter of introduction to her." I 'V�,-iag.,-No pay them a. little morning onr anal,assador in your gay capital The massed bands made a prearin- Palling' Among the 10139 list Of variety of cabinets ha� from time
I While He�tor was debating In his visit -in their nursery. Conic, gen- transtuitted from Madura, that a,tvre dash at the I-11spanional N`a_ I cries Were to be found the follow- ta time givan him to remove some
I tlernon, time files," . plot is being hatched there, a plot tional Anthem; .but at the end of DAI Ing � of ilia vexatious restrictions which
. mind In what way best to spend his At the door of the hotel they, Ito overturn the rule of his Most two burs a start officer Sprang At Feeding Laws in winter requires al- New laid eggs, six a, groal. Crack hatoper the work of our Shipowners?
first day in Palm City-whothor to I
roam about and familiarize himself found three iline Andalusian barbs, I Catholic Majesty." �. than' with windmill arms, and they togeLlior different managemeAt thaal am And try 'em. For the whole of the United King -
with the town and its . At the head of each a nispaniolau. I I,actor Stiffened himself In the Slid- fell asleep, or lit their eigarillas In the summer. Almost anyone call Any tripe, or noat's foot, or calf's clean from. :L890 to 1902 there had
I environs, or a got a number of Iowa through the foot, or trotters, lie I Heart, liver been sold to foreign ownership under
orderly. Idle. again, as the whim took thaw. ,
I at once to seek out the leader in- or,,., .a., taken the liberty, Senor I "!%'yVI1`, I place small faith in the Asunta looked tip at H,cf;or, and Stlll�one!r Without a JOBS If he has fox-eigii flags 2,452 stoamovs repro-
. a or lights.
I dicated in Bravo's mcmorando-the Smith—" Irumor. It is nothing but one of . "'tied contemptuously, llo,amflad supply ofpeature to feed on, but Buy any wax or wafers, or lane senting 2,157,8&5 tons and 2,!Z58
matter was being settled rot- him by Stanipa, indicated the horses With these Anarchist scares. But if it ]lack a question. very, few farmers make a profit oil Writing Ink.
the Orange King. That alert poi- courtly wave of ilia hand. Ishould be truc--well, stay with us a "The Anthomill she said. ,,1,1 -as their cows fit the winter. I suppose Lily white ,vinegar, selling ships of S)IBS,553 tolls, a tot-
burst into the room as Her.- 4 al of 1,705 vessels and 3,125,988
"You Are more than kind," said little while, and I'll allow you how I that One of the shadows -P, this Accounts ill a. measure for so 'Goad fresh Sausage, tons, .Nnw, how did 'British owners
for was packing away his papers. Mr. Smith, "but ---2' deal with such cattle." "Shadows?" many farmers having ,abandoned the Four pairs for it shilling, good ,,eat this ? Did they ask for pro -
on Coming six-mits, You know." dairy business in the winter months I-Iolland socks. tection? No; they quietly act to
"Clad to see you're up so early, "They are as gentle as lambs. Ile rehied up beside a largo op ': 'Any corns to picii.
I Grant," he cried airily. The early Have no fear." carriage, In which oat a darl, beau- I Ali!—" Ills eyes gloomed, bort. anti do what they call along this Any work for ilia cooper. tons of old ships sold to the foreign -
allay not catch the worm, but "Our . _" ty, radiant by the side of it prophet- 110 answered lightly enough.. ,,,So line in the summer time, writes MI. work And replaced these 4,000,000
, "of-tuma'
. At least Ile stands sit excellent d le about fashions like hidalgo, with a long white You read our poets, sell E. F. Brown. . Any Wood to cleave, or by 9,500,000 tolls of modern ships
I chancle.11 here. Come." 1 senorita," Any hats or caps to dress. thoroughly up-to-date both as re-
g and flowing moustache. Stain- "Of We baud a Proverb ourselves- Why not make it pay the year Now River water, to learde halt and macialnery, and lie
No waved his hand towliod's the They turned their horses' beads to pa bewail low. 'over tho shadow ill tile cloud., - through? If one lies tile money in Every household article seems
w1advil,. the -right and rode slowl�� along to I "Stinorlta, Asuatta," he said, "this There was game, commotion and vested it hardly Seems business like tido avot Illicit hawked about. 'J'Iiere wore (Sir' Christopher) was Of the opinion
'Tcm taking in the VIOW? What tile Alameda, wl-aria the 06neral's I. a red-letter day In my calendar. Outcry At the saluting -baso that to shut up Shop like the ourrimor re- that It our shipowners were lit
do you think of it?" staff, glittering with gold, awaited ,I,wo Suns shisto on me," and lie, stopped I-Tector's reply. Tho His- garters and go back t vendors of wheat, starch, toasting the same foot . I �111,
. a the woods Ing as tl,.e forzier Ili
I "A little bit like the scenery of a him. Hector, conscious' of his own a Irons, candlestit,ke, shoes, garters, regard restrictions illey listed
made a grandiloquent sweep of his PftniOlan droop from all until worm weather again, Shave P, figs, tape, buttons, hat cases, cook -
comic opera," said I -Tactor, reverting strength and fine pliysique, nurtured a thin the blinds and let soma light Into not four foreign competition Tn.
to his first impression Among the pturple, ,hills of the North, � ral, as if to includL ilia hoavw3a And Laid heavy 11111o. fixed loosely in alto ]as, herrings, mackerel, coal, ate.
"Don Aligual, I greet shiftY lavit-dust, Came a Budda spite of tile WNorasa Governmental
.the fair lady. .1, your business. Knock off the board And then there was the watchman,
"Wait. The hills will remove the felt o� certain amount of reasonable You. I desire to present to you my flaw, and the silk Blipped out to its you I'aN'c put "Larose tile gate Of Your who cried the time restrictions and foreign competition
Idea. They Impress even me. -an ula- contempt for the pully individual" a every hall hour, there was owned In the I-Tartlepools
. I- friends, Senor Thomas Smith and full gloPy. All the .morning It had business and let tile outside world from light to Biz
11 ties of the General's entourage, wait Sendr Tlector Grant." hung lazily; this was its effort, and know that you have A, cow, that she and for longer or Shorter periods sle-
Iringinativa business man. o'clock in ItItlreh, Shipping property of more value than
"It'r all so dusty here." to himself he commented adversely The senorita flashed liar 'wonslarful It was too groat. The pole came gives milk and you are keeping her Lording to tile season : has been the case in the past."
"Dust, tobacco, annallia, oranges-- On their slovenly Appearance. Most for the milk Silo gives; and the praft
. eyes oil Rector, who for Ono dazzled down With a crash on a little gr I MaIds in your smocked,
kompt condition, while some or O'Meara, city' derived from it. What tire you in ilia Look well to your locks,
. them wore boards, in no very an in ;_
I these are Palmetto," answered Mr. Of even o. ant But his horde Ili silent ad- who scattered with BITS Or WAYSIDE WISDOM,
Thomas Smith, o" a busincss for'? Is it not for the mail- Your fire, and your light-
. small anufton-chop whisker -B anlration, Then he bowed and mur- strange unninaliko cries of cons
"Didn't Iralow you made epigrams." grew ,t,u, I . .
Nor was he Impressed intich by their murod something Inaudible. nation; and the fing of Hlapanloh,,, 'saY there 18 In it? Or have you An land God give you good_IIIjZbt No love letter abourd, be read
"I don't. I make money." twice. It was written, only once, ].a -
"And qualms." demeanour; some were ,00penly set- "X go," said Stampa -to my the old oriflamme of conquest, cast a. ides. that you have tile most ,,tiger- At
. ville, while others bad I air of bar- duties. I leave you, senores, in has- cloud of black sand to the still, able, disagreeable and unprofitable Ono o'clock, member .
"You're too clever Ay half this vocation Of all creation? Who Is it Gossip Is the beast of prey that
. morning, young man. Now, look ad haughtiness that could be. read pitable lialies. Farnwoll, senorita- Nectar's superstition took the sign - 8 — , does not wait for the death of the
here. This is what I came to say: to mean the indifference of the do.- farewell, Senor." and allot A companion superstition in that a your lot agreeable or
I geverate. Thelet was not one opera'. Fortune, thought Ilactor, Was be- A-9011ta's eyes. Site stood up in the lie, pleasant or unpleasant, RYSDOX REVOLTED, creature it devours. -G, Merodith,
Those troops In camp are oil their Profitable I Tile difforowie between EL Saint and
Ralf -
way hQano to Hispaniola. They are frank countenance among them; gi,))i'n:r to smile upon ))fin: nothingicarriage and laughed, Her father ,,.,or unprofitable? Gan. you, Last spring the Rack Island Ralf -
suspicion, claiming, dissipation -the happier could have hien dootinsad blame one alse'l a hypocrite is simply this -the for -
only Stopping here to recruit their j8POI:L to hot' sharply, and She gave road was building a, nett/ depot, which [not, pranticos what the latter pro -
marks at ',liege wore plentiful. survey. roll a moment he rosente�lhftu the oNplanation. Tie, too If there is one thing above another affored. a sheet metal contract wort), fosses.
good live dairyman likes to do in same $80,000. This also wits a
health after the malarial favor a( The staff saluted perfunctorily. and I the Almost cavalier faahlon Ili which Wood up, and so they remained Quit I It i I
the wast. The general Is stop . I TV ateri t to to feed his a a iklid Aman of 80 or 40 commits a
,Ping fall in behind the Generaol and his the Hispaillolun general held should- A'squad had raised the c w "Plllnl�' and Rysilon was anxious to crime
� III this bo4se. I caught him this friends. Brad Smith and himself into tbe a L flag again. , k that,they are in good tagainst big own interosta it lie
shadows 9tither fast," She. 'at' 'a. d warnl. gather It in. 'But when he reached tails, a study and develop his mind
morning, He has heard of me-- They came Boost to ilia camp, &1company of itho Ortonas, and left. it, I I. ,. cluartel Profit dopen a oil this; and the Meeting In which the bidder was by overy means Ili his powpr.
: everybody in Pill= City knows me-, little city of white tents, beautiful them there in their moment of sur- "ThO the mail who thinks differently IS to be selected the pool . had been : , .
I I . and he Invited ilia to Accompany MID in the Still. As they bassed through clouds too," said Hector; not tile right Mild of EL 'dairyman. up without Ill made I -To who liegina by loving Christian-
prls�; and then 110 rian,I)WIll that "Llic clouds with the )Ightniag.,, In, In A 1110111cat of ity better than truth will proceed
� I to parade in ]tall an hour. Will YOU oil their way to the Parade -ground, had till unwittingly done Doman. Asunita, tumbled The size of the dairy lifts a good deal sugar ).to rushed out to the general by loving his own sect oi- diurch bet-
conle? You'll see the sort of,mat- a parallelogram of lava -dust, r-Ta�Stampa,na A with be" to do with conditions under which contractor Who had the building in ter than Christianity ang end in Jov-
I erial yoq've got to tackle. It'll be for noted that the tents were not so I s,rvice he would have been At -blind among the ChiffOlIS On 11,,v we have to operate, for it one lie, a
. worth your while." beautiful as thity had seemed at a son's trouble to accomplish for him- breast. She draw forth soinothing 11 I charge and, finally, on Ilia own hock, Ing himself better than all. -Cole- .
" . They were tattered Anil golf, A moment's glance at the which alto hold Out to Hoctol-a thIv. large dairy of say.,60 head, a certain underbid the ring and got the con. ridge.
I :,Of course I'll come. distance. allit blue of sky and sea, cusf cross -hilt amount of help to employed ilia year tract. But now that Tho fricaship of every genial -main
, Y Soft 8!: brooch, it Silver at -hilt dagger t lie bad picked
. . All right. Got ' downstairs its, old, And had they belonged to An he took nowcourage between life with the significant I.I. Ila was not through and the stock as wall as tile the plum list WAS frightened at his to too often like a grate fire, ex-
. live hands -lie turned towards Aeon- taken by surprise. owner Is to it certain degree depend- own temerity. IN, can't,- humbly to teedinglY bright to look at, but not
n til. "OlVe me the word." ent upon,the' help. But it is not the next, meeting and ofterad to take reliable In SO for as the disposition
Her face wits surely the morning; "For I'almotto frecdoin," Illy intOliti011 At this time to discuss big of warmth on a really, cold day to
. It we& dicilu`- TJIOV throatoned him .
M u a h, qSallo gt n te; s s 9 tllc clear blue of silty Sold Hart, be bad the merest whIsPol. the help question. witime fine of $5,600, And WAS more concerned,
Ju&t been invoking rot, Inspiration "Iereedom. is but half," � The first thing one Should do is to than a
w4,s In liar eyes; In the flash of )lot, ",Freedom Find Madalaract, Is all." I , lian glad to got 16 reduced ,finally To. do and get no prolso lot, It, no
Oak Over the amount Of food on 118,11d. to ,91,00t). reward, is tile sure way to have,
, white teeth was the snowv sparkill of "Her Majesty Ques, Oil estimate as near as possible how
I), Madalong,.,, But though he made Ills pom(,,o nys- double roward in heaven. To try to
Coughs and Colds, foam. that marked the suirf-I'llial. her "Who God prescrvLl" long it is going to last to feed from don WIls'llOW a marked mail• (to good and to fail through no
111ir-no, that Was not morning, It HO gave liar back the jewel. The And if there is notprotty,gooti proof Other absurd troubles and ilia fault of ours, is no luso to ii.q. Goa
__ was the hour of illght that eon3ag march )last was now going on o that the wintat'n supply is sufficient agi-eaments followed, 'Laid Ry - is honored by our 6florta, not by, our
, Won, .
lbelore the dawil, She ,was beautiful tile bl,ire of trumpets and the clangt to run until spring or until p still Proving Intractable, the I,ing de. success, I
anchifis and pnuamanla-Enarmaus indot,d: not as Madd4liino, tilt, In- of cymbals and drama, ture 'U9, las- c The pectiliowity of 111-teraliaLl. is 01A
LaQ,rlppe, Or � con. then OthOr conditions filed In MAY last to put oil tilt) It is tile vi
Demand for Comparable Queen was beautiful- .1 have or abould be takian into corisid- Screws. as of the virtuous. It is
v V"O 111110t Sao You soon at Psi nn- ,ration. - oil an otherwise
h(Ir.1; was ilia lavolines4 And brooding . 'ta,"' she said. , Buying grain to help out -+_ often tile Quo blot
is not altogether a bad MAGNE17110 pOWTIA - noble efinrazter. You know met) and
I'sirfloRs Of 'IfArlit: but ftlivia and quiv- the food �X PLANT' "As goon ef It 'a convenient for thing; Seldom if ever does It man bavo in who are all but perfect but
Dr. Chase's S.yrup of erIng with the life end brio of a you to receive me." There hag been di,geovored in the w,,o, ,c,.n cogily-r.1,16d, quick-torliperod,
enough of all kinds of food to "1111 toreste .of India a, plant which po or "touchy" disposition. This coin-
, . Palmetto morning, Why, you could She W1110pered to hot, father. The him through the ylaar without, buy -
4 se:� bar tinneling as she ,,;sit smiling, old mart. glasicod round swiftly: . . Bosses astorlishIng magnetic powars�
I Linseed anci Turpenthict. swift 1141, and this is anothor part o{ dairy- r , patibility 'of ill -temper with high
: ])tilt loqt Ill the gaping doliths of the there was none to SOL -every eye was I -Phe hand which breaks EL leaf front moral Character is one at the sit- -
. , lig or tile result of dair,Ying-tho buy- it inamodiatilly receives a shock. At gust Anil saddest problems of sillilreLlsi.
. I groat family carrfago. fixed oil the undulating lines of sol- Ing of grain and feeding the rough distance of twenty . ___ "Vail are from 'London, then son- dittily: he raised his handj And 111 lead and the farm in all ilia time a Y feet a magnetic Our tasks Ave 0 many, and our
or?" Tile question ras a sligh-B, inilitary fail- ,
,There is scarcely it home where ly all the time and sometimes would , fashion saluted T-Tectoe. proving. One hardly realiz;,ea noodle Ili affected by it, And it time is s'o brief, ,rhall ,,, ilia Work to
a Verve in the Sfiesiate latforo than X "To-marro,;v," Said Donna Asunta, HOW W311
. there is not sornabno sufforiug from Spit up blood. WO had about given bve� great on Indust be quito thiraugod it whioll 'We ate Gold-ittipointod, %-a eQn-
olc� I ' Industry dairying is until brought near
throat or lung trouble, tip all hopes of ]its recovery, When I .rh011 slIctica fell, And continued `rho enCrel'of this singular infill not afforld to pause, until our little
From Landoll InArAt . until the parstdo Ile stops to consider Soma of th.. ence
benefits derived from it. varies with the hours a dnv, elds,
In offi,tos, stores and ftelovilig tile board of Dr. Chane's Syrup of Lln� " I the day, say, % :But we call ,work better,
ffs aro grestUy reduted, The sud- goad and TUrpossLins, After using And you mirrivad-11 troops filed oil to thall, eampJaig At the more likely to enjoy the -
oh"Jida In to
are more bottle there was a great change :"T30t last night", . ground, and tha dark plain, dull An , it __ hAight of its Power ahavit tWo
one � � Y o1olook 11 the Aftern;on, it is Abaci- atroso of Ivor toil until wols, oven,
V ,Vat you must have been itfoot hot and duotV, was Soot) filled with DAIRY wl:SDOM. tido, It we ilz
than people Ann atasad, ,very,bara In )its condition, and I can pooifivo- lutialy stulagcont, during the night ,.List art keeping our
I you hoar people roughing, IV stay that Ile wa�q completely oLr,d tarlY, We tako a Wook's' sloop be -Atha bi,eaking crowd, Sualth and Ree- Do not forgot to put blaillitts on . eallit. The over -wroth I . fnro coming, to a Morning parade. tor fall In, one oil each side of the t -----+— 111'aper,
by. two battles, stai'd he lies not been I Ili) now born Calvoti If your stables Optimism Is 6, WAY. to have file spirit is
nearly AS ba,cl its fillelloqs.
: 11rOvIO1316 experionoo has taught trilubled since, I never 086W modt- But Ilia traglish are (G aldeplozo race Ortona carriage. Ohatter bogan � in Via Ilf"Bay" w6rkor IS novel, the best
Wrest people thill, foe tile" (011nents Line take Nuch iii.110%, Offolat an'd can [,hoV iliake it, work � I again. ard cold Ill the least, You can not ,�,.bur Imaginatioll. .
. I 'Oulpt And -I of pleasure." I . . workman, x0f0for IS )m
there is no teeit.triessit go P1 "'g;J rAthor, they males a Plans Just otitsida the town, And at tile .________ I , In Whom
. Sincerely racorn.matia It,01 - %. I - — - �� I'li"stling" 10, a, mania, Yet we must
affective as Dr. Chato,l; Syrup of 1111, br, Chn.Ae'a Syrup of Linseed and tire of their Work -that's Wliv they i attire of the parildia•-ground, a road I'D, aldits9dro? No, llddtol-r"ttore, ,� UP. Aj W. GRASE12 not glun"hol' ""le tilt' Bay le"g,
. good and Turpolliflia, ,Just bow tfle Turpentine, 23 cents 0, bottle, family suee.oAd." I Ititurhod off to the left, �as you say," hereplied. Rortfalalw In work, the Outgrowth
I seleS of this great family medicine size (three times as lnuah)� 00 tolltg, "Alif, do you also boast )lke all I "Our w&)r lies bare," anill Apunta, 111,11ttovo? Wall, that may come, , 1E . .. 08 And Proof at peace of Inind that I.,)
.. � 4110 allorinous. I " IVIRINCUP 5
. . at All 'dealers, or Udwanatinj Batee other plilgilah,711 i rok, ten mildo straight, through tilt, Let It 60 taldnosarst now. Adlosi I Is sallif thrut to the bmw Stayed on 'God, is the trA.10 role,
y ill* Illiprolved Blow&. -------+--
orangei graves. The road is dai4y", "Adial Adfosll� rimlflui ukers
I t' Afro, 4, I'llavolliti Vonfrow, Out., & C6,, Toponjo,, �114o, no, T only spoarc tot, them. ' _ ".
.1 I StateS�-"Afy fourtedn,yetir-old J)oy. TO pl'Otetlt YOU 4gtLlhgt Imitations T ant not, "'thnn till to-lllorro,w, fare , 11 , I _� 41"r, Olt aft
. . ,11-0y. T. Allit it Scot, A114 it Woll, " McCor voll4rod WIiV ..she id(puld V"Apdo, 4.6ps dtr4VPJA
I . bad o� very govwa, cold In if's C110A tllb POrtroit 0,fid lignittlike of Dr, A. pe � . I , � " P lothd 11 barisly i licti , I b 0 1) g 11 t lily
Ateipt book "."11113('11; yet, I ("Jainot be Silent i 111�nfjl jo_,norraw,io 11 ( . cut.j a c r6PW.flbor-
S114 laughod,;Ilaraae, J%crot, bl.vpd �'
" _"S' 4' Ir '
, it'
. rliano T. do not. love my brothopo fiald IT,alatov. , have Calied "'hilA b3r. that 6utio'niffali .. throe �hd rrmAlratl y pla h
.. J"t Wintor" and I really thought las W� Chase, the fatuous r 116 tvAll L W lid.. 1. _, Moro,
" -I
fit Alrad I" 1 1 1 y
. I Wfus; goill)l to dio, 110 cough,La noror. author, are oil ovary, bottld" when solid Virttlo Is attackod", "IDoo Wilassaro," I 1 (Wd.ita laoinfitived') I I is ool has 'Iopr.1Q6d �1�1',bw.` Silo
I . I I . I . Wl;;�6A,aV�slf r. A, W, Cham "� ii.t,ss Only n.tiard,t�.
I . I ., v Obeid "d JJ,X,jJ& �,� I
I . I
. . . .
,... .
. .
. I . I