HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1904-2-18, Page 4Fin Netuss.t .est,
THURSDAY, FEB. 18, 1904.
East Huron Representatives.
HoN: Dqt MAO DONALD 1N Bitnoii Oo.
In the bye election for the Oommone
in Emit Bruce Dr. Macdonald, M, P. for
Eget Huron, was one of the speakers at
Teeswater last Thursday. The report
nye :—Dr. Maodonald, M. P. was tbe
next speaker. He referred to the epeeoh
delivered by Mr. Borden, at Walkerton,
and also to the rentark.made by E. F (Matk
111. P„ a few nights before the redistri•
bation of East Brnoe, and yet they eaid
that the Liberals hod brought about the
injuetioa. Why, then, did thane two
men not ubjeot to the principals of re.
distribution, when they were planed on a
Committee for that purpose, and not
wait till they name to Teeswater ? The
doctor claimed that Mr. Clarke asserted
what be knew was not true in reference to
binder twine. Why did Mr. Clarke mfe.
represent a thingto the people who had
not the opportuuity to know what he bio•
self knew was a fact whets he denied it 7
The daoter then took op the great
questions of immigration end transport.
ation, Both were making leaps and
bounds since tbe advent of the Liberals to
power. He explained that now was the
time for the Government to make pro.
vieion for tbe great trade that our West-
ern Provisoes are oertain to establish iu
Canada. If provision is not made for
each commercial prosperity it will pass to
our neighbors to the South of ns. He
explained bow the Government
badf 1
data as t the e route for t w
o h be ori a the rat a
they are about to build. The G. T. P. i
to be a great commercial road, which
will leeeen the am of the transportation
of our goods. Ha explained the agree-
ment between the G. T. R. and the
Government, showing that the coottrho-
tfon of the G. T. P. would only oust the
Government about 316,000.000, and it
would- net coat the Connty of Broca
51,000,000, as Mr. Clarke said. The
d:ator then explained wbat Mr. Borden
said won d be the proper r -tote for the
new railro •d, He allowed how Mr. Bar
den's plan would oast the country many
times ae mach as the Goveroment'e
poiioy, and at last drive alt our Western
trade into alien bands. He explained
the great advantages the G. T. P. would
bring Canada and Britain sbonld hostile
complications occur. He closed by ex.
pre,•eing but beet wishes for Canada and
the Canadian people.
always on the verge of tirouth•produoed
eternity. Every intelligent resident of
the district will reecho the note of
tattles in bis description of the oouutry
as it ie, and aympethi,ee with his aepir.
atione for its improvements through
partial and feasible t eforeetation. Some.
one bee a obaute to win reputation—the
proverbial praise dee to the man wbo
makes two biadee of grass grow where
only one grew before -by devoting time,
work and ability to the climatological
and piotureagoe aides of forestry, and be
seems to have both the bleu and the
equipment for the task.
On the eoonomio elide of forestry Mr.
Hielop was equally at home. 61e apprec-
iated the policy of the Grown Lands
Oommiseioner in setting apart pine
forest reserves and carrying out other
measures of conservation. The nearer
the "end of the pine" the more valuable
it ben --mea, and the more reason there le
for rxpenditnre on eoonomio forestry the
better the country oan afford it, This
is a phase of the subject which would
°tend more di°onesion than it ever
receives, beoau e what is moat wanted
jest now is the formation of a thoroughly
educated and progressive patella opinion
on a matter of supreme importance to
the whole Province. From this point of
view hie epeeoh is a welcome contribution
to the discussion.
A. HIBLOP M. P. P. oN THE Bonoar.
The 'Toronto News of last Friday
Saye :—A. Hielop, of East Borth,
thought" such chargee as Mr. Kidd bast
made were beneath the dignity of the
House. The Uommioeioner of Crowe
Lands had dismissed officials found to be
oorropt. Mr. Kidd had endeavored to
show the Liberate were corrupt, but the
Oooservativee were maoh more e'. Siaoe
Confederation 622 Liberals had been
elcoted to this House, and 425 Conser-
vatives. In that time 33 Liberals had
been unseated and 99 Cooeervativee, or
nearly twine ae many, proportionately.
The Conservatives argued that a Govern-
ment grew more oorropt the longer it
remained in power. It, tbeo, the Con.
eervetivee were more oorrnpt than the
Liberals, after thirty years of power,
how corrupt would they be it they ever
got on the Treeenry benohea 7 Mr.
Crawford had argued that the cattle were
deteriorating. The statistics showed that
the average prioe per head for U. S.
cattle in England was $87, and Canadian,
581, but he telt that Ontario cattle were
of a higher standard than those of the
rest of Canada, whioh polled down the
average. Besides, it was dif0aalt for a
ninety to be at 000e great as a beef
prodeoer and as a dairy oonotry, and in
this respect the dairy export of Ontario
were two and one -batt times ae large as
those of the wbole United States, Mr.
Hielop urged the importance of forestry,
and suggested that where a farmer bad
twenty sores of wnod lot it might be ex.
erupted from taxation.
Oae of the high class epeeohea of the
seeaion was made yesterday afternoon by
Mr. Hislop, who, in spite of comparative
youth is be.00mtng a veteran member of
the Legislative A•eemb'y. As he is by
occupation a farmer, it wee natural that
u large pert of ins epeecb eboald be
devoted to agriculture, a eubjeot wbinb
be seas able, in spite of all that has been
sail oil it, to make quite interesting, even
to his fallow memoers on both sides.
There was no phase of it fm which he did
not touch, his review of the eitaation
including the cattle and borse Industry,
dairying, experimental work, and the
Aariooltaral College.
Mr. Hielop, perhaps because he ie
a young enough to be hopeful and old
enough to be practical, wile rationally
optimietio about our greateet industry,
He bad no doubt of its present prosperity,
and apparently was little troubled with
anxiety over Ma future development.
ElsP oint of view was the converse of the
oneflu i d byD rn a n hen he
oo aa o the eel w
encouraged the Atbeoiane by telling
thorn that if they had found themselves
in evil plight without knowing tbe obese,
their proper °three was to work cheer.
fully and ooarageouely for its removal.
Mr. Hielop'e oonoeption of the eituati0n
ie that einee we are proeperone becanee
•we have adopted certain polioiers and
made nee of certain ageneiee, our proper
oeuvre is to persist in the the of tbe same
managed by the same expert adminie
tratore. The oompnriaone he made
between Ontario and other oountriee
show that be has the oapaoity to make
use of atatietioe without baring hie
audiende and obscuring his argameet—
one of the severest tents of Parliamentary
debating power.
Mr Hielop'e remarks on forestry
showed that he had a familiarity with
the eubjeot that ie doe quite as much to
thought as to information. Tbie was
eepeoially tune of the part of bis epeeoh
devoted to the relation between arbor
ionlbureand agriculture, Hie oonetit.
nenoy ilea on the Weetern elope of the
great inland plateau from Which several
important arterial rivers radiate to the
Georgian Bay, Lake Heron, Lake St.
Olair, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. He
hag even it transformed by uuneceeeary
vandaliem from a comparatively wooded
area into °Om Ya y
a ti el. tteeleea one,
He has a personal knowledge of the pari
paten deterieeabion . which bee taken
place in tho aliwitte, to that a large part
of the plateau 10 in the heat of Summer
riie>a1(teeth .
The Tuokersmibh Connell were granted
the use of the oounoil room in which to
bad their =stings for $1 50 per meeting,
Mre. Kirkpatrick, who sees employed
at the wootlen mill, fell on the sidewalk
between McGinnis' store end the railway
traok, fracturing her leg. A Dr,
bPP S ,
s eaed to be near b at the time and
had herP P Y ro er! attended to.
Atome tin of the local atookholdere
or the National Portland Cement Com.
patty, W. T. Box was appointed to
repreeent the shareholders at the annual
meeting of the company, to be held at
Toronto, on the 18111 inst.
The deck of the roof of D. D. Wilson's
large briok stable fell in, giving way
under the weight of snow that bad
aocoma aced on it. The sides of the
root, which are covered with elate, are
left inteot and apparently uuiujared.
There were eeverel hotees in the stable at
the time, bat none of them were injured,
the ceiling above promoting them.
The anodal meeting of the 8eaforth
Tnrf Club was beid, when the following
officers were elected : President, Robert
Wit -on ; Vice President, James Diok ;
Veneerer, G E Parka ; Secretary, M.
Broderick : Directors, J. F. Dely, J.
Cardno, 4. Winter, W. 0. Goveninok and
John Bell ; Auditors, James Watson and
Wm. Hills. The treasurer's report
showed the club to be in excellent
floauoial ataadiog, they baying closed the
year with a balaaoe of $146 81 in the
treasury. The annual rape meet will be
held in the same week in June ae in 1903.
I3.ensa 11.
Geo. Trott left for Tilaonborg, owing
to the serious names of hie father.
A. MoMorrin left for Looknnw, where
he will spend the reef of the Winter with
hie eon. He intends visiting Ireland in
the Spring.
T. Lang ie suffering from a severe
attack of blood poironine, wbinb has
affected both arms. It resulted from a
slight ant on the band.
Word was received of the serious illness
of James Shirray, who is lying ill in a
Hamilton hospital with pneumonia. His
mother and:ieter left on Tuesday evening
ot Iaet week for that plane.
Milae MoKtonon, who has been home
from Nevada for crome weeks, after an
absence of 84 years, has started tor hie
borne. Some of his brothers and sisters
were born and have grown np dnriog hie
Ben. Sherrit, of St. Joseph, brought
the largest trout into Heneall, that has
been caught in this part of Lake Huron
for years. It measured 3 feet, 8 incites
in length, and weighed 25 lbs., 1 oz.
Ben veined it at $2.25.
The chopper at T. Welsh's power hoose
teat wreaked on Tuesday afternoon of last
week owing to some hard eubetanoe
getting luta the rolls. Parte of the broken
maahioe flaw in all direatione, A piers
of iron streak T. Weide almost over the
heart whilst hie brother John woe streak
by another on the thigh. Tbeir escape
from death teas providential ae bad either
been struck an 'nob or two from where
the pieces bit them earth would have been
fatally injured. Some of the pieaee stook
fait iu tbe ebeeting of the roof.
Cir049e riot).
Wm. Campbell's salary as Asaeaeor and
Col eotor amounte to $440.
Mfrs Laura Farrow lett far Toronto,
where she purposes taking a course at the
Central at:Morse College.
The ladies interested in the proposed
Marine Hospital are puebing their work
as they want to see the building started
this season.
Rev. H. A. Graham, B. A., of Nieronri,
Out., preached the Educational aoniver•
eery sermons in Victoria street Methodist
church on Sunday.
The Knitting factory ie running on
orders for fall pP
delivery,and the roe sobs
tb tt thine will be brisk as orders
are g w,
are far ahead of this time last season.
The anniversary of North street Media.
dist Sabbath etlhool will be observed an
Sunday, 21st inst., when Rev. R. D.
Hamilton, of London, will occupy the
Nnumber of volumes in the Pnblio
Library, 4,803; value of do., $1,600;
number of deity newepapere taken, 4
number of magazines taken, 211 ; number
of weekly newspapers taken, 7.
Harry Robertson, while coupling oars
on a freight train at Seeforth bad his
left erne naught and badly embed. He
Dame on to his borne here, where the
injured member is being attended to.
Dan. Molver, who has been in charge
of 0, C. Lee's hardware branch for some
time, severe his connection to take a new
position, that of travelling representative
io Manitoba and the Territories for the
Consolidated Plate Glaga 00.
DIED IN JAIL—On Monday morning 0f
last week Joseph Craven, a prisoner in
tile county jail, died in that institution
from Bright's dieease. The deceased,
who was nearly 80, entered the jail in
September, 1902, on acheap of vagrancy,
He was discharged in the Spring of 1908,
and re•oammitted in September, from
whioh time he bad been suffering from
the oomplaint, brit for the last Iwo montbe
during whioh he had bean under arose
modfnaleupervieion, ha had greduahy
faded ewes". Dr. Taylor, Jailer Griffin,
Turnkey KnOx and prisoner John Cholwell
I well testified to the theta, [inti a jbryr
after hearing the evidence, returned a
verdietof "Died from natural causes"
Chief Engineer Paterson, of the 0. P.
It., wee in town last week, The gentle.
man's Men means that the proposed Ulla
to Guelph will be pnebed for all it is
worth, and the probabilities are, that in
1905, Goderioh ott'zeus will be privileged
to reach Toronto over the new ride, ill
time for the Genal Easter day celebration,
Tile survey parties are still actively at
work, and as the building of the new road
will likely be let by sections, we should
not be eutprisod to hear the eareeeb et a
0. P. R. engine in Goderioh before 1904 is
lost among past years. The oonetruo•
tion of the new dine means the moving of
the Goderioh elevator's elfin, the flatting
away of a s'ic3 of the salt b oak, the die
eppearenoe of the office of the Manitoba
and Lake Huron Milling 0:1. and the
oroseieg of the road from that point to
the elation, which will be on the vacant
tote laet Went of 13abb'e Hotel. On
Wednesday evening of last week the
Town Coanon held a private m ming to
°tnei:ter certain matters oonneoted wi'h
the purcheee of property alone tho right
of way near the harbor, and Thereday
Mayor Lisette mud Rev. Joseph Elliott
went to Mo$illop township, to hold a few
meetings, at which the by-law voted
on by the township on Monday was die.
cussed. A well prepared map showing
the entrance into Goderioh to the harbor
front, and also one 'showing the line
propoerd through to thio point from
Guelph, has been tent Mayor Lervis by
the 0. P. R. engineers.
Miss Clara Moffat returned to Inger-
balance of the hoaeehold furniture
for G. and Mrs. Summers arrived in the
village atter speeding dna month, owing
to the anew blockade, on the railways
betweeu Chesterville and Blyth.
Two vary pleasant eooialeveuinge have
recently been held Hadar the auspices of
the Ladies' Guild of Trinity oharob,
The first was given by Mre. T. W. Scott
and proved a moat enjoyable affair. The
epaoioue and well lighted rooms, together
with the gracious hospitality of the host
and hostess, contributed in making the
evening a perteot outmaae. Games were
iudalged in till nearly 11.80. The m-
ond of the series of sooial evenings was
given by airs. George Powell end was
largely attended. The house was full.
Those who know Mr. and Mrs. Powell
know how generously they receive their
guests. Carpet belle, bean bags and par-
lor qunite were in evidence moat of the
evening, Bud =oh enthusiasm prevailed.
Grown men and women forgot their three
and in their laughter and merriment
they became boys and girls again. Mre.
P. H. Murray kindly loaned her excellent
gramophone and under her direction ft
discoursed sweet and marvelloue mueio•
Mies needy and Mies Edna Samilton
also aontribabed one or two infections on
the organ.
a:-",a.na.ttiau IN a vv10.
P ane have been prepared fur a new
mueio ball at Owen Sound.
Eleobricity is to replace steam 00 the
Ottawa & New York Railway.
Domeetlo grades of hard coal have
been advanced to $7 25 a ton in Montreal.
0. 8• Hyman, M. P. for London, has
been called to the Cabinet without port.
folio. •
Mr. Lapointe, Liberal, wee elected to
the Commons for Kamouraakaby mole.
A. D. Cartwright, of Toronto, has been
appointed Secretary of the Railway
Frank Ford has resigned the position
of Solicitor to the Treasury to return to
private prim ice.
Mies Stewart, a blind lady of St. Cath•
arinee, was burned to death through Ler
ololhing oabebing fire.
Lucien Bernard was oommibted for
trial at Montreal on the charge of murder
!ng Pierre Parmentier.
The civio authorities of Winnipeg have
decided to dismies employees who fail to
pay their legitimate debts.
• The Imperial Government will pay
$10,000 towarde improving the water
simply of 8t. John's Nfld.
Burglars blew open the safe of tho pri
vats bank of Col. Jamee Mauro, M. P. P.
at Embro, bot only got $80.
The Pere Marquette Railway has
secured the right of way for its Send with,
Wmdeor and Walkervtile belt line.
Joseph Wardner, formerly of St.
Thomas, was probably fatally injured by
falling out ot a third story window at
Moose Jew.
J. E Varley, barrister, of St. Oabher•
inee,is charged with appreprieing $2,000
ertrooted to him by John Tooker for
G. D. Burke'e boor and shoe More and
William Barke'a dry goods store at
Winnipeg were gutted by fire. Lose
about 520,000,
Jaetioe Drake bas dismieaed with costs,
the action of Mre. Hopper to set aside
the will of the late Alex. Dunemulr, of
British Columbia.
Two people were killed by the derail
Ing of on Interoolaiial train in Nova
nearly a aeeen
Soothe and a every er yP er on the g
train seainjured.
Not a single Chinaman has been re.
pomades having paid the poll tax for
entry into Canada, which went into force
at the beginning of the your.
Joseph Bergeron, who was aephtxiated
by gas at 48 Dunne street, Montreal, is
deed. The other inmates of the home
are in a precarious ,, ndifion.
The Tote J. B McIver, of Kingetou,
left $20,000 to be divided between Qtteen'e
Univereiby and Kingston General Lima
pital after the death of his sister.
Two mogul Imam hives, tient. at the
Kingston works for the 'remieoamiug &
Northern Railway, have been leased by
the Grand Trunk Railway Company,
'William Snyder wee wounded white
Hunting near Port Arthur, by a rifle
Muck in a tree, a string running cornea
the trail being attached to the trigger.
The Ontario fishery oftloiale have Bak•
ed t0 have the right nonfsrred on Provin•
Mat overman of firing a gun to romps!
paaobtbg voesele to lay to when hailed.
At the resent meeting of the theatrical
managers in Louden; Ont. a oironit was
formed embraoing thirty towne and tinea
between Toronto and Montreal, and eigb•
teen between Toronto and Sarnia,
The St, Thome Journal of Saturday
evening said.: "Although no appoint•
merits have yet been mode it le stated on
what ie believed to be the best authority
that Talbot Macbeth, K C. of L radon.
will be appointed judge of the moiety of
E'gfn to sweated iterate l ngheo, that
Geo, (4= Ma0'liatson, K. 0 , of Stratford,
3ltl 111
k1 100k.1
will be appointed county judge of Middle•
sex, suit D J. Donohue, K. 0„ Crown
Attorney,jeuio•judge of the oouaty of
A dynamila expioeion in Donovan &
Grain's Lamp at the end of the Temie•.
kerning & Northern Ontario Railway
base up the Morehouse endeeriouely
iujurod three men, one of whom may not
A charter will be sought et the coming
ueseiru of Patlbtment for line Greet Loam
& Nerthweet Trauaportation Company to
000ebruot canals and improve the nevi.
gatinn betweau Lake Superior and Red
River, near Winnipeg.
Fred. Robson, the champion 'Mater of
Toronto, returned from Montreal atter a
suoceaefal trip. While in Montreal Rob.
son won three gold models and one silver
one, Thiel makes hie oolleotion reach
thirty eight, among which ere twenty
gold and eighteen silver ones. Robson is
skating in better form this year than
ever before. Ills next metoh will be with
Tallman, of Dundee, at Hamilitan, after
which he will go bank to Pittsburg,
The present cold soap was the oauee of
a fatal aooident Monday evening. Four-
teen year old William Douglas, of Vara
eouver, was out playing with a small
hand sleigh, when be collided with a
large bob sleigh, with several people on it.
He was thrown into the street his head
striking the ground with ooneiderable
toroe. He was taken home, and just as
he got there eaid he was all right. A
moment latter he became unconscious,
and died without speakiug another word.
Wm. J. Holmes, who for the past year
had been cheese maker for the Sebring -
took a sudden
' (Meese and Batter Co.,C
Sebring -
vide s
r that village a
short time
departure t om
op g
ego, without giving
the Com a
oy warn•
ing,and bas not eines returned.
S. D.
Oaeey, of Mt. Pleasant, East Durham,
has been eneuged in bis peace.
Amor 25 made green hardwood want•
ed, et. A. DEADOIAN, Brussels.
Bull for sale, red In color and bread
from 181 prize stnok. Lot 25, (km 111, arm.
J, D. MOHAIR, P rtprietor, Oraubrouk P. 0.
a. Qwelliug thereon, North-weet porkier
Withal= and Albo.t streets, Ili uesele.
49-11 3, LECKIE,
Piga for sale, coneistlug of 1 hog and
9 sown, two mouthe old. For plicae apply
at Bodmio Lime Worsts. 11. B. N10OL-
f3014, Proprietor,
L•f30N,Proprietor, B eigraye P. 0. 2211
MONEY TO LOAN,—$215,000.
We have the above amount of pri-
vate funds t0 loan on read estate mortgagee
at 91 and 0 per cent. Easy terms of repay•
meat and °nets of loan moderato.
Barristers, &a„ Goderteb.
Bulls for Bile. Oue me 1 year aid and
the other two younger. Also several regiet-
ered °owe and Heit erm. Apply to JAMES
*P11111, Lot 80, Con, 0, Morrie Twp., or Brus-
eels Y. 0. 22.11
— lu the County of Holton
Neesagaweya teWneilip, 10 the Village 0
Moffat. On this lot ie a good stone shop
90x30 feet, with full set of tools, oleo a good
forge frame house, good home etabte mud
driving house, au acre of ground with email
o,obard and good well. Property is situat-
ed in good humerus locality. No opposition
within 5 miles [quare, As to convenience
bun 5t minutes walk from
or 0. veli
station ,• good Uod akar alien 1u pOnneO-
ttou and stare mud poetoaioo invillage.
t its from Guelph, 25 mules
Moffatt is ll miles p ,
frommHamiltonHult and 12
rytown of Hilton. For miles
apply to the undersigned THUG, TAYLO
AroffutP. 0., Fulton Co„Out, 28.4
BY-LAW NO. 212
--OF THF, --
A By -Law to authorize the issue of Debentures of the Township
of Grey, for the purpose of granting a bonus of $5000.00 to the
Guelph Junction Railway.
Whereas a petition signed by at least
50 Freeholders resident in that portion
of the said Township of Grey, in the
Ooauty of Huron, hereinafter described,
such p_titioners being duly qualified
voters under the "Consolidated Mnnici-
polAot 1903” has been presented to the
Council of the said Township praying
that a By-law be eubmitte i for the assent
of the qualified ratepayers, of snob por-
tion of said Township, granting a bonus
of 55 000.00 in aid of the eaid Railway,
provided the said Railway be constructed,
on what is known as the central route, by
way of the Villagee of Milverton, Monk -
ton and Walton, the station of suoh Rail-
way for Walton to be not more than half
a mile di.tant from the present location
of Walton Poetoface now in the and Vil-
lage of Walton.
And whereas that portion of the said
Township of Grey, bereinbefore referred
to and which ie interested in the oon-
struotion of the said Railway, or through
or near to which the said Railway may
pa e, is that portion of the said Town-
ship consisting of all lots and parts of
lots comprised in the 180, 14th, 16th,
1611, 17th and 18th concessions of the
said Township of Grey.
Asti wbe!•eae it is deemed expedient to
grant the prayer of the amid petition.
And whereas in order thereto, it will be
necessary to iesus Debentures of the eaid
Township of Gtey, for the sum of $5.000-
00 as hereinafter provided (which is
the amount of the debt intended to be
created by this By-law). The proceeds
of the eaid Debentures to be applied to
the eaid purpose and to no other, and
provided that the said Railway be con-
structed on what is known as the oentral
route, es hereinbefore described ordeflued
and provided that the Station of such
Railway for Walton aforesaid, be not
more than half a mile distant from the
present site of Walton poetofrtce now in
the said Villige of Walton and a siding
and flag station at or near halfway be-
tween Walton and Monkton.
The eaid Guelph Junction Railway
Company le not to receive any bonne
from the Mu"ioipalty of the Township -
of Grey until the said Railway is con-
And whereas the amount required by
the Consolidated Municipal Aot 1903, to
be raised annually by special rate for
paying the said debt and interest IS the
sum of $367.90, payable in twenty equal
annual payments of principal and inter-
est combined.
And whereas the amount of the whole
rateable property of the Township of
Grey, according to the
last revised Ae-
1 and the
ntRoll,is 88 900 a
sesame 7
amount of the whole rateable property
of the said portion of the said Township
according to the last revised Assessment
Roll is 5498,450.00.
And whereas the debt intended to be
created by this By-law, is oreated on the
security of the Speoiel rate settled by
title By-law, and on that security only,
Therefore the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Grey
enacts as follows :—
1st A Bonne of $5,000.00 is hereby
granted to the said The Guelph Junotion
Railway Company in aid of the said
Railway subject to the provisos herein-
before recited ; and for the purpo5o of
raisin the said aunt with interest, twen-
ty Debentntes of the said Township of
Grey, to the amount of $867.90 eaoh shall
be iesded on the Seooud day of July 1904,
emelt of which Debentures shall be dated
on the day of the issue thereof, and shall
be payable in oonssontivo years, within
twenty yeare thereafter at the Standard
Bank of Canada in the Village of Brea-
end Emelt of the said Debentures shall
be signed by the Reeve of the said Town-
thip of Grey, or by some other person
authorized by By-law to sign the came,
and also by the Treasurer thereof, and
the Clerk of the said 'fownehip of Grey,
Shall attneh thereto rat seal of
lthe Corporate
the said Municipality, P
Ord The said Debentures shelf bear
interest at the rate of done per centum
pera0uttrd, payable ybarly ab alta said
Bank, on the Becloud day of July in each
and every year, during the ourreooy
thereof, and shall have attached to them
Coupons for the payment of interest and
principal, which Coupons shall be signed
by the Reeve and Treasurer.
4th During the Carreto*, , of the said
Debentures there shall be raised annual-
ly, by Special rate upon all the rateable
prope'ty lying withie the portion of the
Municipality described ae follows ;—
Namely Lots numbered one to thirty-
five inolusive in the thirteenth, fourteen-
th, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and
eighteenth concessions of the said Town-
ship the sum of 5867.90 for the purpose
of paying the amount due in eaoh of the
said years for principal and interest in
respect of the Bald 'debt.
5th Thiel By-law shall take effect on
the day of passing thereof.
8th The votes of the duly qualified
electors of that portion of the said Town-
ship of Grey, hereinbefore particularly
desoribed, shall be taken on this By-law
at the following times and planes, that ie
to say on Monday, the 29th day of Feb-
ruary 1904, commencing at the hour of
nine o'olork in the forenoon and contin-
uing uotil five o'clock in the afternoon of
the same day. by the following Deputy
Returning Mame :
For Polling sub -division No. 8 lots one
to eighteen inclusive, at Sohool House
school section No. 2 of the Township of
Grey, Oliver Turnbull, Deputy Return-
ing Officer,
For pollingenb-division No. 4 iota nine-
teen to thirtyfive, inclusive at School
House -ohool seotian No. 9 of the Town-
ship of Grey, Neil McNair; Deputy
Returning Officer,
7th On Saturday bhe 20th day of
February 1904 the Reeve of the said
Township of Grey, shall attend at the
Clerk's office in the village of Ethel in
the said Township of Grey, at 10 o'olook
in the forenoon to appoint persons to at-
tend at the various polling places afore-
said and at final summing up of the
votes by the Clerk on behalf of the per-
sons interested in and promoting or
opposing the passing of this By-law
8th The Clerk of the eaid Township
of Grey shall attend at the said Clerk's
office at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of
Friday, the 4th day of March 1904 to
sum up the number of votes given for
and agiiruet this By-law and declare the
Dated at the Township Hall in the
village of Ethel in the Township of Grey
AD 104.
f cunei 9
Elie 25th dayo J
LIVI Reeve.
Rom. A. N
Juno MaIxeosoe Clerk.
Take notice that the foregoing is a true
copy of a proposed By-lew which bas
been taken into consideration, and withal
will be finally passed by the Council of the
Municipality (in the event of the assent
of the eleotore entitled to vote thereon
being obtained) after one month from the
first publication in Tile Banseose PORT,
newspaper, the date of which first publi-
cation wee Thursday the 4th day of Feb-
ruary 1904, and that the votes of the
Eleotore of that portion of the eaid Muni-
oipality particularly described in the said
By-law will be taken thereon on the day
and at the hours and pieces therein fixed,
Dated thie 25th day of ;January 1904.
Jong MoINTosie, Olerk.
The above is a true copy of a By-law
passed by the Municipal Council of the
Township of Grey, an the 25th day of
January 1904.
And all persons are hereby required to
take hake that any one tiogiroua of
applying to have enoh By-law or any
part thereof quashed, must make his
application for that purpose to the High
Court of Juetie° within three months
next after the publioation of thio notfoe
oono a weak,for throe s c 5efv° w
in the newsaper kit
°allod '1'Hr Bnuse tLs
Poet or ho wilt bo too tato to bo hoard in
that behalf,
JOn t Molarogft, Clerk.
Fits 1$, 1904
vacua.—The nnderaigue,1 will knee for OLD 3 1" J 4 I Y D
service et la Lot 17, Con, 7, [Morrie, a Otero'
bred Berkshire Boar, bred by W. n Cut -
kuru, Tank Lodge, East Toronto. Podiaiae
may be 8000 on ap'lloatiou 'Terme, 911.00,
With nrivilego of returning it mammary.
28-tf 3Ali. NICHOL, Proprietor,
12 09, Oan. 15, Grey. There we 100 acres,
20 tinder onitivutiou. Apply to 3091118 F
1t11Dt1OND, on the promisee, or 2touotlefl
P. 0. 21•tf
WN0 90 tierce, being North halves of
Lots 16 anti 16, Goo, 1, Grey. Comfortable
frame house, bank bare, orchard, &o, Only
4 wiles from Maloswotth. Gerd locality
uud due roads lmwadiate posseasioll. If
faro le not sold by end of mouth 1t will be
routed if enitablu t nant afore. For fur-
ther particulars apply to or write
19-tf y. H. 11101155, Brussels.
s. ®o
AbeingCRELot FAR11M Oen, F4,ORGSALE, tow-
0113. 130 usreeol, nred,balauoe bush,rey Therne
is a good house, bank burn, orchard, &o.
Well fenced and farm to good l condition ; 90
sores of Full wheat in, 0 milessfrom erne
eels; only 4 of a";mile trona cherub and
11 miles from school. ' oseessiou could
be given to suit the purchaser, lror fur-
ther particulars ae to prise, terms, &s., ap-
ply en the promisee to A, 00011, Proprie-
tor, or at TN° Pose', Brussels, 21-11
1'ARMS FOR SALE. — 360
a. owes tiret•olnee laud in the Township
of Bray—LCE 10, C00. 11, 100 sores ; Lot 17,
0ou 14,100 acres' and hot 18, Oen 14
r ti-2fi 1 i❑ excellent a 1'-
11 0 e c.acres Al x a nr t
tion with flret•°Inse bnildloga; brick house
with all modern oouveuienoes, nod large
baukbarn, root and straw bonito. ,tables,
&°. Well watered. From 85 to 40 aores of
good hardwood bush Lot 111, Cun, 18, con-
taining 100scree of dret•ol roe laud, good
frame house and large batik barn nearly
new. The property eau be sold In two or
throe parcels to milt purahaeoe. Terme
liberal. Also a ocmmodi0us dwelling h0tia°
nue lot in Brussels Fur further particu-
lars apply to the owner au the promisee,
LAUCHLIN 30003111L, or to 3NO. LI40IIIE,
Brussels, 21-tr
The Regular Moutbly Horse Fairs will
be held as follows :—
MARCH 3td, 1904
n APRIL 7111, 1904
A number of leading local and foreign
buyers will be in attendance,
Parties wishing to sell live stook of any
description, or other chattels, by auction,
at snob Faire, oan have the game attend•
ed at by oommunioating with the under-
signed before date of Fair
P. S. SCOTT, Clerk.
While we are not given much
to puffing up our business in the
public print we desire to thank
our numerous customers for the
hearty support accorded us in
1903, and to state that we are
still in the old stand ready to
attend to their wants.
Wood work repairs promptly ,
attended to and all departments
of blaokemithing, with a specialty
made of Horso-shoeing and Job-
bing. As we have ripen% 18 years
in Brussels we think we are com-
petent to understand the wishes
of the public to a good extent.
Call and Bee us.
Thomas street, Brussels.
McCaughey Block
our Binders, Mowers, Rakes, Harrows,
Cultivators, Drills, etc., are not excelled
by any in the market.
If Your are in Need
of any Farm rrquieite we have it at a
RIG HT,,price.
This is the Place
for rare values in Cutters and Sleighs,
Harness, Cream Separators, Pulpers,
Washers and Wringers.
To Come
inepeat our Stook and get our Prices
IR your Golden Opportunity if you are a
tiller of the moil.
Wagons, Boegiee, Hay Loader., Forks
and Siiege, Windmille, Treed Powers,
Eueilage Cotters, &o , handled in season.
Neil S. McLauchlin,
Choice Stock of
A fine range of Robes, best in the market, has been
opened up consisting of
—Plush and Wool Ruge, a very choice lot.
—In Horse Blankets a large stook is carried and sold
at Close Prices.
Hepau'blg Promptly Attended to
Sign of
Horse's Head
As the ;summer trade is over 1 heartily thank
my Customers for their patronage and wish
to state that 1 have put in a full stock of
Cutters and Sleighs,
We would ask you to call and inspect our
stock beforeg ep urchasin elsewhere.
All kinds of Repairing and Re -painting
g p g
promptly attended to,