HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-18, Page 7're*: E13I. the Jew Lear 1 hi P, y deg rht, ogee .1111 %Vali :via A 11Ice tv mu, t Ire 111/- 1.11V, rigs, eist- testa, nitc- lied the . no of 111.1sl TUE WORM MOIRES Ef'OETS 1111.01vr, THE LEADIJ/0 TRADE CENTRES. • -- Petees of Cattle, eceeffin, Meese, and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad, T01.01110, Fub. 2.--Wieml-There cry little OnLOTIO W1301113 V0111111g. OUL, llnd dellveeics aro hall! to make. No. 2 white and red Winter are quoted at 8th high freights, aad itt 82e low frelgiss£1. NO. 1410.111g S11.111.11y at 7 (le east, end No. 2 goose at 7 5s.. hlunitolm. wheat steady. At upper Mice ports No. 1 No:tiler:1 is quoted et 91e end No. 2 Northern at 88e. No,. 1, hard nominal at 9 3c lake ports, For grinning in transit, quotations are tic higber time eltove, (hilie--The market is toliel, Ind( es uncl nged , No. whit u quoted et 119.4e wv,t, end at, 80 to 803e middle feeights. No, L white quoted at 8.2v east., and No. 2 at 8;1 to 31 3e oust, Barley -Thu market is quiet. aith the ptlees stonily, No. 2 quoted at 14c, 1111 Cid le freights; No. 8 extra at 42c, and No. 3 at 4 le middle heights, l'esis-The market st en ly with No. 2 quoted et, 52c west, and tit 132;le (311141.. 1 7c, Cheese -OM rio, 11/1, lo 1 I le: OUR BUTTER IN BRITAIN IN to 03c, UNITED S'PAPI1S MAIll<ETS. NIL RUDDICK SAYS THE QUAL. PITY IS U.11 RAZ:LIABLE, landes, Feb, !I -Wheat -Cash, 893e; Mae', MP.; Julys 78Zo' Also Deteriorates Very Quickly AE- U:AT:do, Pei), 2.-Plour-St eady, When t , Spring dull; No, 1. N o r t here, ter It is Landed on the carloads, Mile; \tinier, eolith:ix do- Other Sicle. ing. Corn -Easy; No. 12 yellow, ,..4 ., i.• „ th.„ i ,,, „ubj,,,,t j„,_ 50 i c., oa tc...-Steuely; 110. 2 white, ' 12' asinie "il t a 1°.‘ ." . " .14i,e, Bort ie,..._eveseene bi stole!, 50 fore a reveut meeting 01 0111111'10 -eee, le,,s.e_No. 2 be store, bet, dalrytteet, A, Ruddick, Ciller asked. of the Dairy Division, Oltawn, gave Duluth, Pols, 2.-IVIlettl.-In store, 80010 adV100. that will, if followed, No, 1. lintel, 1..17 3c; No. 1 Nort,h011.1, 11°V0 811 0Xcellout effect upon the maul - 80c; No. 2 Northern, 8:14e; on track, 115, of the better exported Mont Can - No. 1 lewd, 8•73c; No, 1 Norillern, tulti. .1 le said in part:- ..Very pro - Sec; 'No, 2 Northern, 8:33c; Mee', ,he'r questions for butler manuracter- 873e ; .1 My, 86 Ie. ers to ask would b:., Row does else 1001). 2,--Wheat--Stest- tei, :suit 111., llt•Itish trade? Whitt flY; Ne. 1 Northern. 811 .1 8t1 6e; 'No. are its defects, if any, end bow :nay 3 do. 83 to 87c; Mire, sugo• 'VII in; N 0. 1, (31c ts 0 20. Barley - Dull; No. 2, (38v; sample, 110 to 010, Nery fittest Mater git.i,R exiiellent Mat- Coen-Stetaly; No. 3, 42 to elle; lefect Ion and it is doubtful if there is '1 May, 49 30. aslY halve buttt.l. 011 1111! market, The ( Mioneupolis, Feb. 2.--Wheat-•May, teouble is that quality Is irrogu- ssg to P/81r; July, 87 to 873e; Sep- tar, lacks intik:lenity, or le °thee tambee, ;file; on track, No. 1 hard, woi•dm, It IS 0131.131/3111113. A dealer may 0133v; No. 1 Northern, 89 3c; Nu. 2 get one lot fit vecellent condition and ot choke quality, but the next et 1110•41 110l IW 10 111S eel:eel:ft Me so that when lit. 18 offered raunchy: butt.e. agents, he is inc•lined to gh they be remedied? ln answer to t. ill'SL C111(4111011 1 WOUld Hay that at SMALLPDX AT THE FALL A Society Woman Contracts the Disease. SI 'ARI1I I...6.1301tERS CONLIN'S. I Indications Poin▪ t to Greater In- flux This Year. •It A ilespa 1 ell frilln TorMi to Boos : .11 I it IS t'VOry /11 - Will F00 „ /1111Clif 1 "1"'"' t""""""r1 31 froin iit,;*ger MINN Of 1'111'111 1111111 131St 144., / 11011111S 8011 L111V01.111, eutor of the ColoniZtt liaretm, said, Wednei.day I hal. the arrive Is so Stir were more nitineroo8 than came, and it son. of 50 se. 60 ex:meted this; week. 'Es proportion of them labos...e,.. and lam who aalit Wm.]: ol) fol.111:4 ille WhCile 10111113,1' Of Mania:eon( litrger then hist year, Tile pat•tment V.151'111%11 1140:11)S of 1'013.'11 Ole eini.04 in the Isles now. elore foristeoe thee eves ere applying for men to wore. th whole yeas round, 111111 0101'0 all' pro All ing roll ages. Ill 3121r/1 bil'Od 11341 13.110 lliarriPil Way 11Ve. AV„:413, %%111 lie fully 08 oti yon 1131C1 ;Ur. Siedlovorth is (10,11'01133 11,11 la,..0113,,11;":13,11.011:3 1/0 NOLL 111 Its early as Niagara Palls, (Inspect says: Some eine:Lien:ohm 1,i caused by the annosnwessiee o 'Ilittessisty morning diet. Mee. !sale illorish•y, a :selling bride caul heaths efelal ftivaelte, wife or mill,. 'nom ley, a. chit engineer itere, eats with a folly (leeetoped ease or so,a1 po., ()la Monday e‘,4ciug last Manlier of people „I oialed a eard paety at which Mrs. Thmetley, 111 the early stages of 1 he di hf.tIVI WWI 10'08.111. 8110 /11:40 311101111vd 11' 11"111d1111; .11SS,111131:37 110131 111 1110 City I ebotit len dstys ego, when, cording to physicians, she teal al- ready vontl•ael.tel the complaint. NOL11,1 ly all the prominent 11113/1 ill 1110 City Mewed with the holy, aaimy prevention has le•en taken to weteett. the further spread of the dls- 1010. Dr. .J. IT. 111W:wry, the local ! malth phynicien, hits qiutrantIned the Thornleys 1111(1 IlaS 00/11/1111111C/11011 V1111 Dr. Bryce, Health Officer. regard to quarantining' all te those who W0130 expoi-cd. Northeee, 3c; No, :3 do., 84 to 85v, CAT 11.13 111A ItKI,ITS, s, .1 LAWLOR KILLED IIIWISELF rirst Wounded. Ills Wife and Sis- ter -in -Law. A 'Torotito Clespat eh says: Aftei hooting his wife Edith, and bis biter -in-law. 'Mary June Kelly, hennas Lawlor. a professes:sal gob oach, put a Inaba through hie brain • on 11, taillesliay 1light at 71 Nbigara 1 811,44, a here Ms wife, who had not lived with him for 801110 months, had s her home with her mother. Mrs. alscry Peer. Three shots w..s... sired. The t first Mis at Mrs. Limier, but lue• sis- f ter intercepted it, and the imiiet, f w - arice equal only to 1E0 V.11110 of Corn -The inasecet is called, it,i2 tle /1(11003'S aSliing big!) the poot, lot, 1st Ibis way newts of elle unchange.l. No. 3 A11101111111 134'113,1, elid ill 1.301110 1115111111OOS 1.4111:1111g WO' 1/1.111,1' 110. 1101 POCONO 11113 r onto, end No, 8 inieed et r,0 to in 1110)11 V11808 88,V they can afford to ter that, is of known quality 111111 8 yellow quoteil at 5Ic 00 trivet:, Tor- them, thorgh the wholesale eauthere etanding which it deservee. The but- uy- 603e. pitnedinn eons, 413e, ell wait. cm iS 110 SUCI1 1101111111(1 ill that can always be depended on to L tract: s Throis to, st lid 37 10 11:1e lovel inerla•1 all 10 1110 0011113 119 LO a certain st collard Will Ile.e-The et is firm, with No. pay Mg of malt lair es. he 1110130 ill iietrunicl then one which c un - the' ain. 01' 0111 X.1311. f o r ug - est to - l a est I se site feu tny- ,ed at. ott. A few goon shipping cattle were Buck when t --The inert:et . le,oeht for the local butcher Lra(10 Wi L11 (10111111111 good, No. 2 quoted at s4,Lif, end another head of shippers itee middle fret ,lite may average as goorl, but which frequent ly or inferior geacle VS well a or choirest qualilt:, Our butter I Llb 1.31.F.O. Ordinary lots of also said to deteriorate very quickly Viour-NilluLY act' rent, 0111011ts. letieher maths sold at 84 to $4,25, after It is landed on the other side, rteady et $8.1 5 middle freights its "le sleep and lamb inarket is arid that being so dealers are not. en - TIES FRE THE WIRE, HAPPENINSS PROM ALL GIVES TEE GLOBE. ' Telegraphic I3riefs From Oar Own and Other Countries of Ttecent leveuts. . ttoorge A. Thompson is the presi dent of the Montreal Corn F.:Swim:W.". :11 (leo I 1, Creel:mut 130011 110- 1 (minted head of the Agriculttn-el (4,01.• L W1`11F4 11111'0 1,01?1). issued for rote pttellainent,iry by,• -elections in Quebec to be held 111) Pi I), /11, 1.110 reeeipts of the liandit on Y, - IV. ('. A. tittring t YOUr were 82,- 2 1211.50 and. the disbursements 82,- ° 1 11))11,1jt..);sf 6 5.583 electors in Montreal, -1,4-- seinnot tote. I le. squat cuprite ilisqualife•etion is non-payment. of %cater tuxes. '11a. Walleee bluets, itt Idutpin, Mum, nes. ct•stroyed by fire, on Sun- day. and the lire engine house Wttli 1-3111,111 '3313110 1110 brigade V"Oro tett at the Met. are. 1 It is riel,i.,tirit;;;71:1"--111171.1?till.1.‘ell Nr...L el visit to frehteti hits Leen need ftyr April A 11',1,113'11 11'0311 01101. ! 13:3 S fltper, joy; o t Ito ),..[„,.1,o„,.t., a Kr 401311 Andersmi hall lawn ap- .0,3030.4 ONE !IAN'S BILL OP FARE COUR.SA 031' A LIrETIivM. It would Take a Good Sized Tte-: gincent to Carry It All. CAN e011 Tile Most modest eat or in the, owe World, or even the man who. e 11113b 111111 Ite lam er has sen appe- tite" wonld in•obably be uppalled 11 see passing le impOsing pi.of...seims berm s. him sill the sonde ' and liquids Ise will consume 10 Ai lifle$L1lital%t lit a:4,111110 haN'll Lo "deal with a Man who is not atilintiled tO that lie enjoy Ills meals, and lsit us place before him all the loud and fluids that he ivill require to keep him going for it lifetime uf es:1,y years. 8,1elt a man will inithe light of dis- posing of 1 0 0 419. leaves eVery twelve months, so that we must pro- vide him with 7,000 substantial ;atoms, a weight of bread sufficient to rake a ample of hundred men tool ...entice off their feet. If he is not settle:lent ly 111111res- ;I tiy this lieut 1171. tweet:lean vermeil and 'mike theta file (Paley 0110 of which et ill be required mg a seek Of flour 28tilb. in w,,,gbt, to supply. him with bread for his .1 ['ST FORTY BULLOCICS. Of 1111311, 130 Will Oat on the average a potted a 111\,; and if WO 111111t him to beef WO shall require 110arly fOrtY tfrill,rkS to provide the efecessary loints for life; or if he prefers mut- ton we must sacrifice about forty sheeli on the utter of Ids not im- moderate appetite every ten years. Of potatoes 2 ewt. should lest him a year. This means that Ids agg•re- gn t e consucuption of tubet•s will weigh Raven tons, representing nine- ty -4111'00 SlICICS, each weighing 1 68 pounds, or approximately the entire produet of a. conple of ael-es of lend. We shall require helf a cloven strong horses to draw our potato supple-, and each year's . coesumption will weigh considerably more than our suletect himself. Our purchase of eggs 11111 he on a formidable scale, even limiting our man to an overage of fewer than two eggs a week. In all we shah went 7,000 eggs, weighing at, least 700 lbs. and. representing a. year's ndustry of aboet eighty hens. (1111,3 }um MILK. Assenting that we 0111Y PrOVill0 even -lent its of a glass of milk a day -•tt. very modest quantity for all put, mses•-we ehall find it necessary to itonopolize the Sel•Vices of a COW Or two years and a quarter, and tho •esultant milk will measure 1,120 "echoes, and will eeigh more than ve tons. To contain the milk WO 1113SL Tirol. Me a, eon .5 ft. in dittnieter --÷— WHIPPING BETTER APPLES. Exporters Place Be+ter on 13ritish Market. Conneei et; rhea Lee Is. ,121'122t• 11`2."4.22" '22* .Al2"iniV 133 on, Canadian -tat'''. iosent leto poet, 1,/„,,, The i'lLitteeller of the .8.1x- ' de improved of chequer •itic1 there was 110 011113,0' Of a (20, MI 011111 p /I • 1' ish ruarLet lie says are a • lt ' gmoil i•eineli• of the he't L'anielitm Lpples, probobly heti. r etl !mind thee are °tiered for :hie is: Cnnuthin otens. Thee. are retailed . Leeds or 83.25 to $:3 per harlot. ,fe locslos or inusroveinent, In the tresle 'revel s' seeks for export. Sts•si 1;011 roibirs of siweied io.(01,{8 rot. do,,,,, 5r1o, with prospects strong, Letznbs csaireesed to trade in he 7 want to tic thuds, men ed id, 88.50 to $;3. (1 5 1 • to -i uy 1N PIO ( 1/0t11.1 at 4 130 to $5 • • emit ham me the 111113orth nee or pie asin TsecOicicd L cil'h0out'gletalzi.tt;clutNITI'''ss. ittli..latc‘1;21ti.t!'''':: b, bbie. eel ie tobn. eour,, a.,,c, 12,2o. export emis ail; :!, 8,7 5 toS 154, snitch: the -British in..rchnnt as well. as ihRe f 1 , d j t 1 , ti , .. d 1 ,, , No. 1. reteot,, 84.75 fo .i.f4.0,-); No. ors sheep at re 3.00 to e.s. cestoms.r. 'I'lle 11101301130A ill inclined ore is :I. , US (1.10111 11 1 0, 1 3,1 . 2 pat outs, $4 „le t 0 $ 1,60, en a hogs- •The run was very light. and t o handle 1111d ptIA1 thot part icular The tIVril. emitul the cur...er of the • utrolle' bakers', 84.35 to $4.50 on 1.rie"8 IffiVIVLing"th laltill. 011t of which be stande the would -he murderer, track Toren to. Those in the house. in addition to , Export, heavy „, .. $1 /10 to $4 011 best chance of making a profit. Al i 1 freed-I:ran ( wale- at $15,50 1,:x, eel, light ... ... 4 ft() CAUSE OP 11ETETt [ORATION. the two women and Lawlor were lrrs. 1.awlor's mother, 'Mrs. Pre:se her Now let us see if we can determine !son. l'erry leser, aged 1 5, and his the cause of these defects which coin- younger ajf,tera, Lucy and Edna. i 1 el Us to acCept from one to two Percy adluit led LaWlor at the strel't and ehorts at b1.7.50 here. At out.- Delle, export, heavy, side points bren is olloted at $14.- ewt. ... ... ... .. 8 7 5 50, and shorts at 817. Alanitoba bran, lu sacks, $18, and shorts et $20 here -- COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples-Tea:de here is quiet, witle pri" eady at $2 to 3.50 Per bla, 1'01' the hest stork. Dried upplee-The ileumnil is .inec- ith pt.ices :11, to pet' 113. Evaporated aeries, Per al• thews -Trade (11.111, alld prieen .111 steady. I'rinse beans tore quoted stt 81.30 to $1.50 1,0t. beeisee Rops-The market Is unchanged sit 26 to 112c, according to quality. Ilossey-The market is sii•ni ye 63 4 ? -10 73c per lb. for bulk, and at, eel $1.25 to $2 for comb. id, e it o le I ceipts only moilernte. No. 1. ilay-The market is firm, with re- otlis quoted at $9 on teack, Toron- to. and inixeil at 85.50 to $7. to ;V t 1112:3 (k, ste•--.1 he market is quiet at S5 to $.).30 per ton for car lots on trattk. Pot a t mei. -The market. is quiet , with the olloeings fide. Chine:. ears are quoted eL 7.5 to 80c For bag on lin ', track here, an11 Mferfor quality at et- 70c. per bag. do light , 00 Feeders, 800 113s. and upWartis „ 1) 00 Short keep, 1,100 .... 4 00 Stoekers, 400 to 800 11 s. 50 do 900 lbs. 2 75 cattle' choke 3 6 5 modissin t3 80 do picked 4 25 do bulls ... 2 75 do rough 50 lAght stock bulls, cwt. ,.. 2 25 • 2 50 Mitch cows ,20 00 65 00 itops, hest „. 5 123 do light. 4 87 3 Jett esp, export, cwt. 3 50 .1 00 Louth. .„ ..„ 4 (10 5 50 Bucks 2 50 3 Ott Culls, each 3 50 4 00 Calves, each. 2 00 10 00 • WONDERS OF RADIUM 4 2,5 4 00 8 7f3 3 2 5 cents a pound loss in price than some ol our competitors receive. I believe it can he 'stated in a very Pew words. It Is beeause the butter is iffit kept cold enough at the creameries, is t1 1 2.1 1•XIIOS3311 10 /WILL linnuce8sarily in a 50 ehiiming erontreal, and is not al - 4 25 3 10 4 40 3 00 2 (30 Remarkable :Assertions of a Rus- sian Scientist. 1:0 t Ita mices enelninged. Chieicens, D to 1 nown s.dentint, Metering recently be - A. St. Petersburg despatch says: ,Poliiiry-The demand Is fa ir, end Prof. Prinen Tarkhanov, the well- ily ,,, lec pee lb. Turkeys are tit:00A et f'ore the Military Assbeiation, made 123 to 1.1z per 1.1). unit geese at 9 to scene interesting statieneetS in re- . 10c por lb.; ducks at llIc per 11; In - of.• 81 to 81.25 pew pair; fowl's, 7 Se per /b. THE DAIRY MARKETS. it But ter --The receipts or butter are eil small, while the tone continues stea- m, ,:e• d. e 07 geed to the possibilities of radium. lie pros ailed t() 11151 allf1/01160 1100 Callerr 101111011S W110 1111d been cured of malignant gi•owths on the face by the use of radium and expressed the opinion that 1 he problem of deter- milif ng the sex of children, which dee ,etetecs or Cr0/111101'Y 11130 S1111111.- PrOf, Scheneek hacl failed to solve. Id..iebmaiLloclinsgo30131. toWiL38,et:pleohtieve: 3.,.erti(iiiiliobo1.0.,.‘, be "fled by ase large rollsc. lee; selected Miley tults, The Prince added that he scconclary grades, rolls and tubs., 111 to 1 5e; creamery prints, 20 to 21c; sonde, 18 to 1.3 3C.. laggs-Metriect quiet at uncleingeh prLes., 1Yo (mete :-Strictly new laid 3:3 to 35c; selects, 28 to 29c; cold storage, 26 to 27e, as to finality; ist limed, 2 1 to 25e. Cheeee-The mnrket rules steady. 1,t) We quote :-Finest September'e, 1 1. ad A :else to 1 1.3c; secondS, 10e. . Ma PRODUCTS. in rg • Dressed hogs ate; unchangell, with (Amines Melted. Car lots sold Itt. $13 to $5.115 delivered -here. Cured meats ate steady, with a fait, .cle- \nand. We tmote : Deems, losig cleat' 83. to Flee in ton arid CaSe lot8. Meti8 pork, $1 6; do. elmet cut, $18, . Smoked meal s--1341111.4, light .to y 1»edittill, 123 to 113c; do. heavy, 1 1 3 Lo .12c; rolls, 10e; ithonielees, 93c; backs, 18- to 1 Nei breakfast bctcon, 130. SAtirelPile market is quiet, with pelves uncha nged, We quote :- Threes, 130; tubs, 83e; pails., 8-3c; conipoond, 7 to 7Sles ---- 11ITSINESS AT MONTRICAL, Afontrettl, Feb. 2. -The local mar- kets are fairly active 'mid .steacly. Oraia-Peas, 71 3 to 72o in. stela here; rye, 1113c east, ti.80 here; No. 2 oats, 37 to .137 Le. in store; No, ;I, "Ad to :bile. Elour-Afaiiitoba pa- tents, $.1,75; -eeconds, 01.itti; strong halfess', $8.$5; one arm quotes 1115e higher; Ontattlo straight rollers; $8,90 •to ,343 in' bap, El1,85 -t0 $1,00; MitentS, .$4.25; extra $1.6 5 to 81.70; rolled oats>, 82,1.7 e per -hag, $4,75. pee Ponii-Onterio brart, in Indic, $1 7; shorts, 320, t a 1 1, ly had prevented the development of hydrophobia itt dogs, inoculated neith rabies virtss, by using radium, When large quantities of redittal W0111 available, Prince contended the whole system- of modern warfare be revolutionized, as powdet• magazines, whether in forts or in the holds of vessels, woold be at the mercy of radium rayS, Which could exploda them at long distances. INCREASE IN INDUSTRIES. Census E0t113118 Shows 1,000 Moise Than Ten Years Ago, An Ottawa despatch save The Census Bureau has jest issued the thelelle giving' the statieties of men - lieu -Luring tudustries in Canada, LIS UKC131'111/11011 by the ceases of 1 901. T stet tst ies apply to establish - motile employing five workers or OVer, and ShOW that ill 1801 there were 1 3,070 est blislunents, with an nuntiat output of 38 6 8,1 56,767. In 19 0 1 there were 1 1.65 0 einablielt- levels, with an ootpat In the C011SUS year of 3481,0 53,3 7 5, The Inegeet ince:else is in the value. of the output of butter and cheese. Which was '810,6 7,87 9 in 1801, and $29,1(12,4 0 its 1 9 0:1, The value or log preduets hicreneed froan $46,74 0,- 9 013 to $50,80 5,084; weed pulp, from 81,053,812 to $1,245,781, ABOLITION OF SALOONS. -Will Bates° to Grant Saloon Litenses. A Winnipeg despatch Revs: Atter- ney-Cleneral Calenbell WetilloSday 1‘1"1"1°1)" br""' 11'18.S.' $ 1 81.' Sh"L'4'1111;g111'e sceeion of the Legislettnes out- heatts-tlhoive primes, $1.155 to " ' $..(311 eel, luseliel; $1.150 to $1.55 in car lote, Provistons-I-Teevy Centte dine 'short cut pork, $18 to $18.50e, light short cut, lel 7,50 to $18; Ant- e:lean fat hacks, $.18 Lo 818,50; vompund Men, 8c; Canadian Intel• 83 to 9v; kettle rend:Aced, 1.0 101 loons, 1 to 1 Re; becon, 1.tc; retch sthattoir hogs, $7.7 ri; country ck.ited hogs, 8(1,75 to $7i 11\ 0 1,011'8. 85,50, kgpi--Ctilitllod selected, 130e; Montreal limed, 25e; 'Western limed, 2 2 to 28c; refrigerator late Pall set ock, 28 to 24.e; Suinmer stoelf, 110 to 21e. lltliter•-•-11afitern, 10 to 21 e; Recording to otmlity: "ti'esterll et tube, .1(1e• Weetern Volley .163 1:0 lined I lin proposed clitinges in the li- quor law of Manitoba. The inecin plaillfes of. the GOVQ111111tqlt platform ere: - 1. A good license law properly,en- foreed, e. Tote] nbolition or all saloon tens:. 3, A1101 111011 of wholesale lieenses rural municipalities. Hielligent. legislation dealing With interdict:3. lisinvovelmeit of' condition of bona lide hotels. 5. lilimination of undesirables aft II - masa goblet's. '1'1)01'0 Will be no change in !WM'S., troven properly when it arrives there and before being placed in the cold storage Chambers of tho steam- ers. efr. Knowlton, travelling in- spector, who made numerous. tests during the paet. ecaeon of the tem- perature- of butter at the creameries and as delivered to the refeigerel•or cars, reverts that the lowest tem - [wrathy° he found was 113 degrees (311 LW° occasions, One lot being from the West Sherford Creamet-Y and the other eront the cotopton model Farn1 ercialltery. The Is igh est temperature was (31 degrees, and the average of fifty lots was nearly 411 'degrees. ls lt any wonder that our hutter lacks uniformity ? . alte er. 13, LougeWsly is lc. esee tato) env inspect or Montreel, examined 400 cars a contents, as they opened railway yarde. Be reporte t Canadian Muter and bacon trade, and repotes a good optinhig for Can- adian -retitle ollice fut•nitme. The Manchester lAne stealuel ear - vied from C'tinarla to Abinelie,ite • I. st, :iftison OVP1' it 011111(311 111111 a half bushels of grain„ 1 7,8117 boxes of cheese, 40,00 0 barrels or apples, 10,- 505 head of cattle, tout 7,2 5 6 sheep, in addition to large quantities of pulp, paper, thither, and nth:census- Qom It Is reported that the Ilrit!sh free teed,. piney vvill be recognized under leatiership of th•• ()eke of Devon - :hire 1.i.rd 110s.•le•ry. -Col," Artful.' 1.,•.,•0!.. who led the fidsh brigade or the Deer forces, and WaS 0011V/V1(311 of tr ea• . ed '10 imprisonment, has been ,released **on lieense." The Net tonal 1101.. A esaci a 1 i.sn or- ; fers prize of too go Meat: lo r the ra au oil ate. row suitable Mr , 31 if a rer purposes, the Losts 1 o be 1 111311110 al 1110 next Ilieley• 1110A. 801110 Of Ianulott's t.radesneet have ref; ..rted to the employment of a reenelete• sey." eriter in l'ruth says; •Vo 1 • I.: 1 i • ng s sot let v is o- 1 • s products.. s, ant u aL once rushed through im the kitchen, exclaiming that he wanted to see his wife and his mother-in-law. his wife had in the •afternoms refueed his re- quest to go back and live with hins. SHIPPED WIFE AS BAGGAGE In Danger of Freezing Made Her Presence Itnown. A. Crooketon, Mina., despetch says: -To St100 veils mat fare from Men- tal', Minn.. to 13ilforil, N,11,, wom- an waft bilndlerl into to box to be shipped as hnggitgo on the ticket purchased by her husband, Unfor- tuna tely, how ever, there was a (le.' lay of t wo hours, flurl .g which t box with lho human freight ley on: 11u3 platform in the bitter cold. The 31'01111111 WILS plucky and deter- , 'woman ta e . • ieituatien as long as poeeffile. At I lest dall 13 at 1 she mode her presence Ii1/0)3111. S110 /1.C11 {Vail relleallrad 11.11(1 1110 C0111/11.3 11'11 1110 ill 181411011. 110 , , ge o Ili le 11'00/ill — temperattire of butter as vere•ing A GENERAL INSURRECTION. front d 6 ui) to 513, anti in lt few 0110S as high us 50. On the whole the Rising of Tribes in Cerman South - refrigerator cars Proven Loh the tem - west ....Lien.. peva Lure tram rising to any extent. In Met in testing sosne 'boxes it MIN 1.01111d that 1110 hatter WIAS colder at t110 Matilde thall it wtts at the C011- toi• of the package, showing that the temperature was even being lowered. The refrigerator car service is cap- able of being impro‘ cid, but it is better 11010 that) What 11.0 C1'0110101,. 106. PrOVICle ror themselves. To prove that it is poseible for co ettmerive to maintain a lower temperature, I need only quote Um record mane at the Sherbrooke Creamery from .Iuly 2,01;11 to 2811i, when re thermogtelph placed the refrigerator showed a tunillerataire vare'llfg Fitaar 32 TO 86 DE010311S; Now I 1111V0 011011gli 1;0 SllOW 'Wily 0111' bUtter is irregalar quality, and 'why some of it deter- iorates snottily after reaching the other side. After butter le packed in boxes the length of time it will keep *depends almost wholly on 'the ti.elmevature at whieli it held. The ngo of butter is nave 1)1'011011y Calf:Mated necorcling to the Leinpore.- Lore at which it has been stored than from the date on which it teas mode. Putter which would turn out well after severttl months stor- age ttl, 1.0 degrees or mulct., might burome quite stale and raitekl in a few weelcs /IL 40 to 50, flutter may lleld at the ceenniery at these high temperatures for n. week' 01. SO Wi111011t Sll 0 wing much deteriora- A despatch says now paper published ill (1011111111 SOUL Africa, JUSt received here, al 110111100S that in consequence of I, scattering or the Kara tribesmen the Mils, a general insurrection 11 broken. Mat among the llondelawar tribesmen. Pifteen white men Int ant, enebed themselves at lawderie bec•ht, the 1110Ft 1111.001111111, POlt 1:110 colonYi mut there is danger tht the entire sotithern section will I devastated. -4- NO ARITIIME'IIC NEEDED. Meter IlandS Out Cards Telling I•Iove Much You Owe. + c ey no n,,,s wiation of enemies who , profess to les friends." PAVILION IS NOW READY. 1 Canadian Exhibitors Asked to 1 UNITED-S-TA1' P.- S. — Rush Goods to St. Eouis. 1 There is smallpox at Dalrey, Mlch. i 1 Duda; a hig tiro stleeelieeoltlyn, A despateh from OttaWil. Sly.; 1Vord reached the °nice of the 1so. - h•om a ladder and was ... •1-., on 1.11clity. a fireman dropped Thusiday that the Canadian paviliot i Four thafelo boys, 1-1'31:1111oecsiC ages minion Exhibitions Commissioner on 1 s at Ht. Louis is now completed, amil range from fifteen to eighteen years, rrady for the Installation of exhibits Ita%t• co/tressed to the entrder of a 1, lice of the 1.fit•ector-tlenenal of the 1•1:1 storekeeper. A report to be coasidered 13y the , A telegram. wes received from the of-. f position asking foe names of Pall- Detroit Pelmet • of L'ouinierce, 11(1V0.. adian exhibitors so that they might' . ea les a iww treaty w it h Canticle fted a the revonvening of the joint high r he included in the eret edition of the • comraisidon. Exhibition catalogue, The Catmcliati alithoril ies are warned to push for Ward 1110113 oX101111S Will101Il delay, us eongestion of freight is feared. Coin MISSionet. 1 In LehInson IS well any eil with his work this reepect, and flve carloads of 3".):11111ilS Will 130 patched from Ott aWa his w at 1110 141430, 1) feet at the top, anil t; Seven people, all colored, were kill- move than 1-1, feet high, or some - ",ed instantly by the explosion of thing like two end 11. half tittles as :boiler in a sawmill owned by 31, A. high 11S 0111' S1113;13.3(.t. IS11111‘ all ill Joi•a'S City 110ar NOW- Nothing' less then 18 pounds of tit ler tem be considered sufficient for i:oatr" di:1.1;111118:111T Illsilixtilousl! f the continits of more than a dozen errels,, each contetnieg 100 pounds f butter; while, Minting him to 111 ne pound of cheese per month. we reach me aggregate of 810 pounds; • Or, 111013 we are providing e ror ct man of 100 pone& weight, live uncl a quarter times his own weight. So far we haVe laid in a stuck of h h'od which it would take 000 strong men to enery to our imaginary lard - f er, for it W017,1115 Well OV013 thirty tOlIS: /1110 1111s is", as Can be seen. but an instulinent of what we shall I eequire. STINT 13111 ON 0021,10,E, 1 • Of tea ancl correct NVO flIr111.11 DO more I hall a pint a day. hailing regard kw our patient's nert•es; tout Yet we shall find that he during Ms life uo fewer then 8,2,2o -; born, N. P. On tit. groands of it keeping them it autre mentally lit, the studeets of the 11 Paiversity of Missouri ha's:, petition- e the isiculty to serve them with b only MO meals sloe , inst..ad or 111030, 0 I A. terrific coinlett between a bit ;and a Imre n took piece in the ban 'yard of Nile arfl '11001)0S, 111 Ilratlf0111 101V1IShil3, Pa., und th former proved a them., hoeing Sin 1 ceeslecl ripping the liorse's stole c open. "With aeti.texio le the cosstrel o a trust which has intule the livers o „children seemed:117 to materiel gain ill is time for the Poderal 110\1411 ,1110111 10 SOW ill C111(1 11110111t310111Po 1 hi !nee ssity of medivel practiee,- sad Ise, 11. 11. (treble, of Chico ,t) .1 acid) !Tartan. of I:nion Pity, 1118 . north of Richmond. retired in perfect heel t h. 3 be therein A Ile aWitkentit ehaking as it in a chit and in an SWOr 0 (11101511011S Said 111.1.1 110 C11'01110011 /10 OH (lrh'illg a 1331/111 0 11011i0.9 11101. 131111 Emily end that Isis father was killed la an effort. to Slap 1h0111. 1431',Ville; 110 g113411031 11 fOW 111110S alld (1133(1. IlYIPORTANT DISCOVERY, Re.dienn Used With. Success Cer- tain Cases of Cancer. /1. despatch from Vienna says: Prof. (lessen:enter, an eminent i.e.:eel-0e, hes discolored that contraction of the gullet vented by cancer cast allevi- s-, atce in eel tam CLIS08 IW 1110 11/10 Of 11^teeat,,,u, Tee eete.eine.ns, wee made I- ' of tipple Mg sixty milligteunews of 110 1311(1111111 ill 11 1.111/1/01. 0311/S11113 C011111/110(1 in 1/1 the 01111 Of a bough- to the affected as lart. 1 he radium rays decomposed Ls the cruse, es,s8 growth. enlarging the vc (gullet, and ullowing fond 10 be swill- h - o d, hus oh\ iet mg eii operation for the introduction of food into the tt w sionetch. l'he experiment 5301110- A Gerilinny, despatch say A patent has been taken out here fo conseination meter culculating chine and aittomatic peees, which, I is peedieted Will render clispated lit tweell the 00111niners of gaS, Wale and electricity and I he corn l'a flies o stipplying 1 limn quit Unneceseary and perhaps inuiossible, the use or this machine 11 0011811111- 013 east asoertalit the amount :if his 11111 at any time, for by eintply turtl- ing a lever he receives a card 143011 WILICh 18 1)1'11,1011 1110 „11101111t 110 ewes, 8: ,- A. clesputch front Arontreal says: r For the first time Cumnin, und I e in Anwrice, serum has been 1, inected into a patient in a piddle ' hospital as a cure fee eheretilosis, At 1.1 o'clock on Thursday 1110111 i lig tile Heflin], 1.11t] discovery of I h.. Alarinorek, of Paris, 0118 illjOeltd by l'r, 1,, il. 1 r.111101X, (NS city, the putiente being sit the Notre Dense 'Hospital, one afflicted with tubercul- tuberoulosis of the knee, The suinsiti- nets of the lungs, end the other with I. 11711'13110„ 01 11133 3i0111111 W08 811000881.111 I ill 1110 hight degree. 11 tv 111 by in- ieeted for a period of the cloye. Theo 1 the patiente will hey,. a rest of ten 1. clays, and then. if necessery, t he treatment will be continued ftle tin adttitunlal ten dupl. .. • 1. 1..,( Otis unt 11 till her know- i ledge is obtained, inasmuch as too , Jutish, rriflium will "decompose the el -1 ver so replete, that, tinges is risk of I perforating the gullet. creatz, Fon TU13ERCULOSIS. Serum Injected for 'the First Time in Canada. DYNAMITE P,LOT, -- tion, neverthelefs the fortnentatio tie Alleged Attempt '.o Blow Up the which produce bad flavors, rancidity, King of Spain etc., have been doing their work and A uospacch from Landon eaes ;-- zhfirtening • the life of the butter. "Plie Madvid correspondent of the , These ferreentatis1115 111/1Y 1)(3 elleekail Daily Mall stivs that (Meths a leer.) when the bale!' Is placed In cold stornee at 13ronteeal. or on the steamer, mily to Start np egain with renewed. vigor when the butter is exposed to high temperatures on the 01 her side. liet evevy erentues•y (Stetter eve this Matter Ilk earnest attention lei% tile bench, leaving lt parcel be - lion. at; the ;mince lasct Saturday lit home' of .I.Cing Alfunso's dyntuulte pia was evaily sticultx,s.- ful. The police not feed two 811spie- ions looking mon seated on. a, bench near ono of the entrattece, The men realizing tlutt hey were watched, 11111 C0111113g litlaS011. le 1)0 ands ikath it, 'Phis molest proved to be that with proper management the a s,oidered hox, with a smolder - temperature or Ills remgeralor atn- ing wick attached. it wes examined not be kept down to at] or 118 do' at a laboratory, and round to con - Vers. 1"w": tein a quantity of dynamite gun - should be Improved until it can powilee, broken gless and Millets. 1.f be. it had exploded there would have been many victims, tho pnlace hieing TEN SUBMARINE HELLS. "mvde6.!. The" 1'; litoi rl Purehased and Will he Located on be A.tlantic and Sulf, BIG ORDER r RAILS. Fafinnarino belle, 'Whites 1, ill CONt p 32,0 00 each, 11; eh) tale nbotit ennSY ,O. $500 anntlally to keep each 01 theSo bells •fir melee. Tho MOM will 1,6 lo - rated on the Atleetie seacoast. and (11111, Th,,p 01.0 »01, fitted foe flue St, LaWrenee Myer, The belle will 1)0 placed in position 45arly bext, season. An Otlawn, eteelln1011 .:-.1Tost, Pecrentaine hue prneeleses1 Lea xt, nacos 40,000 %coils with A desPetch freni Olitreal 811,v8 The C‘tinatlian Iheifie. Railway Com- pany lins metered 40,600 tons or steel Palle 1)ms) the Pessallevivanict Steel Colettnny through 11.. V, Coughlin, of Alma:real, to he deify.; eyed next summer. 1 .. gal ons. A voile° pot large enottgh to contain tho two bee crimes or we van safely 3111X ilIMM 101' 011r pur- pose) will inand 18 feel high. with a base met, rout a Lop 5 feet across. The pd, With S WWI], will ottt- weigh t Isrer. companies of soldierS, and fifty people could be stowed away hiside it ir 1110y aid not ob- het t 0 a little temporary discom- fort. We will Suppose. that Olir 'hero is content with LI pint of beer everlY dee ,-two glasses -nen that he does not tont•li 0 until he Ilea rercelled his twentieth birthday. Then, in spite of his moderation, lie will s•equire for the balance of his days more then 2 55 9 -gallon ene.lcs, which weelt1 provide a sufficient burden for eight powerful aray horses. Limiting 1.1m to a bottle of whisk- ey it week for 1111y years, lie will V011f0111113 '32.000 1301110S, weighing »of, much less than tat) tons; end when he hes drained his lest glass our moderate drinker Wi 1 1 118 wit 0111ellett to learn that his bill for wtiskey and lever alone enamels to at least .1e6 5 0. lica. yet the man Who Will sumo these mountains tit food rivers of liquids in .f), lif130110 1101'013 110 itemised of being %IA all orient in his appetite. (11,3NETIAI„ It lins been cliecovered that cancer exists in eels, A Mexican chorister tiled (luring ti performance in a theatre in Lima, Peru, almoia cant:fug a prude. WORTH $2,000,000, --- Empress of China Bringing silk to Vancouver. despatch front Vancouver, II. C., %IL\ s :--ltaw end silk good:: to the Vallia cf more than 81,932,001J tire 11 r011iii tteroHH the Perish) to Vancouver on hoccril EmPress of China, iluu to arrive on Pebrunry :1, In quantity nnil enIne the ship - mesa is a reeord-breaking one. me only so fee es this port einwereed but ror ,111 other pOrtil on this con- un, 1 Mont . The shipment 1110/181.11'01i l030 falc' tons, and it tvill tale twenty freight can ADULTERATION_ OF SEEDS. tenrs to transport it across Om con. aim 1Z0, Fisher Exp-ects to Get 13111 Through This Session, .1 clesPatch from Ot Lawn stLve, "Me Minister of Ageiculture hot vs to Bermes llai mine:Lion tete seesicei Of the bill he had before 1,n:element lest s.ear to prove:11 t1113 Ildelotra- Ilan and mixing of see.ls, Ire sat- isfied after enquitillg that Careless Head eesulted in. Dm s4wead of Mony noxious Weeds nine is determined (lint Ibis menace to cup ictiltitre shall not be permit Del to continue. There was 111.011g °passel - Lion in the Douse, howevete to the means by which Atr, Pislaw proposed to achieve the object he has in view. ' b--- A:Th.11110 Feed 1 11 .1 ncl 'Charles, bro- ther of' the lielr-peesusept lye to tat, Anntrin11 throne, is about to marry the tintighter of liver Enstressel Crete her, Professor of Mitthomat ice, at Vienna University, contrary to the Wishes of relatives of both Partietc. inent to the Silk mills at Weeintw- cm, I:mu-tot:A Hilli 1'0 tword was held by the steamship tit.t.ftte. whites, on Ootolier 4, tme nerfved from the Orient, N4'1111 tic1/./ t(31114 1111110d al 351,:illll,(1(10, • TEIRTY .ENTOMMED, Railway Employes Buried Under Tons of Earth. A. lies.pat eh from 13011111 calyx s -A hinge londffible Enrrowitz, in Itas- sten hilesin, on Wednesday mcireting, entombed thirty mote who were workilig on railways The me:Went came \without warning while the num \vete engnged in repairing the road- bed, They wore buried beneath hun- dreds of tons of earth. forees were hurried to the seene and the work of extricating the bodies was begun. it, is known thirty men \vele worlcimg at the spoi. of the oc- cident, and it is not believed possi- ble that nnv of them °seeped CANCER NOT 1NCItEASING. Professor. Says Spread is Due to Statrstical System. A despetch front London Says :-- PrOf. von liansmaim, one of the gtentest. cuithoeities in Berlin ors tan- eer, sayS the rillloried lac-A*018es . eases is dee solely to improved methods of statistics. Tlaere is 110 proof that it is 'due to a peraeile or that it. $s 11T101'1`.. I ATTLIP, WIPE. "TIonie," greeted the little blue- eyed \I./mall, (I 0 yo0 re,weln bur 811 Mg ems were going to color your meet echauni brown 2 "Yes, clear," replied her Lig .hits, baud. "'Well, 1 knew ;mu were busy, so colored it.3' ' "Vaal !Tow ilitl :lion color it, pray PItillt0.(1, course,"