HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-18, Page 8e tese* r ezgeeaseettesten
They are made from a splen-
did Formula and have a large
and increasing sale. For smooth
and glossy coats and for bringing
stock into condition we believe
that they are not surpassed by
any other on the market.
Large Package 25c.
lL. ER:B.A.`m
Ensures fine, strong
Cattle and keeps them
healthy. It is in-
valuable in the pro-
duction of Milk, But-
ter, Poultry and Eggs.
4 pound pkg., - 50c
2 tt . 25c
Trains leave Braseele Station, North
and South, as follows:
Matt 7:16 ami Mixed 10;00 arm
Mraed......... 10 00a•m.Mail •......»1;17 p.m
Express.-„. 0:26 p.m I Eaprees 8:11 p.m
total Batts terns.
A ohiel'a among ye takir' notes,
An' faith he'll prent is.
COLD weather.
Tag Pose gives the news.
A ser of oats was shipped by R, Gra-
A. 0. U. W. Friday eveniug of this
TRArxs were cancelled on Monday and
Amen Emmen forwarded two oars of
baled bay to Toronto.
Name Monthly Home Fair will be held
in Brussels on Thursday, March 8rd.
Lear Sunday was St. Valentine's Day.
Saturday's and Monday's mails parried
the precious mieelvee.
One tbenke are due to a goodly number
of peop'e who bare straightened up their
eabooription to Tan Pose. How is your
label ?
Two oars of bogs were chipped by A. 0.
Dames oe Friday to Toronto. Box oars
were used owing to the non -arrival of the
stook Dare.
ME afternoon and night trains are
away behind in their arrival, often from
one to two hours. We hope for improve-
mente in the near future.
Become antlers have not had a game
this Winter. Outside rinks were not in
it this aeaeon and the necessity of a
modern covered rink made all the more
INSPECT:1E ROBB in making one of hie
tripe through the badly drifted roads,
between Seaforth and Clinton, had to oall
the aeeietaaoe of a neighboring farmer to
lead the way with hie team and eleigb ae
his horse was completely discouraged in
ibe floundering in the snow banks,
IN a meat article appearing n
PP g i
POST, relative to Edmonton aohoole and
their teaobere, it was credited to W. Rae,
B. A. This was inoorreot as it was cop -
led from the Edmonton newspaper by ne.
Mr. Rae, is a worthy teacher in the eohoot
referred to but too modest to write anp-
tning ae landatory of bimeelf.
A. 0. U. W.—Following are the offiaets
for Brueeela Lodge, No. 188. A. 0. U. W.
for the airtime term ; ltlaeter workman,
Won. Ainley ; Foreman, Watson Ainley ;
Overseer, Jno. Simmons ; Recorder, W.
11, Kerr ; Financier, W. H. MoOraoken ;
Treasurer, G. A. Deadman ; Represent-
ative to Grand Lodge, Wm. Ainley ;
Auditors, Rev, Joo. Ross, B. A., and T.
Farrow, Lodge meets on the let and
3rd Friday evening of each week in the
Blaehill Hall.
A ootrEANT of Braese'itee drove oat to
the eoene of the tied up train, near James
Dunoan'e farm, on Monday afternoon.
When the railway -crossing was reached
on toe 4th line the horse and eleieh was
turned Northward up the track forgetful
of the cattle guard until "Dexter” piled
into it. The animal wee reeaned none
the worse on aaooaat of the quantity of
snow breaking the fall. If "Book" and
"Bright" aria going to take the plane of
the steam horse these cattle guards will
have to be filled op or a couple of boards
put down to give the cattle a chance
when they get speed up.
FOOT BALM—BOW that the Motet ie
joggiug along and Spring will soon be
here. Aeaooiatioo Foot Bali begins to
loom up, The Toronto Soots team have
already organized. Brunie has not
lost eight of the matter as they held the
Junior and Intermediate trophy cups
from laet Season's hard fought battles.
A meeting will be Mainly for or.
g0nizotton purposes and thee&settee of a
delegated to the Aeeoaiation meeting to,be
held at Berlin on Good Friday. While
several of the membere of last year'e
teams ere away from town en effort will
be made to defend the honors won in
1908. Some of the juniore will make
likely timber for advanoement.
afternoon at 4 o'clock W. Ei. Barr, of Tan
Pose, visited Brussels Fable) School and
presented Mies Stelae MoQuarrte, daugb•
ter of Hemet MoQoarrie, 4th con., Gray,
with the sliver medal woo by her for
standing second in the Bntrenae clava in
Enron Go. last Summer. She was only
12 marks behind,Oarmao Hall, of Clinton,
who won the gold medal Principal
Oemeron ,poke a few appropriate words
after which the medal, made in the form
of a brooab,vyae handed over to the Win•
nor by the donator in the presence of the
mos of Mr. Oamoron'a and Mise Soott's
departments. Mica Stella made a brief
but appropriate reply end reenacted her
seat amidst the applause of hoe mime.
mates. Mies Stolle, although eowettend.
ing lernsnele eohool, was a pupil of S. S.
No. 4, Grev, taught by le, Weir, When she
tried the axamina0ien. She is a bright
yoang girt and will no doubt give Nether
proof et her ettninmoute in forthcoming
Some casae of ohioked pox in town.
TWEED cap found. Ask at Tan Pose.
Geese market is moving up and lion,
Wzminseen of thie week was Ash
Two oars of Balt were shipped by the
Salt Werke this weak,
GREEN beeoh and maple is selling at
-62 50 per eburt cord in Brunets this Win
Se. VALENTINE is hardly holding his
own as compared with the palmy daye of
20 years ago.
Mies Sierra relieved Mies Wilson for a
day or two thie week in teaohiog owing to
the letter being on the eiak list.
WARDEN BOWMAN and Oa. 00nno1110r
Kerr wire in atteodanes at the adjourned
session of Huron County Oonuoil this
Swag people complain of short mees-
nre in some of the wood deliveries and
think the town Oonetable should be
aathorized and paid to measure the loads.
C.OnanrENCnte o0 Marsh let we purpose
starting out on a egnariug up of book
subscriptions to TEE PoeT. Those in
arrears eau greatly aidne by a prompt
aettlemeut. A newspaper office cannot
he run without money any easier than
the business or calling of those in arrears.
LEOTunE.—Thareday evening of last
week Rev. Mr. Lowe, of Wingham, de-
livered hie intereetiag Leotore, on "Ire
land and the Irish" in 012e School room
of Bt. John's church. The inoumbent,
Rev. Mr. Webb occupied the chair. Rev.
kir. Lowe is a ready speaker, full of ham
or and good sense combined and the
Emerald Isle and its people received a
good recommendation at hie haute.
Irish solos were rendered in first elms
style by James Jones and F. H. Gilroy.
LAST Sueday's drifting biooked up the
railway Somewhat. The snow plow went
North to open lip the way for the morn-
ing train to get down from Kinoardiee,
regnlermixed train followed but 1 miles
North of Braeeole it stuck in a enowbank
and was there n0ti1 7 a. m. Toeeday when
the snow plow opened up the route and
polled the train book to Brussels. Men
were engaged shovelling snow into the
water tank Monday afternoon so as to
keep up a eopply of abeam. The weather
continues cold with•enow flurries enough
to keep up the reputation of this Winter.
Goma To Donoas8100.—W. J. Goodwill
who bac been cheese maker in Broaeele
featory for W. W. Barris for the past
three yeare, baa accepted a position in
the Doreheeter cheese factory, 6 miles
East of Loudon, and is packing up his
furniture for shipment this week. He is
a good maker and will no doubt give
eatislaotiun where be is going. The
Doraheeter faotory f0 owned by T, B.
Miller and turns oat from 160 to 176 tons
of cheese per season. The removal of
Mr. Goodwin will render vacant the
Noble Grand's chair in the Odd Fellows'
Lodge, Brnetele. We wish Mr. and Mre.
Goodwin success in their new home.
GoeTLY RUNAWAY—Friday forenoon a
team of horses and sleigh belonging to
Peter McNeil, of Grey, ran Reny from
the G. T. R. after a new binder bad been
loaded. When the equines got clothes .the
bridge an attempt' was made to oheok
them but they drew ha 0u the sidewalk on
the East aide of Tarnberry street and
swept flab barrels away from the front of
W. A. Grewar'e, trunks at Jim. Donald.
eon's but the real damage wee done in
the next block where the Southerly plate
glass window in A. Stra0han'8 Dry Goode
store and the large window in Jae. Fox's
'drag store name to grief, the latter being
smashed into hundreds of fragments by
oe0taot with the elelgh. The team was
caught in the Central Hotel yard. Bind.
tar Was upeet off in rounding a pitch -bole,
Bert, Lott was on the sidewalk in front
of AIr. Straohan's with his hand eleigb
and had a very °loge oall for hie life, Ou
account of has eyeeigbt being defective be
had not notloed the runaways in their
mad chase. New plates have been order-
ed for the windows aid in the meantime
board shutters keep out part of the cold.
This will be the third one in Mr. Fox's
store in the past oonple of years.
DIED,—The following n01i0e retorting
to tbe death of Fred. Grebam, brother of
Mre, (Dr.) (Goole, of Brussels, is taken
tr, m the Bemidji (Kinn.) Daily Pioneer
of Feb. Sat :—Fred. Graham died Satur-
day evening at 11 o'olook at the reeldenoe
of his brother, Alderman John Graham,
after a goat's Mimes of tuberooloais, Be
bats been a patient and dna0mplaining
sufferer and hie death whioh bee been
atrtleipnted for some time &bines LIS a
relief atter a long end hepeloes illness,
Mr. Graham came to. Bemidji lest April
from Denver suffering from tuberouloeie
and the greater part of the time since his
Ooming to Bemidji he hes been an
Invalid. no did not have a wide looal
acquaintance but daring hie illness he
was endeared to his friende by the patient
and anoomplaining muter in wbioh be
bete hi. aft/lotion. Be was 24 years of
age al the time of his death and tie only
relativao Nelda hie brother in this city
are a brother at So. Louie and two sisters
Who rebid° in Canada, Mr, Graham was
at one time one of the best known base
ball players in the tenantry and was for
rev 1someone een
oran o the Denver team, The
finer,'ocerared from the Presbyterian
()hunts thio afternoon at 2 o'dloak, Rev,
McLeod offloletieg, The intermone Wae
at Greenwood,
' Bit IlNB Lt3
et..oe Live L;,3'cidev. vwat x mnaa i.rowti w..e.ar wauseievbo>nwrr.
1i.0. 18, 1004
Standard Eank of Canada
=$'3,A..7..,SOa:Sxo9 1072
Genial all 13 asteltoleng I3ulaineaHxro '' van talao'ted
-DEPOSITS QF ONB DOLLAR and npwarde received on which
le added to acooante every six months and becomes principal.
—MARRIED WOMEN and MINORS rosy make and withdraw
Deposits without the intervention of any person. *,
only for whiob no charge is male.
YOUR BUSINESS will receive our oareful and courteous attention.
ASSESSOR ()esteem: is ready for hie
annual tour. It 1e now time to loan your
poodle to some relative in the 000011y.
SPRING goods are beginning to arrive.
Wald % the columns of Tan Pose for the
bargaine to be offered in the near future.
Tan los, of Meade light for the post
few weeks has proven a great in0001ve0•
imam. Owing to tbe snow on the ground
the dulcimer] of these nights is helped
somewhat. We hope Ibe lights will soon
be going o00e more.
DELivcar of ooal is s clow job at some
places just now in town owiteg to the
aocomnlation of snow and ice at the
ordinary or usual smear ways and yards.
People are well pleased to get it by may
routs thio season,
Tag Seaforth and Wroxeter stage pro.
primers deserve great oredit for the faith•
ful and regular service they hove rendered
through the very blustery Winter which
with the constant snow fall made travel.
ling very heavy. They deserve a better
prior for their men oarrying job.
LIBERAL MEETING.—Saturday afternoon
01 thie week, Feb. 20th, Dr. MaoDonold,
M, P., will meet the chairmen of the
various polling cab divisions in Grey and
Morrie, lying convenient to Brussels, iu
the affirm of J. Leckie, at 2 o'olook.
Braseele chairmen Mao asked to attend.
This was an application to the High
0ourt to quash or set aside By.law No. 2,
parted by the village ot Broeeels on the
15th day of December last, authorizing
the 000110uation of a sewer from F'loro
tenet to Thomae street. The application
was made upon the following ameng01
other grounds :—(1) Tbat the. Commit
failed to serve tale appliaa0te personally
with a notice of their intention to p•"ooeed
with the aonetruotfon of the sewer,
pereoent to Seo. 669 of the Moniaipai Aot
of 1903, and that publioatien of the entice
in the loos' papers was not a 00mp11400e
with the Act ; (2) Tbat the Engineer
inoorreotly based bis 0 esernent on the
benefit that the sewer would be to the
respective properties instead of the front-
age of such properties ; (3) Tb'•t the
notice of the holding of the C. tet of
Revision at which eppesle wart to be
tried was too abort a notice ; (4) That
the Court of Revision was not properly
constituted in that he members weep not
sworn in. On behalf of the Oorporation
it was argued (1) That the motion refer.
red to as to peraoual notioe befog given
was direotory and not imperative ; (2)
That the Engineer adapted the proper
method in fiesta engrtiring as to helmet
and then ascertaining the amount oe smile
benefit by a frontage measurement of the
property benefitted ; (8) That the "otiae
the oldie tthe 'on tof Revf ion
of eh go (, s
was properly given by the Clerk, and that
at all events no one was deprived Id right
of apeal on that ground; (4) That the
Court of Revision need not be more in,
that the applicants in submitting their
appeals to it were estopped from k,kiug
this objection, and that their appoui, it
any, wee to the County Judge. On
Thursday last the motion was fully
argued out in Toronto before Chancellor
Boyd by Barrister Prondtootfor the ap
petlante and Barrister Sinclair for Brine
eels corporation. Judgement wee re.
served but rendered on Saturday in favor
of the By-law with 00818. The legal note
in Monday's daily papers Bays :—Re
Meares and Village of Brnssela,—Jadg•
trent (L) on motion by MuOrae and
Dunked to quash a by low of tbe village
for the construction of a sewer as a lone'
improvement, and assessing the lands of
the applicants (among others) for benefit.
Appliaacion dismissed tvith oasts. W.
Proodfoot, K. 0., for applicants, W. M.
Sinclair (Braseele) for village corporation.
Maitland Preebytery will convene in
Wingham, on Tuesday, Marsh 1st.
The Sabbath School lesson next Bab.
bath will be "Jesse and the Bebbatt."
Speoial service every Wednesday even.
Ing will be held in St, Johne oburob
daring Lent,
There will be Divine Nevin in the
Oathoho ohnroh, Brussels, neat Sunday,
21stiuet,, at 11 o'clock a, m,
Leet Sabbath morning Rev. Jno, Roes,
B. A., ib Melville ohnroh, (poke from the
teat "Tile law of the Lord is (perfect"
and in the evening the theme wee
The annual Sabbath School entertain•
mee0 of Melville church, which was to be
held haat Friday evening, has been
indefinitely postponed, Doe announce.
mens will be given of the date.
NOV. T. W. Dorene took as his topio
lest Sabbath morning "Peter's Daniel,"
and in the evening "The opening of the
eye() of the blind man", Week oigbt
serviette were oanoelled for the pr0sent
week owing to wood shortage,
Rev, A. 0, Orewe, Secretary ot Epworth
Leagnee and Sabbath ealloole, of 'tor -
onto, will preach Epworth League amri
ver8ary nermen8 ittthe Methodist aharoh
Braseele, on Sabbath March 6th and will
deliver hie popular Lecture on the Mon.
day evening following.
Among the many stookholdere or the
Atlas Loan Company, who have bean
held by the Master in Ordinary at Tor-
onto to be liable kr nnp0id stook are
the well known St. Thomas evang, lists,
'teethe croeeley and Nhnter. Mr, Geom.
ley is held for 96,000 on 100 ebaree, and
Mr, Hunter for 114,000 en 80 elearee.
On Sabbath evening, Maroh 13111, the
Centenary 0f the British and Fo±eign
Bible Society will be obseeved herr by
the holding of a Union eerviee i. the
Methediet ohurnh, Rev, R. Pani, the
1 Iodal President, will preemie and addr some
will be given by Rev. I. M. Webb, of
Brussels, Rev. Mr. Roadie, B.
Listowel, and Rev. A. Andrews, of Walt -
too, Service of praise will be lead by a
union choir. 960 is aeked as a donation
f:0110 thio Brauoh to wipe out indebted.
nese existing on the parent society.
Business Locals.
Rew pans—Highest price paid for raw
furs. A, 00ueLEY, Brussels,
HANDSOME walnut sideboard for sale at
great reduction. Apply to Mas. W. M.
Sammie, Brunets,
WANTED—Butter 17o. t Dried Apples
51o. ; Emelt Eggs 20a, We are clearing
many liner of Removable goods.
Geo 18n III a wiham.
N , ,I
anomie and Sewing efaohinee cleaned
and repaired. Also Organs and Sewing
Machines for sale. Apply to Tames
Moons, Brussels. 32
San OATS.—The new Waverly ie now
admitted to be the heaviest cropper and
beet strewed Oat ever brought toUanada.
We have them ao 50c. per baehel.
Woo. E. KING, Wingham.
Barrister McDonald was iu Goderioh
this week,
Mre. Jno. Leckie hep been laid up with
tonsi'itie this week.
Mies eloPhereou, of Clinton, is the
guest of vire. Jno Leckie.
Mrs. McOell, John St., fa i11 with
pleurisy and broeubitio.
Mre. Moegrove, etBiuevale, ie visiting
her uncle T. Farrow.
Mr. Budd, J„hu 80., has been ander
the weather for some weeke,
Mre. Wel. Ainley is home after a visit
of several weeks in Toronto.
Mica Hattie Murray, of Seaforth, is
vioiuug Mies Teenie Semple.
Mrs. R K. Ruse was renewing old
friend bipa at Listowel for a few weeks.
G. A. Doadmau was may to Chatham
daring the peat week on a bneineee trip.
Oouooilior W. H. and Mr.. Willis, of
Setforth, are in New York, oombining
lameness and pleasure.
Mies Mary Rose, John St., ie home
again from a pleasant visit at Alex.
MoOalle', Moeria,
Mrs Louise Skelton has not been quite
eo well during the past week, her heart 08
bothering her again.
Mre. W. H. Stewart ie home from a
visit of a month with relatives in Don.
sermon neighborhood.
John and Mre. Reese, of Newark, N J.,
en r
are visiting atR. H de sou e. Mre
Reese ie a naiae of MTB. Henderson.
Inspector Robb will attend a meeting
of Boat Huron Teaobere' Executive at
Seaforth on Batarday of this week.
P. Ameut left Thursday on a trip
to Ariel, Maekoh0, where he bee a lerae
lumbering interest in charge of hie son.
Mrs. Ro beet JahneLoo, of Wingham,
was visiting Mrs. D. 0. Roes and other
old friende in Brussels during the past
Chas. Dodds has been confined to the
house again during the pest week, time
matiem in his knees is the trouble this
A. Hiatt p, M. P. P., watt a visitor in
Brneoele ou Monday awailiug the arrival
of the train for Toronto delayed by the
Mrs. Eastman, of Detroit, is spending
the Winter bere with her easter Mre. F.
Kelly and her daughter Mrs. Juo.
Mise Lottie Budd left for Glenboro,
Manitoba, last Saturday where she will
visit her slater, Mre, Albert Carson for
Some time.
Mre. S. H. Jaokeon, Mill °treet, bee
been dangerously ill from an eboess at
the base of the broth, We bope she will
soon be oouvaleeeeut,
Mies Downey ie taking advantage of
the holiday, owing to her department in
the publto school being olooed eoueegoent
0n the wood ebontage, to visit friends be
Mise Minnie McNaughton bee been
laid np with a tonob of blood•poisoning.
In her foot 000aeloeed by 'be dye in bar
hose offeoti0g a childblain. We hope ebe
will soon be all right.
Mimes Winnie McGuire and Alioe
Thomeon tette part in the Sone of
Temperance 0ouoert at Ethel Friday
evening of this week in recitation and
Scotch gong respectively,
Mre. Gillespie, win was welting on
her mother, Mre. Ritchie, returned t0
her home in Ripley lest week. Mrs.
Ltitobie ie able to be about the house once
more we are pleased to state.
J. K. and Mre, Blain, who were visit.
ins in Brbosele with A. Oousley, left
Friday for Severn, Muskoka, where they
will visit their daughter, Mre. Scott.
They may make their home in diet too.
00.Oonnoiller McLean bad the We,
fortune to fall on the my eidewalk in
Seater% and break hie leg Iasi Saturday
evening. lie was ooesequently unable to
attend the maiden of the Go. Uonnoll this
Mre. Prootor has been ander the deo.
tore OUTS at the home of Mre. Fred. Me.
Oraokeo with pneumonia for the plat
two weeks. Mre. MoOraoken and Mre,
Proctor oro both on the mend we are
pleased to hear.
Rev. 1, el, Wobb while able to attend
to his 00m8ro08 dukes as motor of St.
Johnet and Bt GeOr ee oharoNe° has
not been enjoying as good health es he
would desire but W0 hops he will mon be
es hearty ae Wier, 'The cause of the
trouble 20 located in the otomaoh,
CAPITAL—.Vold np
IRBSERVE FUND e 21,000,000
BEV. It, Ii, WARDEN, E. D., 8. J. MOORE,
President, Viae-Preeta out,
THOS. DRAD0HAW,.9 I.0, ere :mon MR W. MORTIMER MANN, 8.0. D. N. Tr10M000, N. 0.
Dratte Bought and Sold. Farmers'
Notes Discounted.
& AW dvr.g iitRYdcele oRYA
Interest et HIGHEST CURRENT RATES allowed on all aims of 91 and upwards
A. E. MI1ILLIS1I, Bensinger.
William Ainlav, Mester Workman of
Breesele A. 0.13. W. Lodge, will be the
representative to Grand Lodge at Toronto
tbie year. Postmaster Farrow ie the
Airs. Henry Woode left Parkhill for
Brus•ele the time of the euow blookade
and did not reooh here for 4 days. She
wee taken from Stratford via Guelph
but was delayed by the blookade on the
W. G. & B. The runway Oo. had a
livery rig take her from Palmerston to
Listowel where she vieited with friends
until the road was opened,
Mre. William MoLean, mother of Mre.
(Rev.) Wallwin, Seaforth, died at the
home of her daughter on Monday, aged 68
years. She had been %ling for Home
years. The tunerat took plane on Wed-
needay afternoon 1,e Goderioh. Mr.
McLean died 12 years ago. Mre.
McLean was a fine spirited woman and
wee beloved by a large oirole of friende.
Morris Council Meeting.
The Council met according to adjourn-
ment on Feb. 8th. Members all present,
tbe Reeve in the chair, A petition was
presented from Robt. McMurray and
othere asking that a By law be passed
prohibiting all amok from running at
large in this mani0'pality On motion
of Oode and Taylor said petition was
laid over until next meeting. The and
Bore' report was presented and on motion
of Shaw and Jaokeon eooepted as esti.
factory ordered to be pabliehed in Tea
BRo-o o,1, Pose. • The matter of the pro•
potted Railway bonus was then dieoa•eed
and it was moved by Shaw and seconded
by Jackson tbatthis Council endorse the
action of the 0 erk reepoating the e,:me
ani that the matter be laid over to be
oonaid,red at the Maroh meeting.
Carried. Moved by Code seconded by
Jaokeon that Ooaooitlor Tay.or be
appointed along with A. Clark
and F. Martin to endeavor to persuade
the Misses Fleming to go to the House of
Refuge to be eared for and that five
dollar' be granted them for immediate
relief. Carried. Accountswere ordered
to be paid as follows :—R. Paton tile,
918 28 t D. Pipe digging ditch on 5 it
Zine, $2.50; Municipal Wnrld'Aseeeement
and Collector's Rolr, 94 60 ; T. 5. Bran•
don expenses to Goderioh re Go. rate,
96.00: Wm. blaster expeneee to God.
rinh re prairie road 95.00 ; O. Wilkinson
lumber for guard teem-, 917 00 : el. Black
Auditors' salary, 98.00, R. Johnston do,
$8.00 ; T. S. Breeden Treaearers'salary,
9100; BURIN Fleming charity, 95.00,
On motion of Code and Taylor the Ooun.
oil then adjourned to meet again on the
14thar h
M o next. W. Oulu:, (Berk.
Temon.—In Grey, on Feb. 5, to Mr, and
Mre. Ira Taylor, a daughter.
MoOtToagote—In Morrie, on Feb, 8, to
Mr. and Mre. W. H. MoOatoheon, a
WEAL—On Feb. 8113, in Tarnberry, to
Dlr. and Mre. Jae. Wray, a eon.
DOcGLAe—WILTsui.-51 the home 1,f the
bride's sister, McKillop, on Feb. 10,
by Rev, A MacNab, M. A., Mr,
Derry Douglas to Miss Aggie W i lteie.
MoMmeatt—Snew.—In Wingham, on
February 4'h, by Rev. W. Lowe, Itir.
Geo. McMillan, of High River, Alta„
to Mies Adelena Shaw, of Wingham,
10, by Rev, A. E Jones, Mr. W. J.
Stephenson, of (grey, to Mise Flora
May, eldest daughter of Mr. and Ere.
N. Platt, 6th Morris.
TEnneDAY, MARCH 310.—Farm Stook
and lmplomeote, at Lot 20, Oonoeeeion
14, McKillop. Side at 1 o'olook. John
Bleff.,rd, proprietor; Thos. Brown, aoo,
FRIDAY, MAn0E 4TH.—Farm, Perm stook
and implements, at Lot 5, Con. 7, Grey.
Sale, unreserved, at 1 o'alook. N M.
Richardson, proprietor ; F. 5. Scott, ane.
MHS 'LT W wimm;o:rta.
Fall Wheat 80
Barley ,,,. . ..... 87
Peas 60
Ogen 29
Butter, Oohs and rolls ., 14
Eggs per dozen 18
Flour nor cwt... . , 4 00
Potol oeo.(per bus.) 50
Apples (per b0G) „ 75
Rey per ton .. 7 00
Bait, par 121., retail
Hoge, Live
Hideo trimmed ..
Hides rough.. ..... .
4 26
5 00
1 00
7 00
4 80
Matta Cart 100 8010. Also p,00d
Noeking Rorie, Apply to R, 11END1A10.
SON, Broeeele. 112.2
their aneounte with mea are asked to ado eo
at once as those unsettled on Marcia 1st will
be ,1.0 placed in ether kende tJltilla 0x8 secs,
—The uuoeret ned °Pere ter pale use
ecuee gnu 0 scree of lend in erabam'o ear.
vey, 1 wile south of Between. l bele le a
gqood arable, 8611 and young mallard, Place
i0 well leaned and In good testate. Will he
Woof t is bargainWDM, 1864 S 13rualetetor le, tl
1080 flu gravel read between Dun 3rd
Line of Ginnie and McEwen'ia oblige ou Feb. Oth, Flutter will oblige by
leaving at TEE poor, Ilroeoola•
ax AND I reveet1103'a,— Thomas
Brown, anotintieer, lace ,,cowed instruc-
tions to sell by public nuot,on at Lot 20,
Con, 14, MoIYiilnp, 0u Thoraday, March 8rd,
at 1 o'clock, the following valuable proper-
ty :-1 heavy draught Dolt rising 2 years, 1
heavy draught teem rising 6 years (tet'n1010
11e mentioned outlay of sale), 8 flews eoppoo-
od in calf, 4 steers rising c- rears, 4 heifers
riving 9 years, 2 calves, 1 Yorkshire brood
sow, 1 Gowdy Dotting box, 1 plow, 1 root
Tlulper, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 ro t d part, eta., eta.
erme--Ail some of $10 and nn0er cash,
over that amount 10 mo, tb0' credit will be
given on tut Welling approved join bootee. A
discount at the rate of 6 per aent.per an.
unm will be allowed off fur 80011 on credit
aaoouute. 3001N STAFIOUD, Proprietor;
Taos, 0nown, Auot 06880,
h000 HT003, InaPLEn0ENTo, &0.-8. 8,
8on0, auctioneer, has race Ted i6s1ructimle
!cora the undersigned to sell by public aim.
,tion at Loth, roe. 7, Grey on Friday, Ma, oh
4th, at 1 o'clock, the following VoL,ahle
property: -1 brood mare in foal to Maur.
ear,", 1 oily 10 mouths old, 1 thoro' bred
Short Horn cow, registered, in calf to regia-
tored sire ; 4 flows 8/,9/10884 to be in Dalt, 1
farrow cow, 1 3 year old heifer, 14 steers
resins a years, 8 steers rising 2 years, 7 heif-
ers rising 2 years 4 oalvee, 2 sows 1n pig, 14
store hogs, a number of hens, 1 Massey -
Barris cultivator, 1 Brantford mower, 1
horse rake, 1 fannies milt, I Fiuery plow
No.13, 1 Tee8water gang plow, 1 turnip
eeemer, 1 broad -crib seeder, 1 pnlper, 1
wa000, 1 tingle huuggy, 1 gravel hex, 1 pig
rank, 1 pig box, L wheelbarrow, 1 set double
hareem. 1 het eleglo hareems, bay fork,
r.'pee nod oliuge ; 1 water trough, a quanti-
ty of bay and manaolde; t mho, for bui,d-
ing 60x16 feet, lumber, plates, rafters, all
complete; aquantity 01 household inr0f.
thee, &c. All to be sold without reserve as
She proprietor is going West. The farm,
Which Gentians 100 e0re0, is 2 miles from
Brussels and 9 mean from wheel, Splendid
lonatiou; 110186 Dr0.01,, state of cultiva-
tion ; comlortab1' bonsai, large bank baro,
latest improved cement stabling and silo ;
orchard, two never failing wells, and other
conv80ienoes. Inane—All sums of 66 and
under oath, ever tout amount 8 months'
credit oil 1130 given on fm'niehtug approved
joint n0teel 3 per omit. allowed off fur clash
on credit '.amounts N. Irl, Rt'1HARD0ON,
Proprietor ; 0.6. Sown, Auctioneer,
Coughs often go from bad to
worse—there i0 grave dan-
ger in any case—no matter
how slight it may seem it is
folly to neglect it, Keep a
bottle of
Our White Pine & Tar
in the house. Commence
taking it when the first
symptoms come. A careful-
ly prepared remedy from the
best curative agents. The
best remedy because it cures
safely, thoroughly and per-
manently. We refund the
money if not satisfied.
Price 25o. per Bettie at
o 3
Drug Store
Tue undersigned offers for sale her
010011801 farm, located em Con, 18 Grey
township, sod oontaining 163 'acres. There
is a oomtol'table frame cottage, bank barn,
gone driving shod, orchard, &e., on the
premises, Farm is wolf drained undimmed.
It is also well watered by the river Malt.
land and an invaluable Spring, Convenient
to market, school and churches. For price,
terms and other particulars anply on the
1)14)111 1809, or if
Oranbrooto MRS. P. ,T 806t
A man to represent "OANADA'e Gams,
08T Nommen" (u the town of Braseele
and sarroon0ieg country, and take orders
in i''ruit 'Frees, Small Frbita,
ornamentals, :shrubs, Roses,
Vines, Seed Potatoes, &c.
Stook true to name and free from San
Joee Scale. A permanent position for
the right men on either salary .or
00T001 18010U.
Stone & Wellington
FONTGILL NUaiisn 188
80.3m over 800 Acres
'1'Oft0NTO, - - ONTARIO
Pos(—Ofii�e god General Store
Think it over and the longer you think over it the
truer it will get that WE CAN SELL CHEAPER than
many stores as our expenses are smaller.
We have commenced February by beginning to make
way for our Spring Goods. In order to do so we are sell-
ing our Winter Goods regardless of profit. We are bound
to keep up with the fashions.
Zero are a Pow Linos we Cut on
Men's Underwear, All Wool Suite, reg. $2.00, clearing at
Men's Top Shirts, regular $1.00, clearing at
Boys' Suits Underwear, regular 80o, clearing at
Ladies' Vests, .regular 80c, clearing at
Ladies' Vests, regular 60c, Blearing at
Children's Vests now only
Some Remnants in last year's Prints clearing at
Wrapperettes now going at
Ladies' Winter Shoes, felt'lined, regular $1.50, clearing at
Men's Heavy Rubbers, 80 per cent. off regular prices.
Some Toilet Sets left, regular $4.50, clearing at
$1 50
22 a,
10 hal,
1 18
8 50
Our (rocer••ies are Always Fresh and New
Our Teas Cannot be Leat for the Price
We handle Butter -1 1 prints 1 11 N
b pans 6c , 7.ahow 5c ; Lard, when pure,
bring it ; Eggs are a specialty, prices strictly in keeping With
city prices when new laid and fresh.
We can send money away by Money Order or Postal Note ; two
mails out and two in every day ; Daily Papers generally in 1
at 8 p. m.
f Laundry loft here on Tuesday will be read. for deliver on
Saturday. Y y y
W_ I1':']E
L„7 - A M .r.'t_'A S T 0 V V V