The Brussels Post, 1904-2-25, Page 1Vol, 32. No. 33
W.H.I ,ERR, Prop,
New Advertisements,
For sale—D, Millie & Bon,
Baking powder—F, R. Smith,
Sow fur sale—R, S. Nicholson,
Are you ineeted—W. E. Barr.
Reduoed prices—I. 0. Bieberde,
Notioe ba debtors—S, H. Jeokson,
Auction sole-Dunoan MoNeuzie.
Collie pupe for tale—John Brown.
Anditore' abstract—Twp. of Grey.
Auditors' abetraot—Twp. of Morrie,
Largo attendanoe—Btrutford 1309, Ool.
ifii5trirt Sam
San ACCIDENT.—Mies May Armstrong,
the 20 yeor•oid daughter of Irving Arm.
obroug, cattle buyer of Ezeter, nartowiy
moped death Monday morning and did
loee her right leg by falling under a freight
train. The young woman, who was visit.
ing in Landon, was atttempting to arose
the Grand Trunk traoke e6 Clarence
street, where there were several trains
standing and moving. She Blipped under
one and was terribly crushed. An °per.
anion was performed at Victoria Hospital,
and it to hoped that her lite mny be
T. J. Niohole, formerly of the farner
Wire, having sold out Boma time ago, has
decided to open up bueinese in Gerrie.
A. Strome's new house nears (temple.
Lion, The family move Into!! next week.
It is one of the beat appipiuted reeidenoea
in the village.
The postponed anniversary serviette of
the Presbyterian oburob were aoudocted
by the pastor on Sunday Ian and the
freewill offering received.
P. Ayleeworth and family, of Gerrie,
will move into the plane recently pur
phased by him, Dr, Arrnetrong will
reside in the house vacated by Mr,
W9Hale atrm.
Wingham defeated Palmerston in a
N. H. L. hockey game here Friday night,
by a eaore of 18 to 8. Tonne :—Palmar
eton—.Goal, Brown ; point, Maokey ;
Dover, Lawrence : rover, MoDnnald •
centre, Veil° ; left wing, Delaine ; right
wing, Grahem. Wingham—Goal, Head.
ley ; point, Pearl ; oover, Moore ; rover,
Jobneton; centre, Fleming • lett wing,
McLean ; tight wing, Elliott.
The worst blockade this Winter
occurred bore last week. No Tomato
mails were received from, Saturday to
Thureday night. There is now a serious
fuel famine, as neitber coal nor wood is to
belied. Local coal dealers fay they have
oars on tbe way, bat they do not know
where they are or wben they oao be bare.
Even etrauger than the coal famine is the
sugar famine now on, all the stone in
town being out of that nece89ary nom.
modity. This holds the record as the
worst Winter ever experienoed in this
ovation. Below zero weather has pre.
veiled for the past three months. Snow
la piled high everywhere, and disastrous
World's Fair, St. Louis
April 801h to December let, 1004
Settlers' One -Way
Excursions, 1904
- To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest,
will leave Toronto every TUIISDAYduring
March and April if suflielentbusiness offers.
Paeeengeretravelling without 'Live Stook
should take the train leaving Totoato et
1 to p.m.
• Passengers travelling with Live Stook
should take the train leaving Toronto at
9 p. m.
Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each
' Per full nartieularaand copy of "Settlers'
Guido,"' 'Western Oanada" and 'British
Columbia," apply to any Canadian Pacific
Agent, or to A. e. NOTMA N,
Ant. Gen. P:aae, Agent,
1 Xing St, Seat, Toronto,
Mode are expected on the breaking op of
the io8 in the Spring, ae two branohee of
the Maitland river oouverge ber0,
Oral at eerrroir,
A few In this neighborhood talk of go.
ing to the Weet when Spring opens out,
Lent Sunday afternoon Bev. R. Hoek•
ing, of Ripley, preaohed in the Methodist
°buret here, He wee a former pastor
and wee cordially greeted by old time
Alex. McKay and family, 16th aon.,
will move into the Buttery borne, 1j
miles Ent of Oranbrook, it is gold. Hu
gold his farm tenably to Dan, Neeble
who will move 60 it ae soon as Mr.
McKay leaves.
Daniel MoQaarrie, jr., wife and eon
will go to Calgary locality and engage in
farming. They have been visiting calm
tives here for the past few months and
left for the West thte week. We wish
them emcees in their new undertaking,
VY tt.1 ton.
Mre. Andrew Morrison has been quite
A large stook of log+ ie being delivered
at the McDonald sawmill here.
A public meeting to disease the 0. P.
R. Bylaw in Grey was held at Walton
Wedneeday evening.
A week from next Sabbath a union Ser•
vice will be held here commemorating
the hundretb birthday of the British and
For, ign bible Society.
Rev. Alfred Andrews preached Mie•
nionary sermons in Lneknuw last Bab
bath and gave a Leotare on Monday
evening. Rev. R. Poul, of Brunets,
supplied hie work here.
Walton is intereete0 in the 0. P. R.
By law to be voted upon by Greyitee on
Monday next sea portion of our village
ilea in the dietriot voting. Our repre•
aeutativea will be on hand.
FARM RENTED.—Duno00 McKenzie,
hoe leaeed Lots 18 and 14, Con. 18, oon•
twining 188 aoree, to McNichol Bros„ of
Brumes, who get possession in Marsh.
The lease °ails for 5 years. The 50 gore
lot, Ent Lot 18, Con. 17, has been
rented by James Willtameon, who ad.
joins the farm. He a eo bee a 6 year
tease. Mr. Magenzle will move to the
manes belonging to the American Pres•
byterian oburob, which with 6118 20 sores
nttaohed, has been leased by him. He
will hold en auction sale of farm stock,
implemente, &o, o0 Meroh 10, with F.
S. Soott as auctioneer.
Jain a alto van.
Did you see Walter Ionee' newspaper?
Mies Eliza Ooomlen is on the slog list
but we hope she may soon be better.
John and Mre Eemer, of Wroxeter,
are visiting at Alex. Bryan°' tbie week.
James Stuart, of Neepawa, Man., is via.
Ding at Peter Soott'e and Jae. Straobaa'a.
Out store has received a large shipment
of Spring goods this week and has more
to fOilow.
William Mitchell, the aeeistaut bleak-
amitb at Geo. Eokmier'8, is here at work
iu piece of Robt. Hendereon.
There is tobe a Concert got up for the
Sick Ohildrena' Hospital in the near
future. Further details will he given
next week.
Word was received from Stratford eon.
earning the death of Mrs. Robert Clear,
Brd line, Gray, who died there in the
hospital. We extend our sympathies to
Mr. Carr in his time of sorrow.
Last Sabbath evening Rev. Mr. West,
of Blnevale, did not get to Jemeetown
owing to the unpleasant weather. R.
Ontt took °barge of the service. Rebt.
Shaw will be the speaker next Sunday.
Copeland Stokes is moving this week
to the 0outline farm, near Trowbridge.
Frank Wright will take poeeeesion of the
farm vacated by Mr. Stokes on March
1st. First the cage sad then the bird,
Some of one bachelors have got more
nice pictures this month sent to them to
e88 if any life is in them in regard to
matrimony as this ie leap year. They
seem to be in a Wernher and nob easily
wakened up.
The debate Dame off eaooeeefully cant
Wednesday, the enbjeot being "Resolved
that Wellington was a greater General
than Napoleon." Owing to a alight cold
Robt. Simpson was not present and in
order to even tbinge Mr. Johnston did
not speak, Mr. Weir and Mr, Strachan
were the only apeakere, and they proved
to be interesting and instructive,
at Reduced Prices.
L,diee'' Falb Shoes 16 per omit. off
Men's Felt Boots and Shoes 15 per cent,
Men's Heavy Rubbers 20 per Dent. off
regular prates.
Our Spring stook ie now arriving and
we with to glean out all our Winter,
Goode to give ne the roomy
13Iabketn, Cone 81-25 Rndneed to 81 00
Blanhele, ". 1 60 ' "" 1 20
Lilarrlt0ln, " 175 1' 140
Robes, ' 7 50 " 0 00
It• bas, '1 6 00 " 5 00
Repairs in Shoes, Rebhan, Cohere
and Lume 6 'promptly and neatly
''done. n
.L.1* A
Next Wadnredey our Literary 13ooiety
will have one o! their crowning debates
on "Reeolved that we learn more from
reading than travelling." It will be
taken by the ladies of Jameatown and
Wroxeter. This will be good without a
doubt, Remember the date, Wednesday
evening, March 2nd, at 8 o'clock.
eIle 0 I for the 800'0 warm ray,
On the hill eidee nod forest oeld,
For the flowering Meta with its Bang
birds gay
To oheer both young and old."
These linea eurely express the wishes of
the majority of people, these stormy
times, railway men inoluded.
ENTEaar INT° Rano —After a lengthen•
ed iboeee, covering several years, and
borne with °brighten fortitude mad reeig.
nation Jingle MoDonald, beloved wife of
James Simpson au old and highly esteem-
ed reeideut of this loaaltby, oroeeed that
bourne from whence no traveller returns
at 8 O'olook on Wedneeday morning.
Deoeaeed was born in Scotland and wee e
daughter of the late Robert MoDoneld,
of Grey boundary, who 06113e to Canada, in
1855. About 28 years ago the aubjeat of
dale notice was united in marriage to her
now bereft partner and in addition to Ler
husband is survived by 3 sone and 8
deugbtere, all of them at home excepting
Mre, Willis, of Taroberry township. The
three brothers of Mre. Simpson are An-
tony MoDouald, merobant, Cranbrook ;
George, of the Boundary ; and Robert, of
Oalifornia. Mre, John Finn, of Toronto,
is a sister. Deoeeeed was a loving wife,
a devoted mother and a good neighbor.
'She was a member of,the Preebyterian
church, Wroxeter. Te funeral will take
place from the family renideuee on Fri-
day afternoon of this week at 2 o'oloak,
the eervioe commenoiog a ball hour
earlier. Interment will be made in Blue
eels cemetery. The bereaved family will
be einoerely eympathired with in their
W V0 3080 LO 6.
Ohms. Sanderson made a trip to Ear.
rieton on Monday.
Mies Barton, of Belmore, is the greet
of J. and Mre. Hartley here.
Man Alioe Hamilton hag gone to
Ohetham where she will visit for some
A. Munro has Hold hie interest in the
hardware bueineee to his partner, W.
Jno. Hartley attended a committee
meeting of the Teaobere' Aenooiatiou in
Seaforth on Saturday.
Mrs. E. Sandereon, one of the pioneer
settlers of this atria, passed away on
Tuesday morning, aged seventy five years,
after a abort illnees, Mre. Sanderson
was en extremely kind hearted woman
and one who seemed happiest when re•
lining the trouble of others. A husband,
three eons and one daughter are lett to
mourn bar loos The funeral took plane
to the Wroxeter cemetery on Thureday
A enooeeefal marggerade carnival and
skating noes were held in the rink Thurs-
day *wooing of last week, wren prizea
were awarded to the following :—Beet
dreeeed gent, Quaker, W. Andrews, Ger-
rie ; beat drained lady, Globe, Mies Lizzie
Bmnaton ; beet dressed girl, red white and
blue, Mise Sophie R ,biason ; beet drone
ed boy, Highlaud costume, 0. White ;
oomio coetome, 0 iver Smith. In the
manes r808 W, Miller bad sit easy first
place 1 the boyo rase, M. Howe 1 in the
noaple rape W. Miller and Mies Nellie
Blank ; and in the girl's raoe Mies Minnie
Ardell, of Gorrie•
ft: it; keel,
Mre. J. McDonald vieited in Paisley
laet week.
S. S. Oole'e teams are hauling loge
from the 3rd con.
Impactor Robb visited our school on
Monday of last week,
J. A. Hemeworth was laid up with la
grippe for a few days,
Mies Driver, et St. Marys, is visiting
Mien M. A. S'emmon.
Mies Ellie Eokmier is epeoding a few
days with friends and relatives.
A, E. MoRay and wife returned to
Mount Forest on Thursday after spending
ten days at the home of hie brother, J.
P. Mo$ay.
J. W. Foga! loaded a oar of bogs for
ebipment to Oolllogwood on Monday of
last week but owing to the train being
canoe led he was compelled to unload
thrm again.
Mime Elia Dilworth Auld Ellie Bola
mier- and Will and Russell Dil
worth were among the number who
attended the wedding of Mise Flora M.
Flatt and W. J. Stepheueon, both of
On Feb. Btb, the Official Board of
Shedden Circuit, unanimously invited
their present pastor, Bev, W. J. Waddell
to rennet, for another year. The reverend
gentleman was pastor of Ethel Methodist
church at one trine.
OONOEET NoTaLETe.—How did you like
McLeod ? He't alt right.—Ewau'e
etrumentale, aye but they were grau'.—
Mies MoGuire and Kies Thomaon were
jest splendid', --.Thee° are some of the
expreoaione we hear on the wing just
81100naer0L 0.01oEnT,—The Concert on
Friday tweeting of feet week ander the
anaptoes of the Sone of Temperance
Lodge here was a grand 8000980 in every
way. Will. MoLeod, of Seaforth, proved
himself equal to hie reputation andkept
hie audience in mirthful tune dating the.
evening.. We can bespeak e 11811 booee
for him if ho ever appears in Ethel again,
Mise McGuire, •tbe youthful elonutioniat
from Bruasele, eaptored the audience in
her first number and the neoond was
squatty good. The singing of Mies Alice
tih0m80», also of Bruseele, was highly
uppretliabed oonelating of Bootee" songs of
a high order, The crowd went fairly
beside that/melees with the violin and
Matta 8eleatione of D Ewan and Mre.
Geo. Tbam8ou, Oar own talent sagnitted
themeelvee in (heir usual oreditabls
manner. 'Abe proo89de amounted to
986.45, te portion of whi8it goes to the
Sick Ohildrena Roapltel, Toronto. Ii,
McKay made an Al ohairmaro, Fragrant
wan aa followe '—Ohairman's address'
violin solo, D. Ewalt j mak 0018, Will
MoLeod ; reoitation, 31100 Cole ; Bolo, R.
0. Device ; dialogue, "Leaving. Jonah" ;
nolo, Mina F. Thomeou ; Bailor'a Horn
pipe, W. MoLeod ; n0166616)0, Miss W.
McGuire ; solo, Mine Spence ; dialogue,
...mho Book Agent" ; solo, F, .L Gilroy ;
violin solo, D. Ewan ; comic sone, W.
McLeod ; solo, R. 0. Davies ; retaliation,
Mies McGuire ; oomio song, W. MoLeod ;
solo, Mise Thomson ; 00mi0 (tong, W.
MoLeod ; "God save the Bing," The
ac0ompaniete were Mre. Geo. Thomson,
Mies Jean MoLaueblin, Mien Davies end
Mies Spence.
Pee ree.v.
Mise L. Mason, of Toronto, is vielting
at L. Meson's, 7th line.
Mrs, 19. Dilworth and Russell vieited
hear Mount Forest last weak,
Joshua Flood was in Oheeley attend-
ing the funeral of Mre, John Flood.
Andrew Wright, of Hibbert, spent a
few days with his brother, Hugh H.
Wright, 8th eon.
Monday of next week is polling day on
the 0, P. R. Bylaw in Grey. Voting
will take plane at the two Sontherly
divisions from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
Having Bold hie farm and bought a few
sores South of Brussels James Mitobell
intends boiidiug a new home next season
on the latter. It will be frame with
cement veneer.
Grey Council let the oontraot for the
new steel bridge over the Maitland, 1211,
eon., known as the Botz bridge, to the
Mitobell Bridge Oo,, Mitobell, for the
sum of 82,175. It will be 126 feat long.
Robert Lindsay, who hes been visiting
here for the past two mouths, left for pia
home he Ne,•pawa, Neonate, last Mon.
day. He i8 a son of Jno. Lindsay, Brd
line. It was said be would bake a house
keeper bank with him but he didn't.
Last Saturday, Elea Douglae, wife of
Robert °err, Brd non., died at the home
of bar parents, Stratford, where she bad
been undergoing trontm8001ot rheuma-
tism with which sbe bad been bothered
for veare. Mr. °err attended the funeral
on Tueeday.
lYP orrt„i.
Geo. Hood was laid off work with a very
sore foot.
The drovers are hoping for fine days eo
se to ship atnok.
A. T. Cole in on the sick list. The
other members of the family are getting
Happy in the man who mane a good big
wood pile, a few galione of coal 011 and
plenty to eat.
Tbe railways ahonid all be jacked up
in the Fall. Trains not running regular
ly this week agate.
A gond many intend going to the for
West in Meroh from Belgrnve. Some
intend making Weyburn tbeir home.
The Morrie By-law for the 0. P. R.
should read to be an elevate$ railway eo
as to get along in Winter, you know,
The cold spell nattiness still. An old
eating "when things get t0 their worst
they mend"; some are wondering wbetbar
we have seen the worst or not,
Adam Smith, of Lander, Manitoba, is
here on ie visit. He intends taking bank
a few hones. S. Forsyth ie also here
and may take baok a few horses too.
Adam Smith and William Forsyth
waited for several days, owing to tbe
snow blockade, to ship a oar of horses to
the West. They are destined to Lauder
and Frobisher respectively.
Misses Flemming, at Sunshine, are in
deatitnte oiranmetanoea and wood 0an0ot
be got, If the Connell of Morris oannot
get them to the House of Refuge goon as
possible the chances are that (bey will be
found deed from cold and hunger as the
bones is not at to I've in, They have got
warning enough to go by the farmers all
around here but always refuse to do en,
and the people in that locality are not to
be held responsible it anything should
happen to them. Nn one around can
refuse them aometbing to eat but wood is
eo some besides diMoult to get at and all
agree that it ! i in the House of Refuge
tbey ought ty.
MATrtxtiotf,AL —The Swan River, (Mem)
Star of Feb. 8rd oontaine the following
latereetiog note eoneerning a former
Morrleite :-"At three e'oloak Wednesday
Jan. 27,b, a pretty weddiog took place at
the borne of Wm, 0. and Mre. Wilson
when their daughter Mien Nellie, was
united in marriage to R, G, Rays by the
Rev. D. Johnstone, Preehyterian min
later of Swan River. The bride wa8
beautifully attired an white Indian linen
with bridal veil and w68 given away by
her father. The brideemaid, Mise
Bella Hunter, also wore a dress of
white muslin, John Rage, brother to the
groom, anted es groomsman. After the
bridal party took their stead "Nearer
my God to That" wee played during the
080emony by the bride'e uncle Alexander
Wilson, and her father. The ceremony
over eongretulation8 were extended and
the oompany ant down to a wedding din
net. The young folks went to the home
of the young couple where they tripped
the light fantastic to the wee home of
the morn. Wadding presents were
numerous and valuable which showed
the esteem in which the bride and groom
were held. Among those from a dietanae
were Alexander and Mrs. Wilton and
Miss Myrtle Wilson, of Ethelbert, and
Mr, Richardson of :wan River, formrrly
of 3rueeele and brother to Mre. John
Hewitt, of Brueaele. The young couple
start life with the gond wiehto of a large
oirole of Wends." The nomernue Mende
of the bride in this locality with her and
her husband manyyearn of happiness
andpro0perity in which Toro POST jabot.
Philip Monition, of Stratford, brought
action ega1net the 0, P. R. for injuries
received in alighting from a train et
London. The ORBS wee to have oorr a by
ellortly in London, but a settlement hag
been affeet„w•, by which Mr. Morrieou
gets 0800
It is reported that the London Oil
Syndioate, wlto have termed several
hundred a0re0 of land in St. Merye and
vioinity, and pnrpneed drilling eaveral
welts thereon this Wintet, babe deoided
IC wait for the Spring opening, as the
etbrame bold thin Winter wee not °nib
able for drilling.
Gomez Prohibition League le after the
Lloenee Inapeotorfor ioaottvity in the
discharge of his duty. Tbe Slattern.
03006'0 attention watt called to the neglect.
TIM veer in the Emit is musing rapid
adeeu:ee in the primal of wheat and floor
which will no doubt inoreaee the prloe of
bread and thereby bit nearly all working
* *
Lew egnbblee soon run away with the
cold nab. It is estimated that the oivio
investigation into election irregularities
in Toronto will not fall short of 8500,00
per day.
3904 will be long remembered by the
railways owing to the long oontinoed and
/navy enowa(orme entailing very heavy
looses to these oorporatiooe in keeping
their roads open, paying board bilis and
making repairs to disabled engines. It
tae been the hardest Winter known for
many years.
• •
AOM ENE nae oontinoee its regular
destructive program and every few days
adda an 60aldent to the list. Mote rigid
regalatione are neoeeaary in the install•
ing and greater care in the handling of
then planta. We know of Horne families
who are living a lite of continual anxiety
owing to their poeeeasion of an acetylene
lighting epparatge, The fault is not all
in the plant by any means.
* **
nitrous reaeo0e have been given fol
the high price of eggs and poultry but a
partial solution hag coma from Win-
chester, Ont., eel follows :—The other day
W. M. Bolton, near Wiuoheeter, loot two
81 bille, end 8008 0.1210 801'008 a hen try
leg to swallow one of them. The hen
WSW oaptnred and beheaded, and her orop
opened. Inside, rolled tip like a pellet,
wee the other bill in good condition.
No wonder eggs are dear, when hens are
living so high.
Tin Amheretbarg • Hobo, when pro-
prietor, John A Auld, is au M. P. P.,
nye 1—Mr. Hislop's amendment to the
Anatomy Act provides that is ease of tate
death of an inmate of any been of refuge
or other inetit0tion, the body shall not
be delivered to the inspector of anatomy
without the consent of the warden or
other head of the mahioipality, and the
inspector of the institution. This la in
line with the action of the Essex County
Mr. Monk and Mr. Tarte will not pall
in the same set of barneee io leading the
Conservative forces on to war and ae a
emit of the -latter'° eagerness to be the
pole horse Mr. Monk will not inert. How
the supporters of these gentlemen will
pull in the politioal traces is not yet
apparent but if peat history ie any guide
there ie likely to be some baulking and
perhaps the daebboarde kicked off. It's
too bad that there ie not room in the
Quebeo sky for two sane.
* *
IT has bean said by somebody that
Senators never die. Of 000088 this is not
00rre0t bot some of them live to a royal
old nge se ie evidenced by Senator Werk,
of Frederiokton, N. B., who oelebrated
hie one hnndreth birthday last week. He
reoeived oongratnlatione from fling
Edward, the Governor General, Premier
Laurier and many others. Senator Wark
enjoys comparatively good health and
made eoitab:e responses to the verioue
delegations oouveying kindly words and
wishes to him. Ib falls to the lot of very
few to reaoh the century murk and in
this fast age the probabilities of the
number o!oenetarione iooreaeing is not
at all likely.
* *
"Dr, MaoDonald, deputy Speaker of
the Houaa of Oommone, lute donned the
Speakership. He was probably Offeted
at on one condition."
The above item, olipped from the NM:
oat dine Review, ie on par with eeverel
nitre teferring to Dr. MaoDonald'e poor
health, &a, that have appeared iu the
press °oncorning East Hnron'e able
repteeentative in the Oummons and are
eo wide of the mark that to those who
know better they appear very ridioaloue,
Those acquainted with parlinmentary
pr000da0e will remember that the Speak.
°retain goes elteruately to an English
speaking membet and a representative of
the French Canadian eleotore. In oon•
neotion with this Parliament Mr. Brod•
enrol Fronolr Canadian, has had the
honor and on hie promotion to the Dab•
that he will uo doubt be !allowed as
Speaker for the remaining session of thin
term by another genbloman of the eaore
earn, poeeibly Mr. Rob:Mirb, of Ottawa.
When Sir David Edgar died Mr. Brodeur
wan Deputy Speaker but Nettled of his
advancement Hon. Thos. Bain wall ap,
pointed to onmplete Mr. Edger's term of
din, Dr. Meobonald, elf Deputy
Speaker, has not Wand to aooept ae the
ofdoe has not bean offered. An to the
dootor'e health beim; poor the oppooite 38
the 0686 ae it has not been better for
ysare,ao mnob so that he was able to
take a week's meetings 10 Brnoe 00. der.
tbe bye 818041on campaign held
reoently with ell the storm and cold.
He's as lively as a orloket and ready for
a political tante when oaoanion demands
it, The Dr. will be leaving shortly for
Ottawa to fill his onerous position as
Deputy 13peaker.
Toeeday'e dailies say :—The notes of
intermit shifts 6gein to Port Arthur tine
morning. There ie an unconfirmed re-
port from Tokio that Admiral Togo hoe
renewed the attaok on the Rneeian fleet,
whilst from Nagasaki The Daily Tele.
graph has reamed information that the
Japanese have anooeoded in capturing
Mar of the enemy's torpedo boats by the
nee of Bueeian signals, It is quite cer-
tain that the Japanese warehipe remain
off Port Arthur in enffioient force to make
an effective blookade, and no doubt this
fact infiuenoed the Reeaien Government
in ordering the return to tbe Baltic of
the squadron that recently paaeed tbroagb
the Suez meal and entered the Indian
Ocean. It ie now officially 60no0n0ed at
St. Petersburg tbat with the exception
of two torpedo boats that will be held 'at
the ohief seaport of French Som-
aliland till the end of the war,—the
squadron in now on the way borne. Seta
era! transports heavily laden with men
and material are also again traversing
the Suez canal. This harried flight
would almost seem to indicate a fear that
Japan might Bend a egeadron into the
Indian Ooean to pink up Rneeian °raft
there. The only epeok upon Japan's
naval 60prenea03 ie the Vladivostok
squadron. Itis threatened that these
shipe will make another aally in March
with the object of harrying Northern
Japan. It in pleasing to 'seen that when
the 9868918 of this command eank a Jap-
anese merobent ship ten days ago the
orew were not left to drown e9 bad bean
['apposed, bot were well oared for and
have now been Sent beak to Japan.
The Times oorreepondant et Weibaiwei
lifts the veil that bee concealed Japau'e
military movemeote. The captain of a
veeeel that bee joet;lett Chemoplo, reports
that Japer) has landed at least three
divisions, or between 80,000 and 40,000
men, at Ubempulo, and that these men
are pushing on toward Pingyang in
Northern Corea. The base at present ie
(hemo'po, but wben tbe ioe along the
omen breaks up it will be changed to
Ohinampo, a good harbor on the Weet
coast of Oorea about 80 imilee South of
Yalu River. The Jape' eee, i6 is there.
fore evident will not attempt an
immediate landing near Port
Inbar, but will concentrate
theft army is Northern Coreabefore
laanobiag into Manchuria. The North.
western coast of Goren is closely patrol.
led by their cruisers, and ae no artillery
hae been landed at Ohempulo it is prob.
able that Japan does not expect a anions
enoo0ater with the Reagents until field
gane oao be put ashore at some paint
nearer the Yalu.
Admiral Alexieff has taken up german.
ant headgnartere at Harbin, and ie try.
ing to etreigbten ant the enerle in the
transportation department. It seems the
oommiseariat officers have made a bad
mese of things and that something like
famine prevaile among the Baeeiane at
the front. Even Port Arthur it is re.
ported to have no fresh meat.
Perth County.
I. and Mre. Hord leave on their trip to
Jeraealem ebortly.
T. G. Wengb will be engineer of St.
Marye pumping station at 81,500 salary.
The St. Marye council inoreaeed the
number of hotels by a vote of three to
Mies Mary E. Brogden, Mitohell, fell
and broke the large bone in her left arm
above the wrist,
There are 68 pitch boles in the fleet
mile and a quarter of the road from
Minitel! towards Stratford.
The County of Perth Sunday Sehooi
Association held its annual oouvention in
Milverton on the 24th and 26tb lnete.
Two G. T. R. otlbinle, it ie understood
were in Stratford, looking aroundfor a
suitable site neer the station upon wbiob
it ie rumored the G. T. R. intend building
a fine hotel.
The aged inmates of the Perth Go,
house of refuge are feet disappearing,
already this month four of the oldest,
inoluding Christens Hay, aged 60 years,
passed away.
Audrey; H. Monteith, barrister, of
Stratford, left for Rat Portage, where he
setae into partnerehip with Mr. Mo.
Keueie. The firm was formerly known
as M Kenzie & Moran, but Mr. Moran
is leaving for Winnipeg,
J, W. Green and Jae. McDonald, of
Welleeley, presented a petition, signed by ratepayers of a portion of the
township asking that a grant of 82,000 be
made to the Berlin, Waterloo, Welieeley
and Lake Heron Railway 00.
Rev. Mr. Finkbeiner, paetor of the
Evangelaoal (thumb, Fullerton, dropped
dead on Tuesday altornoou of last week.
He had been to Sehringville ie the morn-
ing in hie usual health, and wag shovel-
ling snow, when he fell over dead,
Deceased was formerly stationed at
Milverton, where several of 'bit family
reside, and hie romaine were interred
there on Monday.
Teamster A.niree Mo1ermid brought in
what is believed to be the biggest load
brought into Stratford this Winter ab the
Lorin of timber. At Richard 0lyne'e
farm in Downie he loaded a. big timber
inenenring into 800 feet of Cumber, and
at the h,dfway boons, thinking be, could
taste more, he added two other loge.
Wase be got to hie deetioetion atKeller's
mill the loge were measured in all et
1,700 feet, The material headed 10 to go
into a big bath to be eteoted an the
Spring by Mr. Clyne, which is intended
to be one of the biggest in Downie.
Badley Cook, lata of the Half Way
House, Downie, has parcbeeod the Royal
betel property inlidltohell, Ho will likely
take poaeeeeion in the Bering,
Whooping oongh baa been a very 0001•
moo obildron'e dieeaee this Winter in
Brodbagen namely a home in whittle
there are children having cooped it,
The late manager of the Mitoball
branob of the Merchante bank wse loam
quested by friends at the Rieke Hones.
The spread was an excellent one. A
pair of ourling stones were prseented to
the guest,
Jamae'Torranoe and David Smith, of
Milverton, and J. B. Weir and D, B,
Grieve, of Mornington, formed a dele.
nation which interviewed Col. Maodooald,
of Guelph, eearetary of the G. J. R., in
OOOne04100 with railway matters.
A. and Mrs. Sin°leir will leave 18t.
Marys for Boston, Maas., where they will
take op their reeideooe in future, Mr,
B1n01181r half been a resident of St. Marys
upwards of 55 years, was in foot one of
the pioneer eettlere.
Downie Liberal.Ooneervative Aeeooiu.
tion bald ire annual meeting reoently in
Stratford at the Commerotai hotel, wine
the (Aeolian of offioere raeolted as
follows :—Biobard Clyne, preeident ;
John Dempsey. viae-preeident; James
Monteith, seoretary-treasurer. The old
executive were re eleoted.
Henry Ford, a former Logan boy, who
was visiting in Mitobell with his wlfe
in the Sommer of 1902, has been very
egooeeetal in bustueea eiuoe going to
Portland, Oregon. His wealth ie now
added to, hie wife having fallen heir to
050,000. The estate ie in England .and
wall be taken possession -of at.onoe by
Mre. Ford.
Tbe directors of the Athletic Park
Aeaoolation, Stratford, mat to consider
for when price they would be willing to
sell the athletic park to the pity. Atter
some discussion the figure was peened tit
88,500, with the condition appended that
the aseemiation ehon.d have a tree lease
for fitteen years, titre( days a year.
Wm. Weir, an old raeideut of St.
Marys, etatee that 64 yeere ago a Winter'
similar to the present one made trouble
for the people. It tasted from the be-
ginning of November till the middle of
May. On the 4th of May sleighs were
driven from St. Marys, On the same
day the flret man killed in St. Marys
met hie death while felling trees eo that
the cattle could teed off the tope.
One of tba oldest residents of Stretford
and one of the moat estimable of ladies,
p6seed away in the person of Mre. Jean
Hyde, relict of Dr..3. G. Hyde, founder
and first president of the Perth Mutual
Iosorenoe 0o. She waein her 85th year
and until Deoember 10th last when her
fatal Mane set in, enjoyed fairly good
health and was active in every good
The effect of the will of the late Mre.
Harrison, of Stratford, ie altered by the
judgment heeded out by Chanoellor
Boyd. Mre. Harrison directed thee oar.
teal funds abonid be allowed to aoommn-
late until 1915 when it was to be paid
over to her eon. 'The Ghanoellor
direote that the money be
paid over to the eon in 1918,
ae the period of aaegmulatton fixed by
the will exceeds the period allowed by
statute by two years.
Two little boys, aged 5 and 7 years,
reepeotfolly, who live with their guardian
in Stratford, ran away from horns last
Friday. It was zero weather and the
tots were without mittens or over00ate.
Their friende bad no idea of their where•
abouts, and general anxiety prevailed.
On Saturday they were located at a
country farm home in Ellice townanip.
They had walked twelve miles. One of
them had a leg badly frozen ; they both
were numb with oold.
Ou Saturday evening, January 80, a
pleasing event took place et the Arm of T.
Long & Bra„ Limited, Oollingwood,
wham Mise Tilley, who has been in oharga
of the millinery department tot some
yeare, was made the recipient of a bend.
sumegold watch and paudant by the firm
and employees on the actuation of bar
leaving Ootlingwood for Straeford,having
severed her connotation with the firm.
The ptesentation was aaaomp1oied by an
addreee, vehicle was read by Mr. Cavil,
Mr. tiopltine making the presentation.
Word was eneiv6d in Stratford of the
sudden death of Cornelius Dingman, on
the St. Glair river in the towioehip of
Sombre, brother of A. Dingman, Strut.
ford. Hie plane diremly froute the
river, the river road only separating it
from the river. He bad gone down to
the river to obtain water and was Bud•
duly eeized with heart failure and fell
over and died. -Hie age was about .
seventy and his birthplacewag ou the
Bay of Quints, wbenoe he removed with
his father, tbe late John Dingman end
family in 1849 to the township of Sombre
where the family settled, being among
the oldest eettler8 in that eeotion.
The oaee of Weeks v. Rogere wag dig.
pond of lest week et the High Court,
Stratford, before Tnetioe Boyd. Rogers
lives in Hlbbert, and Weeks in Logan.
Both are well known in Mitoball. The
defendant, Retry Rogers, is a married
Mau, and plaintiff's daaghtet, Minn181
olairned to have been seduced while in
hie employ. Weeks awed for damages.
A great deal of evidence was taken, and
the base wee given to, the jury 'Tueeday
forenoon. They btonght in a verdict
for 9400 which oerriee lull 00160, which
Will be heavy, es the one watt twine ad.
jonrnad. J. 2, Melon and F. 13. Thomp•
eon appeared for the pleiuttff, and J,
Idiggton and E. A. Dunbar for defendant.
A,.Sebriogville man who became in.
Wrested an Dowie literature same time
ego lace deoided that Zoon Gity ie the
place for him,. Atter reeding aaaennte
pubiiehed from time to time otemerniog
Dowteiem he wrote and obtained a pile
of Menton, which he began to distrlb'
tete; Least he removed the obimneye
ham his boame, following the oestom of
the Zionoete of having bat One pipe fliem
trading from the Centre of the bending.
He oleo gold a number of liege abet other
ataok, and finally all his ptopertyi Now
he le rIeady to joie The aitbful, Lho.
otter members of hie family tefaee to
ao0ompany him and he lute doolded to
mak* Lite looney 6tOutr,