HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-18, Page 5l'EB. 18, 1604
cent. LO, 80071T Bruseela,
• Issuer of Marriage Lloonses, Of -
11 cc at Grocery, Turnberry street, Bruss018.
DEn0IaNNn Hall several good Farms 1or
sale and to rout, easy torme in 'Townships
of Morris and Grey, E S. SCOTT, Brussel
� tA�
C. 0. r.
Court Princess Aio it.Oria, No,24, 0.0. P..
Brussels, meets lu their Lodge Room,Bias-
hill Block, on the gad and last wuoonye of
mob month, ut 8 o'clook. Vistttug brethren
always welcome, J..8. BURGESS, 0,R.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
a3se.7.7.sS}7x.s. o (r '.
Wilco over Burnley's Drug Store,
Nov. Ord, 1902. 30.8m Braeaela,
Wellington Mutual
Fire Insurance Co.,
1010nranoe token on the oath and premium
inlseat current Maur
hog elsewhere can athudereigned Agent
of the Company.
GEORGE ROGERS, 330 0sele.
• ROB. will cell for hotter prices, to
better men, in lose time and less charges
He won't charge other anything. DateIn s and ordeMIMI rs
can always be arranged at, this olaoo or by
Auctioneer for Huron County.
Terme reasonable. Sales arranged for
at the office of Tun PORT, Brussels, 0000
J • Honor Graduate of tbo Ontario Vet-
erinary College, is prepared to trout all dis-
eases of domesticated animals in a compet-
ent manner. Particular attention 'mid to
Veterinary Dentistry. Calle promptly at.
tended to. Moo and Infirmary—Four doors
North of bridge, Turnbotry at., Brussels,
.• Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Eto.
towees0or to O. F. Blair. Office over Stan-
dard Bank, Brussels. Bolioi0or for Metro-
politan Bank.
• Barrister, Solicitor,-oonveyaneer,
Notary Public, &c. UDI2O-0 tewart'e Block
1 door North of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Standard Bank.
W. PROIIDroOT, K. O. R. 0. HAT°
Gfficea—Those formerly occupied by Messrs
Camerae & Ho10,
00DEn100, ONTARIO.
114. 1►., C. M.,
Trinity University, Fellow Trinity Medical
College, Member College of Physicians and
Burgeons Oot, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of
Burgeons, and Licentiate of Mld-
plferyEdinburgh. Ws -Telephone No.14,
Residence—M111 street. Brussels.
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Burgeons of Ontario and Fitt•olass Honor
Graduate of Toronto University. Office
next to Brower'° Photograph Galierv,
.British Colnu►bia
Red Cedar HhingIets
North Shore
Pine and Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Stud" of all Pat
tern° on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Het:mated Furnished for all
kinds of Building°. Workman.
ship and Material Gnaranteed,
The Courses of Study
-1N .0n -
Aro no to the HhiHIIBT STANDARD
uF 1IROELLRN0E and that is ono
roeson why this. popular eohool 10 now
oujoytog a record-breaking" niton-
du 000. You waut the best training
aand we sive 0, therefore enter at once,
Oh enters free.
W, J, ELLIOTT, p Prinoi al,
istzlct ..etoS,
We take the following from Elm Devil's
Lake (N. D.) Free Trees :—"John R.
Ba•lam, formerly of Belgrave, Out., now
of Devil's Lake, N. D. woo united in mar-
riage at the Oborob of Advent, on Jan
teary 20th at 8.30 p, m, to Mies Mary J.
Stenion, an estimable young lady of the
same place. The groom is one of the
leading business mon of Devil's Lake.
Their many friends joie in wishing them
many happy and prosperous years of
married lite."
Gore era.
Prof. Barney diopoeed of bis fast
horse, Lake Erie, and parabaned a
pramioing young chestnut pager.
Al. Proctor, Bert. Greer and Thos.
Bradnook attended the horse fair in
Toronto and moll purchased a driver.
J. B. Torreon, principal of the
Publio eohool, received a telegram oohing
him been,. as his brother was eiak. Both
{come were in charge of junior teacher,
Mina 6. Hording during, hio abeenoe.
John Millen, who hall been in the
livery busineao here for the past two
years and a belt, has sold out to Andrew
Bros, and the badness will be oarried on
by Lewellyn Andrew who has been in
the berg for some time.
Tho recent rain decreased the depth
of snow by Abont ten iaohee. What it
left ie a mase of ice.
A. son of Robert Lang sustained a pain.
fel inju•y to one of hie legs while playing
hockey on the river.
Rev. Wm. McDonagh preaahrd in the
Jameo street church on Burnley in the
obsenoe of Dr. Hannon, who preaohed
anniversary sermons in Stratford.
• There died at the House of Refuge,
011eton, on Sunday, Jan. 31st., at the age
of 90 years, John Knighton, a well known
character in nod about Exeter for a
number or years. He resided for several
years with William Rowohffe, London
Road South.
Word was received here last week of
the death of a former resident of Exeter
in the person of Mrs. Riobard Seldon, of
Ingersoll, daughter of Mra. Geo. Barnwell,
of Exeter. Deceased wan well and
favorab+y known here end the news of
her death will be heard with mach regret.
She woe about 63 years of age.
At the January meeting of the
Woman'sIuntitute, the following officers
were elected for this year. Preoident,
Airs. J. Pugh ; Vies -Pres„ Mrs. J. F.
Waehman; Secretary, Annie Aitobieon
Directors, Mre. J. Ralph, Mre, Robb, and
Mre Paterson,
TnnNRoRRY 00017018—O00n0il met F011.
8ih ; members ail present exoept John
Ooaplaud. The mina000 of last meet
Mg were rend and adopted. The Audit-
ors' report was laid before the Council,
showing etateueent of assets and liabilities;
oleo detaiied statement of receipts and
exponditnem ReIherford—Mnegrove—
That the report be adopted and that the
Clerk get 50 copies printed—oarried.
Kelly—ilInsgrove—That the Oink ask
for tenders for the township printing for
the ourreet year from the Wingbum
Time(' and Advance, to be sent in before
next meeting of Connoil—oarried,
Rutherford—Kelly—That any one want
ing a change of pethmaster should notify
some member of Council before next
meeting of Conuoil—Carried. The
folowing a000unte were passed and
ohequeeiesued ;—Treasurer Morris $6,
work boundary line ; Municipal World
$9.60, rolls, express, 000. ; Sick Obildren'a
Hospital 55, charity ; National Sanit-
arium 55, charity Drainage aoeounte—
Jae Elliott 55 88, Wm Elliott $4 87,
Jameo Anderson 52.50, John Black $5,
'Phomu8 Helmet 51.25, Wm. Vanetone
$ 1 26, John Be four $1. 25, Iooao Wright
58,12, Wm. yo.. 68 cents, Robert Hogg
$1 50, 0000unt B line bridge. For audit
ung—Alex'r MoEwsn $10, D. Fraser 510,
W. H. Cruickshank $2, 0. A Jones $119.
80, drain. Col uoii aojoarned to meet in
the Clerk's °Moe, Bldevaie, on Monday,
March 28th, at 10 a. m.
JOHN Butanes, Clerk.
At the annual meetingof the Canadian
Press Aoaooiation, held in Toronto, J. A.
Cooper, eon of Mre. W. Cooper, was
eleoted President,
Beafort02 Presbyteroans, having deoided
to make ex:eneive improvements to their
church, invited tenders therefor, and on
Tuesday of last weep S. B. Cooper was
informed that hie tender had been swept.
On Moodily of last. week Poolmaater
Boort received instruction from the
Govsrome,t, through Inspaoter Hopkirk,
to take poeseeoion of the new Poet Office,
and on Tuesday night he moved thereto,
the publio being grieved from the new
quarters on Wedoesdey.
G. A. Rorke, who has 000apied are•
eponaible position with Doherty & Co. for
some time has goneto Meaford, where he
takes (Merge of a fareilare f0olory. Ala
one of the ofrioialo of Wesley church, e
Mueller in the Sabbath sellout, and active
io church work generally, he will be
greatly missed there.
Sunday morning of last week about
seven o'o•ook Mrs. McTaggart er., and
daughter Mies MoTaggart received a
severe fright, that they will not goon
forget. In the mldst of repine an
explosion took piton in the basement,
soon filing their beautiful home with
smoke. An alarm dI fire was turned in
and the ben kept up its Unweloomed tone
long after the fire had been extinguished.
'Ike cause of the tiro is it mystery, but it
is thought the ga000iu0ey°tem with whioh
their home ie lighted; prodaeed the
M. W. and Geo. Hamilton, gone of Dr,
Hamilton, town, have received promo
Mona re000tly in uoaneution with their
reepootive financial in outlet', The
former ie now eiejtying the position of
travelling Beorekary to the chief Inspect-
or of the Bank of Commerce, and the
latter hoe been traneferrod from the
Sarnia branoh of tine Bank of Toronto to
Montreal, .
Ford wicb.
James Fallio, who attended the meet -
inn of the Dominion Grunge in Toronto,
was elooted'Preaenrer for 1904.
Jae. L, Walkom has purchased lot 28,
oon. 8, Howlett, formerly owned by Mrs.
M. E, Stevenson, for 52000 and gets
immediate pos,eeeion.
The Sunday Sohool Convention com-
mittee met at the manse on Monday
availing of last week and deoided not to
hold the convention at the present lime.
James Edgar was in Toronto last week
attending the annual meeting of the
Uoderwritere Aesooieth,n, es represent.
ative of the 13owiok Mutual Fire Ineur-
ette0 Co.
The 0. P. R station here is doing a
good business During 1908 there was
2784 tone of freiehl shipped and the
revenue was $10,606 62, an 120001ee of
445 tone freight and 51,500,94 revenue
over the proving year.
B. B. Cook, who has been confined to
hie room for several days from the
effeate of an stook of la urippa and from
the fall he had on Jan. 13, from which be
had not folly recovered, id now improv
ing and, if he bee no relapse, he will,
without doubt, be able to attend to hie
office ditties before long.
At the meeth>5 of the Qnarterly Board
of the Methodist church, field at Ford -
with, W. H. Spence, eon of our tower/.
man, John Spence, wag reoem•
mended we a oandidate for the ministry.
317. H. Spence ie finishing hie wane at
Toronto University, and witb health and
the divine blearing he will doebtleee
emceed in the work to whioh he feels he
ie called.
The newly elected Direotorel of the
Fordwieh Cheese & Batter 00. met in
the faotory on the 4th inet and organ-
ized for 1904. The following officers
were elected :—Pres. Jae. Gibson ; Sea.,
M, Daum. The Treasurer will be ap
pointed st a later meeting. Directors
will meet at the fanny on Saturday,
Feb. 20th, at 1.80 to let the hauling of
the milk on the d,fftrent routes for next
A anger beet meeting will be bald in
Mie Town Hall, Listowel, on Thursday
afternoon, 25th ;net., at 2 o'clock.
Mies J M Green, milliner, of Brandon,
Man., has arrived home and will spend a
week or two with her mother, Mre.
MoBeth Green.
Mom Eleanor Ainlay daughter of
Joseph Ainlay, has passed the primary
examination with honors at the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Mine Beelah Brace, who is on an
extended visit to Toronto, has passed her
junior examinatiou in the Toronto
Conservatory of Music.
Thursday of last week about noon, se
George Fleet, who had long been a
resident of the East end of the town,
died very soddenly while on life way
home with some mill feed. fie was
quite dead when found shortly afterwards.
The remains were removed to hie borne
by eome of the neighbors. An inquest
was not oonsidered necessary, hie death
being ettribn'ed to heart failure. Decent'.
ed leaved a wife and two ohildran, also a
grown np family by his first wife.
The Canadian Gazette contains an
application to Parliament, made by the
Guelph Junotion Railway 00., to build a
line from Guelph to Goderioh, with a
breach to Listowel, and another branoh
to St. Mary's and 01Mton, via Stratford
The oompany asked for power to lease
the proposed main line and Mambas to
the O. P. R. An inorease of capital
stook and bonding power ie involved by
the oonetruotion of the enterprise donna -
ed, which are eoaght to be deolared works
for the generaladvantage of Oaoada.
The mystery ourroundin8 the dieap-
paaran000t D. McIntyre, of Vernon, B.O.,
who was teat seen on Deoember 16th,
was cleared up on Friday Soh inst., when
the bpdy of the missing man, who had
been lying on the prairie for seven weeks,
was found frozen stiff on the pasture
ground of the Mounted Polioe, about a
ntY Lit M Io AI td iJ P W O .0
mile from Fort Maolieod, .by a number , What
of oouoteblee who teem oat ti+r'u1,
From the pn.ition 0 whioh the kiddy woe
f and, it mein that he was walking
towards the town. Ito was CO II) dressed .
and ou his body was found a gold watch.
and some $38 in oaeh, with a bunch of
per000a1 papers, There was no signs of
foul play. The deceased was a brother
of A, L. Molntyro, et the Lietowel
Bullion College,
MATatollluOL•-A jcyooa oompany of
about eighty or more usoembled at the
borne of the bride's p0ren00, Mr. and
men, Milligan, Dungannon, on Wednea
day evening Jan. 27th, at half past seven
o'clock to witu'oe the matrimonial alli
anon between Gilbert 0. Bawtinhimer, of
Heufryu, son of the late William Bsw-
tinhiwer, and Mies Jessie M. Milligan,
daughter of the hostess, The oeremony
was performed by Rev. J. W. Robinson,
assisted by the Rev- 0. Rutherford, of
Dungannon. Mies M. Million played the
wedding mnroh while the eeetraeting
minima took their plaoee under an arch of
evergreens and maple leavee. The grape
Mt bride was gtven away by her father.
She looked very handsome in a gown of
white silk voila trimmed with applique
and parried a bouquet of white/mentions.
Mies Atma Robertson rendered her
hereioes very nicely se ft twee girl. She
oarried the ring in a boquet of white
carnations. Hearty congratulation° were
then rendered, after which a sump0ooaa
repeat was served in' the beet eagle of the
hostess, The wedding gifts were very
numerous and useful, among them being
a gold watoh and chain from the groom,
and a gold bracelet to the flower girl.
The happy couple left for their new home
at Henfryn on Tuesday following. The
bride'° travelling costume was fawn tweed
trimmed with brown, with hot to match.
A vary enjoyable evening woe spent at
the residence of Mrs, Wm. Bawtinhimer,
Friday, Jan. 29th, at the reception of her
son and daughter in-law, G. 0. and Mre.
Bawtinhimer. Tea was nerved, after
whioh the guests were entertained by
music, games, and dancing. Among
those from a dietanoe were : Mre. L. 0.
Honlding, Stratford ; J. D. and Mre.
Guthrie, Ayr t Mr. and Mre. Andrew,
PRlmeraton ; Mr. and Mre. E. Sells,
Listowel ; Minn Beatrice Milligan and
May Hale, Goderioh.
A meeting for the purpose of affording
an opportunity for an open dieonesion of
eager beet cultivation in he relation to
profit ; cleaning and improving soil ;
stook feeding, &o, will be held in Mikohell'e
Hall, on Friday afternoon, Feb. 26th, at
Mina Edith Penhall has been very no
easeful in her exeminat;ono in oonnentiou
with the Toronto Cnneervatory of Monim.
In spite of very stiff papers being est,
Mies Penball took 100 per gent, io o00nter
point and form and alai( first oleos honors
in harmony, beading the list in these
DRAM 0r S. Coanon.—The following
i0 oopied from the Atwood
Bee :— We take greet pleasure in
publishing the following kindly
and eloquently worded letter from
Rev. Mr, Hamilton, Preebyteriao minister
of Boiaeevain, re the death of the late
Sylvester Ooghlin. This lri:er explains
very clearly the insulter of his death and
cameo a0 to Leel proud of the manly.
fellow who willingly risked and event-
ually gave np bis life to Rave others.
Shell w00 s boy whom we always liked
and we are glad to be able to publish
eaoh up'endid teotimony regarding the
brave epirit of the lad. Hie family have
reason to feel proud of him and this
should he'p in a gnat manure to mita
gate their sorrow. Mr. Hamilton is a
sou of Rev, Dr. Hamilton, of Stretford,
for so many years the reopeoted pastor of
Motherwell congregation.
Boieeevain, Man., Jan. 4, 1904.
Nathaniel Oogblio,
Atwood, Ont,,
My Dear Sir,—You will before thfe be
apprised of the Dewe concerning your
non, Sylvester, who died last night
shortly before the time of evening an.
vioe, All the oironrnotanoee in regard
to his, to as, untimely end will doubtless
be furnished yon by others, who will
bane told yon of hie visit to our town on
a week ago last Saturday and also of hie
going to the dentist for treatment, of hie
rushing with the dentist to the aid of two
women to an adjoining room, who had
been boiling some oil and turpentine on
You can feel easy
about the health of the
youngster that wears a
pair of .our overstock-
ings and rubbers.
Protection from the winter winds and wet snows
secured by a pair of our overstockings and rubbers.
They are closely knit of the strongest pure wool
yarn—the best rubber that can be had.
They are rough weather insurance policies for the
health of the Children.
They don't cost much, only:
Children's, 95o. Misses', 61.10 Ladies', $1.25
Ten per cent. off for cash on the balance of our Men's
Heavy Rubbers. We have another shipment of Felt Goods
now to hand and have them in all sizes for Ladies or Gents at
Lowest Prices.
Trunks and Satobole ; Blankets at near Wholesale Prime ; Emmen at
Lowest Prices possible for a good article ; remember we do not handle rectory
Work at all and guarantee Workmanship in all we turn out, Collars gn8ram
tea/Pond prides from $2 00 Upwards,
Repairs in Remises, Otllare, Boots and Shoes done gaioltly and neatly et
Bottum Prices. Mt tom+ / �+
Ii to � w fAlfellt 3C 404 0 a 411 t r to.
Exhibitors Say
aliper nut. of Fat Cattle exhibited at
pr minim Muter 13' ir, 1003, were fed with
Wortktngtuu'0 Oamidiau Stook Tonfo.
We nave boon feeding your 9tack Fond
t0 cattle for thine ince, and 0011 It to be an
0x24110004 tools, Wo Have also fed it to
hest steak fond'wo {havequite
ever sure it
is Our
prise winning oattln at the Provincial Win-
ter Fair,1903, were fed Wortblugtou'O Stook
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Acton, Ont.
DUAN Sina—
i find year Stool{ Food 1e a very mei-
lent Tonle for cattle, giving them it good
anpetit0 and keeping their ditestive organs
in a healthy working onttditlon. The steer
"Soothe," exhibited. at Winter Fair, weighed
at birth 80 tis., at 30 months 200 lbs, making
040010 of 05 lbs per month. It pays to feed
Worthington'+ Iftnok Food
Breeder Shortuorn Cattle,
Peopabnu, 0004.
131020 0IB0,—
Wo have used your Stook Food for both
cattle 2nd bogs and find it gives good satis-
faction. Several of our oatrle have shown a
gain of over 100 Ibe, per month while feed-
ing it JAd. WILSON & 80Y8.
Brooder of Shorthorn Cattle and York.
shire Bogs, .Fergus, Ont,
Note the Price
10 Ib, box, 200 feeds, 000 ; 00 lb. sank 92.
Mauuraoturod by
Guolpb, Ont,
For sale by— N.F. GERRY, Bruesele'
B. F. O1CALLISTEii, Ethel ;
WM. MESSER, Bluevalo;
N• B. GERRY, Blyth.
their stove for pai0tiog parpoeee sod it
having taken fire called for help, of hie
helping to remove the canes of the
trouble, of the upset and the terrible
burning, and of hie rush down ataire to
roll bimaolf in the snow, of hie being
taken ton Mr. R000ey's, when wife is a
nurse, and of the awful agony at Scat,
then of some times of rationality, then of
the delirium, and of the end last night—
all eo strangely Budden, and so soon to
oll,ee hie earthly career. I had heard of
the accident on Monday, bat did not get
the particular° antic Wedoeedoy. On
Thursday Mr. Rookey oallod Upon me
amid I went over to find that though the
dootor'e bad hopes, ,he nurse and Mre.
Campbell, the poor lad's unit, who had
fortuuutely come down from her home
neer Minto, were apprehensive of death.
Be had begun to be incoherent m hie talk
000asionally. With Mr. MoLeau (hie
.•mployer for a week) and his sono I went
to his side and spoke about One things
whioh all dying men to dying men we
mu -e speak. He woe quite rational and
0800030 and answered dirrot question,
whioh I pat to him, in a straightforward
way. He said he was lceking to Jesus
for eternal life. I went back in the even.
lag, hoping to see him again. I bad only
been a moment in the house when the
doctors Dame. One of them told me
that perhaps I had better not ee0 him
again for a while. I did not comprehend
whatmeant et the time for I went
away6t one, but I found the explanation
when I went the next day, that though
the doctor was not abeolately °are, ha
was afraid of scarlet fever having ensued
and so had quarantined the house. I
called twice but the report was Delavor-
sble, so far R0 his aunt and the nate
could say. Alter the service last night I
called, to find that all was over. This
morning, about halt pant nine o'olook, I
went down and entered the lower part of
the hoose, held a very brief nervine with
two or three pre0eut, and helped to bear
the body away to the hearse, whioh left
for Minto immediately. Owing to quer.
antine orders the number about wan email.
I am glad that I was able to see your Don
and to speak to him when he was to pass
away to hie heavenly home. I sympath-
ize mnoh with his hither and mother, as
also with the other members of the
family in the eadoeee of his taking off.
You may feel eatiefied in this, that ander
the oironm.tanoeo all -wee done for him
that even his dearest could have done.
He showed his willingness to forget him-.
serf in bravely helping those who were in
trouble and be virtually gave his life for
others, little se he anticipated what
would follow hie sot. I trust that you
may eaoh and all Sad that divine oon-
solation whioh God Himself has promised
those who seek Him, espeoiallyintronble.
I am a Perth boy aso. My father is the
Rev. Dr. Hsmiiton, living now in Stoat.
ford and I have beau in Atwood but it is
eome years since. I am glad that I wall
alma to be near your an in hie closing
momenta, though sorry that I did not
know of his condition earlier, stranger,
though he was to me.
With mnoh sympathy, believe 3210,
Yours very truly,
Presbyterian minister,
P. B.—I am sorry I did not meet
Bylveater'e brother. Mre. , Campbell
proved a mother to your boy when his
own oould not be near. A. H.
W illa:IMMO,.
Mies Sate Grandy is visiting Mende in
Straihroy, Obalbam and Windsor.
Wingham cutlers were not eneoeoefal
in winning any of the prizes at Owen
5 .nod or Toronto.
Special 'reeving will be held in St.
',Paul's 07 00002 every evening during Lent.
The Bret service commencing on the even•
log of Ash Wednesday.
Thomas McLintook Watson, youngest
eon of Rev. W. H. Watson, formerly of
Wingharn, died in the General Hospital
at Moutreal on Thnroday, 4th int. The
child had been in poor health for sante
Jno. McLean has bed a number of men
petting out wood near Whiteobnroh,
Two of them were ottuok on their heads
by falling limbs. Iiobt, Baird reooived
some 5801100, and tate following day Sam.
Hotohinaon 0480 the unfortunate one.
Both ware knocked down by the force of
the brow. A few 00itoll00 were ne00088ry
10 clots the wounds.
A quiet but pretty wedding graced the
parlor of the National Hotel when Mien
Adelena Ahew, sister to ire. Hanbon,
wee united in marriage to George Mo.
Milian, of High River, Alta. Rev. W,
Lowe eondunted the interesting ceremony
after whioh 00ngra0011a10000 followed, and
the Mende eat down 0o a choice wedding
MVO. MsMillaa have
1naheou Mr, and M °.
gond to the want.
BLYT I -f,
We have finished stook taking, and on figuring everything op we And
the year 1903 was cue of the meet moment ol years in the history of
oar Big Oseh Store. Every mouth eh.,we a subetantial increalie in
sales over previoaa yearn, and we take this opportunity of110100(1115
our numerone onetomer0 who have petroniz0d all go liberally, and also
a number of new oustomore who have net in their lot wish as during
the last year, who tell not they find it more satisfactory to trade in a
big store where a large stook is kept to select from and where they
can get nearly everything required without having to run around
from piens to place, But we are never eatiefied, we want to make
1904 a banner year end give our ouotomere beater goods and better
valuta than ever before.
Six mouths ago we began to plane orders for Spring Goode before the
advance in the price of Cotton and with few exoeptiooe we will sell
you Cotton Goode at Met year's prioee, although they are worth from
15 to 20 per omit. more now. Stook -taking brings a lot of good& to
the front whioh mast be moved out regardleee of 000i. We oeo give
you some great bargains to the following lines if you get here before
they are sold : Remoante of Drees Goode, Ladies' Cloth Jackals,
Ladies' AmrorInn Coate, Nettie Far Coate, Men's Beaver Overcoats,
Men's Baits, Men's Fur Cape, Gloved, Mitts, Eto.
At the meeting of the Sabool Board on
Tuesday evening of last week W. Robert -
eon tendered his resignation as Secretary,
owing to hie removal to the Weet. He
has held this position for nearly twenty
yearn and has been very faithful and
efficient. Mr. Robertson has held many
important positions and in all of them
has given good service. Last week, as
Oolleotor of Taxes for the town he return•
ed hie roll to the Town Treasurer and
nearly every cent of the taxes bad been
paid. The Sohool Board made a good
appointment in John F. Groves as Inc.
manor to air. Robertson.
ON JAN.14, 1904,
Two Oonrees—Commercial and Shorthand.
Bend for Oollege Journal.
A. L. MoINTYRE, Manager.
i r
4dvan 07
years. _ -
Sold in Brussels by James Fox.
To those well along in
years there 00)1108, accord-
ing to the condition of the
system, their meanuro at
111s and suffering, 800110
are yo001 at 70, while
others are 011 at 40.
Elderly people who once
use Dr. Leouberdt's Anti -
Pill final that it lags marvel-
ous power to relieve item
of the h'ouIdea that 0ot::;n.;
else will shake off, especi-
ally backache, conetipa.
Non, bladder trouble, fall-
iur, appetite, mid indiges-
tion. If AfTr-POLL is used
upon mit in,cold. the aches
and paths that usually fol-
low ,will he avoided. To
prove skis, send to Wri.-
0024 -Litz C:o., Niagara
Pullin Ont, for a free eam-
lie. ANTI-PU.1. to Aoki by
dri,, .f. a'. 3' Metas a box.
We have a small stock of Photo. and Scrap
Albums left which we will
clear out at cost.
A Few Croldinole Boards
Still on Hand.
New stock of Notepapers,
Pads, Envelopes, &c.
Central Prison
Binder Twine
,6.110III' ottl11010ll'I,r1.01Alt,nt n1r.1,'111'loVi heft'
We have the agency for Grey, Morris and McKillop.
This Twine is put up in Grain Bags and tied with 3
Rope Halters. Samples of the Grain Bags, Halters and
Twine may be seen at our stone. There are 4 Brands :--
-PURE MANILA, 650 feet MANILA, 550 feet
PURE MANILA, 600 feet MANILA,- 500 feet
Mail orders will be carefully attended to. -Special prices on
ton lots. To secure this Twine you must place your order. Tho
price will be considerably lower than the price of any other Twine
on the market. Prices will be officially published in the Leading'
papers in doe time. Order early and save money.